Politics: Electoral 06

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Election: Mechanism by which people can choose their representatives at regular intervals and
change them it they wish to do so. This mechanism is known as election. In and election the voters
make many choices:
They can choose who will make laws for them
They can choose who will form the government and take major decisions.
They can choose the party whose policies will guide the government and law making

Electoral Politics
) conducting free and fair elections where the number of the margin
It is a means of
secured by the contesting candidates is taken into consideration.
for the decision-
i) It is done to secure the mandate of the people and guarantee legitimacy
making process adopted by the political institutions of the country.
What makes an election democratic?
The minimum conditions for a democratic election are
) Everyone is entitled to one vote and each vote has equal value.
choice to voters.
i) Parties and candidates should contest elections freely and offer
ii) Elections must be held regularly after every few years.
(iv) Candidates preferred by the people should be elected.
(v)Elections should beconducted in a free and fair manner.

Why do we need elections?

Election is important for the following reason:

Elections the most of indirect democracy since they encourage citizens to

powerful tool
) are
elect their representatives, who then pass laws on their
(i) People will choose who is going to shape the government and makeimportant decisions.
makingthe of government and law.
Gii) They will choose the party whose policies will guide
transition of power from form of government to
(iv) Elections provide us with a peaceful
another. People may always nominate another party to form government if they are dissatisfied
with the current government, its policies, and the way operates.
(v) Elections that no government is elected for an indefinite period of time and thus
becomes tyrannical.
(vi) Elections encourage citizens to engage in their country's affairs while still remaining politically
active and alert.

(vi) It forces political workers to act for the people's well-being.

Political Science: Electoral Politics | 97

India's Election System
India, Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha elections are held after reverie five yearsafter
after which
which itit e
'dissolved' stands
Electoral Constituencies:
9 The country is divided into 543 constituencies.
Gi) The representative elected from each constituency is called a Member of Parliament oran
Gii) Each state is divided into a specific number of Assembly constituencies. MP
(iv) The elected representative is called the Member of Legislative Assembly or an MLA
() Each village or town is divided into several 'wards' that are like constituencies.
Reserved Constituencies:
) This system of reservation was extended later to other weaker sections
at the distrio
and local level. In many states, seats in rural (panchayat) and urban
(municipalities and
corporations) local bodies are now reserved for Other Backward Classes (0BC) as wel.
(i) Similarly, one-third of the seats are reserved in rural and urban local bodies for wonen
Voter's list: In a democratic election, the list of those who are eligible to vote is
prepared much
before the election and given to everyone. This list is officially called the Electoral
Roll and is
commonly known as the Voters' List.
Nomination of Candidates:
() In order to be a candidate the minimum age if 25.
(Gi) Party's nomination is often called party 'ticket
(1in) Every candidate has to make a legal declaration, giving full details of
-Serious criminal cases pending against the candidate;
-Details of the assets and liabilities of the candidate and his or her family; and
-Educational qualifications of the candidate.
Educationa qualificationsfor candidates: The relevant qualification for being an MLA or an MP
is the ability to understand people's concerns, problems and to represent their interests. Whether
they can do so or not is examined by lakhs of examiners-their voters-after every five years.
Election campaign:
) such campaigns take place for a two-week period between the announcement of the final
list of candidates and the date of polling.
(i) Political leaders address Election meetings.
(ii) Newspapers & television news are full of Election related stories and debates.
According to our election law, no party or candidate can:
Bribe or threaten voters;
Appeal to them in the name of caste or religion;
Use government resources
for election campaign; and
Spend more than R25 lakh in a constituency for a Lok Sabha election or 1o lakh in a
constituency in an Assembly election.
Code of Conduct: No party candidate can:
() Use any place of worship for election propaganda;
(i) Use government vehicles, aircrafts and officials for elections; and
(ii) Once elections are announced, Ministers shall not lay foundation stones of rojects,
take any big policy decisions or make any any pio
promises of providing public facilities.

98 | Social Science-IX: Term-2

Polling and counting ot votes: The voters 'cast' or
the Election Day. The counting of votes is 'poll' their votes in a nearby polling oo
displayed all over the media and within a few
results are declared and a new government is formed.
wWhat makes elections in India Democratic?

Independent Election Commission: Power of Election Commission of India

0 EC takes decisions on every aspect of conduct and control of elections TroTm the
announcement of elections to the declaration of results.
) It implements the Code of Conduct and punishes any candidate or party that violates it.
(ii) During the election period, the EC can order the government to follow some guidelines, to
prevent use and misuse of governmental power to enhance its chances to win elections, or
to transfer some government officials.
(iv) When on election duty, government officers work under the control of the EC and not

quality of the election

Popular Participation:
Besides knowing who conducts elections, the
process may be checked by calculating participation or voter turnout.
is through the outcome
Acceptance of election outcome: The final quality test of eleçtion seen

which favours the powerful, if conducted by unfair means.

