001.17033.000230 - Da001 - Rev 01 - C
001.17033.000230 - Da001 - Rev 01 - C
001.17033.000230 - Da001 - Rev 01 - C
Notes :
This document is subject to possible modifications and its validity must be confirmed in the document manager.
Change control
This procedure The purpose of this procedure is to define the guidelines to be followed for the visual inspection
test of the welds obtained by melting the metallic materials.
This procedure is applicable to welded joints of sheets and tubes. In addition to its meaning
conventional, the term
"tube" as used in this standard, should be understood as comprising other
cylindrical bodies such as pipes, forced
he inspection can be carried out additionally on bevels, before,
pipes, boiler ferrules and pressure vessels.
during and after the welding process.
The extension of the examination must be defined in advance in a rule of application or by agreement
between the contracting parties.
The examiner must have access to the applicable production and inspection documentation that he needs.
Welds should be examined in the rough state of welding whenever physical access is possible and
sometimes it is also necessary to perform the examination of surface treatments.
The operator or personnel responsible for testing and recording and data collection.
The inspector or person in charge of carrying out the evaluation of the data obtained in the test, and
preparing the final report.
The technical manager of the test..
than 600 mm. and with an angle not less than 30º with respect to the surface to be inspected.
The surface lighting must be at least 350 lux, although 500 lux is recommended. The lighting level will be
verified with a calibrated lux meter. Mirrors may be used to correct the viewing angle.
The weld seams will be inspected on the outside, and inside where possible, covering a minimum of 10
mm., On each side of it.
In cases where it is not possible to carry out the Direct inspection, tools such as mirrors, endoscopes or
This method will only be applied in very specific cases not provided for in a normal
Personnel carry out the exam should:
Have a good vision in accordance with current requirements, which should be checked every 12 months.
It´s recommended that personnel be certified according to ISO 9712 or another equivalent standard at an
appropriate level for the relevant industrial sector.
When visual examination is required before welding, the tiles must be examined to verifybe:
• The shape and dimensions of the joint preparation meet the requirements set forth in the
welding procedure specification.
• The pieces to be joined by welding have been fixed together according to the plans or
When required, welding should be examined during the welding process to verify:
Each pass or weld metal layer is cleaned before it is covered by the following, paying special attention to
the joints between the weld metal and the melting face
There are no visible imperfections. If they are appreciated, it must be informed so that corrective actions
can be taken before more welding metal is deposited
The transition between passes and between the weld and the base metal has such a shape that fusion
can be successfully achieved during the welding of the next pass
The depth and shape of the resanado is in accordance with the WPS or are comparable to those of the ori-
ginal chamfer, in order to ensure the total removal of the weld metal as specified
All slag has been removed by manual or mechanical means, in order to prevent imperfections from being
When welding needs to be reviewed, grinding overheating as well as grinding marks and irregular finishes
will be avoided.
In angled and butt welds that are covered with cloth, the transition between the weld metal and the base
metal will be done smoothly without reducing the thickness
It must be verified:
• The profile of the weld face and the height of any excess weld metal meet the requirements of the
• The welding has a regular surface, the arrangement and passage of the waters have a satisfactory
and uniform visual appearance. The distance between the pass and the base metal, or the position
of the passes, has been measured where the WPS specifies it
• The width of the weld is uniform throughout the joint and meets the requirements established in
the applicable plan or standard. In case of butt joints, it must be verified that the welding
preparation has been fully filled
The areas visually accessible to welding should be examined to detect deviations from the acceptance
It must be verified:
• In the case of butt joints welded on one side, the penetration, concavity of the root and any
deflection or contraction of the chamfer, is within the limits specified in the acceptance standard in
the entire joint
• Any imperfection such as cracks or porosity detected, with the use of optical aids when
necessary, on the surface of the weld and thermally affected areas meets the appropriate
acceptance criteria
the operation of the equipment or makes it difficult to examine, will be removed without damaging
the equipment. The area where the attachment was welded should be checked to make sure it is
free of cracks.
