Internship - FGP Guidelines July 2022 - 23 - MBA - Final

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Department of Commerce and Management

University Industry Linkage and Faculty GuidedProject Guidelines

Faculty of Management Studies at Banasthali Vidyapith offers a unique management program

rooted in Indian ethos & culture, and providing good placement opportunities as well as
nurturing women startups. As management education is getting redefined in terms of Analytical
inputs, Ecosystem and Start-ups, the focus of programmes at Department of Commerce and
Management is towards developing leadership acumen among women in consonance with value
education imparted at Banasthali Vidyapith.

Internship is considered integral part of management education and helps the students in several
ways, for instance:
 The students get a real time experience of working in an industry.
 Students are not only exposed to corporate culture but also get opportunity to bridge the
gap between theory & practice.
 This time helps them to explore various streams & helps them in choosing the right area
of work for future.

Keeping in mind its unique ideology of Panchmukhi Shiksha, which is the hallmark of
Banasthali Vidyapith, and best practices in management education, the Internship and Faculty
Guided Project (FGP) have been framed.The students can either opt for Internship or Faculty
Guided Project.
Internship Guidelines

1. Objectives of internship project:

The purpose of the University Industry Linkage program is to impart industrial exposure to the
students that facilitates an opportunity for smooth transition from academic world to
organizational setup.

2. Internship duration

At Department of Commerce and Management, students of MBA undertake semester project.

The duration of the UIL is typically about one semester extendingup to about 20 weeks
during MBA III Semester. All have to complete one semester project training towards partial
fulfillment of their degree requirement.

3. Allocation of internship organization

It has been observed that organizations have vastly different policies regarding internships in the
terms of B-School target list, procedure, nature of project, access, stipend, and pre-placement
offer. Let this be clear to every student that it is largely her own responsibility to arrange suitable
project training for themselves, as per their own interests and convenience. The University
provides whatever assistance is necessary in terms of suggesting various options to the students,
recommending their names to different companies and persuading host agencies to accept as
many trainees. On the whole it would be advisable not to depend entirely on institutional efforts
but to work proactively towards a suitable project placement.

Placement cell would announce a list of organizations/facilitate summer internship drives and the
students shall be asked to give their preference as to which company/organization they want the
institution to recommend their name. If they so desire, they may also opt that they would arrange
the project training entirely through their own efforts.

Once students submit their preferences/get selected, they will normally not be permitted to make
any changes. The change of preference, however, is permitted only under special circumstances
when the student does not get opportunity as per the preference or under favorable financial
circumstances with information to placement cell and approval of Dean. Students have to inform
in advance the organization details of the internship organization.If a student prefers to arrange
training by own, she may request for internship letter that shall be issued from industry
interaction cell.

Once the organizationconfirms project placement to a student, the student must necessarily join
the organization. In case of multiple placements, placement cell under the guidance of Dean shall
have the right to instruct the student to join any of the organization keeping in view the
relationship of the Banasthali Vidyapith with the organization and also keeping in view the
overall placement scenario. In case the student wishes to exercise her choice, she can do so only
with prior written consent from the competent authority of the organization as well as the
convener of the placement cell. In extremely rare and genuine cases the student may be permitted
training at alternate organization if as the judgment of the convener, it is not possible for her to
continue her project training at the organization originally allotted.

Allotted faculty member would act as the core mentor and would start guiding the student about
prior to commencement of internship and would beone-point contact for industry-based project
guide. Alternatively, placement cell can be contacted.

4. Internship Process

Step 1: Students will select organization for internship either with the help of placement cell or
by their own arrangements.

Step 2: Issue of covering letter, reference letter from placement cell office.

Step 3: Commencement of internship.

Step 4: During internship, there will be continuous guidance from faculty mentor. Also,the
students have to regularly brief about their progress to their faculty mentor regarding internship
project report.

Step 5: Reporting at Banasthali Vidyapith

Step 6: Finalization of report under faculty mentor

Step 7: Submission of soft copy/hard copy of the reports

Step 8: Viva- voce / Presentation

5. General guidelines and important timelinesfor internship/FGP
5.1 General guidelines
5.1.1 Faculty mentors will conduct classes twice a week of 45 minutes each.
5.1.2 The students would be able to post questions on classroom that would be replied within 24
hours by teachers.
5.1.3 Minimum number of pages in a report should be atleast 30.
5.1.3Feedback from mentors will be taken before finalizing the total marks.