Challenges to free and fair elections: Political parties with a lot of money enjoy advantage
smaller parties. Parties with criminal connections may secure tickets from major parties.
member's relative. Ordinary citizens have limited choice if major parties
may be given to a party
are similar in policies and practice.
Demerit of an Election Competition

) It creates of disunity and factionalism in every locality.

a sense
often level allegations against one-another.
(i) Different political parties and leaders
Gii) Parties and candidates often dirty tricks to win elections.
to be formulated.
does not allow sensible long-term policies
(iv) The pressure to win electoral fights
enter this arena. They do not like
to serve the country do not
(v) Some good people who may wish
the idea of being dragged into healthy
Merits of Electoral Competition leaders. They know
incentives to political parties and
electoral competition provides and chances of victory
) Regular want to be raised their popularity
that if they raise issue that people
voters with their work they will
But if they fail to satisfy the
increase in the next elections.
not be able to win again. then it will be forced to
be in power, even

If a political party is motivated only by the desire to

serve the people. representatives if they are unsatisfied
chance to change their
Elections give the people the
with them. active and inclined to serve the people.
elections keeps the representatives
(v) The fear of losing in

IMPORTANT TERMs for a political office or other position.

organized choice by vote of a person
Elections: A formal and to elther a legislature, or to one of its
In some countries
Legislative Assembly is the
name m e m b e r s t a t e s of the Commonwealth
number of countries,
branch. The name is used by

of Nations and other


olitical Science: Electoral Politics | 99

constituency: A group of voters in a specified area who elect a representative to a legiclat.

Member of the Legislature (ML), is a reoree.

ative body.
Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA), or a
elected by the voters of a constituency to the legislature or legislative asseml nbly of a esentative
jurisdiction sub-national
Reserved Constituencies: In both Parliamentary and State Assembly elections, Candt.
General category are not eligible to contest from these constituencies. All voters are toidates of
e fo
one of the candidates (from Scheduled Castes or Schedule Tribes Voter's List).
Election Photo ldentity Card is an identity document issued by the Election Commission nf .
which primarily serves as an identity proof for Indian citizens while casting votes in the couIndia,
municipal, state, and national elections.
Nomination: Nomination is part of the process of selecting a candidate for either election
to an
office, or the bestowing of an honour or award. A collection of nominees narrowed from the
ne ul
list of candidates is a short list.
Security Deposit The purpose of the deposit is to reduce the prevalence of non serious or frinn
candidates or parties with no realistic change of winning a seat. A defeated candidate whofringe
to secure more than one/sixth of the valid votes polled in the constituency will loose his
Election Campaign is an organized effort which seeks to influence the decision making process
within a specific group. In democracies, political campaigns often refer to electoral campaigns, by
which representatives are chosen or referendums are decided.
Code of Conduct is a set of rules outlining the social norms and rules and responsibilities of,ar
proper practices for, an individual, party or organization. Related concepts include ethical, honor,
moral codes and religious laws.
Rigging: The act of dishonestly organising or arranging the result of an election or competition
before it happens. It is done to achieve a particular outcome.
Election Commission is a body charged for overseeing the implementation of election procedures
The exact name used varies from country to country, including such terms as 'electoral commission
'central election commission', 'electoral branch' or 'electoral court.

Q.1. Which ofthe following statements about the reasons for conducting elections are falser

(a) Elections enable people to judge the performance of the government.

(b) People select the representative of their choice in an election.
(c) Elections enable people to evaluate the performance of the judiciary.
(d) People can indicate which policies they
Ans. (c) Elections enable people to evaluate the performance of the
o.2. Which of these is not a good reason to say that Indian elections are democratie
(a) India has the largest number of voters in the world.
b) India's Election Commission is very powerful.
(c) In India, everyone above the age of 18 has a
right to vote.
d) In India, the losing parties accept the electoral verdict.
Ans. (a) India has the largest number of voters in the world.

100 Social Science-IX: Term-2

Q. 6. The table below the roportion of different communities among the
gives candidar es who
won elections to the US Compare these to the proportion
Congress. these of comn
Congress? If ves, why and for which communities? If no,
of reservations
the population of the US. Based on this, would you suggest a system of
why not?
reservations nities
the Us
Proportion in the community (in per cent) in the

House of Representatives Population of Us

Blacks 8 13

Hispanics 13

Whites 86 70

Ans. The Hispanics are under -represented within the Congress. They have only 5% of seats
13% of the total population. A system of reservation in proportion to their population will entu.
effective representation.
Q.7. Can we draw the following conclusions from the information given in this chapter: Givet
facts to support your position for each of these.
(a) Election Commission of India does not have enough powers to conduct free and fair
elections in the country.
6) There is a high level of popular participation in the elections in our country.
(c) It is very easy for the party in power to win an election.
(d) Many reforms are needed to make our elections completely free and fair.
Ans. (a) This conclusion is false because the procedure to remove an Election Commissioneris tough
and cannot be removed just on the wishes of the party in power. Election Commission
decides the code of conduct, date of elections and declaration of result. It can punish
candidates for violation of code of conduct and government staff on election duties works
under the Election Commission and not the government.
(b) Yes, it is correct because there is a high level of popular participation in the elections im
our country. India is the largest electoral democracy in the world since it has the highest
number of registered voters and the number of people who vote.
This conclusion is true because:
) Common people in India feel that through elections, they can bring pressure on the
political parties to adopt policies and programmes favourable to them. Therefore, tne
attach a lot of importance to elections.
(tü) During the past few years, the interest of voters in the election related activitues n
increased. More than half of the people identify themselves as being close to one
other political party. One out of every seven voters is a member of a political pat.
since the Election
(c) This is not correct. It is not easy for the party in power to win an election since tne
nery by
Commission ensures free and fair election and that there is no use of State macniet

the government. The party in power regularly change in India at the Centre a
This shows that it is not easy for the party in power to win an electio.
d) This conclusion is correct. There are problems which exist in Indian democrather
which require reforms. Internal party democracy, criminal candidates, among
problems needs to be solved by reform through government. There are aiso
larger retor
of casteisnm, communalis1m, in India's democratic system which rrequire
equires ake our

in society through education and other means. 'These reform steps will the
elections more free and fair.

