TDS Weberfloor 620 PMB Plus

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floor 620 PMB plus FLOORING

Fast drying (4 days), shrinkage controlled, semi-dry floor screed

floor 620 PMB plus is a polymer modified semi dry floor
screed which when mixed with water will give a rapid drying,
shrinkage controlled semi-dry floor screed. The resulting
screed is ideal for use in all instances in place of traditional
semidry screed, i.e. unbonded, bonded or floating construc-
tions; standard or heated screeds.
floor 620 PMB plus improves the quality, strength and
drying speed of the screed over standard cement screeds.

Particularly recommended for floor screed with pedestrian
traffic: hotel, housing, hospitals, offices, etc..…

Form Powder
Cleaning Clean tools, equipment Leb Syria Jordan UAE Qatar Kuwait KSA Oman
etc. using warm water - - - - 50 kg - - -
Mix proportions Mix 50 kg Bag with
2.75 - 4 L clean water
Mix density approx. 2.2
Working time 60 minutes @ 20°C INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE
Application temperature +5°C to +35°C SUBSTRATE PREPARATION
Bed thickness Bonded >25mm When used on ground floors or floors subject to rising damp,
Unbonded >50mm a suitable damp proof membrane or vapor barrier, such as,
Floating >65mm floor VB, must be used. (Seek for weber technical
Light foot traffic after 12 hrs support advice).
Compressive strength 1 day 8 MPa
Compressive strength 7 days 18 MPa In case of bonded screed
Compressive strength 28 days >25 MPa The surface must have an average “surface tensile adhesion
Flexural strength at 28 days 4 MPa strength” greater than 1 MPa. Moreover, it should have CSP
Shrinkage 28 days < 0.5 mm/m (concrete surface profile) of 6 – 8.
Resistance to Alkalis Excellent • Concrete substrate should be at least 3 months old and
structurally stable (Residual moisture <4%).
• Concrete must be crack free. Thus, any crack must be
repaired prior to application.
APPLICABLE STANDARDS • All surfaces should be clean, dry, and free from grease,
BS 8204 Part 1. laitance, oil, dust, paint and any other substance that may
prevent or reduce adhesion.
DRYING TIME • Remove all weak, loose, smooth or broken pieces of
concrete, until reaching a sound rough concrete. This can be
Always measure moisture content of the screed before
achieved primarily by shot-blasting otherwise by medium
installing sensitive floor finishes. If the average moisture
scarifying or grinding.
content of the floor is ≤ 2% with no single value >2.5%, you can
• Soft strips (5 to 10mm thicknesses) to be fixed as a separation
fix the covering (Unless otherwise specified by the covering
between the walls / Columns.
supplier or the project’s specs).
Before casting the screed, it is highly advisable to use a
vacuum cleaner to get rid of dust.
Waiting time before covering:
A bonding slurry must be applied before proceeding floor
Tiles 24 hours
620 PMB plus application. The slurry usage will ensure
Stones 2 days
excellent bonding between the semi dry screed and the
Resilient and wooden floor 4 days
substrate. Once the slurry becomes tacky, start pouring
Self-leveling application 3 to 4 days
floor 620 PMB plus.