5.2 Important timelines for the batch 2021-2023

S.N. Particulars Important Dates

1 Selection of internship organization 15 June, 2022
2 Organization details- submission to the placement cell 15 July, 2022
1 July, 2022 – 10 Dec, 2022 or
Post II Sem Exam
3 Internship/FGP duration
4. Submission of joining report 15 July, 2022
5. Submission of Project proposal 25 July, 2022
6. Submission of first progress report 1 September, 2022
7. Second progress report will be in form of viva 25-30 September, 2022
9. Reporting at university Will be communicated later
10. Finalization of report under faculty mentor 15-20 November, 2022
11. Submission of soft copy and hard copy 2 Dec, 2022
12. Viva-Voce / Presentation 4- 10 Dec, 2022 (Tentative)

6. Reading Electives
1. Student sneed to choose only one reading elective from the entire list of reading electives.

2. There will be no internal assignment and regarding the evaluation of reading electives, only
external exam will be conducted at the end of the semester. 

3. Syllabus & policy of reading electives will be shared separately.

7. Structure of the Internship Project:

This project has to be presented in a number of chapters. Each of the other chapters will have
precise title reflecting the contents of the chapter. A chapter can be subdivided into sections, sub-
sections and sub-sub-section so as to present the content discretely and with due emphasis.
The following is the SUGGESTED structure of the study project –

1. Title of the Study Project (Cover page)

2. Training Certificate
3. Acknowledgement
4. Index or Table of Contents
5. Abstract
6. List of Figures
7. Chapter scheme
8. References
9. Appendices

1. Cover Page: This is the first page of the report. It should contain the title of the report,
name of the organization and the date on which it is submitted. The format of this page is
given below and should be adhered.



Title of the Project in CAPITAL LETTERS

(The name of the student)
MBA III semester
Banasthali Vidyapith



Submitted To: Submitted To:

Name of Industry Mentor Name of Faculty Mentor
Designation, Company Name Designation
Place: Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan

Session: 2022 – 2023

2. Training Certificate: The student has to insert the duly signed training certificate
received from the organization.

3. Acknowledgement: There would have been many people who might have helped you
during the course of your project. It is your duty to acknowledge and thank them for their
help. Customary thanks are extended to the following people in the given order:-
a. Head of the Organization
b. Industry Mentor
c. Faculty Mentor
d. Others

Index and Chapter Scheme (if students will undertake any research work during the

4. Index or Table of contents

Table of Contents
Training Certificate…………………………………………………………………i
Table of Contents......................................................................................................iv
List of Figures............................................................................................................v
1 Introduction...........................................................................................................1
1.1 Background and Context...............................................................................1
1.2 Scope and Objectives.....................................................................................1
1.3 Achievements................................................................................................1
1.4 Overview of Dissertation...............................................................................1
2 Profile of Organization.........................................................................................2
3 Review of Literature ............................................................................................3
4 Research Methodology ........................................................................................4
4.1 First Section...................................................................................................4
4.1.1 First Subsection.........................................................................................4 First Subsubsection............................................................................4
4.1.2 Second Subsection....................................................................................4
4.2 Second Section...............................................................................................4
5 Data Analysis........................................................................................................5
6 Conclusion............................................................................................................6
6.1 Summary........................................................................................................6
6.2 Suggestions and Recommendations..............................................................6
6.3 Future Work...................................................................................................6

5. Abstract: The abstract tells in concentrated form what the report is all about. The
purpose of this section is to enable the readers to gather important information quickly
without having to go through the whole report. Abstract should never be considered as a
substitute for the original document but it must contain sufficient information to allow the
reader to ascertain his/her interest.

6. List of Figures and Tables:The list of figures identifies the titles and locations of visuals
(figures, tables) in the research document.

List of Figures

1. Title of the figure 1 3

2. Title of the figure 2 6

List of Tables

1. Title of the table 1 8

2. Title of the table 2 9


The purpose of introduction is to introduce the research project to the readers. Enough
background should be given to make clear to the reader why the problem was considered
worth investigating by the student. Relevant conceptual aspects and the significance of the
topic needs to be mentioned in this chapter.