When the welds do not fully or partially meet the acceptance criteria and repair is necessary, the following
checks must be carried out during the repair operation:
• Welding partially removed It will be verified that the excavation is deep and long enough for
It has been removed. It should also be ensured that there is a gradual transition from
the base of the cut to the surface of the weld metal on both ends and sides of the cut, the shape
and dimensions of the weld preparation meets the specified requirements
• Welding Totally Eliminated It will be verified that when a cut has been made through a defective
weld and has not been
caused significant material losses, or when a section of materials containing
a defective weld has been removed and a new section is inserted, the shape and dimensions of
the weld preparation meets the specified requirements.
• Exam
All repaired welds should be examined with the same requirements as the originals.
▪ All test data will be reflected in the formats contemplated in procedure PA01
Registered indications will be evaluated in accordance with the acceptance criteria established and
contemplated in Standard UNE-EN-ISO 5817.
All test data and test reports will be reflected in the formats contemplated in Procedure PA-01.
Acceptance levels are established here for indications of imperfections in welds by steel arc and its
weldable alloys.
Three quality levels are established in order to allow its application to most welded
These refer to the quality of production and are not specifically related to the suitability for the service
of the manufactured product.
The different levels are indicated in the following table:
C Intermediate
B High
It is applicable to:
All types of welding.
The following welding processes:
tions, only those should be considered imperfections that can be detected with a maximum of 10 increases, exclu
ding microcracks.
Systematic imperfections are only allowed at level D, provided that the other requirements of table
1 are met.
The different types of imperfections that occur in any cross-section of the union need special considerations (see
multiple imperfections in table 1, point 4.1).
The limits for multiple imperfections are only applicable in cases where the requirements for a single imperfection
Any two adjacent imperfections, separated by a distance less than the largest dimension of the smallest
imperfection, should be considered as a single imperfection.
Ultrasonic test procedure of welded joints according to standard UNE-EN ISO 17640
TC40 Rev.5
Chan e control
Discontinuities should be considered longitudinal or transverse, depending on the direction of their grea-
test dimension with respect to the welding axis, x, in accordance with Figure 2.
The responsibility for the execution of this test is the Technician, at least Level I, who performs it. The
responsibility of supervision in the event that the Operator is Level I, is Level II or III assigned to this work
Personnel performing the tests must have an appropriate level qualification in ultrasonic testing in accordance wi-
th ISO 9712.
In addition to a general knowledge of ultrasonic welding inspection, personnel should be familiar with the most co-
mmon problems associated with testing the type of welded joints to be examined.
The ultrasonic equipment will be in perfect working condition and with an annual calibration certificate in force, and
must comply with the requirements of the standard in 12668 (all parts).
It is required to meet the following criteria:
5.3.1 Frequency:
The equipment used in the test, will be the impulse-echo type with linear presentation and capable of
generating frequencies between 1 and 5 MHz minimum and with gain potentiometer set in steps of 2 or less
dB and with a minimum range of 60 dB.
5.3.2. Linearity of screen height.
The team will have a linear presentation in screen height of ± 5% of its total height,
within the calibrated
range, which ranges from 20% to 80%. The procedure for carrying out this evaluation will be carried out in
accordance with the provisions of procedure LC.31.
This verification must be carried out at the beginning of each period of use (or at least every three months).
5.3.3. Linearity of gain control (amplifier)
The equipment will have an accuracy of the amplification control over the entire range of use of ± 20% of
amplification ratio.
This verification
must be carried out at the beginning of each period of use (or
at least every three
The probes to be used will be normal wave emission and angular wave emission, the frequency must
between 2MHz and 5MHz and the size considered normal, and must be selected according to the
acceptance levels specified in standard ISO 11666.
For the initial test, the frequency should be as low as possible, within the range indicated above, when the
evaluation is carried out in accordance with acceptance levels based on length and amplitude, for example,
according to ISO 11666. If it is If necessary, higher frequencies can be used to improve resolution when
acceptance level standards are used based on the characterization of discontinuities, for example, ISO
Lower frequencies can be used for tests on long sound paths and / or on a material that has high
attenuation characteristics.
5.4.2 Angles of incidence
When the test is performed with transverse waves and by techniques that require the beam
Ultrasonic is
reflected on an opposite surface, care must be taken to ensure that the angle between the beam and the
perpendicular to the opposite reflecting surface is between 35 ° and 70 °. When more than one angular
is used, at least one of the angular probes used must meet this requirement. One of the angular probes
used must ensure that the surfaces of the weld fusion edges are examined with normal incidence, or as
close to normal as possible. Discontinuities that are not well defined will be explored with different
examination angles to determine their nature. When the use of two or more probe angles is specified, the
difference between the nominal angles of the beam must be 10º or greater.
