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Romeo and Juliet is a tragic love
story written by William Shakespeare in his early
career. It was one among Shakespeare's most popular plays during his lifetime and it
is oneof his most frequently performed plays. Romeo Juliet is a beautiful
story where
a long-standing hatred between two families erupts into new
violence, and _citizens
stain their hands with the blood of their fellow citizens. Two unlucky
children, Romeo
and Juliet of these enemy families become lovers and commit suicide at the end. Their
unfortunate death puts an end to their parents' feud.

The two noble families of Verona, the Capulets and the Montagues were staunch
enemies. Romeo and Juliet belonged to rival families.
Old Lord Capulet hosted a grand
supper. Though Romeo belonged to the family of
Montagues, he attended the supper
in disguise to see Rosaline. There he saw Juliet on the
dance floor and was fascinated
by her beauty. After the dance he learns that she is the daughter of Lord Capulet. She
too feels a prodigious birth of love for a man
from the enemy family. The verses
express their implicit feelings for each other.

Romeo: (Act I, Scene- 5)

In these verses Romeo
expresses his love for Juliet at first sight.
Romeo was star stuck
by the beauty of Juliet and
doth teach the torches to
describeJiebeauty in terms of dark and light. "She
bur b means her beauty is brighter than the blaze of
any torch and that her presence make the whole room light up. She was so beautiful
that she made the torches
around the hall appear to grow dim.
The line, 'As a rich jewel in_an Ethiope's ear, is a beautiful simile that
jewel's beauty which is_intensified in the background of a dark color.
suggests a
against the darkness like a jeweled earring hanging against the cheek
She stands out
an African. of
was a
dazzling jewel illuminating the dark
night sky. The metaphor he uses here
again is by declaring that she is a rare beauty of purity and innocence
.The next line
So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows"
suggests that Juliet stood outstanding
from the other girls like a snowy dove in the troop of crows.
When the dance is over, Romeo watches Juliet from
the place of stand in order to
enjoy her beauty. He also says that, touching her hand would be a sin because she
seems to be so perfect and if he ever
touches her, then his 'rude hand' would be
blessed. Romeo renounces his former love to
Rosaline and asks himself a
whether his heart had ever loved question,
somebody. For this he personifies the eyes as liars
because he has never seen such a
beauty like Juliet till that night. Romeo's true and
deep love for Juliet is wonderfully described in the verses.

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Juliet: (Act III, Scene-2)
Juliet was desperately waiting for her beloved husband Romeo, whom she had married
wait for the nurse to
secretly. She shows her impatience often, since she can
bring the news of his arrival; and for night to fall, so that she and Romeo can share
their wedding night (secretly).
Night can be seen in two contrasting ways. The first can be summarized as a time for
celebration and love. The second, and most commonly associated with night, i s atime
of darkness and horror. She shows this when she says "Come, night; come Reineo;
come thou day in night" by pleading for night to fall, so that Romeo caepme Here
she refers to Romeo as 'day in night' which means he is the brightnq y ' s life.
Juliet expresses her feelings that Romeo will lie upon like the wings of night that
means Romeo's charm is whiter than the black
snow on wings of the raven.
The lines, "Take him and cut him out in little
heaven so fine, That all the
stars And(h make the face of
world will be in love with nig ,
Romeo is so perfect that even his means according to Juliet,
heaven to shine. She also.
body cut into milosta would make the face of
justifies that if he is nradento stars then everyone would
fall in love with the
night and they would stop worstpping the
here can be compared to the garish sun. Her feelings
way children feon Ciristmas Eve, barely able to sleep
due to excitement,
yet still having to waitar intense feeling for Romeo is expressed
in the verses.

I. Answer the following quettor word, phrase ora sentence each:

1. Name the two
noble famies f Verona.
2. Who hosted a
3. To which
gand suppe in Verona?
4. To
farildoes Rmeo belong?
5. Who
whichamildoesullet belong?
i Atheof Juliet?
Whomd Romeo love before he fell in love with
7. A Cording Romeo, what does Juliet teach Juliet?
the torches?
&The pnse, 'teach the torches to burn
liet's glow is brighter than the bright' suggests:
Her beauty is capable of light.
(c) Her beauty enabling the torches to burn
9. surpasses the brightness of bright.
for earth too dear' this phrase light.
(a) divine suggests that the lady's
beauty is
(b) rare
(c) expensive
10.How is Romeo's rude
hand blessed?
11.What is compared
12. Who is to Ethiope's-ear? itl
compared to a
snowy dove? jttue icpe
icpe aEu.
PES PUC, Hanumanthanagar