Profile of the Organization:
The objective is to describe the organization in brief to form the frame of reference and scope
of study. Points like formation, employees, structure, turnover, milestones, products
andservices offered etc., SWOT analysis of the organization should be covered.

Literature Review:
The reason we make this chapter is that we need to understand what has been done before
and what kind of learning we can have from the studies which we are quoting in this chapter. 
This shall normally present a critical appraisal of the previous work published in the
literature pertaining to the topic of the investigation. The extent and emphasis of the chapter
depends on the nature of the investigation/research design of the subject matter. A Brief
theoretical backdrop & literature review about the project is required to be given referring to
some standard textbooks, journals, magazines &newspapers etc. Attempts should be made to
collect latest information by scanning articles published in periodicals, journals etc. Please
note that latest authentic data adds to the quality of the project and gives good impression to
viva- voce.

An example of the same is as mentioned below how to mention a literature

Single Author

Rotter (1954) in his work on -------------------, said that people with an internal locus of control are
more like to be attentive to opportunities in the environment to improve the attainment of their goals,
engage in actions to improve their environment, place a greater emphasis on striving for achievement,
and be more inclined to develop their own skills.
More than one author

Rotter (1954) in their work on -------------------, said that people with an internal locus of control
are more like to be attentive to opportunities in the environment to improve the attainment of their
goals, engage in actions to improve their environment, place a greater emphasis on striving for
achievement, and be more inclined to develop their own skills.

Research Methodology:
The Methodology adopted in conducting the Research/study must be fully explained. How
was the study carried out? What was its basic design? If the data were collected by means of
questionnaires or interviews, then exactly what questions were asked..? If
measurementswere based on observation, then what instructions were given to the observers?
Regardingthe sample used in the study the reader should be told: Who were the subjects?
How many were there? How were they selected? The statistical analysis adopted must also
be clearly stated. In addition to all this, the scope of study should be stated and the boundary
lines be demarcated. The various limitations, under which the research project was
completed, must also be narrated.
Please remember that one should not mention the theory part in this chapter but should focus
on what has been done and why has been done. 

For example, if you chose to collect data using a questionnaire you should mention why
collecting data through questionnaire is more suitable and later what has been the process of
designing the questionnaire should also be explained here.  Before designing the
questionnaire, you should consider two things and they are objectives of your study and the
work done by others which you have mentioned in the literature review chapter.  Before
finalizing the questionnaire, a pilot study is done by circulating it among a few people whom
we know and then try to find out if they have been able to understand the questions and the
kind of information we wish to collect is revealed once you have the field questionnaire in
hand. This chapter usually runs in 4 to 6 pages.

In this section you are required to furnish:

 Objective of the study
 Hypothesis
 Scope of the study
 Managerial usefulness of study
 Research Design, Population, Sample, Primary and Secondary Data
 Use of Statistical techniques for data analysis
 Limitations

Data Analysis and Interpretation
A detailed presentation of the findings of the study, with supporting data in the form of tables
and charts together with a validation of results, is the next step in writing the main text of the
report. This generally comprisesthe mainbody of the report, extending overseveral chapters.
The result section of the report should contain statistical summaries and reductions of the
data rather than the raw data. All the results should be presented in logical sequence and split
into readily identifiable sections. All relevant results must find a place in the report. But one
is to decide about what is relevant in the basic question. Statisticaltools are to be used for
analyzing the data, which is mandatory.

Conclusions / Suggestions and Recommendations:
The conclusions and/or recommendations are based on the discussions and interpretations of
the results obtained. It would be helpful to the reader if other possibilities pertaining to the
stated conclusions and/or recommendations are discussed. A statement of Suggestions is
required to be in non-technical language so that all concernedcan understand it. Based on
data analysis presented in earlier chapter relevantobservations/inference is to be made &
practical recommendations are expected to be given to the organization.