The angular probes will have the real point of exit within + 3 mm, with respect to the nominal one and the
angular deviation will not exceed + 2º of the nominal value. The angles to be used will not be less than 35 °
or greater than 70 °, selecting the most convenient angle according to the thickness to be examined.
The angles of incidence on the probe and on the opposite reflecting surface, when curved, can be determi-
ned by means of diagrams of the sectional view of the weld, or according to the techniques indicated in ISO
5.4.3 Element size.
The size of the element must be chosen based on the ultrasonic path to be used and the
The smaller the element, the smaller the length and width of the near field should be, and the greater the di-
vergence of the beam in the far field should be for a given frequency.
Small probes that have elements with a diameter of 6 mm to 12 mm in diameter (or rectangular elements of
equivalent area) are therefore more suitable when working with short-distance beams. For larger paths, for
example, greater than 100 mm for normal single crystal probes and greater than 200 mm for angular pro-
bes, an element size of 12 mm to 24 mm is more suitable.
In adapting the probes to the test on curved surfaces, the distance (g) between the bottom of the shoeof the
probe and the test surface must not be larger than 0.5 mm.
On cylindrical or spherical surfaces, this requirement will be guaranteed when the following equation is
g = a2 /4D
“a” is the measurement, in millimeters, of the probe sole in the sense of the test;
“D” is the diameter, in millimeters, of the component.
If a value of g greater than 0.5 mm results from the equation, the probe shoe must adapt to the surface, and
the sensitivity and scale must be adjusted properly.
For surfaces with spherical or complex shapes, the above formula should be applied both in the longitudinal
direction and in the width of the probe (due to possible differences in the curvature and / or the dimensions
of the probe).
The cables will be coaxial and appropriate to the type of equipment and probes to be used. The cables used
in the calibration will be those used in the inspection.
As coupling half, according to ISO 16810, glycerin can be used as a wetting agent, cellulose glue, oil or any
other substance that provides a correct acoustic coupling and is compatible with the material examined.
The coupling half used for scale and sensitivity adjustment must be the same as that used in the test
The test area (see figure 1) will include the welding width and an adjacent area of 10 mm. on each side, or
the width of the thermally affected area, whichever is greater.
In all cases, the examination must completely cover the volume of the exam. If there are individual areas of
this volume that cannot be covered in at least one direction of exploration, or if the angles of incidence with
the opposite surfaces do not meet the requirements of section 5.3.2, the use of alternative or additional ul-
trasonic techniques should be agreed or other non-destructive testing techniques. This may require, in so-
me cases, the elimination of weld thickness.
Supplementary techniques may require the use of twin-crystal probes, Lamb's wave probes, other ultraso-
nic techniques, or other appropriate methods, for example, penetrating liquids, magnetic particles, radio-
graphic examination. For the selection of alternative or supplementary techniques, consideration should be
given to the type of welding and the likely orientation of any discontinuity or imperfection that is to be
The test area through which the probe must move will be free of projections, paint, calamine, rust, notches
and any other type of imperfections that prevent correct movement of the probe.
The undulation of the test surface must not exceed 0.5 mm between the probe and the test surface. These
requirements must be met, if necessary, by impregnating liquid.
The surfaces to be explored must be wide enough to allow the entire volume to be controlled to be fully co-
vered (see Figure 1). As an alternative, the width of the scanning surfaces may be smaller if an equivalent
coverage of the volume to be controlled is achieved, by scanning from the highest surface and from the lo-
west of the joint.
The standard part V-1 of the I.I.S will be used to find out the actual point and angle of departure, as well as to
calibrate in distance (range) and adjust it on the device screen.
In the case that miniature probes are used, the standard part V-2 of the I.I.S. will be used for distance
Adjustment of the range and sensitivity must be made prior to each test, taking into account the influence of
temperature. The temperature during scale adjustment and sensitivity should not differ by more than + 15 ° C
from the temperature during the test
Checks should be made to confirm these settings, at least every 4 hours and at the end of the test. These
checks should also be made when a change in the system parameters is made or equivalent changes in the
settings are suspected.