13. Who are compared to a troop of crows?

14. "the measure done", connotes the completion of
(a) Romeo's admiration of Juliet's beauty.
(b) dance organized by Lord Capulet.
(c) glorification of Juliet's charm.
15. What does Romeo intend to do when the measure is done?
16. The line, 'did my heart love till now?' suggests that
(a) Romeo feels he has fallen in love.
(b) Romeo has been attracted before.
(c) Romeo feels this is true love.
17. According to Juliet, who is called as "day in night"?
18. Where does Romeo lie upon?
19. The phrase 'new snow', suggests
(a) love as pure as snow.
description of Romeo's charm.
(c) Juliet's discreet love for Romeo.
20. According to Juliet the night is personifiedas
(a) gentle
(b) loving
() black-browed
(d) all of the above
21. What does Juliet want Romeo to be
22. What do you think the phraseace eaven' signifies?
23. According to Juliet, why wil th wple world be in love with night?
24. According to Juliet, wheisho paid any worship?
25. Why does Juliet say haeoal would not worship the garish sun?
II. Answer the follpwing quagtions in 80-100 words: (4 marks)
26. Describethalicitfings of Romeo towards Juliet.
27. Describehe inpre feelings of Juliet towards Romeo.
28. "Julie S s e e t ove for Romeo on her Wedding night". Elucidate
29. Love r s t sight", how is this quote applicable to Romeo who was submerged
the beayty of Juliet?
to convey Juliet's beauty and to what effect?
What s miles does Romeo use

owccording to Juliet, would Romeo be immortalized to the world?

III. Apswer the following questions in 200 words- (6 marks)

32. Critically appraise the verses of "Romeo and Juliet" which express the iovers'

implicit feelings for one another.

33. Comment on the imagery of 'night-day, black-white' in the poem. What purpose
do they serve in highlighting the intensity of love?
34. Between Romeo and Juliet whose love, do you think, is more passionate and

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PES PUC, Hanumanthanagar

word, phrase or a sentence each(1
I. Answer the following questions in a

1. Where is the Kingdom
of Monaco located?
2. Why was Monaco called toy
a Kingdom? af
3. How many inhabitants
lived in the Kingdom?

men were there in the army.
5. Name the commodities
that were taxed in Monaco.
revenue? Who were its beefidiares
What was the source of King's special
a large sum to the Ppince
Why did the gaming house keeper pay houses?
8. What did the people play in the gaming
houses in theireunt
9. Why did the Germans stop the gaming
countries go to Monaco
10. Why did people from other
11. How did gaming houses benefit
12. The proverb says... "You cannot
earn stone palad
13. The people of Monaco were
a) Angry b) innocent c) peaceable dwatd
14. What hadn't happened before in Monacokingdom?
15. Why did the Judges assemble?
16. How did the judges try to solve thease
17. Who were involved in solving the Tdercase?
18. What was the punishment givanth
19. What was the hitch in theexecyoimof the
20. What is a guillotine?
for the first time?
21. Whom did the Prince ofMmac approach for the guillotinethe cost for lending the
22. According to thg French g vernment, what would
machine and theexecutioner?
23. Why did the Pmcafeanto buy the guillotine from the
what would cause a riot in the people?
24.Actording toathe Rinee time?
25. Whom Rrine approach for help for the second
the king of Monaco?
26. Why did Frenrch people have no respect for
was a brother monarch in Too Dear?
27. Wh accordg to the council
Govt charge for the guillotine and an expert?
28. w did the Italy execute the criminal?
h didone of the soldiers agree to from execution?
hat was the punishment changed
did the commission decide to do with the prisoner?
la what for life of the murderer?
32. hat was the hitch in the imprisonment
33. How much did the on the
king spend annually?
34. The death sentence was converted into life imprisonment because
35. What did the murderer do when he did not find
the guard?
36. Why was the criminal reluctant to go out of
the prison?
37. What was the only way to get rid of the prisoner?
was the sum fixed as the pension for the prisoner.
39. On what condition did the prisoner agree to go? Why?
40. What did the prisoner do after he left Monaco?

PES PUC, Hanumanthanagar

UC, Hanumanthanagar

( 4 marks
Answer the following questions in 80-100
1. Describe in brief the kingdom Monaco and its peope resort to it?
is why does the king of Monaco
gambling a dirty Business,
3. Describe the king of Monaco.
4. Describe the situation after the murderer was imprisoned for iire.