7. References
Reference Books, Journals, Newspapers, Web Sites, Reports, etc. are to be listed, out
here.Use the APA style to enter the references.
[1]Greene, D. and Williams, P. C. Linear Accelerators for Radiation Therapy, Second
Edition. IOP Publishing Ltd., Bristol and Philadelphia, 1997.
[2]ISO. Language Of Temporal Ordering Specification, ISO 8807, International
Organization for Standardization, Geneva, 1989.
[3]Jacobson, J. and Andersen, O., 1997. Software Controlled Medical Devices. Swedish
National Testing and Research Institute, Sweden, 8(2), 142-147
[4]Turner, K. J. The Rules for Sailing Races on PDAs, J. Navigation, 23(5):114-240, May

8. Appendices section (if required):

The contents of an appendix are essentially those, which support or elaborate the matter in
the main text. Information that is not essential to explain your findings, but that supports your
analysis (especially repetitive or lengthy information), validates your conclusions or pursues
a related point should be placed in an appendix. We give below some items, which normally
form a part of the appendix. These are (i) annual report (ii) financial results (iii) flow chart
(iv) copy of manuals (v) the questionnaire used (vi) maps, etc.
Note: In case, students opted for research work during internship, then the structure of the
internship report will be similar to Faculty Guided Project.

Index and Chapter Scheme (if students do not undertake any research work)

4. Index or Table of contents

Table of Contents
Training Certificate…………………………………………………………………i
Table of Contents......................................................................................................iv
List of Figures............................................................................................................v
1 Introduction...........................................................................................................1
1.1 Background and Context...............................................................................1
1.2 Scope and Objectives.....................................................................................1
1.3 Achievements................................................................................................1
1.4 Overview of Dissertation...............................................................................1
2 Profile of Organization.........................................................................................2
3 The job at a glance……………………………………………………………….3
4 Practical revelation………………………………………………………………4
4.1 First Section...................................................................................................4
4.1.1 First Subsection.........................................................................................4 First Subsubsection............................................................................4
4.1.2 Second Subsection....................................................................................4
4.2 Second Section...............................................................................................4
5 Conclusion............................................................................................................5
5.1 Summary........................................................................................................5
5.2 Suggestions and Recommendations..............................................................5

5. Abstract: The abstract tells in concentrated form what the report is all about. The
purpose of this section is to enable the readers to gather important information quickly
without having to go through the whole report. Abstract should never be considered as a
substitute for the original document but it must contain sufficient information to allow the
reader to ascertain his/her interest.

6. List of Figures and Tables: The list of figures identifies the titles and locations of
visuals (figures, tables) in the research document.

List of Figures

1. Title of the figure 1 3

2. Title of the figure 2 6

List of Tables
1. Title of the table 1 8
2. Title of the table 2 9

This project has to be presented in a number of chapters.Each of the other chapters will have
precise title reflecting the contents of the chapter. A chapter can be sub divided into sections,
sub-sections and sub-sub-section so as to present the contentdiscretely and with due emphasis.

Profile of the Organization:

The objective is to describe the organization in brief to form the frame of reference and scope of
study. Points like formation, employees, structure, turnover, milestones, products and services
offered etc., SWOT analysis of the organization should be covered.

Student’s diary / Daily log book:

The main purpose of writing daily diary is to cultivate the habit of documenting and to
encourage the students to search for details. It develops the students’ thought process and
reasoning abilities. The students should record in the daily training diary the day-to-day account
of the observations, impressions, information gathered and suggestions given, if any. The daily
training diary should be signed after every day by the supervisor/ in charge of the section where
the student has been working. The diary should also be shown to the Faculty Mentor visiting the
industry from time to time and got ratified on the day of his visit. Student’s Diary and Internship
Report should be submitted in this chapter by the students along with attendance record. It will
be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:

• Regularity in maintenance of the diary

• Adequacy & quality of information recorded
• Drawings, sketches and data recorded
• Thought process and recording techniques used

The Job at a glance:

Under this chapter student will explain the work undertaken during the internship in details,
responsibilities, description of the job, Process flow, and key observations.

Practical revelation:
Under this chapter student will explain practical applications, relationships with basic theory and
concepts taught in the course, challenges faced during the task, task undertaken to minimize the

Conclusion and Recommendation:
Under this chapter student will explain critical observations, innovative solutions, key
recommendations, implementation plan for the suggested recommendations, limitations and
scope for future research.

8. Internship project format

1. Printing: on A4 size bond paper with 1.5 line spacing.
2. Margins: Left-1.25”, Right-1”, Top and Bottom-0.75”
3. Font Sizes: Title of the chapter (18), sections (16), subsections (14) and the text (12).
4. Font Style: Times New Roman
5. All the figures, tables, and equations should be numbered
6. Report should be hard bound
7. Color of the outer cover/front page: Purple
8. Soft copy of the report has to be submitted in the form of a CD along with the project
9. Evaluation
For external evaluation (Viva voce) a panel of experts appointed by Banasthali Vidyapith will
conduct the same. The general weightage given, typically, are content of the report, presentation
skills, report writing, question answer, timely submission of the work, faculty mentor feedback.