102 Social Science-IX: Term-2

Chinappa was convicted for torturing his wife for dowry. Satbir was held guilty of practising
. ntouchability. The court did not allow either of them to contest elections. Does this decision
go against the principles of democratic elections?
hinappa and Satbir violated the Fundamental Duties which we are to llow as citizens. There
are also serious criminal cases against them. The Court is within its right to stop individuals from
contesting elections if they believe it is against the principles of democratic elections.
Here are some reports of electoral malpractices from different parts of the world. Is there
Q.9. would
anything that these countries can learn from India to improve their elections? What
in each case?
you suggest
election in the officer in charge of counting votes deliberately
(a) During an
later found out
increased the votes of one candidate and declared him elected. The court
counted in favour of another.
that more than five lakh votes cast for one candidate were
that a vote for
before elections in Fiji, a pamphlet was distributed warning voters
) Just lead to bloodshed. This was
a threat to
former Prime Minister, Mahendra Chaudhry will
voters of Indian origin.
of counting and
method of voting, its own procedure
(c) In the US, each state has its own of Florida took many
elections. Authorities in the state
its own authority for conducting elections in 2000. But
decisions that favoured Mr. Bush in the presidential
no one could change those decisions. could have been
tamper proof
which are
of EVM (Electronic Voting Machines) within the
Ans. (a) The use
The counting of votes can be done in
in Nigeria.
used to control rigging of
assure transparency
in counting
individuals which would
of muliple to voters of
presence could have assured security
which conducts elections in Fiji should have
(6) The organisation behind such pamphlets
the election process. The people
Indian during
Origin them.
have been taken against
stern actions
been investigated and of elections to assure transparency
in certain procedures
(c) There is need for uniformity in India has autonomy and
the government
The Election Commission the party in power
avoid malpractice. cannot be taken
to a s s u r e that
cannot interfere.
The same practice elections. There
should be a single
to rig
formulate uniform
rules of elections for all
does not use government freedom to
should have the
in each
the states of the country. elections. Identify what the problem
in Indian
1 0 . Here a r e s o m e reports
of malpractices the situation?
provide financial aid
should be done to
case is. What the minister promised
announcement of elections,
(a) Following the mill.
to reopen the
closed sugar
statements and campaign
was not given due attention
that their
(6) Opposition parties India Radio. contain
and All electoral rolls of a state
showed that
in D o o r d a r s h a n Commission
the Election
c) An inquiry by
lakh fake
with guns, physically
preventing s u p p o r t e r s
n a m e s of 20 w e r e moving
meetings of other
hoodlums ofa
political party voters and attacking
(d) The to meet
use of g o v e r n m e n t
money to
parties them
of other political voters by promising the code of conduct during elections,
to entice o
is trying because as per
promises of providing public
Ans. The minister
(a) milI. This
or make any
deci minister
re-open a sugar
big policy action against the
not take any s h o u l d take
ministers Commission lue advantage to ruling party.
facilities. The
Election facilities to give
or dio
here is misuse of government time and attention in television

b) The problem should be given equal

All the political
(i) for campaigning Commission.
is given the Election
ifa chance should be paid by
done, due
ü) If it is not
Political Science: Electoral Politics |103
allow lor the
eections to be ecd by
rigged by falu.
lalse or
Crake voters in electoral roll can
to how this hats. mulipl
happened and
can conduc1 an inqiry
VOing. The Election voleTs,
Torm new electoral rolls with geuine

(d)This shows use of eriminals and

threats to inflhuenee
clections. The Elertion
(during elections, '
lorces to Assture (o he
protection to the voters
O m m i s s i o n can use police or
other political parties.
was heing taught, Ile came
the next day aned
Ramesh not in class when this chapter statePdted
T1. was

CGan you tell

Ramesh what is wrong with these
what he had heard from his father.
to. So what is the point
tell them ofgiving them tho.
(a) Women always vote the way men
to vote?
Elections by consens
should be decided
() Party politics creates tension in society. by
competition. for elections.
to stand as candidates
(c) Only graduates should be allowed
r e a s o n . The right to vote allow
aken away lor any w.

Ans. (a) Toting is a right and c a n o t be iofnen

of society so even t some wonen vote the wav me
men tell
To partcipate and cngage in change
who vote as per their views and opinions. The effect ve
them to, there are many women
solution would be to assure that women are not dominated by men to vote and have

treedom of opinion and voting.

result in a consensus among
b) Election is a form of consensus. Elections through voting
want. Party politics need to be minimized h
majority of the people of the candidate they
These steps would allow decrease in the
ensuring internal elections and other relorm steps.
tension in society that occurs because of party politics.
()There should be restrictions on access to political power. By establishing criteria such as
educational qualification, it will create a system where the poor, who cannot afford education
will be denied access to political power. Efforts should be made to a population where both
the voters and candidates are literates.

