FDA-ISO QMS Audit Checklist Greenlight
FDA-ISO QMS Audit Checklist Greenlight
FDA-ISO QMS Audit Checklist Greenlight
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FDA-ISO QMS Audit Checklist developed by greenlight.guru
Audit #:
Lead Auditor: PP = Positive Practice
A = Acceptable
Objecti ve NC, OFI, PP,
Item Subsystem / Assessment Detail FDA / ISO reference Auditor Notes Auditor Observation Evidence or A?
Management Controls (main subsystem)
confirm management reviews ex amine suitability and ISO 13485:2003: 4.1(f), 5.6.1, 5.6.3, 6.1, 8.4
eff ectiveness of quality systems, improv ements needed ISO 13485:2016: 4.1.3(c ), 5.6.1, 5.6.3, 6.1, 8.4;
4 because of customer requirements, and resource needs 21 CFR 820.20(c) review procedure
Determine if executiv e management ensures adequate interview executive management;
and effective quality system is implemented. Ensure prov ide confirmation or failures of
management is committed to and communicates quality system;
importance of meeting c ustomer requirements, ISO 13485:2003: 5.1(a) , 5.2, 5.5.3 rev iew other subsystems and
19 regulatory requirements, and QM S. ISO 13485:2016: 5.1(a) , 5.2, 5.5.3 return to management controls
Design & Development / Design Controls (main subsystem)
ISO 13485:2003: 7.1, 7.3
ISO 13485:2016: 7.1, 7.3; rev iew procedure;
1 verify products are subject to design controls 21 CFR 820.30(a) rev iew products
ISO 13485:2003: 7.3
verify design c ontrol and risk management procedures ISO 13485:2016: 7.3; ensure procedures address all
2 are established and applied 21 CFR 820.30(a) - (j) design control elements
selection criteria:
-c ontains software
-single product focus
-risk based
-result of complaints, problems
-most recent
-c ov er product range
4 select a design project -recent 510(k) , PMA, CE mark
selection criteria:
-CAPA indicators of process issues
-process f or higher risk dev ice
-degree of risk for process to
cause device failures
-lack of familiarity and experience
with process
-process used for multiple devices
-v ariety in process technologies
-processes not c ov ered during
8 select a process to review previous inspections
confirm that product packaging and shipping containers ISO 13485:2003: 7.5.5 rev iew procedures;
adequately protect device during processing, storage, ISO 13485:2016: 7.5.11; rev iew packaging and shipping
29 handling, shipping, and distribution 21 CFR 820.130 containers
verify procedures exist to prevent mix-ups, damage, ISO 13485:2003: 7.5.5
deterioration, contamination, or other adverse effects ISO 13485:2016: 7.5.11;
30 to product during handling 21 CFR 820.140, 820.150 review procedures
selection criteria:
-single product focus
- risk based
-result of complaints
-recent projec t
3 select documentation to review -c ov ers product range
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