Arya Samaj
Arya Samaj
Arya Samaj
Sarasvati was born in a brahmin family in Gujarat. His real name was Mul
marriage and to seek to pacify the turmoil and commotion of his soul. For 15
two and a half years at Mathura as a disciple of a blind saint swami Vrijananda,
After deeply studying the Vedas and Indian Philosophy, Dayanand came to the
conclusion that Aryans were the chosen people, the Vedas the chosen gospel
and India the chosen land. Based on this belief he founded the Arya samaj in
Bombay in 1875. After some years the headquarters of Arya samaj were setup
at Lahore.
principles and practices based on the Vedas. Arya samaj was the first Hindu
group to practice proselytization. Unlike the Brahmo samaj, the Arya samaj
. Believes in infallibility of the Vedas and take them as only truth and source of
all source and knowledge. Believed that post- Vedic text such as puranas were
. opposes the idol worship and reincarnation theory of God but accepts the
doctrine of Karma and transmigration of soul. Dayanand also rejected the
. Supported four Varna system but the Varna system should be based on merit
not birth.
. Advocated equal status for women in society. he said that there is no room
as a base of a good and solid social system. It did phenomenal work in the field
feeding the dead through shraddhas, magic and charms etc. According to
Swami Dayanand, these evils exist in the society due to ignorance of the
teaching of Vedas.
the right and wrong of each. Do the right, shun the wrong that is the formula .