9.1 Specific deduction of marks:

Significant discrepancy in report format, cover page color, type of binding, any nature of
indiscipline reported at workplace/faculty mentor, not furnishing timely information, non-
submission of training certificate or any unfair means used.

9.2 The project can be cancelled & the student should be asked to repeat the project if:
 Student does not produce project completion certificate.
 Her feedback is verifiably below average or case of high plagiarism.

 Student does not complete project on time.

Faculty Guided Project (FGP) Guidelines

1. Objectives of FGP

The purpose of the FGP is to give exposure to students to research work. It will give the students
a platform to increase their capacity as a researcher.

2. Project duration

At Department of Commerce and Management, students of MBA undertake semester project.

The duration of FGP is one semester extending up to 24 weeks during MBA III Semester.

3. General guidelines for FGP

3.1A student is required to undergo minimum 5 months of FGP at Banasthali Vidyapith under
faculty mentor.

3.2The marks shall be awarded based on the completeness and process of information provided.
Please note that certain marks would be kept for timely submission of the document which will
continuously decrease as the submission gets delayed.

3.3 Similarity index / plagiarism accepted up to 15% for the submission of FGP report.
Plagiarism report has to be submitted at the time of final submission of report. This has to be
duly approved by respective faculty mentor.

3.4 Marks on all above criteria would be awarded by the three-member team of examiners
(Internal/V-C Nominee/External). Student would be awarded average of the marks awarded by
the team. Quality of work shall be judged on the basis of specific problem which has been
assigned, outline of the research work and details of work already accomplished as per the

3.5 If relevant documents are not sent by the students, no marks will be allotted.

3.6 Students have to bring project report duly signed by the respective faculty mentor. She would
also submit project in word doc.

3.7 If proper report is not submitted on the time of presentation, marks will be deducted.
4. FGP process
Step 1: Students will select the topic of their interest or the topic suggested by their faculty

Step 2: Commencement of FGP

Step 3: There will be continuous guidance from faculty mentor. Also, the students have to
regularly brief about their progress to their faculty mentor regarding project report.

Step 4: Reporting at Banasthali Vidyapith

Step 5: Finalization of project report under faculty mentor

Step 6: Submission of soft copy/hard copy of the reports

Step 7: Viva- voce / Presentation

5. Reading Electives
1. Students need to choose only one reading elective from the entire list of reading electives.

2. There will be no internal assignment and regarding the evaluation of reading electives,

only external exam will be conducted at the end of the semester. 

3. Syllabus and reading elective policieswill be shared separately.

6. Structure of the Project:

This project has to be presented in a number of chapters. Each of the other chapters will have
precise title reflecting the contents of the chapter. A chapter can be subdivided into sections, sub-
sections and sub-sub-section so as to present the content discretely and with due emphasis.

The following is the suggested structure of the project report–

1. Title of the Study (Cover page)

2. Project completion Certificate (BV/NF)
3. Certificate of approval (Faculty Mentor)
4. Acknowledgement
5. Index or Table of Contents
6. Abstract
7. List of Figures
8. Chapter details
9. References
10. Appendices

6. 1 Cover Page: This is the first page of the report. It should contain the title of the report, name
of the organization and the date on which it is submitted. The format of the page is given below
and should be adhered for submission. Purple colour is mandatory for cover page.


e of the Project in CAPITAL LETTERS)

(Name of the student)

MBA III semester
Department of Commerce and Management
Banasthali Vidyapith

University Logo


(Banasthali Vidyapith/ Nandini Fintech Services Pvt. Ltd.)*

Submitted To

Name of Faculty Mentor

Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan

Session: 2022 – 2023

Certificate will be provided as per the choice of the student

6.2 Project Completion Certificate: The student has to insert the duly signed project
completion certificate received from Banasthali Vidyapith.

