2009 Audi q5 25

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2009 Audi 05

Owner's M anual
Thank you for choosing an Audi Q5 - we value your trust in us.
Your new Audi Q5 inco rporates the newest technology as well as numerous features designed for
your comfort, convenience and safety. We recommend you read your Owner's Manual thoroughly
so that you can quickly become acquainted with your Audi.

In addition to explaining how the different features work, we also give you many useful tips and
information concerning your safety and that of your passengers, how to care for your vehicle and
maintain your vehicle's value.

We hope you enjoy driving your Audi 05 and we wish you safe and pleasant motoring.

Table of contents

Table of contents

Vehicle literature ... .. ... . 4 Clea r v ision .... . ........ . ..... . 60 Aud i side ass is t ............... . 12 4
Lights .. . .. . ........... . . . . .. . . 60 Lane change assistant .. ... • .... 12 4
Interior li ghts .. . .............. . 65 Notes ......... .. .. . .......... . 131
About this Owner's V is i on ........................ . 66 Aud i drive se lect .... . ..... . ... . 133
Manual .. . .. . .. . ..... . ...... . 5 W i pe r an d washer sys t em . .. . . . . 67 Driving settings ............... . 133
Mirrors ....................... . 70
Digital compass ............... . 73
Aut o matic trans m ission ....... . 136
tiptronic® (6 -speed automatic
Controls and Sea t s and sto r age ............ . 76 transm i ssion) .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . 136
equipment ................. . 6 Genera l recommendat i ons ..... . 76
Parking System 143
Power front seat adjustment ... . 77
Ins t rumen t s and con tro ls ..... . 7 Audi pa r king system advanced ... 143
Seat memory ................. . 78
Genera l i ll ustration ............. . 7 Adjust in g the disp l ay and warning
Rear sea t s . .. . . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . . 80 tones ........................ . 148
Ins tr umen t s and Head rest r ain t s ... • ..... • ...... 81 Tr a il e r hi t ch ... . . .. . . . .... .. . ... 149
warning/indicat o r lig h ts ....... . 8 Front arm rest .......... • ...... 82
Error messages ................ . 149
Instruments . .. . . . . ........... . . 8 Luggage compartment .... . .. . . 83
Roof rack ................ . .... . 90 H o me li n k® .................... . 150
Warning/indicator lights ........ . 12
Beverage ho l ders ....... . ..... . 93 Unive r sa l remote cont r ol 150
Driver i n f o r ma ti o n disp lay .. . .. . 18
Climat ized cupholders .. . ...... . 94
Introduction . .. . ......... . .. . .. . 18
Cupho l ders in the door pockets .. 95
On-Board Diagnostic system (OBD) 21 Safety first . ............... . 154
As h t rays ..................... . 96
Trip compute r ................. . 23
Ciga r et t e ligh t er/ou t le t .. .. . .. . . . 97 Driv i ng Sa f e ly .... . . . . ..... . ... . 154
Speed war ni ng system .... . .... . 25
Storage ................ . ..... . 98 Genera l notes ................. . 15 4
Auto Chec k Control . .. . .. . ..... . 27
T i re pressure monitoring system .. 36 Warm and cold 103 Proper occupant seating positions 156
3 Zone deluxe auto m a t ic climate Peda l area .................... . 160
Opening and c losi n g .......... . 42 control ....................... . 103 St ow i ng luggage . .. . . .. . .. . ... . 161
Keys .............. . .. . ........ . 42 3 Zone deluxe auto m a t ic climate Report i ng Safety Defects ... . ... . 163
Power lock i ng system . ......... . 45 control - basic settings ........ . 1 10
Opening and closing rear lid .... . 51 Safe t y belts . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . 16 5
Seat heating .................. . 111
Automat ic rea r l id/t r un k l id General n otes . .. . . . . . ..... . ... . 16 5
operat i on ..................... . 52 On the road .... . .............. . 1 13 Why safety be lts? .......... • .... 166
Emergency u nlocking of the Stee r ing ...................... . 1 13 Safety belts ........ . .. . .. . .. . . . 169
luggage compartment lid ....... . 54 Ign ition lock and ignition sw itch . 1 14 Safety belt pretensioners ... . ... . 173
Ch ild safety locks .............. . 55 Starting and stopping the engine
Airbag system ............. . ... . 175
Power w in dows ............... . 55 w it h Conve ni ence key .. .. . .... . 1 16
Important things to know ...... . 175
Panoramic s li ding sunroof .. .... . 57 Electromechanical parking bra k e . 1 18
Front airbags ............. . ... . 17 9
Cruise control .... . .. . .. . ...... . 121
Table of contents

Moni t oring the Advanced Airbag Vehicle care ....... ....... . 242 Technical data 322
System ...................... . 186
Side airbags .. .... . .. ......... . 191 Cleaning and protection ..... . . 242 General information 322
Sid e curtain a irbags . . .... . .... . 194 General information 242 Explanation of techn ical data 322
Child Safety ................... . 197 Care of exterior ......... . ...... . 242 Vehicle ident ifi cation . . .. . ...... . 322
Impor tant things to know ...... . 197 Care of in te rior ........ . . . . .. . . . 249 Displaying Vehic le Identification
Child sa f ety seats ........... .. . 202 Number ....................... . 323
Fue l supply and filling your fuel
Insta lli ng a ch il d safety seat . .. . . 207 Weights ...... . ..... .. .... .. ... . 323
tank ........................... . 255
Lower anchorages and tet her s for Dimensions . ... ..... . ... .. . .... 32 4
Gaso li ne ............... . ...... . 255
chi ldren (LATCH) ............... . 211 Fuel tank ............... . ..... . 256 Data ......... . ..... . .. . .. . ...... 325
Add it ional Information ......... . 2 16 Q5 3.2, 6 - cy lin der eng ine, wi t h all
Checking and filling ..... • ...... 260
wheel drive .. .. ... ... ... ... ... . 325
Engine hoo d . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . 260
Consumer Inform a tion . . . . . . . . . 326
Vehicle operation ....... . 218 Engine compartment ... .. . .... . 262
Engine oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . 263 Warranty coverages . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
Intel l igent technology ......... . 218 Engine cooling system .. .. . ... . . 267 Operating your ve hi cle outside the
Notice about data recorded by Br ake fluid ... .... .. ... ... ... .. . 270 U.S.A. or Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
vehicle contro l modules .. .... . . 218 Battery ... ... .... .. .... .. ..... . 271 Audi Se rvic e Repair Manuals and
Elect ron ic Stabilization Pro gram Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
Windshield / headlight washer
(ESP) ......................... . 2 18 containe r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. 275 Ma intenan c e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
Braking .................. . ... . 222 Addit ional accessor ies,
Tires and wheels . ... ..... .. .. .. 277 modifications and parts
Servotronic® - advanced power
steering syst em .. . ......... ... . 225 Tires ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 277 replacement . ... ... ... ... ... ... . 328
Driving with your quattro® ..... . 225 D ec laration of Complianc e,
Telecommunications and Elect ro ni c
Ene rgy management ........ .. . 226
Do-it-yourself service 298 Systems . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 329
Driving an d env ironm en t ..... . 229
The first 1,000 miles (1,500 kml and What do I do now? .. ... .... .. .. 298
afterwards ............... . ... . 229 Jack , too ls and inflata ble spa r e tire 298 Alphabetical index ...... 332
Catalytic converter . .. ....... .. . 230 Changing a wheel .. . .. .... .. . . . 302
Avoid damag ing th e ve hi c le ... . . 231 Fuses and bulbs . ..... . .. ..... . 309
Operate your vehicle economically Fuses . ......... ... ..... . .... .. 309
and minimize pollution . .. .. . .. . 231
Bulbs ................. . ..... . . 313
Driving off road ............... . 234
Emergency situations . . . .... . .. 3 15
Driving in diff ic ult road cond it ions
General ....................... . 3 15
and offroad .................. . 23 4
Starting by pushing or towing .. . 315
Trailer towing ................. . 237 Starting with jumper cables . . .. . 315
D r iv in g with a t r aile r ..... . ..... . 237 Use of jumper cab les .......... . 3 16
Trailer towin g tips ........ . .... . 239 Emergency towing w ith comme rcia l
tow truck ....... . ............. . 3 18
Lifting vehicle .... . ..... . ..... . . 320

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
Vehicle literature

Vehicle literature
In addition to this Owner 's Manual, your Audi comes with a If you change your address or if you bought this
Warranty & Maintenance booklet. Audi used
Moreover, depending on the model and the equipment, there may be sure to send in a "Notice of Address Change"/ "Notice of Used
be additional instruction booklets delivered with your vehicle (for Car Purchase" post card . This card can be found in the Warranty &
example, Operating Instructions for your Sound System, Navigation Maintenance booklet or obtained from your authorized Audi dealer.
System et c.).
It is in your own interest that we are able to contact you should the
If you are missing one of these publications, or if you believe that need arise. •
the information is not complete, contact your authorized Audi
dealer for assistance.

The Warranty & Maintenance booklet

explains how you can keep your Audi in top driving condition by
having it serviced regularly and contains detailed information about
the warranties covering your Audi. Always have the booklet with you
when you take your vehicle to an authorized Audi dealer for service.
Your Audi Service Adviser will record each scheduled service and
can answer any questions you may have regarding how to maintain
your vehicle.

In Canada,
the vehicle literature is also available in French. To obtain a copy,
contact your dealer or write to:
Au Canada , on peut se procurer un exemplaire en frarn;:ais de ce
document aupres du concessionnaire ou de:
Volkswagen Canada, Inc.
Client Assistance
Assistance a la Clientele
777 Bayly Street , West,
Ajax, Ontario L1S 7G7

If you sell your Audi

all literature should be left in the vehicle to make the Warranty terms
as well as all operating, safety and maintenance information avail-
able to the next owner.
About thi s Own e r's M a nual

About this Owner's Manual

This owner's manual contains important information,
tions, and wa r nings for the use of your vehicle.
tips, sugges -
Make sure that this owner's manual is always located in the vehicle . Text w ith th is symbol conta ins important information on safety
This is especial ly important if you allow other people to drive the and how to reduce the risk of personal injury or death .
veh icle, or if you sell it.
This owner's manual describes the equipme nt range specified for
this model at the editoria l deadline date. Some of the equipmen t
0 Note
Text with this symbo l d raws your attention to po t ential sources of
described here will only be availab le at a later date, or on ly in
damage to your vehicle.
specific markets.
Some sect ions in this owner 's manua l do not apply to al l vehicles.
In that case, the range of applicability is given at the beginning of <i'For the sake of the environment
the sect ion, e. g ., "Applies to vehicles : with Audi parking syste m Text with this symbo l contains information about the environment
advanced " . In addition, optional equipment is indicated by an and how you can help protect it.
asterisk "*" .
The details in the illustrations may be different from those in your
vehicle, and are intended to be viewed as a basic guide .
[i ]Tips
Text with this symbo l contains special tips and other information
You wil l find a table of content s at the begin ning of this book , which about getting the mos t out of your vehicle and its features. •
displays all topics described in this manua l in order of appearance .
You will f ind an alphabetical index at the end of this book.
All direct ions, such as "left", " right" , "front" , "back", are relative to
the direction of travel.
optiona l equipment
.,.. This section continues on the next page .
• Indicates the end of a section .
® Regist ered trademarks are ide ntified with a® . If this symbol is
missing, it is no guarant ee that th e terms can be used freely .
=>& Cross-reference to a "WARNING!" within a sect ion . For indi -
cation with a page number, the correspond ing "WARN ING!" can be
f ound outside of the section.

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
Instruments and controls


Fig. 1 Some of the equipment or features shown in the general illustration may be standard equipment on your vehicle or may be optional equipment depending on your
model. Always ask your authorized Audi dealer if you have a question about your vehicle.
In st rum e n t s a nd co ntr o ls

Instruments and controls

General illustration @ Front passenger's airbag ....................... . 179

@ Depending on options:
G) Memory buttons (driver's seat) 78 - Control for Audi drive select .. .. ......... .. .. .. . 133

0 Door handle - Audi parking system advanced switch . ... . .. .. . . 143

© Power locking switch 50 - Electronic Stabi lization Program {ESP) switch . . .. . 218
© Side assist button .. . ... . .. . ... . ... . ... . .. .. .. . . 124 - Hill descent assist switch ..................... . 220
© Air outlets . ... . ... . .. . ... . ... . ... . .......... ... 109 @ 3 Zone deluxe automatic climate control .......... . 103
© Light switch .. . ... . ... . ... . ... . .. . ... . ... . .. .. . 60 @ Ashtray with cigarette lighter . .. .. .. ... . ...... .. . . 96, 97
0 Instrument lighting ... ..... .. . .. .. ... . .. ...... .. 63 @ Shift lever for automatic transmission 136
© Turn signa l and high beam 64 @ Depending on options :
© Cruise control 121 - MMI terminal or
@ Multifunction steering wheel with: - Audi par king system advanced switch 143
- Horn Electronic Stabilization Program {ESP) switch . . .. . 218
- Driver's airbag .............................. . 179 Hill descent assist swi t ch .. . .. . ... . . . . . ... . . . . . 220
- Operating buttons for the audio system Control for Audi drive select .. .. .. . ... . ........ . 133
- Rocker switches for tiptronic operation . . . . . ... . . 141 @ Start/Stop button .. . ... . ... . ...... . ... . ... . ... . . 116
@ SET button . ... . ... . ... . .......... . ... . ... . ... . 9 @ Electromechanical parking brake . .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . 118
@ Instrument cluster . . . . . . ... . ... . . . .... . ... . ... . . 8 @) Adjustable steering column ...... .. ...... .. .. . .. . 113
@) Reset button for trip odometer .................. . 11 @ Data Link Connector for On Board Diagnostics {OBD Ill 21
@ Switches for: @) Release lever for the engine hood ... .. . . ... .. . ... . 260
- Windshield wiper/washer ...... . .. ..... .. ... .. . 67 @ Switch for unlocking the trunk lid ...... .. ...... .. . 51
- Trip computer .. . .. ...... ...... ..... ... .. . .. . 23 @ Adjuster control for outside mirrors .. . .. .. .. .. .. . . 72
@ Ignition lock .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . ... ...... . ... . . . 114 @ Power window switches . . ... . ... . ... . ... . ...... . 55 •
@ Radio system or Audi multimedia (see separate
@ Radio or MMI display (see separate manua l)
@ Button/Indicator light for:
- Emergency flasher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
@) Glove compartment {lockab le) 99

Controls and equip - I • •

Instruments and warning / indicator lights

Instruments and warning/indicator lights

Instruments © Reset button for trip odometer 11

G) Speedometer
Instrument cluster and controls © Fuel gauge ... . ... . .. .. ... .. .. . ... . .. . ... . .. . • . 10

The instrument cluster is your central source of informa-

tion . [i ]Tips
The illumina t ion for the instrument cluster lights up whenever you
switch on the ignition with the vehicle headlights off. As the
daylight fades, the instrument cluster illumina t ion likewise dims
automatically and will go out completely when the outside light is
very low. This feat ure is meant t o remind you to switch on the head -
lights when outside light conditions become poor. •

Engine coolant temperature gauge

The engine coolant gauge ~ fig . 2 CD

only works when the ignition
is on . To prevent damage to your engine , please note t he following
important points:

Engine cold
If the needle is at or close to the bottom of the gauge , the engine
has not yet reached its operating temperature. Avoid high engine
speeds, heavy engine loads, and heavy throttle applica t ions.
Fig. 2 Overview of the instrume nt cluster
No rmal temperature
CDCoolant temperature gauge ..... . .............. .. 8 When the engine has reached its operating temperature , the need le
0 Tachometer .. . ........... . .. .. ...... . ... . .... . 9 will move to the middle of the gauge and remain there. If t he engine
G) Warning/indicator lights .. . .. .. .. ... . .. .. . ... . . . 12 is working hard at high outside temperatures, th e needle may move
© [SET] button . . . ... . .. .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. . ... . ... . . 9 higher on the gauge . This is not a cause for concern as long as t he
- ~- warning light in the instrument cluster d isplay does not illumi -
© Disp lay nate . .,
- Driver information system ..... .. .. . ... . .. .. .. . 18
- Time and date display .. . .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . 10
- Odom eter .. . ........... . .. .. ...... . ........ . 11
Instruments and warning / indicator lights

Warning light in the instrument clu ster di s play -L Tachometer (engine rev counter)
If the _L wa rn ing l ight in the instr ument cluste r display flashes, this
The ta ch ometer in dicat es t he engine RPM (revolu tio ns p er
can mean one of two things : either the coolant temperature is too
h igh, or the coolan t level is t oo low ~ page 30. m in utes).
If t he needle is we ll in t he upper area of the gauge, the coolant If engine RPM drops below 1,500, you should downshift to the next
temperature is too high. Stop the vehicle, swit ch the engine off, and low er g ear. The red area at t he end of the scale indicates maxim um
allow it to cool. If the war n ing light comes on again after d riving a permissible engine RPM after the break -in period. Before reaching
short distance, contact an authorized Audi dea ler or other qualified this area, move the selecto r lever to po siti on "D (Drive)" o r ease your
w o rksh o p. foot off the acce lerator peda l.

& WARNING 0 Note

• Alway s observe the warning in ~ page 254, "Engine compart-
The tachometer needle @ ~ page 8, fig. 2 should only briefly be in
ment ", before open ing the hood and checking the engine coolant t he red zone : you co uld damage yo ur engine! The beginning of t he
red zone varies depending on the engine .

• Never open the engine hood if you see or hear steam , or if you
see engine coolant dripping from the engine compartment. You ~ For the sake of the environment
could burn yourself . Let the engine cool off first so that you cannot Ups hiftin g ear ly saves fu el and reduces engine noise . •
hear or see any steam or engine coolant .

0 Note
[ S ET ) button
You can per form diffe ren t fu nctio ns w it h this but ton.
• Mo unting add it iona l lights or accesso r ies in front of the air inlets
reduces the cooling effect of the radiator . At high outside tempera -
t ures o r high engi ne load, t he engine coul d over heat .
• The front spoiler has been designed to properly distribute the
cooling air wh en the vehic le is moving. If the spoi ler is dam aged,
this could reduce the coo ling effect and the engine could then over-
heat . Ask your auth or ized Audi deale r f or assist ance . •

Fig. 3 SET button in

the inst rument cluster

The [SET ] b utto n perfor ms t he fo ll owi ng fu nct io ns:

Cont rols and equip- Vehicle care I I irechnical data

In st rum e nts and w a rnin g/ indi c at o r lig h ts

S w it c h in g o n t im e, d ate, t e mp era t u re di sp lay, a n d Digital clock with date display

o do meter
The disp lay appears for approximately 30 seconds when you press
the !SET] button => page 9, fig. 3 with the ignition off .

S t a rtin g t h e Aut o -Ch eck se qu e n ce

The Auto -Check system => page 27 constantly monitors certain indi -
vidual functions and components of the vehicle when the ignition is
turned on and when the vehicle is moving.
With the ign ition turned on, you can start the "Auto-Check
sequence" by pressing the !SET] button. You can perform an Auto - Fig. 4 Instr ume nt
Check sequence when the vehicle is stat ionary and the ignition is cluster: tim e a nd dat e
turned on or when the vehicle is moving slower than 3 mph
(5 km/hl. Digit al c lo c k
The date, time of day, time and date format can be set in the radio
The number of keys programmed to the vehic le is also displayed.
or in the MMI*. You can learn more about this in the MMI manua l or
The display L2 3/ 3 indicates that three keys have been programmed .
in the radio user's manual.
This allows you to make sure you have received all of the keys when
you purchase a used vehicle.
For example, if you only receive two keys, you should take those [i ]Tip s
keys to your authorized Audi dealer to have the missing key deacti- • The digital clock turns on for about 30 seconds when the driver 's
vated so it cannot be used . You should also report the miss ing key door is opened.
to your insurance company. • When the ignition is turned off, the odometer reading and the
C all ing up th e dri v er informatio n
digital clock with date display can be switched on for about
30 seconds by pressing the !SET] button => page 9, fig. 3. •
A yellow or red symbol appears in the instrument cluster disp lay,
usually with a driver message . The driver message display disap -
pears after about 5 seconds. The driver message can be displayed Fuel gauge
again by briefly pressing the !SET] button .

Se ttin g th e s p ee d wa rnin g The fuel gauge works only when the ignition is on .

By pressing the !SET)button br iefly, you can set threshold 1 of the When the needle reaches the reserve mark, the=> page 34 ~
speed warning while you are driving=> page 26. By maintaining symbo l appears in the instrument c luster disp lay as well as the
pressure on t he !SET] button, you delete the warning threshold . • message Please refuel . There are approxi mate ly 2.6 gallons
(10 liters) of fuel left. This message is meant to remind you to refuel.
The total tank capacity of your vehic le is listed in => page 325. .,,
Instruments and warning / indicator lights

• Canada models - Kilometers

0 Note
You can switch from kilometers to miles or vise versa in the radio or
Never run the tank completely dry! An irregular supply of fuel can in the MMI* using the [SETUP I button.
cause engine misfiring and fuel could enter into the exhaust
system. The cata lytic converter could then overheat and be Odometer/trip odometer
damaged . • The odometer shows the total number of kilometers or miles that
have been driven on the vehicle .

Odometer The trip odometer shows the distance driven since it was last reset.
It can be used to measure short distances. The last digit shows
The odometer indicates the distance driven. distances of 100 meters or 1/10 of a mile.
The trip odometer can be reset to zero by pressing the reset button
[O.Ol=> fig. 6.
Malfunction message
If there is a malfunction somewhere in the instrument cluster, dEF
wi ll appear in the trip odometer and will stay on . Contact your
authorized Audi dealer to have the problem corrected.

Immobilize r
Fig. 5 Instrument
cluster: odometer When the ignition is switched on, the data on the ignition key are
scanned automatically .
If an unauthorized key was used, SAFE is displayed permanently in
the odometer disp lay field. The vehicle cannot be operated
=> page 42.

[i ] Tips
• The date, time, and distance cont inue to show for about 30
seconds after the ignition is switched off.
Fig. 6 Instrument • The odometer turns on for about 30 seconds when the driver's
cluster: reset button door is opened .
• The odometer can be turned on for approximate ly 30 seconds
The display of distance driven is shown in kilometers "km" or in
with the ignition off by pressing the [ SET ] button=> page 9, fig. 3. •
• USA models - Miles

Cont rols and equip- Vehicle care I I irechnical data

In st rum e nt s a nd warning / indi ca t o r lig hts

Warning/indicator lights AIR USA model s: ~ page 14

BAG Ai r bag system
Canada models: ~ page 14
The warning/indicator lights indicate different functions Airbag system
or a possible malfunction. Tire pressure mon itoring system* ~ page 14

Left turn signa l => page 74

- Trailer turn signal assemb ly* ~ page 75

Safety belt => page 15

Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIU ~ page 15

High beam ~ page 15

Right turn sig nal ~ page 74

USA model s:
Cruise control activated
~ page 15

Canad a model s: ~ page 15

Fig. 7 Instrum ent cluster w ith warning/ indicator lights Cruise control activated
USA mod els: Anti -lock brake system ~ page 15
Your vehicle is equipped with several important warning and indi -
cator lights to help you monitor the continued reliable operation of (ABS) defective
your vehicle ~ & . Canad a model s: Anti-lock brake sys- ~ page 15
tern (ABS) defective
Dynamic steering* ~ page 13
PARIC USA model s: Parking brake ~ page 16
Electronic power control => page 73

Electronic Stabilization Program (ESP) => page 13

Instruments and warning / indi c ator lights

reduced speed to a qualified workshop. Steering can be more diffi -

(® ) Canada models : Parking brake ~ page 16
cult o r sensi ti ve than usual. The steering wheel may also b e at an
ang le when driving straight .
USA model s: Brake malfunction ~ page 17

((D) Canada models: Brake malf u nction ~ page 17 & WARNING

Have the dynamic steering system malfunct ion repaired as soon
as possible by an authorized Audi dealer or any qualified work -
& WARNING shop - risk of accident!

• Failure to heed warning lights and other important vehicle

information may result in serious personal injury or vehicle [i ] Tips
damage . • If the ind icator light '1 flashes , dynam ic steering is being re-
• Whenever stalled or stopped for repair, move the vehicle a safe initia lized . The d river information system display shows the w o rds
distan ce off the road, stop the engine, and turn on the emergency Dynami c steering : initializing ~ page 33.
flasher ~ page 64. • The dynamic steering st ab ility systems are not avai lable in the
• The engine compartment of any motor vehicle is a potentially event of a system malfunction. •
hazardous area. Before you check anything in the engine compart -
ment , stop the engine and let it cool down . Always exercise
extreme caution when working under the hood ~ page 254,
Electronic power control [
"Engine comp artment " This wa rn i ng/in di cato r li g h t monit or s the elec tronic
power control .
[i ] Tips The • warning/ indicato r light (Electronic Power Control) illumi -
Many functions are moni t ored by the Auto -Check system nat es w hen yo u tu rn on t he ig nition as a functio n check.
~ p age 27. M alf unctions o r f au lts w i ll be identi fie d eith e r with a red
symbo l (prior ity 1 - Danger!) or with a yellow symbo l (priority 2 -
War n ing). • [i ] Tips
If t hi s warn i ng/ i nd icato r l ig ht illum i nat es w h ile yo u ar e driving, t hen
there is a malfunct ion in the engine electronics . Have the ma lfunc -
Ap plies to vehicles : with Audi dr ive select
tion co rr ect ed as so o n as poss ibl e by your aut horized Aud i dealer o r
Dynamic steering f'""
.I qualified workshop . •

If the indicator light illuminates when switch ing on the ignition

and goes out when t he eng ine star t s, dy namic steering is act ivated. Electronic stabilization program (ESP) •.
If the indica t or light il lum inates after the eng i ne sta rts, a system
malf u nction has occu rr ed . You can continue to d rive careful ly at a The warning/indicator li ght has the following funct ions:

Controls and equip - I • •

Instruments and warning / indicator lights

• It will blink while you are driving whenever the ESP or the ASR
engage. & WARNING
• It illuminates when you switch off the ESP or the ASR with the If you have a malfunction in the airbag system, contact your autho-
ESP OFF button => page 218. rized Audi dealer immediately. Otherwise the airbag or the belt
• It illuminates when you switch on the ignition for approximately pretensioner may not work properly in an accident. •
2 seconds as a function check.
• It illuminates when there is a malfunction in the ESP. App li es to vehicles: with ti re pressure mon itoring system
• It illuminates if there is a malfunction in the ABS, since the ESP Tire pressure monitoring system - telltale
is part of the ABS system. indicator lamp Ll
If the ESPwarning/indicator light illuminates and stays on after you
The warning/indicator light appears in the event of a
have started the engine, this may mean that the control system has
temporari ly switched off the ESP.If this is case, you can reactivate significant loss of tire pressure or if there is a malfunc-
the ESP by turning the ignition off and then on again. The ti on.
warning/indicator light should go out to show that the system is
The indica tor light U il luminates to check the function when you
fully functional again.
switch on the ignition.
For more information about the ESP => page 218. •
If the symbo l remains on or blinks after you switch on the igni-
tion, there is a loss of tire pressure or a system malfunction. If there
Airbag system is a system malfunction, see your authorized Audi dealer as soon as
~i (USA models) / !~- (Canada models)
Detailed information on the tire pressure monitoring system can be
This warning/indicator light monitors the airbag and the found in=> page 36. •
pretensioner systems.
The I (USA models) f! '!r(Canada models) warning light illuminates Turn signals ¢ ¢
for a few seconds each time you switch on the ignition.
The indicator light blinks when you use either turn signal.
If the ~ (USA mode ls) f! !r (Canada models) warning light does not
go out, or if it illuminates while you are driving, or if it starts to blink, Whenever you use the left ¢ or the right ¢ turn signal, the indicator
then there is a malfunction somewhere in the system . If the light light blinks. When you use the emergency flashers, both indicator
does not il luminate when you switch on the ignition, this also lights flash.
means there is a malfunction.
If one of the turn signal light bu lbs burn out, the turn signal wil l
blink twice as fast as normal.
This does not apply, however, in towing mode. The indicator light
does not f lash if a turn signal is out on the trailer or the towing
veh icle. Additional information on the turn signals=> page 64. •
In st rum e nt s a nd w a rnin g/ indi ca t o r ligh ts

Ap p li es to vehicles: with towi ng hitch The warning light il luminates when there is a malfunction in the
Trailer turn signal assembly ¢1c~ engine electronic system. Contact your authorized Audi dealer and
have the malfunction corrected.
The indicator light also blinks if the turn signal is operated
An imprope rly closed fu el filler cap may also cause t he MIL light to
when towing a trailer.
illuminat e => page 257.
The indicator light ¢ 1¢ blinks when the turn signa l is used, if a trai ler For more information=> page 21. •
has been properly connected to the vehicle.
If one of the turn signa l bulbs on the trailer is burned out or defec -
tive, the indicator light will not blink when you use the turn signals . High beam ~D

The ~D warning/indicator light illuminates when the high beams are

[i ] Tip s on or when you use the headlight f lasher . For more information
For vehicles with a factory installed towing hitch or a trailer hitch about using the high beams, see=> page 64. •
that was installed later according to factory specifications, the
trai ler turn signal assembly is actuated. •
Cruise control CRUISE
(USA models) / (7)'2
(Canada models)
Safety belts ~
This warning/indicat or light reminds you to put on your The warning/indicator light illuminates when the cruise control is
activated. •
safety belt.
The i warning/indicator light illuminates when the ignition is
switched on to remind the driver and (on USA models only) any front Anti-lock brake system (ABS)
passenger to put on the safety belt. Additional ly, an audible warning c::(USA models) / (Canada models)
tone wi ll also sound . This warning/indicator light monitors the ABS and the
For more Information=> page 165, "Safety belt warn ing light~"- • electronic differential lock (EDL).
The warning/indicator light wi ll come on for a few seconds when the
Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) ~ ignition is switched on . The light will go out after an automatic
check sequence is comp leted .
The Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIU is part of the On-Board Diag-
T h e re is a m a lfun c ti o n in the A BS whe n:
nostic (OBD II) system. The symbol ~ lights up when the ignition is
turned on and wi ll turn off after the engine has started and has • The warning/indicator light does not i ll uminate when you switch
sett led at a constant idle speed. This indicates that the MIL is on t he ignition.
work ing proper ly. • The warning/indicator light does not go out after a few seconds.
• The warning/indicator light illuminates while driving. _,,

Controls and equip - I • •

Instruments and warning / indicator lights

The brake system will still respond even without the assistan ce of
the ABS system. See your authorized Audi dealer as soon as
& WARNING (continued )
possible to restore full braking performan ce. For more information authorized Audi dealer or a qualified workshop . Drive slow ly and
rega rd ing t he ABS => page 224. avoid sudden, hard brake applications.
The ABS warning light and the brake warning light come on • Canada models : If the br ake warning light CCD> and the ABS
together . The ABS will not work and you will notice a change in warning light come on together , the rear wheels could lock up
braking response and performance . first under hard braking . Rear wheel lock-up can cause loss of
vehicle control and an accident. Have your vehicle repaired imme-
Malfunction in the brake system diately by your authorized Audi dealer or a qualified workshop .
If the brake warning light=> page 77and the A BS warning illuminate Drive slowly and avoid sudden , hard brake applications. •
together there may be a malfunction in the ABS, and there may also
be a ma lf uncti o n in the brake syste m itself =>& .
Electromechanical parking brake
In the event of a malfunction in the brake system the warning/indi - :ffiE(USA models) / (®) (Canada models)
cator ligh t BRAKE (USA mo d els)/((]))(Canada mod els) i n t he inst rum ent
cluster f lashes . By pressing the [SET] button, you can bring up a The wa rning /in di ca tor lig ht moni tor s the elect romechan -
d riv er message which ex plains the ma lfunction in mor e detai l. ical parking br ake.
Please note=> page 29.
With the parking brake applied and the ignition turned on, the
Malfunction in the electronic differential lock (EDL ) wa rning/indicator light illuminates . After the ignition has been
The EDL works together with the ABS. The ABS warning light will turned off, the warning/ indicator light cont i nues to ill uminate for
come on if t here is a ma lfun cti o n in the EDL syst em => page 221. See about 30 seconds. If the parking brake is app lied with the ignition
your authorized Audi dea ler as soon as possible. t urne d off , t he w arn ing/ indi cato r lig ht il lum i nat es f or abou t 30

& WARNING Th e wa r ni ng/in di cat or light wi ll go out whe n the parking bra ke is
released .
• If the ~ (USA models )/" " (Canada models ) warning light
If the warning/indicator light flashes continuously after applying the
does not go out , or if it comes on while driving, the ABS system is
par ki ng brake, bra ki ng f orce is not suf ficient to p revent t he ve hi cle
not working properly . The vehi cle can then be stopped only with
from rol ling unintentiona lly. Please note the following :
the standard brakes (without ABS). You will not have the protec -
tion ABS provides. Conta ct your authorized Audi dealer as soon as • If th e slope of t he gro und is t oo ste ep t o pa rk the ve hicle , t he
possible . additiona l drive message appears Caution : Vehicle parked too
• USA models : If the BRAKE warning light and the ,.,_,, warning steep.
light come on together , the rear wheels could lock up first under • In the event of a parking brake ma lfunction, the yel low · symbol
hard braking . Rear wheel lock-up can cause loss of vehicle control app ears in the instr um en t c luster display and the driver m essag e
and an accident. Have your vehicle repaired immediately by your Parking brake malfun ction! is displayed . Have the malfunct ion .,,_
Instruments and warning / indi c ator lights

repaired as soon as possible by an authori zed Audi dea ler or any

othe r q ualif ied w o rkshop. •
& WARNING (continued )

authorized Audi dealer or a qualified workshop . Drive slowly and

avoid sudden, hard brake applications.
Brake system BRAKE
(USA models) / ((f)) (Canada
• Canada models : If the br ake warning light ((j)) and the ABS
models) warning light come on together , the rear wheels could lock up
The wa rning/in dica tor li ght flashes if brake fluid level is first under hard braking . Rear wheel lock-up can cause loss of
vehicle control and an accident. Have your vehicle repaired imme-
low, if th ere is an A BS system ma lfu nc ti on or a pa rkin g
diately by your authorized Audi de aler or a qualified workshop .
bra ke malfu nc tion . Drive slowly and avoid sudden, hard brake applications.
The light illuminates when the ignition is turned on . It goes out after • If the brake warning / indicato r light does not go out after a few
t he eng ine has been sta rt ed. This in dica t es tha t th e b rake war ning seconds and the parking brake released, or lights up while you are
light is functioning properly . driving , the fluid level in the brake fluid reservoir is too low . If you
believe that it is safe to do so, proceed immed iately at low speed
i8 If the brake warning light does not light up when the engine is
to the nearest authorized Audi dealer or qualified repair facility
cranking, there may be a malfunction in the electrical system. In this
and have the brake system in spected .
case , conta ct an authorized Aud i dealer .
• Always keep in m ind that after several brake applications, you
If the b rake system warning / indicator light flas hes, the re is a br ake will need greater pressure on the brake pedal to stop your vehicle .
system ma lfunction . By pressing the [ SET] button, you can brin g up Do not rely on strained brakes to respond with ma xi mum stopping
a dri ver message which expla in s t he malf u nct ion in more detai l power in critical situations . You must allow for increased braking
=> page 29. distan ces . The extra distan ce used up by fading brakes could lead
If the ABS fai ls, the ABS warning/indicato r light ..,..,(USA to an accident . •
m odels)/ (Canada mode ls) fl ashes t oge t he r w ith the b rake syst em
warning/ind icator l ight => &, .
(USA mo del s): If t he warning li gh t BRAKE and th e wa rn ing light
illum inate togethe r, i mmediate ly contact your authorized Aud i
dea ler o r q ualified w o rksh op t o have all br ake pads ins pect ed
=> page 34.
When the light comes on, an audible warning signal is also g iven .

• USA models: If the BRAKE warning light and the S warning
light come on together , the rear wheels could lock up first under
hard braking . Rear wheel lock-up can cause loss of veh icle control
and an accident. Have your vehicle repaired immediately by your

Controls and equip - I • •

Driver information display

Driver information display

Introduction Sound system display => page 19

Outside air temperature =>page 19
General notes
Digital speedometer => page 20
The driver information display inside the instrument
cluster provides you, the driver, with much useful infor- Open door- and luggage compartment warning =>page 20
mation. Service interval display =>page 20
Auto Check system =>page27
Driver information => page27
Speed warning =>page25
Trip computer => page23
Tire pressure monitoring system* =>page36
Digital clock with date display =>page 10
Fig. 8 Instrument Odometer and trip odometer =>page 11
cluster : center display
Selector lever position => page 137
Information from the driver information system is shown in the Cruise control =>page 121
display in the center of the instrument cluster.
When you turn on the ignition and while you are driving, some func - [i] Tips
tions and vehicle components are scanned for their operating In the event of a malfunction either a red or yellow icon appears in
status. Malfunctions or required service procedures are signaled the display. Red symbols indicate Danger=> page 28. Yellow
audibly and shown by red and yellow lighted symbols and symbols indicate a Warning => page 32. •
reminders to the driver in the display.
The driver is also shown information about radio and CD operation
and directions for the navigation system * . You can find additional
information on these subjects in the radio or MMI* manual.
The illustrations in the instrument panel display differ in some of
the vehicles.
The driver information system provides the following functions:
Driver information display

Sound system display At temperatures be low 39 °F (+4 °C), a snowflake symbol appears in
fr ont of t he t emp eratur e dis play. It is inte nded to remind t he d river
to pay special attent ion t o ice on the road.
If the vehic le is stationa ry, or if you are driving at a very low speed,
th e temperature shown in the d isp lay migh t be sli ght ly h ig her t ha n
the actua l outside temperature . This is caused by the heat being
radi at ed fr o m the engi n e.
The unit of measurement for the temperature can be set in either °F
or in °Con the M M I* or o n t he radio control uni t. The o utside
tempera t ure display automatical ly shows the unit of measurement
Fig. 9 Display: sound
t hat has been set. Fo r addi t ional info rmat io n, see the MM I* or t he
radio instruct ion m anual.
If priority 1 or priority 2 faults are not shown by th e Auto Check
Cont ro l, the n ame of t he rad io st at ion yo u are tune d to or the
frequency and the reception range are shown in the upper area of
t he d isplay . • Never use the outside temperature display to determine if a
road surface is icy or not. Keep in mind that road surfaces, espe-
Whe n t h e CD is in use, t he title of t he track bei ng p layed is shown . cially bridges and overpasses, could be ice covered and slippery
The CD changer displays the number of the cu rrent CD (CD1 to even at an outside temperature above 39 °F (+4 °C).
CD6l. •
• Alway s remember , even if the "snowflake " symbol (ice
warning ) does not appear in the display, black ice could be on the
Outside temperature display road.
• Always reduce your speed and drive with special care in cold
weather conditions when the chance of encountering icy road
surfaces increases. •

Fig. 10 Display:
out side temper atu re

Cont rols and eq uip- Vehicle care I I irechnical data

Dri ve r informati o n displ a y

Digital speedometer The Open Door/Trunk Lid warning displays if even one door, the
hood or the trunk lid is open. This symbol also shows which door or
lid has not been closed ~ fig , 12.
Radio WXRK As soon as the door, the hood and the trunk lid are closed properly,
the door and trunk lid warning turns off and the selected driver
information system functions are displayed again. •

a 019.Ompg Service interval display

1992 mi ',40'.4
: ; '·~·..;,';'!
The service interval display reminds you when your nex t
P '•72'f Fig. 11 Display: Digital
speedom et er service is due.

Current speed appears in the disp lay. Speed is shown in 1 mph

increments (USA models) or 1 km/h increments (Canada models) .
You can switch the display from miles to kilometers and vice versa
via the radio or MMI * . •

Open door or trunk lid warning

The pictogram alerts you when doors or the trunk lid have Fig. 13 Display:
been left open. Service inter val disp lay

Fig. 12 Display: Open Fig. 14 Instr ume nt

door- and t runk lid cluster: Service
wa rning inte rval display

If an oi l change or inspection is due, this can be recal led in the radio

or MMI * in the car menu. The display works in two stages: ...
Driver information display

• Service reminder: Service in ----- mi (km) --- days :::::,page 20,

fig. 14 will appear in the instrument cluster when you switch on the [i] Tips
ignition to remind you. The miles (kilometers) and time are indepen- • Do not reset the display between oil changes, otherwise the
dent of each other. If you have reached the time specification, display will be incorrect.
Service due ! will appear in the display even though you may not • The information in the Service Reminder remains stored even
have reached the miles (kilometers) specification. If you reach the
when the vehicle battery is disconnected. •
miles (kilometers) specification, Service due ! will appear in the
display even thought you may not have reached the time specifica -
tion. Any left over distances or time will be updated and will appear
briefly aft er you switch on the ignition .
On-Board Diagnostic system (08D)
• Service due! If you do have your vehicle serviced when it is due,
Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL)
Service due! will continue to appear in the display after the ignition
is switched on . After a brief period, the normal display will return.
An audible signal also sounds. The Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIU in the instrument cluster
=> page 12, fig. 7 is part of the On-Board Diagnostic (OBD Ill system.
Calling up the service reminder (remaining distance
The warning/indicator light illuminates when the ignition is
and time)
switched on and goes out after the engine starts and the idle has
You can see how much time or the distance still remaining before stabilized. This indicates that the MIL is working properly .
the next service in the car menu. Select [CAR]> Serviceinterval
If the light does not go out after the engine is started, or illuminates
display :::::,page 20, fig. 13.
while you are driving, a malfunction may exist in the engine system.
On new vehicles this is not possible for the first 310 miles (500 km) . If the light starts flashing, the catalytic converter could be damaged .

Resetting the service interval display Continue driving with reduced power (avoiding sustained high
Your authorized Audi dealer will reset the display after performing a speeds and/or rapid accelerations) and have the condition
service on your vehicle. You are able to reset the oil change display corrected. Contact your authorized Audi dealer.
only. Select ICAR I > Service interval display> Reset oil change If the light illuminates, the electronic speed limiter may also be
interval. malfunctioning . For more information => page 22, "Electronic speed

0 Note An improperly closed fuel filler cap may also cause the MIL light to
illuminate => page 257. •
If you disconnect the battery terminals, no calculations can be
made for the service interval display during this time and no service
reminder will appear. Remember that observing the proper service
intervals is vitally important to extending the life of your vehicle,
particularly the engine, and maintaining its value. Even if the
mileage driven is low, the maximum period of one year from one
service to the next must not be exceeded.

Controls and equip - I • •

Driver information display

On-Board Diagnostics Electronic speed limiter

Your vehic le may be factory equipped with tires that are rated for a
maximum speed of 130 mph (210 km/h). This is less than the
maximum speed of your vehicle . To reduce the risk of sudden tire
failure and loss of control if the vehicle is operated at excessive
speeds, your vehicle also has an electronic speed limiter . The elec-
tronic speed limiter prevents your vehic le from going faster than the
tire speed rating . For more information=> page 289 .
Fig . 15 Location of If the engine control unit receives faulty vehic le road speed signals,
Data Link Connector the Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIU will i lluminate. If this
occurs, contact the nearest authori zed Audi dealer for assistance.

On-Board Diagnostics monitors the components of your emission

control system. Each monitored component in your engine system
has been assigned a code . In case of a malfunction, the component
Always observe the posted speed limits and adjust your speed to
will be identified and the fault stored as a code in the control
suit prevailing road, traffic and weather conditions. Never drive
module memory .
your vehicle faster than the maximum speed rating of the tires
The MIL light may also illuminate if there is a leak in the on -board installed . •
fuel vapor recovery system. If the light illuminates after a refueling,
stop the vehicle and make sure the fuel filler cap is properly closed
~ page 257.
In order to make an accurate diagnosis, the stored data can only be
displayed using special diagnostic equipment (generic scan tool for
In order to connect the special diagnostic equipment, push the p lug
into the Data Link Connector (DLC).The DLC is located to the right of
the hood release => fig. 15.
Your authorized Audi dealer or qualified workshop can interpret the
code and perform the necessary repair. •
Driver information display

Trip computer Fu e l range

The estimated cruising range in miles (km) appears in the display.
Introduction This tells you how far your vehic le will be ab le to travel on the
current t ank of fue l and with the same driving styl e. The display
The board computer displays the average fuel consump - changes in increments of 6 miles (10 km).
tion and vehicle speed, the current fuel consumption, the
Average fuel mileage
distance you can still drive before you need to fill up and
The average fuel economy in MPG (1/100 km) since you last cleared
how long and how far you have been driving.
the memory appears in this display. You can use this display to
adjust your driving t echnique to achieve a desired mileage.

Current fuel mileage

The instantaneous fue l consumption in miles per gallon (1/100 km)
is shown in this display . You can use this display to adjust your
driving technique to achieve a desired mileage .
Fuel consumption is recalculated at intervals of 33 yards (30
meters) . This display sw it ches to gallons/hour (liters/hour) when the
Fig. 16 Trip computer vehicle is not moving .
display: Fuel range
Average speed
The average speed in mph (km/h) since the last time the display was
reset appears in the display.

Elapsed time
The length of time that you have been driving since you last reset
the memory appears in this display .

Fig. 17 Trip computer
The distance th at has been covered since the last time the memory
display: Average fuel
mileag e was cleared appears in the display.

The following information is continuously evalua t ed by the trip

computer and can be displayed sequentially in the instrument
[i ]Tips
cluster display: • Fuel consumptions (average and current), range and speed are
displayed in metric units on Canadian models .
• All stored values wil l be lost if the vehicle battery is
disconnected. •

Cont rols and equip- Vehicle care I I irechnical data

Driver information display

Memories Operation
The trip computer is equipped with two fully automatic The trip computer is controlled by two switches on the
memories. windshield wiper lever.

Fig. 19 Windshield
Fig. 18 Trip computer
display: memory level 1
---® wiper lever: controls
for the trip computer

You can switch between t he trip computer 1 and 2 by pressing the - Push the function selector switch up or down @
Reset button @ => fig. 19. ~ fig. 19. Thi s will ca use the five dist in ct tr ip computer
You can tel l which memory level is currently active by the number in functions to be displayed o n e after another.
the display => fig . 18. The data from the single -trip memory
(memory leve l 1) is being displayed if a 1 appears in the disp lay. If a The trip computer will not operate unless the ignition is on. When
2 is shown , then the data from the total -trip memory is being you turn on the ignition , the function that was in use when you last
displayed (memory leve l 2). turned the ignition off will be displayed.
For example , in addition to the trip computer information, the direc-
Single-trip memory (Trip computer 1)
tion of the navigation system * is also disp layed . To switch the
The single -trip memory stores the trip information from the time the display between the different information, tap the Reset button @
ignition is turned on until it is turned off. If the trip is continued briefly.
within 2 hours from the time the ignition was turned off, the new
data will be included in the calcu lation of the current trip informa - Setting values to zero
tion. If the trip is interrupted for more than 2 hours th e memory is To delete one current value from the trip computer, select the
reset automatica Ily. desired function and press the Reset button @ for at least one
second. The following values can be set to zero individually using
Total-trip memory (Trip computer 2)
the Reset button:
Unlike the single -trip memory, the total -trip memory is not reset
automatically . This permits you to evaluate your driving data for the • Average fuel mileage
entire period between manua l resets . • • Average speed
• Elapsed time
Driv e r information display

• Distance Speed warning system

In addition, all the values in the single-trip or the total -trip memory
can be deleted simultaneously~ page 25. Overview
The speed warning system helps you to keep your driving
[i ] Tips speed below a set speed limit.
All stored values will be lost if the veh icle battery is disconnected. •
The speed warning system warns if the driver exceeds a previously
stored maximum speed. A warning tone wi ll sound as soon as the
Basic Settings for the trip computer vehic le speed exceeds the set speed by about 3 mph (3 km/hl. At the
same time, a warning symbol appears in the display. The symbol's
The MM/* or the radio operating unit is used for setting appearance might be different in some models.
the trip computer's basic settings.
The speed warning system has two warning thresholds that func -
tion independently of each other and that have somewhat different

Speed warning 1
You can use speed warning 1 to set the maximum speed while you
are driving . This setting w ill remain in effect until you turn off the
ignition, assuming that you have not changed or reset the setting.
The speed warning symbol E) (USA models)/ 8 (Canada models) in
the warning 1 disp lay appears when you exceed the maximum
Fig. 20 Display: Trip speed. It goes out when the speed falls be low the stored maximum
speed .

- Select: Function button [CAR]> Instrument cluster > Trip The speed warn ing symbol wil l also go out if the speed exceeds the
stored maximum speed by more than about 25 mph (40 km/h) for at
computer 1 or Trip computer 2.
least 10 seconds. The stored maximum speed is deleted.
The values in the single-trip or the total-trip memory can al l be reset Setting speed warning 1 ~ page 26.
to zero at the same time under Reset in the menu.
Speed warning 2
In addition, you can determine what information from the trip
computer should be shown in the instrument cluster disp lay. If one Storing warning 2 is recommended if you always want to be
of the pieces of driver information is turned Off , that driver informa - reminded of a certain speed, for example when you are traveling in
tion wil l not be shown in the display. The information wi ll continue a country that has a general maximum speed limit, or if you do n ot
to be calculated by the trip computer and can be turned back On at want to exceed a specified speed for winter tires. _.,,
any time. •

Controls and equip - I • •

Dri ve r informati o n displ a y

The speed warning 2 symbol, 8 , (USA models)/ 8 , (Canada models) - Press the ISETI button for more than 2 seco nds .
appears in the display when you exceed the stored speed limit .
Un like warning 1, it wil l not go out until the vehicle speed drops The speed warning symbol 0 (USA models)/ 8 (Canada models) will
below the stored speed limit . appear briefly in the disp lay when you release the !SET) button to
indica t e that the maximum speed has been st ored successfu lly.
Setting speed warning 2 ::::>page 26.
The maximum speed remains stored until it is changed by pressing
the [SET)button again briefly or until it is deleted by a lengthy push
[i ] Tips on the button . •
Even though your vehicle is equipped with a speed warning system,
you should still watch the speedometer to make sure you are not
driving faster than the speed limit . • Speed warning 2: setting a speed limit
The MM/* or the radio control unit is used to set, change
Speed warning 1: setting a speed limit or delete warning thresh old 2.
Warning threshold 1 is set by the ISET) button.

Fig. 22 Display: Set

wa rning th reshold 2
Fig. 21 SET butto n in
t he instrum ent cluster
- Select: Function button [CARI> Instrument cluster >
Storing the ma x imum speed Speed warning ~ fig. 22.
Drive at the desired maximum speed. Warning thresho ld 2 can be set in the spe ed rang e starting from
- Press the !SETI bu tt on in t he instr um en t panel display 20 mph to 150 mph (30 km/h to 240 km/h). Settings can each be
adjusted in int ervals of 5 mph (10 km/h). •
~ fig . 21 for 1 second .

R ese tting th e m a ximum sp ee d

- Drive the vehicle at a speed of at least 3 mph (5 km/h)
Driver information display

Auto Check Control Driver information messages

Driver information messages are shown in the instrument
Introduction cluster display in addition to symbols .

The Auto-Check control monitors t he function of certain vehicle

features and components. It simply makes sure these features and
components are working properly . The Auto -Check control works as
long as the ignition is on, as well as whenever the vehicle is driven.
If a component is malfunctioning or if the need for an urgent repair
has been detected, this will appear in the instrument cluster display.
You will also hear an audible warning tone . The displays are color
coded in either red or yellow depending on their level of priority .
Fig. 23 Instrument
A red symbol means Danger , a yellow symbol indicates Warning . In cluster: SET button
certain situations , information message for the driver appear in
addition to the red and yellow symbols. For example, if the transmission selector lever is not in the P posi-
tion when the engine is turned off, the following message appears :
Note about automatic transmission
The Auto -Check Control will automatically perform a test each time Shift to P otherwise vehicle can roll away. Doors do not lock if
you switch on t he ignition . With the selector lever in P or N, the lever is not in P.
following message appears in the display: The ignition key can only be removed with the selector in this posi-
When stationary apply foot brake while selecting gear. tion. This and other messages are brought up if a function cannot
be carried out .
When you a select a different gear (for example : R, D, etc .), the
message will disappear and the Auto -Check function is disp layed . Dri ve r messages and red symbols
If there is a malfunction, then the malfunction message will appear If a red symbol appears in the display, a driver message is also
about 15 seconds after you start the vehicle. At the same time you displayed automatical ly.
wi ll hear a warning tone. • For example, the symbol for a problem with engine oil pressure 'l:::i'1
appears in the display. The following message appears :
Switch off engine ! Oil pressure too low
The driver message in the display goes out after about 5 seconds .
The driver message can be displayed again by brief ly pressing the
!SET ] button :=>fig. 23. .,

Cont rols and equip- Vehicle care I I irechnical data

Dri ve r informati o n displ a y

Driver m essages an d ye llow sy mb o ls With a priority 1 malfunction, a red symbo l appears in the upper
If a yellow symbol appears in the display, a driver message is also center area of the display ::::>fig. 24. A driver message appears as
displayed automatica lly. we ll to explain the malfunction in more detail. When this symbo l
appears, three wa r ning tones sound in succession. The symbo l
For example, the symbol appears in the disp lay, indicating low continues to flash until the fault has been corrected.
windshield washer fluid level. The fol lowing message also appears:
If several priority 1 malfunctions are present, the symbols appear in
Please refill was her fluid
succession and rema in for abou t 2 seconds.
The driver message disappears after a few seconds . The driver The driver warning goes out after about 5 seconds, but it can be
message can be displayed again by br iefly pressing the !SET] brought up again at any time by pressing the !SET] but ton
button. • =:>page 27.

Red symbols Alternator failure =:> page 28

A red symbol means DANGER.

USA models:
Brake system malfunction
=:>page 29

Canada mode ls: =:>page 29

<CD> Brake system malfunction
Engine coolant level too ::::>page 30
low/engine coolant temperature
too high
Engine oil pressure too low ::::>page 30

Fig. 24 Display:
Danger symbol ,.,.__ -
Refill engine oil now =:>page 31

Pull off the road. ~ -e Steering malfunction =:> page 31

Stop the vehicle. -

© -e Ignition lock malfunction =:> page 31
Turn off the engine . •
Check the malf un ctioni ng system. Contact your aut ho-
rized Audi dea ler or a qua lified worksho p for assistance. Alternator malfunction 0

Red symbols indicate a pr iority 1 malfunction - Danger! If the D symbol in the instrumen t pane l disp lay flashes, then there
is a malfunction in the alternator or the vehicle electronics. A
warning to the driver will appear, too . The driver warning goes out ~
Dr ive r informat io n di s pl a y

after about 5 seconds, but it can be brought up at any time by W a rning ! Fa ult in br a ke sy st e m . Cont ac t
pressing the (SET)button again . work s hop
Usually, you can sti ll drive to the next dea lership. Turn off all but the - Drive carefully to the nearest authorized Aud i dealer or
most necessary electrical consumers, since these drain the vehicle's other qualified workshop and have the malfunctio n
battery. corrected => &.
0 Note Par k ing br a ke ! Plea se cont a ct workshop
If the - ~- warning symbo l (coolant system malfunction) also lights - If this symbo l appears when the vehicle is stationary or
up on the instrument panel during the trip~ page 30, then you after the ignition is turned on, check to see if the park ing
have to stop immediately and turn off the engine . The coo lant pump brake can be released. Drive to an authorized Audi dealer
is not working anymore - danger of damage to the engine! • or othe r qualified workshop as soon as possible and have
the malfunct ion corrected. If the parking brake cannot be
Brake system malfunction opened, then take it to an expert at an authorized Audi
A malfunction in the broke system must be repaired as
soon as possible. - If the symbol appears wh il e you are driv ing, it is possible
that the traction control or the emergency brake has
If the w arning / indi cator light BRAKE
(USA models)/ (©) malfunctioned . It is possible that the parking brake
(Canada models) in the instrument cluster flashes, there is cannot be app li ed. It is also possible that the parking
a brake system mal f unctio n. A driver message appears as brake cannot be released after it has been app li ed . Drive
well to explai n the malfunction in more detail. The driver to an authorize d Au di dealer or other qualified worksho p
warning goes out af ter about 5 seconds, but it can be to have the mal f unct ion correc t ed .
brough t up at any t ime by press ing t he [SET] butto n again.
If the ABS system malfunctions, the ABS warning/indica t or light illu -
Sto p v e hi c le a nd c h ec k br a ke fluid le v e l minates together with the brake system malfunction warning/indi-
cator light~ & .
- Stop the vehicle.
- Check the brake fluid level=> page 270.
- Seek profess ional assistance if necessary . • Alw ays observe th e w arning s in ~ page 254, "Engine comp art-
me nt ", before opening the hood and checking th e brake fluid .
• Driving wi th low brake flu id is a safety hazar d. St op th e car and
get professional assist ance.
• USA m odels: If the BRAKE wa rning light and the . w arning
light come on togethe r, the rear w heels could lock up first under ~

Controls and equip - I • •

Driver information display

& WARNING (continued) - Contact your authorized Audi dealer for assistance if
hard braking . Rear wheel lock-up can cause loss of vehicle control
and an accident. Have your vehicle repaired immediately by your If the engine coolant level is correct, then the radiator fan may be
authorized Audi dealer or a qualified workshop. Drive slowly and the cause of the malfunction.
avoid sudden, hard brake applications.
• Canada models: If the brake warning light «I»and the ABS
warning light come on together, the rear wheels could lock up
first under hard braking . Rear wheel lock-up can cause loss of • If your vehicle should break down for mechanical or other
vehicle control and an accident. Have your vehicle repaired imme- reasons, park at a safe distance from moving traffic, turn off the
diately by your authorized Audi dealer or a qualified workshop . engine and turn on the hazard warning lights =:, page 64, "Emer-
Drive slowly and avoid sudden, hard brake applications. • gency flashers A".
• Never open the hood if you see or hear steam or coolant
escaping from the engine compartment - you risk being scalded.
Engine cooling system malfunction _}_
Wait until you can no longer see or hear steam or coolant
A malfunction in the engine cooling system must be escaping.
repaired as soon as possible . • The engine compartment of any vehicle is a dangerous area.
Before you perform any work in the engine compartment, turn of
If the _t symbol flashes in the display, either the engine the engine and allow it to cool. Follow the warning stickers
coolant temperature is too high or the engine coolant level =:, page 254, "Engine compartment".
is too low. A driver message appears as well to explain the
malfunction in more detail. The driver warning goes out
after about 5 seconds, but it can be brought up at any time 0 Note
by pressing the [SET] button again . Do not continue driving if the - ~- symbol illuminates. There is a
malfunct ion in the engine cooling system - you could damag e your
Switch off engine and check coolant level engine. •

- Pull off the road .

Engine oil pressure malfunction ~
- Stop the vehicle.
The red engine oil pressure warning symbol requires
- Turn off the engine.
immediate service or repair. Driving with a low oil pres-
- Check coolant level ~ page 268. sure indication is likely to cause severe engine damage.
- Add coolant if necessary ~ page 269. If the ~ symbol on the display flashes, the engine oil pres-
- Continue dr iving only after the engine coolant sure is too low. A driver message appears as well to explain
warning/indicator light goes out. the malfunction in more detail. The driver warning goes out ~
Driver information display

after about 5 seconds, but it can be brought up at any time If the ~ - symbol lights up, then the oil has to be replenished right
by pressing the [SET] button again. now => page 265. •

Switch off engine I Oil pressure too low

Steering malfunction @-
- Stop the vehicle.
If there is a malfunction in the electronic steering column
- Turn the engine off.
lock, the steering cannot be unlocked.
- Check the engine oil level ~ page 265.
If the @- symbol in the display blinks, there is a malfunc-
- Contact your nearest authorized Audi dealer for assis- tion in the electronic steering column lock. A driver
tance. message appears as well to explain the malfunction in more
detail. The driver warning goes out after about 5 seconds,
Engine oil level too low
but it can be brought up at any time by pressing the [SET]
If the engine oil level is too low, add engine oil => page 265. button again.
Engine oil level correct Do not drive vehicle: steering defective
If the symbol 't::7: flashes even though the engine oil level is correct,
please contact your nearest authorized Audi Dealer for assistance. - Contact your nearest authorized Audi dealer.
Do not continue driving. Do not leave the engine running idle, - Do not tow your vehicle.