1/3 Technical data sheet . Edition: 11.19-A

floor 620 PMB Plus FLOORING

Slurry mix design: PRECAUTIONS

In order to facilitate the application of floor 620 PMB
Slurry Ratio plus, it is preferable to subdivide the total area of application
Grey Cement 3 in smaller ones not exceeding 50 m² each.
Aggregates 2 to 4 mm 1 • All existing movement/expansion joints in the substrate
Water 1 should be maintained and copied through the floor
ad 225 MB or ad 240 LTX 1 620 PMB plus application
* The above mentioned mix design always depends on the • It is advisable to leave control joints each 50 m2, rectangular
cement and aggregates used. shape, and it is preferable that the length should not exceed
15 LM.
In case of un-bonded and floating screed • In case of corridors, it is recommended to fix control joints
• Start by fixing soft strips (5 to 10mm thicknesses) as a every 15 LM,additionally the joints between the corridors and
separation between the walls / columns and the screed. the room should be sealed with jointseal PU.
• Lay down thick Polyethylene sheets (200 to 250 micron) on • In hot and dry weather, it is preferable to apply the product
the substrate. early morning or late afternoon.
• Make sure that the Polyethylene sheets overlaps for • Avoid work under heavy windy condition where the
around 30cm. product may dry fast and cracks might appear.
• Make sure that the Polyethylene sheets ride over the • All the opening (windows, doors) should be closed in order
corners and the vertical edges surrounding the screed to to reduce the effect of wind during the application and while
cover them for around 20cm. the applied area still fresh. The applied materials should be
Lay a 10x10 mm alkali resistant fiber mesh or 100x100 mm protected from sun light.
galvanized steel mesh overlapped for around 30 cm. • After usage, clean tools with water. It is recommended to
use protective gloves and in case of contact with the eyes,
PRODUCT PREPARATION clean thoroughly with water.
Mix floor 620 PMB plus using forced action mixer or floor • Respect the mix water dosage as per the manufacture
semi-dry screed pump. instructions .
Warning: Do not mix by hand. • Do not add more water to a mix which has already begun to set
Mix floor 620 PMB Plus with sufficient water to produce • Do not cure floor 620 PMB plus with water, however, it
an earth dry mix. is necessary to cover the applied product for the next 3 days
Always use the minimum amount of water to produce a with a plastic sheet.
suitable mix. The amount of added water will vary
considerably depending ambient and material temperature. CONSUMPTION
Approx 20 kg/m² /cm thickness.
Mix enough amount of material that can be placed within STORAGE
one hour. Apply first the 1/3 of the total screed layer 12 months after manufacturing date in original and non-open
thickness, then lay the mesh on the casted area. packaging , under cover, in dry condition, away from humidity,
Poor the remaining screed to reach the desired level protected from extreme temperatures and direct sunlight.
Thereafter, compact the superficial layer to form a dense
smooth finish.
The screed must be protected from climate factors within
The product contains cement powders which, when mixed
the first 3 days (depending on site conditions), if necessary
with water, release alkalis that could be harmful to the skin. It
doorways and windows should be taped up with polythene.
is preferable to do the application a well ventilated area, to
Subsequently, ensure that the room has sufficient ventilation
wear protective gear for hands, eyes and respiratory system
to allow the screed to dry out.
and to avoid dust inhaling. Splashes on the skin should be
floor 620 PMB plus will accept foot traffic after 12 - 24
washed away by cleaning with soap and water. In case of
hours depending on site conditions. Floor coverings can
contact with eyes, wash thoroughly with clean water. If
generally be installed after around 4 days, depending on the
swallowed, do not induce vomiting. In both cases seek
screed thickness, the site conditions, and the moisture
medical attention. The product is non-flammable.
Ideal application temperature is between +5ºC and + 35ºC. If
the application temperature is higher than 35 ºC, make sure
to use cool water. DISCLAIMER

2/3 Technical data sheet . Edition: 11.19-A

floor 620 PMB Plus FLOORING

While the company guarantees its products against defective

materials, the use and application of these products are made
without guarantee since the conditions of their application are
beyond its control. It is recommended to verify with the
company that the product is suitable for the intended use, and
that this Data Sheet version is the latest one. The company
may modify it without prior notice. Technical characteristics
are listed for guidance only. For more information, please
contact the company’s office in your location.

The information included on this Technical Data Sheet is the sole
property of Saint-Gobain Middle East Holding SAL (previously
SODAMCO Holding). The unauthorized disclosure, use,
dissemination or copying (either whole or partial) of this data
sheet or any information it contains, is prohibited and
subject to legal pursuit.

3/3 Technical data sheet . Edition: 11.19-A

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