1. Read the following case study carefully and answer the questions (i)-(iv) on the basis of the same:

The main purpose of election is chance to choose the representatives, thne

to give people a
government and the policies they prefer. Therefore, it is necessary to have a free and opet
discussion about who is a better representative, which party will make a better governnc
or what is a good policy? This is what happens during election campaigns. In our cou
such campaigns take place for a two-weck period between the announcement of the hina
of candidates and the date of polling. During this period, the candidates contact ther
poliical leaders address election meetings and political parties mobilise their supporters
is also the
period when newspapers and television news are related stories
full of election
debates. But the election campaign is not limited to these two weeks only. Political parues

preparing for elections, months belore they actually take place.

i) What is the main purpose of elections?

(ii) When does election

campaign take place?
Gii) What happens during the election campaigns?
(iv) How much time does an election campaign take in India?
latives, t h e

) The nmain purpose of election is to give people a chance

and the
to choose the repie
Kovernment policies they prefer.

Social Science-iX: Term-2

() Inour country, such
campaigns take
of the final list of place for a
candidates and the date of two-week period between the announceme
to these wo weeks
only. Political parties start polling. But election
campaign is not limca
actually take place. preparing elections, months berore e y
(i) During this
period the candidates contact
meetingS and
political parties mobilise their voters, political leaders address election
newspapers and television news are full of supporters. 'This is also the period when
election related stories and debates.
(iv) Two weeks betore the announcement of the
final list of candidate and the date of
2 Read the following case
study carefully and answer the questions (i)-(iv) on the basis of the same:
Our Constitution entitles every citizen
to elect her/his
representative. The
Constitution makers, however, were representative and to be elected as a
worried that in an electoral
competition, certain weaker sections nmay not stand a good chance to get elected to open
the Lok Sabha
and the state Legislative Assemblies. They may not have the required resources, education and
contacts to contest and win elections
against others. Those who are influential and resourceful
may prevent thenm from winning elections. If that happens, our Parliament and Assemblies
would be deprived of the voice of a significant section of our population. That would make our
democracy less representative and less democraic. So, the makers of our Constitution thought
of a special system of reserved constituencies for the weaker sections. Some constituencies are
reserved for people who belong to the Scheduled Castes [SC) and Scheduled Tribes [ST].
)Whoor What entitles every citizen toelectrepresentatives and tobe elected as a representative?
(i) Why were the Constitution makers worried about the open electoral?
(iii) The reserved constituencies are allotted to which section of the society?
(iv) Who designed the reserved constituencies system?
) The Constitution
(i) That in an open electoral competition, certain weaker sections may not stand a good chance
get elected to the Lok Sabha and
to the state Legislative Assemblies.
(i) Weaker section of the society.
(iu) The makers of the Constitution.


in most democracies?
.Why do we have representative government
their representatives. Since it is not possible for
Ans. In most democracies, people rule through
to take decisions on all matters, representation is needed.
everyone to have time and knowledge
which people can choose their representatives and change them if
2. What is the mechanism by
they wish to? What are By fill the
When elections are held only for one constituency to vacancy
Ans. The mechanism is 'elections'. Elections.
of a member, they are called By
caused by death or resignation
How voters' choices
fulfilled by
are wh0 can take major decisions of the
lawmakers, their representaives
ns, Voters choose their
political party whose policies a r e the best,

government and can

also choose the particular
condition to democratic election?
contribute in a
H o w c a n political parties
from. Parties and candidates should be free to

Ans , There should be something to choose

n must be held after every few vears.
the voters. E l e c u o n s
real choices to
and should offer

Political Science: Electoral Politics |105

5. What kind of competition is offered to the people for elections?
Ans. The most obvious form is the competition among political parties. At the constis.
takes the form of competition among several candidates. If there is no competition constituency level,
ompetition, i
be pointless. elections wij
6. Give any two demerits of Electoral Competition.
Ans. ) It creates a sense of disunity and factionalism in every locality.
() Pressure to win electoral fights does not allow sensible long-term policies to befo
. How can
political leaders be made accountable to the people? mulated.
Ans. It can be done by setting up a system where political leaders are rewarded for serving it.
and punished for not doing good for the sake of people. Regular electo
ctoral eople
competition shoul
be held through elections.
How are general elections held in India?
Ans. For Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha, elections are held after every five years. After
five vears d,
term of all the elected
representatives comes to an end. This is called 'general
elections, The
are held in all constituencies at the same time.
9. What Electoral Constituencies? What is elected
are an
representative from the constituency
Ans. The country is divided into different areas for ease of
representation. These areas are called
electoral constituencies'. The representative elected from each constituency is called a Member
of Parliament or an MP
10. How many seats are reserved for women at local bodies? What is the principle of universal
adult franchise?
Ans. One third of the total seats are reserved in rural and urban local bodies for women candidates
It means that everyone should have one vote and each vote should have equal value. All he
citizens aged 18 years and above have got the right to vote.
11. What is the Election Photo Identity Card System?
Ans. Every voter is issued this photo identity card by the Election Commission. The voters are
required to carry this card when they go out to vote, so that no one can vote for someonc c
12. What is a party ticket? What are the legal declarations of a party candidate?
Ans. Political nominate their candidates who
parties get the party symbol and support. This
nomination often called the party 'ticket'. Details of assets and liabilities of the
his or her family and educational qualifications of the candidate.
13. Why has personal information of a candidate to be made public? make
Ans. This information needs to be made public as it the
provides an opportunity to voL
their decisions on the basis of the information provided by the candidates.
14. What is a ballot paper and EVM?