III. Answer the following questions in 200 words:-(6 marks)

Wny did
the king of Monaco keep changing his mind in dealing
with the cimipal and
how was it solved?
2. "You can't earn stone
palaces by honest labour" in what contex Is statement
made? Elucidate.






thought-provoking poem
by written Kahlil Gibran.
On Children' is an introspecting and which
prose poetry,
a book of twenty-six
The poem is a
selection from The Prophet' about their children 'and urges
expectations of parents
critique of the usual Children
offers of s o m e o n e telling about
is written in the mode
them to introspect. The poem childrenate not your
her chest. The lines "your
to a woman baby against
holding a
sense and theyare'hot
the children of God in real
children suggests that they
have c o m e
the imperfections of parents' life. The children
ways and means to get
to get whatever
wish and so they have to 'be free
their soul's own
on this earth due to have the freedom to
think and act for themselves, and miust
they long for and they will

grow. wishes
without glansing as to what the child
their kids apparently
Many parents push them having a purpose of
or wants. They
have come through parents buthofom
attitudes..etc. They stay with
different in
their own and being as to
do not belong to them Parents an only give them love so
but they lines
parents them their thoughts. The
confident for tomorrow but theyanpot give
make them For they have their own
them your love buf notyour thoughts.
"You may give their children.
gagents tannot control the desires of
thoughts" also emphasizes how bodies but they can never control
Parents may protect or bound their physical
even in their
parents cannot think of visiting
souls as they dwell in future for which
try not to make their children like
Parents may try hasd like them but they should
lines "For life
own inner personality given by God. The
them as children have tneiF future cannot be stagnant
with yesterday" conveys that
goes not bagkwardnortarries their
that send the "arrows" of their children into
with past Parents are the "bows"
and such as calling parents the "bows" that help
better future. The poet uses metaphors, the
theirdestinations and goals.Parents must stretch
the "arrows", or children, reach have. The
their thinking in order to move ahead much beyond what they
limits of casts the arrow with
refers to god who foresees the future of the children and
that His arrows may go swift and far"
the help of bow. "He bends you with his might
children reach their destiny which is destined
tells that god, through the parents make
and they must respect this order of
for them. In this process, parents should be happy the
loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also
creation. The last line "For even as He
who are referred as 'Bow' and the
bow that is stable" indicates that, both the parents
loved by God who is their creator. Thus
children who are referred as 'Arrow' are
towards their children.
poem neatly depicts the role of parents

PFS PUG, H a n u m a n t h a n a g a r
s w e r the following questions in a word. phrase or a sentence ach:
1. Who heldbabe against her
2. Who is speaking about
children? MOthA[wom
. Who have come through parents vphel but not from
4. Life
goes not backward nor tarries with them?cwldyon
5. Who is 'archer'
here? yost CU
. does 'House of pd
What tomorrow' signify? htwNfor itselr.
Children are the sons and daughters of &le'z oNKIng
8. Parents may give them their love but not'their
wno loves the arrow that flies and also the bowoueht3
that is stable? tke
who should be glad for the bending in archer's hand?tL YaIOs (Lou
T1.what does the phrase 'the arrow that files' signify?chi
12. Who cannot visit
the house of tomorrow? laxen " j Houaad
13. Where does aNI ,
the children's' soul dwell? houne ARDw
14. Children are with 4 tomöMDO
parents yet they Velong__ñot to you.
T. Parents can try hard to be like
16. Parents can house them but they can't make them ke paJPS
l7, And a woman
children's bodies but not their9ow
who held a babe against her bosom
Children". And he said: Here 'he' refers said," Speak to us or
a. Her child.
b. The Prophet.
C. The poet
18.'Your children are not your children' means
a. They do not belong to their parents only.
b. The children should have their own
Z Parents should not be
possessive of their children
19. They come through you, but are not from
you' means
Though parents give birth to their children they do not own them.
b. Children have independent
C. Parents should be indifferent to their children.
20.According to the prophet, what may be given to the children?
21.'The bows' and living arrows' refer to and
22.'their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow' means
a . children belong to the future.
b . Parents cannot shape their children's future.
C. Children have a different vision of life.

