Portfolio Arw3 Advance 12
Portfolio Arw3 Advance 12
Portfolio Arw3 Advance 12
Student: Peña Meza, Allison Andrea
Cycle: Advanced 12
(TASK 1)
Write a short outcome reflection. (12-14 lines). You must state
your opinion/reflection on the article: “THE FUN THEY
HAD” (pages 198, 199 and 200). Use your own words and at least 5
new words from the first part of UNIT 7.
1. Gadget:
The gadgets are useful for everyone, it is
simply marvelous!
2. Urge:
I felt such a strong urge to help that poor
3. Compulsive:
People with compulsive gambling need to go to
a psychiatrist.
4. Trigger:
Sleeping too late can trigger heart problems
and a lack of concentration.
5. Temptation:
I can’t diet because every time I see chocolate
it’s like a big temptation for me.
6. Dependency:
My family is worried about my dependency on
coffee every morning.
7. Anxiety:
Usually, important exams make me feel very
8. Dysfunction:
There are some drugs that should be used with
caution in people with liver dysfunction.
9. Shun:
If you are looking for a program that motivates
your kids to eat better, shuns sweets, and be
active, Lazy Town could be the exact program
you are looking for.
Fostering trust in a relationship is one of the
best things to wean thoughts of negativity.
(TASK 3)
Write an imaginary conversation. (16-18 lines). Imagine that you are
a parent (mother or father) being interviewed by a famous host who is
asking you what the advantages and disadvantages that Internet can
offer to your children are. Also, you must give recommendations
and final thoughts to the audience based on the
TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIAL MEDIA” (pages 236 & 237). Feel
free to use your own questions. Be creative!
Guest: Hi, Jimmy! Thank you very much for the invitation, it's a great
honor to be here. And as you explained being able to rejoin again, fills
me with happiness.
Host: So, tell us, did you find it hard to stop making content? Or did
you feel you already needed a break?
Host: And being a mom who is very close to technology, have you had
any problems with Ethan with electronic devices?
Guest: That's right, we’ll let me start with the advantages. The first
thing I noticed is that it has many forms of entertainment, the kids won't
get bored and in the case of a rainy day when they can't go outside, it's
very useful. Secondly, there are a lot of infinite educational resources,
nowadays there are many educational games that can be downloaded and
make children learn easily. And finally, it helps to develop the technical
skills of our children. On the other hand, on the disadvantages, we have.
First, as I said before, it can create addiction which is terrible, since it is
difficult for them to give up this bad habit. Second, it can create a
sedentary lifestyle, and this is undoubtedly the most negative thing
because it can cause health problems. Finally, it can worsen family
communication, which is sad, since children, especially at an early age,
need good family communication to be able to live together.
Host: These were very good points of view, so mom or dad and the
audience that is listening to us should take these important points into
account. To end this interview, I wanted to ask you another question.
Host: Thank you so much for giving us your point of view, that was
Penelope Olenska, everybody!
Thank you!