Ans. Ballot Paper: A ballot paper is a sheet of paper on which the names of the contesting
along with party name and symbols are issued.
EVM: It is an electronic voting machine, which is used to record votes.
15. What is the time period of campaigning for elections? Ouncementot

Ans. In our country, such campaigns take place for a two-week period between the arnno
the final list of candidates and the date of polling.

106 Social Science-1X: Term-2

16, How is a vote caste on EVM?
Ans. The machine shows the names of the candidates and the party symbols. All the voter has to do is
to press the button against the name of the candidate he or she wants to vote tor.

7 What do you know about 'Election Commission'?

Ans. In our country, elections are conducted by an independent and very powerful election
commission. It enjoys the same kind of independence that the judiciary enjoys.
18. What is 'booth capturing'?
Ans. Supporters or hired muscle men of a party or a candidate gain physical control of a polling booth
and cast false votes by threatening everyone or by preventing genuine voters from reaching the
polling booth.
19. Give any two merits of Electoral Competition.
Ans. ) Political leaders are motivated by the desire to advance their political careers.
(i") They want to come in power and retain positions for themselves. So they do their best to
win the hearts of people.
20. Why are election campaigns needed?
Ans. The main purpose of elections is to give people a chance to choose the representatives, the
government and the policies they prefer. Therefore, it is necessary to have a free and open
discussion about who is a better representative, which party will make a better government or
what is a good policy. It is possible during election campaigns.
21. How do general elections differ from by-elections?
Ans. When elections are held in all the constituencies at the same time, either on the same day or
within few days, this is called general elections.
fill the vacancy caused by death oor
Sometimes, election is held only for one constituency to

resignation of a member. This is called a by-election.

in the elections?
22. What does booth capturing and rigging mean

Ans. () Booth capturing: Supporters or hired musclemen of party or a candidate gain physical
control of a polling booth and cast false votes by threatening everyone or by preventing
genuine voters from reaching the polling
candidate increase his It
(ii) Rigging: Fraud and malpractices indulged by party
a or to votes.

includes stuffing ballot boxes by a few persons using the votes of others; recording multiple
officers to favour a candidate.
votes by the same person; and bribing polling

23. Do you think that elections promote democracy?

Ans. Yes, elections do promote democracy. They help people to choose candidates on the basis of
one-vote-one-value. Parties are free to contest elections. Elections must be held at regular
are elected. Besides, elections are free
intervals. Further, candidates preferred by people only
and fair.
Give reasons.
24. How far is it to have political competition?
Ans. It is good to have political competition. In a democracy, political leaders know what is good for

the It motivates them to serve the people. Regular electoral competition provides an
initiative to political parties and leaders. Leaders realise that if they raise and work for people's
their chance to win would increase.
issues they would become popular and
25. You visited an electoral booth and viewed malpractices being used to win the election, Can
Give reasons.
these malpractices be stopped?
Ans. Yes, the malpractices related to election can be curbed. Ihe Election Commission should ban
from contesting election. Further, it should be mandatorv for
people with criminal background
assets and electoral malpractices or rigging should be checked
candidates to declare their

Political Science: Electoral Politics |107

to elections?
Give any one challenge
India attach a lot of importance
20. Why do common people in
of Indian Elections. to adopt policies
bring pressure
on political parties
Ans. They feel that through elections they can
dominate political parties; tickets
them. Some families
tend to
a d programmes favourable to

are distributed to elatives from the fanilies.


(3 marks)
to a voter during elections?
1. What choices are given
Ans. ) They can choose who will make laws for them.
and take major decisions.
() They can choose who will form the government
choose the party whosepolicieswill guide the government and law-making.
() They can

2. What forms does political competition take during
Ans. Political competition takes various forms such as:
) The nmost obvious form is the competition among political
form of competition among several candidates.
(i) At the constituency level, it takes the
become pointless.
()) If there is no competition, elections will
and leaders to win the elections?
3. How does electoral competition help the political parties
and leaders.
) Regular electoral competitions provide incentives political parties
want to be raised, their popularity and
() They know that if they raise issues that people
chances of victory will increase in the next elections.
(ii) But if they fail to satisfy the voters with their work, they will not be able to win again.