[i] Tips
Your vehicle must not be towed in the event of a malfunction in the
• The engine oil pressure symbol 't::7: is not an indicator for a low
electronic steering column lock because it cannot be steered due
engine oil level. Do not rely on it. Instead, check the oil level in your
to the locked steering. If it is towed with the steering locked, there
engine at regular intervals, preferably each time you refuel, and
always before going on a long trip. is the risk of an accident. •

• The yellow oil level warning indication requires oil refill or

workshop service without delay. Do not wait until the red oil pres- Ignition lock malfunction ©-
sure warning 't::7: starts to flash before you respond to the low oil
level warning . By then, your engine may already have suffered A malfunction in the ignition lock must be repaired imme-
serious damage. • diately.
If the @- symbol in the display blinks, there is a malfunction
Fill engine oil now ~ . in the electronic ignition lock. A driver message appears as
well to explain the malfunction in more detail. The driver ~
~ - WARNING: Please add oil immediately

Controls and equip - I • •

Dri ve r informati o n displ a y

warning goes out aft er about 5 seconds, but it can be Check the function displayed as soon as possible . The yellow
brough t up at any time by pressing the (SET) button again. symbo l w ill not go out again unti l the reason for the malfunction has
been corrected.
Ignition lock defective . Cont act work shop !
If several priority 2 malfunctions are present, the symbols appear in
Do not turn the engine off. succession and remain for about 2 seconds .

Drive immediately to an author ized Audi dea ler to have Dynamic steering* ~ poge33
the malfunction corrected .
Worn brake pads ~ poge34
If there is a malfunction in the electronic ignition lock, the ignition
cannot be turned off. Drive immediately to an authorized service
fac ility to have the cause of the ma lfunction corrected . Battery voltage ~ poge35

On vehicles with Convenience key*, the engine should not be

Defective light bulb ~ poge34
switched off using the Start/Stop button because the engine cannot
be started again after the igni t ion has been switched off. •
Check engine oil level =poge35
Yellow symbols IIEngine oil sensor malfunction ~ poge35
A yellow symbol means WARNING. -
Low fuel leve l ~ poge34

Windshield washer fluid =poge34

level low
Convenience key* ~ poge33
Key not in vehicle
IILight/rain sensor defective =poge34
Fig. 25 Display: Yellow Dynamic headlight range ~ poge35
wa rning symbo l contro l defective

Yellow symbols indica te a priority 2 malfunction - Warning !

IIBattery in remote control key =poge43
When a yellow warning symbol appears, one warning tone sounds. Electromechanical
- ~ page 120
A driver message appears as well to explain the malfunction in more parking brake ...
detai l. The driver warning goes out after about 5 seconds, but it can
be brought up at any time by pressing the !SET]button again .
Driver information display

usual. The steering wheel can also be at an angle when driving

Engine speed limitation* => page 35

Adaptive light defective* => page 35 Dynamic steering: initializing

If this driver message appears and the indicator light is flashing
Ignition lock malfunction => page 36 on the instrument panel, dynamic steering is being reinitialized.
Once you start the engine after this is finished, the steering wheel
Adaptive dampers* => page 36 will be easy to move. Re-initialization might be necessary if the
steering wheel was moved hard to the left and right while the
vehicle was not moving. The display goes out as soon as initializa -
Windshield wiper defective => page 36
tion is complete.

Tire pressure monitoring sys- => page 38

Loss of tire pressure
Have the dynamic steering system malfunction repaired as soon
Tire pressure monitoring sys- => page 40 as possible by an authorized Audi dealer or any qualified work-
tern* shop - risk of accident!
System not available

Q Automatic transmission
mal- =>page 141
[i] Tips
The dynamic steering stability systems are not available in the event
of a system malfunction. •
[i] Tips
The speed warnings warning threshold 1 (,. and warning threshold Applies to vehicles : with Convenience key
2 ~ are also yellow symbols in some models. The warning is always Key not in vehicle .,
shown as a small symbol in the upper area of the display
=> page 25. •
Key not in vehicle
This reminder appears along with the symbol if the master key is
Ap pl ies to vehicles : Au d i dri ve select
removed from the vehicle with the engine running. It is intended to
Dynamic steering remind you (e.g. when changing drivers) not to continue the journey
without the master key.
Dynamic steering: system fault
If the master key is no longer in the vehicle, you cannot switch off
This driver message and the symbol "1' appear when a system the ignition after stopping the engine and you also cannot start the
malfunction occurs during travel. You can continue to drive care- engine again. You also cannot lock the vehicle from the outside. •
fully at a reduced speed to the nearest authorized Audi dealer or a
qualified workshop. Steering can be more difficult or sensitive than

Controls and equip - I • •

Driver information display

Light / rain sensor defective 0 Defective light bulb warning ~

The defective light bulb warning monitors the function of

Automatic headlights/automatic wipers defective
the light bulbs in the vehicle.
If the symbol illuminates, the light sensor has failed. For safety
reasons the low beams are turned on permanently with the switch The defective light bulb warning monitors the function of the light
in AUTO. However, you can continue to turn the lights on and off bulbs. If a defective light bulb is detected, or if a light bulb has
using the light switch . In the case of a defect in the rain sensor, the burned out, a yellow symbol appears as well as a notification that
windshield wiper lever functions are still available. Have the shows which light bulb is defective.
light/rain sensor checked as soon as possible by an authorized Audi
dealer. •
• Light bulbs are under pressure and can explode when bulbs are
Worn brake pads (1 replaced - risk of injury.
• With gas-discharge lamps* (xenon headlights), the high-
; Brake pads! voltage component must be handled appropriately. Doing other-
If the warning light illuminates, immediately contact your autho- wise poses a risk of death!
rized Audi dealer or qualified workshop to have all brake pads
inspected. On USA models the warning light
with the warning light BRAKE
comes on together
. Both sets of brake pads on an axle must [i] Tips
always be replaced at the same time. Have an authorized Audi dealer or other qualified workshop perform
the replacement or the repair. •

& WARNING Windshield washer fluid level too low G:->

Driving with bad brakes can cause a collision and serious personal
11 with the
Please refill washer fluid
• If the warning light :J and the warning light BRAKE
message Brake pads! comes on in the instrument cluster display, If the symbol illuminates, add windshield washer fluid to the washer
immediately contact your authorized Audi dealer or qualified system and also to the headlight washer system~ page 275 . •
workshop to have all brake pads checked or replaced if
necessary. •
Fuel supply too low C
When the [) symbol illuminates, this means there are about
2.6 gallons (10 liters) of fuel left in the fuel tank. Time to refuel!
~ page 256.
: USA models only
Driver information display

If the symbol lights up, even when there is ample fuel in the tank, Engine oil sensor defective _.,.,

and the text Tank system malfunction ! Contact workshop appears
in the display, there is a fault in the system . Contact an authorized Oil level! Sensor defective
Audi dealer to have the fault rectified. •
If the symbol illuminates, contact your authorized Audi dealer and
have the oil sensor inspected. Until you have this done, check the oil
Battery voltage f3 level each time you refuel just to be on the safe side ~ page 265. •

If battery power drops into the range where it can limit the ability of Applies to veh icles: with eng ine speed li mitation
the engine to start, this the symbol r- appears in the instrument
Engine speed limitation ,•
cluster display with the following driver message Low battery
charge: battery will be charged while driving.
/ Do not exceed max. engine speed of XXXX rpm
While th is driver notification is displayed, you have to be prepared
for limited starting capability. The I symbol illuminates when there is an engine control malfunc -
tion. The indicator light Qrin the instrument cluster also illumi-
Driver message appears and goes out again nates. The engine speed is limited to the speed displayed in the
If this driver message appears after the ignition is turned on or driver information system. Keep in mind that the engine speed will
while driving and it goes out again after a while, the battery has not exceed the value displayed in the driver information system, for
been adequately recharged. example when downshifting.
Please go to an authorized Audi dealer or other qualified workshop
Driver message appears and does not go out again
to have the malfunction repaired. •
If this driver notification appears after the ignition is turned on or
while driving and does not go out again, the battery's state of
charge is not in the optimal range. Starting capability is restr icted . Headlight range control defective ..
Have the battery checked at an authorized Audi dealer or other qual -
ified workshop as soon as possible. • ' Headlight range control defective !
If the symbol • illuminates , the dynamic headlight range control is
Check engine oil !.":!r,1, no longer working properly. Have the system checked and repaired
at your authorized Audi dealer. •
Add oil, max x I. You may continue driving
When the symbol and driver message appear, add the amount of App lie s to veh icles: with adapt ive light

oil appearing in the display at the next opportunity ~ page 265 . • Adaptive light defective "()

' adaptive light defective

Controls and equip - I • •

Dri ve r inf o rmati o n displ a y

When t his symbol illuminates, it means that adaptive light is Tire pressure monitoring system
defective . Go to an authorized Audi dealer to have the headlights or
the control unit for the adaptive light repaired . • Ap plies to vehicles : w ith ti re pressure m onitoring system

General notes ·.1)

Ignition lock malfunction ~
Each tire, including the spare (if provided), should be checked
Igniti on lock defecti ve monthly when co ld and inflated to the inflation pressure recom-
mended by the vehicle manufacture r on the vehicle placard or tire
If the symbol in the display comes on, there is a malfunction in inflat ion pressure label. (If your vehicle has tires of a different size
the electronic ignition lock. Please go to an authorized Audi dealer than the size indicated on the vehicle placard or tire inflation pres -
or other qualified workshop to have the malfunction repaired. • sure labe l, you should determine the proper t ire inf lation pressure
for those tires.)
Ap plies to ve hi cles: w ith Aud i dr ive select As an added safety feature, your vehicle has been equ ipped with a
Adaptive dampers tire pressure monitoring syst em (TPMS) that illumina t es a low tire
pressure telltale when one or more of your tires is significantly
Suspension: system fault under-inf lated . Accordingly, when the low tire pressure te lltale ill u-
m inates, you should stop and check your tires as soon as possible,
If the symbol in the display comes on, there is a malfunction in the and inf late them to the proper pressure. Driving on a significantly
adaptive dampers. Please go to an authorized Audi dealer or other under -inflated tire causes the tire to overheat and can lead to tire
qualified workshop to have the malfunction repaired . • failure. Under-inflation also reduces fue l effic iency and tire tread
lif e, and may affect the vehicle's handling and st opping ability.
Windshield wipers faulty > Please note t hat the TPMS is not a substitute for pro per tire mainte -
nance, and it is the driver's responsibility t o maintain correct tire
Wind shield wi per defecti ve pressure, even if unde r-inflation has not reached the level to trigger
i ll umination of the TPMS low tire pressure tellta le.
When th is symbol illuminates, it means that the electronics for
the windshie ld wipers are defective. Please go t o an authorized Audi Your vehicle has also been equipped with a TPMS malfunction indi -
dea ler or qua lified workshop to have the windshie ld wiper system cator to indicate when the system is not operating proper ly. The
repaired. • T PMS malfunction indicator is combined with the low t ire pressure
te lltale. When the system detects a malfunction, the telltale wi ll
flash for approximately one minute and then remain continuously
i ll uminated. This sequence will continue upon subsequent vehicle
start-ups as long as the malfunction exists .
When the ma lfunction indicator is illuminated, the system may not
be able t o detect or signa l low tire pressure as intended . TPMS
malfunctions may occur for a variety of reasons, including the .,,_
Driver information display

installation of replacement or alternate tires or wheels on the

vehicle that prevent the TPMS from functioning properly. Always & WARNING
check the TPMS malfunction telltale after replacing one or more • When the tire pressure monitoring system warning light is lit,
tires or wheels on your vehicle to ensure that the replacement or
one or more of your tires is significantly under-inflated. You should
alternate tires and wheels allow the TPMS to continue to function stop and check your tires as soon as possible, and inflate them to
properly. • the proper pressure as indicated on the vehicle's tire pressure
label=> page 281. Driving on a significantly under-inflated tire
Applies to vehicles: with tire pressure mon itor ing syst em causes the tire to overheat and can lead to tire failure. Under-infla-
tion also is likely to impair the vehicle's handling and stopping
The tire pressure monitoring system monitors air pressure • Do not adjust tire pressure when tire temperature is excessive.
in all four road wheels while the vehicle is moving. This could lead to serious tire damage and even cause the tire to
burst, with the additional danger of an accident.
As soon as the tire pressure monitoring system senses a significant
loss of air pressure in one or several tir es, text messages and yellow • Ask your authorized Audi dealer if run-flat tires may be used on
symbols appear in the instrument cluster display to alert the driver. your vehicle. Your vehicle registration becomes invalid if you use
The <£ warning light in the instrument cluster comes on when the these tires when not permitted. Damage to your vehicle or acci-
tire is significantly underinflated => page 14. dents could also result.
• To ensurea properTPMS-functionuse AudiOriginaltires which
Th e warning light } also illumina tes in the case of a system
are marked with "AO" or "RO" on the tire sidewall => page 291.
Be aware that tire pressure is also dependent on the temperature of
the tire. For every 18 °F (10 °Cl increase in tire temperature, tire pres- <i>For the sake of the environment
sure increases by about 1.5 psi (0.1 bar). The tire warms up while the Driving with under-inflated tires reduces fuel efficiency and tire
vehicle is moving and tire pressure rises. So you should adjust tire tread life.
pressure only when they are cold, when the temperature of the tires
is roughly the same as the ambient air temperature.
In order to keep the tire pressure monitoring system properly cali -
[i] Tips
• Each tire should be checked monthly when the temperature of
brated, tire pressure on all four tires should be checked at regular
the tires is about the same as ambient air temperature and set to the
intervals, adjusted if necessary and saved in the proper setting
recommended inflation pressure as specified on the tire pressure
(recommended pressure)=> page 39.
label => page 281.
Th e tire pressure is shown on the lab el located on the driver's side • Th e tire pressure monitoring system helps the driver to keep an
B-pillar (visible when the door is open). eye on tire pressures. But the driver still has the responsibility for
maintaining the correct tire pressure.
• Tire pressure must only be adjusted when the temperature of the
tires is about the same as ambient air temperature. ..,

Controls and equip - I • •

Dri ve r informati o n displ a y

• When tires are replaced, the sensors and valves should not be Ap pli es to vehi cles: wi th ti re pressure m on ito ring system
excha nged . The valve core needs to be replaced . If necessary, t he Significant loss of air pressure ~
valve and the whee l electronics have to be replaced .
The yellow symbol appears in the event of a significant
• If t he sensor has been removed, then a visua l inspection is
necessary to check for damage (valve connection not allowed to be loss of air pressure.
disturbed). Take care when installing the sensor in a new whee l. The N
valve core, nut, valve sealing and seal washer (rep lacement kit) "'
needs to be replaced. Use the ut most care when replacing parts . a:
The parts to the sensor (e.g. the valve connection , among other
things) may not be bent or twisted.
• If you should put different wheels and t ires on your vehicle (e.g.
winter wheels and tires) , you must be certa in t hat the whee ls and
tires are compatible with the tire pressure monitoring system .
Otherwise the system w ill register a ma lfunction and a fault
Fig. 26 Display: yellow
message will be disp layed. For more informa t ion, contact an autho- symbol w ith m essage
rized Audi dealer .
• Adjust the tire pressure and store the pressure in the tire pres- If the _, warn ing li ght in the instrument clu ster comes on
sure monitoring system to the load you are carrying. and then the symbol appears in the display ~ fig . 26,
• For Declaration of Compliance to United States FCCand Industry pressure in at least one t ire is too low.
Canada regulations => page 329. •
Stop driving as soon as possible without endanger ing
yourse lf and other drive rs on the road.
- Inspec t all tir es.
- Change the t ire if necessary ~ page 302 .

The warning light in the instrument cluster comes on when the

tire is significantly underinflated.
In addition, the tire symbol appears in the display together with
a message=> fig . 26.
Afte r a few seconds, the message disappears again . If you would
like to show the message again, press the !SET] button=> page 9,
fig. 3 . ~
Driv e r information display

Correcting tire pressure

[i ] Tips Check the pressure in the tires.
• In the case of an intentional loss of air pressure, for example,
when re-adjusting tire pressure, this has to be stored again after - Adjust air pressure as needed to comp ly with the infor -
wards :::::,page 39. mation on the label located on the driver's side 8-pillar
• Tire pressure must only be adjusted when the temperature of the (visible when the door is open) .
tires is about the same as ambient air temperature.
• The ye llow symbol disappears, when the tire pressure is Saving tire pressures
corrected and the new pressure is stored in the system=:> page 39. - Turn on the ignition .
• After changing a wheel or rep lacing a wheel with the spare tire
you have to adjust the tire pressures on all wheels . In addition, you
Press the ICAR] function button (when the car is not in
must then initialize the new tire pressures in the tire pressure moni - motion).
toring system=:> page 40. • Select Tire pressure monitoring. The menu appears.
Select Store now =:>fig. 27.
Ap plies to vehicles : wi th tire pressu re mo nitor ing system

Storing tire pressures All pressure warning indicators in the display will be canceled.

Correct storage of specified pressure is the basic require- Following each intentional change in specified pressures, tire pres-
ment for reliable tire pressure monitoring. sures must be resaved .
Af t er the pressures are saved, the tire pressure monitoring system
measures the current tire pressures and saves them as the new
specified pressures.

[i ] Tips
• The tire pressure is shown on the tire pressure label. The tire
pressure label is located on the driver's side B-pillar (visible when
the door is openl. The tire pressure labe l lists the recommended
cold tire inflation pressures for the vehicle at its maximum capacity
Fig. 27 Tire pressure
weight and the tires that were on your vehicle at the time it was
monitoring syst em
manufactured. For recommended tire pressures for normal load
conditions, please see chapter =:>page 281.
In order for the tire pressure monitoring system to operate
• The tire pressure monitoring system helps the driver to keep an
appropriately, you have to re -save the specified pressures
eye on tire pressures. But the driver still has the responsibility for
whenever you adjust t ire pressures, for example when t he maintaining the correct tire pressure . •
load condition of your vehicle changes . Proceed as follows:

Controls and equip - I • •

Dri ve r inf o rmati o n displ a y

Ap plies to vehi cles: wi th tir e pressure m onitor ing system Ap pli es to vehi cles: w ith ti re pressu re m onit o ring system

Wheel change Malfunctions

Ifa wheel is changed, the wheels that were exchanged A malfunction can have various causes.
have to be reprogrammed .

Turn on the ignition. 9

- Press t he (CARI f un ction button (when the car is not in
moti o n).
Selec t Tire pressure monitoring . The menu appears.
- Select Store now => page 39, fig. 27.
Fig . 28 Display:
Programming is necessary: System malfunct ion

• after the tires have been rotated on the vehicle, or the spare t ire
is used, If the ._. warning light in the instrument cluster flashes for approxi -
mately one minute and then remains continuously illuminated and
• if tires wi t h new wheel sensors are used.
additionally th e => fig . 28 symbol appears in the d isplay, the
All pressure warning indicators in the display will be cance led. The tire pressure monitoring system is not available. This can have
system malfunction error message will not disappear until the various causes.
vehic le is underway. With pressing the button=> page 39, fig. 27, the
• If the message appears at the end of the learning process , the
re-programming of the new sensors and storing of actual pressur es
system canno t recognize the wheels installed on the vehicle . This
starts . This learning phase can take up to 10 minutes driving time.
can be because one or more wheels without a whee l sensor were
During the learning process the tire pressure mon itoring system is ins t alled.
not avai lable . • • A wheel sensor or other component may have failed.
• During initialization t he system has detec t ed mor e than 4 wh eels
on the vehicle , for examp le while driving next to another car with a
tire pressur e monitoring system.
• The steps~ page 40 had not been carried out yet after a tire
chang e.
• Audi replacement parts were not used .
• The tire pressure monitoring system may not be available
because of a radio malfunction .
Dr ive r informat io n di s pl a y

• Transmitters with the same frequency, such as radio head-

phones in the veh icle or radio equipment, can cause a temporary
disruption of the system through excessive electromagnetic fields.
• Eliminate the interference if possible/if you can and then
proceed as follows : Turn off the engine for 20 minutes . Then drive
another 10 min. If the warning light comes on again, you should
contact your authorized Audi dealer immediately to have the
problem corrected .
• Do not use commercially available tire sealants . Otherwise, the
electrical components of the tire pressure monitoring system will
no longer work properly and the sensor for the tire pressure moni-
toring system wi ll have to be replaced by a qua lified workshop .
Try to fix the possib le causes for the problem, and after let t ing it sit
for 20 minutes, re-start the => page 40 process . If this malfunction
occurs again, contact an authorized Audi dealer or other qua lified
workshop . •

Controls and equip - I • •

Op e ning and c losing

Opening and closing

Keys Dat a in the ma s ter k e y

During driving, service and maintenance -relevant data is continu -
Key set ous ly stored on your master key. Your Audi service adviser can read
out this data and tell you about the work your vehicle needs . This
applies also t o vehic les with Convenience key* .

Personal comf o rt settings

If two peop le use one vehicle, it is recommended that each person
always uses "their own" master key. When the ignition is turned off
or when the vehicle is locked, persona l convenience set t ings for t he
following systems are stored and assigned to the remote master
• Clima t e control
Fig . 29 Key set • Cent ral locking system
• Seat memory *
@ Ma ster key wi t h remote c ontrol
• Aud i parking system*
You can centrally lock and unlock you r vehicle and start t he engine
with the master key with remote control. • Audi side assist *
• Audi drive select *
@ Em e rg e n cy ke y
The stored settings are automatically recal led when you unlock the
The emergency key is not int ended for constant use. It sho uld only vehic le, when you open the doors or when you turn on the ignition.
be used in an emergency . Keep it in a safe place and do not carry it
on your key ring.

Ke y repl ac eme n t
• Do not leave your vehi cle unattended w ith the key in the igni-
If you lose a key, contact your authori zed Audi dealer immed iate ly
tion lock. Entry by unauthori zed persons could endanger you or
to have the lost key disabled . Be sure to bring all you r keys with you .
result in theft or damage the vehicle . Alw ays lock all doors and
Number o f keys take the key.
You can inquire about t he number of assigned keys to your vehicle • Do not leave children unattended in the vehicle, especiall y w ith
=> page 9. This allows you to make sure you have received all of the access to vehi cle keys. Unguarded access to the keys provide s
keys when you purchase a used vehic le. children the opportunity to start the engine and/ or activate vehicle
systems such as the power windows etc. Unsupervi sed operation
of any vehicle system by children can result in serious injury. .,
Op e ning and c lo sing

The check light comes on briefly once when a button is pressed .

& WARNING !cont inue d)
If the check light does not come on, the battery is dead and has to
• Do not remove t he key from t he ignit ion lock until th e vehicle be replaced . In addition, when the battery is dead the symbol
has come to a complete stop. Other w ise the st eering column lock appears in the instrument cluster display as well as the message :
could suddenly engage - causing the risk of an accide nt .
Please change key batter y
Battery replacement=} page 43 . •
[i J Tip s
• The operation of the remote control key can be tempora rily
d isrupted by interference from transmitters in the vic inity of the Master key battery replacement
vehicle working in the same frequency range (e.g. a cell phone ,
radio equipment).
• If you open the driver's door with the key left in the ignition lock,
a chime w ill sound. This is your reminder to remove the key and lock
the door.
• For security reasons, replacement keys are only available from
Audi dealers.
• For Declaration of Compliance to United States FCCand Industry
Fig. 31 Remote m aste r
Canada regulations =} page 329. •
key: Removing th e
mechanical key

Check light in the master key

The check light in the master key provides information
about different conditions .

.. Fig. 32 Remote maste r

key: Removing th e
batte ry holder

We recommend having the battery changed by an au t ho-

Fig. 30 Check light in rized A udi dealer. However, if yo u wish to rep lace the dead
th e m aster key battery yourself, proceed as follows: tiJ>

Cont rols and equip- Vehicle care I I Technical data

Opening and closing

- Press the release button @ ::::>fig. 31. - Press the release button @ ::::>fig. 33.
- Pull the mechanical key @ out of the master key. - Pull the mechanical key @ out of the master key.
- Press the release button @ ::::>page 43, fig. 32 on the Using the mechanical key, you can
battery holder and at the same time pull the battery
• Lock and unlock the glove compartment ~ page 99.
holder out of the master key in the direction of the arrow .
• Lock and unlock the vehicle manually~ page 49 if this should
- Install the new battery CR 2032 with the"+" sign facing not be possible with the master key. •
down .
- Push the battery holder carefully into the master key. Emergency unlocking of the ignition key
- Install the mechanical key. In the event of malfunctions in the electrical system, it
may happen that you cannot remove the ignition key.
c£'For the sake of the environment
Dispose of dead batteries properly so as not to pollute the environ -

[i ] Tips
The replacement battery mus t be the same specification as the
original. •
Fig. 34 Ignition switch
with ignition key
Removing the mechanical key
If you are unable to remove the ignition key, for example
because the vehicle battery is discharged, proceed as
- Press the release button @ ::::>fig. 34 and pull the
mechanical key @ out of the master key.
- Lock the vehicle using the mechanical key ::::>page 49.
Fig. 33 Remote master
- Have the electrical system inspected by an authorized
key: Removing the
mechanical key Audi dealership. •
Opening and closing

Starting the vehicle with the emergency key Electronic immobilizer

The immobilizer prevents your vehicle from being started
by unauthorized persons.
Inside the key there is a computer chip. This chip automatically
deactivates the electronic immobilizer when you insert the key in
the ignition lock. When you remove the key from the ignition lock,
the electronic immobilizer is automatically activated once again.
If an unauthorized key was used, SAFE is displayed continuously in
Fig. 35 Glove compart- the odometer display field.
ment: Adapter for
emergency key

[i] Tips
• Your engine can only be started using the factory-equipped key.
• You may not be able to start your vehicle if an ignition key of a
different vehicle make is also located on your set of keys.
• For Declaration of Compliance to United States FCCand Industry
Canada regulations ~ page 329. •

Fig. 36 Insert emer-

gency key into the Power locking system

General description
- Take the adapter for the emergency key out of the glove
box => fig. 35. The power locking system locks or unlocks all doors and
the rear lid simultaneously.
- Push the emergency key => fig. 36 fully into the adapter.
Make sure that the Audi rings are facing up. You can lock and unlock the vehicle centrally. You have the following
- Press the emergency key in the adapter down until it
latches audibly. • Remot e master key ~ page 47
• Door handles with Convenience key*~ page 48,
- Insert the adapter with the emergency key forward into
• Lock cylinder at the driver's door ~ page 49, or
the ignition switch. The engine can now be started as
• Power locking switch inside ~ page 50.
usual. •

Cont rols and equip- Vehicle care I I irechnical data

Opening and closing

Selective unlocking • On vehicles with Convenience key* , if the most recently used
When they are closed, the door and rear lid are locked. When master key is in the luggage compartment, the rear lid is automati -
unlocking, you can set in the radio or in the MMI* whether on/y t he cally unlocked again after it is closed=> page 51.
driver's door or the entire vehicle should be unlocked => page 47. Do not lock your vehicle with the remote master key until all doors
and the rear lid are closed. In this way you avoid locking yourself out
Automatic locking
The automatic locking feature locks all the vehicle doors and the
rear lid when you drive faster than 9 mph (15 km/h).
The car is unlocked again once the ignition key is removed. In addi - & WARNING
tion, the vehicle can be unlocked if the opening function in the • When you leave the vehicle, always remove the ignition key and
power locking system switch or at one of the door levers is actuated. take it with you. This will prevent passengers (children, for
The Auto locking function can be turned on and off in the radio or in example) from accidentally being locked in the vehicle should they
the MMI * => page 47. accidentally press the power locking switch in the front doors.
Additionally, in the event of a crash with airbag deployment the • Do not leave children inside the vehicle unsupervised. In an
doors are automatically unlocked to allow access to the vehicle . emergency it would be impossible to open the doors from the
outside without the key.
Anti-theft alarm warning system
If the anti-theft alarm warning system detects a break-in into the
vehicle, acoustic and visual warning signals are triggered. [i] Tips
• In the event of a crash with airbag deployment all locked doors
The anti-theft warning system is activated automatically when you
will be automatically unlocked to give access to the vehicle occu-
lock the vehicle. It is deactivated when unlocking using the remote
pants from the outside.
key, with the mechanical key, and when you switch on the ignition.
• If the power locking system should malfunction, you can lock the
The alarm also turns off when the alarm cycle has expired. driver's door using the mechanical key => page 51.
Turn signals • If the power locking system should fail , you can still open the
When you unlock the vehicle, the turn signals flash twice. When you fuel tank flap in an emergency => page 259.
lock the vehicle, the turn signals flash once. If they do not flash, one • You are well advised not to keep valuables inside an unattended
of the doors, the rear lid or the hood is not locked . vehicle, visible or not. Even a properly locked vehicle cannot provide
the security of a safe .
Unintentionally locking yourself out
• If the LED in the upper edge of the driver's door panel comes on
In the following cases there safeguards to prevent you locking your for about 30 seconds after the vehicle is locked, there is a malfunc-
remote master key in the vehicle: tion in the power locking or the anti -theft warning system. Have the
• If a door is open, the vehicle cannot be locked using the central malfunction corrected by an authorized Audi dealership or qualified
locking system switch => page 50. repair facility. •
Op e ning and c lo sing

Setting power locking button in the driver's door=> page 51, fig. 43. If the vehicle has the
Convenience key* fea t ure, then the handle wi ll continue to work
The driver can determine the functions for power locking even if an valid key is near the proximity sensor.
in the radio or in the MM/*.
If you select Fold m irrors* On, the automatic outside mirror fold
f unction is activated - the outs ide mirrors fold when the locking
button on the remote master key is operated G'.I =:, page 72.

When you select Confirm ati on ton e On, a confirmation tone sounds
when you lock the vehicle . •

Unlocking and locking the vehicle with the

remote control
Fig. 37 Display:
Centra l locking menu

In the Central locking menu you can decide which doors

sho ul d be un locked when opening t he vehicle .
- Press t he ICAR ] fu nct ion button .
- Select Central locking . The Central locking menu appears
Fig. 38 Remote
~ fig . 37. control: fun ctio n
butt ons
For example , if you switch the item Unlocking single door On, the
passenger 's door and the rear doors are no longer included in th e Eithe r t he driver's door only or t he ent ire vehic le will unlock
power locking system , and w ill not be unlocked by pressing the when the unl ock bu tton @ is pressed o nce, de pendin g o n
unlock button on the master key remote control.
t he settings in t he radi o o r MM I* Cent ral locking me nu
You can continue to unlock all t he doors and the rear lid as before . ~ page 47 .
Press the opening button on t he master key twice.
In addition t o t his, the Aut o locking can be switched on and off.
- Press button ffi (@ ) to unlock the vehicle ~ fig . 38.

When locking the vehicle, all doors and the trunk lid are locked auto-
- Press button m (@ ) to lock the vehicle ~ & in "General
matical ly. descr i ption" on page 45.

If you switch Trunk lid/ tailgate On, then the handle on the rear lid - Press t he button C:J (@ ) for at least one second to open
=> page 51, fig . 44 is locked. In t his case the rear lid can be opened the rear lid . ~
with the button C:5 on the master key => fig . 38 or with the unlocking

Cont rols and equip- Vehicle care I I irechnical data

Op e nin g a nd c lo s in g

- Push the red IPANIC] button (@ ) to activa t e the panic Ap plies to ve hi cles: w ith Conve ni ence key

fu nct ion. The horn sounds and t he tur n sig nals flas h. Locking and unlocking with Convenience key
Push the red [PANIC ] button aga in to deactivate t he The doors and the rear lid can be unlocked and locked
panic f unct ion.
w ithout operating the master key.
If the vehic le is unlocked and no door, the rear lid or the hood is ,._
opened within 60 seconds, the vehicle locks itself again automati- 0
ca lly. This feature prevents the vehicle from being accidentally left a:
unlocked over a long period of time .
It depends on the settings in the radio or in the MMI * whether the
entire vehicle is unlocked or on ly certain doors => page 47.
On vehic les with Convenience key* , the selector lever must be in the
P position, otherwise the vehicle cannot be locked.
Fig. 39 Door handle :
Locking the vehicle
& WARNING Unlocking vehicle
Read and follow all WARNINGS => & in "General description " on
page 45. - Take ho ld of the door handle. The door is unl ock ed auto-
[i ] Tips - Pull the handle t o open t he do o r.
• In order to make sure the locking function is working, you should
always keep your eye on the vehic le to make sure it is p roperly Locking vehi c le
locked . - Move the selector lever to the P position (automatic
• Do not use the remote contro l if you are inside the car, otherw ise transmission), otherwise the vehicle cannot be locked.
you may unintentionally lock the vehic le, and then you would set off
the anti -theft ala rm when you try to start the engine or open a door. - Touch t he senso r at the door handle ~ fig. 39 to lock the
In case this happens anyhow, push the unlock but t on @. veh icle~ &
in "General desc r iption" on page 45 .
• Use the pan ic function only if you are in an emergency
The vehicle can be locked and unlocked at any door. It depends on
situation. •
the settings in the radio or in the MMI* whether the ent ire vehicle is
unlocked or one of the doors => page 47. The master key must be
within a range of about 5 feet (1.5 meters) from the appropriate
door or the rear lid . It makes no dif f erence whether the master key
is in your jacket pocket or in your brief case. ~
Opening and c lo s ing

If you grip the door handle while locking, this can adversely affect Operating locks with the mechanical key
t he locking function.
In the event of a failure of the po w er locking system, the
It is not possible to re-open the door for a brief period directly after
driver's do or can locked and unlocked with the mechan -
closing it. This allows you to ensure that the doors are proper ly
locked . ical key at the lock cylinder.

Read and follow all WARNINGS ::::> & in "General descript ion" on
page 45.

[i ] Tips
If your vehicle has been standing for an extended period, please
Fig. 40 Key turn s for
note the f ollow ing : opening and closing
• The proximity sensors are deactivated after a few days to save
power . You then have to pull on the door handle once to unlock the To unlo c k the vehicle
vehicle and a second time to open the vehicle .
- Insert t he mec han ical key into the lock of the driver's
• To prevent the battery from being discharged and to preserve
doo r.
your vehicle's ability to start for as long as possible, the energy
management system gradually switches off unnecessary conve - - Turn t he mec hani cal key to posit ion @ ==>fi g. 40.
nience functions . It is possib le tha t you will not be ab le to unlock
your vehicle using these convenience funct ions. To lock the vehicle
• For Declaratio n of Compliance to United States FCCand Industry - Move the selector lever to the P pos ition (aut omat ic
Canada regulations=> page 329 . •
t ransm issio n).
- Close all windows and doors proper ly.
- Turn the mec han ical key in the lock of the dr iver's door to
t he lock position ® ~ &
in "Ge neral description" on
page 45.

If the power locking system fai ls, there is emergency locking for the
passenger's door and the rear doo rs=> page 51. ~

Controls and equip - I • •

Opening and closing

• The d iodes in the power locking swi t ch illuminate when all the
& WARNING door s are closed and locked .
Read and follow all WARNINGS :::::, & in "General description " on • You can unlock and open the doors from the inside by pull ing on
page 45. t he do or handle.
• If you have a crash and the airbag is activated, the doors auto -
[i J Tips
mati cally unl ock.

• Aft er the ig n iti o n is sw itc hed on, the pow er lo cking syst em
switch and the unlockin g button for the rear lid ,c:j in the door are
enable d . •
• The power locking switch works with the ignition off and auto -
matically locks the entire vehicle when it is actuated.
Locking and unlocking the vehicle from inside • On a vehicle locked from the outside the power locking system
switch is inoperative .
• Locking doors from the inside can help prevent inadvertent
door opening during an accident and can also prevent unwanted
entry from the outside . Locked doors can, however , delay assis-
tance to vehicle occupants and hold up rescue efforts from the
outside in an accident or other emergency.

[i J Tips
Fig. 41 Driver's door: Your vehicle is locked automatical ly at a speed of 9 mph (15 km/h)
power locking sw itch (Auto locking) :::::,page 45. You can unlock the veh icle again using
t he open i ng f u ncti on in th e power locki ng system sw itc h. •
Press t he b utton @ t o unloc k the vehicle~ fig. 41.
Press t he b utton~ t o loc k t he vehic le ~ ,& .

You wil l find a power locking switch in each door. You can lock and
unlock t he ve hicle using th e sw itc hes in t he driver 's o r passeng er' s
door :::::,fig. 4 1. You can on ly lock the vehicle using the switches in
th e rear do o rs. If yo u lock th e vehi c le usi ng th e power locking
switch , please note the fol lowing :
• You cannot o pen th e do ors or t he rear lid fr o m th e outside
(incr eased security, for examp le when you are stopp ed at a red
Opening and closing

Emergency locking of the doors Opening and closing rear lid

Each door must be locked separately if the power locking
system fails.

Fig. 43 Driver's door:

remote rear lid release

Fig. 42 Door: Emer-

gency locking N

An emergency lock is located on the front end of the !

passenger's door and the rear doors (only visible when door
is open).
- Take the mechanical key out of the master key => page 44.
- Pull the cover cap out of the opening => fig. 42. Fig. 44 Position of
handle in the rear lid
- Insert the key in the inside slot and turn it all the way to
the right (right door) or left (left doorl.
Opening the luggage compartment lid
Once the door has been closed, it can no longer be opened from the - Press the button c::5 on the master key for at least one
outside. The door can be opened from the inside by pulling the door second, or
handle. If the child safety lock in a rear door is activated, you must
first pull the door handle on the inside . Then you can open the door - Pull the release button c::5 in the driver's door => fig. 43,
from th e outside . • or
- Press the handle in the luggage compartment lid
=>fig. 44.
- The luggage compartment lid unlocks.

Cont rols and equip- Vehicle care I I irechnical data

Opening and closing

Closing the luggage compartment lid Ap p lies 10 veh icles: w ith automatic rear lid/tru nk lid o perat ion

- Use t he inside g rip t o pull the rear lid dow n an d allo w it Automatic rear lid / trunk lid operation
to dr op g ent ly t o clos e it => & . The trunk lid can be opened and closed automa tically.

• After closing the rear lid, always pull up on it to make sure that
it is properly closed. Otherwise it could open suddenly when the
vehicle is moving .
• To help prevent poisonous exhaust gas from being drawn into
the vehicle, always keep the rear lid closed while driving . Never
transport objects larger than those which fit completely into the
luggage area, because then the rear lid cannot be fully closed. Fig. 45 Driver's door:
Unlocking the rear lid
• Never leave your vehicle unattended especially with the rear lid
left open. A child could crawl into the car through the luggage
compartment and pull the lid shut, becoming trapped and unable
to get out . To reduce the risk of personal injury, never let children
play in or around your vehicle . Always keep the rear lid as well as
the vehicle doors closed when not in use.
• Always ensure that no one is within range of the rear lid when
it is moving, in particular close to the hinges - fingers or hands can
be pinched .
Fig. 46 Locking switch
[i ) Tips in the rear lid

When the vehicle is locked , the lugga g e compartment lid can be

Opening the luggage compartment lid
u nlocked separately by pr essing t he butt on e:5 o n t he mast er key.
When the luggage compart ment lid is closed again, it locks - Press th e b utto n ~ on t he mast er key for at least o ne
auto matically . • seco nd , or
- Pull the release button~ in t he dr iver 's doo r => fig . 45,
- Press th e ha ndle in t he lugga ge com par tme nt li d
=>page 51, fig. 44.
Opening and c lo s ing

Cl o sing th e lugg age comp a rtm e nt lid • press the lock button the in the luggage compartment lid, or
- Press the button in the luggage compartment lid • push the ha n dle in the luggage compar t ment lid, or
~ page 52, fig . 46. The lid will automatically close and • when something blocks the rear lid or makes it difficu lt for the
lock~ & - lid to move.
The pressing the lock button or the handle repeatedly, you can
S e tting th e luggag e c ompartm e nt lid op e n open/stop the lid =>& .
You can manually stop the automatic opening/closing of the
- Bring the luggage compartment li d into the desired open luggage compartment lid . In this situation, the lid can be manually
position . The posit ion can be stored at only one specific opened. Press down on the lid and the automatic closing will
height. resume once again.

- Press and hold t he ~ page 52, fig. 46 button for at least

four seco nds un t il the lights bli nk to store the des ired & WARNING
open pos ition. • Never close the rear lid inattentivel y or without checking first .
- Push the luggage compartment lid by han d against the Alth ough the closing force of the rear lid is lim ited , you can still
seriously inj ure yourself or other s.
resistance if you wa nt to set a higher open position.
• Alway s ensure that no one is wi t hin rang e of the rear lid w hen
- Press and hold the ~ page 52, fig . 46 butto n again for at it is moving, in parti cular close to the hinges and the upper and
least four seconds and this will store the new open posi- low er edge s - finger s or hands can be pinched.
t ion. • To help prevent poisonous exhaust gas from being drawn into
t he veh icle, alw ays keep the rear lid closed w hile driving. Never
Opening wi ll be stopped immediate ly when: tran sport object s larger than those which fit completel y into the
• You press the C:j button on the remote key for at least of one luggage area, because th en t he rear lid cannot be fully closed.
second,or • Never leave your vehicle unattended especially with th e rear lid
• press the un lock button C:j in the driver door, or left open. A child could craw l int o the car t hrough the luggage
compartment and pull the lid shut, becoming trapped and unable
• press the lock button the in the luggage compartment lid, or
to get out . To reduce th e risk of personal injury, never let child ren
• push the handle in the luggage compartment lid, or
play in or around your vehicle. Alway s keep the rear lid as w ell as
• when something blocks the rear lid or makes it difficu lt for the t he vehicle doors closed w hen not in use.
lid to move .
• If th ere is a luggage rack or bicycle rack mounted on t he rear lid,
By pressing one of t he button C:j repeatedly, you can stop or it may not be ab le to open completel y or an opened rear lid may
continue the opening process. The pressing the lock button or the close by itself because of the add ed we ight. So the open rear lid
handle repeatedly, you can open/stop the lid =:> & . mu st be supported or the we ight mu st be removed from th e
luggage rack first . ...
Opening wi ll be stopped immediately when :

Controls and equip - I • •

Opening and closi ng

Emergency unlocking of the luggage

[i J Tips
compartment lid
• As soon as the electrical connection to the trailer socket is
completed on vehicles with a factory installed towing hitch, or a The luggage compartment lid can be released in an emer-
traile r hitch that was in stalled later according to factory speci fica-
gency from the inside.
tions, the automatic rear lid function can only be operated via the
handle in the rear lid.
• If the vehicle battery charge drops below a certain level, you can
still open or close the rear lid manually, however, you will need to
apply more force to close it.
• If the rear lid on a locked vehicle is unlocked with the middle
button ~ on the remote key, the rear lid is automatically locked
again immediately after closing. This is indicated by the turn signals
blinking . Fig. 47 Luggage
compartment lid inte-
• The following applies to vehic les equipped with the Convenience
key* feature: if the remote control key is left in the luggage compart -
ment. luggage compartment will automatically unlock itself after
you lock the vehicle. This prevents you from unintentionally locking The luggage compartment lid can be released in an emer-
your key in the luggage compartment. • gency from inside the luggage compartment.
- Remove the cover from the luggage compartment lid.
- Press the lever in the direction of the arrow until the
luggage compartment lid releases. •
Opening and closing

Child safety locks Power windows

Child safety locks in the rear doors Controls

The child safety locks prevent the rear doors from opening The driver can control all power windows.
from the inside.


Fig. 49 Section of the

driver's door: Controls
Fig. 48 Child safety
locks on the rear doors
All power window switches are provided with a two-posi-
The rear doors are equipped wit h child safety locks . The lock tion function:
is only v isible when the door is open. Take the mechanical
key out of the master key ::::>page 44. Opening the windows
- Press the switch to the first stop and hold it until the
Switching the child safety locks on window reaches the desired pos ition.
- Turn the key in the direction of the arrow ::::>fig . 48.
- Press the switch briefly to the second stop to automati -
cally open the window.
Switching the child safety locks off
- Turn the key in the opposite direction of the arrow. Closing the windows

When t he child safety locks are activated , the inside door handles - Pull the switch to the first stop and hold it until the
do not work and the doors can only be opened from the outside. • window reaches the desired pos ition.
- Pull the switch b riefly to the second stop to automatically
close the window. _..

Cont rols and equip- Vehicle care I I irechnical data

Opening and closing

Power window switches Convenience opening / closing

@ Driver's door
The windows and the Panoramic sliding sunroof* can be
@ Passenger's door
opened and closed with the mechanical key or the emer-
© Left rear door
gency key.
® Right rear door
© Safety button .,

Child safety locks g;

When the safety button © => page 55, fig . 49 is pressed , the ,1i:
symbol in the button lights up. The power window switches in the
rear doors are switched off.

& WARNING Fig. 50 Key turns for

• When you leave your vehicle - even if only briefly - always opening and closing
remove the ignition key. This applies particularly when children
remain in the vehicle . Otherwise the children could start the Convenience opening feature
engine or operate electrical equipment (e.g. power windows). The
- Use the emergency key or pull the mechanical key out of
power windows are functional until the driver's door or
passenger's door has been opened.
the master key ~ page 44.
• Pay close attention when closing the windows to prevent - Insert the key into the lock of the driver's door.
pinching of hands or limbs.
- Turn the key to position ~ fig. 50 @ until all the
• When locking the vehicle from outside, the vehicle must be
windows have reached the desired position and the
unoccupied since the windows can no longer be opened in an
Panoramic sliding sunroof* is tilted.

Convenience closing feature

[i J Tips - Use the emergency key or pull the mechanical key out of
After the ignition has been switched off, the windows can still be the master key ~ page 44.
opened or closed for about 10 minutes. The power windows are not
switched off until the driver's door or passenger's door has been - Turn the key in the lock of the driver's door to the lock
opened. • position @ until the windows and the Panoramic sliding
sunroof* are closed => & .

When you open or close the Panoramic sliding sunroof ·,., the power
sunshade will also open or close. ...
Opening and closing

Panoramic sliding sunroof

• Never close the windows and the Panoramic sliding sunroof* App li es to vehi cles: with Panoram ic sliding sunroof

inattentively and without checking - there is risk of injury. Op e ration

• You must always watch when the windows are being raised so
that no one can be trapped. If you release the key, the closing
action is immediately canceled .
• Always read and heed WARNING ~ & in "General description"
on page 45. •

Correcting vvindovv regulator malfunction

Fig. 51 Section from
After disconnecting the vehicle battery, the one-touch up headliner: Knob for
Panoramic sliding
and down feature must be activated again. sunroof

- Pull and hold the power window switch until the window
is completely closed.
- The sun roof can be tilted or closed only in switch posi-
- Release the switch .
tion ® => fig. 51
- Pull the switch again for one second. The automatic
- To tilt it , briefly press the switch => fig. 51.
closing/opening is now reactivated. •
- To close it, briefly pull the sw itch => & .
- To set an intermediate position, press/pul l the sw itch
until the sunroof reaches the desired pos ition.

- To move the sunroof to the position for reduced wind
noise, turn the switch to position G) until resistance can
be felt.
- To open the sunroof comp letely , tur n and hold the switch
against the resistance in position @.
- To close t he sunroof, turn the switch to position @
=> & .

Cont rols and equip- Vehicle care I I irechnical data

Op e ning and c losing

- Turn the sw it ch to the desired positio n to select an inter- App li es 10 veh icles: wit h Panoram ic sli di ng su nroof

med iate pos ition. Emergency closing of the Panoramic sliding

Opening and c los ing the sunshade
The Panoramic sliding sunroof can be closed manually in
To automatically open the sunshade complete ly, briefly an emergency.
press the switch ~ page 57, fig. 51 @ in the desired
arrow d irection .
- To stop the sunshade in an intermediate position, press
the switch again, or
Press and hold the switch in the des ir ed arrow direction.
- Rele ase the switch when sunshade is at desired pos ition .
Fig. 52 Section from
After the ignition is switched off , you can still operate the Panoramic tx'I Tn ""1'"X"n 'T..,-;i. headli ner: Unscrew ing
slid ing sunroof for about 10 minutes. As soon as the driver 's or .._ ___ __ ,___ .., the lighting unit
passenger's do or is o pened, the switch is inopera t ive.
The power sunshade can also be closed when the Panoramic s liding
sunroof is ope n.

Pay careful att ention when closing t he Panoramic sliding sunroof
- oth erwise serious injury could result! For this reason, always
remove the ignit ion key when leaving the vehicle . Fig. 53 Section from
headliner: Crank for
emerg ency operat ion
0 Note
If the Panoram ic sliding sunroof detects an object in its path
Always c lose your Panoramic sl iding sunroof when leaving your
vehic le. Sudden rain can cause damage t o the interior equipment of when it is clos ing, it w ill open again automat ically. In this
your vehicle, particularly the electronic equipment . case, you can close the roof w ith the power emergency
closing function . .,_
[i ) Tips
Information regarding convenience opening/c losing ~ page 56. •
Opening and closing

Emergency closing function

- Within five seconds after the sunroof opens automati -
cally, pull the switch until the roof closes. The driver's
and front passenger's doors must be closed.
- If the power emergency closing function is not possible,
you must close the roof mechanically.

Mechanical emergency closing function

- You will find the screwdriver and the Torx socket in the
vehicle tool kit==>page 298 and the crank in the fuse
cover==> page 309, fig . 235.
- Open the compartment. The screw ==>page 58, fig. 52 can
be seen.
- Remove the screw ==>page 58, fig. 52 -Arrow - from the
lighting unit and pull the lighting unit out carefully.
- Push the crank into the hexagonal hole as far as it will go
==>page 58, fig. 53 and turn it. The sunroof closes .

[i J Tips
The crank is easier to turn if you use the screwd river handle (vehicle
tool kit} as an aid. •

Controls and equip - I • •

Cl e ar vision

Clear vision

Lights A UTO - Aut o m a ti c headlight c ontrol

With the switch in the AUTO position, the low beams are switched
Switching the lights on and off ·'!:!-· on automatically depending on the amb ient light, for example in a
tunnel, at dusk and when it is raining or snowing . When the low
bea ms are switched on, the :oo: symbol comes o n. The low beams
remain switched on regardless of the ambient light when you turn
on t he f og lights.
When you turn off the ignition, the low beams are automatically
switched off .
Wit h automatic headlight control, you also have the high -beam
function availab le. However, if you have not switched high beams
back to low beams while driving wi t h automatic headlight control,
Fig. 54 Instrum ent only the low beams come on the next time you tu rn on automatic
panel: light sw itch
headlight control. In order to return to high beams again, you first
have to pu ll the high beam lever back to the normal position and
Switching on AUTO - Automatic headlight then push the lever forward .
Light s en so r malfun c tio n
- Turn t he lig ht switch t o AUTO ~ fig. 54.
In the event of a light sensor malfunction, t he drive r is notified in the
instrument cluster display :
Switching on th e s id e marker lights
Automati c headlights / automati c wiper s defective
- Tur n t he lig ht switch to ~oo~
For safety reasons, the low beams are turned on perma nently with
Switching on low beams the switch in AUTO. However, you can continue to t urn the lights on
and off using the light switch. Have the ligh t sensor checked as soon
- Turn t he light switch t o @:D.
as possib le at an autho rized Audi dealer or other qualified work -
shop .
Switching off the lights
- Turn t he lig ht switch t o 0.

The low beams on ly illumina t e with the ignition turned on .

• Automatic headlight s are only intended to assist the driver.
With the side marker lights or headlights switched on, the symbol They do not relieve the driver of his responsibility to check the
next to the light switch illuminates :oo,. headlights and to turn th em on manu ally according to the current
light and visibility cond ition s. For example , fog cannot be dete cted _.,
Clear vision

& WARNING !continued ) Fog lights

by the light sensors. So always swit ch on the headlights under

the se weather condition s and when driving in the dark gD.
• Crashes can happen when you cannot see the road ahead and
when you cannot be seen by other motor ists.
- Always turn on the headlights so that you can see ahead and
so th at other s can see your car from the back.

[i J Tips Fig. 55 Fog light

• The light sensor for headlight control is located in the rear view switch
mirror mount. You should therefore not apply any stickers to the
windshield in th is area in order to prevent ma lfunc t ions or failures . To t ur n on th e fog li g ht s }D, press button G) =>fi g . 55.
• The sensitivity lev el for the light sensor set at the factory can be To t ur n on the rear fog lights 0$, press bu tton @ .
changed in the radio or in the MM I* ~ page 62.
• When you remove your key from the igni t ion whi le the vehicle's Fog lights
lights are turned on, a buzzer sounds as long as the driver's door is The side marker lights or low beams mu st be switched on. When the
open . fog lights are switched on, the green check light at the edge of the
• Please obey all laws when using the lighting systems described switch comes on .
here. If automat ic dr iving light con t rol AUTO is activated, the low bea ms
• The coming home/ leaving home function is avai lable on ly with are switched on when the fog lights are turned on.
th e sw it ch in th e AUTO posi t io n. •
Rear fog lights
Low beams o r side ma rker lights with fog lights must be turned on .
When t he rear fog lights are t urne d o n, th e yell ow check light at t he
edge of the switch comes on .

0 Note
The rear fog lights should only be turned on in accordance with
traff ic regula t ion, as the ligh t s are b right f o r follow ing tra ff ic. •

Cont rols and equip- Vehicle care I I Technical data

Clear vision

Adjusting exterior lighting Daytime running lights*

The daytime running lights can be turned on or off using this func -
The functions are selected in the radio or in the MM/*.
tion. If the function is active, the daytime running lights are turned
on automatically when the ignition is switched on.

[i] Tips
The coming home/leaving home function is available only with the
switch in the AUTO position. •

Daytime running lights

Fig. 56 Display: Exte- When you turn on the ignition the daytime running lights
rior lighting
will come on automatically.
- Select: Function button [CARI> Exterior lighting. USA models
The daytime running lights are activated when the light switch
Coming home
=>page 60, fig. 54 is in the O position or the AUTO position (only in
The coming home fun ction ensures that after turning off the igni- daylight conditions). The daytime running lights function can be
tion and opening the driver's door the vehicle periphery is illumi - turned on and off in the radio or MMI* menu Exterior lighting
nated in the dark. In addition, the front fog lights , the tail lights and =>page 62.
the license plate light are turned on. The power-on time can be set
for a period from O (off) to 60 seconds. Canada models
The daytime running lights are activated when the light switch
Leaving home
=>page 60, fig. 54 is in the O position, :oo:position or the AUTO posi-
The leaving home functions ensures that when unlocking, the tion (only in daylight conditions). The daytime running lights func -
vehicle periphery is illuminated in the dark. In addition, the front fog tion cannot be tu rned off.
lights, the tail lights and the license plate light are turned on. This
function can be turned on and off .

Auto headlights
Never use daytime running lights to see where you are going. They
When the light switch is in the AUTO=> page 60 position, the switch-
are not bright enough and will not let you see far enough ahead for
on point of the lights can be changed in the automatic driving light
safety, especially at dusk or when it is dark. Be aware of changes
in outside light conditions when you are driving and respond by
switching on your low beams io. ~
Clear vision

automatically and will go out comp lete ly when the outside light is
0 Note very low. This feature is meant to remind you to switch on the head -
Alway s be aware of change s in outside light condition s while you lights when out side light conditions become poor . •
are driving. Respond in time to fad ing daylight by turning th e light
switch to position io (or "AUTO") to turn on your headlight s. •
App lies to veh icles: w it h ad apti ve ligh t

Adaptive light
Instrument lighting
When driving around bends, the relevant area of the road
The basic brightness of the illumination for the ins tru - is better illumina ted.
men ts, the center console and the display can be

Fig . 58 Adapt ive light

w hen driving

Fig. 57 Instru ment

light ing The benefit of adaptive light is that the curve and the edge of the
road are better illuminated=> fig. 58. Dynamic adaptive light is
- Press t he knob t o release it. controlled automatically, depending on veh icle speed and steering
whee l angle.
- Rota t ing the knob to the right"+" w ill increase t he basic
When dr iving around bends, the headlights are control led
brig htness w hen it is dark . according to steering wheel angle. So that t here is no black ho le
- Rotating t he knob to the left" -" will decrease the basic ahead of the vehicle, the two main beams pivo t at different angles .
brig htness w hen it is dark .
- Pressing the knob wi ll prevent unintentiona l changes. [i J Tips
The system works above a speed of abou t 6 mph (10 km/hl. •

[i J Tips
The illumination for the instrument clus t er lights up wheneve r you
switch on the ignition with the vehicle head lights off. As the
dayligh t fades , the instrument cluster illumination likewise dims

Cont rols and equip- Vehicle care I I irechnical data

C lea r v is io n

Emergency flashers ~ Turn signal ¢ ¢ and high beam ~D lever

The emergency flashers makes other motorists aware The lever on the left side of the steering column is used to
that you or your vehicle are in an emergency situation. operate the turn signals and the high beam as well as the
headlight flasher.
i to


Fig. 59 Emergency
flasher switc h

Press the sw itch ~ ::::,fig . 59 to turn the emergency

' Fig. 60 Turn signal and
high beam lever

flashers on or off . The turn signal and high beam lever has the following func -
tions :
When the emergency flashers are on, all four turn signals blink at
the same time . The t urn signal indica t or ligh t s ¢i ¢ in the instru- Turn signals ¢ ¢
ment cluster, as well as the light in the emergency flasher switch 1£1.
blink likewise . The emergency flashers also work when the ignition - Lift the lever up all the way ::::,fig. 60 (D to use the right
is turned off. turn signals, or push the lever down all the way 0
to use
the left turn signals.
The emergency flashers will turn on automatically if you are in an
accident where the airbag has deployed.
Auto-blin k
- Move the lever (up o r down) j ust to the point of resis -
[i ] Tip s ta nce to use t he t urn signals for as long as yo u need
You should turn on the emergency flashers when : t hem , f or example w hen changing lanes.
• you are the last vehicle standing in a traffic jam so that any other
vehic les coming can see you, or when - Move t he lever (up or down) just t o t he poi nt of resis-
tance and then release it rig ht away to make the turn
• your vehicle has broken down or you are in an emergency situa -
tion, or when signals blin k three times. You can use this feature for
example when changing lanes on highways.
• your vehicle is being towed by a tow truck or if you are towing
another vehicle behind you. •
Clear vision

High beam ~D Interior lights

- Push the lever forward 0 to switch on the high beam.
Front interior lights
- Pull the lever back towards you to switch off the high
beam. The front interior lights also contain reading lights for the
driver and passenger.
Headlight flasher ~D
Pull the lever toward the steering wheel © to use the
headlight flasher .

Notes on these features

• The turn signals only work with the ignition turned on. The indi-
cator lights ¢i or Q in the instrument cluster ~ page 12 also blink.
• After you have turned a corner, the turn signal switches off auto -
Fig. 61 Headliner :
matically. Front int erior/readin g
• The high beam works only when the headlights are on . The indi - lights
cator light ~D in the instrument cluster illuminates when the high
beams are on. The rocker switch @ => fig. 61 for operating the interio r
• The headlight flasher works only as long as you hold the lever - lighting has the following functions :
even if there are no lights turned on. The indicator light ~D in the
instrument cluster illuminates when you use the headlight flasher. Door contact switch
- Place the switch @ in the middle position .
0 Note
Interior light switched on
Do not use the high beam or headlight flasher if you know that these
could blind oncoming traffic. • - Place the switch @ in position I.

Interior light switched off

- Place the switch @ in position 0.

Front reading lights ~

- Press one of the switches ® to turn the right or left

reading light on or off.

Cont rols and equip- Vehicle care I I irechnical data

Clear vision

With the door contact switch turned on, the interior lights turn on Vision
as soon as you unlock the vehicle or open the doors. The lighting is
also turned on when the ignition key is removed. The lights go out
Sun visors
about 30 seconds after the doors are closed. When the vehicle is
locked or when the ignition is turned on, the interior lights are Using the sun visors makes driving safer.
turned off.
When a door is open, the interior lights are turned off after about 10
minutes to prevent draining of the battery .
The brightness of the lights is controlled automatically by a dimmer
when they are switched on and off. •

Rear interior lights

There are reading lights in the rear for the passengers.
Fig. 63 Sun visor

The sun visors for the driver and passenger can be pulled out of
their brackets in the center of the vehicle and turned towards the
doors => fig. 63 0- After the sun visor has been turned to the door,

d) it can be extended * lengthwise.

Vanity mirror
The vanity mirrors on the sun visors are covered . When the lid is
Fig. 62 Headliner: Rear opened @ , the mirror light in the headliner turns on automatically.
reading lights It turns off when the lid is closed and the visor is folded up again. •

The reading lights are switched on and off using the buttons "<~.
Depending on your model, the appearance and the loca tion of the
reading lights may be different. •
Clear vision

Applies to vehicles: wi th sun shade

Sun shade

Fig. 66 Rear wiper


Fig. 64 Raised rear

Move the windshield wiper lever to the corresponding position :
door sun shade @ - Windshield wiper off

- Pull the sun shade out and attach it to the hooks on the
© - Interval mode. The windshield wiper automatically activates
when you drive 2 mph (4 km/h). The higher the sensitivity of the rain
upper door frame~ fig . 64. • sensor is set to be {switch @ to the top), the earlier the windshield
wipers react to moisture on the windshield.