Aswer the following questions in 80-100 words: - (4 marks)

1. Elaborate the line 'you may house their bodies but not their souls'.
2 Why did the narrator say Let your bending in the archer's hand be for
3. Why can't parents house the children's souls?
4. Why does the prophet categorically state Your children are not your children'?
5. What does the metaphor, bows and arrows signify with regard to
6. According to the prophet, what attitude should parents have towards their

III. Answer the following questions in 200 words:- (6 marks)

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PES PUC, Hanumanthanagar
through this poem.
given to parents t h e i n f i n i t e and He
1. Comment on the message
mark upon the path of
archer s e e s the
2. the line' The
Elucidate swift and far.
with his might that his a r r o w s may go
bends you for
as a metaphor
Parents' could stand
3. In the poem,'
a. the older generation.
b. Leaders.
C. Religious heads.
d. Teachers. different readings of the poem.
considered the above options, present
levels of freedom
of the poem, think of different
4. In the light
in shaping their lives.
on the lives
of children, but alsó al
not focus merely
5. The poem does Discuss?
the responsibility of parents.
********k******** ****



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Answer the
mark) following questions in VANDANA SHIVA
word, phrase or a
1. What was sentence each: (1
the real value of the forests for
2. In 1973, when the women?
Vandana Shiva went to her
discovered that the stream was favourite stream to swim,
3. Name the activities in reduced to a she
4. What is Chipko
which Vandana involved herself
movement? during vacatfor
5. Name the
village where Bachni Devi led the
What had Bachni
Devi's husband Chipko movemgt
7. How did the contracted?
women, under the
deforestation? leadership of
Bachni Dey,pratest against
According to the foresterof Adwani
9. How is the village, what s healue of the forest?
forest valuable for the women
10.What did Vandana learn from Adai?
11.What is Vandana's mission of Chipko?
12.What is Navdanya?
13.Who started
Navadhanya farm?
14.When and where was
15.What kind of transitionNavdhanya
has bee
16.Which is the first Dought out by Navdhanya?

17.Name the two

count to sogniz the rights of nature in its constitution?
countries that ae recognized the rights of nature in
18.What was the of the
19.What is eco-apartheid?
Conference organized by UN General
20.Why is it
impo t toed eco-apartheid?
21.Name the eent n human history that marked the beginning of
humanrm re? separation of

22.WPat wer Francis Bacon's views about nature?

23Whatwere the views of Carolyn Merchant about nature?
Agcording to Vandana Shiva, where should we look for "lessons in freedom"?
2 i g o University in India inspired Vandana to initiate Navadhanya?
.Why is it important to change the fossil fuel and chemical based monoculture?
27.According to the women of Garhwal, 'the real value of forests' was
a) Timber from dead tree
b) Springs and streams
c) Fodder and fuels
28.The conservation of biodiversity in the agriculture leads to
a) Increase in quality of food production
b) Developing variety of food grains.

PES PUC, Hanumanthanagar

PES PUC,Hanumanthanagar
C) More quality food and higher nutrition. at transtong

Assembly aimed
organized by UN General
n e conference
domination of
a) People over nature
b) Men over women

c) Rich over poor
d) All of the above
30."Rights of nature" means
The right of people to use nature.
The duty of human beings to conserve nature.
ii) Preserving nature for self protection.
31.In what ways are Unity and Diversity related to each other
32.Which book did Vandana Shiva write?
33.What did Vandana Shiva describe in her book? an
34.According to the author, what is 'Separatism?
35.According to the essay, what replaced Terra Madre
36.What are the most
37.Who wrote the essay
popular courses in Navdanya.far
38.What does Tapovan' mean?
39.According to Tagore, what
do the
40.What does the forest teach the
IL. Answer the peopla
following questions inaparagraph of 80-100 words:
1. Write note a on Navdanya fores
2. What made Vandana Shiva
3. What is Organic joinitheChipko movement?
Describe the movemegt
5. How did Vandana leb&EAchni Devi against the felling of trees.
Shiv acaieve and the prove importance to promote thee
biodiversity intensive farmng?
6. What.are the
portant features of Earth
University? How is it different from
. How does Rabindranath Tagore highlight the
theessay Everything I need to know Iimportance
8. In of forest?
learned in the
vndana `hiva bring out the importance of "The Earth Forest', how does
IIAnswenthe following questions in a paragraph of aboutDemocracy" ?
w dees consumerism and accumulation of 200 words:
TaNge's vision of human evolution? wealth come in the
way of realizing
u The conservation of bio-diversity Is the
answer to the
Discuss. food and nutrition
A 3. crisis.
Conservation of diversity is crucial for the
society. Substantiate. sustenance of both nature
4. and human
The essay by Vandana
modern knowledge synthesizes the wisdom of the past
systems. Justify.
Human life and creativity of the with the
mind are
How is this vision of possible only in the
essay 'Everything I Tagore
need to know Ithe importance of nature
cradle of nature.
learned in the brought out in the