If deviations greater than 2 dB are found, with respect to 1% of the range, during these checks, the corrective
actions indicated in table 2 must be carried out.
To adjust the reference level one of the following techniques should be used.
a) Technique 1: The reference level is a distance-amplitude curve (DAC) for laterally captured holes 3 mm in diameter.
b) Technique 2: References for longitudinal and transverse waves using the method distance-gain-size (DGS) based
on the diameter of a disk-shaped reflector (DSR) are given in tables 3 and 4 respectively.
c) Technique 3: The reference notch should be rectangular, 1 mm wide and 1 mm deep. This
technique applies only for
the thickness range 8 mm £ t <15 mm and for angular probes ≥ 70 °
d) Technique 4: For the tandem technique, the reference is a flat-bottom hole 6 mm in diameter (for all thicknesses),
perpendicular to the scanning surface. This technique is applicable only
for 45 ° angle probes and
thicknesses t ≥ 40 mm.
The length of the holes captured laterally and notches should be greater than the width of the ultrasonic beam
at - 20 dB.
Table 3 – Reference levels for acceptance levels 2 and 3 for technique 2 using
angular beam scanning with transverse waves
Table 4 – Reference levels for acceptance levels 2 and 3 for technique 2 using
straight beam with longitudinal waves
All discontinuities equal to or greater than the following values must be evaluated
The evaluation levels for te-
chniques 1 to 4 are listed in Table A.1 of the LC-34 procedure and contemplated in the UNE-EN ISO 11666
Transfer correction
When separate blocks are used to establish the reference levels, the
transfer differences between the test ob-
ject and the block in a representative number of positions.
If the differences are less than 2 dB, no corrections are requireds.
If the differences are greater than 2 dB but less than 12 dB, compensation should be performed.
If the transfer losses exceed 12 dB, the causes should be taken into consideration and additional, more tho-
rough preparation of the scanning surfaces should be carried out, if possible.
When there are no apparent reasons for high correction values, the attenuation at various positions of the test
object should be measured, and if it is found to vary significantly, corrective action should be considered
Signal to noise ratio
During the welding test, the noise level, excluding false surface discontinuities,
must remain at least 12 dB be-
low the evaluation level.
The quality requirements for welded joints are mainly associated with the material, welding process and ser-
vice conditions. To take into account all these requirements, four levels of test are specified (A, B, C and D)
From test level A to test level C, there is an increase in the probability of detection and in the coverage of
the test, for example, number of scans, improvement of surface finish. Test level D may be agreed for spe-
cial applications using written procedures, taking into account the general requirements of this procedure.
In general, test levels are related to quality levels (for example, from UNE-EN ISO 5817). The appropriate
level of control may be specified by standards related to the control of welds (for example, UEN-EN ISO
17635), by product standards or by other documents.
Specific requirements for test levels A through C are given, for various types of joints in Annex A.
The displacement speed of the probe will be adapted to the test conditions, but in no case will it exceed 150
mm / sec.
A minimum overlap of 10% will be made between successive passes in order to ensure 100% coverage of
the examination area
The welding test will generally be performed from the same surface and from both sides of the weld. Geo-
metric conditions may advise or force the test from both surfaces and the same side or opposite sides of the
Prior to the examination of welding with angular probes, a check of the zone of displacement will be carried
out by means of normal wave probes, in order to discover reflectors or a high attenuation that could interfere
with the angular beam. This exam will not have acceptance or rejection conditions.
During scanning with an angular probe (as shown in Figure 1), a slight fan-shaped movement should be
applied to the probe, reaching an angle of approximately 10 ° to both sides of the nominal beam direction.
The angular probe examination will be conducted in such a way that the sound beam sweeps the entire
weld thickness and adjacent areas and can detect longitudinal, transverse and oblique defects.
10.2 Search for imperfections perpendicular to the test surface
Flat imperfections located below the surface and perpendicular to the test surface are difficult to detect with
simple angular probe techniques. For these discontinuities, specific techniques should be considered, parti-
cularly for welding on thicker materials.
The location of all discontinuities must be defined by reference to a coordinate system, for example, as sho-
wn in Figure 2. A point on the test surface should be selected as the origin of these measurements.