Wiper and washer system 0 - Slow wiping

© - Fast wiping
Switching on the windshield wipers © -Single wipe
© - Clean the windshield. To eliminate water droplets, the wind -
shield wiper performs one afterwipe operation after several
seconds while driving . You can switch this function off by mov ing
the lever to position © within 10 seconds of the afterwipe opera-
tion. The afterwipe function is reactivated the next time the ignition
is switched on.
The rear wiper automatically switches on when the reverse gear is
engaged and the front windshield wipers are on and in operation.
Fig. 65 Windshield Cleaning the headlights* . The headlight washer system* only func-
wiper lever t ions when the light is switched on. The headlights are automati -
cally cleaned the first time and every fifth time the lever is moved to
position ®· They are also cleaned every time you hold the lever in
position © for longer than 2 seconds. _.,

Cont rols and equip- Vehicle care I I irechnical data

Clear vision

© - Wipe the rear window . The rear wiper moves about every 4 • The washer fluid nozzles of the windshie ld washer system are
seconds . h eate d at low tem p eratu res whe n the ig n iti o n is o n .
0 -Clean the rear window . The number of wiping operat ions • When stopping temporar ily, e.g. at a traffic light, the set speed of
depends on how long the lever is held in position 7. t he win dshield wipe rs is aut omati cal ly reduced by o ne speed . •

& WARNING Service position

• The rain sensor is only intended to assist the driver. The driver The windshield wip er blades are repl aced in the service
is still responsible for manually sw itching the wipers on according pos iti on.
to the visibility conditions .
• The windshield may not be treated with water -repelling wind -
shield coating agents. Unfavorable conditions , such as wetness ,
darkne ss, low sun, can result in increased glare . Wiper blade
chatter is also possible.
• Properly functioning windshield w iper blades are required for a
clear view and safe driving .

0 Note
Fig. 67 Display: Wind -
• In t he case of fros t , check whether t he w indshield wiper b lades shield wipers
are frozen to the windshield . Switch i ng on the windshie ld wipers
can damage t he wipe r bl ades! The service pos ition is set in t he radio or in t he MM I* .
• Prior to using a car wash, the windshie ld wiper system must be
switched off (lever in posi t ion 0). This p revents unintenti o nal - If th e w ip er blades are not froze n to t he w indshield, bring
switching on and damage to the windshield wiper system . the w in ds hi eld w iper lever to the basic posit ion @
=> page 67, fig. 65.
[i ] Tips - Selec t : Function butto n [CA R] > Windshield wipers >
• The w indsh ield wipers are swi t ched off when the ign it ion is Service position => fig. 67 .
turned off . Activate the windshield wipers after the ignition is
switched back on by movin g t he winds hield wiper lever to any pos i- • On - changing the windshield wiper blades can only be done if
tion. you brin g the wiper arms t o t he serv ice position. You w ill also avo id
paint damage to the hood when working on the wipers in this posi -
• Worn or dirty windshield wipe r blades resu lt in streak ing . This ti on .
can affect the rain sensor function . Check you r windshie ld wi p er
b lades reg ularly. • Off - the windshield wipers are moved to their initial position
aga in .
Cl ea r vision

Press the locking knob G) =:>fig . 68 on the wiper blade.

0 Note Hold the wiper blade f ir m ly.
Never maneuver your vehicle with the front windshield wiper arms
raised since they will automatica lly be moved back to their basic - Remove the wiper blade in the direction of the arrow.
pos it ion above a speed of 3 mph (6 km/h) and can scratch the hood .
Attachin g the wiper blade

[i ] Tips Insert the new wiper b lade into the mo unt on the w ipe r
arm @ until you hear it latc h into place.
• You can also use the service position, for example, if you want to
prot ect the windshield from icing by using a cover. Place t he w iper ar m back on the windshield.
• The service position automatical ly switches to Off when you
operate the windshie ld wiper lever, or speed exceeds 3 mph (6
km/h). •
• Clean your w iper blades regularly w ith a w indshield w asher
solut ion to prevent str eaking. If the wi per blades are very dirt y, for
Installing nevv wiper blades example with insect s, carefull y clea n th e wiper blade s with a
spong e or a soft brush.
Wiper blades in good condition help keep the windshield
clear. • For your safety , you should replace the wiper blad es once or
tw ice a year. See your authori zed Audi dealer for repl aceme nt
blade s.

0 Note
• The windsh ield wiper blades m ust only be replaced when in the
service position=> page 68! Otherwise, you risk damaging the paint
on the hood or the windshie ld wiper motor .
• To preven t damage to the wiper system, always loosen blades
Fig. 68 Removing the which are frozen to the windshield before operating wipers.
w iper blade • To prevent damage to wiper blades, do not use gasoline, kero -
sene, paint thinner, or other so lvents on or near the wiper blades .
Rem ov ing th e wip e r bl a de • To prevent damage to the wiper arms or other components, do
- Bring t he windshield wipers to the service posi t ion not attempt to move the wipers by hand. .,,_
=:> page 68.

- Fold the windshield wipe r arm away f rom the windshield.

Controls and equip - I • •

Clear vision

[i J Tips & WARNING (continued)

Commercial hot waxes applied by automatic car washes affect the • For safety reasons, the windshield wiper blades should be
how easily the glass surface can be cleaned . • replaced once or twice each year. •

Replacing the rear wiper blade

Manual glare-dimming
Standard setting
- Move the small lever (located on the bottom edge of the
mirror) to the front.

Fig. 69 Rear wiper: Anti-glare setting

Removing the wiper
blade - Move the small lever (located on the bottom edge of the
mirror) to the rear. •
Removing the wiper blade
- Fold the windshield wiper arm away from the windshield. Ap plies to vehicle s: w ith aut om ati call y dim m ing in sid e mirror

Pull the wiper blade and holder out of the mount. Automatically dimming inside mirror
The automatic dimming function can be turned on and off
Attaching the wiper blade if required.
- Press the wiper blade holder in the arrow direction
~ fig. 69 into the mount.
Fold the windshield wiper arm back onto the windshield.

• To prevent streaking, clean the wiper blades regularly with a
glass cleaner. In the case of significant contamination, e.g. from
insect remains, the wiper blades can be cleaned with a sponge or Fig. 70 Inside rear
cloth. view mirror
Clear vision

Disabling auto dimming & WARNING (continued )

- Press button © => page 70, fig. 70 briefly, - t he indicator
water; medical attention is recommended. Thoroughly wash
light @ goes out. affected clothing and shoes before reuse.
• If swallowed and person is conscious, rinse mouth w ith water
Activating/reactivating auto dimming
for at least 15 minutes . Do not induce vomiting unless instructed
- Press butto n © bri efly, - t he in di cat o r lig ht @ goe s on. to do so by medical professional . Get medical attention immedi-
Automatic dimming function
The auto matic dimmi ng f u nctio n is act ivated every t im e the ign it io n
is tu rn ed o n. The green i nd icat or li ght is l it to indi cat e auto dim ming 0 Note
is acti ve. Liq uid electr olyte leaked fr o m a broke n mi rror g lass w i ll da mag e any
p lastic su rfaces it comes in contact with . Clean up sp ill ed electrolyte
When dimming is activ ated, the inside mirror will darken automati -
cally in respon se t o th e amount of li g ht str iking the mirro r (such as i mm edi atel y w it h clear wate r and a spon g e.
headlights from rearwa rd approachi ng vehicles). Even in d imm ing
mod e, the mirror su rface tu rns bri g ht w hen : [i ] Tips
• t he i nter ior lig ht is swi tc hed o n • If you switch off the automatic dimming function on the inside
• reverse gear is engage d. mirror, automatic dimming of the outside mirrors* will likewise be

& WARNING • Chec k to make sure there are no obj ects preventin g li ght from
reachi ng th e inside mirr o r.
Broken glass of automatic dimming mirror can cause electrolyte • Do not attach any stickers to the w indshie ld in front of the light
fluid leakage. Electrolyte fluid can irritate skin, eyes, and respira- sens o r, as t his wou ld interfere wi t h both the aut omat ic ope rat io n of
tory system . the headli g hts and the automatic dimming of the inside mirror . •
• Repeated or prolonged exposure to electrolyte can cause irrita-
tion to the respiratory system , especially among people with
asthma or other respiratory conditions. Get fresh air immediately
by leaving the vehicle or, if that is not possible, open windows and
doors all the way .
• If electrolyte gets into the eyes, flush them thoroughly with
large amounts of clean water for at least 15 minutes; medical
attention is recommended .
• If electrolyte contacts skin, flush affected area with clean water
for at least 15 minutes and then wash affected area with soap and

Controls and equip - I • •

Cl e ar vision

Outside mirrors Memory for e xterior mirrors *

On vehicles with memory f o r the driver's seat, the curren t setting for
The ou tside mirrors are electricall y adjuste d (power
the exterior mirrors is automatically stored along with the seat posi -
mirrors) tion ~ page 78.

Tilt fun c ti o n f o r th e p a sse n ger's mirror* {only with

memory for exterior mirror s)
When the reverse gear is engaged , the mirror surface tilts down-
ward slig htly if the setting is for the passenger 's mi rror (knob in
pos ition @ ~ fig. 71). This allows you to see the curb during para llel
Fig. 7 1 Forwa rd The mirror ret urns to its initial pos ition as soon as reverse gear is
secti on of drive r's
arm rest : power mirror
disengaged and vehicle speed is above about 9 mph (15 km/h). The
contro ls m irror also retu r ns to it s initia l position if the switch is moved to the
driver's outside mirror (0 or th e ignition is switched off.
Adjusting e xterior mirrors If the position of the mirror surface is chan ged on a tilted mirror, this
Rotate the knob to the (0 position (driver's exter ior new pos it ion will be automa t ica lly assigned to the remote key when
the vehic le is taken out of reverse gear.
mirror) or to the ® pos ition (passenger's exterior mirror)
~ fig. 71 .
- Rotate the knob and the mir ror so t hat you have a clear 0 Note
view to the rear. • Curved mirror surfaces {convex or spherical * ) increase your fie ld
of view. Remember that vehic les or ot her objec t s wil l appear smaller
and farther away than when seen in a f lat mirror . If you use this
Heated mirrors
m irror to estimate d istanc es of f ollowing vehicles when changi ng
- Rotat e the kn ob t o pos iti o n @. lanes, you cou ld estima t e incorrectly and cause an accident .
• If the m irror housing is moved unintentiona lly {for example,
Folding both outside mirrors * while parking your vehicle), then you must first fold the mirror elec -
- Turn t he knob to @ . t rically. Do not readjust t he mirror housing manually . Yo u cou ld
damage the motor which controls the mirror .
Depending on the outside temperature, the mirror surfaces are • If you take t he vehicle to an aut omatic car wash, you must fo ld
heated until the igni t ion is switched off - even if the kno b is no the exterior mirrors flat to prevent damaging them. Power folding
longer in position @. exterior mirrors* must not be fo lded in or out by hand. Use the
You are well -advised to fold the outside mirrors in when maneu - power function! ._
vering in ti g ht spaces or when leavi ng the car parked close to other
vehic les.
Cl ea r vision

[i ] Tip s & WARNING (continued )

If there shou ld be a malfunction in the electrica l system , you can to do so by medic al professional. Get medi cal attent ion immed i-
sti ll adjus t the outside mirrors by pressing the edge of the mirror . • ately.

Ap plies to ve hi cles: w ith automa ticall y adjusting out sid e m irrors 0 Note
Automatic dimming for the outside mirrors Liq uid elec t rolyte leaked fr om a broken mirror glass wil l damage any
p lastic surfaces it comes in contact with . Clean up spilled electrolyte
The outside mirrors dim at the same time as the inside mirro r. W hen immedia t ely with clear water and a sponge.
the ign ition is switched on, the mirrors automatically dim
depend ing on the amount of ligh t st rik ing the m irrors (such as head -
lights shining into the vehicle from th e rearl.
[i ] Tips
• Switching off the dimming function of the inside rearview mirror
When the interior lighting is switched o n and when reverse gear is also dea cti vate s the automati c dimming fun ction of the ext erior
engaged, the mirrors are switched back to their original brightness mirror s.
(not di m med) .
• Automatic dimming for the mirror only operates properly if the
light str iking the inside mirror is not hindered by othe r o bjec t s. •
Broken glass of automatic dimming mirror can cause electrolyte
fluid leakage. Electrolyte fluid can irritate skin, eyes, and respira-
Digital compass
tory system .
Ap pli es to vehicles : wit h d ig ita l co mpass
• Repeated or prolonged ex posure to electrolyte can cause irrita -
Activating or deactivating the compass
tion to the respiratory system , especially among people with
asthm a or other respiratory condition s. Get fre sh air immediately The direction is displayed on the interior rear view mirror.
by leaving the vehicle or, if that is not possible, open windows and
doors all the wa y.
• If electrolyte get s into the eyes, flush them thoroughly with
large amounts of clean wate r for at least 15 minutes ; medi cal
attention is recommended .
• If electrolyte cont acts skin, flu sh affe cted area with clean water
for at least 15 minute s and t hen wa sh affected area with soap and
water ; medical attention is recommended . Thoroughly wash
affected clothing and shoes before reuse. Fig. 72 Inside rear
view mirror : digital
• If swallowed and person is conscious, rinse mouth with water comp ass activated
for at least 15 minute s. Do not induce vomiting unless instructed

Controls and equip - I • •

Clear vision

- To activate or deact ivate, hold the @ button down until Appli es to vehicle s: wi th digi tal compass

the red display appears or disappears. Setting the magnetic deflection zone

The digital compass only works with the ignition turned on. The The correct magnetic deflection zone must be set in order
directions are displayed as initials: N (North), NE (Northeast), E to display the directions correctly.
(East), SE (Southeast), S (South), SW (Southwest), W (West), NW

[i ]Tips
To avoid inaccurate directions, do not allow any remote controls,
electrical systems, or metal parts close to the mirror. •

Fig. 73 North America: magnetic deflection zone boundaries

Hold the @ => page 73, fig. 72 button down until the
number of the set magnetic deflection zone appears on
the interior rear view mirror.
Adjust the magnetic deflection zone by repeatedly
pressing on the @ button. The set mode automatically
deactivates after a few seconds. •
Clear vision

Applies to vehicles: with digita l compass

Calibrating the compass

The compass has to be recalibrated if the display is wrong
or inaccurate.
- Hold the @ button down until the letter C is displayed on
the interior rear view mirror.
- Drive in a circle at a speed of about 5 mph (10 km/h) until
a direction is shown on the interior rear view mirror.

The digital compass is to be used as a directional aid only. Even
though you may want to look at it while you are driving, you must
still pay attention to traffic, road and weather conditions as well
as other possible hazards. •

Controls and equip - I • •

Seats and storage

Seats and storage

General recommendations & WARNING (continued)

the airbag inflates and the seating position is incorrect, this could
Why is your seat adjustment so important?
result in personal injury or even death.
The safety belts and the airbag system can only provide • It is important for both the driver and front passenger to keep
maximum protection if the front seats are correctly a distance of at least 10 inches (25 cm) between themselves and
adjusted. the steering wheel and/or instrument panel. If you're sitting any
closer than this, the airbag system cannot protect you properly. In
There are various ways of adjusting the front seats to provide safe addition, the front seats and head restraints must be adjusted to
and comfortable support for the driver and the front passenger. your body height so that they can give you maximum protection.
Adjust your seat properly so that : • Always try to keep as much distance as possible between your-
• you can easily and quickly reach all the switches and controls in self and the steering wheel or instrument panel.
the instrument panel • Do not adjust the driver's or front passenger's seat while the
• your body is properly supported thus reducing physical stress vehicle is moving. Your seat may move unexpectedly, causing
and fatigue sudden loss of vehicle control and personal injury. If you adjust
• the safety belts and airbag system can offer maximum protec - your seat while the vehicle is moving, you are out of position. •
tion=> page 175.
In the following sections , you will see exactly how you can best Driver's seat
adjust your seats.
The correct seat position is important for safe and relaxed
There are special regulations and instructions for installing a child driving.
safety seat on the front passenger's seat. Always follow the informa -
tion regarding child safety provided in=> page 197, "Child Safety". We recommend that you adjust the driver's seat in the
following manner:
WARNING - Adjust the seat in fore and aft direction so that you can
Incorrect seating position of the driver and all other passengers easily push the pedals to the floor while keeping your
can result in serious personal injury. knees slightly bent =>&, in "Why is your seat adjustment
• Always keep your feet on the floor when the vehicle is in motion so important?".
- never put your feet on top of the instrument panel, out of the Adjust the seatback so that when you sit with your back
window or on top of the seat cushion. This applies especially to
against the seatback, you can still grasp the top of the
the passengers. If your seating position is incorrect, you increase
steering wheel. _..
the risk of injury in the case of sudden braking or an accident. If
Seats and storage

- Position the head restraint according to the occupant's - Place your feet on the floor in front of the passenger's
height=> page 81. For maximum protection, the top of seat. •
the head restraint should be at least at eye level, prefer-
ably higher and ideally level with the top of the head
=> page 759, fig. 168. Power front seat adjustment

& WARNING Seat adjustment controls

The operating logic for the switches corresponds to the
Never place any objects in the driver's footwell. An object could
get into the pedal area and interfere with pedal function. In case construction and function of the seat.
of sudden braking or an accident, you would not be able to brake

or accelerate. • 0,


Front passenger's seat

Always move the front passenger seat into the rearmost
Fig. 74 Front seat:
To avoid contact with the airbag while it is deploying, do not Controls for seat
sit any closer to the ins trument panel than necessary and adjustment
always wear the three-point safety belt provided adjusted
correctly. We recommend that you adjust the passenger's The switches to adjust the seat cushion and the seat back corre -
seat in the fo llowing manner: spond to the layout, the design and the function of the seat. The
seats are adjusted by moving the switches fo llowing this logic.
- Move the front passenger seat into the rearmost pos ition
of the fore and aft adjustment range => &
in "Why is Controls
your seat adjustment so important?" on page 76. © Lumbar support
@ Seat adjustment
- Bring the backrest up to an (almost) upright position. Do
not ride with the seat reclined. © Seat back adjustment •

- The ide al position for the head restraint is with the upper
edge of the restraint level with the top of your head
=> page 81. You should not lower the top of the restraint
below the level of your eyes.

Cont rols and equip- Vehicle care I I irechnical data

Seats and storage

Adjusting the seat

Position, angle and shape of the seat can be adjusted
• Adjust the driver's seat only when the vehicle is stationary. You
electrically to ensure safe and comfortable seating.
risk an accident otherwise.
Read and follow the warning notices => & before you • The power adjustment for the front seats also works with the
adjust your seat . ignition switched off or with the ignition key removed. For this
reason, children should never be left unattended in the vehicle -
Adjusting the curvature of the lumbar support they could be injured!

Push the switch plate @ forward or backward to increase • Exercise caution when adjusting the seat height. Unsupervised
or careless seat adjustment can pinch fingers or hands causing
or reduce the curvature.
Adjusting the height of the lumbar support • While the vehicle is moving, the seat backs of the front seats
must not be inclined too far to the rear because the effectiveness
- Push the switch plate @ up or down to position the of the safety belts and the airbag system is severely compromised
curvature higher or lower. - there is a risk of injury. •

Fore-and-aft adjustment
- Push the switch @ forward or backward => page 77, Seat memory
f ig . 74.
App lie s to vehicl es: w ith seat m emory

Adjusting seat height Memory for driver's seat

- Pull or push the switch @ up or down. The seat adjustment settings for two drivers can be stored
using the memory buttons in the driver's door.
Front seat cushion up / down
- Press the switch @ at the front up or down .

Rear seat cushion up / down

- Press the switch @ at the rear up or down.

Adjusting seat back angle

- Push the switch © forward or backward.
Fig. 75 Driver's door:
Seat memory ...
Seats and storage

In addition to the setting for the driver's seat, the exterior rear view Recalling settings
mirror setting can be stored and recalled through seat memory if
If the driver's door is open, tap the corresponding
the vehic le is properly equipped.
memory button briefly.
Storing and recalling settings
If the driver's door is closed, press the appropriate
With the help of the memory buttons 1 and 2 =>page 78, fig . 75 the memory button until the stored posit i on is reached.
settings for two different drivers can be stored and recal led
=>page 79. Successful storage is confirmed audibly and by the light in the !SET]
The current settings are also automatical ly stored on the remote button illuminating => page 78, fig. 75.
control key being used when the vehic le is locked. When the vehicle When the vehicle is locked, the current settings are stored and
is unlocked, the settings stored on the remote contro l key being assigned to the remote control key. But the settings stored on
used are automatically recalled. memory buttons 1 to 2 are not deleted. They can be recalled at any
time. When the vehicle is unlocked, the settings stored on the
Turning seat memory on and off
remote control key are restored.
If the IOFF] switch is depressed, the seat memory is inoperative.
When the Memory function is off, the LED in the button lights up. If your vehicle is driven by other persons using your remote control
key, you should save your individual seat position on one of the
All the stored settings are retained. We recommend using the !OFF ] memory buttons. You can recall your settings again simply and
switch and deactivating the seat memory if the vehicle is only going conveniently by pressing the corresponding memory button. When
to be used temporarily by a driver whose settings are not going to the vehicle is locked, these settings are automatically re-assigned to
be stored. • the remote control key and stored.

App li es to vehicles: with seat memory

Storing and recalling settings

• For safety reasons, the seat setting can only be recalled when
the vehicle is stationary - otherwise you risk having an accident .
Storing settings
• In an emergency the recall procedure can be cancelled by
- Adjust the driver 's seat. pressing the ION / OFF ] switch or by tapping of the memory
- Adjust the two exterior mirrors. buttons. •

- Press the [SET)button. The light in the button will come


- Now press a memory button ((Dor@:)). If the storing

procedure is correct, a conf irm ation tone will sound.

Controls and equip - I • •

Seats and storage

Ap pli es to vehic les : w it h seat memory correct seating position is critical for the safety of front and rear
Activating remote control key memory seat passengers alike ~ page 158.

To be able to recall the stored settings with the remote

control key, the function has to be activated in the radio & WARNING
or in the MM!*. • Occupants in the front and rear seats must always be properly
restrained .
• Do not let anyone ride in the vehicle without the head restraints
provided . Head restraints help to reduce injuries.
• Loose items inside the passenger compartment, can fly
forward in a crash or sudden maneuver and injure occupants.
Always store articles in the luggage compartment and use the
fastening eyes, especially when the rear seat backs have been
folded down.
• Read and heed all WARNINGS ~ page 158, "Proper seating
Fig. 76 Display:
positions for passengers in rear seats". •
Driver's seat

Select: Function button [CAR]> Seat adjustment> Adjusting seat

Driver's seat > Key mem. profile> On .
The fore -and -aft adjustment of the seat cushion and the
seat back angle can be adjusted.
[i ] Tips
If you do not want another driver to store their settings on the
remote key, switch off the Memory function using the radio or the
MMI* or the IOFF] button ~ page 78. •

Rear seats

General information
Fig. 77 Adjusting seat
Safe transportation of passengers on the rear seats back angle ...

requires proper safety precautions.

All passengers on the rear seats must be seated in compliance with
the safety guidelines explained in~ page 165 and~ page 175. The
Seats and storage

Head restraints

Adjusting the front head restraints

Head restraints that are adjusted according to body size,
along with the seat belt, offer effective protection.

Fig. 78 Fore-and-aft

Adjusting seat back angle

- Pull the lever up and push the seat back toward the rear
to the desired position~ page 80, fig. 77. Release the
lever. Fig. 79 Front seat:
Adjusting the head
- Pull the lever up so that the seat back pivots forward. restraint

Release the lever and push the seat back to the rear to
return the seat back to the normal position. The head restraints on the front seats can be adjusted to
provide safe support to head and neck at the optimum
Fore-and-aft adjustment height. When optimally adjusted, the top of the restraint
should be level with the top of the head ~ page 159,
- Pull the handle up and push the seat forward or back
"Proper adjustment of head restraints".
~ fig. 78.
- Grasp the sides of the head restraint with both hands.
Release the handle and continue to push the seat until
the seat latch engages. - Adjust the head restraints so that the top of the head
restraint is at least level with your eyes or higher
& WARNING ~ fig. 79.

• For safety reasons, the seat must only be adjusted when the Refer to ~ page 159, "Proper adjustment of head restraints" for
vehicle is stationary· danger of accident! guidelines on how to adjust the height of the front head restraints
• Exercise caution when adjusting the seat. Adjusting the seat
to suit the occupant's body size. I),
without checking or paying attention can pinch fingers or limbs ·
danger of injury! •

Cont rols and equip- Vehicle care I I irechnical data

Seats and storage


• Driving without head restraints or with head restraints that are • Driving without head restraints or with head restraints that are
not properly adjusted increases the risk of serious or fatal neck not properly adjusted increases the risk of serious or fatal neck
injury dramatically. injury dramatically.
• Read and heed all WARNINGS => page 159. • Read and heed all WARNINGS => page 159.

[i ] Tips [i ]Tips
Correctly adjusted head restraints and safety belts are an extremely Correctly adjusted head restraints and safety belts are an extremely
effective combination of safety features . • effective combination of safety features . •

Adjusting the rear head restraints Front arm rest

The arm rest is adjustable in several stages and can be
moved forward and back.

Fig. 80 Rear seats:

Head restraint

Fig. 81 Arm rest

Raising the head restraint between driver's and
passenger's seat
- Grasp the sides of the head restraint with both hands.
- Move the head restraint upward as far as it can go. Adjusting the arm rest
- To adjust the arm rest angle, pivot the arm rest fully
Lowering the head restraint down.
- Grasp the sides of the head restraint.
- Lift the arm rest detent by detent until the desired posi -
Press the button =>fig. 80 -Arrow - and push the head tion is reached. _.
restraint down.
Seats and storage

Moving the arm rest Folding the backrest forward

- You can move the arm rest forward or back => page 82, - Pull the lever up => fig . 82. The backrest will swing
fig. 81. forward.

There is a storage compartment under the arm rest . • - Let the backrest latch into the lowest position.

Raising the backrest

Luggage compartment - Pull the lever up => fig. 82 and fold the backrest back up
again until it latches secure => &.
Expanding the passenger compartment
Folding the center backrest forward
The rear seat backrests can be folded forward separately
or together. - Press the release button =>fig. 83. The red marking on
the release button will be visible.
Fold the backrest forward.

Folding the center backrest up

- Fold the backrest back up again until it securely latches
and the red marking is no longer visible => &.
The center backrest can be folded down separately. This makes is
Fig. 82 Release lever possible to transport long objects (for example, skis) inside the
for the outer backrest vehicle.

• The backrest must always be securely latched so that the
safety belt of the center seating position can work properly to help
protect the occupant.
• The backrest must be securely latched in position so that no
items contained in the luggage compartment can slide forward
upon sudden braking.
Fig. 83 Release button
• Always check whether the latch is fully engaged by pulling the
for the center backrest
seat back forward. .,

Cont rols and eq uip- Vehicle care I I irechnical data

Seats and storage

& WARNING (continued ) Folding the backrest forward

- Pull the release leve r => fi g. 84 in dire ction of t he arr ow .
• Never allow safety belts to become damaged by being caught The back rest will swi ng for w ard.
in door or seat hardware.
• Torn or frayed safety belts can tear and damaged belt hardware - Let the back rest latch in t o t he lowest position .
can break in a crash. Inspect the belts periodically . Belts showing
damage to webbing , bindings , buckles, or retractors must be Folding the backrest up
replaced . - Pull t he leve r up => p ag e 83, f ig . 82 an d fo ld t he bac krest
back up aga in unt il it sec urely lat ches => & .
Always read and heed WARNINGS ~ & in "Loading the luggage & WARNING
compartment" on page 161. • The backrest must always be securely latched so that the
safety belt of the center seating position can work properly to help
0 Note protect the occupant.
• The backrest must be securely latched in position so that no
Slide t he belt gu ide on t h e outs ide safet y belt al l the way u p bef o re
fold ing th e backrest back forwa rd. Make sure the seat belt is not items contained in the luggage compartment can slide forward
pinched or da maged when the rear seat back rest if fo lded back . • upon sudden braking .
• Always check whether the latch is fully engaged by pulling the
seat back forward .
Expanding the luggage compartment • Never allow safety belts to become damaged by being caught
The rear seat backrests can be fold ed forw ar d sepa ra tely in door or seat hardware.
or togethe r. • Torn or frayed safety belts can tear and damaged belt hardware
can break in a crash. Inspect the belts periodically. Belts showing
damage to webbing, bindings , buckle s, or retractors must be
replaced .

0 Note
Slide the belt guide on the outside safety belt all the w ay up before
f oldi ng t he backr est back f orwa rd . Make sure the seat belt is n ot
pinched or damaged when the rear seat back rest if fo lded back.
Fig . 84 Luggage
compartm ent : release Ot her objec t s shou ld be removed from t he rear seat ben ch to
lever protect the seatback from damage. •
Seats and storage

Tie-down rings
There are four tie-down rings in the luggage compart -
Weak, damaged or improper straps used to secure items to tie-
ment for securing luggage items.
downs can fail during hard braking or in a collision and cause
serious personal injury.
• Always use suitable retaining straps and properly secure items
to the tie-downs in the luggage compartment to help prevent
items from shifting or flying forward.
• When the rear seat backrest is folded down, always use suit-
able retaining straps and properly secure items to the tie-downs in
the luggage compartment to help prevent items from flying
Fig. 85 Location of the forward into the passenger compartment.
tie-down rings in the • Never attach a child safety seat tether strap to a tie-down. •
luggage compartment

- Secure the cargo to the tie-down rings ~ fig. 85. App lies to ve hicles: w ith rail system

Fastening eyelets
- Observe the safety notes ~ page 163.
There are four fastening eyelets in the luggage compart-
In a collision , the laws of phys ics mean that even smaller items that ment that can be adjusted lengthwise for securing items
are loose in the vehicle will turn into heavy missiles that can cause
of baggage and other objects.
serious injury. Items in the vehicle pick up kine t ic energy which
var ies with the vehicle and the weight of the item. Vehicle speed is
the most signifi cant fac t or.
For example , in a frontal collision at a speed of 30 mph (48 km/ h),
the forces acting on a 10-lb (4.5 kg) object are about 20 times the
nor mal weigh t of the it em . This means that the weight of the item
would suddenly be the equivalent of about 200 lbs (90 kgl. One can
easily imagine the injuries that an item of t hat weight flying freely
Fig. 86 Adjusting,
through the passenger compartment can cause in a collision at a removing the fastening
speed considered relatively low . eyelets in the luggage
compartment ...

Cont rols and eq uip- Vehicle care I I irechnical data

S e a ts and stor a g e

would suddenly be the equivalent of about 200 lbs (90 kg). One can
easily imagine the injuries that an item of tha t weight flying free ly
through t he passenger compartment can cause in a col lision at a
speed considered relatively low.

Fig. 87 Overview of
t he fast ening eyelet s in Weak , damaged or imp roper strap s used to secure item s t o tie -
th e luggage comp art - dow ns can fa il dur ing hard braking or in a collision and cause
ment seri ous personal injury.
• Alwa ys use suitable retaining straps and properly secure item s
The fastening eye lets can be adjuste d individually to the tie -down s in t he luggage compartment to help prevent
accordi ng to the item by moving the t rack system . items from shifting or flying forwar d.
• Wh en the rear seat backrest is folded down , alw ays use suit-
Adjusting , re moving the fast e ning eyelets
able retain ing st raps and properly secure items to the tie-do w ns in
Press the knob on the fastening eyelet~ page 85, fig. 86 the luggage comp artmen t to help prevent items from flying
G). forward into the passenger compartm ent .
• Never attach a child safety seat tether st rap to a tie -dow n. •
- Move the eyelet in the desired direction @ .
To remove t he eyelet, move it approximately to the
m iddle of the track (notch). Remove the eyelet. Luggage compartment cover

S e curing the c argo

Fold the clip on the fastening eyelet up and secure the
cargo ~ fig. 87 -arrow-.
Observe the safety notes ~ page 163.

In a coll ision, the laws of physics mean that even sma ller items tha t
are loose i n the vehicle wi ll turn into heavy missiles that can cause Fig. 88 Lugg age
serious injury . Items in the vehi cle pick up kinetic energy wh ich compartment : cover
varies with the vehicle and the weight of the item. Vehicle speed is att ached ...
the most significant facto r.
For example , in a frontal collision at a speed of 30 mph (48 km/hl ,
t he forces acting on a 10-lb (4.5 kg) object are about 20 times the
normal we ight of the it em. This means that the we ight of the item
Seats and storage

0 Note
You could damaged a stored luggage compartment cover when you
move the rear seat or rear seat backrest.

[i] Tips
Fig. 89 Luggage
• You can use the luggag e compartment cover to store light
compartment: storing weight clothing or articles but do not leave any heavy or sharp
the cover objects in the pockets of the clothing .
• Remember that placing clothing or articles on the luggage
Removing compartment cover can block the driver's vision in the rear view
Unhook the straps G) ~ page 86, fig. 88. mirror. This also applies especially when you have to transport large
objects .
- Pull the cover 0 out of the retainers @ in the direction • So that stale air can escape from the vehicle be sure not to cover
of the arrow. the ventilation slot between the rear lid and the luggage compart -
ment cover. •
- Slide the cover into the retainers @ .
Double cargo floor
- Attach the straps G) ~ &. You can store dirty or wet objects under the cargo floor.
- Slide the rear seat forward ~ page 80.
- Fold the cover toget her and store it behind the rear seat
~ fig. 89.

& WARNING Fig. 90 Luggage

compartment : cargo
• To prevent accidents, never install the luggage compartment floor folded together
cover unsecured . with protective tray

• Whenever driving, never place any hard or heavy objects on the

luggage compartment or allow pets to sit on the luggage compart- Folding the cargo floor together
ment cover. They could become a hazard to vehicle occupants in Lift the cargo floor by the handle ~ fig. 90 G) and fold it
the event of sudden braking or in an accident.
up. ~

Cont rols and equip- Vehicle care I I irechnical data

Seats and storage

- Place your item in the protective tray.

Removing the cargo floor, installing

- To remove, lift the cargo floor folded together and pull it
toward the rear lid.
- To install, place the folded cargo floor into both retainers
and unfold it. Fig. 92 Luggage
Grab the protective tray on the handles and pull it out. You can also Securing strap

install a divider to divide 0

the storage area . Depending on the
vehicle equipment level, the protective tray can have different sizes The fixture set consists of a telescoping band and a
and shapes. • securing strap.

Telescoping track
Ap plies to vehi cles : wit h secur ing atta ch men ts

Securing attachments - Set the holder for the telescoping track in the opening of
the track system.
The fixture set is secured on the track system.
- Push the holder down =:>f ig . 91 G) and at the same time ,
slide it into the desired position @.
- Check that the holder has latched into place.
If it has not already been done, fold both seatbacks up
and hang the partition net =:> &-
Securing strap
Fig. 91 Luggage
compartment : Tele-
- Set the holder for the securing strap in the opening of the
scoping tracks track system.
- Push the holder down =:>fig . 92 G) and at the same time,
slide it into the desired position @ .
- Check that the holder has latched into place.
- Lay the object to be secured behind the securing strap. ~
Seats and storage

- Push the knob on the front side of the holder ® to

tighten the strap.
- If it has not already been done , fold both seatbacks up
and hang the partition net :::::>
& .

The securing strap can also be secured on the left and right of the
track system, if needed.
• Fig. 94 Luggage
compartment: Storage

& WARNING hooks

• The backrest must be securely latched in position so that no

items contained in the luggage compartment can slide forward
upon sudden braking. Storage net
• Loose items inside the passenger compartment, can fly The storage net on the right side trim can be moved lower on the
forward in a crash or sudden maneuver and injure occupants. • side guides, if needed ~ fig. 93.

Storage hooks
Cargo n e t and storage hooks The storage hooks can be used to secure shopping bags from falling
over ~ fig . 94 .

Do not use the storage hooks to secure heavy objects . Heavier
objects are not adequately secured. There is risk of personal
injury. •

Fig. 93 Luggage

Cont rols and eq uip- Vehicle care I I irechnical data

Seats and storage

Ap pli es to vehi cles : w it h ski sack Storage

Ski sack - Release the securing strap for the sack.
The ski sack allows a maximum of 4 pairs of skis or 2 - Pull the sack to the rear over the folded down seatback.
snowboards to be carried inside the vehicle.
- Raise the seatback until it is securely latch ed.
Fold up the empty sack.
- Stow the ski sack in the luggage compartment so that it
cannot slide around .

Fig . 95 Securing the • The ski sack is intended only for the transportation of skis,
ski sack at the center
snowboards and other light objects. To reduce the risk of serious
rear seat belt buckle
personal injury never transport heavy or pointed objects in the ski
• When braking rapidly or during an accident the load could be
- Fold the center seatback forward =:>page 83. displaced and cause injury to occupants.
- Remove the sack from the luggage compartment and • Sharp edges on the load must be covered for protection.
unfold it . Always fasten the belt tightly around the sack and its contents
~ fig. 95.
Place the empty sack over t he lowered seatback so t hat
the end with the zip fastener is in the luggage compart -
ment. [i ]Tips
Never stow the ski sack away if it's wet or damp (for example, snow
- Load objects from the luggage compartment into the ski melting from skis). Let it dry completely before you stow it away. •
sack=:> & .

Securing Roof rack

Insert the ski sack strap @ =:>fig. 95 into the center seat
belt buckle @. Description
- Pull the secur ing strap tight by the free end of the belt Additional cargo can be carried with a roof luggage rack.
If luggage or cargo is to be carried on the roof, you must observe the
following: ~
Seats and storag e

• On ly a special ly designed roof rack may be used on your vehic le Attach the roof rack only at the attachment points on the roof
roof. This is provided wi t h your vehicle . ra ili ng. On t he inside of t he ro of railing t here are two holes for
• These roof racks are t he basis for a complete roof rack system . attaching the rear end of the roof rack . To prevent confusing the
Addi t ional attach m ents are necessary if you want to tra nspor t front and rear roof rack attachments , there are three ho les on the
luggage , bicycles, surf boards and skis . A ll these components are left and two holes on the right for mounting the front part of the
avai lable at your authorized Aud i dea ler. roof rack => fig . 96.
The roof racks have a sticker o n the left side underneath to id en t if y

0 Note
front and rear.

If you use other roof luggage rack systems or do not install the racks
as intended, any damage to the vehicle is not covered by the
war ranty. Always read the manufacturer insta llation in structions
When installing the roof rack, make sure the sticker is on the left
that came with your roof rack system when you ins t all the attach-
side of the vehicle and faces the stamped arrow in the drive
direction. •

[i J Tip s
Installing a roof rack
When installing a factory -supplied roof rack system on the roof
railing, the ESP wil l adapt itsel f t o a diffe rent cente r of grav ity. • M
Attachment points "'

The roof rack can only be attached at the marked loca-

tions .

•• Fig. 97 Roof railing:

installing a roof rack ..

Fig. 96 Roof rack

atta chm ent points

Cont rols and equip- Vehicle care I I irechnical data

Seats and storage

Installing the attachments

- Remove the cap © => fig. 98.
- Slide the attachment into the T-groove (j).
- Tighten the attachment according to the roof rack instal-
lation instruc tions.
Fig. 98 Roof railing: - Close the cap.
installing cover profile
into the roof rack
Installing the cover profile
The roof rack set co nsists of a front and rear roof rack, the - Seal the openings in the T-groove 0 with the cover
cover profile and a socket wrench. profile © after hav ing insta lling the attachments
=>fig. 98.
Installing the roof rack
- If you not want to use the attachment, seal the whole T-
- Open the cap (D => page 91, fig . 97. groove 0 with the cover profile @ .
- Before mounting the roof rack, use the socket wrench ® Cut the cover profile to the length needed, if necessary.
and loosen the left and right screw in the direction of @ .
- Clean the attachment points on the roof railing as well as
the roof rack rubber washers G) => page 91, fig. 97.
Check all the roof rack connections each time before each trip and
- Carefully place the roof rack over the holes in the roof re-tighten or re-adjust if necessary. If you are going to be driving or
railing => page 91, fig. 96. rough terrain, you will have to check the attachments more often.
If you do not do this, the risk of your luggage coming loose and
- Place the pins 0 into the holes. The claw © must falling off is greater.
engage into the edge of the roof railing.
- Make sure the rubber washer
G) lays flat on the roof 0 Note
The pins and the roof rack claws must engage securely into the
- Tighten the left and right screws using the socket wrench holes and into the edge of the roof railing when you tighten the
® in direction @.
- To reach the 4 ft lb (6 Nm) tightening specification
needed , both arrows on the socket wrench must align.
- Repeat this procedure on the second roof rack.
Seats and storag e

[i J Tips 0 Note
You can adjust the width of the roo f rack by using a hexagon wrench • Make sure the rear lid does no t hit the ca rg o on the roof rack
and tu rning the screws on the top. Let your authorized Audi dea ler when you open it . On vehicles with automatic rear lid/trunk lid oper -
help you with this . • ation* you may have to adjus t th e open pos it ion of the rear lid
=>page 52.
• Remove the roof rack and attachment befo re taking your vehicle
Roof load
through an automatic car wash to avoid damage .
The ca rgo on the roof must be securely att ached.
Handlin g charac teri stics change when cargo is trans-
p orte d.
<£'For the sake of the environment
Frequently people wi ll leave the roof rack mounted on the vehicle
The permissible roof load for your vehicle is 220 lbs 1100 kg). The even if it is not being used. Your vehicle wil l use more f uel due to the
ro of load is the total of t he weigh t of the roof rack, the attachments increased wind resistance . So remove the roof rack after using it. •
and the cargo you are carrying .

Beverage holders
• The cargo mu st be securely attached on the roof rack, other -
wise you risk an accident.
• Distribute the load as evenly as possible and do not make the
roof rack wider than the maximum permitted.
• You must under no circumstances exceed th e permissible roof
load, the permissible axle loads and the permissible overall weight
of your vehicle - risk of an accident .
Fig. 99 Center
• Mount the attachments to the roof rack only after you have co nsole : Fron t
placed the roof rack on the vehicle . cupholder s
• Consider that when transport ing heavy objects or one w ith a
large surface, the handling characteristi cs change due to shift in
the center of gravity or the greater surface exposed to the w ind.
So adapt your driving and your speed to prevailing conditions . We
recommend that you do not drive fa ster than 80 mph (130 km/ hi.
• Mounting a roof rack changes the height of your vehicle. Keep
thi s in mind when parking your vehi cle in your garage, or when
driving through a tunnel or under an overpas s.

Cont rols and eq uip- Vehicle care I I irechnical data

Seats and storage

Spilled hot liquid can cause an accident and personal injury.
• Never carry any beverage containers with hot liquids, such as
hot coffee or hot tea , in the vehicle while it is moving . In case of an
accident, sudden braking or other vehicle movement, hot liquid
could spill, causing scalding burns. Spilled hot liquid can also
Fig. 100 Beverage cause an accident and personal injury.
storage in the rear arm
rest • Use only soft cups in the cupholder. Hard cups and glasses can
cause injury in an accident .
Front cupholders • Never use the cupholder or adapter as an ashtray - risk of fire .
- You ca n acco mm odat e tw o beverages in t his sto rage
=>page 93, fig. 99 . 0 Note
Only drink containers with lids sho uld be carried in the cupholder .
Opening rear beverage holders Liquid cou ld sp ill o ut and damag e yo ur vehicl e's electr o n ic equi p-
- Press o n t he symb o l W@ =>fig . 100. ment or stain the upho lstery, etc. •

Holding beverages at the rear

Ap plies to vehi cles: wit h climatiz ed beverage hold ers
- To adju st t he arm @, sw ing it in t he d irec t ion of t he
arr ow.
Climatized cupholders
- Place t he beverag e in t he holder an d release the arm . The The driver side beverage hol der can keep your beverage
arm sw ing s back by it self and aut omat icall y secures the wa rm or col d.
beverage .

Closing the rear cupholders

- Press on t he cent er sect ion betw een t he t w o arms and
pu sh t he cupholder in the slot as far as it w ill go .

The holding arm must be adj usted such that it lies closely against
t he cup ho lder. Fig. 101 Center
A maximum of two beverages can be placed in t he center arm rest. console: climat ized
Seats and storag e

- Press butto n ® :::::>

page 94, fig . 101 to keep your Cupholders in the door pockets
beverage cold . The butto n w ill lig ht up blu e.
There is a cup holder in all f o ur do ors.
- page 94, fig . 101 to keep your
Press butto n © :::::>
beverage warm . The bu tton will ligh t up red .
- To switch between the two functions, press the appro-
pr iat e button.
- Press @ or @ to switch off these feature . The li ght in the
button will go out.

When coo ling, the temperature of the beverage holder base will go
down to appro ximately 4 1 °F (5 °C). When warming, t he temperature Fig. 102 Sect ion of
door panel: Cupholder
will be approximately 136 °F (58 °C). At 104 °F (40 °C) the warming
d isplay will co m e on @ . This is reminder not to t ouch the base
because it is hot. The display goes out if the temperature fa lls be low The cupholders in the door pockets are suitab le for 1 to 1.5-liter
t his value . bottles .


• Never touch the beverage holder base when the warming Spilled hot liquid can cause an accident and personal injury.
display is on. You can burn yourself! • Never carry any beverage container s with hot liquid s, such as
• Do not use breakable beverage container s (for example made hot coffee or hot tea , in the veh icle wh ile it is moving . In case of an
out of glass or porcelain). You could be injured by them in case of accident , sudden braking or other vehicle movement , hot liquid
an accident. could spill, causing scalding burns. Spilled hot liquid can also
cause an accident and personal injury.

0 Note
• Use only soft cups in the cupholder . Hard cups and glasses can
cause injury in an accident.
M ake sure your beverage holder has a lid . If not, your beverage
cou ld spill out and cause damage to the vehicle electronic or stain
the seat covers . • 0 Note
Only d r ink containers with lids should be carried in the cupholder .
Liquid could spi ll out and damage your vehicle's electronic equip-
ment or stain the upho lstery, etc. •

Cont rols and equip- Vehicle care I I irechnical data

Seats and storage

Ashtrays Rear ashtray

Front ashtray

Fig. 104 Rear ashtray

Fig. 103 Center

console: front ashtray Opening the ashtray
- Pull the ashtray by the rim ® => fig. 104 in t he direction
Opening the ashtray of the arrow.
- Slide the cover open.
Removing ashtray insert
Closing the ashtray - Press the clip @ down and remove the ashtray.
- Tap the lid to close the ashtray automatically.
Reinstalling ashtray insert
Removing ashtray insert - Install the ashtray insert in its holder.
- Release the ashtray insert by sliding the switch @
=> fig. 103 to the r ight . & WARNING
- Remove the ashtray ins ert ® => fig . 103. Never put waste paper in the ashtray. Hot ashes or other hot
objects in the ashtray could set waste paper on fire. •
Reinstalling ashtray insert
- Press the ashtray insert into its holder.

Never put waste paper in the ashtray. Hot ashes or other hot
objects in the ashtray could set waste paper on fire. •
Seats and storag e

Cigarette lighter/outlet Before you purchase any accessories, always read and follow the
inf o rmation in => page 328, "Addi t iona l accessories and parts
replacement" .
Cigarette lighter

• Use care w hen using the cigarette lighter . Inattent ive or unsu-
pervised use of the cigarette lighter can cause burns - risk of
injury !
• The power outlets and therefore the electrical accessories
connected to them operate only with the ignition on. Improper use
of the outlet s or of electrical accessorie s can lead to seriou s inju-
ries or cause a fire . For thi s reason, children should never be left
Fig. 105 Open front
ashtray unattended in t he veh icle - they could be injured!

Using the c igarette lighter 0 Note

- Ope n the lid of t he fron t ash t ray. • To avo id damaging the socket, only use plugs that fit properly .
- Push the kno b on the cigarette lighte r in. • Only use the cigarette lighter socket as a powe r source for elec-
trical accessories for short dura t ions. Use t he soc kets in the vehicle
- Wait unt il th e knob po ps out sli ghtly. when a power source is needed for longer durations .
- Remove the cigar ette ligh t er i mmediate ly.
- Ligh t yo ur ciga rett e from the red -hot heating coil of t he
[i ] Tips
ciga rette lighte r. When the engine is off and accessories are stil l plugged in and are
on, the vehicle battery can still be drained . •
- Return the cigarette lighte r to its soc ket.

Using the socket

- Remove th e cigarette lighte r.
- Inse rt t he plu g of t he elect r ical dev ice into the ciga rette
lig ht er socket .

The socket of the cigarette lighter may be used for 12-vo lt app li-
ances with maximum consumption of up to 100 watts, such as a
flash light, smal l vacuum cleaner, etc .

Cont rols and equip- Vehicle care I I irechnical data

Seats and storage

1 2 - volt sockets Before you purchase any accessories, always read and follow the
information in => page 328, "Additional accessories and parts
Electrical accessories can be connected to every 12-volt replacement".
The power outlets and therefore the electrical accessories
connected to them operate only with the ignition on. Improper use
of the outlets or of electrical accessories can lead to serious inju-
ries or cause a fire. For this reason, children should never be left
unattended in the vehicle - they could be injured!
Fig. 106 Section of the
trim panel of the
luggage compartment:
12-volt socket
0 Note
To avoid damaging the socket, only use plugs that fit properly .

[i] Tips
When the engine is off and accessories are still plugged in and are
on, the vehicle battery can still be drained. •

Fig. 107 Center
console: 12-volt socket General overview
There are numerous places to store items in your vehicle.
Open the socket cover~ fig. 106 or~ fig. 107.
Insert the plug of the electrical device into the socket. Glove compartment => page99
Cooling box in glove compartment
The socket of the cigarette lighter may be used for 12-volt appli ·
ances with maximum consumption of up to 100 watts, such as a Storage compartment in the roof => page 100
flash light, small vacuum cleaner, etc. Storage compartments in the fr ont seats => page 101
There is an additional 12V socket in the center console. Multi -use attachment => page 101
Coat hooks => page 101
Seats and storage

Storage in the door panels Glove compartment

Storage net in footwell The glove compartment is illuminated and can be locked.
Storage net in the front seat backs
Storage net in luggage compartment

• Always remove objects from the instrument panel. Any items
not put away could slide around inside the vehicle while driving or
when accelerating or when applying the brakes or when driving
Fig. 108 Glove
around a corner.
• When you are driving make sure that anything you may have
placed in the center console or other storage locations cannot fall
To open glove compartment
out into the footwells. In case of sudden braking you would not be
able to brake or accelerate. Pull the handle in the direction of the arrow => fig. 108
• Any pieces of clothing that you have hung up must not interfere and swing the cover down to open.
with the driver's view. The coat hooks are designed only for light-
weight clothing . Never hang any clothing with hard, pointed or To close glove compartment
heavy objects in the pockets on the coat hooks. During sudden Push the glove compartment lid upward until the lock
braking or in an accident - especially if the airbag is deployed - engages.
these objects could injure any passengers inside the vehicle. •
There are holders for a pen and a pad of paper in the glove compart -
ment lid .
On the right side in the glove compartment is a holder with the key
body into which the emergency key must be clipped to be able to
start the vehicle.

To reduce the risk of personal injury in an accident or sudden stop,
always keep the glove compartment closed while driving. •

Controls and equip - I • •

-L--- S=..::
g~ e________________________________________________ _

Cooling box in glove compartment Storage compartment in the roof

The cooling box works only when the air-conditioning is
in cooling mode.
11111 11111

Fig. 110 Storage
pocket in the roof
Fig. 109 Glove box
with cooling box open
and switched on - To open the li d you have to touch the bar => fig. 110
(Arrow). The lid opens automatically.
Open the glove compartment=> page 99, fig. 108. To close the lid, p ush it up unt il it engages.
- Turn the rotary switch @ counter-clockwise to switch the
cooling on. The symbols on the rotary switch must be
displayed=> fig. 109 accordingly.
Always keep the lid closed while driving to reduce the risk of injury
- Turn t he rotary switch @ clockwise to switch the cooling during a sudden braking maneuver or in the event of an accident. •

The cooling box works only in the cooling mode. If the climate
control is in the heating mode, we recommend switching the
cooling box off. •
________________________________________________ S_e_a
_ ts_ a_n_d_ s_t_o_r_a....;
e __._

Storage compartment in the front seats Unfold the hook in the direction of the arrow ::::,fig. 112.
On the face of each of the front seats you will find an
opening storage compartment. & WARNING
Maximum load on the multi -use attachment: 22 lbs (10 kgl.
Heavier objects are not adequately secured. There is risk of
personal injury.

(I] Tips
Other accessories or objects such as an umbrella from the Audi
accessories programs can be secured on the multi-use
Fig. 111 Front side of attachment. •
passenger seat:
storage compartment

Coat hooks
Pull the handle to open ::::,fig. 111.

[i J Tips
Maximum storage capacity is 2 lbs (1 kg) . •

Multi - use attachment

Light objects can be secured on the multi-use attachment.
Fig. 113 Coat hooks at
rear doors

• Hang clothes in such a way that they do not impair the driver's
vision .
• The coat hooks must only be used for lightweight clothing. Do
Fig. 112 Passenger
not leave any heavy or sharp edged objects in the pockets which
footwell: multi-use
attachment may interfere with the side curtain airbag deployment and can
cause personal injury in a crash. .,_

Cont ro ls and eq uip- Vehicle care I I irechnical data

• .___ S
_ e_a_t_s_ a_n_ d_ s_t_o_r_a_g=-e________________________________________________ _

& WARNING (continued )

• Do not use coat hangers for hanging clothing on the coat hooks
as this can interfere with proper deployment of the side curtain
airbags in an accident .
• Do not hang heavy objects on the coat hooks, as they could
cause personal injury in a sudden stop . •
_________________________________________________ w
_ a_r_m
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_ o_ld
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Warm and cold

3 Zone deluxe automatic climate When the outside temperature is high and the air is very humid,
condensat ion from the evaporator may drip under the vehicle. This
control is normal and does not ind icate a leak.
If the outside temperature is low, the fan norma lly on ly switches to
a higher speed once the engine coolant has warmed up suff iciently.
The air conditioner is fully automatic and is designed to The air conditioner temporarily switches off when you dr ive off from
maintain a comfor table and unif orm clim ate inside the a standstil l using fu ll throttle to save engine power.
vehicle . The compressor also switches off if the co olant t emperature is too
We recomme nd the fo llowing settings: high, so that the engine can be adequate ly cooled under extreme
loads .
- Set the temperature to 75 °F (+23 °C).
Dust and poll e n filt e r
- Press the [AUTO ] button. The dust and po llen filter (a combined particle filter and activated
charcoal filter) reduces or prevents outside air pol lution (dust, or
With this setting, you attain maximum comfort in the least amount
pollen) from entering the vehicle .
of time . Change t his sett ing, as desired, to meet your personal
needs. The dust and po llen filter must be changed at the interva ls specif ied
in your Maintenance book let, so that the air conditione r can prop -
The climate contro ls are a combination of heat ing, ventilat ion and
erly work.
cooling systems, which automatically reduce humidity and coo l the
air inside your vehic le. If you drive your vehicle in an area with a high degree of air pollu -
tion, the filter may need to be changed more frequently than spec i-
The climate contro l automatically maintains a temperature once it
fied in your Audi Warranty & Maintenance book let. If in doubt, ask
has been set. The temperature of the air from the vents, fan speed
your authori zed Audi Service Advisor f o r advice .
(air volume) and air distribution are also automatica lly adjusted . The
system also takes into account strong sunshine so that manual Key rec og n iti o n
adjustment is not necessary. So in almost al l cases, auto matic mode
The current cl imate contro l set tings are automatically stored and
offers the best conditions for the comfort of the occupants at all
assigned to the remote key
times of the year => page 105.
Please note the following : Energ y man a gement
To prevent the battery from being discharged and to restore the
Turn on the air conditioner to reduce humidity in the vehic le. This
balance of energy, components which requ ire large amounts of
also prevents the windows fro m fogg ing up .
energy are temporarily cut back or switched off=> page 226 .
Heating syst ems in particu lar require a great dea l of energy. If you
notice, for examp le, that the rear window heater is not heating, then ~

Controls and equip - I • •

• ..__ w
_ a
_ r_
m_ a_ n_d_ c_o
_ ld__________________________________________________ _

it has been temporarily cut back or switched off by energy manage- parked vehicle is extremely hot from the sun, briefly opening the
ment . These systems are available again as soon as the energy windows can speed up the cooling process. •
balance has been restored.

Co ntrol s
& WARNING This overview will help you to familiarize yourself with the
Reduced visibility is dangerous and can cause accidents . climate controls.
• For safe driving it is very important that all windows be free of
ice, snow and condensation.
• Completely familiarize yourself with the proper use and func-
tion of the heating and ventilation system and especially how to
defog and defrost the windows.
• Never use the windshield wiper/washer system in freezing
weather until you have warmed the windshield first, using the
heating and ventilation system. The washer solution may freeze
on the windshield and reduce visibility.

0 Note
• If you suspect that the climate control system has been
damaged, switch the system off to avoid further damages, and have
it inspected by a qualified dealership.
• Repairs to the Audi air conditioner require special technical
knowledge and special tools. Contact an authorized Audi dealer for
assistance. Fig. 114 Climate controls

The display shows the selected temperature for the driver's side on
[i J Tips the left and the selected temperature for the front passenger's side
• To avoid adversely affecting heating and cooling performance on the right.
and to prevent condensation on the windows, the air intake in front
Functions are set by rotating the control or are switched on and off
of the windshield must be free of ice, snow and leaves.
by tapping the buttons. The LED in the buttons illuminates when the
• The air flowing out of the vents and throughout the vehicle's function is active . .,_
entire interior is discharged at the rear of the vehicle. Make sure that
the outlet slots are not covered by clothing, etc.
• Climate control works most effectively if the windows and the
Panoramic sliding sunroof* are closed. However, if the interior of a
_________________________________________________ W
_ a_r_m
__ a_n..;.

Turning th e c limat e co ntrol off

Butt on (s l M ea ning Pag e
Press the [ OFF] button to turn the climate control off and
!OFF] Turns on and off ~ page 105
to block the air supply from the outside.
!AUTO] ~ page 105
The air conditioner turns back on when you press the t emp erature
Temperature regu - regulator or one of the buttons.
Temperature select ion ~ page 106
lator 31

[i ] Tip s
With the ignition turned off, you can activate the residual heat func -
~ Recirculation mode ~ page 107
tion by pressing the IOFF] button. The residual heat from the
@) Air distribution ~ page 107 coolant is used to heat the vehicle interior. •

~ Defrost ~ page 108

~ Rear window defog g er ~ page 108 Automatic mode [AUTO I

Turns cooling system on The standard operating mode for all times of the year.
IAC] ~ page 108
and off
Turning on a utomat ic mod e
- Set the temperature between 60 °F (+16 °C) and 84 °F
al The regu lator is al so used to set t he fan speed, air distribution and seat (+28 °C).
heating .
Press [AUTO].

[i ] Tips Automatic mode ensures constant temperatures in the interior and

• The gri lle on the controls~ page 104, fig. 114 must remain dehumidifies the air inside the vehic le. Air temperature, volume and
unobstructed and must not be taped over. Measuring sensors are distribut ion are con t rolled automatica lly to reach or maintain t he
located beh ind it . • desired interior temperature as quick ly as possible . Fluctuations in
exterior temperature and the effects of temperature from the posi -
tion of the sun are compensated for automatically .
Turning the c limate control on and off This operating mode works on ly in an adjustab le temperature range
of 60°F (+16°C) to 84°F (+28°Cl. If you select a temperature lower
Turning th e c limate control on than 60°F (+16°Cl, low will appear in the radio or MMI* disp lay. At
- Press [ OFF], or t empera t ures above 84°F (+28?), high is d isplayed. At both extreme
settings, climate contro l runs continuously at maximum coo ling or
- press [AUTO]. heating power . There is no temperature regulat ion. •

Controls and equip - I • •

• ..__ w
_ a
_ r_
m_ a_ n_d_ c_o
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Setting the temperature Fan @

The temperature can be set separately for the driver's side The automatically preset fan speed can be reduced or
and front passenger's side. increased.

Fig. 115 Temperature Fig. 117 Fan button

setting regulator and regulator

Fig. 116 Display:

Setting the tempera- Fig. 118 Display:
ture Setting the fan

- Rotate the regulator to the left to reduce the tempera- - Press the (Sti']button.
ture, or to the right to increase the temperature
- Rotate the regulator to set the desired fan speed (air
=> fig.115.
The selected temperature appears on th e climate control display .
The climate control system automatically regulates fan speed based
The temperature setting will also appear for a few seconds in the
on the interior temperature . You can adjust the volume of air
radio or MMI * display ~ fig. 116. The radio display may be different
produced by the fan to your own requirements. .,,,
than what is shown in the illustration. •
_________________________________________________ W
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The fan speed setting will appear for a few seconds in the radio or Air distribution ( ill]
MMI* disp lay => page 106, fig. 118. The radio display may be
different than what is shown in the illustration. The automatically preset air distribution can be changed.

[i Tip s
It is possible that the fan speed may change automatically. This i
occurs to ensure that the desired temperature setting is reached as
quickly as possible. •

Recirculation mode (~) Fig. 119 Air d istribu-

tio n button and regu-
The recirculation mode prevents polluted outside air from lator
entering the vehicle interior.
Turning o n rec irc ul a ti o n mod e
- Press the!~] button=> & .