PES PUC, Hanum


I. Answer the
following Questions in a sentence or a Phrase each: ( 1 mark)
How many characters do we
come across in the play
2. The play takes place in a corner of a "A Sunny Morning"?
3. Mention the season in which the
park in adsd

play takes place. atumm
What is the name of Dona Laura's maid?
5. Dona Laura calls the birds as Potho
a. spryest
b. Gluttons
C. Persistent naga
d. All the above
6. What is the age of Dona Laura and Don
7. Gonzalo?
Why does Dona Laura bring the breadcrumbs? T
b hod s
a. He prefers to sit with her.
b. His legs are aching.
Why did Don Gonzalo become impatient about the phiests
Why does Don Gonzalo sit next to Dona Laura in thepark?

e He did not get any other bench to sit.

d. He owned the bench.
10. Where does Don Gonzalo go on every Suna ne ohi elpbo an

11. According to Dona Laura, What does Do Ganzalo

12. What does Don Gonzalo offer DonaLaara
kil1? im
pnch A 8hukh
13. Dona Laura speaks about the coincdencWhat does it refer to? s n i Er 2 d
14. The n u l has maeaeace between them.
15. Who are the Spanish writers naned in the play? ploncdo, 7illa locue
16. Don Gonzalo envies Dona eur her
Wonderful eye sight.
b. Love for birds
c. Selection of pgems
d. All the above.
17. How manyearox Bon Gonzalo when he went to America for the first time? y
18. Don Gonzalo's natiye is Aalocia
19. Dona LaraspenLSeveral seasons in a villa calledMaNAln
20. What wase name of Dona Laura's best friend? he Bihnes Maiden
21. Wh is the Sver Maiden? Dona lasng.
22. on eon plo calls the gallant lover as_i 2aLSn
w didne lovers express their love for each other every day?
Vhare did Don Gonzalo meet his friend Campoamor? aloncio
25. he merchant and the lover has a quarrel and aduel
26. Who was wounded badly on the beach? - MechoM
27. Why
did the cousin join the army? olieioira ol Aiu lone, hod ain lod
28. According to Dona Laura who will affirm the story told by her?akot d i h men
29. Dona Laura does not reveal herself because
a. She no longer
loves him.
5. Her appearance has changed a lot.
C. He looks grotesque.
d. None of these.

PES PUC, Hanumanthanagar

Ch of violet:
o mvolets
was given to
Dona Laura by u auuka
32. did Don
How does the Gonzalo decided
a. play end?
to sit next time in-the park?9 ons aus)
They separate forever.
They fail to
e.They recognize each other.
d. None promise to meet
of the above. again.
33. A
Sunny Morning A
comedy off Madud

II. Answer the

following questions in 80-100 words:- (4 marks)
Why Don Gonzalo ill tempered at the
How did the snuff
unite Dona Laura and Don beginning of the play
Write the Gonzalo
importance of 'bench' in the play "The
How does Don Gonzalo Sunny Morning
describe The Silver Maiden'? What
thoughts about it? ars@ona auraa's
5. How does Dona Laura
6. How was Don Gonzalo's
describe the story of her death?
attitude towards the birds imthebeginning of the play?
Why did it change in the end?
7. What is the significance of the Violet
flowers at the end othe play?
III. Answer the following
questions in 200 word 6 marks)
1. When does Dona Laura realize that Don Genzal iher former lover?
2. Describe the circumstances leading to ReGoafb's
separation from Laura and
what happened after they separated?

PESPUC, Hanumanthanagar
W. B. Yeats was an important 20th Century Irish poet. He was a powerful influence
behind the Irish Literary Revival. He is among the great love poets of the world.
Yeats had proposed to Maud Gonne, a beautiful, rich and brainy feminist, in 1891 and
many times after that but she had rejected. Yeats was disappointed and in his dejected
mood wrote this poem which has no malice, contempt and disappointment, buf is an
attempt to make her realize that she will grow old her beauty fades, but hiaove for
her will never die.

The speaker of the poem addresses his beloved saying that wren she is aged she
should read a particular book which will remind her of her yaluti She will remember
the people who had loved her grace and her beauty with either réalor fake sentiments
in the past, and also that one man who had loved her Soul ünconditionally as she grew
old and the way she looked had changed. As she is emigded, of him, she ill regret
her missed opportunity of true love.