4. What is the 'Voters' List'?

Ans. In a democratic election, the list of those who are eligible to vote is prepared much before the
election and is available to everyone.
This list is officially called the Electoral Roll and is commonly known as the Voters' List.
This is an important step as it is linked to the first condition of a democratic election.
5. What is the outcome of free and fair elections held in India?
Ans. (i) The ruling parties routinely lose elections in India, both at the national and state levels.
() In India, about half of the sitting MPs or MLAs lose elections.
(in) Candidates who are known to have spent a lot of money in 'buying votes' and those with
criminal connections often lose elections.
(iv) Barring very few disputed elections, the electoral outcomes are usually accepted as the
people's verdict by the defeated party.
6. Mention any three powers and functions of the Election Commission of India.
Ans. Powers and Functions of Election Commission of India:
i) To conduct and control the elections.
(i) To implement the code of conduct.
(ii) To order the government to follow guidelines.
(iv) To prevent and misuse of government
machinery at the time of election.
7. How are constituencies for Lok Sabha decided
by the Flection Commission?
Ans. i) For Lok Sabha elections, the country is divided into
543 constituencies.
(ii) The representative elected from each constituency is called a Member of Parliament or an
(ii) One of the features of a democratic election is that
That is why, our constitution requires that each every vote should have equa va
population living within it. constituency should have a roughiy c

1081 Social Science-IX: Term-2

a How is division of constituencies done at the state level?
statedivided into
is a
specific number of Assembly constituencies on the baSis or
population size.
I n this case, the elected
representative is called Member of Legislative Assembly or an
Each parliamentary constituency has several assembly constituencies within it.
How has reservation system been extended to other weaker sections?
) Initualy, constituencies were reserved only for people belonging to SC and ST but later on,
it was extended to other weaker sections at district and local level.
) In may states, seats in rural and urban local bodies are now reserved for Other Backward
Classes (OBCs) as well.

(in) However, the proportion of seats reserved varies from state to state. Similarly, one-third ot
the seats are reserved in rural and urban local bodies for women candidates.
10. What do you know about voter's ID card?
Ans. )Voter's ID card is also called Election Photo Identity Card (EPIC).
() The government makes efforts to give this card to every person on the voters' list.
so that no one
(12) The voters are required to carry this card when they go out to cast their vote,
can vote for someone else.
other proofs of
(7) But the card is not yet compulsory for voting. The voters can show many
identity like the ration card, driving licence or the passport, etc.
11. In what manner does the Election Commission monitor the election campaign?
the Chief Election Commissioner? What
What is Election Commission of India? Who appoints
is its role in the elections?
autonomous constitutional authority responsible
Ans. The Election Commission of India is an the
India. The Chief Election Commissioner is appointed by
administering election process in
President of India.
the election in the following ways:
The Election Commission monitors
and control ofelections from the a n n o u n c e m e n t
i) I takes decisions on every aspect ofconduct
of the results.
of elections to the declaration
candidate or party that violates it.
conduct and punishes the
(i) It implements code of can order the government to
follow some
election period, the Election Commission
(i) During ot governmental power to
enhance its chances to win
use and misuse
guidelines, to prevent officials.
to transfer
some government
the elections, or
the control of the Election
officers work under
election duty, government
(1) When on

Commission and not the government.

election process?
H o w can we check the quality ofthe
can be checked in three ways:
The quality of an election process
elections are conducted by an independent Election
Election: Indian
() Who conducts the even reprimand
the government and the administration
the power to
Commission, which has
for their lapses. 1s not tree and tair, people do not participate
If the election proces election is also a auality of
(i) Popular Participation: the way to check the
So, the turn-out of
in the electoral process.
the election process. and tar, the outcome always favour
o u t c o m e : If
the election is
ree outcome.
(ii) Acceptance of the the So, to assess the uali.
does not accept
and the losing party
the powerful the
check the response
party. of losing
one can
election process, in our country?
after an
Machines fro
10W are results
fixed date, all
the Electronic Voting n a

Ans. after poll, on a

candidate countodd.
() A few davys later the votes
secured by each are

Constituency are opened and

Political Science: Electoral Politics |109
the uencies takes place.
place at the
general elections, usually
the counting of votes in all
(22) In
same time, on the same day.
this event. Within a
few hours ofcountiung,
and newspapers report
(22) Television channels, radio to who will form
the next governmen
becomes clear as
all the results are declared and it
What does turnout figure indicate?
14 election is usually
measured by voters'
turnout figure.
Ans. ) People's participation in their vote.
who actually
of eligible voters
(7) Turnout indicates the percentage
related activities.
voters in election
(11) It indicates the interest of election-related activities?
that the interest of voters is increasing day by day
has been increasing over the years
. Is it true
voters in
election-related activities
Ans. ) The interest of
took part in campaign-related activities,
than one-third voters
(i) During the 2004 elections, nmore close to one or the other political
identified themselves as being
( ) More than half of the people member of a political party.
s e v e n voters is a
party. One out of every
elections matter to the people?
16. In h a t way does the outcome of
fairness ofthe elections is
in its outcome itself.
)One final test of the free and
Ans. the powerful. In such a situation,
the outcome always favours
(i) Ifelections are not free or fair,
the ruling parties do not lose elections.
outcome of a rigged
not accept the
(21) Usually, the losing party does
a r e free, fair and
17. How c a n you say that elections in India
wins an election and formns
free and fair. The party that
Ans. () Elections in India are basically rivals.
because people have chosen it over its
government does so
election process. It is
Election Commission which regulates the
() India has an independent
election period, he can order the government
virtually impossible to remove him. During chances of
to follow some guidelines to prevent
it from misusing its power to enhance its

sealed and taken to a secure
polling is over, all Electronic Voting Machines
(zi) Once the
in the presence of agents of all the candidates for
place. They are opened on a fixed day
the electoral outcome.
counting of the votes. Usually all the parties accept
successful democracy in the world.
18. Identify the reasons which make India a
Ans. (i) Free and fair elections are held.
(i) Periodic elections are held.
make elections free and fair.
(iz2) Independent Election Commission exists to