Turnin g o ff re c irc ul a tion mode

Press t he~ button again, or
- press the [AUTO] button, or
- press the [®I button. Fig. 120 Disp lay: Air
dist ribu t ion
In recirculation mode, air is drawn from the vehicle interior, filtered
and recirculated. We recommend selecting recirculation mode Press the !ill] button.
under the following conditions :
Rotate the regulator to the desired setting .
When driving through a tunnel or in a traffic jam so that exhaust
fumes and odors cannot enter the vehicle interior. You can adjust the air distribution so that air flows from specific
vents. In position :.0air flows on ly to the windows, in position ;.i, it
& WARNING fl ows to the dr iver or passenger, and in position !.Jit flows to the
footwell. There are additional combinations available to adjust air
You should not use th e recirculat ion mode fo r an exte nded period distribution as needed.
since no fresh air is drawn in. With th e air-conditio ning swit ched
To regulate air d istribution automatically, switch to [AUTO]. .,,_
off, th e w indows can fog up, w hich increases t he risk of an
accident! •

Cont rols and equip- Vehicle care I I irechnical data

• .___w
__a_r_m_ a_ n_d_ c_o_ ld__________________________________________________ _

The air distribution setting will appear for a few seconds in the radio If the engine is restarted within these 15 minutes, the rear window
or MMI* d isplay :::::>
page 707, fig . 120. The radio display may be defogger is activated for 10 to 20 minutes, depending on outside
different than what is shown in the illustration . • temperature. When a vehic le is parked for a short time, the rear
window defogger does not need to be manually activated again .

D efrost [@)
The windshield and side windows are defrosted or cleared
For the sake of the environment
As soon as the rear window is clear, you should switch t he rear
of condensation as quickly as possible. window defogger off . The reduced power consumption has a bene -
- Press[ @] to turn on the defroster. ficial effect on fuel consumption. •

- Press the[ @] button again, or press the [AU T O] button to

tu r n it off. A / C mod e [AC)

Temperature is control led automatically. The maximum amount of Turning A / C off

air flows mainly from the vents below t he windshield .
- Press the (AC] button.
Pressing the [@] button switches off recircu lation mode . •
Turning A / C on
Re a r window defogger [QWJ - Press the [AC] bu tton again .

The rear window defogger cle ars the re ar windo w of The cooling system is turned on in A/C mode. The heating and venti -
con densati on. lat ion system is control led automatically.

- Press the [ffiJbutto n to tur n t he rear window defogger on

and off. [i ] Tips
If the light in the button stays on after you have switched off the air
The rear window defogger works on ly when the engine is runn i ng. conditioning, then one of the components in the air cond it ioning
The indicator light in the button illuminates when the rear window system is faulty. Please consult a authorized dea lership if there is an
defogger is on . opera t ing problem . •
The rear window defogger is switched off automatically after 10 to
20 minutes, depending on the outside temperature .
The rear window defogger can be turned on permanently by
pressing the QilJbutton for more than two seconds. This remains
sto red unti l the ignition is switched off . A rear w indow defogger that
was switched on also remains stored for 15 minutes after the igni -
t ion is switched off .
----------------------------------=--=~..;__:___:;.:__ W a rm a nd c old
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Air vents
[i ] Tip s
Air distribution determines the air flow from the indi- If the climate control is running in cooling mode, air flows mainly
vidual vents . from vents 0 and G). To achieve adequate cooling, you should
never close these vents comp letely. •

Rear air vents

The rear air vents ore located in the center cons ole.
- Turn the left t hu mbw heel to open or close the vent.
To adjust t he direction of the ai r move the handle in the
center of each vent . You can adjust the air flow ho rizon -
tally and vertically .
- To raise or lower the air temperat ure, turn the right th um-
bwheel t owar d the red or blue marking.

The air vents are actuated eithe r automatically or manua lly

depending on the operating mode selected. Heated or unheated
fresh air, or cooled air fl ows from the vents .
Fig. 121 Instrum ent pane l: Locatio n of air ve nts
The air vents to heat the rear footwel l are located under the front
Vents @ a nd 0 seats .

- Rotate the thumbwheel located next to t he outlet to open

or close it. [i ] Tips
If the climate control is operating in coo ling mode, air flows prima -
- To adjust the direction of the airflow from the outlet, rily from the vents in the center console . To achieve adequate
move the tab in the cen t er of the outlet in the desired cooling, you shou ld never close these vents completely. •
direction . The direction of the ai r delivered from the
vents can be adjusted hor izontally and vertically.

The air outlets are actuated either automatically or manual ly

depending on the operating mode selected. Heated or unheated
fresh air or coo led air flows from vents (D through @ .

Cont rols and equip- Vehicle care I I irechnical data

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Economical use of the climate control system 3 Zone deluxe automatic climate
Economical use of the climate control system helps save control - basic settings
General information
When the climate control system is working in cooling
mode, engine performance is reduced and fuel consump- The basic climate control settings can be adjusted in the
tion is affected. To keep the time the climate control system radio or MM/*.
is on as short as possible, you should do the following:
- To save fuel, turn off cooling mode by pressing the (AC]
button (indicator ligh t goes out).
- In addition, if you open the window or the Panoramic
sliding sunroof* while driving, turn off cooling mode by
pressing the (AC] button (indicator light goes out).
- If the vehicle is extremely hot due to the heat of the sun,
briefly open doors and windows. Fig. 122 Display:
Setup climate control

For the sake of the environment - Select: Function button [CAR]> Control button AC.
When you save fuel, you reduce emissions from the vehicle. •
The following functions can be selected:
• Auto recirculat. => page 110
• Synchronization =>page 111 •

Automatic recirculation
An air quality sensor detects increased concentrations of
pollutants in the outside air and automatically switches
to recirculation mode.
If the air quality sensor located in the climate control system
detects polluted outside air, the sensor decides whether the air
pollution can be reduced by the factory -installed pollutant filter or
whether it is necessary to switch to recirculation . With heavy .,_
-------------------' W a rm a nd c old 111
concentrations of pollutants, the climate control system is switched Seat heating
automatically to rec irculation mode and the supply of outside air is
blocked. As soon as the concentration of pollutants in the outside App lies to vehicles: w ith fr ont seat heat ing
air drops, fresh air is supplied to the vehicle interior again.
Front seat heating (i)
In the event that the windows fog up dur ing automatic recirculation,
press the@ button immediately. The seat cushion and the seat back of the front seats can
be heated electrically.
Under certain operating conditions, automatic recirculation is
switched off automatically. When outside temperatures are below
about 50 °F (+ 10 °C), automatic recirculation is limited to 30
seconds. •

Setting for the driver seat and passenger seat.
After Synchronization is set to On, all of the subsequent climate
Fig. 123 Seat heat ing
control settings (except for seat heating*) for the driver are trans- butt on and regulato r
ferred to the front passenger.
Synchronization is canceled when settings are adjusted on the front Press the (i) button.
passenger's side. •
Rotate the regulator to the desired setting .

In position 0, seat heating is turned off. The control range is from 1

to 6.
The seat heating only works when the seat recognizes body weight
on it. If no one is sit ting on the front seats, then do not switch on t he
seat heating.

0 Note
To avoid damage to the heating elements in the seats, do not kneel
on the seats or place heavy loads on a small area of the seat . ..

Cont rols and equip- Vehicle care I I irechnical data

Warm and cold
[i] Tips
Make sure that your packages do not exert weight on the seats. This
weight could possible be enough and could switch on the seat
heating . •
On t h e road -
On the road

Manually adjusted steering wheel Improper u se of st eering w heel adjustment and imp roper seating
position ca n cause serious personal injury .
The height and reach of the steering wheel can be
• Adju st the steering wheel column only w hen the vehi cle is not
adjusted. moving to prevent los s of v ehicle control .
• Ad j ust the dr iver' s seat or steering wh eel so that there is a
minimum of 10 in ches (25 cm ) b etween your che st and the
stee ring wheel =>page 156, fig. 166 . If you cannot maint ain thi s
minimum distance , the airbag system cannot protect you prop -
erly .
• If physic al l imitation s pr event you from sitting 10 inches (25
cm ) or more from the steering wheel , check with your authori zed
Audi dealer to see if adaptive equipm ent is available .
Fig . 124 Lever u nde r • If th e ste ering whe el is aligned with your f ace, th e suppl e-
th e steeri n g col u mn men ta l driver 's airbag cannot pr ovide as much protection in an
accident . Alway s m ake sure th at th e steering wh eel is aligned with
First, adj ust t he drive r's seat correct ly. your chest .

- Pull the lever~ fi g . 124 -A rrow- ~ & . • Al w ays hold th e steer ing w he el w ith your hand s at the 9 o' clock
and 3 o'clock po sition s to redu ce the ri sk of person al injury if the
- Move the steering wheel to the desired position. driv er' s airb ag deploy s.

Push the lever against the steering column until it locks. • Never hold the ste ering wh eel at the 12 o' clock po sition or with
your hand s in side th e stee r ing wheel rim or on th e st eering wh eel
There must be at least 10 inches (25 cm) between your chest and t he hub . Hol ding the st eerin g wheel the wrong w ay can ca us e serious
center of the steering wheel. If you cannot sit more than 10 inches injurie s to the hands , arm s and head if th e driver' s airb ag
(25 cm) from the steering wheel, see if adaptive equipment is avail- deploys . •
able to help you reach the pedals and increase the distance from the
steering wheel.
For detailed information on how to adj ust the driver's seat, see
=>page 77.

Cont ro ls and eq uip- Vehicle care I I irechnical data

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Ignition lock and ignition switch If the engine should not start immediately, the starting process is
automa t ically stopped after a shor t time. Repeat starting procedure .
Starting engine with the key Dri v er messag e in th e instrument c luster di s pl a y
The ignition is switched on and the engine started with Press brake pedal to start engi ne
the ignition key. This message appears if you do not step on the brake pedal to start
the engine on a vehicle with an automatic transmission .

Engage N or P to start engine

This message appears when attempting to start the engine if the
selector lever for the automa t ic transmissio n is not in the P or N
position . The engine can only be started with the selector in these
positions .

Shift to P, otherwise vehicle can roll awa y. Doors do not lock if lever
is not in P.
Fig . 125 Ignition key
This message appears for safety reasons along with a warning
signal. It appears if the selecto r lever for the automatic transmission
Insert the key into t he ignit ion lock . is not in the P position after the ignition is switched off. Move the
selector lever to the P position, otherwise the vehicle is not secured
Step on t he brake pedal and move the selec t or lever to
aga inst ro ll ing away . You also cannot lock the vehicle using the
the P or N posi t ion .
locking button * on the door handle or using the remote key.
Press the key~ fig . 125 - the eng ine will start.

By pressing the key without stepping on the brake, the ignition is & WARNING
switched on and off . With the ignition on, the steering wheel is • Alway s take the key with you when ever you leave your vehicle.
unlocked. Othe rw ise, the engine could be start ed or electrical equipment
You can only remove the key with the ignition switched off. To do such as the power windo w s could be operated . Th is can lead to
this, you have to press on the key again. With an automatic tra ns- seriou s injury.
mission, the selector lever must be in the P position. • Never leave children or persons requiring assistance unat -
tended in t he vehicle. The doors can be locked using t he remote
When starting the engine, major electrical loads are switched off
tr ansmitter , preventing people from escaping from the vehicle on
their own in the event of an emergen cy. Depending on the time of
After starting a cold engine, there may be a br ief period of increased yea r, people inside the vehicle can be expo sed to very high or very
noise because the oil pressure must first build up in the hydraulic low temperature s. ..,
valve adjusters . This is normal and not a cause for concern.
On th e road -
& WARNING (continu ed) Mov e the select o r leve r t o t he P or N pos iti o n.
- Press on the ignition key. The engine is turned off.
• Never remove the ignition key from th e ignition look while the
vehicle is moving. Othe rw ise, the st eering lock could suddenly Em e rgen c y off
engage and you would not be able to steer the vehicle.
If it is necessary in unusual circumstances, the engine can be
switched off while the vehicle is moving. The engine will be
0 Note switched off if you press on the key for an extended period.
• In the event of a malfunction in the electronic ignition lock a
symbol in the instrument cluster fl ashes with the message Ignition
lock defe cti ve.
• Never turn off the engine until the vehicle has come to a
• Avoid high engine speeds, fast acce leration or heavy engine
complete stop.
loads while the engine is still cold. This cou ld damage the engine.
• The brake booster and servotronic only work when the engine

<i'For the sake of the environment is running . With th e ignition tu rned off, you have t o apply mo re
force when stee ring or braking. Since you cannot steer and stop
To avoid unnecessary engine wear and to reduce exhaust emis - normall y, th is can lead t o accident s and serious injuries.
sions, do not let your veh icle stand and warm up. Be ready to drive • The radiator fan can cont inue to run for up to 10 minute s even
off immediate ly after starting you r vehicle. Maintain moderate after you have turned off the engine and removed the ignition key.
speed until the engine is completely warm . Remember, the engine The radiator fan can also turn on again if the engine coolant heats
performs best at operating temperature . up because of inten se sunlight or heat build-up in t he engine
[i J Tips
• If the key cannot be removed from the ignition lock, you have to
pul l the mechanica l key out of the master key in order to be ab le to
0 Note
Do not stop the engine immediately after hard or extended driving .
lock the vehic le. The vehicle can be locked with the mechan ical key Keep the engine running for approximate ly two minutes to prevent
=> page 44. excessive heat build -up. •
• If you open the driver's door with the ignition switched on, a
buzzer sounds and the message Ignition is on appears in the instru -
ment cluster display. Switch the ignition off . •

Stopping the engine

- Bring t he vehicle t o a full sto p.

Controls and equip - I • •

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Starting and stopping the engine Driver message in the instrument cluster display

vvith Convenience key No key identified

This message appears when the [START ENGINE STOP] button is
Applies to vehicles: wi th Co nven ience key
pressed if there is no master key inside the vehicle or if the system
Starting the engine
with the does not recognize it. For example, the master key cannot be recog -
[ START EN G INE STOP] button nized if it is covered by an object (e.g. aluminum brief case) which
screens the radio signal. Electronic devices such as cell phones can
This button switches on the ignition and starts the engine. also interfere with the radio signal.

Press brake pedal to start engine

This message appears if you press the [ START ENGINE STOP I
button to start the engine and do not depress the brake pedal. The
engine can only be started if the brake pedal is depressed.

Engage N or P to start engine

This message appears when attempting to start the engine if the
Fig. 126 Convenience selector lever for the automatic transmission is not in the P or N
key: START ENGINE position. The engine can only be started with the selector in these
STOP button positions.

Step on the brake pedal and move the selector lever to P Key not in vehicle
orN~ & . This message appears along with the . symbol if the master key is
removed from the vehicle with the engine running. It is intended to
- Press on the [START ENGINE STOP] button ~ fig. 126 - remind you (e.g. when changing drivers) not to continue the journey
the engine will start. without the master key.

By pressing the [START ENGINE STOP] button without depressing If the master key is no longer in the vehicle, you cannot switch on
the brake peal, the ignition is switched on and switched off by the ignition after stopping the engine and you also cannot start the
pressing it again. engine again. Moreover, you cannot lock the vehicle from the
outside with the key.
If the engine does not start immediately, stop trying after 10
seconds and then try to restart the engine about 30 seconds later . Shift to P, otherwise vehicle can roll away. Doors do not lock if lever
After a cold engine is started, there may be a brief period of is not in P.
increased noise because oil pressure must first build up in the This message appears for safety reasons along with a warning
hydraulic valve adjusters. This is normal and not a cause for signal. It appears if the selector lever for the automatic transmission
concern. is not in the P position when switching off the ignition with the
(S TART ENGINE STOP) button. Move the selector lever to the P .,_
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position, otherwise the vehicle is not secured against rolling away . Ap plies to veh icles: wi th Conve n ience key
You also cannot lock the vehicle us ing the lock ing button on the Switching engine off with the
door handle or using the remote key. [STA RT ENGINE ST OP] button
Convenience key defect ive ! Use ignition lock
This message appears when the engine must be started or shut off
Bring your vehicle to a comp lete stop.
using the ign ition key and not with the [ START ENG IN E STOP ] Move the selector leve r t o the P or N pos ition .
button .
Press the ISTAR T EN G INE STOP I button =>page 116,
& WARNING fig. 126.

• Nev er allow the engine to run in confined spa ces - danger of

Em e rgen cy OFF f u n c tion
asphyxi ation. If necessary, the engine can be switched off with the selector lever
in the R, D or S* positions. To do so, step on the brake pedal and
• Nev er turn off the eng ine unt il the vehicle ha s come to a
press and hold the ISTA RT ENGINE STO P l button (vehicle speed
complete stop .
must be less than 6 mph/ 10 km/h.
• The brake booster and servotronic only work when the engine
is running . With the ignit ion turned off , you have to apply m or e
force wh en stee ring or br aking . Since you cannot steer and stop
norm ally, thi s c an lead to accident s and seriou s injuri es.
• Never turn off the eng ine unt il the vehicle ha s come to a
complete stop .
0 Note • The brake boo ster and servotroni c only work whe n the engine
is running . With the ignition turned off , you have to app ly mo re
• Avo id high engine rp m , ful l throttle and heavy engine loads unti l
the engine has reached operating temperature - otherwise you risk force when steering or bra king . Sin ce y ou cannot ste er and stop
engine damage . norm ally, this can lead to accidents and serious injurie s.
• The engine cannot be started by pushing or towing the vehic le. • Fo r safety rea son s, you should alw ays park yo ur vehicle wit h
the selector lever in P. Otherwise , the vehicle could inadvertently
roll awa y.
[i ] Tip s • After th e en gine ha s been switched off , the radiator fan can
If you open the driver 's door with the ignition switched on, a buzzer continue to run for up to 10 m i nute s - even w ith the ign itio n
sounds and the message Igni t ion is on appears in the instrument switched off . It can also switch on again after some time if the
cluster display . Switch the ignition off. • coolant temperature ris es as the result of a heat bu il dup or if the
engine is hot and th e engine compartment is additionally heated
by th e sun' s rays. .,,

Controls and equip - I • •

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In addition to the norma l functions of a traditional hand brake, the

0 Not e elect romechanica l park i ng brake provides various convenie nce and
If the eng ine has been under heavy load for an extended period, safety functions.
heat builds up in the engine compartment after the engine is
switched off - there is a risk of damaging the engine. Allow the When starting from rest
engine to run at idle for about 2 minutes before switching it off. • • The integral starting assist he lps you when driving by automati -
cally re leasing t he parking brake => page 119, "Starting from rest" .
• When starting on inclines, the starting assist prevents the
Electromechanical parking brake vehic le fro m unintentionally rolling back . The braking f orce of the
parking brake is not released until sufficient driving force has been
Operation built up at the wheels .

The electromechani ca l parking brake replaces the hand Emergenc y brak e fun c tion
brake. An emergency brake ensures that the vehic le can be slowed down
even if the normal brakes fail => page 120, "Emergency braking".

Indi c a t or light s
• If the parking brake is closed with the ignition sw itched on the
indicator lights come on :: , (USA models)/ (®) (Canada models) in
the instrument cluster and the switch.
• If the parking brake is closed w ith the ignition switched off the
indicator lights come on :: , (USA models)/ «E))(Canada models) in
the instrument clus t er and the switch for about 20 seconds.
Fig. 127 Cent er
console: Parking brake
Pull on the switch=> fig. 127 to ap ply the pa rking b rake . If a drive range is engaged with the vehicle stationary and the
The ind icator light in t he switch illuminates . engine running, you must in no instance accelerate carelessly.
Otherw ise the vehicle will start to move immediately - risk of an
- Step on t he brake ped al or t he accelerator pedal and
accident .
press the switch at the same time t o rel ease the pa rking
brake . The indicator ligh t in t he swit ch go es out.

Your vehicle is equipped with an electromechanical parking brake .

0 Note
If the symbol CCDlin the display or the indicator light BRAKE
The parking brake is designed to prevent the vehicle from rolling models)/ CCD)(Canada models) in the instrument cluster flashes , there
unintentionally and replaces the hand brake . is a malfunction in the brake system . By pressing the [SET ] button,
you can bring up a driver message which explains the mal f unction ..
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in more detail. If the driver message Parking brake ! Please conta ct
work shop appears, there is an operating ma lfunction in the parking & WARNING
brake which you should have repaired immediately by an authorized • When you leave your veh icle - even if only briefly - alwa ys
Audi dealer or othe r qua lified workshop ~ page 29.
remove the ignit ion key. This applies particularly when children
remain in the vehi cle. Otherw ise the children could start the
[i ] Tips engine, release the parking brake or operat e electrical equipment
(e.g. power wind ow s). There is the risk of an accident.
• You can apply the parking brake at any time - even with the igni -
tion turned off. The ign ition must be turned on in order to release • W hen the vehicle is locked, no one - particularly not children
the parking brake. should rema in in the vehicle. Locked doors make it more diffi cult
for emergen cy worker s to get into th e vehicle - putting lives at
• Occasiona l noises when the parking brake is applied and
risk. •
released are normal and are not a cause fo r concern .
• When the vehicle is parked, the parking brake goes through a
self -test cycle at regular intervals . Any associated noises are Starting from rest
normal. •
The starting assist function ensures that the parking
brake is released automatically upon starting.
Stopping and applying parking brake
Vari o us rules ap p ly to prevent the p arke d vehicle fr om
- Pull the switch to apply the parking brake .
rolling away accidentally.
Parking Start ing and automatically releasing the parking
- Stop the vehicle with the foot brake.
- When you sta rt to drive as usual, the park in g brake is
- Pull the sw itch to app ly the parking brake . automatically released and your vehicle begins to move .
- Move t he select o r leve r t o P.
When stopping at a traffic signa l or stopping in city traffic on vehi -
- Tur n the engine off ~ & . cles with an automatic transmission, the parking brake can be
app lied. The vehicle does not have to be held with the footbrake . The
In addition on inclines and grades parking brake eliminates the tendency to creep with a drive range
engaged . As soon as you drive off as usual , the parking brake is
- Tur n t he stee r ing whee l so t hat your ve hi cle wi ll roll released aut omatically and t he vehic le starts to move.
aga inst the cu r b in case it should start to mov e.
Starting on slop e s
When starting on inclines, the starting assist prevents the vehicle
from unintentionally rolling back . The braking force of the parking ..,

Controls and equip - I • •

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brake is not released until sufficient driving force has been built up If you pull the switch and hold it above a speed of about 5 mph (8
at the wheels. km/h), t he emergency braking f unction is initiated. The veh icle is
braked at all four whee ls by activating the hydraulic brake system .
The brake performance is sim ilar to making an emergency stop
[i ] Tips =>&.
For safety reasons, the parking brake is released automatically only
In order not to activate the emergency braking by mistake, an
when the driver's safety belt is engaged in the buckle . •
aud ib le warning tone (buzzer) sounds when the switch is pul led. As
soon as t he switch is released, or the accelerator pedal is d epressed,
Starting off with a trailer emergency brak ing stops.

To prevent rolling back unintentionally on an incline, do

the following: & WARNING
Emergency braking should only be used in an emergen cy, when
- Keep t he switch pulled and depress the accelera t or. The the normal foot brake has failed or the brake pedal is obstructed .
parking brake stays ap plied and preve nts t he vehicle Using the parking brake to perform emergen cy braking will slow
from rolling backward . your vehicle dow n as if you had made a full brake applicati on. The
law s of physics cannot be suspended even with ESP and its asso-
- You can release the switch once you are sure t hat you are
ciated compone nts (ABS, ASR, EDS). In corners and whe n road or
developing enoug h driving fo rce at the w heels by weather cond ition s are bad, a full brake application can cause the
depress in g the accelerator . vehicle to skid or the rear end to break away - risking an
accident. •
Depending on the weight of the rig (vehicle and trailer) and the
severity of the incline, you may roll backwards as you start . You can
prevent rol ling backwards by holding the parki ng brake sw itch Driver messages in the instrument cluster
pulled out and accelerating - just as you would when starting on a
hill with a conventional hand brake . •
Caution: Vehicle parked to o steep
This message appears when the parking brake is applied on an
Emergency braking incline that exceeds about 30%.

In the even t that the conventional brake system fails or In this case the braking power of t he park ing brake may not be
adequ ate to prevent the vehic le from rol ling unintentional ly.
Please release parking brake
- In an emergency , pull the switc h and continue to pull it to
slow your vehicle down with the parking brake . Please note that for safety reasons the parking brake is released
automatically only if the driver 's seat belt is ful ly engaged in the
- As soon as you release t he switch or accelerate, the buckle .
braking process st ops.
On t h e road -
Press brake pedal to release parking brake
This driver message appears when the switch to release the parking Radici' WXRK
brake was pressed . The parking brake can only be released if you
step on the brake pedal and at the same time press the switch or
you automatically release the parking brake with the starting assist
~ page 119.

Parking brake mal functi on !

This driver message appears together with the yellow 1symbol Fig. 129 Display:
when there is a parking brake ma lfunct ion . Selected speed

Parking brake aut o relea se: syst em fault Pull the lever to positi o n G) => fig. 128 t o swi t ch the
This driver message appears if there is a starting assist malfunction . sy st em on .
The automa ti c release of the parking brake when starting is
malfunctioning. You have to release the parking brake manually by Drive at t he speed to be controlled .
pressing the switch . Have the problem corrected by an authorized
Audi dea ler. •
Press button © to set that speed.

Th e stor ed speed and the gre en symbol CRU ISE(US model) /{?J'
(Canadian model) are shown in t he display ~ fig. 129. The display
Cruise control may vary, depending on the type of disp lay in your vehicle. The indi -
cator light CRUISE(US model)/ (,')"(Canad ian model) will also light up
Swit c hing on in the instrument cluster .

The cruise control system makes it possible to drive at a The spe ed is kept constant by modifying engine power or through
an active brake intervention.
constant speed starting at 20 mph (30 km/h).

• Alway s pay attention to the traffi c around you wh en the cruise
control is in operation . You are alwa ys responsible for your speed
and the dista nce betwe en your vehicle and other vehicles.
• For reasons of safety, cruise control should not be used in the
city, in stop -and-go traff ic, on tw isting roads and w hen road condi -
tion s are poor (such as ice, fog, gravel, heavy rain and hydro-
Fig. 128 Control lever plan ing) - you could have an accident .
w it h push-butto n
• Switch the cruise control off tempor arily when driving in
t urning lane s, highwa y exit s or in const ruction zones .

Cont rols and equip- Vehicle care I I irechnical data

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& WARNING (continued) Pre -selecting speed

You can pre-select your desired speed while the vehicle is
• Please note that unconsciously "resting" your foot on the
accelerator pedal causes cruise control not to brake. This is due to not moving.
the control system being overridden by the driver's acceleration.
- Turn on the ignition.
• Never use the cruise control when driving off-road or on
unpaved roads. The cruise control is intended for use only when - Pull lever into position G) ~ page 121, fig. 128.
the vehicle is being operated on paved roads, and is not suitable
for use off-road or on unpaved roads.
- Press the lever in the 0 or Q direction to increase or
decrease your speed.

[i J Tips
- Let go of the lever to save that speed.

The brake lights illuminate as soon as the brakes apply This function makes it possible, for example, to save the speed you
automatically. • want before driving on the highway. Once on the highway, activate
the cruise control by pulling the lever toward G). •

Changing speed
Switching off
- Press the lever in the direction of the 0~ page 121,
fig. 128 or in the direction of the Q to increase or Temporary deactivation
decrease your speed. - Step on the brake pedal, or
- Let go of the lever to save that speed. Press the lever into position 0 (not clicked into place)
~ page 121, fig. 128, or
Change speed in increments of 1 mph (1 km/h) by lightly pressing
the lever . If you keep the lever pressed down, you will alter your - Drive for longer than 5 minutes at more than 5 mph
speed in 5 mph (10 km/h) increments. (10 km/h) above the stored speed .
You can also press the accelerator pedal down to increase your
speed, e.g. if you want to pass someone. The speed you saved Switching off completely
earlier will resume as soon as you let off of the accelerator pedal. - Press lever into position 0 (clicked into place), or
If, however, you exceed your saved speed by 5 mph (10 km/h) for
- Switch the ignition off.
longer than 5 minutes, the cruise control will be turned off tempo -
rarily . The green symbol in the display turns white, the saved speed
The speed you saved will be retained if the cruise control has been
is retained. • switched off temporarily. To resume the saved speed, let up on the
brake and pull the lever to position G).
The saved speed will be erased after turning the ignition off . .,,_
On the road -
You should only resume the saved speed if it is not too high for
existing traffic conditions. Otherwise you risk an accident . •

Controls and equip - I • •

• ..__ A
_ u_d_ i _s_i_d_e_ a_s_s
_ is_t__________________________________________________ _

Audi side assist

Lane change assistant the left lane and the signal light on the right outside mirror assists
when moving over into the right lan e.
App lies to vehicles: with side assist The signal light comes on to tell you that side assist has detected a
Description vehicle on that side and that the position of this other vehicle
should be taken into account if you were to change lanes. This is
The side assist helps you when changing lanes. called the informational stage signal::::, page 126. The informational
stage signal is designed so that you notice it only when you are
looking in the outside mirror .
When you activate the turn signal and side assist detects a vehicle
in a notable location, the corresponding signal on the outside
mirror flashes briefly and brightly several times. This is the alert
stage signal ::::, page 126. •

Fig . 130 Rear bumper:

Position of radar Applies to veh icles : wi th side assist
sensors (not visible on
Activating and deactivating

Fig . 131 Signal light

on the outside mirror - Fig. 132 Driver's door:
driver's side Side assist button

Side assist uses radar sensors (not visible on outside) ::::,fig. 130 to Activating
help the driver check blind spots, and see what is happening in - Press the => fig. 132 button. The indicator on the button
traffic behind the vehicle ::::,page 126, fig. 133. lights up. .,_
Signal lights are built into both outside mirrors G)::::,
fig. 131. The
signal light on the left outside mirror assists when moving over into
________________________________________________ ....:..
i ..:

- Press t he button again . The ind icato r li ght on t he butto n
0 Note
• To ensu re t hat you do not adverse ly aff ect side assist, do not
goes out.
b lock the area on the rear bumper where the radar sensors are
located w it h f oreign objects (such as st ickers or bicycle rac ks).
The system works at speeds faster than 19 mph (30 km/h) .
• M ake su re that t he signal light on the o utside mi rr o r is n ot

& WARNING b loc ked by st ickers or ot her items.

• Improper reliance on the side assist system can cause colli-

sions and serious personal injury:
[i ] Tips
• Side ass ist automaticall y deact ivates if it detects t hat t he radar
- Never rely only on side assist when changing lanes . sensors are blocked => page 737. The indicator light on the button
- Always check rear view mirrors to make sure that it is safe to goes out.
change lanes. • The area on the bumper whe re the rada r sen sors are loca t ed
• Side assist cannot detect all vehicles under all conditions- must cons iste ntly re mai n fr ee of snow, ice, and heavy so ili ng so t hat
danger of accident! side assist can function properly. Follow the additiona l notes on
=> page 732.
• Side assist cannot detect vehicles in time to alert you when
they approa ch from behind at very high speed, or if they drop back • For vehicle s with a factory insta lled towing hitch* or a t railer
very quickly. hi tc h* th at was installed later accordi ng to f actory speci fi cat ions,
side assist is automatically deactivated as soon as the electrical
• The radar sensor's vision can be reduced or entirely blocked by
co nnect ion to t he tra il er elec tr ical socket is made => page 131.
rain, snow, and heavy spray. This can result in side assist not
adequately detecting veh icles or, in some cases, not detecting • For vehicle s with a t raile r hitch that was not insta lled acco rding
them at all . Always keep an eye on the direction you are traveling t o f actory speci fi cat io ns, sw itch off t he side assis t w h en towi ng a
and the relevant area around the vehicle. trai ler.
• Please note that side assist indicates there are approaching • Add it iona l tin t i ng o n the fro nt side w i ndows ca n make it harder
vehicles, or vehicles in your blind spot , only after your vehicle has to see and co rrect ly understand the signal light on the outside
reached a driving speed of at least 19 mph (30 km/ h). mi rror.
• Side assist signal does not work around tight corners (turning • For Declaration of Comp liance to Uni t ed States FCC and Ind ust ry
radiu s less than 328 feet or 100 m). Canada regula ti ons=> page 329. •
• Side assist is no replacement for the driver's full attention . The
driver alone is responsible for lane changes and similar driving
maneuvers. Always keep an eye on the direction you are travel ing
and the relevant area around the vehicle .

Controls and equip - I • •

• .___ A
_ u_d
_ i _s_i_d_e_ a_s_ s_is_ t__________________________________________________ _

Ap plies to vehicles: wi th side assist Ap pli es to vehicl es: with side assist

Sensor detection area Operation

Side assist compares the distance and difference in speed of

detected vehicles with the speed of your vehicle. Whenever the
difference in speed and distance is registered as notab le if you were
to change lanes, a signal light appears on the respective mirror.
The signal can light up if you are passed by a vehicle or if you are
passing another vehicle.
If you pass another vehicle slowly (difference in speed less than 9
Fig. 133 Schemati c
illu str ati on: Sensor mph, or 15 km/h), the signal light will come on as soon as the other
detect ion area vehicle is in your blind spot and is detected by side assist. When the
difference in speed is greater, the signa l light will not come on . •
The detection ~ fig. 133 of the radar sensor detection area is made
up of: Applies to vehic les: w ith side assist
• the approach area !light green area) 0 , about 164 feet !50 ml Informational and alert stage signals
behind the veh icle, and
• the "blind spot" (dark green areal @ . Side assist has two signal stages:
The radar sensors cover the adjacent left and right lanes. Other • the informational stage signal, and
lanes are not covered by the radar sensors . • the alert stage signal.
Side assist helps you by using the appropriate signa l stage,
[i ] Tip s depend ing on whether or not you have act ivated the turn signal,
Side assist does not measure actual lane width . The system and thus have indicated that you are or are not changing lanes.
assumes a fixed lane width. Detection in the left and right lanes is
In fo rm a ti o n a l s tag e si gnal
based on this assumed lane width. When driving on narrow roads or
when driving t o the left or right of the center of a travel lane, it is As long as you have not activated the turn signa l, side assist informs
possible that vehicles wi ll be detected that are not in the lane next you of detected vehicles that are registered as being in a notable
to the lane you are using ~ page 131. • location if you were to change lanes. Whenever the detected
vehic le's difference in speed and distance is registered by side
assist as notable, the signa l light on the respective mirror produces
muted il luminatio n .
The brightness of the informationa l stage signal is designed not to
be as intense, so that it does not interfere with your view of the road
when you are driving and have no intention of changing lanes. .,,,
_________________________________________________ A
_ u_d
_ i _s_i_
d_e_ a_s_s_i_s_t_ __._

When you look in the outside mirror, you can clea rly see the infor - App lies to veh icles: wi th side assist
mational st age signal. Driving situation : Fast approaching vehicles
Ale rt sta ge sign a l
When you act ivate the turn signal, and side assist has detected a
vehic le in a notab le location on that particu lar sid e, the signal light
on this side mirror flashes brightly. The repeat ed brief and bright
flash ing of the aler t stage signa l reminds you to carefully check
t raffic to the rear in the outside mirror and over your shoulder, so
that you can safely complete the lane change=> & in "Safety tips "
on page 132.

[i ]Tips
The brightness of the signal light on the outside mirrors can be
adjusted with the radio or the MMI* => page 130. •

Fig. 134 Side assist: Fast approaching vehicles

G) Si gn a l o n o u ts ide mirror doe s not lig ht up

No vehicle was detected by the sensors. The signal on the outside
mirror does not light up => &
in "Safety tips" on page 732.

@ Informa t ion a l st age si gnal ligh t s up

A fast approaching vehicle - in the left-hand lane for example - was
detected by the sensors. Although this vehicle is still far away, it
shou ld be taken into account if you were to change lanes, due t o the
consid erable difference in speed. The informationa l stage signal on
the outside mirror lights up => page 126.

© Alert s tage signal fl a she s

If you activate your turn signal in driving situation @ , the signal
briefly flashes repeatedly . Side assist is aler t ing you to a vehicle that
you may not have not iced . _,.

Cont rols and equip- Vehicle care I I irechnical data

• ..__ A
_ u_d_ i _s_i_d_e_ a_s_s
_ is_t__________________________________________________ _

speed and the considerable distance from your vehicle, the signal
[i J Tips on the outside mirror will not light up ~ & in "Safety tips" on
• The faster a vehicle approaches from the rear, the sooner the page 132.
signal on t he outside mirror lights up . Side assist will signal, at the
latest, when a detected vehicle enters your "blind spot". © Informational stage signal lights up
Th e distance between your vehicle and that of the slowly
• When vehicles approach very quickly, changing lanes can be
dangerous even if the signal on the outside mirror does not light approaching vehicle has narrowed. The informational stage signal
on the outside mi rror lights up.
up. •
As soon as the difference in speed and distance is registered as
notable if you were to change lanes, a signal on the mirror lights up .
Ap pli es to ve hi cles: wi th side assist
Side assis t will signal at the latest when a detected vehicle enters
Driving situation : Slowly approaching your "blind spot".
© Alert stage signal flashes
If you activate your turn signal in driving situation © , the signal
light briefly flashes repeatedly . Side assist is alerting you of a
vehicle that you may not have noticed.

[i J Tips
• The faster a vehicle approaches from the rear, the sooner the
signal on the outside mirror lights up . Side assist will signal , at the
latest, when a detected vehicle enters your " blind spot".
• When veh icles approach very quickly, changing lanes can be
dangerous even if the signal on the outside mirror does not light
up. •

Fig. 135 Side assist: Slowly approaching vehicles and vehicles in your blind

G) Signal on outside mirror does not light up

A vehicle approaching slowly - in the left - hand lane for example -
was detected by the sensors. Because of the small difference in
___________________________________________________ A_u
_ d_i_s_id_e
_ a
_ s_s_i_
s_t_ __.9
Applies to vehicle s: w it h side assist Ap pli es to vehicles: wi th side assist

Driving situation : Vehicles dropping back Driving situation : Vehicles dropping back
slowly quickly

Fig. 136 Side assist: Vehicles dropping back slowly Fig. 137 Side assist: Vehicles dropping back quickly

G) Signal on outside mirror does not light up G) Signal on outside mirror does not light up
The vehicle that you passed has not yet been detected by side assist. The vehicle just passed has not yet been detected by side assist. The
The signal on the outside mirror does not light up=> in "Safety & signal on the outside mirror does not light up=> &
in "Safety tips"
tips" on page 132. on page 132.

@ Informational stage signal lights up @ Signal on outside mirror does not light up
A vehicle dropping back slowly on the right (difference in speed of The vehicle dropping back quickly on the right (difference in speed
less than 9 mph, or 15 km/h) has been detected by side assist . The of more than 9 mph, or 15 km/h) has been detected by side assist,
informational stage signal on the outside mirror lights up. but is not considered notable in the event of a lane change, because
it is dropping back so quickly. The signal on the outside mirror does
G) Alert stage signal flashes not light up => & in "Safety tips" on page 132. tJ,,,
If you activate your turn signal in driving situation @ , the signal
briefly flashes repeatedly. Side assist is alerting you of a vehicle that
you may not have noticed. •

Cont rols and equip- Vehicle care I I irechnical data

• .___ A
_ u_d
_ i_s_i_d_e_ a_s
_ s_is
_t__________________________________________________ _

G) Sig n al o n o u ts ide mi rr or does n o t light up tional stage signal. The alert stage signa l brightness is linked to the
If you activate your turn signal in driving situat ion @ , the signal sti ll informationa l stage signa l brightness.
does not light up on the outside mirror:::::, & in "Safety tips" on The informationa l stage signal brightness shou ld be adjusted so
page 732. • that you notice the signal illumination when you look in the outside
m irror, but not when you look forward through the windshield.
App lies to veh icles: with side assist In very dark or light surroundings, the automatic brightness setting
Setting the signal brightness on the outside adjusts signal light brightness to maximum or mini mum intensity,
mirror as needed . In circumstances such as these, you may not notice any
change in the br ightness on the outside mirror when adjusting the
The signal brightness can be set in the radio or in the basic brightness.
MM/*. You may not notice the change until lighting conditions are normal
aga in.

[i ]Tips
• Side assist is not active when the basic brightness is adjusted.
The signal light comes on briefly to help you make the adjustment.
• Your settings are automatically stored and assigned to the
remote contro l key being used. •
Fig. 138 Display:
Adjusting signal
Appl ies to vehic les: w ith sid e assist
General information
- Select: Function button [CARI> Aud i side assist
=>fig. 138 . Side assist has limits and cannot detect vehicles under al l road and
weather conditions. Please remember system limitations and never
Rotate the control knob to adjust the displayed bright- rely on the system, especia lly when:
ness of the signal li ght on the outside mirrors. • driving through curves:::::, page 737,
The brightness of the signal li ght for bot h the infor mationa l and • lanes are of different widths :::::,page 737. •
alert stages is automatically adjusted to ambient light conditions. In
addition, you can adjust the basic brightness separately, via the
brightness function :::::,fig . 138.
While making the adjustment, the new brightness setting is
displayed briefly. The brightness disp layed is that of the informa-
Audi s id e as s ist -
Ap p lies to vehicle s: w it h side assist Side assist's detection area is designed to cover lanes of standard
When driving through curves width t o the left and right of your trave l lane, depending on whether
you drive in the center of your lane or closer to the edge .
Side assist canno t detect veh icles in curves with a turning radius of If you drive in narrow lanes, side assist's detection area may also
less than 328 feet (100 m). inc lude other lanes - especially if you tend to drive on the edge of
When driving through a curve, it is possible that side assist may your lane => fig. 140. Under these conditions, vehicles can also be
register a vehicle two lanes over, and the signal on the outside detected tha t are t wo lanes away, an d side assist then could switch
mirror will light up. • between the informationa l and warning stage signa ls.
When driving in very wide lanes, vehicles in the adjacent lane may
not be detected because they are not inside the detection area. •
Appl ies to vehicles: with side assist

lane width
App lies to vehic les: with side assist

Messages in instrument cluster display

If side assist turns off automatically, the indicator light on the

b utton will go out and yo u wi ll see a message in the instrument
cluster disp lay:
Fig. 139 l anes of a
normal w idth are in Audi side assist not available : sensors blocked
det ectio n area
The side assist sensors are built into the rear bumper on the left and
right (not visible on the outside) => page 124, fi g. 130. To ensu re that
you do not adversely affect the way side assist functions, foreign
objects (such as stickers o r bicyc le racks) should not be attached to
the area on the rear bumper where t he sensors are located . If side
assist functi o ns are adversely affec t ed, you w ill see this message in
the instrument cluster display. Remove anything that may be
b locking t he sensors.
Fig. 140 Narrow lane s:
Side assist m ay detect
If no vehic le is detected for a longer period of time while driving ,
vehi cles tw o lanes side assist will also switch off automatically .
Audi side assist currently not available
If there is a temporary problem (such as the vehicle's battery cha rge
being low) , side assist cannot be activated temporarily . .,_

Cont rols and equip- Vehicle care I I irechnical data

Audi side assist
Audi side assist : system fault
& WARNING (continued)
Have t he syste m checked by an aut horize d Aud i dea ler or qua lified
workshop . - Always check rear view mirrors to make sure that it is safe to
change lanes.
Audi side assist not available when towing
• Side assist cannot detect all vehicles under all conditions -
The radar sensor 's view is limited when tow ing a trailer. For vehicles danger of accident!
with a facto ry insta lled towing hit ch or a tr aile r hit ch t hat was
• Side assist cannot detect vehicles in time to alert you when
installed later according to factory specifications, side assist is
they approach from behind at very high speed, or fall drop back
aut omatica ll y deactivate d as so on as th e electrical con nection t o
very quickly.
t he trai ler's elect r ical socket is made, and this stat us message
appears in t he instru ment clust er dis pl ay. Deact ivat io n canno t be • The radar sensor's vision can be reduced or entirely blocked by
gua ranteed w hen usin g a retro fi t t ed tow i ng hitch t hat was not rain, snow, and heavy spray. This can result in side assist not
insta ll ed according to factory specifications . • adequately detect ing vehicles or, in some cases, not dete cting
them at all . Always keep an eye on the direction you are traveling
and the relevant area around the vehicle .
App li es to veh icles: with sid e assist
• Please note that side assist indicates there are approaching
Safety tips vehicles, or vehicles in your blind spot, only after your vehicle has
reached a driving speed of at least 19 mph (30 km/ hi.
The side assist detect ion may be li mit ed wh en d riving around • Side assist signal does not work around tight corners (turning
narrow street corners, on hil ly streets, and under poor weather
radius less than 328 feet , or 100 ml.
conditio ns.
• Side assist is no replacement for the driver's full attention . The
It is possible that the radar sensors may also detect other ob j ects , driver alone is responsible for lane changes and similar driving
such as hig h or stagge red g uardrail s. maneuvers. Always keep an eye on the direction you are traveling
Side assist does not measure actual lane w idth . The system and the relevant area around the vehicle .
assumes a fixed lane width. Detection in the left and right lanes is
based on t his assum ed lane w idt h. When d riving o n narrow roads or
when driving to the left or right of the center of a travel lane, it is 0 Note
possi ble t hat ve hic les w ill be d etect ed t hat are not in t he lane next To e ns ure t hat side assist is not adve rsely aff ect ed , y ou s hou ld not
to the lane you are using. block the area on the rear bumper where the radar sensors are
lo cate d wi t h foreign o bje cts (such as w ith sti ckers o r bic ycle racks).

& WARNING [i ] Tips

• Improper reliance on the side assist system can cause colli-
If the positions of the rada r sensors have been changed as a result
sions and serious personal injury:
of a rear end -collision, for instance, have side assist checked by an
- Never rely only on side assist when changing lanes . authorized Audi dea ler fo r safety reasons . •
Audi drive se lec t -
Audi drive select

Driving settings The adapti ve damper s use sensors to record information regarding
steering movements, braking and acceleration operations by the
Applies to vehicles: with Audi drive select driver, road surface, driv ing speed, and load. This makes it poss ible
to adapt damping to the driving situation virtually in real time. Audi
drive select also makes it possible to satisfy the desire for sporty
suspension (DYNAM IC) and comfortable suspension (COMFORT)
Audi drive select provides the possibility to experience different without giving up balanced tuning (AUTO).
types of vehicle settings in one veh icle. For instance, using the three
COMFORT,AUTO and DYNAMIC modes, the driver can switch from The following chart provides an overview of the characteristics of
a sporty to a comfortab le driving mode with the press of a button. each driving mode.

Additionally, in vehicles with MMI*, the vehicle setup for INDI- COMFORT AUTO DYNAMIC
VIDUAL* mode can be customized by you . This makes it possible to
combine settings such as a sporty engine tuning with light Engine/ gearbox balanced balanced sporty
steering. • Servotroni c comfortable balanced sporty
Dynamic ste ering comfort - bal - sporty/direct
Applies to vehicles: with Au di dr ive select ab le/indirect anced/direct
Description comfortable balanced sporty

Depending on the mode, the engine and autom atic tr ansmission The Servotronic settings are adjusted under the Dyn. steering menu
respond more quick ly or in a more balanced manner to accelerator item.
pedal movements.
The Servotroni c (steering servo assistance)=> page 225 can also be
adapted to driving situations .
[i ] Tips
• Select DYNAMIC to set the sporty shifting characteristics for
Dyna mic ste ering changes the steering ratio as a function of the vehic les with an automatic transmission. The S selector lever pos i-
driving speed in order to optimize the driver 's required steering tion is not avai lable.
effort . This sets the steering to be less sensitive at higher speeds in • The dynamic steering may make noise when starting or stopping
order to provide improved vehicle control. At reduced speeds, the engine. This does not indicate a problem . •
steering is more direct in order to keep t he steering effort as
minimal as possible when the driver is maneuvering the vehicle. At
low and average speeds, dynamic steering additional ly provides
more responsive steering performance . The driver can set the basic
steering ratio characteristics in t he Audi drive select.

Controls and equip - I • •

• ..__ A
_ u_d_ i _d_r_i_v_e_ s_e_le_c_t_________________________________________________ _

Ap pli es to vehi cles: wi th Au d i dr ive select You can change the driving mode when the vehicle is stationary or
Selecting a driving mode while driving. If traffic permits, after changing modes, briefly take
your foot off the accelerator pedal so that the recently selected
You can choose between COMFORT,AUTO, DYNAMIC and mode is also activated for the engine.
The COMFORT mode provides a comfortable vehicle setting. The
engine and automatic transmission react in a ba lanced manner to
movements of th e acceleration peda l. Steering is light and indirect
and the adaptive dampers provide a soft suspension. The setting is
ideal for driving on long stretches, such as on freeways.

Fig. 141 Shift gate: Full use of AUTO provides a comfortable, yet dynamic feel. The
Control for Audi drive setting is perfect for daily use.
,~ N
DYNAMIC gives the vehicle a sporty fee ling. The engine responds
quickly to accelera to r pedal movements, and steering is sporty and
~ direct. The adaptive dampers are stiffer, and the automatic trans-
mission shift points are set at higher engine speed ranges . The
setting is ideal for sporty driving .

You can adapt this mode to your personal needs in the MMI.
Fig. 142 Center
console: Control for
Audi drive select
The control is located on the shift gate ~ fig. 141 in vehicles Pay attention to traffic when operating Audi drive select to prevent
with a radio, and in vehicles with MMI*, it is located in the potential risk of an accident.
center console~ fig. 142.
Turn on the ignition. [i ]Tips
If you remove the ignition key, AUTO mode is set the next time you
Press the left or right arrow button until the desired start the ignition. •
mode appears in red.
Audi driv e s e le ct -
Ap p lies to vehicles: w it h MM I and Aud i dr ive select

Setting the INDIVIDUAL mode

You can personally specify the vehicle setup in the MM/.

Fig. 143 M MI display:

Setting individual
syst ems

- Selec t : [CAR]> Audi drive select individu al.

You need to select this contro l to drive in the recent ly set INDI-
VIDUAL mode ~ page 134.

[i ) Tips
Your INDIVIDUAL mode settings are automatically stored and
assigned to the remote control key being used . •

Cont rols and equip- Vehicle care I I irechnical data

• ..__ A_ u_t_o_m
_ a_t_i_c_t_r_a_n
_ s_m_ is_s
_ io_n___________________________________________ _

Automatic transmission

tiptronic® (6 -speed automatic - Press and hold the release button in the selector lever
transmission) hand le and move the selector lever from P or N to D and
release the button =:>& .
General information - Wait br iefly until t he transm ission has shifted (you will
feel a sligh t movement).
Your vehic le is equipped with an electronica lly controlled automatic
transmission. Upshifting and downshifting takes place automati -
- Remove your foot f rom t he brake pedal and accelerate .
Rocking back and forth to be c om e unstu c k
The transmission is also equipped with tiptronic®. It allows the
driver to shift gears manually if desired => page 140. •
- Shift only between D and R when the ve hicle is at a fu ll
stop and the engine is running at idle speed.

Driving the automatic transmission Stopping

- Press and ho ld the brake pedal unti l t he vehicle has come
to a comp lete stop.
Keep the brake pedal depressed so t hat the vehic le
cannot ro ll forward or backward while it is idling =:>& .
- Once stopped, do not depress the acce lerator pedal to
rev up the engine=:> & .
Fig. 144 Shift gate on
t he center console:
selector lever wit h
Par k ing
release butto n - Press and hold the brake pedal unti l t he vehicle has come
to a comp lete stop.
Start ing th e e n g in e
- Set the parking brake firmly =:>page 119, "Parking" .
- The selector lever must be in N or P.
- Press and hold the release button in the selector lever
Start in g off handle, move the selector lever into P and then let go of
- Press and hold the bra ke pedal. the release button =:>& . ._
_______________________________________________ A--u_t:..:
o_m_ a--t i_c__t_r_a_n_s--m.,;,,;_:

The selector lever must be in N or P. If one of the driving positions

is engaged a safety switch w ill preven t the eng ine fr om being
& WARNING (continued )
started. See a Iso => page 114. parking brake firmly set =>page 254, "Engine compartment ".
Otherwi se, any increase in engine speed may set the vehicle in
Before you move the selector lever from the P position, you must
motion , even with the parking brake appl ied. •
always apply the brake pedal before and while depressing the
button in the hand le of the se lector lever .
Selector lever positions
_& WARNING This secti on describes the select or lever positions and
• Unintended vehicle movement can cause serious injury. driving ranges.
- When the selector lever is in a driving position , the vehicle
may creep, even at idle speed . Therefore do not release the
parking brake or foot brake until you are ready to move,
because power is tran smitted to the wheel s as soon as a
driving position is engaged.
- Do not accelerate while selecting a driving position . At this
time the engine must be at idle speed so that undue stress is
not placed on the clutches in the transmission. Fig. 145 Display in the
instrument clust er:
- Remember : - even when stopped briefly with the automatic selector lever in posi-
transmi ssion in "D", "S" or "R", engine power is being trans- ti on D
mitted to the wheels. Your vehicle could "creep" forward or
backwa rd. When stopped , keep the brake pedal fully depre ssed The instrument cluster display shows the current selector lever
and use the parking brake if necessary to keep the vehicle from position and current gear.
rolling .
P - Park
• If the selector lever is unintentionally moved into N while you
are driving, take your foot off the accelerator pedal and wait for
In t his selector lever pos it ion the transmission is mechanica lly
locked . Engage P on ly when the vehicle is completely stopped => &
the engine to return to idle speed before selecting a driving posi-
tion .
in "Driving the automatic transm ission" on page 136.

• Never shift into "R" or "P" when the vehicle is in motion . To shift in or out of position P, you must first press and hold the
brake peda l and then press the re lease but ton in t he se lecto r lever
• Never get out of the driver 's seat when the engine is running .
handle while moving the selector lever to or from P. You can shift
• If you mu st get out of the vehi cle, move the selector lever out of this position only with the ignit ion on.
securely into the P position and apply the park ing brake firmly.
• If the engine must remain runn ing, never have any dri ving posi- R - Re v er se
tion engaged when checking under the hood. Make sure the The transmission wi ll aut omatically select the lowest gear ratio
selector lever has securely engaged and is locked in "P" with the when you shift into reverse .

Controls and equip - I • •

• ..__ A
_ u_t_o
_m_ a_t_i_c_ t_r_a_n_s
_ m_ is
_ s_io
_ n________________________________________________ _

Select R only when the vehicle is at a full stop and the engine is
running at idl e speed => & in "Dr ivi ng t he aut om at ic transmission" & WARNING
on page 136. Read and follow all WARNINGS => & in "Driving th e autom at ic
Before you move the selector lever to R, press both the button in the tr ansmi ssion " on page 136.
handle of the selector lever and the brake pedal at the same t i me.
When the ignition is on, the backup lights illuminate when the
selector lever is moved into R.
0 Note
Coasting downh ill with the transm ission in N and the engine not
N - N e utral running will result in damage to the automatic transmission and
possibly the catalytic converter.
The transmission is in neutral in this position. Shift to this position
for standing with the brakes applied => page 138.
When the vehicle is stationary or at speeds below 3 mph (5 km/h), [i ]Tips
you must always apply the footbrake before and while moving the On vehicles wi t h Audi drive select* you can adjust the spo rty shift
lever out of N. character istics in the DYNAMIC drive mode. S will appear in the
instrument cluster display instead of D. The S selector lever position
D - Norm a l posi t ion for dr ivi n g fo rw a rd is not avai lable. •
Position D is for norma l city and highway driving. It ranges fro m zero
to top speed and all gears shift automatically, depending on engine
load, driving speed and automatica lly selected shift programs. Automatic Shift Lock (ASL)
When the vehicle is stationary or at speeds below 3 mph (5 km/h), The Automatic Shift Lock safeguards you against acciden-
you must always apply the foot brake before and whi le moving the tally shif ting in to a forward or the reverse gear and
lever to D out of N. causing the vehi cle to move unin tenti onally.
In certain circumstances it may be advantageous to temporarily
switch to the manua l shif t program to manually select gear rat ios to
match specific driving conditions=> page 740.

S - Sport pos ition*

Select this position for sportier performance. In this position, the
transmission wil l not upshift as soon, allowing the vehic le t o use the
increased power available at higher engine speeds to achieve live-
Fig. 146 Shift gat e:
lier acceleration . selector lever lock
positions and interl ock
When the vehicle is stationary or at speeds below 3 mph (5 km/h),
butto n highlighted
you must always app ly the foot brake before and while moving the
lever t o S out of N.
The selector lever lock is released as f o llows:
_______________________________________________ A_u_t_o_m
_ a_t_i_c_ t_r_
__ llll
- Tur n t he ignition o n. Kick -down
- Step on the brake pedal. At the same time p ress and hold The kick- dow n feat ure allo ws the vehicle to generate
the interlock butto n on t he side of the gear selector knob maximum acceler ati on.
=> page 138,fig. 146 with your thumb unti l you have
When you p ress the accelerator peda l beyond the resistance point
moved t he selec t or lever to the des ir ed posi t ion .
t hat is reached at ful l throttle, t he trans m ission will select a lower
Automati c s ele ct o r le ver lo ck gear ratio based on vehicle speed and engine RPM. The engine RPM
wi ll be control led to produce max imum veh icle acce leration as long
The se lector lever is locked in the P and N positions when the igni -
as you continue to press the acce lerator pedal beyond this resis -
tion is turned on. To move the lever from these positions the driver
t ance point.
must depress the brake pedal. As a reminder to the driver, the
f ollow ing warning appears in the instrument cluster disp lay when
the selector is in P and N: & WARNING
When stationary apply foot brake while selecting gear Be careful when using the kick-down feature on slippery roads.
A time delay element prevents the selector lever from locking when Rapid acceleration may cause the vehicle to skid . •
it is moved through the N position (going from R to Dl. The locking
element will lock the selector leve r if t he leve r is left in N (Neutra l)
for more than approximat ely 1 second, without the brake pedal
Dynamic shift program (DSP)
bei ng pressed . The automatic transmission is electron i cally controlle d.
At speeds above about 3 mph (5 km/h) the Automat ic Shift Lock is
The transmission is se lf adapting and will automatically se lect the
automatically deactivated in the N position .
best shi f t program sui t ed to the driving conditions and driving style.
Interlo ck button The transmission wil l select one of the economy programs when
The lock button on the selector lever preven t s the leve r from being yo u drive at a steady speed or a g radually changi ng speed without
accidentally shifted into certain positions. Pressing this button heavy acceleration . This achieves optimum fuel efficiency, with early
deactivates the selector lever lock. Depending on the direction of upshifting and delayed downshifting .
the shift, the selector lever locks at di ff erent positions . The positions
The trans m ission will automatical ly select the sporty shift progra m s
are highlighted in the illustration => page 138, fig. 146 .
when you drive at higher speeds, or with heavy acceleration and
Ignition k ey sa f e ty int e rlo c k freque nt ly cha nging speeds . Upshifts are delayed to make full use
of engine power . Downshifting takes place at higher engine speeds
The key cannot be removed from the ignition un less the selecto r
t han in t he economy prog rams .
lever is in the P park posit ion . When the ignition key is removed, the
selector lever wil l be locked in the P position. • The selection of the most suitable shift program is a continuous,
automatic process . The driver can also make the transmission
sw itch to a sporty program by quickly pressing down the gas peda l. .,_

Controls and equip - I • •

• ..__ A
_ u_t_o
_m_ a_t_i_c_ t_r_a_n_s
_ m_ is
_ s_io
_ n________________________________________________ _

This causes the transmission to shift down to a lower gear to

achieve rapid acceleration, e.g. for quickly passing another vehicle .
You do not need to press the gas pedal into the kick-down range.
After the transmission has upshifted, the original program is
selected according to your driving style.
An additiona l shift program allows the automatic transmission to
select the proper gear for uphill and downh ill gradients.
Fig. 148 Display:
This keeps the transmission from shifting up and down unneces- manual shift program,
sari ly on hills. The transmission wil l shift down to a lower gear when selected gear
the driver presses the brake pedal on a downhi ll gradient. This
makes use of the braking effect of the engine without the need to Switching to manu a l shift program
shift down manually. •
Push t he selecto r leve r to the right f rom D. As soon as the
transmission has sw itched over, t he selected gear
Manual shift program ap pears in the display ~ fig . 148.
Using the manual shi ft program you can manually selec t
To upshift
Push the selector lever forward to t he plu s position 0
~ fig. 147.

