GTR Term 2 Act 2 Group Presentation

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Romeo and Juliet:

Act II
Opening question:
What would you do for
Summary of Act II

● After meeting in the Capulets’ party, Romeo and Juliet fall in love.
● Romeo sneaks into Juliet’s garden and sees her on her balcony.
● Romeo wishes he was not a Montague.
● They decide to get married in secret on the next day.
Scene 1

Characters Settings

Romeo, Benvolio and A lane by the wall of

Mercutio Capulet’s orchard

Main Events Conflict

Romeo sneaks into Juliet’s Even though Benvolio and

garden after the party. Mercutio are Romeo’s best
Benvolio and Mercutio try to friends, Romeo wants Juliet
find Romeo but they fail. more, so he runs away from
his friends and hides.
Scene 2

Characters Settings

Romeo and Juliet Romeo in the Capulet's garden

Juliet is on her balcony

Main Events Conflict

Romeo meets Juliet secretly and they Romeo and Juliet are
express their deep love to each other. in love but they are
from enemy families.
Scene 3

Characters Settings

Romeo and Friar Lawrence’s cell

Friar Lawrence

Main Events Conflict

Romeo asks Friar Lawrence to agree Friar thinks Romeo should not marry
to marry them immediately. Juliet so soon but he believes their
marriage can end the feud.
Characters and Settings for Scene IV to VI

Characters Settings

Scene IV Romeo, Benvolio, Mercutio, Nurse A street

Scene V Nurse, Juliet Capulet’s orchard

Scene VI Romeo, Juliet, Friar Lawrence Friar Lawrence cell

Main Events - Scene 4

Benvolio, Mercutio searched for Romeo in the morning after the

Capulet party. They talked about Tybalt challenging Romeo for a duel.

After Romeo arranged the secret marriage, he told the nurse about
the wedding night, Juliet needed to go to confession at Friar
Lawrence’s room that afternoon. His servants would give the nurse a
rope ladder. He would use it to climb into Juliet’s room for their
wedding night.
Main Events - Scene 5

Juliet was very nervous as she waited for the nurse to return from
meeting Romeo.The nurse teased Juliet by not passing her Romeo’s
message immediately

Juliet prepared to go to Friar Lawrence to get married with Romeo.

The nurse left to collect the rope ladder so that Romeo could spend
his wedding night with Juliet.
Main Events - Scene 6

Before Juliet arrived, Friar Lawrence warned Romeo that “things”

that happen so fast often end just as quickly. Friar Laurence: “These
violent delights have violent ends….”

When Juliet arrived, Romeo was using many poetic words to show his
love to Juliet. Romeo believed that not even death could compete
with his love to Juliet. They secretly married!
Theme of
Marriage and
Romeo’s love towards Rosaline

● Infatuation for Rosaline “Out of her favour where I am in

● Innocent, shallow, affection love”
● Oxymoron shows Romeo’s
current understanding of “O brawling love! O loving hate!”
● Superficial, melodramatic
● Courtly love, there is little to
no contact
Paris’ Love Towards Juliet

● Courtly love, proper “These times of woe afford no time to

● Restrained, polite, courteous woo.
● Paris is arrogant, is sure that
Madam, good night; commend me to your
Juliet will confess her love to
● Juliet has little time to escape “Happily met, my lady and my wife!”
from the arranged marriage
“So will ye, I am sure, that you love me.”
If Paris is sure that
Juliet is in love with
him, then why does he
have to set the
marriage date so
Romeo and Juliet’s love
● Passionate, mutual, ● Their sonnet in
vivid Act 1 Scene III
● True love for the first ● Balcony scene,
Act 2 scene II
● Immature, very
young ● Secret marriage,
● Marry without their Act 2 scene VI
parents’ permission
● Forbidden
“For this alliance may so
To turn your households’
rancour to pure love.”

This was only achieved after the pair of star-crossed lovers die
Fate Romeo and Juliet are born into two feuding

They cannot marry each other

But they fall in love at first sight

After the secret marriage, Romeo considers

Tybalt as family, and refuses to duel him

Benvolio dies, Romeo kills Tybalt, Romeo is


Juliet is forced into marriage with another man

The plan never reaches Romeo

Romeo kills himself minutes before Juliet awakes

Juliet kills herself as well in just a few minutes

Die in each other’s arms

Only their deaths have caused the families to

Their true Can true love survive in the real
love defeated world?
an age-old
hate, but at There is no “happily ever after”
the cost of for Romeo and Juliet, they are
death. destined to die
Rhetorical device in Act 2

"It is the east, and Juliet is the sun."

● It used metaphor.
● Romeo is comparing Juliet to the sun and how much she
means to him and how much he loves her.
Rhetorical device in act 2

"The grey eyed morn smiles on the frowning night"

● It used personification
● Friar Lawrence is giving the morning human
characteristics such as eyes to smile at the night, which is
frowning or sad.
Rhetorical device in Act 2

"If e'er thou wast thyself, and these woes thine, thou and these
woes were all for Rosaline."

● It used alliteration
● The repeated "w" and "th" sounds add drama to the
Friar's lament about how quickly Romeo has switched
affections from Rosaline to Juliet.
Rhetorical device in Act 2

“Good night,good night!Parting is such sweet sorrow”

● It used oxymoron
● Juliet is saying good night to Romeo.Their sorrowful parting is
also”sweet”because it makes them think about the next time
they will see each other
Rhetorical device in Act 2

“My bounty is as boundless as the sea,the more i

give to the,the more i have,for both are infinite”

● It used simile
● Refer to Juliet’s love as deep as the sea and the
more she gives,the more she receives.The love
they have for each other is compared to as
sweet as roses and birds that sing
Rhetorical device in Act 2

"The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars, as

daylight doth a lamp..."

● It used hyperbole
● Juliet's cheek is so bright it puts the brightness of stars
to shame.
Some Trivia
In fact, “Romeo and Juliet“ is not totally
written by Shakespeare

It’s actually adapted from a story called

“metamorphoses“, written by Ovid(43 BC-AD17).

The plot is totally the same, they are both feud, the boy
both died first, both of the story don’t happens in the
author’s own country.
A midsummer night’s Dream.

A year before the Romeo and Juliet came out,

Shakespeare wrote a script called A Midsummer Night’s
Dream. It has a totally same beginning as Romeo and
Juliet. The different is they got married in the end.
About Shakespeare himself.

- He never got his name right.

In several autographs which is confirm signed by himself

,none of them is “William Shakespeare”. He‘s probably
the only author who never get his name right.
About Shakespeare himself.

- He might be gay.

In 1609, he has written a poem for a man, ‘Mr. W H’, as

he written. He called Mr WH as “dear my love”. But
some scholars think it might be his friends: Henry
The end

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