19. What does 'voter turnout' during an election in India signify?

Ans. (i) People's participation in elections is usually measured by the voter turnout figures. Turnou
indicates the per cent of eligible voters who actually cast their votes.
(i) In India, the poor, illiterate and the underprivileged people vote in larger proporuo
compared to the rich and privileged sections.
(i) Common people in India attach a lot of importance to elections. They feel that throu ough

elections, they can bring pressure on the political parties to adopt policies and progra
favourable for them.
(iv) The interest of voters, in election-related activities, has been increasing over the yearCourt
20. What system of declaration has been introduced on directions from the Supreme
regarding nomination of candidate in election?
t an
What legal declaration is required to be submitted by each candidate who wishes to conte

1101 Social Science-IX: Term-2

Eollowing are the legal declarations to be made by every candidate at the time of tiling "n
as per directed by the Supreme Court:
() Every candidate has to make legal declaration giving full details of serious criminal cases
pending against the candidate.
i) Details of assets and liabilities of the candidate and his or her family
(i) They also need to give their educational qualifications.
This information has to be made public. This provides an opportunity to the voters to make

their decision on the basis of information provided by the candidates.


How does the principle of Universal Adult Franchise' work in the Indian democracy?

Which section of o u r country's population is eligible to vote?

should have one vote and each vote
Ans. (i) Universal adult franchise means that everyone
vote without good reason.
have equal value. No one should be denied the right to
and above can vote in an election.
(i) In India, all citizens aged 18 years
of caste, religion, and gender
(i") Every citizen has the right to vote, regardless but
with an unsound mind can be denied the right
to vote,
(iv) Some criminals and persons
only in rare situations. that the names of the
five complete revision of the voters' list takes place so
() Every years,
and names of those who have
new voters who have
attained the voting age are included
dead can be deleted.
moved to some other place or are
for a democratic
2. What are the minimum conditions
democratic election?
Do people have real choice in a
elections are as follows:
Ans. Minimum conditions for democratic and
This means that everyone should have one vote
to choose.
() Everyone should be able
have equal value.
every vote should elections and should offer some real choice
should be free to
() Parties and candidates
to the voters. be held every few years.
intervals. Elections must
offered at regular
(i) The choice should be
should get elected.
(v) The candidates preferred by the people
in a free and fair manner, where people can choose as they
(u) Elections should be
wish. competition?
What are the merits and
demerits of an
Ans. Merits: motivated
leaders know what
is good for the people and are

i) In an political
ideal world, all
desire to serve them.
only by a in elections as the way to select urr
for free competition
makers opted the long run.
(i) Our constitution works better in
because this system
future leaders, desire to advance in
their political careers. They war
motivated bya for which, they can comnat
(il) Political leaders and position for themselves

to remain in power
or get power
with other political parties.
Demerits: sense or aisunity
and tactionalism in every locality
creates a
() An electoral competition
Political Science: Electoral Politics |111
( ) Different political parties and leaders often level allegations against one another.
(ii) Parties and candidates often use dirty tricks to win clections.
4. How elections held in India?

Ans. Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha clections are held regularly, after every five years.
Atter five vears, the tcrm of all the elected representatives comes to an end.

The Lok Sabha or Vidhan Sabha stands dissolved.

Elections are held in all costituencies at the same time cither on the same day or within , c.
a few
days. This is called a 'general clection.
Sometimes. elections are hcld only for one constitucncy to fill the vacancy caused by the l e s
resignation of a member. This is called a 'by-clection.
. How was the system of 'reserved constituencies' introduced for the SCs and STs?
Ans. ) Some constituencies are reserved for the people who belong to the Scheduled Castes
es and
Scheduled Tribes.
(7) In an SC-reserved constituency, only someone who belongs to the scheduled caste
stand for elections.
(t7) Similarly. only those belonging to a scheduled tribe can contest elections from a constituencv
reserved for STs.
( ) Currently, 79 seats are reserved for the Scheduled Castes and 41 for the Scheduled Trihes
in the Lok Sabha.
() This number is in proportion to their share in the total population; thus the reserved seats
for SCs and STs do not take away the legitimate share of any other social group.
How does
6 party file a nomination for its candidate?

Ans. ) I n order to be a candidate, the minimum age is 25 years.

(i) Political parties nominate their candidates who get the party symbol and support.
(ti) Party's nomination is often called a party 'ticket'.
(te) Every person who wishes to contest an election has to fill a 'nomination form' and give
somemoney as 'security deposit'.
If the information provided is not correct, the nomination can be cancelled and the securiy
deposit is returned.
7. How is campaigning done for elections held in India?
Ans. In India, election campaigns take place for a two-week period between the announcement of
the final list of candidates and the date of
During this period, the candidates contact their voters.
Political leaders address election meetings and political parties mobilise their supporters:
This is also the period when newspapers and the television news broadcasting channed re

full of election-related stories and debates.

