Online ExaminationETI

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Project Name : Online Examination System Academic Year : 2019-2020

Subject Name: Emerging Trends Semester : Sixth

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Online Examination System


Submitted in Nov 2018 by the group of……3….students

Sr. Roll No Enrollment Seat No

Full name of Student
No (Sem- No (Sem-
iv) iv)

Under the Guidance of

[ your guide name ]

Three Years Diploma Program in Engineering & Technology of Maharashtra
State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai (Autonomous)
ISO 9001:2008 (ISO/IEC-27001:2013)

[ your college name ]


This is to certify that Mr. /Mrs.

Roll No: of Sixth Semester of Diploma

in Engineering & Technology at [ your college name ], has completed the Micro

Project satisfactorily in Subject ETI in the academic year 2019-2020 as per the

MSBTE prescribed curriculum of I Scheme.

Place: Pune Enrollment No:

Date: / / 2020 Exam Seat No:

Project Guide Head of the Department Principal

Head of

Sr. Title Page No .

1. Introduction
2. Literature Survey
3. System Design
4. Data Flow Diagram
5. Use Case Diagram
6. Testing and Evaluation
7. Conclusions
8. References


This Online Examination System is a software solution, which allows any industry or institute to
arrange, conduct and manage examinations via an online environment. It can be done through the
Internet/Intranet and/ Local Area Network environments. Some of the problems faced during
manual examination systems are the delays occured in result processing, filing poses a problem,
filtering of records is difficult. The chance of loss of records is high also record searching is
difficult. Maintenance of the system is also very difficult and takes lot of time and effort. Online
examination is one of the crucial parts for online education system. It is efficient, fast enough
and reduces the large amount of material resource. An examination system is developed based on
the web. This paper describes the principle of the system, presents the main functions of the
system, analyzes the auto-generating test paper algorithm, and discusses the security of the


The Online Examination System is an electronic application.This framework will help the
college/Institution to assess the inquiry have different alternative with one right reply. The
college/Institution can direct the online examination and report the outcome in a couple time.
The examination office is in charge of the creating the inquiry paper and it would be totally
secure. Online Examination framework give remotely access to understudies. It assists the
inspector with reducing the workof leading exam, checking answer sheets and producing result.
All these work is finished by the machine. All the information is put away on the server. What’s
more, customers can get to these databasesand give exam. Here we utilize a customer server
model. Executive offer access to instructor and understudies. Understudies who have account on
the framework will have the capacity to give exam. There are two sorts of exam segment
Practice and Real test. Understudies can give both tests. Right answer will be highlighted in
diverse shading. Subsequent to submitting test the outcome will be created and examinations is
done on the premise of result and sendit to every single understudy.

Motivation of the Project

In customary framework directing exam is extremely repetitive work for analyst and educator
too. The entire procedure ofallocating exam and assessing their score after the test was done
physically till date. Be that as it may, online examination framework is absolutely electronic
framework. The framework goes for diminishing expenses connected with directing exams over
a timeframe and accomplishing complete computerization of examination framework related
assignments like enlistment, distribution of results, which prompts a high level of framework
effectiveness. In the wake of experiencing huge numbers of reference papers at long last we are

concluded that we can manufactured one examination framework that can be give easy to
understand access to establish for directing exam and investigation of result.

Purpose :

The purpose of on-line test simulator is to take online test in an efficient manner and no time
wasting for checking the paper. The main objective of on-line test simulator is to efficiently
evaluate the candidate thoroughly through a fully automated system that not only saves lot of
time but also gives fast results.
For students they give papers according to their convenience and time and there is no need of
using extra thing like paper, pen etc.

Scope :
Scope of this project is very broad in terms of other manually taking exams.
Few of them are:-
 This can be used in educational institutions as well as in corporate world.
 Can be used anywhere any time as it is a web based application(user Location doesn’t
 No restriction that examiner has to be present when the candidate takes the test.

Features :
 Secure
 Easy to use
 Reliable and accurate
 No need of examiner

Overview :
The online test created for taking online test has following stages
 Login

 Test
 Result

Literature Survey

Hongmei Nie Math,Physics and Information Engineering College Online examination is the
crucial parts among online education. It is efficient and fast enough and reduces the large amount
of material resources. Examination system is developed based on web.