When the test is carried out from more than one surface, reference points must be established on each of
them. In this case, an attempt should be made to establish a positional relationship between all the referen-
ce points used, so that an absolute situation of all discontinuities can be established from any reference po-
In the case of circumferential welds, this may require the establishment of internal and external reference
points before welding assembly.
Example of marking on a pipe:
1º Look at the pipe looking at it in the direction of flow.
4º To determine the depth of the defects, the outer surface will be used as a reference.
6º Consider the positive side of the test before welding and the subsequent negative.
If for this identification the reports were not enough, these will be accompanied by implementation sketches.
• 10.4.1 Generalities
All significant discontinuities of any defect above the evaluation level must be evaluated in accordance wi-
th sections 10.4.2 through 10.4.5
• 10.4.2 Maximum echo amplitude
The amplitude of the echo must be maximized by movements of the probe and recorded in relation to
thereference level
Length of discontinuities
• 10.4.3
The length of the discontinuity, both in the longitudinal and transverse directions (lx, ly), should be determi-
ned, if possible, using the technique specified in the LC-34 procedure of acceptance levels, unless othe-
rwise agreed.
• 10.4.4 Discontinuity height
The measurement of the height of the indication should only be carried out if required.
• 10.4.5 Characterization of discontinuities
If specified, the characterization of discontinuities must be carried out in accordance with the ISO Stan-
The test report will include at least the following information:
11.1. General data:
a) Identification of the object tested:
1) Product material and form
2) Dimensions
3) The position of the tested weld / welded joint, scheme showing thegeometric configuration (if
4) Reference to the welding procedure, specification and heat treatment
5) Manufacturing status
6) Surface conditions
7) Object temperature
b) Contractual requirements, for example, specifications, guidelines, special agreements, etc.
c) Place and date of the test
d) Identification of testing and certification organizations and operator identification
11.2. Information related to the equipment:
e) Manufacturer and type of ultrasonic instrument with identification number, if required
f) Manufacturer, type, nominal frequency, element size and actual angle of incidence of the probes used
with identification number, if required
g) Identification of the reference blocks used with a scheme, if necessary
11.3. Information related to the exam technique:
h) Coupling medium
i) Test level / s and reference to the written procedure when used
j) Trial extension
k) Location of exploration areas
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Ultrasonic test procedure of welded joints according to standard UNE-EN ISO 17640
TC40 Rev.5
l) Reference points and details of the coordinate system used, as specified in the
ection 10.5
Identification of the positions of the probes, as specified in Annex A, or by using a scheme
n) Time base range
o) Method and values used for sensitivity adjustment (gain adjustment for the levels of
reference and
values used for transfer corrections)
p) Reference levels;
q) Result of the base material test;
r) Standards of acceptance levels;
s) Deviations from this international standard, or contractual requirements;
t) Coordinates of the indication, as specified in section 10.5, with details of probes
used and their
corresponding positions;
u) Maximum echo amplitude as specified in section 10.6.2, and information, if required, of
type and size of
the indication;
v) Lengths of discontinuities, as specified in section 10.6.3;
w) Evaluation results according to the specified acceptance levels;
x) A reference of the international standard (UNE-EN ISO 17640).
Discontinued discontinuities will be eliminated or reduced to acceptance levels and once repaired they will be re-
examined with the same acceptance and rejection criteria. After the repair is done, the weld will be subjected to
the same heat treatment it had before it was repaired.
Once the test is finished, remove the remains of the coupling with rags and, if necessary, wash the area with
In areas where it has dried, remove it manually with wire brush or mechanically with emery stone
5 years
Data sheet Laboratory Direction / office manager
5 years
Reports Laboratory Direction / office manager
This document is subject to possible modifications and its validity must be confirmed in the document manager.
Acceptance levels are established here for indications of imperfections in welds by ultrasonic testing.
The relationship between acceptance levels, test levels and quality levels is established in ISO 17635.
See table 1.
Acceptance levels of this procedure are valid for all test levels and all techniques defined in ISO 17640,
including tests with normal probes.
If the characterization has been specified in accordance with ISO 23279, flat indications are not accep-
table, and for non-flat indications, the acceptance levels of this procedure apply.