To downshift
- Push t he lever t o the minus posi t ion Q.
When accelerating, the transm ission will automatica lly shift into the
next gear before the engine reaches its maximum RPM.
Fig. 147 Center
console: shifting th e
If you apply a light throttle when accelerating, tiptronic® will auto -
ti ptr onic® man ually matically shift from 1st to 2nd gear to save fuel. If you apply a heavy
throttle, the transmission will st ay in 1st gea r until near maximum
RPM is reached, or unti l the driver shifts into 2nd gear.
If you take your foot off the accelerator peda l when driving down a
steep inc line, tiptronic® will downshift from the selec t ed gear into
the next lower gear until it reaches 1st gear, based on road speed
and engine RPM. Automatic down shif t ing is interrupted as soon as
you apply the thrott le again . _.
_________________________________________________ A_ u_t_o_m_a_t_i_
__is_s_io_n_ __._

Automatic transmission malfunction )

[i J Tips
• W hen you shift into the next lower gear, the transmission wi ll In the event of a system malfunction, the automatic transmission
downsh ift only when there is no possibi lity of ove r-rewing the sw it ches t o emerge ncy o peration mode .
eng ine.
( Gearbox malfun ction : you can continue driving
• When the kick-down comes on, the transmission wil l sh ift down
to a lower gear, depend i ng on veh icle and engine speeds . You can continue to drive the veh icle. See an authorized Audi deale r
or other qua lified workshop at t he next opportunity .
• t iptronic® is inopera t ive when the transmission is in the f ail -safe
mode. a Gearbox malfun ction : you can continue driving (limited
functionality )

Ap pli es to vehicles: wi th tiptro n ic-stee ring whee l There is a serious system malfunction:
Steering wheel with tiptronic® • The program shifts only into certain gears.

The shift butto ns on the steering wheel allow the drive r to • The engine may stall.
shift gears manually. • It is n ot po ssib le to restart t he engine if it has been swi t ched of f .
• Continuing to drive could resu lt in subsequent damage.

0 Note
If the transmission switches to fail -safe mode, you should take the
vehicle to a n author ize d Audi dea lershi p as soo n as possib le t o have
the condition corrected. •

Fig. 149 Stee ring

wheel: Shift buttons

- To downshif t, touc h the bu tton on t he left Q.

To upshift, touc h the button on t he right G).
The shift buttons are activated when the selector lever is in D, Sor
i n the manual shift p rogram (t iptr o nicl .
Of course, you can continue to use the manual shift program with
th e selector leve r on the cen ter console. •

Cont rols and equip- Vehicle care I I Technical data

• ..__ A
_ u_t_o_m_a_t_ic_ t_r_a_n_s_m_ is_s
_ io_ n_____________________________________________ _

Emergency release of the selector lever - Release and remove t his cover .
If the vehicle's power supply fails , the selector lever can - You now have access to a bolt . Us ing a screwdr iver or
be released in an emergency. similar, press the bolt down and hold it down.
- Now press the interlock and move the selector lever to
the N position.

The selec t or lever can only be mov ed from t he P posi t ion if t he igni -
tion key is in the lock and the ignition is turned on. If the vehicle has
to be pushed or towed if the power supply fails (e.g. battery is
discharged), the selector lever must first be moved to the N position
using the emergen cy locking device . •
Fig. 150 Removing
ashtray insert

Fig. 151 Emergency

release for selector

The emergency release is located under the insert for the

- Slide open the cover for the ashtray.
Release the ashtray by pushing the switch @ => fig. 150
to the right.
- Remove the ashtray insert @ .
- Now you can see a small cover in the ashtray holder on
the front of the ashtray recess => fig. 151.
______________________________________________ __:_

Parking System

Audi parking system advanced Ap plies to vehicles: w it h Aud i par king system advan ced

General Information
Ap plies to vehi cles: w it h Audi par king syste m adv anced

Introduction N

® er

Fig. 154 Area covered

0 and area not
covered 0 by the rear-
view camera.
Fig. 152 Parking mode
1: Backing into a
parking space

l=================--- i

Fig. 155 Rear lid: Loca-

tion of the rearview

Fig . 153 Parking mode

2: parallel parking Sensors in the bumper
Sensors are located in the front and rear bumpers . If these detect an
Vehicles with the Audi parking system advanced are equipped with obs t acle, audible and visual signals warn you. The range at which
a rearview camera in addition to the acoustic and visual parking the sensors beg i n to measure is approximately: ..,.
system .
You can choos es betw een parking mod es to help you wh en parking
your vehicle. Use "parking mode 1" when parking in a parking space
or garag e => f ig . 152. If you are going to be parall el park ing , use
"parking mode 2" => fig . 153. •

Cont rols and equip- Vehicle care I I irechnical data

• .___ P
________________________________________________ _

• the image on the screen is not visible due to sun glare and ref lec-
side 3 ft (0.90 ml t ion .
cent er 4 ft (1.20 ml
C a ring for th e rearview camera lens
side 2 ft (0.60 ml
rear The rearview camera is located above the rear license plate bracke t.
cente r 5.2 ft (1.60 ml For the parking system to operate, the lens => page 143, fig. 155
m ust be kept clea n:
The closer you get to the obstacle, the shor t er the interval between
• Dampen the lens with a household alcohol-based glass cleaner,
the audib le signals . A continuous tone sounds when the obstacle is
and then wipe the lens clean with a dry cloth => 0 .
less than approximately 1 foot !0.30 met ers) away. Do not continue
driving farther . • Remove snow with a hand brush and ice preferab ly with a de-
icing spray => 0.
If the distance to an obstacle remains constant, the vo lume of the
distance wa r nin g gradually d rops after about four seconds (thi s
does not app ly in the continuous tone range) . & WARNING
Rearvi e w camer a c overage ar ea • The parking system cannot replace the driver's attention. The
The MMI display shows the area covered by the rearv iew camera driver alone is responsible for parking and similar driving maneu-
=> page 143, fig. 154 G). Objects that are not in the area covered 0 vers.
are not shown on the MMI display. • Sensorshave blind spots in which objects cannot be detected.
Pay special attention to small children and animals because the
We recom mend t hat you prac t ice parking with the rearv iew camera
sensors cannot always dete ct them .
in a traffic -free location or parking lot to become familiar with the
syst em, the orientation lines, and their function. When doi ng t his, • Alway s keep your eyes on the vehicle's surrounding s, using the
there should be good light and weather conditions . rearview mirror as well .
• Do not allow yourself to be distracted from traffic by the rear-
In the MMI display, objects or vehicles appear closer or further away
view camera pictures .
if :
• If the position and the installation angle of the camera has
• you are driving in reverse gear from a level surface onto an
changed, for example , after a rear end collision, do not continue to
inc line, or a downward slo pe,
use the system for safety reasons. Have it checked by a qualified
• you are driving in reverse gear toward protrud ing objects, dealership .
• t he vehi cle is carrying too much load in t he rear.
The accuracy of the orientation lines and b lue surfaces diminishes
if :
0 Note
• Low obstacles already signaled by a warning can disappear from
• the rearview camera does not provide a reliable image, for the syst em 's det ection range as th ey are approached and wi ll not
examp le, in poor visibi lity condit ions or if the lens is dirty, continue to be signaled. Objects such as barrier chains, trailer draw
b ars, thin painted ver t ica l poles or f ences may not be detected by
the system, posing risk of damage . .,,_
_________________________________________________ P_a_r_k_i_n-=
s_t _
e _m_ ___.
• Never use wa rm or hot water to remove snow or ice from the To use the front parking system, press the switch P1111 in
rearview camera lens - this could cause the lens to crack! the center console ~ fig. 156. A short confirmation tone
• When cleaning the lens, never use products that are abrasive. • sounds and the indicator light in the switch lights up.

Switching between the rearview camera and

Ap plies to vehi cles: w ith Au d i parking system advance d
visual display
Switching on and off
Press the Graphic control button ~ page 146,fig. 158 @
The rearview camera switches on automatically together to see the visual display.
with the acoustic and visual park assist when you put the
vehicle in reverse. Press the Rear view control button to see the rearview
camera image ~ fig. 157.

Switching off
Drive faster than 6 mph (10 km/h), or
press the switch P#A or 1

switch off the ignition.

Fig. 156 Center Segments in the visual display

console: Parking
system switch
The red segments in front of and behind the vehicle ::::,fig. 157 help
you to determine the distance between you and an obstacle . As your
vehicle comes closer to the obstacle, the segments move closer to
the vehicle. The collision area has been reached when the next to
last segment is displayed. Do not continue driving farther ::::,& in
"General Information" on page 143!

• The MMI display cannot show, or cannot adequately show,
certain objects (such as small posts or grating!, recesses in the
Fig. 157 MMI display: ground and protruding parts on another car.
visual distance display
• Only use the rearview camera to assist you if it shows a good,
clear picture. For example, the image may be affected by the sun
Switching on shining into the lens, dirt on the lens or if there is a defect. .,_
- Switch the MMI on and select reverse gear.

Cont rols and eq uip- Vehicle care I I Technical data

• ..__ P_a
_ rk_in_g
=- S
________________________________________________ _

& WARNING (continued)

• Use the rearview camera only with the rear lid completely
closed. Make sure any objects you may have mounted on the rear
lid do not block the rearview camera.

[i ) Tips
• The sensors must be kept clean and free of snow and ice for the
Fig. 159 MMI display:
park assist to operate.
aligning the vehicle
• The visual display is shown in the illustrat ion of the rearview
camera. This display shows where the sensors have detected an Switch the MMI on and select reverse gear.
• You can change the volume and pitch of the signals as well as the - Turn the steering wheel until the orange orientation lines
display => page 148. G) appear in the parking spot => fig. 158. Use the mark -
• Please follow the instructions for towing a trailer=> page 149. ings 0 to help you estimate the distance from an
obstacle. Each marking represents 3 h (1 meter). The blue
• What appears in the display is time -delayed. •
area represents an extension of the vehicle's outline by
approximately 16 ft (5 meters) to the rear.
Ap plies to vehicles: with Audi par king system advanced

Reverse Parking - While driving in reverse gear, adjust the steering wheel
angle to fit the parking space with the aid of the orange
Parking mode 1 can be used when parking in a garage or orientation lines=> 0. 0 marks the rear bumper. Stop
into a parking space. the veh icle when the red orientation line © borders an
object => & .

• The rearview camera does not show the entire area behind the
vehicle => page 143, fig. 154 . Watch out especially for small chil-
dren and animals. The rearview camera cannot always detect
them , posing risk of an accident!
Fig. 158 MMI display: • Please note that objects not touching the ground can appear to
aiming at a parking be further away than they really are (for example, the bumper of a
spot parked vehicle, a trailer hitch, or the rear of a truck). In this case, .,
_______________________________________________ P_a_r_k_i_n..::
__ ....J
& WARNING !continued)
you should not use the help lines to help with parking, which
poses danger of an accident!

0 Note
In the MMI display, the direction of travel of the vehicle rear is repre-
sented depending on the steering wheel angle . The vehicle front
swings out more than the vehicle rear. Maintain plenty of distance Fig. 161 MMI display :
so that your outside mirror or a corner of your vehicle does not Blue curve on the curb
collide with any obstacles. This can damage to your vehicle. •
The follow in g steps apply only when there is no obstacle
such as a wall near the parking spot. Otherwise, please read
Appli es to vehic les: w it h Audi park ing system advanc ed
the information provided in the "Parking Next to Obstacles"
Parallel Parking section.
Use parking mode 2 to help you parallel park along the Act ivate the turn signal.
side of a street.
- Posit ion your vehicle parallel to the edge of the street,
approximately 3 ft (1 meter) from a parked vehicle .
- Switch the MMI on and select reverse gear. The parking
aid turns on and parking mode 1 appears on the display.
- Press the control button (D => fig. 160 on the MMI
terminal. Parking mode 2 appears.
- Back up and align your vehicle so the blue area 0
Fig. 160 MMI display:
borders on the rear end of the vehicle or on the parking
blue surface in the
parking spot spot line. The blue area represents an extension of the
vehicle's outline by approximately 16 ft (5 meters) to the
rear. The long side of the blue area should be on the curb.
The entire blue area must fit into the parking spot.
- With the vehicle stopped, turn the steering wheel to the
right as far as it will go. _.,

Cont rols and equip- Vehicle care I I irechnical data

• .___ P
________________________________________________ _

- Back into the park in g spot until the blue curve t o uches swings out more than the vehic le rear. Maintain plenty of distance
the curb ==>page 147, fi g . 161. St op the ve hi cle. so that yo ur outside mirror o r a corner of your vehicle does not
col lide with any obstacles. This can damage to your vehicle .
- With the vehicle stopped, turn the steer ing wheel to the
left as fa r as it wil l go.
[i ] Tips
- Continue to back into the parking spot until the vehicle is The left or right orientation lines and surfaces wil l be displayed,
pa rked paralle l to the curb. @ marks t he rear bumper. depending on the turn signa l bei ng used. •
Stop the ve hicle when the red orientation line G) borders
an object ==>& . Keep an eye on t he front of your ve hi cle
while do in g this ==> 0. Ap pli es to vehicles: w ith Au d i parking syste m advance d

Adjusting the display and warning

Pa rking next t o o b sta c les
When there is an obstac le (such as a wal l) next to the parking spot ,
choose a spot with more space on the sides . Position the long side The display and warning tones can be adjusted in the
of the blue area so that there is sufficient space from th e curb . The MM/.
area mus t not be on the curb . You will also need to star t turning the
steering wheel much earlier. There shou ld be a sufficient amount of
space between the curb and the blue curve, and the blue curve
=>page 147, fig . 161 must not touch the curb .

• The rearview camer a does not show the entire area behind the
vehicle => pag e 143, fig . 154. Wat ch out especially for small chil-
dren and anim als. The rearview cam era cannot alwa ys dete ct Fig. 162 MMI display:
adjusting t he parking
them , posing risk of an accident!
• Please note th at objects not tou ching the ground can appe ar to
be further away than they reall y are (for example , the bumper of a - Select: [CARI> Audi parking system .
parked vehicle, a tr ailer hit ch, or the rear of a tru ck). In t his case,
you should not use th e help lines to help with parkin g, whic h Di s pla y
poses danger of an accident !
• Off - when the parking system is switched off, on ly audible
signa ls are given.
0 Note • On - when the parking system is switched on, either the visual
display or t he picture from th e rearview camera is displayed. ..
In the MMI display , the direction of trave l of t he vehicle rear is repre-
sented depending on the stee ring wheel angle. The vehicle front
_______________________________________________ P_a_r_k_i_n-=
___ BII
Warning tones Ap pli es to veh icles: w ith Aud i parking system adva nced

• Front volume - front sensor volume Error messages

• Front frequency - front sensor frequency
• Rear volume - rear sensor volume There is an error in the system if the LED on the P"'Aswitch is blinking
and you hear a continuous alarm for a f ew seconds af t er swi t ching
• Rear frequency - rear sensor frequency
on the parking system or when the parking system is already acti -
• In-car entertainment fader - when the parking system is vated . Have your authorized Audi dealer correct the error .
switched on, the volume of the active audio source is lowered .
The newly adjusted value is briefly heard from the signal generator .
[i J Tips
If the error is not corrected before you switch off the ignition, when
[i J Tips you switch on the parking system again, the LED in the p,,,Aswitch
• The warning tones can also be adjusted directly by the visual will blink. •
display or the picture from the rearview camera . Simply pr ess th e
Settings control button.
• Changed settings are activated when parking system is switched
on again.
• The settings are automatically stored and assigned to the remote
control key. •

Ap plies to vehicles : w ith Audi par king syste m adv anced and traile r h itc h

Trailer hitch

For vehicles with a factory installed trailer hitch, or a trailer hitch

installed according to factory specifications, the parking system
rear sensors do not come on whenever you shift into reverse gear
or when you press the P"IAswitch. Remember, there is no warning for
distances to the rear. The front sensors remain activated . The visual
display switches to the trailer towing mode. The picture from the
rearview camera will not show the orientation lines nor the blue
If you install a hitch yourself, this function may not work . •

Controls and equip - I • •

• .___ H
_ o_m
_ _
e L_i_
n_k_®____________________________________________________ _

Homelink ®

Universal remote control & WARNING (continued)

App lies to vehic les: w ith Home link ® universal remote cont ro l • For safety reasons never release the parking brake or start the
General information engine while anyone is standing in front of the vehicle.
• A garage door or an estate gate may sometimes be set in
The HomeLink® feat ure can learn up to th ree radi o motion when the Homelink ® remote control is being
fre quency codes for m ost current transmitters used for programmed . If the device is repeatedly activated , this can over-
operating garage doors, esta te gates, home or outdoor strain motor and damage its electrical components - an over-
ligh ti ng systems, and other devices . heated motor is a fire hazard!
• To avoid possible injuries or property damage , please always
You m ust fir st pro gra m the Ho mel in k® trans mi tter b efor e you can
make absolutely certain that no persons or objects are located in
use the system=> page 151, "Programm ing th e Homelink® trans -
the range of motion of any equipment being operated.
In order to pro g ram t he Homelink® transmitter fo r devices utilizing
ro lling code, a second p erson on a ladder who can safe ly reach the [i ] Tips
garage doo r o pene r mot o r is reco mm ended . It is also necessa ry to • If you w ou ld li ke mor e infor mat ion o n Hom eli nk®, w here to
locate the "learn" button on your garage door opener motor. Refer purchase the Homelink ® compatib le products , or wou ld like to
to t he op erati ng i nstructions for t he opene r, as th e locat ion and pu rchase th e Homeli n k® Home Ligh tin g Package, please call t oll -
color of this button may vary by manufacturer . free: 1-800-355-3515.
You can still use the o r igina l remote contr o l fo r th e dev ice at any • For Declarati on of Com pliance t o Unite d St at es FCC and Indu st ry
time. Canada regu lations=> page 329. •

• Never use the Homelinkl1JItransmitter with any garage door
opener that does have not the safety stop and reverse feature as
required by federal safety standards . This includes any garage
door opener model manufactured before April 1, 1982.
• A garage door opener which cannot detect an object, signaling
the door to stop and reverse does not meet current federal safety
standards . Using a garage door opener without these features
increases risk of serious injury or death .
_______________ HomeLink ®___. -

Applies to vehicles: wi th Homelin k® un iversal remo te contro l 4. Press and ho ld the two outside Homelink® buttons 0
Programming the Homelink ® transmitter and @ for approximately 20 seconds until in d icator
The transmitter is programmed in two phases. For rolling light @ ==>fig. 163 begins to flash. Then release both
buttons. Do not hold the buttons for longer than 30
code transmitters, a third phase is also necessary.
This procedure only needs to be performed once . It
erases the fact ory -set default codes and does not have to
be repeated to program additional remote controls.
5. Press and hold the Homelink® button 0 ,@ or @ until
the in dicator lig ht @ starts flashing slowly. Release the
Fig. 163 Overhead
console: HomeLink ® - The system will remain in programming mode for 5
keypad minutes. Go to the front of the vehicle and proceed with
phase 2.
ico Phase 2: at the radiator grille
6. Point the original remote control to the middle of the
radiator grille of your vehicle==> fig. 164.
7. Hold the original remote control at a distance between 0-
6 in. (0-15 cm) (use the shortest distance possible).
Fig. 164 Radiator
grille : location of tran s- 8. Press and hold the activation button on the remote
mitter unit control.

Phase 1: programming the overhead keypad - May be different in Canada . If so, press and re-press
(cycle) the activation button on your remote control every
1. Make sure your vehicle is within operating range of t he
two seconds.
remote controlled ga rage door opener.
9. The emergency flashers will flash three times (after
2. Set the parking brake ==> & in "General information" on
about 15- 60 seconds) when the programming is
page 750.
successful. Release the button on the remote control.
3. Turn t he ignition on. Do not start the engine!
- To program more devices, repeat steps 4 to 9.

Cont rols and equip- Vehicle care I I irechnical data

..__ ______________
H o m e Lin k® _
10. Press and ho ld the trained Homelink® button and If the 5 minute time limit is exceeded, the emergency flashers w ill
observe the indicator lig ht @ => page 151, fig. 163. fla sh one tim e to indicate that t he process has been terminated. In
this case, repeat steps 4 through 9.
- If the indicator light is solid/continuous, programming is
If the emergency flashers do not flash three times (after about 15-
complete and your device should activate when you
60 seconds), programming was not successful. In this case, repeat
press and release the trained Homelink® button . steps 4 through 9.
- If the indicator light blinks rapidly for 2 seconds and is Remote control units for garage door openers in Canada are set to
then a solid/continuous light, proceed with phase 3 to stop transmitting radio frequency signals after two seconds . This
program a rolling code device . time may not be sufficient for the Homelink® system to learn the
radio frequency signal. Perform all other steps as described
Pha se 3: rollin g co d e prog ra mmin g above. a
- A second person on a ladder who can safely reach the
garage door opener motor is recommended. Applies to vehicles: with Homelink® universa l remote co nt ro l

Operating the HomeLink ® transmitter

11. Locate the "lea r n" button on the garage door opener
motor (refer to the operating instructions for t he opener, The Homelink® transmitter works in the some manner as
as the location of this button may vary by manufacturer). the original handheld remote control that came with the
12. Press and release the lear n button on the garage door system .
opener motor .
- Not e: once the button is pressed, there are 30 second s in ·•·•
:•· .,
which to initiate t he next step. ......•.
13. On the Homelink® keypad inside the vehicle, firmly 11111
press and hold the Homelink® button previously
programmed in phases 1 and 2 for two seconds and
release. Repeat this sequence twice .
Some vehicles may require the press/hold/re lease
sequence up to three times to complete the training
process. - Press t he appropr iate programmed button or @ 0 ,®
- Homelink® should now activate your rolling code to activate the desired remo t e co ntrol fu nct ion => in &
equipped device. "General information" on page 150. •
HomeLink® -
Ap pli es to vehi cles: wit h Hom elin k® un iversal rem ote con tro l Ap pli es to ve hi cles: wit h Hom el ink ® u niversal rem ote co ntro l

Reprogramming a single button Erasing the programming of the Homelink ®

A Homelink® button can be reprogrammed individually
without affecting the other button allocations. When you erase the programming , the programming on
all three of the transmitter channels with be lost!
Programming the overhead keypad
Press t he appropriate Homelink® button until the indi- - Perform steps 1 to 4 as described on ~ page 151, "Phase
cator light begins flashing slowly. 1: programming the overhead keypad".

When completed, the Homelink ® system will be in the program -

At the radiator grille
ming mode and is then ready to learn the codes for remo t e
1. Point the original remote control to the middle of the controlled devices.
radiator grille of your vehicle ~ page 151, fig. 164.
2. Hold the original remote control at a distance between 0- [i ] Tips
6 in. (0-15 cm) (use the shortest distance possible) . • Programmed buttons cannot be erased individual ly.
3. Press and hold the activation button on the remote • For secu rity reasons you are advised t o erase t he programming
control. of th e HomeLink ® system before you sell your vehicle. •

4. The emergency flashers will flash three times (after

about 15-60 seconds) when the programming is
successful. Now release the button on the remote
- If the device utilizes a rolling code, please follow phase 3
of ~ page 151, "Programming the Home link® trans-
mitter" for rolling code programming.

This procedure will cause the existing programming on the

Homelink ® button to be erased! •

Controls and equip - I • •

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Driving Safely

General notes Safety equipment

The safety features are part of the occupant restraint
Safe driving habits system and work together to help reduce the risk of injury
Please remember - safety first! in a wide variety of accident situations.
This chapter contains important information, tips, instructions and Your safety and the safety of your passengers should not be left to
warnings that you need to read and observe for your own safety, the chance. Advances in technology have made a variety of features
safety of your passengers and others. We have summarized here available to help reduce the risk of injury in an accident. The
what you need to know about safety belts, airbags, child restraints following is a list of just a few of the safety features in your Audi:
as well as child safety. Your safety is for us priority number 1. Always • sophisticated safety belts for driver and all passenger seating
observe the information and warnings in this section - for your own positions,
safety as well as that of your passengers.
• belt force limiters for the front seats,
The information in this section applies to all model versions of your
• belt pretensioners for the seats,
vehicle. Some of the features described in this sections may be
standard equipment on some models, or may be optional equip- • belt height adjustment for the front seats,
ment on others. If you are not sure, ask your authorized Audi dealer. • head restraints for each seating position,
• front airbags,


side airbags in the front seats and outer rear seats*,
side curtain airbags,
• Always make sure that you follow the instructions and heed
the WARNINGS in this Manual. It is in your interest and in the • special LATCH anchorages for child restraints,
interest of your passengers. • adjustable steering column.
• Always keep the complete Owner's Literature in your Audi These individual safety features, can work together as a system to
when you lend or sell your vehicle so that this important informa- help protect you and your passengers in a wide range of accidents.
tion will always be available to the driver and passengers. These features cannot work as a system if they are not always
• Always keep the Owner's literature handy so that you can find correctly adjusted and correctly used.
it easily if you have questions . •
Safety is everybody's responsibility! •
Driving Safely -
Important things to do before driv ing What impa irs driving safety?
Safety is everybody's job! Vehicle and occupant safety Safe driving is directly related to the condition of the
always depends on the informed and careful driver. vehicle, the driver as well as the driver's ability to concen-
trate on the road without being distracted.
For your safety and the safety of your passengers, before
driving always: The driver is responsible for the safety of the vehicle and all
of its occupants. If your ability to drive is impaired, safety
- Make sure that all lights and signals are operat ing
risks for everybody in the vehicle increase and you also
become a hazard to everyone else on the road => & .There -
- Make sure that the tire pressure is correct. fore:
- Make sure that all windows are clean and afford good Do not let yourself be distracted by passengers or by
visibility to the outside. using a cellular telephone .
- Secure all luggage and other items carefully => page 98. NEVER drive when your driving ability is impaired (by
- Make sure that noth ing can interfere w ith the pedals. medications, alcohol, drugs, etc.).

- Adjust front seat, head restraint and mirrors correctly for - Observe all traffic laws, rules of the road and speed limits
your height . and plain common sense .

- Instruct passengers to adjust the head restraints - ALWAYS adjust your speed to road, traffic and weather
according to their height. conditions.

- Make sure to use the right ch ild restraint correctly to - Take frequent breaks on long trips. Do not drive for more
protect ch ildren => page 197, "Child Safety " . than two hours at a stretch.

- Sit properly in your seat and make sure that your passen - - Do NOT drive when you are tired, under pressure or when
gers do the same => page 76, "General recommenda - you are stressed .
- Fasten your safety belt and wear it properly. Also instruct & WARNING
your passengers to fasten the ir safety belts properly Impaired driving safety increases the risk of serious personal
=> page 165. • injury and death whenever a vehicle is being used. •

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
___ D_ri_v_i_n-=

Proper occupant seating positi ·ons - Adjust the angle of the seatback so that it is in an upright
position so that your back comes in full contact with it
Proper seating position for the driver when you drive.

The proper driver seating position is important for safe, - Adjust the steering wheel so that there is a distance of at
relaxed driving. least 10 i nches (25 cm) between the steering wheel and
your breast bone =:>fig. 166. If not possible, see your
authorized Audi dealer about adaptive equipment.
- Adjust the steering wheel so tha t the steering wheel and
airbag cover points at your chest and not at your face.
- Grasp the top of the steering wheel with your elbow(s)
slightly bent.
Fig. 166 The correct
distance between - Adjust t he head restraint so that the upper edge is as
driver and steering even with the top of your head as possible but no lower
than eye leve l and so that it is as close to the back of your
head as possible =:>fig . 167.
- Fasten and wear safety belts correctly =:>page 169.
- Always keep both feet in the footwell so that you are in
control of the vehicle at all times.

For detailed information on how to adjust the driver's seat, see

=>page 77.
Fig. 167 Correct head
restraint position for
For your own safety and to reduce the risk of injury in t he Drivers who are unbelted, out of position or too close to the airbag
can be seriously injured by an airbag as it unfolds. To help reduce
event of an accident, we recommend that you adjust the
the risk of serious personal injury:
driver's seat to the following position:
• Always adjust the driver's seat and the steering wheel so that
- Adjust the driver's seat so that you can easily push the there are at least 10 inches 125 cm) between your breastbone and
pedals all the way to the floor while keeping your knee(s) the steering wheel.
slightly bent =:>& . • Always hold the steering wheel on the outside of the steering
wheel rim with your hands at the 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock positions ..
________________________________________________ D_r_iv_i_n_g~ S_a
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& WARNING (continued) Proper seating position for the front
to help reduce the risk of personal injury if the driver's airbag
inflates. The proper front passenger seating position is important
• Never hold the steering wheel at the 12 o'clock position or with for safe, relaxed driving.
your hands at other positions inside the steering wheel rim or on
the steering wheel hub . Holding the steering wheel the wrong way
For your own safety and to reduce the r isk of injury in the
can cause serious injuries to the hands, arms and head if the event of an accident, we recommend that you adjust the
driver's airbag deploys . seat for the front passenger to the follow in g pos ition:
• Pointing the steering wheel toward your face decreases the - Adjust the angle of the seatback so that it is in an upright
ability of the supplemental driver's airbag to protect you in a colli- position and your back comes in full contact with it
sion. whenever the vehicle is mov in g.
• Always sit in an upright position and never lean against or
place any part of your body too close to the area where the airbags - Adjust the head restraint so that the upper edge is as
are located . even with the top of your head as possible but not lower
• Before driving, always adjust the front seats and head than eye level and so that it is as close to the back of your
restraints properly and make sure that all passengers are properly head as possible~ page 159.
restrained. Keep both feet flat on the floor in front of the front
• Never adjust the seats while the vehicle is moving. Your seat passenger seat.
may move unexpectedly and you could lose control of the vehicle.
• Never drive with the backrest reclined or tilted far back! The
- Fasten and wear safety belts correctly~ page 169.
farther the backrests are tilted back, the greater the risk of injury
For detailed information on how to adjust the front passenger's
due to incorrect positioning of the safety belt and improper
seat, see => page 76.
seating position.
• Children must always ride in child safety seats => page 197.
Special precautions apply when installing a child safety seat on
the front passenger seat => page 175. •
Front seat passengers who are unbelted, out of position or too
close to the airbag can be seriously injured or killed by the airbag
as it unfolds. To help reduce the risk of serious personal injury :
• Passengers must always sit in an upright position and never
lean against or place any part of their body too close to the area
where the airbags are located.
• Passengers who are unbelted, out of position or too close to the
airbag can be seriously injured by an airbag as it unfolds with
great force in the blink of an eye. ..

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
........ _ o_ r_

& WARNING (continued) - Keep both feet flat in the footwell in front of the rear seat.
- Fasten and wear safety belts properly => page 169.
• Always make sure that there are at least 10 inches (25 cm)
between the front passenger's breastbone and the instrument - Make sure that children are always properly restrained in
panel. a child restraint that is appropriate for their size and age
• Each passenger must always sit on a seat of their own and => page 197.
properly fasten and wear the safety belt belonging to that seat.
• Before driving, always adjust the front passenger seat and
head restraint properly.
• Always keep your feet on the floor in front of the seat . Never Passengers who are improperly seated on the rear seat can be
rest them on the seat, instrument panel, out of the window, etc. seriously injured in a crash.
The airbag system and safety belt will not be able to protect you • Each passenger must always sit on a seat of their own and
properly and can even increase the risk of injury in a crash. properly fasten and wear the safety belt belonging to that seat.
• Never drive with the backrest reclined or tilted far back! The • Safety belts only offer maximum protection when the seatback
farther the backrests are tilted back, the greater the risk of injury is securely latched in the upright position and the safety belts are
due to incorrect positioning of the safety belt and improper properly positioned on the body. By not sitting upright, a rear seat
seating position. passenger increases the risk of personal injury from improperly
• Children must always ride in child safety seats ~ page 197. positionedsafety belts!
Special precautions apply when installing a child safety seat on • Always adjust the head restraint properly so that it can give
the front passenger seat ~ page 175. • maximum protection . •

Proper seating positions for passengers in

rear seats
Rear seat passengers must sit upright with both feet on
the floor consistent with their physical size and be prop-
erly restrained whenever the vehicle is in use.
To reduce the risk of injury caused by an incorrect seating
position in the event of a sudden braking maneuver or an
accident, your passengers on the rear bench seat must
always observe the following :
- Make sure that the seatback is securely latched in the
upright position => page 83.
________________________________________________ D_r_iv_i_n-'g=--S_a
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ly__ lffl
Proper adjustment of head restraints & WARNING (continued)
Correctly adjusted head restraints are an important part
• Always make sure each person in the vehicle properly adjusts
of your vehicle's occupant restraint system and can help their head restraint. Each head restraint must be adjusted
to reduce the risk of injuries in accident situations. according to occupants' size so that the upper edge is as even
with the top of the person's head, but no lower than eye level and
so it is as close to the back of to the head as possible .
• Never attempt to adjust head restraint while driving. If you
have driven off and must adjust the driver headrest for any reason,
first stop the vehicle safely before attempting to adjust the head
• Children must always be properly restrained in a child restraint
that is appropriate for their age and size => page 197. •
Fig. 168 Correctly
adjusted head restraint
viewed from the side
Examples of improper seating positions
The head restraints must be correctly adjusted to achieve The occupant restraint system can only reduce the risk of
the best protection. injury if vehicle occupants ore properly seated.
- Adjust the head restraint so that the upper edge of the Improper seating positions can cause serious injury or
restraint is level with the top of your head, but no lower death . Safety belts can only work when they are properly
than eye level and so it is as close to the back of your positioned on the body. Improper seating positions reduce
head as possible ~ page 159, fig. 168. the effectiveness of safety belts and will even increase the
risk of injury and death by moving the safety belt to critical
Adjusting head restraints=> page 81.
areas of the body. Improper seating positions also increase
the risk of serious injury and death when an airbag deploys
& WARNING and strikes an occupant who is not in the proper seating
Driving without head restraints or with improperly adjusted head position. A driver is responsible for the safety of all vehicle
restraints increases the risk of serious injuries in a collision. To occupants and especially for children. Therefore:
help reduce the risk of injury:
- Never allow anyone to assume an incorrect seating posi-
• Always drive with the head restraints in place and properly tion when the vehicle is being used ~ & .
• Every person in the vehicle must have a properly adjusted head The following bulletins list only some sample positions that will
restraint. increase the risk of serious injury and death. Our hope is that these .,_

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
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examples will make you more aware of seating positions that are Pedal area

Therefore, whenever the vehicle is moving: Pedals

• never stand up in the vehicle The pedals must always be free to move and must never
• never stand on the seats be interfered with by a floor mat or any other object.
• never kneel on the seats
Make sure that all pedals move freely without interference and that
• never ride with the seatback reclined nothing prevents them from returning to their original positions.
• never lie down on the rear seat
Only use floor mats that leave the pedal area free and can be
• never lean up against the instrument panel secured with floor mat fasteners.
• never sit on the edge of the seat If a brake circuit fails, increased brake pedal travel is required to
• never sit sideways bring the vehicle to a full stop.
• never lean out the window

never put your feet out the window
never put your feet on the instrument panel
Pedals that cannot move freely can cause loss of vehicle control
• never rest your feet on the seat cushion or back of the seat and increasethe risk of serious injury.
• never ride in the footwell • Never place any objects in the driver's footwell. An object could
• never ride in the cargo area get into the pedal area and interfere with pedal function. In case
of sudden braking or an accident, you would not be able to brake

& WARNING or accelerate!

• Always make sure that nothing can fall or move into the
Improper seating positions increase the risk of serious personal driver's footwell. •
injury and death whenever a vehicle is being used.
• Always make sure that all vehicle occupants stay in a proper
Floor mats on the dr iver side
seating position and are properly restrained whenever the vehicle
is being used. • Always use floor mats that can be securely attached to
the floor mat fasteners and do not interfere with the free
movement of the pedals.
- Make sure that the floor mats are properly secured and
cannot move and interfere with the pedals ~ &- .,
Driving Safely

Use only floo r mats t hat leave the pedal area unobstructed and that Stowing luggage
are firmly secured so that they cannot slip out of position. You can
ob t ain sui t able floor mats from your au t horized Audi dealer.
Loading the luggage compartment
Floor mat fasteners are installed in your Audi.
All luggage and other objects must be properly stowed
Floor mats used in your vehicle must be attached to these fasteners .
and secured in the luggage compartment.
Properly securing the floor mats will prevent them from sliding into
positions that could interfere with the pedals or impair safe opera-
tion of your vehicle in other ways .

Pedals that cannot move freely can result in a loss of vehicle
control and increase the risk of serious personal injury. Fig. 169 Safe load
positioning: place
• Always make sure that floor mats are properly secured. heavy objects as low
• Never place or install floor mats or other floor coverings in the and as far forward as
possible .
vehicle that cannot be properly secured in place to prevent them
from slipping and interfering with the pedals or the ability to
control the vehicle . Loose items in the luggage compartment can shift
• Never place or install floor mats or other floor coverings on top
suddenly, changing vehicle handling characteristics. Loose
of already installed floor mats. Additional floor mats and other items can also increase the risk of serious personal injury in
coverings will reduce the size of the pedal area and interfere with a sudden vehicle maneuver or in a collision.
the pedals.
- Distribute the load evenly in the luggage compartment.
• Always properly reinstall and secure floor mats that have been
taken out for cleaning. - Always place and properly secure heavy items in the
• Always make sure that objects cannot fall into the driver foot· luggage compartment as low and as far forward as
well while the vehicle is moving. Objects can become trapped possible :::::>
fig. 169.
under the brake pedal and accelerator pedal causing a loss of
- Secure luggage using the tie -downs provided:::::> page 85.
vehicle control. •
- Make sure that the rear seat back is securely latched in
place. 1iJ,,

Safety first Vehicle care I I irechnical data

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& WARNING & WARNING (continued)

Improperly stored luggage or other items can fly through the • If you absolutely must drive with the rear lid open, observe the
vehicle causing serious personal injury in the event of hard braking following notes to reduce the risk of poisoning :
or an accident. To help reduce the risk of serious personal injury: - Close all windows,
• Always put objects, for example, luggage or other heavy items - Close the Panoramic sliding sunroof*,
in the luggage compartment. - Open all air outlets in the instrument panel,
• Always secure objects in the luggage compartment using the - Switch off the air recirculation,
tie-down eyelets and suitable straps.
- Set the fresh air fan to the highest speed.


Heavy loads will influence the way your vehicle handles. To help
reduce the risk of a loss of control leading to serious personal Always make sure that the doors, all windows, the Panoramic
injury : sliding sunroof* and the rear lid are securely closed and locked to
reduce the risk of injury when the vehicle is not being used.
• Always keep in mind when transporting heavy objects, that a
change in the center of gravity can also cause changes in vehicle • After closing the rear lid, always make sure that it is properly
handling: closed and locked .
- Always distribute the load as evenly as possible. • Never leave your vehicle unattended especially with the rear lid
left open. A child could crawl into the vehicle through the luggage
- Place heavy objects as far forward in the luggage compart- compartment and close the rear lid becoming trapped and unable
ment as possible. to get out . Being trapped in a vehicle can lead to serious personal
• Never exceed the Gross Axle Weight Rating or the Gross injury.
Vehicle Weight Rating specified on the safety compliance sticker • Never let children play in or around the vehicle.
on the left door jamb. Exceeding permissible weight standards
can cause the vehicle to slide and handle differently. • Never let passengers ride in the luggage compartment . Vehicle
occupants must always be properly restrained in one of the
• Please observe information on safe driving ~ page 154. vehicle's seating positions.

& WARNING [i] Tips

To help prevent poisonous exhaust gas from being drawn into the • Air circulation helps to reduce window fogging. Stale air escapes
vehicle, always keep the rear lid closed while driving. to the outside through vents in the trim panel. Be sure to keep these
• Never transport objects larger than those fitting completely slots free and open.
into the luggage area because the rear lid cannot be fully closed. • The tire pressure must correspond to the load. The tire pressure
is shown on the tire pressure label. The tire pressure label is located .,_
________________________________________________ D_r_iv_i_n_g~ S_a
_ fe_ ly__ ftll
on t he d river's side B-p illar . The tire pressure labe l lists the recom -
mend ed co ld ti re infl at ion p ressur es f or th e vehi cle at it s maximum
& WARNING (continued )
capacity wei g ht and the tires that w ere on your vehicl e at t he tim e in the luggage compartment to help prevent items from flying
it w as man ufact ured. For recom me nded ti re pressures f or no rmal forward as dangerous missiles into the passenger compartment.
load conditions, p lease see chapter=> page 281. • • Never attach a child safety seat tether strap to a tie-down. •

Reporting Safety Defects
The luggag e compa rtment is equipp ed with four tie -
downs to secur e l uggage and other ite ms. Applicable to U.S.A.
Use the tie -downs to secure your cargo properly=> page 161, If you believe that your vehicle has a defect
" Load in g the luggage co mp artm ent ".
which could cause a crash or could cause
In a col li sion, th e laws of physics mean that even small er items th at
are loose in the vehic le w ill become heavy missi les that can cause
injury or death , you should immediately inform
seri ous inj u ry. Items in the veh icl e possess energy w hi ch vary w it h the National Highway Traffic Safety Adminis -
vehic le speed and the weight of the item. Vehic le speed is the most tration (NHTSA) in addition to notifying Audi of
sig nifi cant f actor .
America, Inc.
For example, in a frontal co llision at a speed of 30 mph (48 km/h),
th e fo rces acti n g o n a 10-l b (4.5 kg) objec t are abo ut 20 t imes t he If NHTSA receives similar complaints , it may
normal w eight of the item. This means that the weight of the it em open an investigation, and if it finds that a
w o uld sudde nly be about 200 lbs. (90 kg). You can imagi ne t he inj u-
ri es th at a 200 lbs. (90 kg) it em fly ing fre ely t hroug h the passenge r safety defects exists in a group of vehicles, it
compa rtment co uld cause in a co llis ion li ke this. may order a recall and remedy campaign.
However, NHTSA cannot become involved in
& WARNING individual problems between you , your dealer,
Weak, damaged or improper straps used to secure items to tie- or Audi of America , Inc.
downs can fail during hard braking or in a collision and cause
serious personal injury.
To contact NHTSA, you may call the Vehicle
• Always use suitable mounting straps and properly secure Safety Hotline toll -free at:
items to the tie-downs in the luggage compartment to help
prevent items from shifting or flying forward as dangerous
Tel.: 1-888-327-4236 (TTY: 1-800-424 -9153)
missiles . or write to :
• When the rear seat backrest is folded down , always use suit -
able mounting straps and properly secure items to the tie-downs Administrator
Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
Driving Safely

1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, D.C. 20590
You can also obtain other information about
motor vehicle safety from:
http://www.safercar .gov
Applicable to Canada
Canadian customers who wish to report a
safety -related defect to Transport Canada,
Defect Investigations and Recalls, may tele-
phone the toll free hotline:
Tel.: 1-800-333 -0371
or contact Transpo rt Canada by mail at:
Road Safety and Motor Vehicle Regulation
Di recto rate
Transport Canada
Tower C, Place de Ville,
330 Sparks Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0N5
For additional road safety information , please
visit the Road Safety website at:
http ://www.tc.gc.ca/roadsafety/menu.htm •
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Safety belts

General notes
Always wear safety belts! Not wearing safety belts or wearing them improperly increases
the risk of serious personal injury and death .
Wearing safety belts correctly saves lives!
• Never strap more than one person, including small children,
This chapter explains why safety belts are necessary, how into any belt. It is especially dangerous to place a safety belt over
they work and how to adjust and wear them correctly. a child sitting on your lap.
• Never let more people ride in the vehicle than there are safety
- Read all the information that follows and heed all of the belts available.
instruct ions and WARNINGS.
• Be sure everyone riding in the vehicle is properly restrained
with a separate safety belt or child restraint. •
Not wearing safety belts or wearing them improperly increases Safety belt warning light ~
the risk of serious personal injury and death.
Your vehicle has a warning system for the driver and (on
• Safety belts are the single most effective means available to
USA models only) front seat passenger to remind you
reduce the risk of serious injury and death in automobile acci-
dents . For your protection and that of your passengers , always about the importance of buckling-up.
correctly wear safety belts when the vehicle is moving.
• Pregnant women, injured, or physically impaired persons must
also use safety belts . Like all vehicle occupants, they are more
likely to be seriously injured if they do not wear safety belts . The
best way to protect a fetus is to protect the mother - throughout
the entire pregnancy. •

Fig. 170 Safety belt

Number of seats warning light in the
instrument cluster -
Your Audi has a total of five seating positions: two in the front and
three in the rear. Each seating position has a safety belt.
Before driving off, always:
- Fasten your safety belt and make sure you are wearing it
properly. 1J,,

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
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- Make sure t hat your passengers also buckle up and prop- Why safety belts?
erly wea r t heir saf ety belts.
Protect your childre n with a child restraint system appro - Frontal co11isions and the law of physics
priate for t he size and age of the children. Front al crashes create very strong forces for pe ople rid in g
in vehicles.
The warning light i in the instrument cluster lights up when the
ignition is switched on as a reminder to fasten the safety belts. In
addition, you will hear a warning sound.
After the ignition is switched on, the warning tone will come on for
about 6 seconds along w it h a ,!,-warning light in the inst rument
cluster if either the driver or (on USA models on ly) front seat
passenger has not fastened their safe ty belt. As soon as the driver
and front seat passenger have fastened the safety belt, the warning
tone wi ll stop and the warning light will go out. Fig. 171 Unbelted
If both the driver and front seat passenger have not buck led-up occupants in a vehicle
heading for a wa ll
within about 24 seconds after the warning tone has stopped, t he
warning tone wi ll sound aga in for about 6 seconds . The warning
tone wi ll sound repeatedly for about 6 seconds at 24 second inter-
vals unti l both t he driver and front passenger have buckled-up . The
safety belt warning system is active for about 5 minutes and during
t his time t he wa rn ing light in the instrument c luster w ill stay on.
Fasten your safety belt now and make sure th at your passengers
also proper ly put on the ir safety belt s. •

Fig. 172 The vehi cle

crashes into t he wa ll

The physical principles are simple. Both the vehicle and the passen-
gers possess energy which varies with vehicle speed and body
we ight. Engineers cal l this energy "kinetic energy ."
The higher the speed of the vehicle and the greater the vehic le's
we ight, the more energy that has to be "absorbed" in the crash .
Vehicle speed is the most significan t factor. If the speed doubles
from 15 to 30 mph (25 to 50 km/h), the energy increases 4 times! .,
Safety belts

Because the passengers of this vehicle are not using safety belts
=:>page 166, fig. 171, they will keep moving at the same speed the
vehicle was moving just before the crash, until something stops
them - here, the wall =:> page 166, fig. 172.
The same principles apply to people sitting in a vehicle that is
involved in a frontal collision. Even at city speeds of 20 to 30 mph Fig. 174 A rear
(30 to 50 km/h), the forces acting on the body can reach one ton passenger not wearing
(2,000 lbs. or 1,000 kg) or more . At greater speeds, these forces are a safety belt will fly
even higher. forward and strike the
People who do not use safety belts are also not attached to their
vehicle. In a frontal collision they will also keep moving forward at Unbelted occupants are not able to resist the tremendous forces of
the speed their vehicle was travelling just before the crash. Of impact by holding tight or bracing themselves. Without the benefit
course, the laws of physics don't just apply to frontal collisions, they of safety restraint systems, the unrestrained occupant will slam
determine what happens in all kinds of accidents and collisions. • violently into the steering wheel, instrument panel, windshield, or
whatever else is in the way=:> fig. 173. This impact with the vehicle
interior has all the energy they had just before the crash.
What happens to occupants not wearing
safety belts? Never rely on airbags alone for protection. Even when they deploy,
airbags provide only additional protection. Airbags are not
In crashes unbelted occupants cannot stop themselves supposed to deploy in all kinds of accidents. Although your Audi is
from flying forward and being injured or killed. Always equipped with airbags, all vehicle occupants, including the driver,
wear your safety belts! must wear safety belts correctly in order to minimize the risk of
severe injury or death in a crash.
Remember too, that airbags will deploy only once and that your
safety belts are always there to offer protection in those accidents
in which airbags are not supposed to deploy or when they have
already deployed. Unbelted occupants can also be thrown out of the
vehicle where even more severe or fatal injuries can occur.
It is also important for the rear passengers to wear safety belts
Fig. 173 A driver not correctly . Unbelted passengers in the rear seats endanger not only
wearing a safety belt is themselves but also the driver and other passengers =:>fig . 174. In a
violently thrown
forward frontal collision they will be thrown forward violently, where they
can hit and injure the driver and/or front seat passenger. •

Safety first Vehicle care I I Technical data

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Safety belts protect Although your Audi is equipped with airbags, you sti ll have to wear
the safety belts provided . Front a irbags, for example, are activated
People think it's possible to use the hands to brace the only in some frontal collisions . The front airbags are not activated in
body in a minor collision . It's simply not true! all frontal col lisions, in side and rear collisions, in roll ove rs or in
cases where there is not enough dece leration through impact to the
front of the vehicle . The same goes for the other airbag systems in
your Audi . So, always wear your safety belt and make sure every -
body in your vehic le is properly restrained! •

Important safety instructions about safety

Fig . 175 Driver is
correctly restrained in
a sudden braking
Safety belts must always be co rrectly positioned across
maneuver the strongest bones of your body.

Safety belts used properly can make a big difference. Safety belts
Always wear safety belts as illustrated and described in
help to keep passengers in their seats, gradually reduce energy th is chapter.
levels app lied to t he body in an accident, and help prevent the Make sure tha t your safe t y belts are always ready f or use
uncontrolled movement that can cause serious injuries. In addition,
and are not damaged .
safety belts reduce t he danger of being thrown out of the vehic le.
Safety belts attach passengers to the car and give them the benefit
of being slowed down more gently or "softly" through the "give" in & WARNING
the safety belts, crush zones and other safety features engineered Not wearing safety belts or w earing them improperl y increases
into today's vehicles. By "absorbing" the kinetic energy over a the risk of serious personal injury and death . Safety belt s can work
longer period of time, the safety belts make the f orces on the body only when used correctl y.
more "tolerable" and less likely to cause injury .
• Alway s fasten your safety belt s correctl y before driving off and
Altho ugh these examples are based on a frontal co llision, safety make sure all passengers are correctly restrain ed.
belts can also substantially reduce the risk of injury in other kinds • For maximum protect ion, safety belt s must always be posi-
of crashes . So, whether you're on a long trip or just going to the
ti oned properly on the body.
corner store, always buckle up and make sure others do, too. Acci-
dent statistics show that vehicle occupants properly wearing safety • Never strap more th an one person, includi ng small children,
belts have a lower ris k of being injured and a much better chance of into any belt.
surviving an accident. Properly using safety belts also greatly • Never place a safety belt over a child sitting on your lap .
increases the abi lity of the supplementa l airbags to do their job in a • Alway s keep feet in t he foot w ell in front of the seat while the
collision . For th is reason , wearing a safety belt is legally required in vehicle is being driven . ~
most countries including much of the United States and Canada.
Safety belts

& WARNING !continued) & WARNING !continued)

• Never let any person ride with their feet on the instrument • Always keep the belts clean. Dirty belts may not work properly
panel or sticking out the window or on the seat. and can impair the function of the inertia reel ~ page 253, "Safety
• Never remove a safety belt while the vehicle is moving. Doing belts" . •
so will increase your risk of being injured or killed.
• Never wear belts twisted.
Safety belts
• Never wear belts over rigid or breakable objects in or on your
clothing, such as eye glasses, pens, keys, etc. , as these may cause
injury .
Fastening safety belts
• Never allow safety belts to become damaged by being caught Seat first - everybody buckle up!
in door or seat hardware.
• Do not wear the shoulder part of the belt under your arm or
otherwise out of position.
• Several layers of heavy clothing may interfere with correct posi-
tioning of belts and reduce the overall effectiveness of the system.
• Always keep belt buckles free of anything that may prevent the
buckle from latching securely.
• Never use comfort clips or devices that create slack in the Fig. 176 Belt buckle
shoulder belt. However, special clips may be required for the and tongue on the
proper use of some child restraint systems . driver's seat

• Torn or frayed safety belts can tear , and damaged belt hard-
ware can break in an accident . Inspect belts regularly . If webbing, To provide maximum protection, safety belts must always
bindings, buckles, or retractors are damaged, have belts replaced be positioned correctly on the wearer's body.
by an authorized Audi dealer or qualified workshop .
Adjust the front seat and head restraint properly
• Safety belts that have been worn and loaded in an accident => page 76, "General recommendations" .
must be replaced with the correct replacement safety belt by an
authorized Audi dealer. Replacement may be necessary even if Make sure the seat back of t he rear seat bench is in an
damage cannot be clearly seen. Anchorages that were loaded upright position and securely latched in place before
must also be inspected. using the belt => &.
• Never remove, modify, disassemble, or try to repair the safety
Hold the belt by the tongue and pull it evenly across the
belts yourself.
chest and pelvis => &. _,.

Safety first Vehicle care I I irechnical data

___ S_a_f_e_t-=
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- Insert the tongue into the correct buckle of your seat & WARNING (continued)
until you hear it latch securely~ fig. 176.
• Never attach the safety belt to the buckle for another seat.
Pull on the belt to make sure that it is securely latched in Attaching the belt to the wrong buckle will reduce safety belt
the buckle. effectiveness and can cause serious personal injury.

Automatic safety belt retractors • A passenger who is not properly restrained can be seriously
injured by the safety belt itself when it moves from the stronger
Every safety belt is equipped with an automatic belt retractor on the
parts of the body into critical areas like the abdomen.
shoulder belt. This feature locks the belt when the belt is pulled out
fast, during hard braking and in an accident. The belt may also lock • Always lock the convertible locking retractor when you are
when you drive up or down a steep hill or through a sharp curve. securing a child safety seat in the vehicle => page 209. •
During normal driving the belt lets you move freely.

Safety belt pretensioners Safety belt position

The safety belts are equipped with a belt pretensioner that helps to Correct belt position is the key to getting maximum
tighten the safety belt and remove slack when the pretensioner is protection from safety belts.
activated. The function of the pretensioner is monitored by a
warning light => page 14.

Switchable locking feature

Every safety belt except the one on the driver seat is equipped with
a switchable locking feature that must be used when the safety belt
is used to attach a child safety seat. Be sure to read the important
information about this feature=> page 207 .
Fig. 177 Head restraint
and safety belt posi-
& WARNING tion as seen from the
Improperly positioned safety belts can cause serious injury in an
accident => page 170, "Safety belt position". Standard features on your vehicle help you adjust the position of
• Safety belts offer optimum protection only when the seat back the safety belt to match your body size .
is upright and belts are properly positioned on the body. • belt height adjustment for the front seats,
• Always make sure that the rear seat backrest to which the • height -adjustable front seats.
center rear safety belt is attached is securely latched whenever
the rear center safety belt is being used. If the backrest is not
securely latched, the passenger will move forward with the back-
rest during sudden braking, in a sudden maneuver and especially
in a crash.
Safety belts

& WARNING Pregnant

women must also be correctly

Improperly positioned safety belts can cause serious personal

The best way to protect the fetus is to make sure that
injury in an accident.
expectant mothers always wear safety belts correctly -
• The shoulder belt portion of the safety belt must be positioned
throughout the pregnancy.
over the middle of the occupant's shoulder and never across the
neck or throat .
• The safety belt must lie flat and snug on the occupant's upper
body => page 170, fig . 177. Pull on the belt to tighten if necessary.
• The lap belt portion of the safety belt must be positioned as
low as possible across pelvis and never over the abdomen. Make
sure the belt lies flat and snug => page 170, fig. 177. Pull on the belt
to tighten if necessary.
• A loose-fitting safety belt can cause serious injuries by shifting Fig. 178 Safety belt
its position on your body from the strong bones to more vulner- position during preg-
able, soft tissue and cause serious injury.
• Always read and heed all WARNINGS and other important infor-
To provide maximum protection, safety belts must always
mation =>page 168. •
be positioned correctly on the wearer's body => page 170.
- Adjust the front seat and head restraint correctly
=> page 76, "General recommendations" .
- Make sure the seat back of the rear seat bench is in an
upright position and securely latched in place before
using the belt.
Hold the belt by the tongue and pull it evenly across the
chest and pelvis => fig . 178, => &.
- Insert the tongue into the correct buckle of your seat
until you hear it latch securely =;, page 169, fig. 176.
- Pull on the belt to make sure that it is securely latched in
the buckle. IJ),

Safety first Vehicle care I I irechnical data

Safety belts
Adjusting safety belt height
& WARNING With the aid of the safety belt height adjustment, the three
Improperly positioned safety belts can cause serious personal
point safety belt strap routing can be fitted to the shoulder
injury in an accident.
area, according to body size.
• Expectant mothers must always wear the lap portion of the
safety belt as low as possible across the pelvis and below the
rounding of the abdomen .
• Always read and heed all WARNINGS and other important infor-
mation ~ &in "Fastening safety belts" on page 169. •

Unfastening safety belts

Fig. 180 Safety belt
Unbuckle the safety belt with the red release button only height adjustment for
the front seats - loop-
after the vehicle has stopped. around fittings

Push the loop -around fittings up => fig . 180 @ , or

- squeeze t ogether t he G) button , and push the loop -
around f ittings down @ .
- Pull the belt to make sure that the upper attachment is
properly engaged .

Fig. 179 Releasing the

tongue from the buckle & WARNING
Always read and heed all WARNINGS and other important informa-
- Push the red release button on the buckle => fig. 179. The tion ~ page 168.
belt tongue will spring out of the buckle => & .
- Let the be lt wind up on the retractor as you guide the belt [i ]Tips
tongue to its stowed pos ition. • The shoulder belt part should route approximately over the
middle of you r shoulder - u nd er no circu m stanc es should it route
& WARNING over your neck and throat area ~ & in "Safety belt position" on
pag e 170. ~
Never unfasten safety belt while the vehicle is moving. Doing so
will increase your risk of being injured or killed. •
Safety belts -
• With the front seats, the height adjustment of the seat can also Safety be lt pretensioners
be used to adjust the position of the safety belts. •
How safety belt pretensioners work
Improperly worn safety belts In front, side and rear -end collisions above a particular
Incorrectly positioned safety belts can cause severe inju- severity and in a rollover, safety belts are tensioned auto-
ries. matically.

Wearing safety belts improperly can cause serious injury or The safety belts are equipped with safety belt pretensioners . The
death. Safety belts can only work when they are correctly system is activated by sensors in front, side and rear-end collisions
positioned on the body. Improper seating posit ions reduce of great severity and in a rollover. This tightens the belt and takes up
belt slack =::>
&. in "Service and disposal of safety belt pretensioner"
the effectiveness of safety belts and w ill even increase the
on page 774. Taking up the slack helps to reduce forward occupant
risk of injury and death by moving the safety belt to critical movement during a collision.
areas of the body . Improper seating positions also increase
the r isk of serious injury and death when an airbag deploys
and strikes an occupant who is not in the correct seating 0 Note
position. A driver is responsible for the safety of all vehicle Never let the belt remain over a rear seat back that has been folded
occupants and especially for children. Therefore: forward.

- Never permit anyone to assume an incorrect sitting posi -

tion in the vehicle while traveling ~ & . [i] Tips
The safety belt pretensioner can only be activated once.

& WARNING • In minor frontal and side collisions, in rear-end collisions and in
accidents involving very little impact force, the safety belt preten-
Improperly worn safety belts increase the risk of serious personal sioner are not activated.
injury and death whenever a vehicle is being used. • When the safety belt pretensioners are activated, a fine dust is
• Always make sure that all vehicle occupants are correctly released. This is normal and is not caused by a fire in the vehicle.
restrained and stay in a correct seating position whenever the • Th e relevant safety requirements must be observed when the
vehicle is being used. vehicle or components of the system are scrapped. An authorized
• Always read and heed all WARNINGS and other important infor- Audi dealer or qualified workshop is familiar with these regulations
mation =::>page 168. • and will be pleased to pass on the information to you.
• Be sure to observe all safety, environmental and oth er regula -
tions if the vehicle or individual parts of the system, particularly the
safety belt or airbag , are to be disposed . We recommend you have
your authorized Audi dealer perform this service for you. •

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
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Service and disposal of safety belt parts of the restraint system including airbag modu les safety belts
pretensioner with p retens io ners are scrapped, all appl icab le laws and regu la-
tions must be observed . Your author ized Audi dea ler is familiar with
t hese requi rement s and we recommend tha t you have your dealer
The safety belt p retensioners are parts of the safety belts on your
perform this service for you . •
Aud i. Insta lling, removing, servicing or repair ing of belt preten -
sioners can damage the safety belt system and prevent it from
working correctly in a collision.
There are some important th ings you have to know to ma ke sure
that the effect iveness of the system will not be impai red and t hat
d iscarded components do not cause injury or po ll ute the environ -
ment .

Improper care, servicing and repair procedures can increase the
risk of personal injury and death by preventing a safety belt
pretensioner from activating when needed or activating it unex-
• The belt pretensioner system can be activated only once. If belt
preten sioners have been act ivated , the system must be replaced.
• Never repair, adjust , or change any parts of the safety belt
• Safety belt system s including safety belt preten sioners cannot
be repaired . Special procedures are required for removal , installa-
tion and disposal of this system .
• For any work on the safety belt system , we strongly recom-
mend that you see your authorized Audi dealer or qualified techni -
cian who has an Audi approved repair manu al, train ing and special
equipment necessary.