6.3 Faculty Mentor Certificate (Certificate of Approval) – This certificate will be signed by
the respective faculty member before submission of the project report.
Certificate of Approval

I am pleased to certify that the Faculty Guided Project report on

“……………………………………..,” has been successfully completed by …………….,
bearing Roll No: ……….., Department of Commerce and Management, under my supervision.
Now, the report has been approved for presentation and viva voce. I wish him every success in

Faculty Mentor
Banasthali Vidyapith,

6.4 Acknowledgement: There would have been many people who might have helped during the
course of project. It is duty to acknowledge and thank all for their help. Customary thanks are
extended to the following people in the given order: -
a. Head of the Organization
b. Faculty Mentor
c. Others

6.5 Index or Table of contents

Table of Contents
Project completion Certificate……………………………………………………..i
Certificate of Approval…………………………………………………………….ii
Table of Contents.......................................................................................................v
List of
1 Introduction...........................................................................................................1
1.1 Background and Context...............................................................................1
1.2 Scope and Objectives.....................................................................................1
1.3 Achievements................................................................................................1
1.4 Overview of research work............................................................................2
2. Review of Literature ............................................................................................3
3. Research Methodology ........................................................................................4
3.1 First Section...................................................................................................4
3.1.1 First Subsection.........................................................................................4 First Subsubsection............................................................................4
3.1.2 Second Subsection....................................................................................4
3.2 Second Section...............................................................................................4
4 Data Analysis........................................................................................................5
5 Conclusion............................................................................................................6
5.1 Summary........................................................................................................6
5.2 Suggestions and Recommendations..............................................................6
5.3 Future Work...................................................................................................6

Note: Table of contents may be modified as per FGP report.

7.6 Abstract: The abstract tells in concentrated form what the report is all about. The purpose of
this section is to enable the readers to gather important information quickly without having to go
through the whole report. Abstract should never be considered as a substitute for the original
document but it must contain sufficient information to allow the reader to ascertain his/her
interest. This should be limited to 500 words.

7.7 List of Figures and Tables: The list of figures identifies the titles and locations of visuals
(figures, tables) in the research document.
List of Figures

1. Title of the figure 1 3

2. Title of the figure 2 6

List of Tables

1. Title of the table 1 8

2. Title of the table 2 9


Introduction of the research work:
The purpose of introduction is to introduce the research project to the readers. Enough
background should be given to make clear to the reader why the problem was considered
worth investigating by the student. A brief summary of other relevant research may also be
stated so that the present study can be seen in that context. So, in the first chapter you need to
mention the relevant conceptual aspects and the significance of the topic.

Literature Review:
This shall normally present a critical appraisal of the previous work published in the
literature pertaining to the topic of the investigation. The reason we make this chapter is that
we need to understand what has been done before and what kind of learning we can have
from the studies which we are quoting in this chapter. The extent and emphasis of the chapter
depends on the nature of the investigation/research design of the subject matter. A Brief
theoretical backdrop & literature review about the project is required to be given referring to
some standard textbooks, journals, magazines & newspapers etc. In this chapter you need to
find the studies or articles which are related to your project topic and these articles should be
classified into two or three subheads and then the studies can be briefly mentioned. Attempts
should be made to collect latest information by scanning articles published in periodicals,
journals etc. Please note that latest authentic data adds to the quality of the project and gives
good impression to viva- voce.
An example of the same is as mentioned below how to mention a literature

Single Author

Rotter (1954) in his work on -------------------, said that people with an internal locus of control are
more like to be attentive to opportunities in the environment to improve the attainment of their goals,
engage in actions to improve their environment, place a greater emphasis on striving for achievement,
and be more inclined to develop their own skills.

More than one author

Rotter (1954) in their work on -------------------, said that people with an internal locus of control are
more like to be attentive to opportunities in the environment to improve the attainment of their goals,
engage in actions to improve their environment, place a greater emphasis on striving for achievement,
and be more inclined to develop their own skills.

Research Methodology:
The Methodology adopted in conducting the Research/study must be fully explained. How
was the study carried out? What was its basic design? If the data were collected by means of
questionnaires or interviews, then exactly what questions were asked..? If measurements
were based on observation, then what instructions were given to the observers? Regarding
the sample used in the study the reader should be told: Who were the subjects? How many
were there? How were they selected? The statistical analysis adopted must also be clearly
stated. In addition to all this, the scope of study should be stated and the boundary lines be
demarcated. The various limitations, under which the research project was completed, must
also be narrated.
Please remember that one should not mention the theory part in this chapter but should focus
on what has been done and why has been done. 