If no characterization has been specified, the acceptance levels of this procedure are of
Application for
all indications.
Table A.2 specifies the acceptance levels for technique 2 using transverse waves.
Table A.3 specifies the levels of acceptance for technique 2 using longitudinal waves.
For techniques 1 (side holes) and 3 (rectangular notch), see figures from A.1 to A.4.
For techniques 2 [flat bottom holes (disk-shaped reflectors)] and 4 (tandem technique), see figures
from A.5 to A.8.
Any indication with an amplitude below the acceptance level but with a length (above the evaluation
level) that exceeds t, for the thickness range of 8 mm ≤ t <15 mm, or that
exceed the greater of the two
following values t / 2 or 20 mm, for all other thickness ranges, it must be subject to an additional test.
This requires the use of one or more probes with additional angles, and, if specified, the tandem
The final evaluation must be based on the maximum amplitude and echo length measured.
2.- Trasverse indications
When cross-indication detection is specified, the acceptance levels set out in section 1 apply.
The grouping is based on the length and separation of the individually acceptable indications that have
amplitudes above the record level. The length of a group should not be used for another grouping.
For the evaluation, a group of indications should be considered as a single indication, if:
a) the distance, dx, is less than twice the length of the largest indication (see figure 1);
b) the distance, dy, It´s less than half the thickness but not more than 10 mm;
c) the distance, dz, It is less than half the thickness but not more than 10 mm.
L12= l1 + l2+ dx
(See figure 2).
The combined length, l12, and the maximum maximum amplitude of two indications must then be
evaluated taking into account the applicable acceptance levels indicated in Table A.1.
The cumulative length of all individually acceptable indications above the registration level is given at
the same time by the sum of the lengths of the isolated indications and of the indications aligned in
alignment with a combined length, in a given section of length Welding
For any section of weld length, lw = 6t (t = thickness), the maximum cumulative len
gth Ic of all indications acceptable individually and exceeding the registration level
must NOT exceed 20% of Iw for acceptance level 2, or 30% of Iw for acceptance
level 3.
or an section o elding lengt , l , t e maximum cumulative lengt o all individuall accepta le indi
cations and exceeding t e registration level must not exceed o t is lengt or acceptance level ,
or o t is lengt or t e acceptance level , or l t or t <15 mm, and l 1 mm or t ≥ 15
This technique measures the lateral dimensions of an indication on which the echo is equal to or grea-
ter than the evaluation level.
To make a measurement, a scan is made with the beam over the indications, noting the positions of the
probe and the range traveled by the ultrasonic beam in which the echo falls to the evaluation level (po-
sitions 1 and 2 in Figure B.1 ). The lateral dimension, l, is then determined by the distance between po-
sitions 1 and 2.
l Measured side dimension of an indication
1, 2 Positions where the amplitude of the indication is equal to the evaluation level
a Maximum eco.
b Evaluation Level.
Figure B.1 - Fixed amplitude level technique using beam axis
General procedure for magnetic particle examination according to UNE EN ISO 17638
LC68 rev.1
General procedure for magnetic particle examination according to UNE EN ISO 17638
LC68 rev.1
Change control
General procedure for magnetic particle examination according to UNE EN ISO 17638
LC68 rev.1
The purpose of this document is to establish the rules, techniques and criteria for acceptance and
rejection, in the detection by Magnetic Particles of surface ande subsurface discontinuities in finished
welds and in root sckets..
2.1. Its use is foreseen for the inspection in manufacturing, assembly or service of the components
under examination.
2.2. The extent of the inspection will be determined in each case, according to its needs and the
specific requeriments of each componet.
For the preparations of this procedure, the following documents have been taken into accont:
General procedure for magnetic particle examination according to UNE EN ISO 17638
LC68 rev.1
The responsibility for the execution of the inspection is of the technician who performs it. In the
event that said technician is level I, the responsability for supervision is of level II or III assigned to this
General procedure for magnetic particle examination according to UNE EN ISO 17638
LC68 rev.1
magnetic particles must constrast with that of those films. For greater thicknesses, it will be necessary
to demonstrate taht these indications manifest themselves in the same way..
In the case of conductive films, such as chromium plating, calamire or others, from forming operations,
they can mask discontinuities, so it is also necessary to demostrate that this indications can be
revealed whitout having to remove these layers.