<i'For the sake of the environment

Undeployed ai rbag m odules and pretensione rs m igh t be classified
as Perchlorate Material -specia l handling may apply, see
www .dt sc.ca .gov/hazardouswaste/perchlo rate . When the vehicle or
Airbag system -
Airbag system

Important things to know There is a lot that the driver and the passengers can and must do to
help the individual safety features installed in your Audi work
together as a system .
Importance of wearing safety belts and
sitting properly Proper seating position is important so that the front airbag on the
driver side can do its job. If you have a physical impairment or
Airbags are only supplemental restraints. For airbags to condition that prevents you from sitting properly on the driver seat
do their job, occupants must always properly wear their with the safety belt properly fastened and reaching the pedals,
safety belts and be in a proper seating position. special modifications to your vehicle may be necessary.
Contact your authorized Audi dealer, or call Audi Customer Rela-
For your safety and the safety of your passengers, before
tions at 1-800-822-2834.
driving off, always:
When the airbag system deploys, a gas generator will fill the
- Adjust the driver's seat and steering wheel properly airbags, break open the padded covers, and inflate between the
~ page 156, steering wheel and the driver and between the instrument panel
and the front passenger. The airbags will deflate immediately after
- Adjust the front passenger's seat properly~ page 77,
deployment so that the front occupants can see through the wind-
- Wear safety belts properly~ page 168, shield again without interruption.
All of this takes place in the blink of an eye, so fast that many people
- Always properly use the proper child restraint to protect
don't even realize that the airbags have deployed . The airbags also
children~ page 197.
inflate with a great deal of force and nothing should be in their way
when they deploy . Front airbags in combination with properly worn
In a collision airbags must inflate within the blink of an eye and with
safety belts slow down and limit the occupant's forward movement.
considerable force. The supplemental airbags can cause injuries if
Together they help to prevent the driver and front seat passenger
the driver or the front seat passenger is not seated properly. There -
from hitting parts of the inside the vehicle while reducing the forces
fore in order to help the airbag to do its job, it is important, both as
a driver and as a passenger to sit properly at all times . acting on the occupant during the crash. In this way they help to
reduce the risk of injury to the head and upper body in the crash.
By keeping room between your body and the steering wheel and the Airbags do not protect the arms or the lower parts of the body.
front of the passenger compartment, the airbag can inflate fully and
Both front airbags will not inflate in all frontal collisions . The trig-
completely and provide supplemental protection in certain frontal
gering of the airbag system depends on the vehicle deceleration
collisions => page 156, "Proper occupant seating positions". For
rate caused by the collision and registered by the electronic control
details on the operation of the seat adjustment controls => page 77.
unit. If this rate is below the reference value programmed into the
It's especially important that children are properly restrained control unit, the airbags will not be triggered, even though the car
=> page 197. may be badly damaged as a result of the collision. Vehicle damage, .._

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
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repa ir costs or even the lack of vehicle dama g e is not necessa ril y an
in d ic ati o n of wh et her an ai rb ag s ho ul d infl at e or no t.
& WARNING (continued)
It is not possib le to define a ran ge of vehicle spe eds t hat w ill cover • To reduce the risk of injury when an airbag inflates, always
every possible kind and angle of impact that wi ll always trigge r the wear safety belts properly =:>page 169, " Safety belts".
airbags, si nce the ci rcu m sta nces will v ary co nside rably bet w een • Always make certain that children age 12 or younger always
one co llision and another. Impo rtant factors include, for example, ride in the rear seat. If children are not properly restrained , they
th e nature (hard o r soft) of th e o bj ect w hi ch t he ca r hit s, th e ang le may be severely injured or killed when an airbag inflates.
of impact, vehicle speed, etc . The front airbags will also not inflate • Never let children ride unrestrained or improperly restrained in
i n sid e o r rear co llisions, or in ro ll-o vers. the vehicle. Adjust the front seats properly .
Always remember : Airba gs will dep loy only once, and on ly in certain • Never ride with the backrest reclined.
kind s of co llision s. Yo ur safe ty bel t s are always the re t o offe r pr ot ec-
• Always sit as far as possible from the steering wheel or the
ti on in tho se sit uat ions in whic h ai rba g s are not suppose d t o dep loy,
instrument panel =:>page 156.
or w hen they have alr eady dep loye d; f or examp le, when yo ur veh ic le
str ikes o r is str uc k by anot h er afte r the fi rst co lli sion . • Always sit upright with your back against the backrest of your
seat .
This is just one of the reasons why an airbag is a supplementary
• Never place your feet on the instrument panel or on the seat.
restr ain t an d is not a su bs t it ut e f o r a saf et y belt. The ai r bag system
Always keep both feet on the floor in front of the seat to help
works most eff ectively when used with the safety be lts . Therefore,
prevent serious injuries to the legs and hips if the airbag inflates.
alw ays pro per ly wea r your safe t y be lts ~ page 165.
• Never recline the front passenger's seat to transport objects.
Items can also move into the area of the side airbag or the front
& WARNING airbag during braking or in a sudden maneuver. Objects near the
airbags can become projectiles and cause injury when an airbag
Sitting too close to the steering wheel or instrument panel will
inflates .
decrease the effectiveness of the airbags and will increase the risk
of personal injury in a collision.
• Never sit closer than 10 inches (25 cm) to the steering wheel or
instrument panel .
Airbags that have deployed in a crash must be replaced .
• If you cannot sit more than 10 inches (25 cm ) from the steering
• Use only original equipment airbags approved by Audi and
wheel , investigate whether adaptive equipment may be available
installed by a trained technician who has the necessary tools and
to help you reach the pedals and increase your seating distance
diagnostic equipment to properly repla ce any ai rbag in your
from the steering wheel.
vehicle and assure system effectiveness in a crash .
• If you are unrestrained , leaning forward, sitting sideways or out
• Never permit salvaged or recycled airbags to be installed in
of position in any way, your risk of injury is much higher.
your vehicle. •
• You will also receive serious injuries and could even be killed if
you are up against the airbag or too close to it when it inflates -
even with an Advanced Airbag .
__________________________________________________ A_i_r_b_a...;
__ !II
Child restraints on the front seat - some • will stay on if there is a small child or child restraint on the front
important things to know passenger seat,
• will go off if the front passenger seat is occupied by an adult as
- Be sure to read the important information and head the registered by the weight-sensing mat => page 186, "Monitoring the
WARNINGS for important details about children and Advanced Airbag System" .
Advanced Airbags :=>page 197. The PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light comes on when the control unit
detects a total weight on the front passenger seat that requires the
Even though your vehicle is equipped with an Advanced Airbag front airbag to be turned off.
System, make certain that all children, especially those 12 years and
If the total weight on the front passenger seat is more than that of
younger, always ride in the back seat properly restrained for their
a typical 1 year-old child but less than the weight of a small adult,
age and size . The airbag on the passenger side makes the front seat
the front airbag on the passenger side can deploy (the PASSENGER
a potentially dangerous place for a child to ride . The front seat is not
AIR BAG OFF light does not come on). If the PASSENGER AIR BAG
the safest place for a child in a forward -facing child safety seat. It
OFF light does not come on, the front airbag on the passenger side
can be a very dangerous place for an infant or a child in a rearward -
has not been turned off by the electronic control unit and can
facing seat.
deploy if the control unit senses an impact that meets the condi-
The Advanced Airbag System in your vehicle has been certified to tions stored in its memory.
comply with the Requirements of United States Federal Motor
For example, the airbag may deploy if:
Vehicle Safety Standard 208 as applicable at the time your vehicle
was manufactured. • a small child that is heavier than a typical 1 year -old child is on
the front passenger seat (regardless of whether the child is in one
The Standard requires the front airbag on the passenger side to be
of the child safety seats listed => page 199), or
turned off ("suppressed") if a child up to about one year of age
restrained in one of the rear-facing or forward-facing infant • a child who has outgrown child restraints is on the front
restraints listed in Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 208 with passenger seat.
which the Advanced Airbag System in your vehicle was certified has If the front passenger airbag is turned off, the PASSENGER AIR BAG
been installed on the front passenger seat. For a listing of the child OFF light comes on in the instrument cluster and stays on.
restraints that were used to certify compliance with the US Safety
Standard => page 199. The front airbag on the passenger side may not deploy (the
PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light does not illuminate and stay lit) even
The PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light in the instrument panel tells you if a small adult or teenager, or a passenger who is not sitting upright
when the front Advanced Airbag on the passenger side has been with their back against a non-reclined backrest with their feet on the
turned off by the electronic control unit. vehicle floor in front of the seat is on the front passenger seat
Each time you turn on the ignition, the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF => page 156, "Proper seating position for the driver".
light will come on for a few seconds and: If the front passenger airbag deploys, the Federal Standard requires
• will stay on if the front passenger seat is not occupied, the airbag to meet the "low risk" deployment criteria to reduce the
risk of injury through interaction with the airbag . "Low risk" deploy-
ment occurs in those crashes that take place at lower decelerations I),

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
___ A_ ir_b_a-g_ s_y_s_t_e_m
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as defin ed i n th e el ect ron ic contro l un it=> page 187, " PASSENGER

AI R BAG OFF lig ht".
& WARNING (continued)
A lways rem em ber, a chil d safet y seat or infant carr ier installe d on • Always make sure the forward-facing seat has been designed
the front seat m ay be struck and knocked out of po sition by t he and certified by its manufacturer for use on a front seat with a
rap id ly infla ti ng passe nge r's air bag in a fron ta l colli sion . The airb ag passenger front and side airbag .
cou ld great ly redu ce the effectivene ss of the ch ild restrain t and • Never put the forward-facing child restraint up against or very
even seri ous ly in j ure the chi ld dur in g infl atio n. near the instrument panel.
For th is reason, and beca use the bac k seat is the safest plac e for • Always move the passenger seat into its rearmost position in
chi ldren - wh en prop erly rest rained acc or di ng t o th eir age and siz e the seat's fore and aft adjustment range, as far away from the
- we strong ly recommend that ch ildren always sit in the bac k seat airbag as possible before installing the forward-facing child
=> p age 197, "Ch ild Saf ety " . restraint. The backrest must be adjusted to an upright position .
• Make sure that the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light comes on

& WARNING and stays on all the time whenever the ignition is switched on.

A child in a rearward -facing child safety seat installed on the front

passenger seat will be ser iously injured and can be killed if the & WARNING
front airbag inflates - even with an Advanced Airbag System . To reduce the risk of serious injury , make sure that the PASSENGER
• The inflating airbag will hit the child safety seat or infant AIR BAG OFF light will be displayed whenever a child restraint is
carrier with great force and will smash the child safety seat and installed on the front passenger seat and the ignition is switched
child against the ba ckrest , center arm rest , door or roof . on.
• Always install rear -facing child safety seats on the rear seat . • If the PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF light does not stay on , perform
the checks described => page 186, "Monitoring the Advanced
• If you must install a rearward facing child safety seat on the
Airbag System" .
front passenger seat because of exceptional circumstances and
the PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF light does not come on and stay on , • Take the child restraint off the front passenger seat and install
immediately install the rear-facing child safety seat in a rear it properly at one of the rear seat positions if the PASSENGER AIR
seating position and have the airbag system inspected by your BAG OFF light does not stay on.
authorized Audi dealer. • Have the airbag system inspected by your authorized Audi
• Forward-facing child safety seats installed on the front dealer immediately.
passenger's seat may interfere with the deployment of the airbag • Always carefully follow instructions from child restraint manu -
and cause serious personal injury to the child . facturers when installing child restraints .


If, in exceptional circumstances , you must install a forward-facing If, in exceptional circumstances, you must install a forward or
child restraint on the front passenger's seat: rearward -facing child restraint on the front passenger's seat :
Airbag system

& WARNING !continued)

• Improper installation of child restraints can reduce their effec-
tiveness or even prevent them from providing any protection .
• An improperly installed child restraint can interfere with the
airbag as it deploys and seriously injure or even kill the child -
even with an Advanced Airbag System. Fig . 182 Location of
front passenger's
• Always carefully follow the manufacturer's instructions
airbag: in the instru-
provided with the child safety seat or carrier. ment panel
• Never place additional items on the seat that can increase the
total weight registered by the weight-sensing mat and can cause Your vehicle is equipped with an "Advanced Airbag System" in
injury in a crash. • compliance with United States Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Stan -
dard (FMVSS) 208 as applicable at the time your vehicle was manu-
factured. The system senses the position of the front seats and
Front airbags controls front airbag inflation with a valve, depending on the
distance between the respective seat and the steering wheel or
Description of front airbags instrument panel. The safety belts for the seats have "preten-
sioners" that help to ta ke slack out of the belt system. The preten -
The airbag system can provide supplemental protection sioners are also activated by the electronic control unit for the
to properly restrained front seat occupants. airbag system.
The front safety belts also have load limiters to help reduce the
forces applied to the body in a crash.
The airbag for the driver is in the steering wheel hub => fig . 181 and
the airbag for the front passenger is in the instrument panel
=> fig. 182. The general location of the airbags is marked "A IRBAG".
There is a lot you need to know about the airbags in your vehicle. We
urge you to read the detailed information about airbags, safety belts
Fig. 181 Location of and child safety in this and the other chapters that make up the
driver airbag: in owner's literature. Please be sure to heed the WARNINGS - they are
steering wheel extremely important for your safety and the safety of your passen -
gers, especially infants and small children.

Never rely on airbags alone for protection.

Safety first Vehicle care I I irechnical data

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& WARNING (continued ) Advanced front airbag system

• Even when they deploy, airbags provide only supplemental Your vehicle is equipped with a front Advanced Airbag System in
prote ction . complia nce wit h Unite d St ates Federal Moto r Vehicle Saf et y Sta n-
• Airbag work most effectively when used with properly worn dard 208 as applicable at the time your vehic le was manufactured .
safety belts . The fron t Advanced Airbag System supplements the saf ety belts t o
• Therefore , always wear your safety belts and make sure that provide additional protection for the driver's and front passenger's
everybody in your vehicle is properly restrained. heads and upper bodies in fronta l crashes. The airbags inflate only
i n fr ontal impac t s when t he vehic le dece leration is high enoug h.

& WARNING The front Advanced Airbag System for the front seat occupants is
n ot a su bst it ute for yo ur safet y b elts . Rathe r, it is part of t he overall
A person on the front passenger seat, especially infants and small occupant restraint syst em in your vehicle . Always remember that
children, will receive serious injuries and can even be killed by th e air bag system can o n ly help t o protect you, if you are sit ting
being too close to the airbag when it inflates . upright, wearing your safety belt and wearing it proper ly. This is why
• Although the Advanced Airbag System in your vehicle is you and your passenge rs must always be pro perl y rest rained, n ot
designed to turn off the front passenger airbag if an infant or a j ust because t he law requi res you to be.
small child is on the front passenger seat , nobody can absolutely The Advanced Airbag System in your vehic le has been certified to
guaranteethat deployment under these specialconditions is meet t he " low r isk" requ i remen t s f or 3 an d 6 yea r-o ld ch ildren on t he
impossible in all conceivable situations that may happen during passenger side and very small adults on the driver side. The low risk
the useful life of your vehicle. deployme nt cr it er ia are int ended t o help reduce th e risk of inju ry
• The Advanced Airbag System can deploy in accordance with through interaction with the front airbag that can occur, for
the "low risk" option under the U.S. Federal Standa rd if a child that exam p le, by b eing t oo close t o the st eeri ng wheel and i nstr ument
is heavier than the typical one-year old child is on the front panel whe n the airbag inflates .
passenger seat and the other conditions for airbag deployment
In addition, the system has been certified to comply with the
are met.
"suppress ion " requ ir ement s of t he Saf et y Standar d, to tu rn off t he
• Accident statistics have shown that children are gene rally safer front airbag for infants 12 months o ld and younger who are
in the rear seat area than in the front seating position . rest rained on th e fr on t passenger seat in c hild restrain t s th at are
• For their own safety, all children, especially 12 years and l isted in the Standard~ page 199, "Child restraints and Advanced
younger, should always ride in the back properly restrained for Air bags".
their age and size . • "Suppress ion" requires th e front airba g on the passenger side to be
turned off if:
• a c hild u p t o about o ne year of age is rest rained o n the front
passenger seat in one of the rear-facing or forward -facing i nfant
restr aint s list ed in Federa l Moto r Vehicl e Safety Standa rd 208 w ith
which the Advanced Air bag System in your vehic le was certified. For .,
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a listing of the child restraints that were used to certify your • a passenger who is not sitting upright with their back against a
vehic le's compliance with the US Safety St andard => page 199, non -rec lin ed backres t wit h their feet o n the vehicle flo o r in fro nt of
• weight less than a threshold leve l stored in the contro l unit is the seat is on the front passenger seat.
de t ected on the front passenger seat . If the front passenger airbag deploys, the Federal Standard requires
When a person is detected on the front passenger seat, weighing t he airbag to meet the "low risk" deployment criteria to he lp reduce
more than the total weight of a child that is about 1 year old the risk of injury through interaction with the airbag . "Low risk"
restrained in one of the rear-fac ing or forward -facing infant dep loyment occurs in those crashes that ta ke place at lower decel -
restraints (listed in Federa l Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 208 with erations as defined in the electronic contro l unit. => page 186
which the Adva nced Airbag System in your veh icle was certified), Alway s remember: Even though your vehicle is equippe d with
the front airbag on the passenger side may or may not deploy. Advanced Airbags, the safest place for chi ldren is properly
The PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light comes on when the elect ronic rest rained on the back seat. Please be sure t o read the important
control unit detects a total weight on the fron t passenger seat that informat ion in the sections that follow a nd be sure t o heed all of the
requires th e front airbag to be tu r ned off . If the PASSENGER AIR BAG WARNI NGS.
OFF light does not come on, the front airbag on the passenger side
has not been tu rned off by the contro l unit and can dep loy if the
co ntrol un it senses an im pact that meets t he conditions stored in its
memo ry. To reduce the risk of in j ury when an airbag inflates , alway s wear
safety belts properly .
If the total weight on the front passenge r seat is more than t hat of
a typical 1 year -old , but less than the weight of a small adult , the • If you are unrestrained , leaning forward , sitting sideway s or out
fron t airbag on t he passe nger side may dep loy (the PASSENGER AIR of position in any wa y, your ri sk of injury is mu ch higher .
BAG OFF light does not come on). • You will al so receive seriou s injur ies and could even be killed if
For example , the airbag may deploy if: you are up again st the airbag or too clo se to it when it inflates -
even with an Advanced Airbag => page 175.
• a small ch ild that is heavier than a typ ical 1 year-o ld child is on
the front passenger seat (regard less of whether th e child is in one
of t he child saf ety seat s listed => page 199), & WARNING
• a child who has outgrown chi ld restraints is on the front A child in a rearward -facing child safety seat installed on the front
passenger seat. pas senge r seat w ill be ser iou sly in j ured and ca n be killed if the
If the front passenger airbag is turned off, the PASSENGER AIR BAG fro nt airbag inflate s - even with an Advanced Airbag System.
OFF light in the cen t er of t he instrument panel wi ll come on and stay • Although the Advan ced Airbag System in your vehicle is
on. de signed to turn off th e front airbag when a rearward -fac i ng child
restr aint has been installed on the front pa ssenger seat , nobod y
The front airbag on the passenger side may not deploy (the
can ab solutely guarantee that deplo y ment is impo ssible in all
PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF l ig ht does not illuminate and stay lit) if:
con ceiva ble situations that may happen during the useful life of
• a small adult or teenager is on the front passenger seat your vehicle. ...

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tion of the system in the front passenger seat is checked by the elec-
& WARNING (continued ) tr o nic co ntr o l un it w hen th e ig nit ion is on . The co nt ro l u nit moni t ors
• The inflating airbag w ill hit the child safety seat or infant the Advanced Airbag System and turns the airbag indicator light on
carrier w ith great force and will smash the child safety seat and whe n a m alfunction in th e syst em co m po nents is detected. The
child against the backrest, center arm rest, door, or roof. function of the airbag indicator light is described in greater detail
below. Because the front passenger seat contains important parts
• Always install rearward-facing child restraints in the back seat .
of the Advanced Airbag System, you must ta ke care to prevent it
• If you must install a rearward facing child safety seat on the from being damaged . Damage to the seat may prevent the
front passenger seat because of exceptional circumstan ces and Advanced A irbag for the fro nt passenger seat from do ing its job in
the PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF light does not come on and stay on, a crash .
immediately install the rear-facing child safety seat in a rear
seating position and have the airb ag system inspected by your T he front Ad v an c ed Airbag System c onsists of the
authori zed Audi dealer. following:
• Crash se nsors i n the front of the ve hi cle that m easure ve hi cle

& WARNING acce leration/deceleration to provide info rmation to the Advanced

Ai r bag Syste m abou t the severi ty of t he cras h.
If, in exceptional circum stan ces, you must install a forward -fa cing • An electr onic control unit, with integrated crash sensors for front
child restraint on the front passenger 's seat: and side i m pact s. The cont rol un it "decides" whe th er to fi re the
• Always make sure the forward-facing seat has been designed front airbags based on the information received from the crash
and certified by its manufacturer for use on a front seat with a sen sors . The contr o l unit also "deci des" w hether t he safety be lt
passenger front and side airbag . pretensioners should be activated.
• Never put the forward -facing child restraint up against or very • An Adva nced A ir bag w it h gas ge n erator and con t ro l valve f or t he
near the instrument panel. driver inside the steering wheel hub.
• Always move the passenger seat into its rearmost position in • An Advanced Airbag with gas generator and contro l valve inside
the seat's fore and aft adjustment range, as far away from the the instrument panel fo r the front passenger .
airbag as possible, before installing the forward -facing child • A weight -sensing mat under the upholstery padding of the front
rest raint . The backrest must be adjusted to an upright position . passenger seat cushion that meas u res the tota l weight on the seat .
• Make sure that the PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF light comes on Th e information registered is sent continuously to the electron ic
and stays on all the time whenever the ignit ion is switched on. • control unit to regu late dep loyment of the front Advanced Airbag on
th e passe ng er side .
• An ai rbag monitor i ng system and indicator light in the instru -
Advanced Airbag System components ment cluster=> pa ge 186.
• A sensor in each fron t seat registers th e d ist an ce between th e
The fro nt passenger seat in your vehicle has a lot of very impo rtant
respective seat and the steering wheel or instrument panel. The
parts of th e Advanced A irbag System in it . These parts include t he
info rm at ion reg ist ered is sent co nti n uously to t he elec tr onic co nt rol
weight -sens ing mat, sensors, wiring, brackets , and more. The func -
unit to regulate deployment of the front Advanced A irbags. .,
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• The PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF l ight comes on and stays on in th e
cen t er of th e instr um ent panel => page 787, fig . 184 and t ells you
& WARNING (continued )

when the front Advanced Airbag on the passenger side has been • Never store items under the front passenger seat. Parts of the
t ur ned off. Advanced Airbag System under the passenger seat could be
• A sensor be low the safety belt latch for the front seat passenger damaged, preventing them and the airbag system from working
t o m easure th e tens ion on th e saf ety belt . Th e t ensi on on t he safet y properly .
belt and th e weight regist ered by the w eight -sensing mat help th e • Never place seat covers or replacement upholstery that have
con t ro l uni t "decide" wh et he r the fr ont ai rb ag for the fr on t not been specifically approved by Audi on the front seats.
passenger seat shou ld be turned off or not=> pa ge 177, "Chi ld
• Seat covers can prevent the Advanced Airbag System from
rest raints on t he fro nt seat - some impo rtant thi ngs to kno w ".
recognizing child restraints or occupants on the front passenger
• A sensor in the safety belt latch fo r th e driver and f or the fro nt seat and prevent the side airbag in the seat backrest from
seat passe nger t hat sen ses whe th er t hat saf et y be lt is latched or not deploying properly.
and t ransmits this information to the el ectronic co ntrol unit.
• Never use cushions, pillows , blankets or similar items on the
front passenger seat. The additional padding will prevent the
& WARNING weight-sensing mat in the seat from accurately registering the
child restraint or person on the seat and prevent the Advanced
Damage to the front passenger seat can prevent the front airbag Airbag System from functioning properly .
from working properly.
• If you must use a child restraint on the front passenger seat
• Improper repair or disassembly of the front passenger and and the child restraint manufacturer's instructions require the use
driver seat will prevent the Advanced Airbag System from func - of a towel , foam cushion or something else to properly position
tioning properly . the child restraint , make certain that the PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF
• Repairs to the front passenger seat must be performed by qual - light comes on and stays on whenever the child restraint is
ified and properly trained workshop personnel . installed on the front passenger seat .
• Never remove the front passenger or driver seat from the • If the PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF light does not come on and stay
vehicle . on , immediately install child restraint in a rear seating position
• Never remove the upholstery from the front passenger seat . and have the airbag system inspected by your authorized Audi
dealer . •
• Never disassemble or remove parts from the seat or disconnect
wires from it .
• Never carry sharp objects in your pockets or place them on the How the Advanced Airbag System
seat . If the weight -sensing mat in the passenger seat is punctured components work together
it cannot work properly.
• Never carry things on your lap or carry objects on the The fr ont Adva nce d Air bag Sys t em and th e sid e ai r bags sup p lem ent
passenger seat . Such items can increase the weight registered by the protection offered by th e front thre e-point safety belts with
the weight -sensing mat and send the wrong information to the pretensioners and load limiters and the adjustable head rest raint s
airbag control unit . to help reduce the risk of inj ury in a wide ran g e of accident and ..,.

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
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crash situations. Be sure to read the important information about More important things t o knovv a bout front
safety and heed the WARNINGS in this chapter. airbags
Deployment of the Advanced Airbag System and the activation of
the safety belt pretensioners depend on the deceleration measured
by the crash sensors and registered by the electronic control unit.
The amount of inflation of the front airbags can also be adapted to
the front seat position, depending on the distance between the
respective front seat and the steering wheel or instrument panel as
registered by sensors in the seats. Crash severity depends on speed
and deceleration as well as the mass and stiffness of the vehicle or
object involved in the crash .
On the passenger s ide, regardless of safety belt use, the airbag will Fig. 183 Infl ated front
be turned off if the weight on the passenger seat is less than the
amount programmed in the electronic contro l unit. The front airbag
on the passenger side will also be turned off if one of the child Safety belts are important to help keep front seat occupants in the
safety seats that has been certified under Federa l Motor Vehic le proper seated position so th at airbags can unfold properly and
Safety Standard 208 has been recogni zed on the seat. The provide supp lemental protection in a fronta l collision.
PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light comes on and stays on to tell you The front airbags are designed to provide additional protection for
when the front Advanced Airbag on the passenger side has been the chest and face of the driver and the front seat passenger when:
t urned off ~ page 177, "Child restraints on the front seat - some
• safety belts are worn properly,
important things to know".
• the seats have been positioned so that the occupant is properly
seated as far as possible from the airbag,
& WARNING • and the head restraints have been properly adjusted.
To reduce the risk of injury when an airbag inflates , always wear Because airbags inflate in the blink of an eye with great force, things
safety belts properly. you have on your lap or have placed on the seat cou ld become
• If you are unrestrained , leaning forward , sitting sideways or out dangerous projectiles, and be pushed into you if the airbag inflates.
of position in any way, your risk of injury is much higher.
When an airbag deploys, fine dust is released. This is normal and is
• You will also receive serious injuries and could even be killed if not caused by a fire in the vehic le. This dust is made up most ly of a
you are up against the airbag or too close to it when it inflates - powder used to lubricate the airbags as they deploy. It cou ld irritate
even with an Advanced Airbag ~ page 175. • skin.
It is important to remember that while the supplementa l airbag
system is designed to reduce the likelihood of serious injuries, other
injuries, for example swelling, bruising and minor abrasions, can
also happen when airbags inflate . Airbags do not protect the arms ._,
-------------------------------------------- Airbag system
-=---='------ 111
or t he low er parts of the body. Front airba gs only suppl eme nt t he
th ree po int saf et y belt s in so me fro nt al co lli sio ns in w hi ch t he & WARNING
veh icle dece lerat ion is h igh enou g h to deploy th e ai rbags.
A child in a rearward -facing child safety seat installed on the front
Front airbags will not deploy: passenger seat will be seriously injured and can be killed if the
front airbag inflates - even w ith an Advanced Airbag System .
• if the ignition is switched off when a crash occurs,
• The inflating airbag will hit the child safety seat or infant
• in side collisions ,
carrier with great force and will smash the child safety seat and
• i n rea r-end coll isions , child against the backrest , center arm rest , door or roof.
• in ro llovers, • Always install rear-facing child safety seats on the rear seat .
• w h en th e c rash deceler ation m easu red by th e ai rba g sys t em is • If you must install a rearward facing child safety seat on the
less than the minimum threshold needed for airbag dep loyment as front passenger seat because of exceptional circumstances and
regi st ere d by the ele ctroni c co ntrol u ni t. the PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF light does not come on and stay on,
immediately install the rear-facing child safety seat in a rear
The front passenger airbag will also not deploy :
seating position and have the airbag system inspected by your
• when th e fron t passenger seat is not occupied, authorized Audi dealer .
• w hen the weight o n t he front pass enger seat as sensed by the
Ad vanced Ai rb ag System indi cat es t hat th e fr ont ai rba g on th e
passenger side has to be tu rned off by the electronic cont rol unit & WARNING
(th e PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF lig ht co me s on and st ay s on ). Objects between you and the airbag will in crease the risk of injury
in a crash by interfering with the way the airbag unfolds or by

& WARNING being pushed into you as the airbag inflates .

• Never hold things in your hands or on your lap when the vehicle
Sitting in the wrong position can increase the risk of ser ious injury is in use .
in crashes .
• Never transport items on or in the area of the front passenger
• To reduce the risk of injury when the airbags inflate , the driver seat. Objects could move into the area of the front airbags during
and passengers must always sit in an upright position , must not braking or other sudden maneuver and become dangerous projec-
lean against or place any part of their body too close to the area tiles that can cause serious personal injury if the airbags inflate .
where the airbags are located .
• Never place or attach accessories or other objects (such as
• Occupants who are unbelted , out of position or too close to the cupholders , telephone brackets , large, heavy or bulky objects ) on
airbag can be seriously injured by an airbag as it unfolds with the doors , over or near the area marked "AIRBAG" on the steering
great force in the blink of an eye ~ page 177. wheel , instrument panel , seat backrests or between those areas
and yourself . These objects could cause injury in a crash , espe -
cially when the airbags inflate .
• Never recline the front passenger's seat to transport objects.
Items can also move into the area of the side airbag or the front IIJ,,

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
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The system must be inspe c ted when the indicator

& WA RNING (continued )
light ::A
airbag during br aking or in a sudden m aneuver . Obje cts near the • does not come on when the ig nition is switched on,
airbags can become proje ctiles and cause injury , parti cularly when
• doe s not go ou t a few seco nd s aft er you have swit ched on th e
the seat is recli ned .
ignit ion, or
• co m es o n wh il e driv i ng .
& WARNING If an airbag system malfunction is detected, the indicator light will
The fine dust created when airbags deploy can cause breathing fir st st art fl ashi ng t o catch t he driver 's at t ention and t hen stay o n
problems for people with a history of asthma or other breathing co nt inuousl y t o serve as a cons t ant rem inde r t o have t he system
conditions . inspected im me di ately.
• To reduce the risk of breathing problems, those with asthm a or If a mal f u nctio n occu rs th at t urns th e fr on t ai rbag on the pass eng er
other respiratory conditions should get fresh air right away by side off, the PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF light wil l come on and stay on
getting out of the veh icle or opening windows or doors. w henever the igni t ion is on .
• If you are in a collision in which airbags deploy, wash your
hands and face with mild soap and water before eating .
• Be careful not to get the dust into your eyes, or into any cuts or
scratches . An airbag system that is not functioning properly cannot provide
supplemental protection in a frontal crash.
• If the residue should get into your eyes, flush them with
water. • • If the airbag indicator light comes on, it means that there may
be something wrong with the Advanced Airbag System. It is
possible that the airbag will inflate when it is not supposed to , or
Monitoring the Advanced Airbag will not inflate when it should.
• Have the airb ag system inspected immediately by your autho -
rized Audi dealer. •

Airbag monitoring indicator light t~

Two sepa rate indicators monitor th e funct ion of the
Adva n ced A irbag System : th e airbag m on ito rin g in dic ator
ligh t and the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF l ig h t.
The Advanced Airbag System (includ ing the electronic control unit,
sen sor cir cu it s and system wiring) is mo nitor ed con tin uou sly to
make sure that it is f unctioning proper ly whenever the ignition is on .
Each ti me you t u rn o n t he igniti on , the airbag mo nitor i ng in dicat o r
light t~wi ll come o n for a f ew seconds (self diagnostics) .
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PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light one of the rear-facing or forward -facing infant restraints listed in
Federa l Motor Vehicle Safet y St andard 208 with which the Advanced
Airbag System in your vehicle was certified.
If the front passenger seat is not occupied, the front airbag will not
deploy, and the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light will stay on . Never
insta ll a rearward -facing child restraint on the front passenger seat,
the saf est place for a child in any kind of child restraint is at one of
the seating positions on the rear seat~ page 177, "Child restraints
on the front seat - so me important things to know" and ~ page 197,
Fig. 184 Sect ion from
th e instrum ent panel: "Chi ld Safety" .
If the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light com es on when one of the
OFF light
conditions listed above is met, be sure to check the light regu larly
to make certa i n that the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light stays on
The PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light is located in the center of the
continuously whenever the ignition is on . If the PASSENGER AIR
instrument pane l ~ fig. 184.
BAG OFF light does not appear and not stay on all the time, stop as
The PASSENGER AI R BAG OFF light wil l come on and stay on t o te ll soon as it is safe to do so and
you when the front Advanced Airbag on the passenger side has
• reactivate the system by turning the ignition off and then turning
been turned off by the electron ic control unit. Each time you turn on
it on again;
the ignition, the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light wi ll flash for a few
seconds and: • remove and reinstall the child restraint. Make sure that the child
restrain t is proper ly installed and t hat t he safety belt for the front
• wi ll stay on if the front passenger seat is not occupied, passenger seat has been correctly routed around the child restraint
• wi ll stay on if there is a small child or chi ld rest raint on the front as described in the chi ld restraint manufacturer's instructions;
passenger seat, • make sure that the convertible locking feature on the safety belt
• wi ll go out if the front passenger seat is occup ied by an adult as for the fr ont passenger seat has been activated and that the safety
registered by the weight -sensing mat . belt has been pulled tight . The belt must not be loose or have loops
The PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light mu st come on and stay on if the of slack so that the sensor below t he safety belt latch on the seat can
ignition is on and do its job ~ page 207.
• make sure that things that may inc rease the we ight of the child
• a car bed has been instal led on the front seat, or
and child safety seat are not being transported on the front
• a rearward -facing chi ld restraint has been installed on the front passenger seat;
passengersea t ,or
• make sure that the safety belt tension sensor is not blocked.
• a forward -facing child restraint has been installed on the front Shake the safety belt latch on the front passenger seat back and
passenger seat , or forth;
• the weight registered on the front passenger seat is equa l to or • If a strap or te t her is being used to tie the child saf ety seat to the
less than the combined weight of a typica l 1 year-old restrained in front passenger seat, make sure that it is not so tight that it causes .,

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the weight -sensing mat to measure more weight than is actual ly on display. This is to inform the driver of the curren t front passenger
th e seat . air bag status . •
If the PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF light still does not come on and does
not stay on continuous ly (when the ignition is switched on), Important safety instructions on monitoring
• t ake th e c hild restr ai nt off t he fr o nt passe ng er seat and ins t all it the Advanced Airbag System
properly at one of the rear seat pos it ions. Have the airbag system
ins pect ed by you r aut ho ri zed Au d i d eale r i m med iate ly.
• move the chi ld to a rear seat position and make sure that the
chi ld is p ro pe rly restrai ned in a chi ld restraint th at is app ropriat e fo r
An airbag system that is not functioning properly cannot provide
its size and age.
supplemental protect ion in a frontal crash.
The PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF ligh t sho ul d NOT come on when the • If the airbag indicator light comes on, it means that there may
ignition is on and an adult is sitt ing i n a proper seating position on be something wrong with the Advanced Airbag System . It is
the front passenge r seat . If the PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF light possible that the airbag will inflate when it is not supposed to, or
comes on a nd st ays o n o r fl ashes for about 5 seco nds whi le d ri vi ng, will not inflate when it should.
under these ci rcumstances, make sure that:
• Have the airbag system inspected immediately by your autho-
• t he adu lt on t he fron t passen ger seat is p ro perly seate d o n t he rized Audi dealer.
cent er of the seat cushion with his or her back up against the back-
rest and the backrest is not reclined => page 156, "Proper o cc upant
seating positions", & WARNING
• t he ad u lt is not t aking w eig ht off the seat by hol d ing o n to the If the front airbag inflates , a child without a child restraint, in a
passenger assist hand le above the front passenger door or rearw ard-facing child safety seat or in a forward-facing child
su p po rt ing th eir w eigh t on the arm rest, restraint that has not been properly installed will be seriously
• the safety be lt is being proper ly worn and that there is not a lot injured and can be killed .
of slack in the safet y belt webbi n g, • Even though your vehicle is equipped with an Advanced Airbag
• accessory seat covers or cushions or other things that may cause System , make certain that all children , especially 12 years and
an incorrect read ing or impression on t he w eight -sensin g m at younger, always ride on the back seat properly restrained for their
under the upho lstery of the seat have been removed from the front age and size.
pass enger seat, • Always install forward or rear-facing child safety seats on the
• a safety be lt extender has not been left in the safety be lt latc h for rear seat - even with an Advanced Airbag System .
th e fro nt passenger seat. • If you must install a rearward -facing child safety seat on the
In addition to the PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF light in the center of the front passenger seat because of exceptional circumstances and
instrument pane l, the mes sage PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF o r the PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF light does not appear and stay on,
PASSENGERAIR BAG ON will br iefly appear in the instrument cluster immediately install the rear-facing child safety seat in a rear ~
__________________________________________________ A_i_r_b_a...;
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& WARNING (continued )
Repair, care and disposal of the airbags
seating position and have the airbag system inspected by your Parts of the airbag system are insta lled at many different places on
authorized Audi dealer. your Au d i. Inst all ing, remo vi ng, serv ic in g o r repai rin g a part in an
• A tight tether or other str ap on a rearward-fac ing child restr aint area of the vehicle can damage a part of an airbag system and
attached to the front pas senger seat can put too much pressure pre v ent t hat system fr o m wo r ki ng prope rly in a co ll ision .
on the weight-sensing mat in the seat and reg ister more weight
There are some important things you have to know to make sure
than is actually on the seat. The heavier weight registered can
that the effectiveness of the system will not be impai red an d that
make the system work as though an adult were on the seat and
d iscarded co m ponents do not cause i nju ry or po ll ute t he env iron -
deploy the Advanced Airbag when it must be suppressed causing
ment .
serious or even fatal injury to the c hild .
• If, in exceptional circumstances , you mu st in stall a forward -
fac ing child restra int on the front passenger seat , always move the
seat into its rearmost position in the seat's fore and aft adj ust -
Improper care , servicing and repair procedures can increase the
ment range , as far away from the airbag as possible . The backrest
risk of personal injury and death by preventing an airbag from
must be adjusted to an upright position . Make sure that the
deploying when needed or deploying an airbag unexpectedly:
PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF light comes on and stay s on all the time
whenever the ignition is switched on . • Never cover , obstruct , or change the steering wheel horn pad
or airbag cover or the instrument panel or modify them in any way.

& WARNING • Never attach any objects su ch as cupholders or telephone

mountings to the surfaces covering the airbag units.
• If the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light does not go out when an • For cleaning the horn pad or instrument panel, use only a soft ,
adult is sitting on the front passenger seat after taking the steps dry cloth or one moi stened with plain water . Solvents or cleaners
described above, make sure the adult is properly seated and could damage the airbag cover or change the stiffness or strength
restrained at one of the rear seating positions . of the material so that the airbag cannot deploy and protect prop -
• Have the airbag system inspected by your authorized Audi erly .
dealer before transporting anyone on the front passenger seat . • Never repair , adjust , or change any parts of the airbag system.
• All work on the steering wheel , instrument panel , front seats or
[i ] Tips electrical system (including the installation of audio equipment ,
cellular telephones and CB radios , etc .I must be performed by a
If the weight -sensing mat in the front passenger seat detects an
qualified technician who has the training and special equipment
emp ty seat, the fro nt airbag on t he passenge r sid e will be t u rned
necessary .
off, and PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF will stay on . •
• For any work on the airbag system , we strongly recommend
that you see your authorized Audi dealer or qualified workshop .
• Never modify the front bumper or parts of the vehicle body .

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
- Airbag system
--- -= --a.---------------------------------------
& WARNING (continued ) W For the sake of the environment
• Always make sure that the side airbag can inflate without inter- Undeployed ai rbag modules and prete n sioners mi ght b e classif ied
fe rence: as Perc hlorate Material -specia l handling may apply, see
- Never install seat covers or replacement upholstery over the
www.dtsc.ca.gov/hazardouswaste/p erch lo rat e. When t he vehicle or
parts of the restraint system including airbag modu les safety belts
front seatback s that have not been specifically approved by
w it h pr et ens ione rs are scrapped, all appl icab le laws and regu la-
tions must be observed. Your authorized Audi dealer is familiar with
- Never use additional seat cushions that cover the areas t hese requi reme nts and we reco m men d t h at yo u have your dealer
where the side airbags inflate . perform this serv ice for you. •
- Damage to the original seat covers or to the seam in the area
of the side airbag module must always be repaired immedi -
ately by an authorized Audi dealer. Other things that can affect Advanced Airbag
• The airbag system can be activated only once. After an airbag performance
has inflated , it must be replaced by an authorized Audi dealer or
qualified technician who has the technical information , training Changing the vehic le's suspension system can change the way that
and special equipment necessary. t he Adva nced Ai rbag Syste m perf orms in a crash. For example,
• The airbag system can be deployed only once. After an airbag using tire -rim combinations not approved by Audi, lowering the
has been deployed , it must be replaced with new repla cement vehi cle, chang i ng the st iffne ss of t he suspe nsio n, incl ud ing th e
parts designed and approved especially for your Audi model springs, suspens ion struts, shoc k absorbers etc. can change the
version . Replacement of complete airbag systems or airbag f o rces tha t are measu red by the air bag senso rs and sent to t he elec -
components must be performed by qualified workshops only. tronic control unit. Some suspension changes can, for example,
Make sure that any airbag service action is entered in your Audi increa se the fo rce levels measured by t he senso rs and make t he
Warranty & Maintenance booklet under AIRBAG REPLACEMENT airbag system dep loy in crashes in which it wou ld not deploy if the
RECORD. changes had not been made . Other kinds of changes may reduce
t he force levels measured by the sensors and preve nt the airbag
• In accidents when an airbag is deployed, the vehicle battery
from dep loying when it sho uld.
separates the alternator and the starter from the vehicle electr ical
system for safety reasons with a pyrotechnic circuit interrupter . The senso rs in the safet y belt buc kle f or the driv er and fr ont
passenger seat te ll the electronic contro l modu le if the safety belt is
- Work on the pyrotechni c circuit interrupter must only be
lat ched or not. If t he saf ety belt is b ei ng used, th e front airbag wi ll
performed by a qualified dealer - risk of an accident!
deploy at a slightly higher rate of vehic le dece leration than if the
- If the vehicle or the circuit inte rrupter is scrapped , all appli - safety belt is not being use d. Therefo re, i n a partic ular collision, it is
cable safety precautions must be followed. possible that an airbag wi ll not deploy at a seating position where
the safety belt is being used but wi ll inflate at the position where the
saf ety belt is not being used. It is important tha t n oth in g i nte rfere
with the safety belt buckles so that the sensors can send the correct
i nfor mati on about safe ty belt use t o t he electr on ic co nt rol un it . .,.
Airbag system

Side airbags
Changing the vehicle's suspension includ ing use of unapproved Description of side airbags
tire -rim combinations can change Advanced Airbag performance
and increase the risk of serious personal injury in a crash. The airb ag system can prov id e supp l eme ntal p rotec ti on
• Never install suspension components that do not have the to prop erl y restr aine d oc cup ants .
same performance character istics as the components originally
installed on your vehicle.
• Never use t ire-rim combinations that have not been approved
by Audi.

Items stored between the safety belt buckle and the center
Fig. 185 Side airbag
console can cause the sensors in the buckle to send the wrong location in the driver's
information to the electronic control module and prevent the seat
Advanced Airbag System from working properly.
• Alway s make sure that nothing can interfere with the safety The side airbags are located in the sides of the front seat backrests
belt buckles and that they are not obstructed . ~ fig . 185 and the rear backrest * facing the doors . They are identi -
fied by the word "AIR BAG" .

For the sake of the environment
The side airbag system basically consists of:

Undeployed airbag modu les and pretens ioners might be c lassified • t he e lectr oni c contr ol mod ule and exte rnal side imp act senso rs
as Perchlorat e Mate rial -special han d lin g may apply, see • the two airbags located in the sides of the front backrests and
www.dtsc.ca.gov/hazardouswaste/perchlorate . When the vehicle or t he t wo air bags* locat ed in the rear backrest
par t s of th e rest raint syste m i ncluding ai rbag mo d ules safet y b elt s • the airbag warning light in the instrument cluster .
with pretensioners are scrapped, all applicable laws and regu la-
t ions mus t be o bserved. Your autho r ized Audi dealer is famil iar w it h The air bag syst em is mon ito red elect ron ically to make cert ain t hat
these requirements and we recommend that you have your dealer it is functioning properly at all times. Each time you turn on the igni -
p erform this service f o r you. • t ion, the air bag syst em ind icator ligh t w ill come on fo r a f ew
seconds (self diagnostics) .
The side airbag system supplements the safety belts and can help
to red uce t he risk of inj ury t o the driv er's and fr ont passenge r's
upper torso on the side of the vehicle that is struck in a side co ll i-
sion . The airbag d eploys o nly in side im pacts and o n ly w hen t he
vehic le acce leration registered by the control unit is high enough . If _,.

Safety first Vehicle care I I irechnical data

___ A_ir_b_a_g
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this rate is below the reference value programmed into the control • in side collisions when the acceleration measured by the sensor
unit, the side airbags wi ll not be triggered, even though the car may is t oo low
be badly damaged as a resu lt of the collision . It is not possib le to • in front -end collisions
define an airbag triggering range that will cover every possible
• in rear-end collisions
angle of impact, since the circumstances will vary considerab ly
between one collision and another . Important factors include, for • in rollovers .
example, the nature (hard or soft) of the impacting object, the angle In some types of accidents the front airbags, side curtain airbags
of impact, vehic le speed, etc. => page 193, " Important safety instruc - and side airbags may be triggered together .
tions on the side airbag system".
Aside from their normal safety function, safety belts work to help
keep the driver or front passenger in position in the event of a side
collision so that the side airbags can provide protection . • Safety belt s and the airbag system will only provide prot ection
whe n occupant s are in the proper seating posit ion => page 193.
The airbag system is not a substitute for your safety belt . Rather, it
is part of the overa ll occupant restraint system in your vehicle . • If the airb ag indicator light come s on w hen the vehicle is being
Always remember that the side airbag system can on ly help to used, have the syst em inspect ed immedi at ely by your aut horized
protect you if you are wearing your safety belt and wearing it prop- Audi dealer. The airbag may not w ork properly when the vehicle
erly . This is another reason why you should always wear your safety accelerat ion in a side collision is high enough t o activ at e th e
belts, not just because the law requires you to do so => page 165, airbag. •
"General notes" .
It is important to remember that while the supplemental side airbag Hovv supplemental side airbags vvork
system is designed to reduce the likelihood of serious injuries, other
injuries, for example, swel ling, bruising, and minor abrasions can Side airbags deploy instantly and can help reduce the risk
also be associated with deployed side airbags. Remember too, side of upper torso injuries for occupants who are properly
airbags will deploy only once and only in certain kinds of accidents restrained.
- your safety belts are always there t o offer protection.
Vehicle damage, repair costs or even the lack of vehicle damage are
not necessari ly an indication of over-sensitive or failed airbag acti -
vation. In some collisions , both front and side airbags may inflate.
Remember too, that airbags will deploy only once and only in
certain kinds of collis ions - your safety belts are always there to
offer protection in those accidents in which airbags are not
supposed to deploy or when they have already dep loyed.
Fig. 186 Inflated side
The s id e a irba g sy stem w ill not deploy : airbags on left side of
vehicle .,
• when the ignition is turned off
__________________________________________________ A_i_r_b_a...;
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__ lllll
When the system is triggered , the airbag is f i lled with propel lant gas
and br eaks t hr oug h a seam in the seat surface area marked
& WARNING (continued )

"AIRBAG" . It expands between the side trim panel and the • In order to redu ce the risk of injury when the supplement al side
passenger . In order to he lp provide this additional protection, the airbag infl ates :
side airbag must inflate within a frac t ion of a second at very high
- Alway s sit in an upright position and never lean against the
speed and w ith great force . The supplemental side airbag could
area where the supplement al side airbag is lo cated .
injure you if your seating position is not proper or upright or if items
are located in the area where the supplemental side airbag expands . - Never let a child or anyone else rest their head against the
This app lies especia lly to children ~ page 797, " Child Safety". side t rim panel i n the area where the supplemental side airb ag
Suppl em ental sid e airbags inflate betw een t he occupant and the inflates.
door panel on the side of the veh icle that is struck in certain side - Always make sure that safety belts are worn corre ctl y,
collision ~ page 192, fig. 186. - Do not let anyone sitting in the front seat put their hand or
A lthough they are not a soft pi llow, they can "cus hion" the impact any other parts of their bod y out of the window.
and in t his way they can he lp t o reduce the risk of injury to the upper • Alway s m ake sure that the side airbag can inflate without inter -
part of the body. ference .
A fine dust may develop when the airbag deploys. This is normal - Nev er in stall seat cover s or repla cement upholste ry over the
and does not m ean there is a fire in the vehicle . • front seat back s that have not been specifically approved by
Audi .
- Never use additional seat cushion s that cover the areas
Important safety instructions on the side where the side airbag s deploy .
airbag system
- Dama ge to the original seat covers or to the seam in the area
Airbags are only supplemental restraints . Always prop - of the side airb ag module must always be repaired immedi -
erly w ear safety belts and ride in a proper seating posi - ately by an authori zed Audi dealer .
tion . • Obje cts bet w een you and the airbag can in c rease the ri sk of
injury in an accident by interfering wi t h the way the airbag unfolds
There is a lot t hat you and you r passengers mus t know an d act or by be ing pu shed int o yo u as the airb ag inflat es.
according ly to he lp t he saf ety belts and airbags do th eir job to
- Never place or atta ch acce ssorie s or other object s (such as
prov ide supp lemental pro t ect ion .
cup holders , telephone bra ckets , or even lar ge, bul ky obje cts )
on the doors , over or near the area marked "AIRBAG" on the
& WARNING seat backre st s.
- Such ob j ect s and acces sories can be come dangerou s projec -
An inflating side airbag can cause seriou s or fatal injury. Improp -
tile s and cause injury when the supplemental side airbag
erly wearing safety belts and improper seating posit ions increa se
deploys. _.
the ri sk of serious personal injury and death whenever a vehicle is
being used .

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
___ A_ir_b_a_g;:::;_
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& WARNING (continued) & WARNING (continued)

- Never carry any objects or pets in the deployment space - Always have work on the doors done by an authorized Audi
between them and the airbags or allow children or other dealer or qualified workshop . •
passengers to travel in this position .
• Always use the built-in coat hooks only for lightweight
clothing. Never leave any heavy or sharp-edged objects in the Side curtain airbags
pockets that may interfere with side airbag deployment and can
cause personal injury in an accident . Description of side curtain airbags
• Always prevent the side airbags from being damaged by heavy
The side curtain airbag system can provide supplemental
objects knocking against or hitting the sides of the seatbacks .
protection to properly restrained occupants.
• The airbag system can only be triggered once. If the airbag has
been triggered, the system must be replaced by an authorized
Audi dealership .
• Damage (cracks, deep scratches etc.) to the original seat covers
or to the seam in the area of the side airbag module must always
be repaired immediately by an authorized Audi dealer.
• If children are seated improperly, their risk of injury increases
in the case of an accident :::::,
page 197, "Child Safety".
Fig. 187 Side curtain
• Never attempt to modify any components of the airbag system system, driver's side:
side curtain airbag
in any way.
• In a side collision, side airbags will not function properly if
sensors cannot correctly measure increasing air pressure inside The side curtain airbags are located on both sides of the interior
the doors when air escapes through larger, unclosed openings in above the front and rear side windows:::::, fig . 187. They are identi-
the door panel. fied by the word "AIRBAG" on the windshield frame and the center
- Never drive with interior door trim panels removed. roof pillar.
- Never drive when parts have been removed from the inside The side curtain airbag system supplements the safety belts and
door panel and the openings they leave have not been properly can help to reduce the risk of injury for occupants' heads and upper
closed. torso on the side of the vehicle that is struck in a side collision. The
- Never drive when loudspeakers in the doors have been side curtain airbag inflates only in side impacts and only when the
removed unless the speaker holes have been properly closed. vehicle acceleration registered by the control unit is high enough . If
- Always make certain that openings are covered or filled if this rate is below the reference value programmed into the control
additional speakers or other equipment is installed in the unit, the side airbags will not be tr iggered, even though the car may
inside door panels. be badly damaged as a result of the co llision. It is not possible to
define an airbag triggering range that will cover every possible ..,
Airb a g sy st e m

angle of impact, sinc e the ci rcumstanc es w ill vary considerably • in front -end col lisions,
bet w een on e collisi on and another. Important factors include, for • in rear-end co ll isions.
example, the nat ure (hard or soft) of the impacting object, the ang le
of impact, vehicle speed, etc. ~ page 195, "How side curtain ai r bags
work". & WARNING
Aside from their norma l safety function, safety be lts work to help • Safety belt s and the airbag system w ill only provide protecti on
keep the driver or front passenger in position in t he event of a col li- when occupants are in the proper seating position ~ page 76,
sion so tha t t he side curtain airbags can provide protection . "General recommendation s".
The airbag system is not a substitute for your safety belt. Rather, it • If the airbag indicator light comes on when the vehicle is being
is part of the overa ll occupant restraint system in your vehicle . used, have the system inspected im mediately by your authori zed
Always remembe r that the airbag system can only help to protect Audi dealer . The side curtain airbag may not work properly even
you if you are wea r ing your safety belt and wearing it proper ly. This when the vehicle accelerat ion in a side collision is high enough to
is another reason why you should always wear your safety belts, not act ivate the airbag . •
just because the law requires you to do so ~ page 165, "General
How side curtain ai rbags work
It is important t o remember tha t while t he side curtain airbag
system is designed to help reduce the likelihood of serious injuries, Side curtain airbags can work together with side airb ags
other in j ur ies, for examp le, swelling, bruising, and minor abrasions to help reduce the risk of head and upper torso injuries for
can also be associated with these airbags. Remember too, these occupants who are properly restr ained.
airbags will deploy only once and on ly in certain kinds of accidents
- your safety belts are always there to offer protection.

The side curtain airbag s ystem basically co n sists of :

• The electronic co ntrol module and externa l side impact sensors
• The side curtain airbags above the fron t and rear side windows
• The airbag indicator light in the instrument panel
The airbag system is moni t ored electronically to make certain it is Fig. 188 Illust rat ion of
principle: Infl at ed side
functioning properly at all t imes . Each time you turn on the ignition, curtain airbags on the
the ai rbag system indicator light w ill come on for a few seco nds left side
(self diagnostics).
The side cur t ain ai r bags infla t e b etween the occupan t and the
The s ide curtain airbag is not activated :
windows on the side of the vehicle tha t is struck in a side collision
• if the ignition is turned off, ~ fig . 188.
• in side coll isions when the acce leration measured by the senso r
When the syst em is triggered, the side cur tain airbag is filled w ith
is too low,
propellant gas and breaks through a seam above the front and rear ._

Safety first Vehicle care I I irechnical data

___ A_ ir_b_a-g_ s_y_s_t_e_m
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side w indo w s id entified by the A IRBAG labe l. In ord er to help

p rovid e t hi s addi ti o na l pro t ect ion, t he sid e cu rt ain airb ag m ust
& WARNING (continued )

inf late within the b link of an eye at very high speed and with great catapult any piece of add-on component out of its path of inflat ion
f o rce . The side cu rt ai n ai rbag co uld i nju re you if yo u r seat ing pos i- and into the passenger compartment. An occupant hit by such a
tion is not proper or upright or if items are located in the area where proje ctile can suffer serious injury or death => page 329, " Technical
the su p plementa l side cu rtain ai rbag inflates . This appl ies espe- Modifications" .
cia lly to ch ildre n ::::.page 197. • Do not swivel the sun visors to the side if you have any objects
Although they are not a soft pi ll ow, side cu rtain airbags can clipped onto them (for example pens). If the airbag should deploy,
"cus hion" t he im pact and in t his way t hey can help to reduce th e ri sk you could be injured by these objects .
of injury to the head and the upper part of the body . • Use the built -in coat hooks only for lightweight clothing . Never
A fine d ust may develop when the airbag depl oys . Thi s is q uit e leave any heavy or sharp-edged objects in the pockets that may
no r ma l and does not m ea n the re is a fi re in th e ve hi cle. • interfere with airbag deployment and can cause per sonal injury in
an accident .
• Never use hanger s to hang clothing from the hooks.
Important safety instructions on the side • Only use fa ctory-installed sun shades or, in the case of shades
curtain airbag system installed after the vehicle leaves the factory , only Audi roll -up
suns creens may be used ::::,page 328, "Additional accessor ies and
A ir bag s are on ly suppl eme n tal restraints . A lway s p rop -
parts replacement ".
erly wear safety b elts and ri de in a prop er seat ing posi -
• Always sit in proper seating position and wear safety belts
ti on.
while traveling so that the side curtain airbags can help provide
There is a lot tha t you and yo ur passengers m ust know and do t o protect ion .
help the safety belts and airba gs do t he ir j ob to pr ov ide su p ple - • The airbag system can only be triggered once . If the airb ag has
mental protection. been triggered , the system must be replaced by an authorized
Audi dealer or qualified workshop.

