Sastrillas RW Activity 2

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NAME: Zachery Mae A. Sastrillas SCORE:____________ /40

YR.LEVEL/STRAND/SECTION: Grade 11, ABM 2202 DEADLINE: Sept. 8, 2022

DIRECTIONS: Identify the appropriate pattern through the given examples. (2 pts. each)

Comparison and Contrast Problem-solution

Cause and Effect Persuasion

1. Tobacco serves different purposes. Some tobacco products are even sold in health food
and herbal medicines stores. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) considers all
forms of tobacco as lethal. Death may result from any tobacco-related diseases, such as
cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Smoking mothers may also harm their unborn babies.
Answer: Cause and Effect

2. As a child, I was made to look out the window of a moving car and appreciate the beautiful
scenery, with the result that now I don’t care much for nature. I prefer parks, ones with
radios going chuckawaka and the delicious whiff of bratwurst and cigarette smoke. (Adapted
from Garrison Keillor, “Walking Down the Canyon”, TIME, July 31, 2000)
Answer: Comparison and contrast

3. Stage fright is the fear of performing in front of an audience. It starts in our heads as we
think about what might happen, instead of what we have to do. It has one cause: the worry
that you’ll look foolish. Instead of concentrating on the answer to a question or the music
you have to play on the piano, your brain is stuck in worrying about whether or not you’ll do
a good job.
“People with stage fright are concerned about making a good impression, and they’re afraid
they might now,” says Dr. Harold Leitenberg, a psychology professor at the University of
Vermont. “If you don’t care what kind of impression you made, stage fright wouldn’t be a
problem either”. (Adapted from Randi Hacker, “Stage Fright: A Bad Case of the Nerves”)
Answer: Persuasion

4. Overwork can also be deadly. One report estimates that in Japan, about 10,000 people die
annually from overwork, as many as those who die in automobile accidents in that country
every year. This phenomenon- labeled “karoshi” (death from overwork) ̶ stretches far
beyond Japan. Chronic overwork has been linked to obesity, alcoholism, heart disease,
workplace accidents, drug dependency, anxiety, fatigue, depression, and many other stress-
related disorders. To save minds and bodies, a need to shift mindset from celebrating long
hours and “passion” making balance, productivity, and efficiency the gold standard. To
lessen overworking or stress at work, one can practice self-care. This may include taking
breaks, doing something creative outside work, leaving working activities in the working
hours instead of break time, meditating, taking short naps, be on a vacation and sleeping
with the number of hours needed.
Answer: Problem Solving

5. Some students dislike English as a subject. They believe this subject to be boring and
unnecessary. However, many students find that reading and writing skills that they develop
through their English classes are indeed useful. Thus, perhaps both English teachers and
students should spend more time in class learning and practicing these skills. This would
also help English become more popular as a subject.
Answer: Comparison and contrast

DIRECTIONS: Choose one paragraph development pattern then construct a three-paragraph essay
using the topic assigned to your chosen pattern. You may use a separate sheet of paper if needed.

Paragraph Development Pattern Topic

Compare and Contrast E-books vs Textbooks
Cause and Effect Academic Pressure
Problem-Solution Stress Management
Persuasion Face-to-Face Classes during Pandemic

When it comes to reading, people use different kinds of mediums. It can either be through e-
books or textbooks. The difference between the two is that e-books come in a digital context.
They are delivered through phones, laptops, or any accessible gadget. These books are of
utmost convenience and can be downloaded for free. However, they can strain your eyes and
cause eye diseases (Ramirez, 2014). Textbooks, on the other hand, come in printed forms.
These books have numbered papers stacked in a hard covering. Furthermore, they are easier
to read but a burden to carry.  
According to Pacific Teen Treatment, academic pressure is an experience of being burdened
by the demands of time and energy to achieve educational goals. As a result, many students
generate depression, stress, anxiety, and other mental health-related issues to satisfy their
obsession with grades. Students also develop a lack of confidence and unworthiness due to
educational instability. They assume they are mindless and lesser than others because of their
test scores. However, we all know that that is not entirely true. But because of academic
pressure, the student's well-being is damaged.  
These days, several students are fed up with the countless activities, quizzes, and
extracurriculars thrown at them. Most of them complain, but several have difficulties managing
their schedule. Due to that, many students are stressed out. But with time management, stress
can be managed thoroughly. One way is to create a timetable in which you will list the couple of
things you will do throughout the day. You may also add deadlines for your school work and
your class schedule. Another solution is to use a study technique that will benefit you the most.
You may choose from the Pomodoro, SQRRR, PQRRR, or any other study method that will
help you the most. With these tips, students can have more leisure time to do their other
During the dark days of the pandemic, several students underwent two years of quarantine with
online classes. It was hard for them since they needed to adjust to the new system DepEd
proposed. Due to this occurrence, several students obtained social anxiety since they had been
inactive in the social world for a long time. It is hard for them to speak or socialize even with
their acquaintances. And they have also been struggling in terms of academics since the
interaction is not synchronous. But after years of waiting, DepEd finally allowed face-to-face
classes. Students grabbed this opportunity since they knew it would benefit them, and it did not
let them down. With this in mind, this year is not wasted again. Face-to-face classes helped
many people to move on from the dark days. So, we should move on too and stop our mindset
of being negative, as life does not stop there.  


Organization 10
The organization enhances and showcases the central
idea or theme. The order, structure of information is
compelling and moves the reader through the text.

Conventions 10
The writer demonstrates a good grasp of standard
writing conventions (e.g., spelling, punctuation,
capitalization, grammar, usage, paragraphing) and
uses conventions effectively to enhance readability.

Presentation 10
The form and presentation of the text enhances the
ability for the reader to understand and connect with
the message. It is pleasing to the eye.


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