In the first two lines, the speaker pictures his belbved as "old, gray and full of sleep",
nodding by the fire", taking down and reading thisbook. Which probably refers to
the book the author is presently writing,he image shown is that of a sleepy old
woman by the fire. The physical appearanca on the woman is summarized by the word
gray"- her hair, eyes and skin have bacong Tusterless and dull. The phrase "full of
sleep" suggests weariness, peace andhenprokimity to death.

As she reads this book, she winpé reminded of the "soft look" and the deep "shadows"
that her eyes had once poasessNere the poem gives us a glimpse of the woman's
youth, going on to mention heglad grace" which had aroused "true or false" feelings
of love in her lovershe wordssleep", "slowly", "soft", "shadows", suggests a sense
of trance. The "shadws deep" evokes a sense of the unknown and the mysterious,
perhaps implying the almelined by a person who has not experienced the bitter
aspects of life orthe rayages of time i.e., innocence.

As she remembss tis she will also remember that one man who had loved her for
her "pilerim sou and the "sorrows of her changing face" as her youth sagging in old
age. heattgrim soul" refers to the wandering soul, searching for a place of devotion,
moviag hroug life towards the final significance of death and salvation. The line also
Suggests the reverence the speaker feels for the beloved. This man loved her truly and
unconditionally. The "one man" here refers to Yeats himself since the poem is based on
MaudGonne's rejection of him and is autobiographical.
The poet returns to the time frame of her old age and describes her "bending down
beside the glowing bars" and murmuring to herself a sadly how "Love
fled/ And paced
upon the mountains overhead/ And hid his face amid a crowd of stars". The
bars" refer to the grate railings of Gonne's hearth. The final lines seem to "glowing
Yeats' romantic heartbreak, disturbed and confused, yet attaining the magnitude of the
universe in his feelings.
The poem creates a delicate contrast between Maud
love has dwindled (decreased) into withdrawn
Gonne, who having rejected true
domesticity whereas, the speaker's love

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PES PUC, Hanumanthanagar

in the dignity of the Heavens,

The contrc ute (complete) as a result of his faith bars" and
h a sSts established through the disiunction between the "glowing
t d r s . Instead of hurling bitter allegations at her for not returning his
love, he makesa modest
declaration of his devotion.
t e m e s of the poem are love, loss and regret and although based on the poet's
e r s o n a l life, the sentiment reflected in this poem is common to most, if not all,
rejected lovers.
following questions in a word, phrase or a sentence ea
W n o Is the poet addressing in the poem. When you are old"? Movo
2. Where does the
3. poet want the lady to
What does the word t take down his book and read?
'book' refer to in the poem?
4.What does the word
'glad grace' refer to in the
boo* qb
E poem? h p
6. Who POEmWhen yey are old'.what
häd foved the pftgrirSoulin the does 'the pilgrim
7. What does
the phrase young lady? eps
'your changing face' suggest?
What does thexpression
9. Whera leve edongte
WHerA Woúldhbe the Boet theh?
10. By
Feferting tKe sott 186Rs her eyes had once',
wat dees the poet want her
11. The
phrase 'nodding by the fire'
Sleeping by suggests.
nant to

b) Listening to the fire

c) Talking to somebody talk
12.What does thesomebody
13.According to thespeaker want his beled todo sitting by
speaker, where had loehidden his the fire? Atb.
14.When the
15.How does speaker's
beloved isa Waere does she sit? aid o ud
the speaker
16.What does the want eloved to read the bookoirs byr k
17.What did the speaker art beloved to dream of poems? noddira
speakersbslove eyes once behold? d ghodov
18.What did the others of? 2okt k 1
loveher for?
19.What did the speaker love her momenb
20.Where does the for?HaRum %ol hgb
ea u
21.How would tha speakars beloved bend down? g fo cdo,
SReakerbeloved look Bezido aodi a
22.Where has her loye paced upon? like when she wa_ ofd and
23.By reá in the book, what will MOUnIaur ovhrad gray?
II. An wer the
speaker's, beloved remember?J
following questions in eait mary Odmu
How IS he 'one man' different 80-100
Dbes t poem bring out the from the many words: (4
others who markss)
oNoe? transient nature of loved the lady?
Comment on the
beauty as
against permanence
4When you are oldusage
is a
of time frame by the
poem? What pürposé do poem contrasts.
5. How does they serve?
Yeats blend the contrasts do you
love in his transient ature of find in the
poem, 'When you are
beauty as against
against permanence orof