& WARNING • Always have work involving the side curtain airbag system,
removal and installation of the airbag components, or other
Improperly wearing safety belts and improper seating positions repairs performed by an authorized Audi dealer or qualified work-
increase the risk of serious personal injury and death whenever a shop . Otherwise the airbag system may not work correctly .
vehicle is being used.
• Never attempt to modify any components of the airbag system
• Never let occupant s place any parts of their bodies in the area in any w ay. •
from which the side curtain airbags inflate .
• Always make su re that the side curtain airbags can inflate
without interference . Unsuitable accessories fitted in side the
expansion range of a head airbag can dangerously interfere with
its function. A deploying head airbag develops enough force to
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Child Safety

Important things to know amoun t of important informat ion, we cannot repeat it all here. We
urge you to read the detai led information in this owner's manua l
about air bags and th e Advanced Airbag Syst em in your ve h ic le and
the very important information about transporting children on the
The rear seat is generally the safes t place in a collision. fr ont passenger seat . Please be sure t o heed t he WARNINGS - th ey
are extreme ly important for your safety and the safety of your
The p hysica l pr inciples of what happens when you r veh icle is in a passe ngers, especia lly inf ant s and s m al l ch ild ren.
crash apply also to children=> page 767, "What happens to occu -
pa nts not wearing safety b elt s?". But un like adults and t eenagers,
their musc les and bones are not fu lly developed. In many respects
children are at greater ris k of serious inj ury in cras hes than ad ults .
• Accident statistics have shown that children are generally safer
Because chi ldren's bodies are no t f ul ly deve loped, they require in the rear seat area than in the front seating position . Always
restraint systems especial ly designed for their size, weight, and restrain any child age 12 and under in the rear.
body structu re. Many countries and al l stat es of the Uni ted States • All vehicle occupants and especially children must be
and provinces of Canada have laws requiring the use of approved restrained properly whenever riding in a vehicle . An unrestrained
chil d restraint syst ems for infa nts and smal l children . or improperly restrained child could be injured by striking the inte-
In a frontal crash at a speed of 20-35 mph (30-56 km/h) the forces rior or by being ejected from the vehicle during a sudden
acting on a 13-pou nd (6 kg) infant wi ll be mo re than 20 t imes th e maneuver or impact . An unrestrained or improperly restrained
weight of the child. This means the weight of the child would child is also at greater risk of injury or death through conta ct with
suddenly be more than 260 pounds (120 kg). Under these condi - an inflating airbag .
t ions, only an appropriate child restraint proper ly used can reduce • A suitable child restraint properly installed and used at one of
the risk of serious injury. Child restraints, like adult safety belts, the rear seating positions provides the highest degree of protec-
must be used properly t o b e eff ective. Used impro perly, t hey can tion for infants and small children in most accident situations .
increase the risk of serious injury in an accident.
Consul t the chi ld safety seat man uf acture r's inst ruct ions t o be su re
the seat is right for your child's size=> page 200, " Important safety
instructions for using child safety seats" . Please be sure to read and Children on the front seat of any car even with Advanced Airbags
heed all of the important information and WARNI NGS about child can be seriously injured or even killed when an airbag inflates . A
safety, Advanced Airbags, and the insta ll ation of child restraints in child in a rearward -facing child safety seat installed on the front
this chapter. passenger seat will be seriously injured and can be killed if the
front airbag inflates.
There is a lot you need to know about the Advanced Airbags in your
veh icle and how they work whe n inf ant s and ch i ld ren in chi ld • The inflating airbag will hit the child safety seat or infant
restraints are on the front passenger seat. Because of the large carrier with great force and will sma sh the child safety seat and
child against the backrest, center arm rest, or door. •

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
- Child Safety
The Advanced Airbag system in your vehicle has been certified to
& WARNING (continued ) meet th e " low -risk" requiremen t s f or 3 and 6 year-old chi ld ren on
• Always install rear-facing child safety seats on the rear seat . the passenger side an d smal l adults on the driver side . The low risk
de ploymen t criteria are i ntended to red uce the risk of inj ury t hroug h
• If you must install a rearw ard fa cing child safety seat on the
interaction with the airbag that can occur, for example, by bei ng too
front passenger seat in exceptional circumstances and the
close to the st eerin g w heel and instrume nt panel whe n the air bag
PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF light does not come on and stay on,
i nfl ates. In add it ion, t he syst em has been cert ified to com ply wi t h
immediately install the rear-facing child safety seat in a rear
the " suppre ssion" requ irement s of the Safety Standa rd, to turn off
seating posit ion and have the airbag system inspected immedi -
the fro nt ai rbag f or infa nt s up to 12 mo nt hs who are restrai ned o n
ately by your authorized Audi dealer.
the front passenger seat in child restraints that are listed in the
St andard.
& WARNING Even though your vehicle is equipped with an Advanced Airbag
If, in exceptional circumstances , you must install a forward -facing system, all childr en, especia lly those 12 years and yo unge r, should
child restraint on the front passenger's seat : always ride in the back seat prop er ly restra ined f or t heir age and
size. The air bag on t he passenger side makes th e fr ont seat a pot en-
• Always make sure the forward -facing seat has been designed
t ially dangero us p lace f or a chil d to rid e. The fron t seat is not the
and certified by its manufacturer for use on a front seat with a
safest p lace for a child in a forward -facing child safety seat. It can be
passenger front and side airbag.
a very da nger o us pl ace f or an inf ant or a larg er chil d i n a rearw ard -
• Always follow the manufacturer's instructions provided with facing seat. •
the child safety seat or carrier.
• Always move the passenger seat into its rearmost position in
the seat's fore and aft adjustment range, as far away from the Advanced Airbags and the weight-sensing
airbag as possible before installing the child restraint . The back- mat in the front seat
rest must be adjusted to an upright position.
• Always make sure that the PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF light The Advanced Ai rb ag Syst em i n your veh ic le det ect s t he prese nce
comes on and stays on all the time whenever the ignition is of an inf ant or chi ld in a chi ld rest raint on the front passeng er seat
switched on. • usi ng the weight -sensing mat in the seat cushion and the senso r
b elow t he saf ety be lt latch on t he fr o nt passenger seat th at
measures the tension on the safety belt.
Advanced front airbag system and children The weig ht-sensing mat measu res t otal weig ht of th e chi ld and th e
chi ld safety seat and a child blanket on the front passen ger seat . The
Your vehicle is equipped with a front "Advanced Airbag System" in w eig ht on th e fr o nt passenge r seat is relat ed to th e d esig n of t he
com p liance wi t h Unit ed St ates Federa l Moto r Vehicle Safety St an- ch ild restraint and its "footpr int", t he size and shap e of the bottom
dard (FMVSS) 208 as appl icable at the time your vehicle was manu - of t he child restraint as it sits on the seat . The w eight of a child
f actu red . restra int and its "footprint" vary for diff erent kinds of chi ld ..,.
----------------------------------------- ~ C::_!
h~i~ld~ S~a!_!
f~e _!;
tYL _lffllll

restraints and for the different models of the same kind of child Many types and models of child restraints have been available over
restraint offered by child restraint manufacturers. the years, new mode ls are introduced regularly incorpora t ing new
and improved designs and older mode ls are taken out of produc-
The weight ranges for the individual types, makes and models of
tion. Child restraints are not standardized . Child restraints of the
child restraints that the NHTSA has specified in the Safety Standard
same type typically have different weights and sizes and different
together with the weight ranges of typ ical infants and typical 1 year-
'footprints,' the size and shape of the bottom of the chi ld restraint
old child have been stored in the control unit of the Advanced
that sits on the seat, when they are installed on a vehicle seat . These
Airbag System. When a child restraint is being used on the front
differences make it virtual ly impossible to certify comp liance with
passenger seat with a typical 1 year-old child, the Advanced Airbag
the requirements for advanced airbags with each and every child
System compares the weight measured by the weight sensing mat
restraint that has ever been sold in the past or will be sold over the
with the information stored in the electronic control unit.
course of the usefu l life of your vehic le.
The electronic control unit also registers the tension on the front
For this reason, the United States National Highway Traffic Safety
passenger safety belt. The tension on the safety belt for the front
Administration has pub lished a list of specific type, makes and
passenger seat will be different for an adult who is properly using
models of child restraints that must be used to certify compliance
the safety belt as compared to the tension on the belt when it is
of the Advanced Airbag System in your vehicle with the suppression
used to attach a child restraint to the seat. The sensor below the
requirements of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 208. These
latch for the safety belt for the front seat passenger measures the
child restraints are:
tension on the belt . The input from this sensor is then used with the
weight to "decide" , whether there is a child restraint with a typical 1 A. Car beds , manufactured on or after September 1,
year-old child on the front passenger seat and whether or not the 2004:
airbag must be turned off . •
• Cosco Dream Ride 02-719

B . Rear facing child restraint systems, manufactured

Child restraints and Advanced Airbags on or after September 1, 2004:
(When the restraint system comes equipped with a removable base,
Regardless of the child restraint that you use, make sure that it has
compliance has to be certified with or without the base).
been certified to meet United States Federal Motor Vehicle Safety
Standards and has been certified by its manufacturer for use with • Britax Handle with Care 191
an airbag. Always be sure that the chi ld restraint is properly • Century Assura 4553
installed at one of the rear seating positions. If in exceptiona l
• Century Smart Fit 4543
circumstances you must use it on the front passenger seat, carefully
read all of the information on child safety and Advanced Airbags • Cosco Arriva 02727
and heed all of the applicable WARNINGS. Make certain that the • Evenflo Discovery Adjust Right 212
child restraint is correctly recognized by the weight -sensing mat • Evenflo First Choice 204
inside the front passenger seat, that the front passenger airbag is
• Graco lnfant8457
turned off and that the airbag status is always correctly signaled by

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
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C . Forward-facing convertible child restraint systems, Important safety instructions for using child
manufactured on or after September 1, 2004: safety seats
• Britax Roundabout 161
Correct use of child safety seats substantially reduces the
• Britax Expressway
risk of injury in an accident!
• Century Encore 4612
• Century STE 1000 4416 As the driver, you are responsible for the safety of every -
• Cosco Olympian 02803 body in the vehicle, especially children:
• Cosco Touriva 02519 - Always use the right child safety seat fo r each child and
• Evenflo Horizon V 425 always use it properly ::::>page 202.
• Evenflo Medallion 254 - Always carefully follow the child safety seat manufac-
• Safety First Comfort Ride 22-400 turer's instructions on how to route the safety belt prop-
erly through the child safety seat.
& WARNING - When using the vehicle safety belt to install a child safety
To reduce the risk of serious injury, make sure that the PASSENGER seat, you must first activate the convertible locking
AIR BAG OFF light comes on and stays on whenever a child retractor on the safety belt to prevent the child safety
restraint is installed on the front passenger seat and the ignition seat from moving ::::>page 207.
is switched on.
- Push the child safety seat down with your full weight to
• Take the child restraint off the front passenger seat and install
get the safety belt really tight so that the seat cannot
it properly at one of the rear seat positions if the PASSENGERAIR
move forward or sideways more than one inch (2.5 cm).
BAG OFF light does not stay on.
• Have the airbag system inspected by your authorized Audi - If a strap or tether is being used to t ie the child safety
dealer immediately. seat to the front passenger seat, make sure that it is not
so tight that it causes the weight-sensing mat to
measure more weight than is actually on the seat.
[i] Tips
The child seats listed in categories A to C have been tested by Audi Always remember: Even though your vehicle is equipped with an
only for the Advanced Airbag function. • Advanced Airbag system, all children, especially those 12 years and
younger, should always ride in the back seat properly restrained for
their age and size. _,,
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& WARNING & WARNING (continued )

Not using a child safety seat, using the wrong child safety seat or • Never let babies or older children ride in a vehicle while sitting
improperly installing a child restraint increases the risk of serious on the lap of another passenger .
personal injury and death . - Holding a child in your arms is never a substitute for a child
• All vehicle occupants and especially children must always be restraint system .
restrained properly whenever riding in a vehicle . - The strongest person could not hold the child with the forces
- An unrestrained or improperly restrained child can be injured that exist in an ac cident. The child will strike the interior of the
or killed by being thrown against the inside of the vehicle or by vehicle and can also be struck by the passenger .
being ejected from it during a sudden maneuver or impact. - The child and the passenger can also injure each other in an
- An unrestrained or improperly restrained child is at much accident.
greater risk of injury or death by being struck by an inflating • Never install rear-facing child safety seats or infant carriers on
airbag. the front passenger seat . A child will be seriously injured and can
• Commercially available child safety seats are required to be killed when the passenger airbag inflates - even with an
comply with U.S. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSSl Advanced Airbag System .
213 (in Canada CMVSS 2131. • The inflating airbag will hit the child safety seat or infant
- When buying a child restraint , select one that fits your child carrier with great force and will smash the child safety seat and
and the vehicle . child against the backrest , center arm rest , door or roof .
- Only use child restraint systems that fully contact the flat • Always install rear-facing child safety seats or infant carriers on
portion of the seat cushion. The child restraint must not tip or the rear seat .
lean to either side . Audi does not recommend using child safety • Forward -facing child safety seats installed on the front
seats that rest on legs or tube -like frames . They do not provide passenger 's seat can interfere with the airbag when it inflates and
adequate contact with the seat . cause serious injury to the child. Always install forward -facing
- Always heed all legal requirements pertaining to the installa - child safety seats on the rear seat .
tion and use of child safety seats and carefully follow the • If exceptional circumstances require the use of a forward-
instructions provided by the manufacturer of the seat you are facing child restraint on the front passenger's seat , the child's
us i ng . safety and well-being require that the following special precau -
• Never allow children under 57 inches {1.5 meters) to wear a tions be taken :
normal safety belt . They must always be restrained by a proper - Make sure the forward -facing seat has been designed and
child restraint system . Otherwise , they could sustain injuries to certified by its manufacturer for use on a front seat with a
the abdomen and neck areas dur ing sudden braking maneuvers or passenger front and side airbag.
- Always carefully follow the manufacturer's instructions
• Never let more than one child occupy a child safety seat . provided with the child safety seat or carrier.

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
Child Safety
& WARNING (continued) Child safety seats
- Always move the front passenger seat into the rearmost Infant seats
position of the passenger seat's fore and aft adjustment range,
and as far away from the airbag as possible before installing Babies and infants up to about one year old and 22 lbs or
the child restraint. 10 kg need special rearward-facing child restraints that
- Always make sure that nothing prevents the front support the back, neck and head in a crash.
passenger's seat from being moved to the rearmost position in
its fore and aft adjustment range .
- Always make sure that the backrest is in the upright posi-
• Always buckle the child safety seat firmly in place even if a
child is not sitting in it. A loose child safety seat can fly around
during a sudden stop or in a collision.
Fig. 189 Rearward-
• Always read and heed all WARNINGS whenever using a child
facing infant seat,
restrained in a vehicle is being used => page 165, "Safety belts", properly installed on
=> page 175, "Airbag system" and => page 197, "Child Safety". the rear seat

& WARNING - When using the vehicle safety belt to install a child safety
seat, you must first activate the convertible locking
To reduce the risk of serious injury, make sure that the PASSENGER retractor on the safety belt to prevent the child safety
AIR BAG OFF light comes on and stays on whenever a child seat from moving ~ page 207 or install the seat using
restraint is installed on the front passenger seat and the ignition
the LATCH attachments.
is switched on.
• Take the child restraint off the front passenger seat and install - Push the child safety seat down with your full weight to
it properly at one of the rear seat positions if the PASSENGERAIR get the safety belt really tight so that the seat cannot
BAG OFF light does not stay on. move forward or sideways more than one inch (2.5 cm).
• Have the airbag system inspected by your authorized Audi
Infants up to about one year (22 lbs. or 10 kg) are best protected in
dealer immediately. •
special infant carriers and child safety seats designed for their age
group. Many experts believe that infants and small children should
ride only in special restraints in which the child faces the back of the
vehicle. These infant seats support the baby's back, neck and head
in a crash . These child safety seats must never be used in the front
seat because of the risk of serious injury or death should the airbag
deploy in a crash => fig . 189. ..
Child Safety

& WARNING Convertible ch ild safety seats

Properly used convertible child safety seats can help
Not using a child safety seat, using the wrong child safety seat or
protect toddlers and children over age one who weigh
improperly installing a child restraint increases the risk of serious
personal injury and death in a crash. between 20 and 40 lbs. (10 and 20 kg) in a crash.
• Never install rear-facing child safety seats or infant carriers on
the front passenger seat - even with an Advanced Airbag System.
A child will be seriously injured and can be killed when the
inflating airbag hits the child safety seat or infant carrier with
great force and smashes the child safety seat and child against the
backrest, center arm rest, or door=> page 177, "Child restraints on
the front seat - some important things to know". Fig. 190 Rear seat:
smalle r child in a prop-
• Always install rear-facing child safety seats or infant carriers on
erly installed forward-
the rear seat. facing convertible child
• Never install a rear-facing child restraint in the forward-facing safety seat
direction. Such restraints are designed for the special needs of
infants and very small children and cannot protect them properly - When using the vehicle safety belt to install a child safety
if the seat is forward-facing. seat, you must first activate the convertible locking
• If you must install a rearward facing child safety seat on the feature on the safety belt to prevent the child safety seat
front passenger seat because of exceptional circumstances and from moving :::;,page 207 or install the seat using the
the PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF light does not come on and stay on, LATCH attachment .
immediately install the rear-facing child safety seat in a rear
seating position and have the airbag system inspected by your - Push the child safety seat down with your full weight to
authorized Audi dealer. get the safety belt really tight so that the seat cannot
• Always read and heed all WARNINGS whenever using a child move forward or sideways more than one inch (2.5 cm)
restrained in a vehicle is being used => page 165, "Safety belts", :::;,page 207 .
=> page 175, "Airbag system" and=> page 197, "Important things - If the child safety seat is equipped with a tether strap,
to know". •
attach it to the tether anchors :::;,page 274.

A toddler or child is usually too large for an infant restraint if it is

more than one year old and weighs more than 22 lbs . (10 kgl.
Toddlers and children who are older than one year up to about 4
years old and weigh more than 22 lbs (10 kg) up to 40 lbs . (18 kg)
should be properly restrained in a child safety seat certified for their
size and weight=> fig . 190. .,

Safety first Vehicle care I I Technical data

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The airbag on the passenger side makes the front seat a potent ially
dan gerous plac e f o r a chi ld to r ide. The front seat is not the safest & WARNING
place for a ch ild in a forward -facin g ch ild safet y seat. It is a very If exceptional circumstances require the use of a forward-facing
d angero us place f or an infa nt or a larger ch ild in a rearward-f aci ng
child restraint on the front passenger's seat , the child's safety and
seat. well -being require that the following special precautions be taken:
• Make sure the forward -facing seat has been designed and certi-
& WARNING fied by its manufacturer for use on a front seat with a passenger
front and side airbag .
Not using a child safety seat, using the wrong child safety seat or
improperly installing a child restraint increases the risk of serious • Always follow the manufacturer's instructions provided with
personal injury and death in a collision or other emergency situa - the child safety seat or carrier.
tion. • Always move the front passenger seat into the rearmost posi-
• Children on the front seat of any car, even with Advanced tion of the passenger seat's fore and aft adjustment range, and as
Airbags , can be seriously injured or even killed when an airbag far away from the airbag as poss ible before installing the child
inflates . A child in a rearward -facing child safety seat installed on restraint.
the front passenger seat will be seriously injured and can be killed • Always make sure that nothing prevents the front passenger's
if the front airbag inflates - even with an Advanced Airbag System . seat from being moved to the rearmost position in its fore and aft
• The inflating airbag will hit the child safety seat or infant adjustment range.
carrier with great force and will smash the child safety seat and • Always make sure the backrest is in an upright position .
child against the backrest , center arm rest, or door . • Make sure that the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light comes on
• Always install rear -facing child safety seats on the rear seat . and stays on all the time whenever the ignition is switched on.
• If you must install a rearward facing child safety seat on the • If the light does not stay on , perform the checks => page 186,
front passenger seat because of exceptional c ircumstances and " Monitoring the Advanced Airbag System" .
the PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF light does not come on and stay on , • Take the child restraint off the front passenger seat and install
immediately install the rear -facing child safety seat in a rear it properly at one of the rear seat positions if the PASSENGER AIR
seating position and have the airbag system inspected by your BAG OFF light does not stay on whenever the ignition is switched
authorized Audi dealer. on. a
• Always read and heed all WARNINGS whenever using a child
restrained in a vehicle is being used =:>page 165, " Safety belts ",
=>page 175, "Airbag system" and =:>page 197, "Important things
to know ".
Child Safety

Booster seats Children up to about 40 lbs (18 kg) are best protected in child safety
seats designed for their age and weight. Experts say that the skel-
Properly used booster seats can help protect children etal structure, particularly the pelvis, of these children is not fully
weighing between about 40 lbs. and 80 lbs. (18 kg and 36 developed, and they should not use the vehicle safety belts
kg) who are less than 4 ft. 9 in. tall. =>page 205, fig. 191.
Children who weigh more than 40 lbs. (18 kg) may generally use the
available three point combination lap and shoulder belts when they
sit on an appropriate booster seat. Be sure the booster seat meets
all applicable safety standards.
Booster seats raise the seating position of the child and reposition
both the lap and shoulder parts of the safety belt so that they pass
across the child's body in the right places. The routing of the belt
Fig. 191 Rear seat: over the child's body is very important for the child's protection.
child properly
restrained in a booster This applies whenever a child uses the vehicle's safety belts, even
seat when the child is big enough to use them without a booster seat.
Children age 12 and under should always ride in the rear seat .
The vehicle's safety belts alone will not fit most children Children should not ride in the front seat unless no other seating
until they are at least 4 ft. 9 in. tall and weigh about 80 lbs. position is available because crash statistics show that children are
(36 kgl. Booster seats raise these children up so that the better protected in the rear seat.
safety belt will pass properly over the stronger parts of their In a crash, airbags must inflate within a blink of an eye and with
bodies and the safety belt can help protect them in a crash. considerable force . In order to do its job, the airbag needs room to
inflate so that it will be there to protect the occupant as the occu -
- Do not use the convertible locking retractor when using
pant moves forward into the airbag.
the vehicle's safety belt to restrain a child on a booster
seat. A vehicle occupant including a child who is out of position and too
close to the airbag gets in the way of an inflating airbag. When an
- Always posit ion the shoulder portion of the safety belt occupant is too close, he or she will be struck violently and will
midway over the child's shoulder. receive serious or possibly even fatal injury.

- Always make sure that the shoulder portion of the safety In order for the airbag to offer protection, it is important that all
belt never rests against or across the child's neck. vehicle occupants, especially any children, who must be in the front
seat in exceptional circumstances, be properly restrained and as far
- Always make sure that the child can properly wear the away from the airbag as possible. By keeping room between the
lap port ion of the belt low across the thighs or pelvis and child's or other occupant's body and the front of the passenger
never over the stomach or abdomen. compartment, the airbag can inflate fully and completely and
provide supplemental protection in certain frontal crashes. _.,

Safety first Vehicle care I I irechnical data

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& WARNING & WARNING (continued)

Not using a booster seat , using the booster seat improperly , incor - • If the PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF light does not come on and stay
rectly installing a booster seat or using the vehicle safety belt on , perform the checks descr ibed ::> page 186, "Monitoring the
improperly increases the risk of serious personal injury and death Advanced Airbag System ".
in a collision or other emergency situation. To help reduce the risk • Take the child restraint off the front passenger seat and install
of serious personal injury and / or death : it properly at one of the rear seat positions if the PASSENGER AIR
• Always make sure to position the shoulder portion of the three - BAG OFF light does not stay on whenever the ignition is switched
point belt ove r the middle of child's shoulder . on .
• Never let the shoulder portion of the belt rest against or across • Always read and heed all WARNINGS whenever using a child
the nec k, face, chin , or throat of the child . restrained in a vehicle is being used ::> page 165, "Safety belts",
• Alway s make sure the lap belt portion of the three -point belt is
=>page 175, "Airbag system " and ::> page 197, " Important things
to know ". •
worn snug and passes as low as possible across the child's pelvis.
Never let the belt pass over the soft abdomen.
• Failure to properly route safety belts over a child's body will Safety belts and older chi ldren
cause severe injuries in an accident or other emergency situation
=>page 165. Prop erly w orn three poin t lap and shoulder belt can help
• Children on the front seat of any car, even with Advanced
prote ct chi ldren weighing more than 80 lbs. (36 kg) and
Airbags, can be ser iously injured or even killed when an airbag w ho ore at least 4 ft. 9 in. tall.
inflates . A child in a rearward -facing child safety seat in stalled on
the front passenger seat will be seriously injured and can be killed
if the front airbag inflates.
• Never let a ch ild stand or kneel on any seat , for example the
front seat.
• Never let a child ride in the cargo area of your vehicle .
• Always remember th at a child leaning forward , sitting side -
Fig. 192 Child taller
ways or out of position in any way during an accident can be than 4 ft . 9 in. properly
struck by a deploying airbag . This will result in serious personal restrained on the rear
injury or death . seat

• If you must install a rearward facing child safety seat on the

front passenger seat because of exceptional circumstances the Chil d ren wh o weig h mo re tha n abou t 80 lbs (36 kg) and are at least
PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light must come on and stay on , when - 4 ft. 9 in. tal l can generally use the vehicle's three point lap and
ever the ignition is switched on . shoulder bel t s. Chil dr en s houl d use a lap belt only in ve ry excep -
t iona l situat ions and on ly if no chi ld restraint syste m for t he ch ild's
size and weight or safer alternative means of transportation of the ...
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child is available. In these exceptional situations, the use of a lap Installing a child safety seat
belt is bet t er than perm itt ing the chi ld to remain totally unre -
strained . But remember: a lap be lt cannot provide the same level of
protection as a proper child restraint or a three -point lap and
Securing a child safety seat using a safety
shoulder belt if the child is big enough . Also, using a lap belt for belt
younger child ren, who should be using a chi ld restraint, may vio late Safety belts for the rear seats and the fr on t passenger con
laws in your state o r Province .
be locked with the convertible locking retractor to prop-
Never use a lap belt alone to rest rain a chi ld tha t weighs less than erly secure child safety seats .
abou t 80 lbs (36 kg) and who is less than 4'9? tall. A lways remember
that children do not have the pronounced pelvic structure required The safety be lts eme rgency locking retractors for the rear seats
for t he pro per func t ion of lap belts . If a lap bel t is only restrain t safety belts and for the front passenger's seat safety belt have a
system available, then the chi ld's safety absolutely requires that the convertible locking ret ractor for child rest raints . The safety belt
lap be lt be fas t ened snugly and as low as possible arou nd the pe lvis must be locked so that belt webbing cannot unreel. The ret ractor
let a lap belt pass over the chi ld's stomach or abdomen . can be activated to lock the safety be lt and prevent the safety be lt
webbi ng fro m loosen ing up dur ing norma l driving . A child saf ety

& WARNING seat can on ly be properly installed when the safety belt is locked so
that the child a nd ch il d safety seat will st ay i n p lace .
Using wrong child rest raints or improperly installed child A lways remember: Even though your vehic le is equipped with an
restraint s can cause seriou s personal injury or death in a crash. Advanced A irbag system, all child ren, espec ially those 12 years and
• Failure to properly route safety belts over a child's body will younger , should always ride in the back seat properly restrained f or
cause severe injuries in a crash. The lap belt portion of the three their age and size.
point belt as well as any lap belt alone must always pass as low as
possible across the pelvis, never over the stomach or abdomen .
• An improperly worn safety belt will not provide the best protec -
tion in a crash and may cause seriou s personal injury. Always Improperly installed child safety seat s increase the risk of serious
ma ke sure that children and other vehi cle occupants properly pe rsonal i njury and death in a collision.
wear available restraint systems . Carefully follow the instructions • Always make sure that the safety belt retractor is locked when
provided by the manufacturers of child rest raints . • in stalling a child safety seat. An unlocked safety belt retracto r
cannot hold the child safety seat in pla ce during normal driving or
in a cr as h.
• Always buckle the child safety seat firmly in place even if a
child is not sitting in it . A loo se child safety seat ca n fly around
durin g a sudden stop or in a collision
• Always make su re that the rear seat ba ckrest to which the
center rear safety belt is atta ched is securely latched wh enever
the rear center safety belt is being used to secur e a child restra int . 9)1,

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
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& WARNING (continued) & WARNING (continued)

• If the backrest is not securely latched, the child and the child • If the PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF light does not come on and stay
restraint will be thrown forward together with the backrest and on, perform the checks described ~ page 186, "Monitoring the
will strike parts of the vehicle interior . The child can be seriously Advanced Airbag System" .
injured or killed. • Take the child restraint off the front passenger seat and install
• Never install rear-facing child safety seats or infant carriers on it properly at one of the rear seat positions if the PASSENGER AIR
the front passenger seat. A child will be seriously injured and can BAG OFF light does not stay on whenever the ignition is switched
be killed when the passenger airbag inflates . on .
• The inflating airbag will hit the child safety seat or infant • Improper installation of child restraints can reduce their effec -
carrier with great force and will smash the child safety seat and tiveness or even prevent them from providing any protection.
child against the backrest, center arm rest, door or roof. • An improperly installed child restraint can interfere with the
• Always install rear-facing child safety seats or infant carriers on airbag as it deploys and seriously injure or even kill the child.
the rear seat. • Always carefully follow the manufacturer's instructions
• Forward-facing child safety seats or infant carriers installed on provided with the child safety seat or carrier.
the front passenger's seat may interfere with the deployment of • Never place additional items on the seat that can increase the
the airbag and cause serious injury to the child. total weight registered by the weight-sensing mat and can cause
• It is safer to install a forward-facing child safety seat on the rear injury in a crash.
• Always read and heed all WARNINGS whenever using a child
restrained in a vehicle is being used ~ page 197. Special precau -
tions apply when installing a child safety seat on the front Forward-facing child restraints:
passenger seat ~ page 177, "Child restraints on the front seat - • Always make sure the forward -facing seat has been designed
some important things to know " . and certified by its manufacturer for use on a front seat with a
passenger front and side airbag.

L1}.WARNING • Never put the forward-facing

near the instrument panel .
child restraint up , against or very

Always take special precautions if you must install a forward or

• Always move the passenger seat into its rearmost position in
rearward -facing child restraint on the front passenger's seat in
the seat's fore and aft adjustment range, as far away from the
exceptional situations:
airbag as possible before installing the forward-facing child
• Whenever a forward or rearward -facing child restraint is restraint . The backrest must be adjusted to an upright position.
installed on the front passenger seat, the PASSENGER AIR BAG
• Make sure that the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light comes on
OFF light must come on and stay on whenever the ignition is
and stays on all the time whenever the ignition is switched on . _.
switched on .
_______________________________________________ C_h_i_ld_ S_a_f_e_t..,:c
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& WARNING - Place the child restraint on a seat, preferably on the rear
Rearward-facing child restraints:
- Slowly pull the belt all the way out.
• A child in a rearward-facing child safety seat installed on the
front passenger seat will be seriously injured and can be killed if - Route it around or through the child restraint belt path
the front airbag inflates - even with an Advanced Airbag System. ~ &-
• The inflating airbag will hit the child safety seat or infant - Push the child safety seat down with your full weight to
carrier with great force and will smash the child safety seat and get the safety belt really tight .
child against the backrest, center arm rest, door or roof.
• Always be especially careful if you must install a rearward - Insert the belt tongue into the buckle for that seating
facing child safety seat on the front passenger seat in exceptional position.
- Guide the safety belt back into the retractor until the belt
• A tight tether strap on a rearward-facing child restraint lies flat and snug on the child safety seat.
attached to the front passenger seat can put too much pressure
on the weight-mat in the seat and register a heavier weight in the - You should hear a "clicking" noise as the belt winds back
Advanced Airbag System. The heavier weight registered can make into the inertia reel. Test the convertible locking retractor
the system work as though an adult were on the seat and deploy by pulling on the belt. You should no longer be able to
the Advanced Airbag when it must be suppressed causing serious pull the belt out of the retractor. The convertible locking
or even fatal injury to the child.
retractor is now activated.
• Make sure that the PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF light comes on
and stays on all the time whenever the ignition is switched on. - Make sure that the red release button is facing away from
• If the PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF light does not come on and stay
the child restraint so that it can be unbuckled quickly.
on, immediately install the rear-facing child safety seat in a rear - Pull on the belt to make sure the safety belt is proper ly
seating position and have the airbag system inspected by your tight and fastened so that the seat cannot move forward
authorized Audi dealer. •
or sideways more than one inch (2.5 cm).

Activating the convertible locking retractor & WARNING

Use the convertible locking retractor to secure a child Using the wrong child restraint or an improperly installed child
restraint. restraint can cause serious personal injury or death in a crash.
• Always make sure that the safety belt retractor is locked when
Always heed the child safety seat manufacturer's instruc -
installing a child safety seat. An unlocked safety belt retractor
tions when installing a child restraint in your vehicle. To
cannot hold the child safety seat in place during normal driving or
activate the convertible locking retractor: in a crash. ..

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
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& WARNING (continued) & WARNING

• Always buckle the child safety seat firmly in place even if a Improperly installed child safety seats increase the risk of serious
child is not sitting in it. A loose child safety seat can fly around personal injury and death in a collision.
during a sudden stop or in a crash .
• Never unfasten the safety belt to deactivate the convertible
• Always make sure the seat backrest to which the child restraint locking retractor for child restraints while the vehicle is moving.
is installed is in an upright position and securely latched into place You would not be restrained and could be seriously injured in an
and cannot fold forward. Otherwise, the seat back with the child accident.
safety seat attached to it could fly forward in the event of an acci-
• Always read and heed all WARNINGS whenever using a child
dent or other emergency situation.
restrained in a vehicle is being used => page 197. Special precau-
• Always read and heed all WARNINGS whenever using a child tions apply when installing a child safety seat on the front
restrained in a vehicle is being used => page 197. Special precau - passenger seat => page 177, "Child restraints on the front seat -
tions apply when installing a child safety seat on the front some important things to know" . •
passenger seat=> page 177, "Child restraints on the front seat -
some important things to know" . •

Deactivating the convertible locking retractor

The convertible locking retractor for child restraints will
be deactivated automatically when the belt is wound all
the way back into the retractor.
- Press the red button on the safety belt buckle. The belt
tongue will pop out of the buckle.
- Guide the belt all the way back into its stowed position.

Always let the safety belt retract completely into its stowed position.
The safety belt can now be used as an ordinary safety belt without
the convertible locking retractor for child restraints.
If the convertible locking retractor should be activated inadvert-
ently, the safety belt must be unfastened and guided completely
back into its stowed position to deactivate this feature. If the
convertible locking retractor is not deactivated, the safety belt will
gradually become tighter and uncomfortable to wear.
Child Safety

Lower anchorages and tethers for Description

children (LATCH) The lower anchorage positions are marked for quick

Fig. 194 Lower

Fig. 193 Schematic anchorages, covers
overview: LATCH marked
anchorage point loca-

The illustration~ fig . 193 shows the seating locations in your

vehicle which are equipped with the LATCH-system.

LATCH is the acronym for Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children
and designates a special child safety seat restraint system.
Fig. 195 Rear seats:
Canada lower anchorage
Th e terms "top -tether" with "lower universal anchorages" (or "lower bracket locations
universal anchorage bars") are used to describe the system.
Lower anchorages
Other countries
The lower anchorage attachment points are located on the rear end
The term "ISOFIX" is used to describe the lower anchorages. • of the rear seatback .
Remove the covers => fig. 194 to access the lower anchorage attach-
ment points.
The lower anchorage attachment points are visible~ fig . 195.
Lower anchorages secure the child restraint in the seat without
using the vehicle's safety belts. Anchorages provide a secure and ,-

Safety first Vehicle care I I irechnical data

Child Saf e ty
easy-to-use attachment and minimize the possibility of improper Installing a ch ild restraint using the lower
child restraint installa t ion. anchorages of the LATCH system
All child restraints manufactured after September 1, 2002, must
Child safety seats equipped with the LATCH system con
have lower anchorage attachments for the LATCH system.
quickly and easily be secured to the rear seats.
Please remember tha t the lower anchorage points are only intended
for installation and attachment of child restraints specifically certi-
fied for use wi t h LATCH lower anchorages. Child restraints that are
not equipped with the lower anchorage attachments can still be
installed in comp liance with the child rest raint manufacturer's
inst ructions on using vehic le safety belts .

& WARNING Fig. 196 LATCH-typ e

seat w ith both latch
Imprope r install ation of child restraint s will increase the risk of bars extended <rigid
injury in a crash. system)

• Alw ays carefully follow the child restra ints manufa cturer 's
instruction s for proper install ati on of the child restraint and
proper use of th e lowe r anchorages or safet y belts in your vehicle.
• Never secure or attach any luggage or other item s t o the LAT CH
low er anchorages.
• Alway s read and heed the import a nt informati on about child
restraint s in thi s chapter and WARNINGS ~ page 197, "Child
Safet y". •
Fig. 197 Installat ion of
child safety seat w ith
rigid latches on bars

Whenever you install a child rest raint always refer to the

child restrain t manufacturer's instructions .
- Make sure the seat bac k of the rear seat benc h is in the
upright posit ion and securely latched in place.
- Insert the latches onto the lower anchorages=> fi g. 196
or => fig.197 . .,
Child Safety -
- Make sure you hear the child restraint click securely into Mounting and releasing the anchorage hook
place. This indicates that the seat is securely mounted on
If you use a child restraint system with hooks or other
the anchors.
latches attached to adjustable straps.
- Pull on the child restraint once you have mounted it to
make sure it is secure. Mounting
- Press the anchorage hook with the spring catch release

& WARNING onto the lower anchorage so that the anchorage hook
locks into place .
Improper use of the LATCH system can increase the risk of serious
personal injury and death in an accident.
- Pull on the anchorage hook to make sure that it has
securely engaged the lower anchorage.
• These anchors were developed solely for child safety seats
using the "LATCH" system. - Tighten the strap following the child restraint manufac-
• Never attach other child safety seats, belts or other objects to turer's instructions.
these anchors.
• Always make sure that you hear a click when latching the seat Releasing
in place. If you do not hear a click the seat is not secure and could - Loosen the tension on the strap following the child
fly forward and hit the interior of the vehicle, or be ejected from restraint manufacturer's instructions.
the vehicle.
- Depress the spring catch on the hook.

& WARNING - Hold the spring catch in depressed position.

Improper installation of child restraints will increase the risk of - Move the hook in the direction of the vehicle floor so that
injury in an accident. there is enough space to release the anchorage hook
• Always follow the child restraint system manufacturer's from the lower anchorage.
instructions for proper installation of the child restraint system
and proper use of tether straps as well as the lower anchorages or
safety belts in your vehicle. & WARNING
• Always read and heed the important information and WARN- • Improper installation of child restraints will increase the risk of
INGS about child safety and the installation of child restraint injuries in a crash.
systems ~ page 197, "Child Safety". • • Always refer to the child restraints manufacturer's instructions
for proper installation of the child restraint and proper use of the
lower anchorages or safety belts in your vehicle. •

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
- Child Safety
-----------' ~ ---------------------------------
Tether a nchors & WARNING (continued)
• Never secure or attach any luggage or other items to the LATCH
lower anchorages or to the tether anchors . •

Tether strap
A t ethe r is a straigh t or V-shap ed strap that attaches the
Fig . 198 Tether top part of a ch ild restra int to sp ecial anchorag e po ints in
anchors: attachment t h e vehic le.
hook locati ons behind
th e rear seatb acks

Beginning with mode l year 2000, the rear seating positions are
equi pp ed with t hree t et her anc ho rs.
The tether anchors f or the three rear seating pos itions are loca t ed
on the backside of the rear seatbacks =>fig. 198.

& WARNING Fig. 199 Tether strap:

proper routing and
Improper installation of child restraints will increase the risk of mounting
injury and death in a crash.
• Improper use of child restraint anchors (tether anchors) could
The purpose of the t ether is to reduce the fo rward movement of the
lead to injury in a collision. The anchors are designed to withstand
chi ld rest raint in a crash, in o rd er to hel p red uce th e ri sk of head
only those loads imposed by correctly fitted child restraints. injury t hat could be caused by striking th e vehic le interior.

• Never mount two child restraint systems on one LATCH lower Forwa rd facing child rest raints manufactured after September 1,
anchor point . 1999, are requ ired by U.S. f ede ral reg ulati o ns t o co mply w ith chi ld
head movement performance requi rements. These new perfo r-
• Never atta ch two child restraint systems to one tether strap or
manc e req ui rem ents make a tethe r necessary on most new chi ld
tether anchorage .
safety seats.
• Always follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer of
the child restraint you intend to install in your Audi.
• Never use child restraint tether anchorages to secure safety & WARNING
belts or other kinds of occupant restraints. Improper installation of child restraints will increase the risk of
• Never attach a tether strap to a tie-down hook in the luggage injury in a crash.
Child Safety

& WARNING !continued) & WARNING !continued)

• Never attach a child safety seat tether strap to a tie-down hook seating position and have the airbag system inspected by your
in the luggage compartment. authorized Audi dealer. •

• Never secure or attach any luggage or other items to the LATCH

lower anchorages or to the tether. • Securing the upper tether strap to the anchor
Using tethers on rearward-facing child
restraint systems

Currently, few rearward -facing child restraint systems come with a

tether. Please read and heed the child restraint system manufac-
turer 's instructions carefully to determine how to properly install
the tether.

& WARNING Fig. 200 Tether strap :

proper routing and
A child in a rearward -facing child safety seat installed on the front
passenger seat will be seriously injured and can be killed if the
Securing the child restraint tether strap to the
front airbag inflates - even with an Advanced Airbag System.
tether anchor
• The inflating airbag will hit the child safety seat or infant
carrier with great force and will smash the child safety seat and Release or deploy the tether strap on the child restraint
child against the backrest or door . according to the child restra int manufacturer's usage
• A tight tether or other strap on a rearward -facing child restraint
ins tructions .
attached to the front passenger seat can put too much pressure Guide the upper tether strap under the rear head
on the weight -mat in the seat and register a heavier weight in the restraint ~ fig. 200 (raise the head restra int and remove
Advanced Airbag System . The heavier weight registered can make
the cargo area cover if necessary).
the system work as though an adult were on the seat and deploy
the Advanced Airbag when it must be suppressed causing serious Slide the te ther strap hook over the anchor bracket.
or even fatal injury to the child.
Pull on the tether strap hook so that the spring catch of
• If you must install a rearward facing child safety seat on the
the hook engages.
front passenger seat because of exceptional circumstances and
the PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF light does not come on and stay on, Tighten the tether strap firmly following the child
immediately install the rearward -facing child safety seat in a rear restraint manufacturer's instructions.

Safety first Vehicle care I I irechnical data

___ C_h_i_ld_ S_a_f_e_t_y____________________________________________ _

Atta c hing to th e ce nt e r s e ating p o sition Additional Information

- Slide the rear seat forward ~ page 80.
What types of child restraint anchors are
- Pull the anchor bracket forward and connect the tet her
available and how are they related to child
strap hook.
- Tension t he tethe r strap and move the seat backward.
For years, child restraints have been installed using the safety belts
R e le a s ing th e t e th e r s trap already present in every vehicle .
- Loosen the te nsion following the child restraint manufac - Since September 1, 1999, chi ld restraint manufacturers have been
turer's instructions. provid ing tether st raps that attach the top of the chi ld restraint to
the vehicles structure, on most of their forward -facing systems in
- Depress the spring catch on the hook and release it from order to co mp ly with U.S. Federal regu lations for child restra int
the tether anchor . performance in a crash. Vehicle manufacturers are required to
phase -in tether anchorages for attachment of the tether strap in
& WARNING their U.S. vehicles beginn ing Sept ember 1, 1999.
Some chi ld restraint system manufacturers have been providing
Imprope rly installed child safet y seat s increase the risk of serious
tether st raps on certain mode ls of the ir chi ld restra i nt systems,
personal injury and death in a collision.
either as standard equipment or as a retro f it, for several years .
• Never unfasten th e safety belt to deacti vate the convertible Check with the manufacture r of the child restraint system fo r tethe r
locking retractor for child restraints while the vehicle is moving. strap availability .
You wo uld not be restr ained and could be seriously injured in an
To provide a simpler and more practicab le way to attach the child
restraint system on the vehic le seat , U.S. Federal regu lations require
• Always read and heed all WARNINGS w henever using a child the phase -in of lower anchorages in vehicles and devices on new
rest rained in a vehicl e is being used ~ page 197. Special precau- chi ld restraint systems to attach to the vehicle anchorages .
tion s apply w hen install ing a child safet y seat on th e front
passenger seat ~ pag e 177, "Child restraint s on t he front seat - Child restraint system manufacturers will probably offer two kinds
some import ant thing s to know ". of lower anchorages on their child safety seat s
They cou ld come with :

0 Note • hooks or other latches attached to adjustable straps or

If you leave the child restraint with the tether strap firm ly installed • rigid latches on bars that extend out the back of the child
for several days, this could leave a mark on the upho lstery on the restraint and are released with release buttons at th e bottom of the
seat cushion and backrest in the area where the tether strap was child restrai nt. liJ,
installed . The upholstery would also be permanent ly stretched
around the tether strap. This applies especial ly to leather seats . •
_____________________________________________ C_h
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In addition to the LATCH lower anchorages, both of these chi ld

restraint systems use tether straps to he lp keep t he child restrain t
system firmly in place . •

Where can I get additional information about

child restraint application and usage?

There are a number of sources of additional information about child

res t ra int selection, installat ion and usage:
NHTSA advises that the best child safety seat is the one that fits
your ch il d and fits in yo u r veh icle, and that yo u wi ll use correctly and
Try before you buy!

National Highway Traffic Safety Admin istration

Tel.: (888) DASH-2-DOT
www .nhtsa.dot.gov

Nation al SAFE KIDS Campaign

Tel.: (202) 662-0600
www .saf ekids.org

Safety BeltSafe U.S.A

Tel.: (800) 745-SAFE (Eng lish)
Tel.: (800) 747-SANO (Spani sh)

Transport Canada
Tel.: (888) 675-6863
www .tc.gc .ca
Audi Client Relations
Tel.: (800) 822-2834

Sit Safe ® Audi Child Passenger Safety Program

Tel.: 1-800 -337-7116
www .programpr ofess ionals .org •

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
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Intelligent technology

Notice about data recorded by Electronic Stabilization Program (ESP)

vehicle control modules
Gc,neral ;nformation
Your vehicle is not equipped with an Event Data Recorder (EDR), The ESP improves the vehicle stability.
installed by some manufacturers for the express purpose of
capturing data for retrieval after an accident or crash event . EDR's
are sometimes called "crash recorders".
Some state laws restrict the retrieval or downloading of data stored
by EDR's that were installed in a vehicle for the express purpose of
retrieving data after an accident or crash event without the owner's
Although your vehicle is not equipped with an EDR, it is equipped Fig. 201 Version A: at
with a number of electronic control modules for various vehicle the bottom of the
cente r console, ESP
systems such as, for example, engine function, emission control, as OFF button
well as for the airbags and safety belts.
These electronic control modules also record vehicle -related data
during normal vehicle operation for diagnostic and repair purposes.
The recording capacity of the electronic control modules is limited
to data (no sound is recorded) and only a small amount of data is
actually recorded over a very limited period of time and stored when
a system fault or other condition is sensed by a control unit . Some
of the data then stored may relate to vehicle speed, direction,
Fig. 202 Version B: at
braking as well as restraint system use and performance in the the top of the center
event of a crash or other condition. Stored data can only be read and console, ESP OFF
downloaded with special equip ment . button

ESP is designed to help you maintain vehicle control in situations

where the car approaches the limits of "grip", especially when
accelerating and cornering. ESP reduces the risk of skidding and
improves stability under all road conditions .
In te llig ent t ec hn o lo gy

The system operates across the entire speed range in combination ES P O ffr o ad mod e
with the ABS system. If t he Anti -Lock Brake System (ABS) ma lfunc - The ESP Offroad mode was developed especially for offroad driving.
tions, the ESP wil l also shut down . In order to maintain maximum traction and optimal braking when
driving offroad, the conditions for the ESP to work are reduced to
H ow the sys t e m w orks
such a degree, that the vehicle wheels could start to spin. The stabi -
The Anti -Lock Brake System (ABS), Electronic Differential Lock (EDU lizing effects start to work later which results in limited vehic le
and the Anti -Slip Regulation System (ASR) are integrated in the elec- stabi lity.
tronic stabilization program. In addition to the data provided by
t hese functions, the ESP control uni t requires additional measure - The ESP Off road mode should then be used under the fo llowing
ment data provided by high performance sensors . The rotational situations:
speed of the vehicle about its vertica l axis, vehicle acceleration in • rocking the vehicle when it is stuck
the fore-and-aft and lateral directions , the brake pressure, and the • driving in deep snow or on loose ground
steering angle are all measured.
• driving on uneven roads with the wheel heavi ly loaded (axle limi -
The direction in which the driver wishes to travel is determined with tation)
the aid of the steering angle and vehicle speed and is continua lly
• driving with snow chains
compared with the actual behavior of the vehicle. If the two do not
match, for example, when the vehicle starts hydrop laning on a wet • driving downhi ll while brak ing on loose ground
road, ESP will automatically brake the appropriate whee l to correct For your safety, switch off the ESP offroad mode in advance.
the prob lem.
Swi t c hin g o n t h e ES P O ff road m ode
The vehicle is then stabi lized by the forces acting on the whee l
during braking . If the vehicle is oversteering (the vehicle turns too Press the [ESP OF F) button => page 218, fig. 201 or ~ page 218,
sharply and the rear wheels slide toward the outside of a curve), the fig . 202. The indicator light ~ illuminates and ESP Off road appears
brakes are main ly app lied on the wheel that is on the outs ide of the in the driver information system display.
curve . In the case of a vehicle that is understeering (the vehicle does
Sw it c hing o ff th e ESP Offr oa d mode
not t urn sharply enough and pushes out of a curve), the brakes are
applied as needed on the wheel that is on the inside of the curve or Press [ ESP OFF ) button again to switch the ESP back on. The indi -
additional ly on the other wheels. An acoustic signal indicates when cator light " goes out andESP/ASR on appears in the driver infor-
ESP brake app lication cuts in=> & . mation system display.

The system operates across the entire speed range in combination D y n a m ic st ee rin g*
with the ABS system => page 224 . If the Anti-Lock Brake System Vehic les with dynamic steering* ESP helps stabilize the steering in
(ABS) malfunctions, the ESP will be out of action as well. critica l situations.

Ac ti va tin g
When you turn on the engine, ESP will automatica lly be activated
and will perform a self-test. As soon as the test is comp leted, the
• The Elect ronic St abilizat ion Program is nevert heless subject to
system is in norma l operating mode.
th e law s of physics. It is particul arly import ant to pay att ention to ....

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
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& WARNING (continued)

this fact on wet and slippery roads . It is therefore important that
you always adapt your driving to the condition of the road and
traffic conditions. Do not allow the increased safety provided by
the Electronic Stabilization Program system to lull you into
accepting additional safety risks .
• You should switch on the ESP Offroad mode only when you are Fig. 204 Top of the
driving offroad or when driving with snow chains . center console: hill
descent assist button
• Please note that the driving wheels can spin and the vehicle
can swerve when ESP Offroad mode is switched on .
- Press the [~) button in the center console => fig. 203 or
• Driving stability is reduced in the ESP Offroad mode.
on the shift gate. The button will illuminate.
- Press the button again to switch it off. The diode in the
[i J Tips
button will go out.
When installing a factory-supplied roof rack system on the roof
railing, the ESP will adapt itself to a different center of gravity . The hill descent assist maintains the speed on all 4 wheels through
automatic braking when driving forward or in reverse on steep
inclines. The wheels will not block up because the ABS remains acti-
II des~ent assist vated.
The hill descent assist makes it possible to drive down an When the hill descent assist is on, the current driving speed, when
incline at a constant speed. your vehicle entered the incline is maintained. It is only possible to
switch on the assist when driving slower than 37 mph (60 km/hl. The
assist works between approximately 2 and 19 mph (4 and 30 km/h).
The driver can increase or decrease the vehicle speed within these
limits by depressing the accelerator or brake pedal In addition,
vehicle steerability is increased due to the braking distribution
when driving in reverse.
The re must be however sufficient ground adhesion . The hill descent
assist can not do its job if the incline is icy or if the incline ground is
Fig. 203 Top of the loose=> & .
center console: hill
descent assist button Th e system does not work at speeds between 19 and 37 mph (30 and
60 km/h). The system in then in the ready-mode. The diode in the
button will come on. The system automatically switched off when
Intelligent technology

you drive faster than 37 mph (60 km/h). The diode will go out in this How the system works
case. The EDL operates automatically. It monitors the rotational speed of
Active control at a specific speed up to approximately 19 mph wheels with the help of the ABS sensors:::::, page 224 . If a noticeable
(30 km/h) will appear in the instrument cluster display :::::,page 220, slip is detected at the wheels (e.g. on slippery ground on one side),
fig. 204. Two dashes" ••" will appear in the ready mode . the spinning wheels are braked and power is transferred to the
other wheels. This is done up to a speed of about 78 mph
Hill descent assist is automatically activated under the following (125 km/h). Noises from the brake system signal that wheel spin is
conditions: being controlled.
• the diode in the button illuminates,
Driving off
• vehicle speed is below approximately 19 mph (30 km/h)
When driving off, always be sure to keep road conditions in mind as
• the incline is 10%. you accelerate. If one drive wheel spins because it is on a surface
with less grip, apply plenty of throttle until the car starts to move.
& WARNING Overheating of brakes
• Always adapt your speed to the weather, road and traffic condi- To prevent the disc brake of the braked wheel from overheating if
tions. Do not let the increased safety provided tempt you into subjected to excessive loads on this wheel, the EDL cuts out tempo-
taking risks. rarily. The vehicle remains operational and behaves in the same way
• The hill descent assist system cannot overcomethe laws of as a vehicle without EDL.
physics. Your driving style must always be adapted to the current As soon as the brake has cooled down, EDL switches on again auto-
road and traffic conditions. matically.
• The hill descent assist may not be able to hold your vehicle at
a constant speed under all conditions while driving on an incline
(for example if ground under the vehicle is loose). • & WARNING
• When accelerating on slippery surfaces, such as on ice or snow,
always be careful when depressing the accelerator pedal. Even
Electronic differential lock (EOL) with the EDL working, the drive wheels can spin and reduce your
The electronic differential lock monitors the rotational ability to control your car. Risk of crash!
speed of the drive wheels. • The increased safety afforded by EDL does not mean that you
can take safety risks. Always adapt your driving style to the road
General notes conditions and traffic situation.
The elec tro nic differential lock (EDU helps the car to start moving,
accelerate and climb a gradient on surfaces providing poor or
almost no grip . Without EDL, this would be difficult, if not impos- [i] Tips
sible. If a fault occurs in the ABS, the EDL is also not functioning. This is
indicated by the ABS warning light:::::, page 15. •

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
In te llig e nt tec hn o lo gy
- - -=- - -=-=-------------
Anti-Slip Regulation System (ASR) Braking
The Anti-Slip Regulation System prevents the driven
wheels from spinning when the car is accelerating. General "nformation

Ge n e ra l n o t es
What affects braking efficiency?
The Anti-Slip Regu lation System (ASR) is integrated in the electronic O p e rat in g co ndi t io n s a nd d riv in g h ab its
stabi lization program (ESP). When the vehic le starts up and acceler- The brakes on today's automobiles are stil l subject to wear,
ates, the wheels are prevented from spinning by adjusting the depending largely on operating conditions and driving habits~ & .
engine power to match the amount of grip availab le from the road On vehicles that are either driven mostly in stop -and -go city traffic
surface . or are driven hard, the brake pads should be checked by your autho -
rized Audi dea ler more often than specified in the Warranty & Main-
H ow th e sys t e m works
t enance booklet . Failure to have your brake pads inspected can
ASR performs automatica lly, i.e. without the dr iver's intervention. resu lt in reduced brake performance.
With the aid of the ABS sensors~ page 224, ASR monitors the
speed of the driven wheels. If the wheels start to spin, engine torque On steep slopes, you should use the braking effect of the engine.
is reduced automatically until the tires find enough grip to lock onto This way, you prevent unnecessary wear on the brake system. If you
the road surface. The system is active across the entire speed range. must use your brakes, do not hold the brakes down continuously.
Pump the brakes at interva ls.
The ASR works in conjunction with the ABS. If a malfunction should
occur in the ABS, the ASR wi ll also be out of action . Moi st ur e or road s al t
If you are driving faster than 50 mph (80 km/h) and the w indshield
& WARNING wipers are on, the brake pads wi ll briefly touch the brake discs in
regular intervals so as to improve reaction time when braking on
The increased safety afforded by ASR does not mean t hat you can wet surfaces. You, the driver, wi ll not notice anything.
t ake safet y risks. Always ada pt your driving sty le to the road
Under certa in co nditions, for example, when dr iving through water
conditi ons and tr affic situat ion.
or very heavy rain, or even after washing your vehicle, the braking
effect can be reduced due to mo isture (or in freezing conditions ice)
[i J Tip s on the brake pads. A few carefu l brake applications should dry off
the b rake pads or remove any ice coatings .
To ensure that the ASR works properly, al l four wheels must be fitted
with identical tires . Any differences in rol ling radius of the tires can The effectiveness of the brakes can be reduced when the vehic le is
cause the system to reduce engine power when this is not desired. driven on a salt -covered road and the brakes are not used . Here too,
See also ~ page 289, "New tires and rep lacing tires and wheels". • you should clean off accumu lated salt coating from brake discs and
pads with a few careful applications of the brake~ & . ..
Intelligent technology

Corrosi on
& WARNING (continued )
There may b e a tendency f o r dirt t o bu ild up o n th e brake pads and
corrosion to form on the discs if the car is not driven regu lar ly or vehi cle, the effectiveness of the brakes can be reduced . In winter ,
only for sho rt t r ips with little use of the brakes. ice can accumulate on the brake pads , linings , discs and drums .
Carefully apply brakes for a test . Brakes will dry and ice coatings
If th e brakes are not used frequently, or if corros io n has fo rm ed on will be cleaned off after a few careful brake application s.
the d iscs, it is advisab le to clean off the pads and discs by braking
• Driving for an extended per iod of time on salt-covered roads
fi rml y a few t ime s fro m a m odera t ely hi g h spee d ~ ,& .
without using your brakes can also affect braking efficiency. Clean
Faults in the brake system off accumulated salt coating from brake dis cs and pads with a few
If you shou ld not ice a sudden i nc rease in bra ke pedal tr ave l, then careful brake applications .
one of the two brake circuits may have fai led ~ ,& . • If you damage the front spo iler, or if you install a different
spoiler, be sure the air flow to the front brakes is not obstructed.
Low brake fluid level Otherwise the brake system could overheat reducing the effective-
M alfunctions ca n occu r in the b rake system if the brake flui d leve l is ness of the entire brake system.
t oo low. Th e bra ke fl uid level is m on itored elect ron ica lly. • Failure of one brake circu it will impair the braking capability
resulting in an increased stopping distance. Avoid driving the
Brake lining wear status
vehi cle and have it towed to the nearest authorized Audi dealer or
Brake lining wear may be checked by visual inspection of the condi - qualified workshop. •
tion of the brake pads through the openings in the wheel. If neces -
sary, the wheel may be removed for this inspection~ page 302,
"Changing a w hee l" . Brake booster
The brake boost er adds extra brakin g p ower .
& WARNING The brake bo oste r w ork s wit h vacu um pr essu re w hich is cr eate d
• You should perform braking maneuvers for the purpose of only when the engine is running ~ ,& .
cleaning the brake system only if road conditions permit . Other
road users must not be put at risk - you may cause an accident!
• Before des cending a steep grade , reduce speed and shift trans - & WARNING
mission into a lower gear or lower driving range. Do not ride the • Never let the veh icle roll to a stop with the engine shut off .
brakes or hold the pedal down too long or too often . This could
• If the brake booster is not working, for example when towing
cause the brakes to get hot and diminish braking efficiency .
your vehicle , or because the brake booster has somehow been
• Do not " ride the brakes " by resting your foot on the pedal when damaged, the brake pedal must be pre ssed considerably harder to
you do not intend to brake . This may cause the brakes to overheat , m ake up for the lack of booster assistance . •
p remature wear and in creased stopping distance .
• Under certain climatic and operating conditions such as
passing through water , driving in heavy rain or after washing the

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Function ing of Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS)

[i ]Tips
ABS prevents the wheels from locking up under bra king . • If ABS is not funct ioni ng properly, a wa rn ing li ght will come on.
The ABS contributes effective ly to vehicle control since it prevents See => page 15.
t he whee ls fro m locking whe n t he brakes are appl ied. This mea ns • If a fault occurs in the ABS, the EDL is also not functioning. This
that the vehicle remains steerable and is less likely to skid. is indicated by the ABS warning light. •
With ABS you do not need to pump the brake . Just hold the brake
pedal down. Brake assist
However, do not expect the ABS to shorten braking distance under
Brake assist is designed to ac hieve the op timum brakin g
all c ircumstances. When driv ing on gravel or o n new ly f allen snow
on top of icy surfaces, braking distance may be even longer, there - effec t.
f o re, under t hese circu mstan ces, it is especially im portant t hat you Brake assist helps t o increase th e effec tive b raki ng power and thus
drive slow ly and with great care . to achieve a shorter stopping distance . If the dr iver presses the
brake peda l very quickly, brake assist aut omatically boosts the
How the ABS sy stem work s
braking force to th e maximum level, up to the po int where the anti -
An automatic check is made when a speed of about 12 mph lock b rake funct ion (ABS) intervenes to stop the whee ls from
(20 km/h) is reached . When this happens, a pu mp ing no ise can be
lockin g . You shou ld th en keep t he bra ke p edal pressed u nt il t h e
heard . vehic le has braked to the required speed. Brake assist switche s itself
If an individual wheel begins to rotate too slowly in relation to off as soon as you release the bra ke peda l.
vehic le speed and tends to lock, t he ABS automatically reduces
brake pressure to prevent that whee l from locking .
This auto matic adj ustme nt p rocess wil l cause a slight vibration of
the brake peda l and some noises to alert you that vehic le speed Please remember that the accident risk always increases if you
must be ada pt ed to existing road and tra ff ic co nditi o ns. drive too fast , especially in corners or on a slippery road, or if you
follow the vehicle ahead of you too closely. Increased risk of an
accident cannot be compensated for even by brake assist, so
& WARNING alway s maintain a safe speed. •
Although the ABS is very effective , always remember that braking
capability is limited by tire tra ction . Always adjust your driving
speed according to the road and traffic conditions. Do not let the
extra safety afforded by the ABS tempt you into taking extra risks.
The ABS cannot overcome the laws of physics.
In te llig ent t ec hn o lo gy

Ap pli es to vehi cles: wit h servot ron ic • If the power steering system should fail entire ly, or if the engine
Servotronic® - advanced power is not running (for examp le, wh ile being towed), you will still be able
to steer the vehicle . However, considerably more effort will be
steering system required to do so.
The power steering systems uses the power of the • If the power steering system should have a leak, or is not func -
running engine to allow precise steering with little effort. tioning properly, contact your authorized Audi dealer immediately.
• The power steering system requires a specially formulated
The advanced Servotronic ® power steering system senses the road hydraulic fluid . The power steering reservoir is the one located
speed and electronically adjusts power assistance to provide farthest to the rear on the left side of the engine compar t ment
comfortab le and safe steer ing response exactly matched to the => page 262. The cor rect fluid leve l in the reservoir is important for
vehicle speed. proper functioning of the power steering . •
Power steering will not work if the engine is off. As a result, the
steering wheel will be hard t o turn .
The power steering fluid level is checked during the scheduled Driving with your quattro®
maintenance services . With all wheel drive, all four wheels are driven.

