03-SOLID STATE-Solution-Final-E
03-SOLID STATE-Solution-Final-E
03-SOLID STATE-Solution-Final-E
24. (d) Na 2 O has antifluorite ( A2 B) type structure. 21. (a) In bcc structure 68% of the available volume is occupied by
spheres. Thus vacant space is 32%.
25. (b) Zinc blende (ZnS ) has fcc structure and is an ionic crystal 22. (c) Number of atoms in the cubic close packed structure = 8.
having 4 : 4 co-ordination number. 1
Number of octahedral voids 8 4 .
1 2
28. (d) 8 (at corners) 1
8 23. (a) Co-ordination number in HCP and CCP arrangement is 12
1 while in bcc arrangement is 8.
6 (at face centre) 3 24. (d) In NaCl (rock salt) : Number of Na ions 12 (at edge
Z 1 3 4 (total no. of atoms) centers) 1 (at body centre) 1 4 . Number of Cl ions
Crystal packing 1 1
8 (at corners) 6 (at face centre) 4 . Thus 4
8 2
1. (b) Number of tetrahedral voids in the unit cell formula units per unit cell.
25. (b) Co-ordination number in HCP =12
= 2 number of atoms = 2Z.
Co-ordination number in Mg is also = 12
2. (b) The system ABC ABC…… is also referred to as face-centred
cubic or fcc. 26. (a) All are the iso-electronic species but Na has low positive
3. (d) It represents ccp arrangement. charge so have largest radius.
4. (a) BCC has a coordination number of 8.
5. (b) In rock salt structure the co-ordination number of Na : Cl Mathematical analysis of cubic system and
is 6 : 6 . Bragg’s equation
6. (d) The bcc cell consists of 8 atoms at the corners and one atom at
centre. N mol . wt.( M )
1. (b) Density of unit cell g cm 3
1 V ( a 3 ) avogadro no. (N o )
n 8 1 2 .
The fcc cell consists of 8 atoms at the eight corners and one 2. (b) Distance between K and F length of the edge
atom at each of the six faces. This atom at the face is shared by 2
two unit cells. 3. (a) There are two atoms in a bcc unit cell.
1 1 So, number of atoms in 12.08 10 23 unit cells
n 8 6 4 .
8 2 2 12.08 10 23 24.16 10 23 atom .
7. (c) AB2 type of structure is present in CaF2 4. (b) bcc structure has one atom shared by 1 unit cell.
2 2
AB2 ⇌ A 2 B ; CaF2 ⇌ Ca 2 F 5. (b) The structural arrangement of co-ordination number ‘6’ is
8. (b) Potassium (K) has bcc lattice. octahedral and its radius ratio is 0.414 0.732 . The
9. (b) Number of atoms per unit cell in bcc system = 2. example of octahedral is KCl and NaCl .
10. (b) In body centred cubic, each atom/ion has a coordination 6. (a) The number of spheres in one body centred cubic and in one
number of 8. face centred cubic unit cell is 2 and 4 respectively.
11. (d) Number of octahedral sites = Number of sphere in the packing. 7. (b) Closest approach in bcc lattice
Number of octahedral sites per sphere 1 . 1 1 3
12. (c) ABAB …… is hexagonal close packing. of body diagonal 3 a 4 .3 3 .72 Å .
2 2 2
13. (a) Sodium (Na ) is a body cube.
14. (b) SrF2 has fluorite (CaF2 ) type structure. a 3 N 0 10 30
10. (a) M
15. (b) In ZnS structure, sulphide ions occupy all FCC lattice points z
while Zn ions are present in alternate tetrahedral voids.
10 (100) (6 .02 10 23 ) 10 30
16. (b) MgO contains rock salt (NaCl) structure. 15.05
17. (c) CaF2 (fluorite) has fcc structure with 8 : 4 coordination
6.02 1023
number. No. of atoms in 100 g 100 4 1025 .
18. (b) Every constituent has two tetrahedral voids. In ccp lattice 15.05
1 1 11. (c) Cs and I have largest sizes.
8 6 4
8 2 12. (c) 58.5 g NaCl 1 mole 6.02 10 23 Na Cl units.
Tetrahedral void 4 2 8 , One unit cell contains 4 Na Cl units. Hence number of unit
Thus ratio 4 : 8 :: 1 : 2 .
19. (c) Tetrahedral sites one double comparable to octahedral sites cell present
then ratio of X and Z respectively 2 : 1 since formula of the 6 .02 10 23
compound X 2 Z . 1.5 10 23 .
20. (c) A atoms are at eight corners of the cube. Therefore, the no. of
8 13. (a) 6.023 10 23 1.029 10 22
A atoms in the unit cell = 1 . B atoms are at the face 58.5
centre of six faces. Therefore, its share in the unit cell = A unit cell contains 4 Na ion and 4 Cl ions
3 . The formula is AB . 1 .029 10 22
Unit cell 2.57 10 21 unit cell.
220 Solid state
14. (b) Bragg’s equation is n 2d sin 4. (a) A atoms are at eight corners of the cube. Therefore, the
where n is an integer i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. 8
number of A atoms in the unit cell 1 , atoms B per unit
15. (d) Face centred cubic structure contribute of 1/8 by each atom 8
present on the corner and 1/2 by each atom present on the cell = 1. Hence the formula is AB.
face. 5. (d) Co-ordination number for Cu is 12.