During election campaigns, political parties try to focus the public attention on some big
They want the public to vote for their party on that basis.
8. Write some of the successful
slogans given by different political parties in various elections.
a) 'Garibi Hatao' was the slogan of the Congress party, led by Indira Gandhi in the
elections of 1971. The party promised to Lorom.the
prepare all policies to remove povery *
(ii) 'Save Democracy' was the slogan of the Janata Party in the Lok Sabha
The party promised to undo the excesses
committed during the EmergencY a
civil liberties.

112 Social Science-1X: Term-2

)'Land to the l l e r was the slogan used by the Left Front in the West Bengal Assembiy
elections held in 1977.

(iv) "Protect the Self-respect of the Telugus' was the slogan used by N.T. Rama Rao, the leader
of the Telugu Desam Party in the Andhra Pradesh Assembly elections in 1983.

election laws are made for

very political party and candidate
gets a fair and equal chance to compete. According
to our
law, no party o r candidate can:
bribe or threaten the voters to vote for them only:

appeal to the voters in the name of caste or religion

use the government resources for election campaigns;
than R70 lakhs in for the Lok Sabha elections or 728 lakhs in a
spend more a constituency
constituency during an
assembly election.
the after they have been declared
If they do so, their election can be rejected by court even


How are 'polls' conducted in India?

10. booth.
when the voters cast their votes in a polling
Ams. The final stage of an election is the day
That day is usually called the Election Day.
whose name is the voters' list
on can go to a nearby 'polling booth',
Every person
local school or a government office.
usually in a
o r her by putting
the election officials identify him
Once the goes inside the booth,
allow him o r her to cast the
mark on his o r her finger and
booth and e n s u r e that the
each candidate is allowed to sit inside the polling
An agent of
fair way.
voting takes place in a candidates along with their
in which the n a m e s of the contesting
A ballot paper is placed
a r e listed.
n a m e and symbols
party votes.
used to record
Voting Machines (EVMs)
Electronic candidates
Nowadays, candidates and party symbols. Independent
The machine shows the
names of the officials.
have their own symbols,
allotted by the election he to vote for.
too candidate she or wants

button against the

Each voter has to press the
after the polls?
counted sealed and taken to a
Voting Machines (EVMs)
are votes
.How all the Electronic
Ans, Once the polling is over,
secure place. constituency are opened and the votes

the EVMs from a

on a fixed date, all
A few days later, counted.
candidate a r e
secured by each
there to
ensure that the counting is done properly.
The agents of all
candidates a r e
votes from a constituency is declared
n u m b e r ot
secures the highest
The candidate who
elected. the
coustituencies usually takes place at

of votes in all
the counting
In a general election,
the same day. and it becomes clear as to who will
$ame time, and on
results iare

all the
Within a few hours of
form the next government. elections in India?
and fair
to free follows:
the challenges are as
t are in India
nAns. a
Challenges and fair
De ot their victory but they do
ges to free
with a lot ol nmoney
1ay not andsure
Candidates and parties smaller parties
() advantage

and unfair
enjoy a big
Political Science: Electoral Politics |113
connection have been
have been able to
candidates with secure
(27) In some parts of the country,

a 'ticket' from major parties.

dominate the political parties;
buted relatiue
tickets a r e distributed to
relatives from
(2) Some families tend to
these families. the
choice to ordinary citizens as both major parti.
ies are
(0) Very often, elections offer little
Similar to each other in their policies and practices.
candidates suffer a huge disadvantage as compared tot!
to the
() Smaller parties and independent
bigger parties. its chief elements,
electoral system? Mention
13. What is model code of conduct in Indian
Election Commission, to
be followed by all the political arties nart
as prescribed by the
Ans. Tt S a set norms,
of It is called model code conduct. of
1n o u r for contesting elections or during campaigns.
According to this no party or candidate

) Use any place of worship for election propaganda.

()Use government vehicles, aircrafts
and officials for elections.
not lay foundation stones of any projects,
Once elections are announced, ministers shall
take any big policy decisions.

(7) Ruling party cannot make any promises of providing public facilities.
14. Examine the need for reserved constituencies in India.

'reserved constituencies' devised for the weaker sections by the makers of the
Why were

Indian constitution?
certain weaker
Ans. () The constitution makers were worried that in an open electoral competition,
sections may not stand a chance to get elected to the Lok Sabha and the State Legislatüve

i) They may nothave the required resources, education and contacts to contest and wn

elections against others.

(ii) Those who are influential and resourceful may prevent them from winning elections.
and assemblies would be of the voice ot a
(iv) If that happens, our parliament deprived
significant section of our population.
() That would make our democracy less representative and less democratic.

So, the makers of our constitution thought of a special system of reserved constituencies tor tne
weaker sections


1. Mention any three negative features of the Electoral competition.
2. Write the importance of election results in India.
3. Write about the linitaion and struggle of free and fair elections in India.
4. What is the model code of conduct for election campaign?
5. Explain any three powers of he Election Commission of India.
6. What is the nomination process of a candidate to contest a particular election?
7. Describe the process of voting in India.
8. How does the principle of"Universal Adult Franchise' work in the Indian democracy?

114| Social Science-1X: Term-2

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