I. Answer the following questions in a word, phrase or a sentence each(1

1. The gardener was standing in a coconut grove near
2. How was the old man all-rolled into one?
3. Describe the physical personality of the old man.
4. The Gardener came to the garden after walking

hundreds of miles?
What qualities of the old man impressed the narrator?
How was the gardener really useful to the owner?
Is it a significant factor that the old man came to the garden after wálking

8. What had risen higher due to the gardener?
9. The owner of the garden became lethargic because
(a) The income of the garden improved dramatigally
(b) He had become dependent upon the gardene
the owna
(C)There was nothing much left for
ways of her husband?
10. Why did the owner's wife start worrying aboutuestrange

anurt newly
with coouAeyents because of the
11. The owner's life became crowded

acquired clout. The

The gardener
underlined phra_eerass to.

(c) Lokya
(d) Owner's Wife mentioned in the lesson "The gardener".
12. Name the trees of ownersplantation
narrate his story?
13. When did the old man decide to acres of wet land
14. Initially, Tammanna had only
of Tammanna?
15. Which the most igiRortant possession
important possession
Sangoji/ Basavaiah, an
16. Tammann considers his rival,
becauee the development of an individual
(a Epetiuon helps
leads a more colorful life
(6 Sangoji/
possibilities of life for him
(c) Piyalry offers

the rival of
Who was
17 n a m e was not Sangoji,
but Basavaiah" told the old

18 the name
he had really forgotten
(a) of his rival a secret
he wanted to keep the identity
he fictionalizing his past
(c) was
evolved by Tammanna to annihilate
19. unique stratergy
20. What was the theme
of Tammanna's songs?
from Tammanna?
their share of fame
21. How did the critics earn
Tammanna's life?
raison-d'etre of
22. What had become the

P E S PUC, H a n u m a n t h a n a g a r
PES PUC, Hanunmanthanagar
of Tammanna's life.
23. Art had become the
HoW did Basavaiah fill his life, when he was shrunk in humilao
25. Basavaiah got a. built for himself
(a) bungalow
(b) palace
(c) palatial mansion
26. How did Basavaiah bedeck himself? to
did Basavaiah's palatial mansion look dull and empty
according tne
4 ny
28. Why did Basavaiah start inviting scholars, poets and musicians to n i p l

29. How did Basavaiah invest his home with meaning?

30. What was Basavaiah's health according to the old man
31. What was Basavaiah's ray of hope in his attempt to outwit Tampanpa:
4. Tammanna decides to give up everything and leave the placebecause
(a) he sees no purpose in living there
(b) he wants to create an impression that he isdead
(c) he wants to put an end to rivalry

(a) unbearable vengefulness

According to Tammanna, man lives for some kind
(6) unbearable happiness
(c) bearable vengefulness
34. What was the name of the old man the lesson "The Gardener"?
35. Tammanna forgets his
songs ad because ballads
(a) he finds them futle
(b) he doesn't need the
(C) he avenges himse
36. How did Tamm n a avenge himself?
37. According
toTanmanne gardener,
paints well and he is..
38. Who
wascelicitated as the best poet in the lesson "The Gardener
II. Answer h
foltowing questions in
te bief note the introduction 80-100
words: (4 marks)
a on of an old man in the lesson
ar" "The
Hew dig owner's change after the arrival of the old
g. ha advice did the supporters or lammanna give for man?
getting his land back?
4How did Tammanna's reputation start spreading all around?
5. How did Tammanna react to
Basavalah's encroachment of
6. How did Basavaiah try to overcome his
his land?
III. Answer the
following questions in 200 words
1, How was the owner's life change
after the arrival of
owner's wife find it very the old man
strange? and why did the
2. The rivalry
between Tammanna ana 5asavalah
domain to the invisible. Comment. moving from the visible
PES PUC, Hanumanthanagar

3. How does Tammanna
adopt counter strategy to challenge the material wealth of
4. A manipulator like Tammanna turns
reflectlve towards the end of his life. What
does this tell about human
5. How does the reference to
Russla and America provide another dimension of
story? the
6. Observe how the story
employs multiple narratives. How does this technique
unveil the mystery of human
*****k ******* *****