16. (c) As CsCl is body-centred, d 3a / 2 . 6. (b) Each Cs in CsCl is surrounded by eight Cl and each
3a 3 4 .29 Cl in CsCl is surrounded by eight Cs .
17. (a) Radius of Na (if bcc lattice) 7. (d) X atoms are at eight corners of the cube. Therefore, the
4 4
number of X atoms in the unit cell 1 .
1.8574 Å 1.8574 10 8 cm 8
18. (b) The crystals in which radius ratio value is found between Y atoms are at the face centre of six faces. Therefore, its share
0.225 0.414 shows tetrahedral crystal structure. 6
in the unit cell 3 . The formula is XY 3 .
3 2d 2 4.52 2
19. (d) For bcc, d a or a 5.219 Å 522 pm 8. (a) Let the units of ferrous oxide in a unit cell n , molecular weight
2 3 1.732
of ferrous oxide (FeO) 56 16 72 g mol 1 ,
ZM 2 39
72 n
a 3 N 0 10 30 (522)3 (6 .023 10 23 ) 10 30 weight of n units
6 .023 10 23
0.91 g / cm 3 910 kg m 3
Volume of one unit (lengthof corner )3
20. (c) The value of ionic radius ratio is 0.52 which is between
0.414 0.732, then the geometrical arrangement of ions in (5 Å)3 125 10 24 cm 3
crystal is octahedral. wt.of cell 72 n
Density , 4.09
21. (c) The number of atoms present in sc, fcc and bcc unit cell are 1, volume 6.023 10 23 125 10 24
4, 2 respectively.
3079.2 10 1
22. (b) The number of atoms present in sc, fcc and bcc unit cell are 1, n 42.7 10 1 4.27 4
4, 2 respectively. 72
23. (d) Cl Na Cl 9. (b) In NaCl crystal Na ions has coordination number 6.
10. (b) Cl ions in CsCl adopt BCC type of packing.
x 11. (d) There were 6 A atoms on the face-centres removing face-
centred atoms along one of the axes means removal of 2 A
a a = 2x atoms.
a 620 Now, number of A atoms per unit cell
24. (a) r ; r 219.25 Pm
1 1
2 2 2 2 8 4 3
V N0 d 8 2
(face centred)
25. (c) Z (corners )
M Number of B atoms per unit cell
4 .2 8 .6 8 .3 10 24 6 .023 10 23 3.3 12
+ 14
3.84 4 4
155 (edge centred) ( body centred )
26. (b) Volume of unit cell a 3 Hence the resultant stoichiometry is A3 B4
(3.04 10 8 cm)3 2.81 10 23 cm 3 12. (a) In Cs Cl crystal co-ordination number of each ion is 8.
27. (b) In FCC 180
13. (b) r / r 0 .962 which lies in the range of
4 r 2a 187
4r 0.732 1.000 , hence co-ordination number = 8 i.e. the
2 structure is CsCl type.
14. (a) In diamond, C-atoms are arranged in a regular tetrahedral
Crystal structure and Coordination number 15. (b) In hcp, co-ordination no. is 12.
1 16. (c) Mg has 6 co-ordination number (fcc structure).
1. (b) In a unit cell, W atoms at the corner 8 1
8 17. (d) In NaCl crystal every Na ion is surrounded by 6 Cl ion and
High pressure
6. (c) Yellow colour on heating NaCl in presence of Na is due to 10. (a) NaCl structure CsCl structure
(6 : 6 co. ord. ) 760 K (8 : 8 co. ord. )
presence of electrons in anion vacancies (F-centres).
7. (d) Frenkel’s defect is due to shift of an ion from the normal lattice
site (Creating a vacancy) and occupy interstitial spaces. 11. (a) Difference 2.178 10 2.165 10 3 0.013 10 3
8. (c) AgBr exhibits Frenkel defect due to large difference in the 0 .013 10 3
Fraction unoccupied 5.96 10 3
size of Ag and Br ions. 2 .178 10 3
9. (d) Schottky defects occurs in highly ionic compounds which have 12. (c) CsBr3 consist of Cs and Br3 ions.
high co-ordination number ex. NaCl, KCl, CsCl .
10. (d) Schottky defect is due to missing of equal number of cations 13. (a) Each Cs is surrounded by eight Cl ions in CsCl crystal
and anions. lattice because its co-ordination number is 8 : 8.
11. (a) Schottky defect is due to missing of equal number of cations 14. (b) In each CaF2 each calcium cation is surrounded by eight
and anions. fluoride anions in a body centred cubic arrangement. Each
12. (a) Impurity present in a crystal does not establish thermal fluoride ion is in contact with four calcium ions. Thus CaF2
13. (c) Since no ions are missing from the crystal as a whole, there is has 8 : 4 co-ordination number.
no effect on density. 15. (c) The radius ratio for co-ordination number 4, 6 and 8 lies in
15. (b) On adding non-metal in metal the metal becomes less tensile. between the ranges [0.225 0.414], [0.414 0.732] and
[0.732 1] respectively.
Si O
222 Solid state
16. (b)