For example, if you chose to collect data using a questionnaire you should mention why
collecting data through questionnaire is more suitable and later what has been the process of
designing the questionnaire should also be explained here.  Before designing the
questionnaire you should consider two things and they are objectives of your study and the
work done by others which you have mentioned in the literature review chapter.  Before
finalizing the questionnaire, a pilot study is done by circulating it among a few people whom
we know and then try to find out if they have been able to understand the questions and the
kind of information we wish to collect is revealed once you have the field questionnaire in
hand. This chapter usually runs in 4 to 6 pages.

In this section you are required to furnish:

 Objective of the study
 Hypothesis
 Scope of the study
 Managerial usefulness of study
 Research Design, Population, Sample, Primary and Secondary Data
 Use of Statistical techniques for data analysis
 Limitations

Data Analysis and Interpretation:
A detailed presentation of the findings of the study, with supporting data in the form of tables
and charts together with a validation of results, is the next step in writing the main text of the
report. This generally comprises the main body of the report, extending over several chapters.
The result section of the report should contain statistical summaries and reductions of the
data rather than the raw data. All the results should be presented in logical sequence and split
into readily identifiable sections. All relevant results must find a place in the report. But one
is to decide about what is relevant in the basic question. Statistical tools are to be used for
analyzing the data, which is mandatory.

Conclusions / Suggestions and Recommendations:
The conclusions and/or recommendations are based on the discussions and interpretations of
the results obtained. It would be helpful to the reader if other possibilities pertaining to the
stated conclusions and/or recommendations are discussed. A statement of suggestions is
required to be in non-technical language so that all concerned can understand it. Based on
data analysis presented in earlier chapter relevant observations/inference is to be made &
practical recommendations are expected to be given to the organization.

7. 9 References
Reference Books, Journals, Newspapers, Web Sites, Reports, etc. are to be listed, out here.
Use the APA style to write the references.
[5]Greene, D. and Williams, P. C. Linear Accelerators for Radiation Therapy, Second
Edition. IOP Publishing Ltd., Bristol and Philadelphia, 1997.
[6]ISO. Language Of Temporal Ordering Specification, ISO 8807, International
Organization for Standardization, Geneva, 1989.
[7]Jacobson, J. and Andersen, O., 1997. Software Controlled Medical Devices. Swedish
National Testing and Research Institute, Sweden, 8(2), 142-147
[8]Turner, K. J. The Rules for Sailing Races on PDAs, J. Navigation, 23(5):114-240, May

7.10 Appendices section (if required):

The contents of an appendix are essentially those, which support or elaborate the matter in
the main text. Information that is not essential to explain your findings, but that supports your
analysis (especially repetitive or lengthy information), validates your conclusions or pursues
a related point should be placed in an appendix. We give below some items, which normally
form a part of the appendix. These are (i) annual report (ii) financial results (iii) flow chart
(iv) copy of manuals (v) the questionnaire used (vi) maps etc.
8. Project report format
1. Printing: on A4 size bond paper with 1.5 line spacing.
1. Margins: Left-1.25”, Right-1”, Top and Bottom-0.75”
2. Font Sizes: Title of the chapter (18), sections (16), subsections (14) and the text (12).
3. Font Style: Times New Roman
4. All the figures, tables, and equations should be numbered
5. Report should be hard bound
6. Color of the outer cover/front page: Purple
7. Soft copy of the report has to be submitted in the form of a CD along with the project

9. Evaluation
For external evaluation (Viva voce) a panel of experts appointed by Banasthali Vidyapith will
conduct the same. The general weightage given, typically, are content of the report, presentation
skills, report writing, question answer, feedback from the supervisor, timely submission of the
work, faculty mentor feedback.

9.1 Specific deduction of marks:

Significant discrepancy in report format, cover page colour, type of binding, any nature of
indiscipline reported at workplace/faculty mentor, not furnishing timely information, non-
submission of training certificate, high plagiarism or unfair means used like submission of report
in image form, etc.

9.2 The project can be cancelled & the student shall be asked to repeat the project if:

1. Student does not produce project completion certificate.

2. Her feedback is verifiably below average or case of high plagiarism.
3. Student does not complete project on time.

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