PES PUC, Hanumanthanagar

Pablo Neruda wasthe most celebrated poet of Latin-America and a
revolutionary poet
of Chile. He was popularly known as
'People's Poet'. He wrote about love and war
from an unconventional angle, yet with deep
feelings and sensitivity.
The poem "To the foot from its Child"
explores the limitations imposed on onge's
human potential by society without caring their dreams and
becomes a metaphor for the child.
imaginatiogs The foot"
In the beginning, the cild's foot is unaware of the limitless possibilities of human
accomplishments. The child's foot is not yet aware it is a foot; t likesto be an apple or
butterfly. The image of the "apple" and "butterfly" signifiesfreedor It thinks it is free
to think, to dream, to imagine and to explore never endg pessibilities of life. But, the
cOurse of life's path is not always smooth. The foeans to walk even on hard
surfaces and different paths of "stones, bits of glasses steets and ladders" on earth.
It is exposed to life's problems and
The child when it walks on the rough path weas 'shoes to protect the foot', but
the foot feels itself as a prisoner whichscondemned inside the shoe. Though in
darkness of the shoe, it analyses its ow liraand understands the reality. 'Foot' never
sees anything when it is surrounde ydakness; it is just like a blind person in
darkness. But it is inevitable andATst avercome all the struggles of life in order to
survive in the world. It wants to comgunicate with the other foot but is unable to do
so as it is imprisoned in theshoe Mahy forces try to control it. The foot gets used to
live in the limited world by aceptiHg the life of confinement; it grows understanding
the ways if the world losing co-oYdination and contact like a blind man.
As change is natua the foot' also grpws young, then old and feeble. The soft
nails of the childare compafed to the "quartz", bunched together, and then its smooth
surface chanesar i e an "opaque substance" or like "horns". The "petaled toes" of
the childgrowut of trim bunching together, which then takes a form of eyeless
reptile, Later,the grow callused of numbness, lose sensitivity and smoothness.
While growing up the foot becomes rough and expose by the scars of the injuries
which occurred while facing the difficulties. The foot's journey is never ending; It
folloys theother and then walks together. Now it is no longer a child's foot. It is either
man or woman's foot without gender discrimination and acquires its own
individuality. It continuously walks and toils through mines, fields, markets and
ministries. The busy foot work tirelessly. It has to walk and work in all direction
without sleep until man ceases to exist. After death, it is buried underground and it is
ignorant that there is darkness even in the underground. The soul is freed from the
body, but the dreams die with it.
PES PUC, Hanumanthanagar
It leads its
life facing challeno
he foot has to work and toil for the whole life span. the poemem
traces the
u n a w a r e of life's
bitter truth. Thus,
not realizing its dreams. It is foot oon the course
and lead the of
various forces which control, guide, mould restrict
never ending journey of life till death. Neruda's poem
is a salute to the ordinary
human being who continues with live braving all odds.

I. Answer the following questions in a word, phrase or a sentence each(1

1. What would the foot like to be?
2. What does the first stanza of the
poem convey
3. What does the
passage of time teach the child?
4. What makes the child to feel like a blind man?
5. What do the "bits of
6. Why does the 'child's
grass, streets, ladders and paths" suggest
foot' feel defeated?
7. Which words
convey the real experiences of the foot:
8. Which lines in the
poem suggest transformation of the föotz
9. What does the
expression "condemned to live in ahoe süggest?
10.What does 'the foot' become after
11.Where does the foot toil? growing up
12.How do the soft nails of
13.The soft nails of
quartz grow?
quartz become as hardás
14.How do the tiny,
15.What are the tiny,
toes thecHd grow?
petaled of b
petaled toes
16.Whatare the petaled toes of oftheehiid compared to?
relo y o
17.In the course of foot's
thdleEveredthewith? i t vblcov1
18.What does the line hat doesn't foot take notice of? g
"yntithe Winolë man chooses to stop" mean? u

19.What does the foot

20.When does faiktorêalE? st
kodeg o a
thechild get g real freedom? goB
21.Identify xamples of the mundane activities of an
22.What theoind wen it descended
did adult.
Answeth fallowing questions in 80-100 underground? Yodamn
1. What words: (4
conthasting descriptions of the foot does marks)
2Howdees Neruda describe the the
busy life poem offer?
foot? of the
3 ERagne how Neruda's poem works as
represented by tne
and humdrum reality of life? out the
contrast between
4. Bring out
the contrast
between colourful drean
5.Why does the poet refer illusion and
6. 'Child's foot
is not
the foot' as reality
in the
that aware that it a blind man in
it ceased to be foot.
How does
is a
foot, and at the the poem?
the poet present end the foot is
this idea in the unawaare
********* ************* poemn

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