7.1.2. Ilumination
• Examinations with visible magnetic particle with natural light.
The lighting is requered to be at least 500 lux in the exam area.
The Operator must remain at least 1 minute in the exam area before the start of the test. Also, the the
lamp will be on at least 5 minutes before checking the intensity of the black light. This check will be
performed at the beginning of the test and at least every 8 hours of work.
7.3. Equipment
General procedure for magnetic particle examination according to UNE EN ISO 17638
LC68 rev.1
- Rectifier transformer DC/AC, with probes and possibility of coil formation. The maximun intesity
supplied by these devices will define the scope of the magnetization.
All magnetization equipment will be in accordance with UNE-EN-ISO 9934-3 y 9934-1.
fundamentally on whether we can achive the required degree of darkness and if the temperature of the
piece allows it. It´s considered that this temperature should not exceed 40ºC.
In any case, the detection means must always be used within the limits of the temperature range set by
the manufacturer.
When the above premise regarding darkness in not fulfilled, it´s recommended to use the wet particles
visible with natural light.
The concentration of particles, whether visible or fluorescent, will always be carried out in accordance
wit the manufacturers recommendatios.
Dry magnetic particles will be used when the temperature of the piece is greater than 40ºC, or in
cases of rough surfaces or with notches in which excessive accunmulation of the liquid can cause
interpretation problems.
The color of the particles will always be chosen according to the piece to be examined, always trying to
obtain the best possible contrast.
The magnetic particles will be acording to the UNE-EN-ISO 9934-2 standard.
General procedure for magnetic particle examination according to UNE EN ISO 17638
LC68 rev.1
7.3.5. Instruments for the verification of the direction of the magnetic field.
This verification will be carried out with the help of a special indicator for this purpose of different trade-
marks such as the Berthold cross.
General procedure for magnetic particle examination according to UNE EN ISO 17638
LC68 rev.1
7.4.2. MAGNETIZATION Directions
At least two magnetizations will always be made so that the flow lines of the second have an
approximately perpendicular direction to those of the first.
Electrodes: to avoid sizzling in the contact areas, special pads will be used on the tips of the same that
allow a good coupling of them with the examination surface.
It is usually practical to use copper mesh
that can be taken to the electrode by means of a clamp.If even taking the precautions described in any
case, an arc occurs, this area must be re-examined to verify that no cracks have occurred, especially
in tho-se materials with special characteristics of self-employment.
to ensure adequate overlap of the test areas, always covering part of the previously magnetized area
with that of the new magnetization.
General procedure for magnetic particle examination according to UNE EN ISO 17638
LC68 rev.1
In special cases the field strength can be estimated by calculations based on the thicknesses,
diameters, electrode separation, number of turns and current intensity. In these cases, level II or III will
provide the appropriate data for the test to the Operator.
In cases where demagnetization is required, this situation must be anticipated before the start of the
test, since most of the means of magnetization are not sufficient to proceed with this operation.
Therefore, in all these cases the Operator will request information at level II or III, before the start of the
34 procedure.
General procedure for magnetic particle examination according to UNE EN ISO 17638
LC68 rev.1
All test data and test reports will be reflected in the formats contemplated in Procedure PA-01
Procedure that contemplates the acceptance and rejection criteria for E.N.D. of different codes.
Procedure that contemplates the acceptance and rejection criteria for E.N.D. of different codes.
Procedure that contemplates the acceptance and rejection criteria for E.N.D. of different codes.
Acceptance levels are established here for indications of imperfections in welds of ferromagnetic steels
by magnetic particle testing. The width of the test surface must include the deposited metal and the ad-
The following table shows the acceptance values of the linear and rounded indications for the 3 le-
Acceptance Level1
Type of indication
1 2 3
Linear indication
l ≤ 1,5 l≤3 l≤6
l = indication length
Nonlinear indication
d≤2 d≤3 d≤4
d = higher axis dimension
1.- Acceptance levels 2 and 3 can be specified with a suffix “X” which means that all the linear indications detected must be evaluated
according to level 1. However, the probability of detection of smaller indications to those corresponding to the acceptance level original
may be lower
When adjacent indications are separated by a distance less than the largest dimension of the smallest
of indications, they should be treated as a single continuous indication.