This paper International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology(IRJET)e-ISSN: 2395

-0056Volume: 03Issue: 01| Jan-2016www.irjet.netp-ISSN: 2395-0072©2015,IRJET ISO
9001:2008 Certified Journal Page 116describes the principle of the designed system, that
presents the main functions of the system, analyzes the algorithm of auto-generating test
paper,and discusses the security of the system.

Nor Shahida bt Mohd Jamail Abu Bakar Md Sultan Faculty of Computer Science and
Technology, Selangor,Malaysia Examination process is important activities for institutions to
evaluate student's performance. Thus the quality of the exam questions would determine the
quality of the students produced by the institutions, also preparing exam questions is challenges,
tedious and time consuming for the instructors. Current technologies help instructors to store the
questions banks in computer databases.

The issue arise is how the current technologies would also help the instructors to auto generate
the differentsets of questions from time to time without concern about repetition and duplication
from the pass exam while the exam bank growing. This paper describes the use of shuffling
algorithm in an Automatic Generator Question paper System (GQS) as a randomization
technique for organizing sets of exam paper. The results displays the shuffling algorithm could
be used to overcome randomization issue for GQS.

System Design

Characteristics of the proposed system

The online test created for taking online test has following features
 In comparison to the present system the proposed system will be less time consuming and
is more efficient.
 Analysis will be very easy in proposed system as it is automated
 Result will be very precise and accurate and will be declared in very short span of time
because calculation and evaluations are done by the simulator itself.
 The proposed system is very secure as no chances of leakage of question paper as it is
dependent on the administrator only.
 The logs of appeared candidates and their marks are stored and can be backup for future

Admin Table:

S.No. Field name Data Type Description

1. User name Text Store user name for checking correct

2. Password Text Store password corresponding to
3. User Type Text User Type Administrator or User

Teacher Table:

S.No. Field name Data Type Description

1. Teacher Id Number Unique key for Every Teacher

2. Teacher Name Text Name of Teacher

Attendance Table:

S.No. Field name Data Type Description

1. Student Name . Text Name of Student

2. Status Number Total number classes attended by
particular Student
3. . Semester Text In which Semester Student is Studying
4. . Subject Text Subject Wise Attendance Is maintained
5. Month Text The Month Wise Attendance is
maintained where total working days in

Data Flow diagram

Fig. Data Flow Diagram of Online Examination Portal

Usecase Diagram

Fig . Use case diagram for Online Examination Portal

Testing and Evaluation

This section deals with the functional evaluation of the application. The application is tested by
installing the application on BLU LIFE PURE mobile phone with android version 4.2.1. The
application supports all Database versions upto 4.4. In order to install the application, the “install
from other locations” setting, under the developer options of the phone should be enabled. The
later sections of the chapter deals with various test cases.

Launching the Online Examination Application


The Online test System is developed using PHP and sql fully meets the objectives of the system
for which it has been developed. The system has reached a steady state where all bugs have been
eliminated. The system is operated at a high level of efficiency and all the teachers and user
associated with the system understands its advantage. The system solves the problem. It was
intended to solve as requirement specification.
PHP is one of the most flexible language for web based application because it supports a lot of
object-oriented features and provides a time efficiency loading speed.


 International Journalof Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Website: ( ISSN 2250 -2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4 , Issue
3 , March 2014 ) 660 Online Descriptive Examination and Assessment System
Bhagyashri Kaiche 1, Samiksha Kalan 2,Sneha More 3 , Lekha Shelukar 4 1,2,3,4 KBT
College of Engg Nashik, (India)

 Z. M. Yuan, L. Zhang, G. H. Zhan, A novel web-based online examination system for

computer science education, In proceeding of the 33rd Annual Frontiers in Education,
2013, S3F7-10.

 WebBased online Secured Exam; B.Persis Urbana Ivy,A.shalini, A.Yamuna/International

Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN:2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 1,Jan-Feb 2012, pp.943-944943.

 Online Descriptive Examination and Assessment System.L. Zhang, et al., Development

of Standard Examination System of Special Course for Remote Education, Journal of
Donghua University (English Edition), 2013, Vol. 19, NO.1, 99-102.

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