Asme Viii Uhx Tubesheet Calcs
Asme Viii Uhx Tubesheet Calcs
Asme Viii Uhx Tubesheet Calcs
RULES FOR SHELL AND TUBE HEAT EXCHANGERS hemispherical 1422.40 563.00 19.05 1145.05 1411.70 1219.20 1955300 1290 1955300 1955300 1955300 1290 238.60 0.00 0.00 25.4 triangular 0.00 0.0000 0.00 0.25 2.413 19.0500 69870.00 69870 00 26.3082 0.2759 9.3937 0.2497 0.3722 488330.6622 1.2329 1.0648 0 186 2106024.62 16.00 129.56 0.300 0.300 1290 1290 0.012028 1764240.933 8787.260 0.135366 13704.07537 bar
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
U tube configuration (a),tubesheet integral both sides, with channel type A= outside diameter of tubesheet ro =radius to outermost tube hole center dt=nominal outside diameter of tubes Do=equivalent diameter of outer tube limit circle DS = inside diameter of shell DC = inside diameter of channel E=Modulus of elasticity of tubesheet at tubesh DT S=Allowable stress of tubesheet material at tubesh DT EC=Modulus of elasticity of channel at channel DT ES=Modulus of elasticity of shell at shell DT EtT=Modulus of elasticity of tubes at tubesheeet DT StT=Allowable stress of tubes material at tubesh DT h= uncorroded tubesheet thickness hg=tube side pass partition groove depth ct= tubesheet corrosion allowance on the tube side/shell side p= tube pitch tube layout pattern ltx =expanded length of tube in tubesheet =tube expansion depth ratio =ltx/h hg = MAX [( hg ct ),0] =basic ligament efficiency for shear =(p dt)/p tt= nominal tube wall thickness d*=effective tube hole diameter=max[( dt 2tt(EtT/E)(StT/S) ,dt 2tt)] AL= total area of untubed lanes 2 1/2 p*=effective tube pitch= p/ [1 4MIN(AL,4Dop)/ Do )]
26 *=effective ligament efficiency for bending=(p* d*)/p* 27 [h 2ct]/p= 28 E*/E (function of h/p and *) = 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 * =effective Poisson ratio of tubesh in perforated region E*= effective modulus of elas of tubesh in perforated region s=Ds/Do c=Dc/Do Ps= shell side internal design pressure Pt=tube side internal design pressure MTS=Do2/16 {[ ( s 1)( s2+1)Ps ( c 1)( c2+1)Pt]} ts= shell thickness tc=channel thickness vs=Poisson's ratio of shell material vc=Poisson's ratio of channel material Sc=Allowable stress of channel material at DT Ss=Allowable stress of shell material at DT 4 12(1 vs2)/ (Ds+ts)ts S = 3 2 ks = s Ests / 6(1 vs ) 2 2 s =[ 6Dsks/(h ct)3] [1+(h ct) s +(h ct) s /2] 2 s = Ds /4Ests [1 vs/2] s = sks s s[1+(h ct) s]
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RULES FOR SHELL AND TUBE HEAT EXCHANGERS hemispherical 1 mm N N/mm2 mm3/N mm2
47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
U tube configuration (a),tubesheet integral both sides, with channel type = 4 12(1 vc2)/ (Dc+tc)tc 0.004349 kc = c Ects3/ 6(1 vc2) 338684441.491 2 2 469819.419 c =[ 6Dckc/(h ct)3] [1+(h ct) c +(h ct) c /2] 2 2 0.005134 c = Dc /4Ectc [1 vc/2], Dc /4Ectc [(1 vc )/2] for hemispherical channel = ckc c c[1+(h ct) c] 16405.207 c K=A/Do 1.2422 F=(1 v*)/E* (E lnK + c+ s) 6.6980 M*=MTS + cPt sPs moment on unperforated tubesheet rim 945343.8173 2 Mp=[M* (Do /32)F(Ps Pt)]/(1+F) moment at the periphery 6753805.38 Mo=Mp+(Do2/64)(3+v*)(PS Pt) moment at the center 6096034.395 M=MAX [ ABS(M ),ABS(Mo)] max tubesheet bending moment 6753805.379 2 = 6M/ *(h 2ct hg') tubesheet bend stress 2580.00 =(1/4 )[Do/(h 2ct] ABS( Ps Pt) outer tubesheet shear stress 892.62 Sall =2S 2580.0 1032.0 all=0.8S = Ds2Ps/4ts(Ds+ts) 0.00 s,m 2 * *][ 3 2 567.70 s,b=(6ks/ts ){ S SPs+6[(1 v )/E Do/(h ct) ][ 1+(h ct) s/2][Mp+9Do /32)(Ps Pt)]} =l sml+ l sbl 567.70 s Ssall =1.5Ss 1935.00 2 395.54 c,m= Dc Pc/4tc(Dc+tc) =(6kc/tc2){ c cPc 6[(1 v*)/E*][Do/(h ct)3][ 1+(h ct) c/2][Mp+9Do2/32)(Ps Pt)]} 1539.46 c,b 1935.00 c =l cml+ l cbl Scall =1.5Sc 1935.00 Length of uniform shell thickness leq,s= 1 8Dsts = thickness, 1.8D 201.64 201 64 Length of uniform channel thickness, leq,c= 1.8Dctc = 533.23
bar* mm 2 bar* mm 2 bar* mm 2 bar* mm bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar mm mm
ok ok
72 Number of tubes, N= 73 Shell side design Pressure Ps= 74 Tube side design Pressure Pc= 75 Shell side minimum thickness= 76 Channel side minimum thickness= 77 Objective function to be minimized = Dstsleq,s+ Dctcleq,c+[ ( 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92
/4) N dt /4]h
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0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 h/p=0.1 h/p=0.25 h/p=0.5 h/p=2 0.2759, 0.2497
(a) ( ) E*/E (E il t l T i (Equilateral Triangular Pattern) l P tt )
0.7 h/p=2 0.6 h/p=1 0.5 h/p=0.5 0.4
0.2 h/p=0.15 0.1 h/p=0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
(b) * (Equilateral Triangular Pattern)
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