0 Not e
G eneral info r m a ti o n
With all wheel drive, power is distributed to all fou r whee ls. This
If there is an electron ic malfunction, servotronic will still function happens automatically depending on your driving style and the
like a conven t ional power ste ering system, providing a constant road conditions at th e time. See also => page 221, "Electronic di ff er-
steering support force that is no longer proportionate to the vehicle entia l lock (EDU".
speed . This is most noticeable when turning the steering wheel at
low speeds (for example when parking), - more effort wi ll be Winter tire s
required than usual. When driv ing in the winter, your ve hicle with all wheel drive has an
• Be aware of the different than usua l steering response and advantage, even with regular tires. In winter road conditions it may
adjust your steering force accordingly . be advisable to mount winter tires (or all-season tires) for improved
• Have the problem checked and set right by an Audi dealer as driveabi lity and braking : these tires must be mounted on all fou r
soon as possib le. wh eels. See also => page 294, "Winter tires" .

Tir e c ha ins
[i ] Tip s Where t i re chains are mandatory on certain roads , this normally
• When t he engine is running , never hold the st eering whee l also appl ies to vehic les with all wheel drive => page 295, "Snow
turned all the way to the right or to the left for longer than 15 chains" .
seconds . The power steering pump will overheat the hydraulic fluid
if you keep ho lding the steering whee l tu r ned all the way. This is
like ly to damage the power steering system .

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Repl a cing wheels / tires Basica ll y, energy management consists of battery diagnosis , idling
Vehicle s wi th all whee l drive must always have ti res of th e same current management and dynamic energy management .
size. Also avoid tires with different tread depths. For details see
Battery diagnosis
page ~ page 289, "New ti res and replac ing tires and whee ls" .
Battery diag nosis con ti nuously deter min es t he stat e of the bat tery.
Sensors determine battery voltage, battery current and battery
& WARNING t emperat ure . This determines the curr ent state of charge an d th e
power of the battery.
Always adjust your driving to road and traffic conditions . Do not
let the extra safety afforded by all wheel drive tempt you into Idling current management
taking extr a risks.
Idling current management reduces energy consumption wh i le the
• Although the all wheel dr ive is very effective , always remember veh icle is sta nd ing. Wit h t he igniti o n sw itc hed off, it co ntr ols th e
that braking capacity is limited by tire traction. You should there - energy supp ly to the various electrical components. Data from
fore not drive at excessi ve speeds on icy or slippery road surfa ces . b atte ry diag nosis is cons idered .
• On wet road surfaces, be careful not to drive too fast because Depending on t he battery's state of charge, indiv idua l consumers
the front wheels could begin to slide on top of the water (aqua - are gradually turned off to prevent excessive discharge of the
planing) . If this should occur , you will have no warning from a
batt ery and t hus mainta i n starting capab i lity.
sudden increase in eng ine speed as with a front -wheel drive
vehicle. Always drive at speedswhich are suited to the road condi- Dynamic energy management
tions - ri sk of cra sh. • Whi le the ve hicle is being driven, dynamic energy management
dist ri butes t he energy generated acco rdi ng to the need s of the indi -
vidua l components. It regulates consumption, so tha t more elec-
Energy management trical energy is not being used than is being generated and ensures
an opt im al st ate of charge for t he battery.
Start·ng ability is optimized
Energ y mana g emen t con trols th e dis trib uti on of electrical [i ] Tips
energy an d th us op timi zes the avail ab il ity of electr ica l • But even ener gy manage ment cannot negate t he limi t s of
en erg y for start i ng th e engine . physics. Consider that the power and life of a battery are limited.
• If starting ability is t hreatened, you are informed by a warnin g
If a vehicle with a conventiona l energy system is not driven for a
~ page 227, "Driver notification in the instrument cluster
long period of t ime, t he bat te ry is discharged by idl ing current
display" . •
consumers (e.g. immobilizer). In certain circumstances it can result
in there being insuff icient ene rgy availa bl e to sta rt the engine .
Inte lli gent energy managemen t in your vehicle handles t he distr ibu -
tion of electrical energy. Starting ability is markedly improved and
th e life of the bat t ery is extended .
Intelligent technology

What you should knovv With the engine running

Although electrical energy is generated when the vehicle is being
The highest priority is given to maintaining starting capa-
driven, the battery can become discharged . This happens mostly
bility. when little energy is being generated and a great deal consumed
The battery is severely taxed in short -distance driving, in city traffic and the battery 's state of charge is not optimal.
and during the cold time of year. Abundant electrical energy is To bring the energy balance back into equilibrium, consumers
required, but only a little is generated. It is also critical if the engine which require especially large amounts of energy are temporarily
is not running and electrical components are turned on. In this cut back or switched off. Heating systems in particular require a
instance energy is being consumed but none is being generated . great deal of energy. If you notice, for example, that the heated
It is in precisely these situations that you will notice energy manage- seats * or the heated rear window are not heating, they have been
ment actively regulating the distribution of energy . temporarily cut back or switched off. These systems will be available
again as soon as the energy balance has been restored.
Vehicle stands for an extended period You will also notice that engine idle speed has been increased
If you do not drive your vehicle over a period of several days or slightly. This is normal and not a cause for concern. By increasing
weeks, electrical components are gradually cut back or switched off. engine idle speed the additional energy required is generated and
This reduces energy consumption and maintains starting capability the battery is charged. •
over a longer period.
Take into consideration that when you unlock your vehicle, some
Driver notification in the instrument cluster
convenience functions, such as the remote key or power seat
adjustment, may not be available. The convenience functions will be display
available again when you turn on the ignition and start t he engine .
If battery power drops into the range where it can limit the ability of
With the engine turned off the engine to start, this is shown in the instrument cluster display
If you listen to the radio, for example, with the engine turned off or with the following driver message:
use other MMI* functions, the battery is being discharged. Low battery charge: battery will be charged while driving
If starting capability is jeopardized due to energy consumption, the This notification reminds you that the starting capability of the
following warning appears in the radio or MMI* display: engine may be limited . As soon as you start driving again, the
Please start engine, otherwise system will switch off in battery will be recharged and the notification will go out.
3 minutes.
Driver notification appears and goes out again
The warning indicates that the system will be turned off automati - If this driver notification appears after the ignition is turned on or
cally after 3 minutes. If you wish to continue using the functions,
while driving and it goes out again after a while , the battery has
you have to start the engine . been adequately recharged. ._

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Driver notification appears and does not go out again

If this driver notification appears after the ignition is turned on or
while driving and does not go out again, the battery's state of
charge is not in the optimal range. Starting ability is restricted . Have
the battery checked as soon as possible by an authorized Audi
dealer or qualified workshop. •
Dri v ing a nd e nvironm e nt •

Driving and environment

The first 1,000 miles (1,500 km) and During the first few hours of driving, the eng ine's internal friction is
higher than later when all the moving parts have been broken in.
afterwards How well this break -in process is done depends to a considerable
extent on the way the vehicle is driven during the first 1,000 miles
!\Jew engine (1,500 kilometers).
The engine needs to be run-in during the first 1,000 miles
(1,500 km). 0 Note
Extreme ly high engine speeds are automatically reduced. However,
Fo r th e fir st 600 mil es ( 1,000 kilomet e rs):
these rpm limits are programmed for an engine well run-in, not a
Do not use full throttle. new engine .
- Do not drive faster than 3/4 of the top speed marked on
the speedometer. ~ For th e sake of the environment
- Avoid high engine speeds . Do not drive with unnecessarily high engine speeds - upshifting
early saves fuel, reduces noise and protects the environment .
From 600 t o 1,000 mil es (1 ,000 t o 1,500
kil o m et er s ): New tires
- Speeds can gradually be increased to t he maximum
permiss ible road or engine speed . If your vehic le is running on new tires, drive very careful ly
for the first 350 mi les (500 ki lometers) after fitt i ng .
During a nd aft e r br ea k-in p e ri o d
- Do not rev the engine up to high speeds when it is cold.
This applies whether the transm ission is in N (Neutral) or
1n gear. New tir es t end t o be slipp ery and mu st also be "broken -in". Be
sure to rememb er thi s during th e first 350 miles (500 kilomet ers).
Brake gent ly. Avoid follow ing closely behind other vehicles or
Aft e r the br ea k-in p e riod
ot her situati ons th at mig ht require sudde n, hard braking. •
- Do not exceed max imum engine speed unde r any
- Upshift into the next h igher gear before reac hin g t he red
area at the end of the tachome t er scale ~ page 8.

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The catalytic converter is an efficient "c lean-up" device built into the
-New brake pads
- exhaust system of the vehicle. The catalytic converter burns many
Remember that new brake pads do not have a full braking of the po ll utants in the exhaust gas before they are released into the
effect during the first 250 miles (400 kilometers) after they
are in stalled . The exclusive use of unleaded fuel is critica lly important for the life
of the cataly tic converter and proper functioning of the engine.
New brake pads have to be "burnished in" before they have optimal
grab=> & .
During the break -in period, you shou ld avoid putting severe lo ads
on the brakes. Severe loads include, for examp le, sudden hard • Do not park or operate the vehicle in areas where the hot
braking, in particular at very high speeds or, for example, on moun - exhaust system may come in contact with dry grass, brush , fuel
tain passes. spill or other material which can cause a fire .
• Do not apply additional undercoating or rustproofing on or

& WARNING near the exhaust manifold, exhaust pipes , catalytic converter or
heat shields. During driving, the substance used for undercoating
New brake pads don't have the best stopping power and must be could overheat and cause a fire .
"broken-in" during the initial 100 to 150 miles (150 to 200 kilome-
ters) of normal city driving. You can compensate for this by
pressing the brake pedal more firmly . This also applies later when
0 Note
new pads are installed. :J • Be aware that just one tank filling with leaded fuel will alr eady
seriously degrade the performance of the catalytic converter.
• Do not exceed the correct engine oil level => page 265 .
Catalytic converter • Do not drive until the fuel tank becomes completely empty . The
engine could misfire. Unburned fuel could also get into the exhaust
It is very important that your emission control system system and this could cause the catalytic converter to overheat.
(catalytic converter) is functioning properly to ensure that
• Do not turn off the ignition while the vehicle is moving.
your vehicle is running in an environmentally sound
• Do not continue to operate your vehicle under these conditions,
as otherwise fuel can reach the catalytic converter. This could result
- Always use lead-free gasoline :=>page 255, "Fuel supply". in overheating of the converter, requiring its replacement .
• To assure efficient operation of the Emission Control System:
- Never run the tank down all the way to empty.
- Have your vehicle maintained properly and in accordance with
- Never put too much motor oil in your engine ==>page 265 , the service recommendations in your Warranty & Maintenance
"Adding engine oil 't=:;r\11
• booklet. •

Never tr y to push- or tow-start your vehicle.

Dri v ing a nd e nvironm e nt

- Lack of proper maintenance as wel l as improper use of the If you anticipate what you need to do next and drive economica lly,
vehic le wi ll impair the func t ion of the emission con t ro l system you can easily cut your fuel consumption by 10-15 percent . This
and could lead to damage. section wil l give you some tips on how you can help the environ-
ment and your pocketbook.

For the sake of t he environment
[i ] Tips
Even when the Emission Control System is operating properly, the
exhaust gas can have a su lfur -like exhaust gas smell under some The consumption est imates as published by ENVIRONMENTAL
operating states . This depends on the sulfur content of the fuel PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA) and Transport Canada may not corre -
being used. Using a different brand of fue l may help, or filling the spond to your actua l consumption on the road, which wi ll vary
tank with lead-free super grade gasoline. • depending upon vehic le load and speed, road and weather condi-
tions, trip length, etc. •

Avoid damaging the vehicle

Drive smoothly and keep a lookout ahead
When you are driving on poor roads, or over curbs, steep ramps, Vehicles use the most fuel when they ore accelerating.
etc., make certain that low- lying parts such as spoi lers and exhaust
system parts do not bottom out and get damaged. - Avoid unnecessary accelerat ing and braking.
This is especially true for vehicles with low-slung chassis (sports Vehicles use the most fuel when they are accelerating . If you antici-
chassis) * and fully loaded vehicles . a pate what is going to happen next, you wi ll need to brake less and,
thus, acce lerate less. Let the vehicle coast whenever possib le - for
examp le when you see that the next traffic light is red. •
Operate your vehicle economically
and minimize pollution Avoid full throttle
General Driving at moderate speeds saves fuel and improves your
Your personal style of driving will determine the economy
of your vehicle, as well as exhaust and noise levels. - Try and keep well below your car 's max imum speed.
Fuel economy, environmental impact, and wear on your engine, Acce lerating gent ly reduces fue l consumption , engine wear, and
brakes and tires largely depend on three factors: does not disturb the environment.
• your personal driving style Fuel consumption, exhaust emissions and engine noise increase
• operating cond itions disproportionately at high speeds . If you drive at approximate ly
• technica l limitations three quarters of top speed, fuel consumption wil l be reduced by

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
Dri v in g a n d en vir o nm e nt
- --=---------------
one half . Never drive faster than the posted speed limit and weather By having your vehicle regularly serviced by an authori zed Audi
conditions permit. • dea ler helps to ensure that it runs properly and economica lly. The
condition of your vehicle not only affects its safety and ability to
hold its value, it also affects fuel consumpti on.
Reducing unnecessary =citing
Check your oil each time you fill your t ank.
Even when your car is just idling it burns up fuel. The amount of oil used is related to engine load and speed.
- Shut the eng i ne off when you are not driving the vehicle . It is norma l for the oil consumption of a new engine to reach its
lowest value after a certain mileage has been driven.
- Do not warm up the vehicle by letting the engine run at
idle. You must drive your vehicle about 3,000 miles (5,000 kilometers)
before you can properly assess oil consumption .
It makes sense to shut off the engine in traffic jams, when waiting This also applies to fuel consumption and engine output .
for trains to pass at rai lroad crossings , or at traffic lights that have
long waits on red. Turning the engine off for just 30-40 seconds
saves more fuel than is burned starting the engine again . 0 Note
It takes a long time for the engine to warm up fu lly when it is • Have your vehicle maintained properly and in accordance with
running at idle. However, wear and noxious emissions are especially the service recommendations in your Warranty & Maintenance
high when the engine is warming up. So you should drive away as booklet. Lack of proper ma intenance as well as improper use of the
soon as you start the engine and avoid running at high rpms while vehic le wi ll impair the function of the emission control system and
the engine is still warming up. cou ld lead to damage.
• Do not alter or remove any component of the Emiss ion Control

0 Note
System unless approved by the manufacturer.
• Do not alter or remove any device, such as heat shields,
Do not leave engine idling unattended after starting . If warning
switches, ignition wires, valves, which are designed to protect your
lights should come on to indicate improper operation, they would
vehicle 's Emission Control System and other important vehicle
go unheeded. Extended idling also produces heat, which could
components . •
result in overheating or other damage to the vehicle or other
property . •
Fewer short trips
Regu 1ar ma 1--.tenance Fuel consumption will always be relatively high on short
A badly tuned engine unnecessarily wastes a lot of fuel. trips.
- Try t o avoid driving short dista n ces wi t h a cold engine. _,
- Have your vehic l e serviced at regular intervals .
Driving and environment

The engine and catalytic converter have to reach their optimal oper-
ating temperature to reduce fuel consumption and noxious emis -
sions effectively.
Just after starting, a cold engine in a mid -size car only achieves a
fuel economy of 6-8 miles per gal lon (30-401/100 km). After about a
half a mile, fuel economy climbs to 12 mpg (201/100 kml. After about
2.5 miles (4 km), the engine is at it s proper operating temperature
and fuel economy has reached a normal level. So you can see that
you should avo id short tr ip s whenever possible.
The outside temperature is also critical in this regard. Your car
consumes more fuel in the winter than in the summer. •

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Driving off road

Driv ing in difficult road conditions • Perform a brake check (particularly aft er t ravelling throu g h
and offroad
General information & WARNING
• Drive especially attentively and plan ahead in diffi cult road
The operat ion of the Elect ronic Stab ilizat ion Prog ram (ESP) is conditions and when offroad. Excessive speed or incorrect maneu -
ex panded for operation away from paved roads . In situations where vers can cause injuries and damage to the vehicle .
slip or a di ff erential locki ng function is required, the ESP of froad • Always adapt your speed and driving style to road, offroad,
mode can be activated =;, page 218. Your Audi also has permanent traffi c, and weather conditions. Drive especially slowly offroad
all-w hee l d rive in addit ion . when your view is restr icted.
However, your Audi is not a pure off road vehicle . It was not bui lt for • Please be aware that in ESP offroad mode , particularly on a
drivi ng unde r ext re m e co nditi o ns, e.g . for t rip s t hat are in t he natu re smooth and slippery road, the wheels may have an increased
of an expedition. tenden cy to spin and the vehicle may break away - danger of skid-
Drive only on roads and offroad sections which mat ch the design of ding!
your vehicle and your abilities as a driver. Never take risks! • Stability is limited in the ESP offroad mode.

Before driving offroad

• Check the engine oil level, t i re pressure, coolant level, and t he ~ For the sake of the environment
fluid level in the windshie ld washer reservoi r. Av oid d amage t o the envir o nment and respec t nature .
• Stow luggage items and other ob j ects in the luggage compart -
ment , and secure them against sliding around .
[i ] Tips
After driving offroad Only dr ive w here it is perm itted and st ay o n m arked ro ads and
• Aft er t rips offr oad, re m ove any t wig s and ot her fo re ig n objec t s paths. •
from the gri ll, the underbody and the whee ls. Pay special attention
to foreign objects (stones) which have become lodged in the tire
tread .
Explanat ion of some technical terms
• Clean the bod y and t he ve hi cle underside, a nd insp ect the
The following data refer to idea l conditions. Depending on vehic le
vehic le for possible damag e.
lo ad and g round co nd itions and th e environ m ent , t he num b ers may
• Clean d irty windows, head lamp lenses, rear lig ht s, and license vary. It is the driver's responsibi lity to decide whether a vehicle can
p lates. overcome a specific situation =;, & . ~
Dri v ing o ff r oa d

Fo rd in g d e pth
Distance between the point touched by the tires (surface of ground) & WARNING
and the engine air intake or induction system. Maximum fording Exceeding the stated ma ximum figures can result in severe inju-
depth in standing water: 19.7 in (500 mm) ries or vehicle damage.

G rad ie nt a n g le • All the inform at ion wa s gathered on level, firm and non-slip-
pery road surfaces, and under dry weather condition s.
The numbe r of meters in altitude gained over a distance of 109.4
yards or 100 meters (grade) are given as a percentage or degrees. • Ideal condit ions do not prevail offroad . Never util ize the
Information about the gradient the vehic le can climb under its own maximum readin gs to th eir full est , alway s leave a safety reserve. •
power (depends in part on the road surface and engine power).
Maximum permitted grade: 31°
Driving tips
La t era l a ngl e (s lo pe o f ve h ic le)
On poor road and off road, there is always only one motto:
Indicates the ang le up to which the veh icle can be driven diagona lly Plan ahead and drive slowly!
or across the fall line on a slope without the vehicle tipping over
sideways (depends on center of gravity). Maximum permitted lateral Please observe the fo ll owing when dr iving away from paved
angle: 25° roads :
Br eak o v er angle - Drive only on roads and off road sections which match
Indicates the angle up to which the vehicle can drive over a ramp at t he design of your vehicle and your ab ili ties as a dr iver.
low speed without the underside of the vehic le hitting the edge of Never take risks!
the ramp . Maximum permitted breakover angle: 17,5°
Dr ive slowly and plan ahead!
Approach / departure a ngle
- Take into consideration the ground clearance of your
Transition from the horizontal plane to a gradient or from a grade
veh icle.
back to leve l ground . Indicates the angle up to wh ich the vehicle can
drive onto or off a slope at low speed without striking the bumper Activate the ESP offroad mode => page 218 as needed.
or the underbody. Maximum permitted approach/departure ang le:
25° (front), 26° (rear) Use t he hill descent assist => page 220 w hen dr ivin g
down steep sect ions on hills .
Ground c learance
The distance between the road surface and the lowest point of the Unpa v ed ro ads and offroad
vehic le underbody. Ground clearance 7 .9 in (200 mm) Drive slowly on unfami liar roads and unknown offroad sections, and
look out for unexpected obstacles (e.g. potholes, rocks, tree stumps,
To prevent the vehic le from bottoming and avoid damage to the
underbody, you shou ld drive straight across severe bumps in the

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
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ground with only one side of the vehicle so that only two of your
wheels cross the bumps. & WARNING
Drive briskly through sandy or marshy offroad sections and do not After driving through water, mud, slush, etc. the brakes may be
stop, if at all possible. slow to take effect because of wet brake rotors and pads. The
brakes must first be carefully dried by braking so that full braking
Driving through water effect is restored . •
Your vehicle can drive through standing water if the ground is firm
enough. The maximum fording depth is 19.7 in or 500 mm .
Check the depth of the water before driving through water.
Cross water only at walking speed, do not stop and do not turn the
engine off .
If you drive fast through the water, you will create a bow wave in
front of the vehicle. This bow wave can get into the engine air intake
and severely damage the engine.
Avoid driving through salt water (corrosion).

Driving on a slope
If you ever find yourself not able to climb a slope, do not try to turn
around, drive back down in reverse. Otherwise, you run the risk of
tipping over.
If the vehicle threatens to tip over when driving across a slope, you
must immediately steer downhill in the direction of the slope.
Do not park your vehicle on steep slopes or grades.
To reduce the risk of tipping over, drive on slopes in the direction of
the downward slope (fall line) - not crosswise .

Driving on snow-covered ground

The standard tires fitted to your vehicle are not snow tires. So you
should mount wheels with snow tires in good time where winter
road conditions prevail. Before driving on unplowed stretches of
deep snow, install tire chains. For technical reasons, tire chains may
only be installed on the rear wheels - never on the front wheels.
Tr a ile r t o wing

Trailer towing

Driving w ith a trailer T railer bra kes

If your trai ler is equipped with a braking system, check to be sure
Genera l information t hat it confor ms to all regulations .
The trailer hydraulic brake system must not be directly connected to
Your Audi was designed primarily for passenger transpor-
the veh icle's hydrau li c brake system ~ & .
Sa fety ch ai n s
If you plan to tow a trailer, please remember that the add itional load
wi ll affect durability, economy and performance. Always use safety chai n s between your vehicle and the traile r.

Trai ler towing not o nly places more str ess on the vehicle, it also call s Tr a iler lights
for more concentration from the driver. Trai ler lights must meet all regulations. Be sure to check with your
For this reaso n, always fol low the operating and driving instructions authorized Audi dea ler for correct wiring, switches, and relays.
prov ided and use common sense.
If you are unable to see the traffic behind you using the regular
Technical requirements outside mirrors, t hen you must inst all extended mirrors. It is i mpor -
tant that you always have c lear vision to the rear.
Trailer hitch
Use a weight -carrying hitch conforming to the gross trailer weight.
The hitch must be suitable for your veh icle and t railer and must be
mounted secure ly on the vehicle's chassis at a technically sound • If a trail er has electrical brakes please note that the se brakes
location . Use on ly a tra iler h itch wi t h a removable ball mount. are not activated by the factory -fitted control unit - risk of acci-
Always check with the trailer hitch manufacturer to make sure that dent !
you are using the correct hit ch. • After removing the tra iler hitch, do not store it in your vehicle.
In case of sudden braking , t he hitch could fly forw ard and injure
Do not use a bumper hit ch.
you or your passengers.
The hitch must be installed in such a way that it does not interfere • The Gross Vehicle Weight Rating for your Audi 05 vehicle,
with the impact -absorbing bumper system . No modifications found on the safety compli ance label on the driver's side 8-pillar,
shou ld be made to the vehicle exhaust and brake systems. From mu st never be exceeded under any circumstances . Exceeding the
time to time, check that all hitc h mount ing bolts remain securely Gross Vehicle Weight Rating of your vehicle is likely to dam age
fastened. your vehicle, and such damage will not be covered by your Limited
When you are not towing a traile r, remove the t railer hitch ball New Vehicle Warranty . Exceeding the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
mount. This prevents the hitch from causing damage should your will also change the perform ance and handling chara cter istics of
vehic le be struck from behind ~ & .

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
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Trailer load distribution

& WARNING (continued)
Be sure the load in the trailer is held securely in place to prevent it
your vehicle, which could cause a crash resulting in serious injury from shifting forward, backward or sideways.
or death. •
Never allow a passenger to ride in a trailer => & in "Driving instruc -
tions" on page 239 .
Operating instructions
Ball mount
The trailer hitch may only be used with suitable ball mount and ball
6" => fig. 205. Installation of the hitch ball must be carried out in accor -
dance with the manufacturer's instructions .

Engine cooling system

1/2" Towing a trailer makes the engine work harder. It is important that
the cooling system's performance is up to the additional load. Make
1-1/2" sure that the cooling system has enough fluid.
Fig . 205 Permitted ball
position of the trailer Tire pressure
When towing a trailer, inflate the tires of your vehicle to the cold tire
pressure listed under "Full load" on the tire pressure label. The tire
Trailer towing weights
pressure label is located on the driver's side B-pillar. Inflate trailer
With a factory-installed or an aftermarket trailer hitch, the tires to trailer and tire manufacturers' specifications.
maximum permissible trailer weight is 4,410 lbs (2,000 kg). The
maximum permissible unbraked trailer weight is 1,650 lbs (750 kgl. Lights
These specifications apply when driving on roads having an incline The headlight settings should be checked with the trailer attached
of less than 12%. before driving off. Check to make sure both vehicle and trailer lights
are working properly.
Permissible tongue load
For best vehicle handling under these changed conditions, adjust Safety chains
the trailer load so that the tongue load is at the maximum allowable Be sure trailer safety chains are properly connected from the trailer
or slightly lower. You can get an approximation of the tongue load to the hitch on the vehicle . Leave enough slack in the chains to
with a bathroom scale or you can measure the load at a trucking permit turning corners. When you install safety chains, make sure
company or weighing station . they will not drag on the road when you are driving .
With a factory-installed or an aftermarket trailer hitch, the The chains should cross under the trailer tongue to prevent it from
maximum permissible load on the ball hitch may not exceed 441 lbs dropping in case of separation from the hitch.
(200 kg). It is recommended to use the maximum permissible load.
Tr a ile r t o wing

Driving instructions Observe speed limits. In some areas, speeds for vehicles towing
t rail ers are lower than for regular vehicles .
Driving with a trailer always requires extra care and
Always app ly brakes early. When driving downhill, shift into a lower
gear to use the engine braking effect to slow the vehic le. Use of the
To obtain the best possible handling of vehicle and trailer, brakes alone can cause them t o overheat and fa il.
please note the follow in g: Coolant temperature
- Do not tow a loaded trailer when your car itse lf is not The coolant temperature gauge::::;, page 8 must be observed care -
loaded . ful ly. If the needle moves close to the upper end of the sca le, reduce
speed immediately and/or turn off the air conditioner.
- Be especia lly careful when passing other vehicles .
If the coolant temperature warning light in the instrument cluster
- Observe sp eed lim it s. starts fl ashing -F- , pull off the road, stop and let the eng i ne idle fo r
about two minutes to prevent heat build-up .
- Do not drive at the maximum permissible speed .
- Always apply brakes early.
- Monitor the temp erature ga uge .
Anyone not properly restrained in a moving vehicle is at a much
greater risk in an accident. Never let anyone ride in your car who
Weight d istribution
is not prope rly wear ing the restraints provided by Audi . •
Tow ing a loaded trailer with an empty car resu lts in a high ly
unstable distribution of weight. If this cannot be avoided, drive at
very low speeds only to avo id the risk of losing steering control.
Trailer towing tips
A "ba lanced" rig is easier to operate and control. This means that
the tow vehicle sho u ld be loaded t o the extent poss ible and permis - Important to know
sible, while keeping the trailer as light as possible under the circum- -------------
stances . Whenever possible, transfer some cargo t o the luggage
Your vehicle handles differently when towing a trailer because of
compartment of the tow vehicle whi le observing tongue load
the add itional weight and diffe rent weight d istr ibuti on. Safet y,
requirements and vehicle loading considerations.
performance and economy w ill greatly depend on how carefully you
S p e ed load your trailer and ope rate your rig.
The higher the speed, the more diff icult it becomes for the driver to Before you actua lly tow your trailer, pract ice turning, stopp ing and
control the rig. Do not drive at the maximum permissible speed. backing up in an area away from traffic. Keep practicing unti l you
Reduce your speed even more if load, wea t her or wind cond itions have become completely familiar with the way your ve hicle -tra iler
are unfavorable - particularly when going downhill. combination behaves and responds. .,_
Reduce vehicle speed immed iately if the trailer shows the slightest
sign of swaying. Do not try to stop the swaying by accelerating .

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
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Backing up is difficult and requires practice . Backing up with a Wh e n re st a rting aft e r p a rking :
trailer generally requires steering action opposite to that when
- Apply the foot brake .
backing up your vehicle without a trailer.
Maintain a greater distance between your vehicle and the one in - Start the engine.
front of you. You wi ll need more room to stop. To compensate for - Move t he selector lever to D.
the trailer, you will need a larger than normal turning radius.
- Release the parking brake and slowly pull out and away
When passing, remember that you cannot accelerate as fast as you
normally would because of the added load . Make sure you have f rom t he wheel chocks.
enough room to pass. After passing, allow plenty of room for your - Stop and have someone retrieve the wheel chocks.
trailer before changing lanes again.
Avoid jerky starts, sharp turns or rapid lane changes.
[i ] Tips
If you move the se lector lever of the automatic transmission to P
[i ] Tip s before applying the parking brake and before blocking the wheels,
• Do not tow a trailer during the break -in period of your vehic le. you may have to use more force later to move the lever out of the P
• If you tow a trailer, your Aud i may require more frequent mainte- position . •
nance due to the extra load ~ page 326 .

Parking on a slope
Do not park on a slope with a trailer. If it cannot be
avoided, do so only after doing the following:
When parking:
- App ly the foot brake.
- Have someone place chocks under bot h the ve hicle and
the trailer wheels .
- With chocks in place, slow ly release the brakes unt il the
wheel chocks absorb the load.
- Turn the wheels towards the curb.
- App ly the parking brake.
- Move t he select o r lever to P.
Trailer towing

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
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Cleaning and protection

General information & WARNING (continued )

Regular ca re preserves vehicle value . • Do not clean the unders ides of chassis, fenders , wheel covers,
etc. without prote cting your hands and arm s. You may cut yourself
Any automobile is exposed to industrial fumes, corrosive road salt ,
on sharp-edged metal part s.
muddy dog feet, et c. A wel l cared fo r Audi can look like new many
years after purchase . Regu lar and correct care will contribute to • Moisture and ice on brakes may impair braking efficiency
maintaining the beauty and value of your Audi . ~ page 222, "General information ". Test the brakes carefully each
time you wash the vehicle .
Furthe rmo re, good care may be a conditi on for subst antiating a
warr anty claim should corrosion damage or paint defect s occur.
Your authorized Audi dealer has a var iety of dedi cat ed vehicle -care '£>For the sake of the environment
product s and can advise which ones to use for cleaning the exterior Select only environmenta lly friend ly cleaning products. Leftover
and interio r of your vehicle. clean ing products should not disposed of in the household waste . •
Whether you use products recommended by Audi or other commer -
cially availab le cleaning agen t s, please make su re you apply them
correctly . Care of exterior

& WARNING Washing

Frequent w ashing protects the vehicle.
• Cleaning agents may be poisonous. Keep them out of the reach
of children. The best protection against environmental influences is frequent
• Heed all caution labels. washing an d waxing. How often this is required depends on :
• Alway s read direction s on the container before using any • How much the vehicle is used
produ ct . Follow the direction s carefully. • Where the vehic le is parked (garage, in t he open under trees,
• Most chemical cleaners are concentr ated and have to be etc.I
diluted . • The seasonal and weather cond itions
• Use spot removing fl uids only in w ell ventila t ed areas. • Environmental influences
• Do not use gasoline , kerosene, diesel fuel, nail polish remover The longer bird dropp ings, insects, tree resin, road and industrial
or other volatil e fluid s. They may be to xic, flammab le or hazardou s grime, tar, soot, road salt and other materials remain on the vehicle
in other wa ys. Do not wa sh, wax or dry the vehicle w ith the igni- b ody, the more lasting t heir destructive effects will be. High temper -
tion on or the engine running. atures caused by exposure to intense sunlight intensify the corro -
sive effect, particularly when humidity is high as wel l. .,
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Under certain circumstances, weekly washing may be necessary.

Under other conditions , a monthly washing and waxing may be
& WARNING (continued)
adequate . • Compare the track of your vehicle with the distance between
After the winter, the underside of the vehicle should be thoroughly the guide rails of the facility - there is a risk of damage to the
washed, preferably in a professional car wash. wheels and tires .
• Compare the height and width of your vehicle with the height

& WARNING and width of the tunnel at the facility.

• Fold the exterior mirrors flat - there is a risk of damaging the
Always read and heed all WARNINGS and other information exterior mirrors. Power folding exterior mirrors* must not be
~ page 242. • folded in or out by hand. Use the power function!
• Do not allow the wiper blade to fall onto the windshield after
the vehicle is dried - there is a risk of damaging the paint on the
Automatic car wash
The vehicle can be washed in almost any modern auto- • Always read and heed all WARNINGS and other information
matic car wash. ~ page242. •
The vehicle paint is so durable that the vehicle can normally be
washed without problems in an automatic car wash . However, the Washing the vehicle by hand
effect on the paint depends to a large extent on the design of the
facility, the filtering of the wash water , the type of wash and care A lot of water is needed when washing a vehicle by hand.
material, etc. If the paint has a dull appearance after going through
- Before you start washing, make sure you have read and
the car wash or is scratched , bring this to the attention of the oper-
ator immediately . If necessary, use a different car wash . &
understood the WARNINGS ::::> in "General informa-
tion" on page 242.
Before going through a car wash, be sure to take the usual precau-
tions such as closing the windows and the roof . Factory installed - First soak all dried dirt until it is soft, then rinse it off.
antennas must not be removed.
- As you clean your vehicle, start with the roof and work
If you have installed additional accessories on the vehicle - such as your way down to the bottom, using a sponge, a sponge
spoilers, roof rack, etc. - it is best to ask the car wash operator if glove or a clean brush.
these should be removed .
- Rinse the sponge or the sponge glove often, flushing it

clean each time.
Use special car shampoo only for very persistent dirt.
Please take note of the following points before going through an
automatic car wash with your vehicle, so that you can avoid - Rinse the car thoroughly with water.
damage to your vehicle.
- Use a chamois leather to gently wipe the exterior dry.

• Vehicle care I t

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Use a separate sponge for cleaning the wheels, door si lls and other Washing your vehicle with a power washer
regions exposed t o road dirt. In this way, you wil l not sc ratch the
paint with coarse particles imbedded in the sponge the next time Cleaning the exterior of you r car with a high- pressure
you wash the car. power washer is safe as long as you observe a few simple
rules .
& WARNING - Before us in g the powe r washer, make su re you have read
• Do not clean the underside of the chassis, fender s, wheel and unders t ood t he WARNI NGS~ &
in "General in for -
covers, or other hard to reach part s without prote cting your hands mation" on page 242.
and ar ms. You may cut yourself on sharp -edged met al part s.
Always follow the operat ing in structions fo r t he power
•Alw ays read and heed all WARNINGS and other inform at ion washer.
=>page 242 .
Make sure t hat the jet on t he sp ray hose prod uces a "fa n

0 Note
sha ped sp ray".
Do not hold t he spray nozzle too close to sof t mat er ials .
• Never try t o remove d i rt, mud or dus t if the surface of the vehicle
is dry. Never use a dry cloth o r sponge, since this cou ld scratch your
When cleani ng the vehicle with a power washer always follow the
vehic le's paint or windows .
operating instructions . This applies particularly to the operating
• Never wash your car in bright sunl ight. Drops of water act as pressure and the spraying distance. Mai ntai n a sufficient distance
magnifying lenses and may damage your pain t. to soft materia ls such as rubber hoses and sound/vibration dead -
• When you wash your car in the winter: if you rinse your vehic le ening materia ls (part icularly on the underside of the engine hood).
with a hose, be careful not to aim the stream of water directly at Do not use a jet which sprays water in a direct stream or one that
locks, or at door or hatch openings - they can freeze shut. has a rotating je t .
• Never use sponges designed to remove insects, or any kitchen Water temperature shou ld not exceed 140 °F (60 °C).
scouring sponges or similar products. They can damage your paint
fi n ish.
• Never use a dry cloth or sponge to clean the head lights. Only use & WARNING
wet cloths or sponges to preven t scratches . It is best to use soapy Never wash tires w ith a jet that sprays water in a direct stream .
water . Thi s could cause invisible damage to th e tires and weaken them ,
even if the spray is from a relat ively long distan ce and for a short

<i'For the sake of the environment time . Damaged and weakened t ires can fail and cause accidents
and personal injury. ~
In the interes t of t he environmen t , t he vehic le shou ld on ly be
washed in spec ial wash bays . •
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0 Note & WARNING

To avoid damaging your vehicle, always make sure that there is Always read and heed all WARNINGS and other information
sufficient distance between the spray head and soft materials like :=>page 242.
rubber hoses, plastic parts and sound-deadening materials. Never
aim the spray head at the same point for a long time. This also
applies to cleaning headlights and painted bumpers. Remember:
the closer the nozzle is to the surface of the material, the greater the
0 Note
Do not use car wax on
stress on the material. •
• matte or anodized metal trim
• rubber or rubber-like trim. •
Wax protects the vehicle's paint. Polishing
- Use a manually applied car wax occasionally to protect Polishing restores the gloss to the paint.
the paint .
Polish your vehicle only if the paint has lost its shine and the gloss
A good wax coating protects the vehicle paint to a large extent cannot be brought back with wax.
against the environmental factors listed under => page 242, If the polish used does not contain preservative compounds, the
"Washing" and even against slight scratches. paint must be waxed afterwards=> page 245, "Waxing".
You can use a liquid car wax to protect your paint as soon as one
week after your vehicle has been delivered.
Even if you regularly use a waxing process in automatic car washes,
Always read and heed all WARNINGS and other information
we recommend that you manually apply a coat of wax to give the
=> page 242.
paint extra protection, particularly if water no longer beads on the
clean paint.
Protect plastic body parts with car wax in the same way as the 0 Note
vehicle body. Do not treat matte anodized metal trim, plastic or rubber parts with
polish or wax. •
During warm weather dead insects tend to collect on the front
bumper and on the forward area of the hood. Th ey are much easier
to remove from paint that is waxed often. Trim strips
Metal trim needs special care.
For environmental reasons, Audi fabricates the bright trim strips
and trim pieces from pure chromium -free aluminum. ._

• Vehicle care I t

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Dirt and marks on the trim strips should be removed with a pH- Aluminum trim
balanced cleaning agent {do not use a ch rome cleaner). Aut horized
Audi dealers carry c leaning products which have been tested for use Use only neutral -pH products to remove spots and deposits from
on your vehicle and are not harmfu l to the environment. aluminum surfaces . Chrome care products and alka line cleaners
To avoid corrosion on the exterior trim strips, only a pH-balanced wi ll attack aluminum surfaces and can damage them over time .
solution shou ld be used for the windshield washer .

& WARNING Always read and heed all WARNINGS and oth er inform at ion
Alway s read and heed all WARNINGS and other inform ation ~ page24 2. •
~ p ag e2 42. •

Touch-up paint
Plastic and vinyl
Min or paint damages should be touched up immediately.
Plastic needs special care.
Use either a touch- up paint stick or spray pain t t o cover
Use a c lean, damp cloth or sponge to remove dust and light surface minor scratches and nicks.
dirt . For other soil, use a lukewarm all -purpose cleaning solution or
a mild saddle soap for viny l trim. Remove water spots and traces of Your authorized Audi dealer has touch -up paint for minor scratches
soap with a clean, damp cloth or sponge . Use a clean, soft cloth to and stone chips. Scratches should be touched up soon after they
rub dry. occur to prevent corrosion.
Grease, tar or oil stains can be removed with a clean cloth or sponge If a spot starts to rust, however, a simple touch -up job will not be
soaked with all-purpose cleaner or w ith a solvent designed espe - enough . The affected surface must be sanded smooth and coated
cia lly to clean vinyl. with an anti -rust primer before the painted finish can be restored .
Occasionally apply a colorless vinyl or leather preservative to retain The number for the original vehicle paint can be found on the
the material's lus t er and pl iability. vehic le identification labe l ~ page 322.


Alw ays read and heed all WARNINGS and other infor mati on Alw ays read and heed all WARNINGS and oth er informat ion
~ pag e 242. • ~ p ag e 242 . •
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Windows & WARNING (continued)
Clear vision to all sides.
• The windshield must not be treated with water-repellent mate-
Clean all windows regularly to remove road film and car rials. They can increase glare under poor visibility conditions such
as wetness, darkness , or when the sun is low on the horizon. In
wash wax buildup.
addition, they can cause the windshield wipers to chatter.
- Remove snow from w indows using a brush.
- Use a plastic ice scraper to remove ice from windows and
0 Note
• Never use warm or hot water to remove snow and ice from
windows and mirrors. This could cause the glass to crack.
- Remove other residue on the windows with a spray-on
glass cleaner. • To prevent damage to the wires of the rear defogger, do not place
any adhesive stickers on the inside of the rear window over the
Wipe the windows dry with a clean piece of cloth or wires.
kitchen paper towel. • To help prevent dirt from scratching the window, always scrape
in a forward direction - pushing the scraper away from you - never
The best way to remove snow from windows and mirrors is to use a back and forth.
brush. Use a non-abrasive plastic ice scraper - better still, a spray
deicer - to remove ice from windows and mirrors. • Water leaking from the inside of the rear windows may damage
sensitive electrical components loca ted either under the rear parcel
The windows must not be cleaned with insect remover or wax since shelf or in the rear trunk area. Always ensure that water never leaks
these can interfere with the function of the windshield wiper blades through the body section of the vehicle. You can do this by using
(chatte r). waterproof protection over the vehicle's electrical components (e.g.
Oil, grease, or silicone residue can be removed with glass cleaner or , when installing window tinting).
silicone remover. However, wax residue requires the use of a • Damage or malfunction of electrical components due to water
specially formulated solvent. Please contact your authorized Audi damage or any other outside influence is not covered by the Audi
dealer for advice on safe products for wax removal. New Vehicle Limited Warranty. See your Warranty & Maintenance
Windows should also be cleaned on the inside at regular intervals. booklet for additional details about your warranty. •

Never dry windows with the same chamois that you use to dry
painted surfaces. Wax residue on the chamois can impair vision Weatherstrips
through the windows .
Complete car care includes the weatherstrips as well.

& WARNING - Apply a suitable rubber conditioner

from time to time.
to the weatherstrips
Always read and heed all WARNINGS and other information

=>page 242.

• Vehicle care I t

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To be able seal properly, the weatherstrips around the hood , doors, rinsed off prompt ly, the acid contained in some cleaners can attack
rear lid, etc . must remain pl iable . Spray the weathers t rips wi t h si li- t he threads on the wheel bolts.
cone or coat them with ta lcum powder or glycerin to retain the flex -
Never use abrasive or metal po lish i ng cleaning agents . If the protec -
ibility of the rubber and to protec t t hem against freezing in the
tive coating has been chipped, e.g. by kicked up road dirt, touch it
up as soon as poss ib le.


Alway s read and heed all WARNINGS and ot her informat ion
• M oisture and ice on brake s may affect braking efficien cy
=> page 242 . =>page 222 , "General inform ation ". Test the brake s carefully each
time you wa sh the vehicle.
[i ] Tips • Alway s read and heed all WARNINGS and other information
Keep sil icone sp rays off the windshie ld to avoid wiper smear in =>page 242 . •
rain . •
Body cavity sealing
Cast (light) alloy wheels The body cavity sealing does not need to be checked.
Cast (light) alloy wh eels require spec ial care. Al l body cavities which could be affected by corrosion have been
- Wash th e wh ee ls w ith a sponge or hos e b rush every t ho roug hly protected at the factory .
ot her week. This seal ing does not require any inspect ion or add itional treat -
ment. If any wax should seep out of the cavity when the ambient
- For dee p cle aning afte rwards, use only a dedicated acid - te mperature is high, it can be removed with a p lastic scrape r and a
free cast alloy wh eel cleaner. suitable solvent.
Rub a coat of liquid wa x onto the r ims every t hree month .
Be sure to reac h and treat all parts of t he r im. & WARNING
To preserve t he decorative appearance of t he cast alloy wheels , Solvents can be dangerous .
some special care is necessary. In addition to road dirt and salt, • Benzine is flamm able and to xic. If you use benz ine for removing
brake dust is also corrosive . If left on for too long, brake dus t can the wax , keep sparks, flame and lighted cigarettes away . Never
cause pitting. dump benz ine on the ground, into open st ream s or dow n sewage
Use on ly spec ial acid -free cleaners for mu lated for alloy rims. Safe drains.
products are available at your authorized Audi dealer . Never leave • Be sure to observe all safety and environmental regulation s.
t he cleaner on the rims longer tha n specif ied on the lab el. If not Follow all instru ctions on the cont ainer.
------------------------------------ Cl e aning
=--and prote c tion
---=------- 1111
The disp lay can be cleaned with a professiona lly avai lable "LCD
& WARNIN G (continu ed) cleaner" . The clot h should be sligh t ly dampened with the cleaning
Alway s read and heed all WARNING S and other information
• fluid to clean the disp lay.
=>pag e 242 . •
Chassis To avoid scratching the display, you shou ld never clean it dry. •

Have t he undercoati ng checke d for dama g e fr om time to

App lies to vehicles: with MM I
time .
MMI terminal
The lower body shell of your Audi is also thoroughly protected
against corros ion.
First clean the MM I terminal with a brush to remove dust
Any damage to the undercoating caused by road hazards should be from the housing.
repaired promptly.
- Then w ipe the MMI terminal w it h a clean, soft, sli ght ly

& WARNING damp cloth .

The MM I termina l shou ld be cleaned with a brush first so that no

Too mu ch undercoating in the wrong places can cause a fire.
dirt is trapped between the buttons and the housing . We recom-
• Do not apply additi onal undercoating or rustproofing on or mend giving the MMI terminal a final wipe with a cloth moistened
near the exhaust man ifold, exhau st pipe s, catalytic converter or with water and dish washing detergent .
heat shields. While driving, the substan ce used for undercoating
could overheat and cause a fire.
• Alway s read and heed all WARNINGS and ot her informat ion CDNote
=> pag e 242 . • To prevent damage, make sure that no fluid ever gets int o the MM I
terminal. •

Care of interior
Aluminum trim
Radio and MMI* display
Use on ly neutral -pH products to remove spots and deposits from
aluminum surfaces . Chrome care products an d alka li ne cleaners
- Clean the display with a soft clean cloth and an LCD wil l attack aluminum surfaces and can damage them over time . ..,.

• Vehicle care I t

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& WARNING Stains from chocolate or makeup should have detergent paste
r ubbed in t o them . Afterwards, remove the soap with water (damp
Alw ays read and heed all WARNIN GS and ot her inform at ion
=>pa ge 242. • A lcoho l can be used to treat stains from grease, oi l, lipstick or a ba ll-
point pen. Melted grease or dye must be patted off us ing absorben t
material. It may be necessary to retreat the areas with detergent
Fabrics and fabric coverings paste and water .
In the case of general soiling of the upholstery and cover material,
Fabrics and fabric coverings (e.g. seats, door trim pane ls, etc.)
we recommend hiring a specialist that has the equipmen t to clean
should be cleaned at regular intervals with a vacuum cleaner. This
the seat covers and other fabric surfaces by shampooing and spray
removes surface dirt particles which could become embedded in
ext raction .
the fabric through use. Steam cleaners should not be used, because
the steam tends to push the dirt deeper into the fabric and lock it
there. & WARNING
Normal c le anin g Alway s read and heed all WARNINGS and the information
Genera lly, we recommend using a soft sponge or a lint-free =>page 242.
microfiber cloth to the clean fabr ic. Brushes should only be used for
carpets and floor mats, since other fabric surfaces cou ld be harmed
by brushes.
[i ]Tips
Open Velcro fasteners on your clothing can damage the seat cover.
Normal surface stai ns can be cleaned using a commercially avail- Please make su re that Velcro fas t ene rs are closed. •
able foam cleaner. Spread the foam on the surface of the fabric with
a soft sponge and work it in gently . Do not satu rate the fabric . Then
pat the foam dry using absorbent, dry cloths (e.g. microfiber cloth) Plastic parts and instrument panel
and vacuum it after it has dried completely.
Always use a clean cl oth mois t ened in c lear water t o clean these
Clea ni ng st a in s
areas . For persistent dirt use an Audi approved solvent -free plastic
Stains caused by beverages (e.g . coffee, fruit juice, etc.l can be cleaner/protecta nt.
treated with a mild detergent so lution. Apply the detergent so lution
with a sponge. In the case of stubborn stains, a detergent paste can
be applied directly to the stain and worked into the fabric . After -
wards, use copious amounts of clean water to remove the
Solvent s can change the propertie s of some plastic s and make it
remaining detergent . Apply the water with a damp cloth or sponge
harder for the airbag to deploy.
and pat the fabric dry with an absorbent, dry c loth .
• Never clean the instrument panel or the surface of airbag
module s with cleaning produ cts th at contain solvent s.
Cl e aning and prote c tion -
By contrast, leather types that are covered by a colored finish layer
& WARNIN G (continu ed) are more du rable . This has a positive effect on the leather's resis -
• Product s containin g solvents will make th e surface of this part tance to wear and soiling in daily use. On the other hand, the typical
porou s. characteristics of nat ura l leather are barely or not appa rent.
However, this does not mean that the leather itself is of inferior
• Serious injuries can result if plastic part s come loose when the
qua l ity.
airbag is dep loyed.
• Alway s read and heed all WARNINGS and other informat ion C ar e a nd h a ndling
=>page 242. Because of the exclusive nature of the types of leather that Audi
uses and their unique properties (such as sensitivity to oi ls, grease,

0 Note
soi l ing, etc.), you wi ll need to be somewhat careful with these
leathers, and a certain type of care is required . For example, dark
Cleaning agents containing solvents will attack the material and can clothing materials can discolor leather seats (especially if such
change the way it behaves. • clothing is damp and was not dyed correct ly). Dust and dirt par t icles
in pores, folds, and seams can have an abrasive effect and can
App li es to vehicles: w it h natural leath er damage the leather surface as well as weaken seams .
Natural leather The leather should be cleaned regu larly as needed . After having
been used for a relatively lon g ti me, your leat her seats will acquire
Audi makes great efforts to maintain the pro perties, a rich aged finish. This is a characteristic of natura l leather and a
natu ral look and feel of interior lea ther. sign of true qua lity.
Gen e ral In order to maintain the value of t his natural product ove r the life of
We offer many different types of leat her on our vehicles . Most are your vehicle, you should fol low the recommendations below :
different types of nappa leather, which has a smooth surface and
comes in various colors.
0 Note
The intensity of the color determines the visua l character istics and • To keep your leather from bleaching out, do not allow it to be
appearance. If the surface of the leather has a typica l natura l look, exposed to brig ht sun light f or lo ng periods of time . If you have to
then the leather is a nappa leather that has been left in a relat ively leave the vehicle parked outside for long periods, cover the leather
natural condition. This leather offers particu larly good comfort and to pro t ect it from direct exposure to sunlight .
breathes well. Fine veins, closed g rains, insect bites, skin folds, and
• Sharp objects on clothing, such as zippers, rivets or sharp pieces
subtle variations in color remain visible . These characteristics
on belts can leave permane nt scratches o r scrape marks o n t he
demonstrate that the material is natu ral.
surface of the leather.
Natura l nappa leather is not covered by a co lor finish. It is therefore
more sensitive to soi ling and wear, which is something you need to
consider if children, an ima ls or other factors might prove to be [i ] Tips
particularly hard on the leather. • After each time you clean the leather and at regular intervals, use
a leather p reservative crea m that conta i ns UV-blockers and tha t ~

• Vehicle care I t

- Cleaning and protection
works into the leather. This cream will nourish and moisturi ze the - Remove fresh grease or oil-based spots (such as butter,
leather, helping it to breathe and stay supple. It also helps to build mayonnaise , chocolate) with an absorbent cloth or paper
up a protective coating on the surface. towel, or use the cleaner from the leather care kit if the
• Clean the leather every 2 - 3 months, and clean any areas that get spot has not yet penetrated into the surface of the
soiled . leather.
• Remove fresh marks made by ballpoint pens, ink, lipstick, shoe
polish , etc. as soon as possible. - Use an oil/grease dissolving spray, if oil/grease spots
have dried on.
• Preserve the color of the leather as needed by using a special
colored leather care cream to touch up areas of uneven color . • - Remove specific kinds of spots (ballpoint pen, felt
marker, fingernail polish, water-based paint, shoe polish,
App li es to veh icles: with natural leather etc.) with a spot remover specifically formulated for
Cleaning and caring for leather upholstery leather .
and trim
Leather care
Natural leather requires special care and attention. - Every half year use an approved leather care product
Normal cleaning (available from your authorized Audi dealer) to care for
the leather.
- Clean soiled areas with a slightly moistened cotton or
woolen cloth. - Apply the product very sparingly.
- Wipe it off with a damp cloth .
More stubborn dirt
- More stubborn dirt can be removed using a cloth satu- If you have any questions about cleaning and caring for the leather
rated with a mild soap solution (2 tablespoons mild in your vehicle, it is best to contact your authorized Audi dealer, who
liquid soap). wil l be glad to help you and tell you about our full range of leather
care products, such as:
- Never allow the soap solution to saturate the leather, and
• Leather cleaning and care kit
make certain that no water soaks into the seams.
• Creams to care for colored leather
- Wipe off the soap solution with a soft, dry cloth. • Spot removers for ba llpo int pens, shoe polish, etc.
• Oil/grease dissolving spray
Cleaning spots
• New and upcoming products.
- Remove fresh water-based spots (such as coffee, tea,
juices, blood) with an absorbent cloth or paper towel.
Cl e aning and prote c tion -

& WARNING from fading . Slight color variations will develop in normal use and
are not an indica t ion of mat erial deteriora t ion.
Always read and heed all WARNING S and other informat ion
=>page 242. 0 Note
• Never use chemical solvents (e.g. ligh t er f luid, tu rpentine),
0 Note waxes, shoe polish or similar products on Alcantara ® surfaces.
• Never use chemical solvents (e.g. ligh t er flu id, t urpentine), • To avo id damage, have st ub bor n stains remov ed by a commer-
waxes, shoe polish or simi lar products on the leather surfaces in cial cleaning specialist .
your Audi. • Do not use brushes, st iff sponges or similarly abrasive cleaning
• To avoid damage, have stubborn stains removed by a commer - aids . •
cia l cleaning specialis t . •

Safety belts
Ap plies to vehicl es: w it h A lcant ara up holst ery
On ly w ell -maintained saf ety belts wor k reliably w hen
Cleaning Alcantara ® (synthetic suede)
Removing dust and dirt - Keep bel t s clean.
- Moiste n a clot h, squeeze out excess water and wipe dow n For clea nin g, use a mild soap and wate r so lution. Let
t he seat surfaces . belts dry thoroughly and away from direct sunlight .
Removing stains - Do not al low ine rtia reel safety be lt s to retract before
- Moisten a clot h w ith lukewa r m wate r or with dilute d t hey are co mpletely dry .
ethyl (rubbing) alcohol. - Check t he con di ti o n of yo ur safety belt s regularl y.
- Dab at t he stain. Start at the outside and work inwar d s. Heavily soi led safety bel t s may not retract properly.
- Once the stain is no longer vis i ble, use a soft dry clot h or
t issue to soak up t he mo ist ure. & WARNING
Do not use leather cleaning products on Alcantara. Damaged safety belt s can break in a crash.
You may use a su itab le shampoo for removing dust and dirt. • Anything that might damage your safety belts could mean that
you and your passengers would not be adequately protected in an
Dust and gri t i n the pore s and seams can scratch and damage the
accident .
surface. If the car is left standing in the sun for long periods, the
Alcant ara shou ld be protected against direc t sunlight to p revent it • Safety belt performan ce depends on correct installation . Never
remove belts from the vehicle to clean them . ._.

• Vehicle care I t

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essential to have a long -l asting corrosion protection reapp lied to all

& WARNING (continu ed) surfaces, seams, joints and components in the engine compart -
• Do not use chemical cleaning agents , bleach or dyes. They have ment.
corrosive propertie s w hich w eaken the w ebbing .
• When cleaning your safety belt s, inspect them for damage. If
you discover damage, see your authori zed Audi dealer.
Be aw are: The eng ine compartment of any motor vehicle is a
• Alway s read and heed all WARNINGS and other informat ion
potentially hazardou s area.
~ page 242. a
• Before wor king in the engine comp artment , be sure to read t he
informat ion ~ page 254.
Engine compartment • Before reaching into the front plenum panel, alwa ys remove the
ignition key. Othe rw ise, the w indshield w iper system could unin-
Be esp ecially care fu l when cleaning the engine compa rt-
tention ally be sw it ched on, possibly causing personal injury from
ment. the moving wiper linkage.
Alw ays swit ch off the ignition before cleaning the engine ~ &. • Never reach into the area around or touch the radiator fan . The
auxiliary fan is temperature controlled and can swit ch on suddenl y
P lenum panel - even when the ignition is off .
Remove leaves from the plenum panel in front of the windshie ld • Do not wash , w ax or dry the engine with the engine running.
under the engine hood. This prevents the water drain ho les from Mov ing or hot part s could injure you.
becoming blocked, and it prevents debris from entering the vehicle
• Do not clean the underside of the chassis, fender s, wh eel
inter ior through the heating and ventilation ducts.
covers, or other hard to reach parts without protecting your hands
Corrosion protect ion and ar ms. You may cut yourself on sharp-edged metal parts.
The engine compartment and transmission have been corrosion - • Alway s read and heed all WARNINGS and other inform ation
protected at the factory . ~ page242 . a

Good anti-corros ion treatment is very important, particularly in the

winter . If the vehicle is frequently driven on salt treated roads, the
ent ire engine compa rtment and plenum pa n el should be thor -
oughly cleaned at the end of winter and retreated to prevent salt
damage. At the same time, the underside of the vehicle shou ld be
washed as we ll.
If the engine compartment is cleaned at any time with grease
removing solutions 21, or if you have t he eng ine washed, the an t i-
corrosion tr eatm ent is almost always removed as well. It is therefore

Use on ly th e correct cl ean ing solut ions. Never use gasolin e or di esel fu el.
___________ Fue l s upply a nd fillin g y ou r fu__ el tank
...:._:......:,_______;::;...a,__ -

Fuel supply and filling your fuel tank

Gasoline Gasoline most common ly used in the United States and Canada has
the following octane ratings that can usua lly be found on the filler
Fuel supply
• Premium Grade : 91 - 96 AKI
Using the right fuel helps keep the environment clean and
• Regular Grade: 87 - 90 AKI
prevents engine damage.
Explanation of the abbreviations:
Fuel reco mm e nd a ti o n
AKI = A nti Knock Index= (R+M)/2 = (RON+MON)/2
The fuel recommended for your vehic le is unleaded premium grade
gaso line . See also ~ page 325, "Data". Audi recommends using TOP RON = Research Octane N umber
TIER Detergent Gasoline with a minimum octane rating of 91 AKI (95 MON = M otor Octane Number .
RON). For more information on TOP TIER Detergent Gasoline, please
go to the official website (www.toptiergas .com).
The recommended gasoline octane rating for your engine can also 0 Note
be found on a label located on the inside of the fuel fille r flap. This • Do not use any fue l with octane ratings lower than 87 AKI or 91
rating may be specified as AKI or RON. RON otherwise expensive engine damage will occur .

Your vehic le may also be operated us ing unleaded regular gasoline • Do not use leaded gasoline. The use of leaded gasoline w ill
with a minimum octane rating of 87 AKl/91 RON. However, using 87 severe ly damage your vehicle's catalytic converter and its abi lity to
AKl/9 1 RON octane fuel will slightly reduce engine performance. control exhaust emissions. •

Use unle aded gasoline only. Unleaded gaso line is avai lable
throughout the USA, Canada, and in most European countries. We Blended gasoline
recommend that you do not take your vehicle to areas or countr ies
where un leaded gasoline may not be available . U s e o f g aso line co nt a ining a lco h o l or M T B E (m e th y l
For more information on refueling your vehicle, see ~ page 256 . t er t iary but yl e ther )
You may use unleaded gasoline blended with alcohol or MTBE
O c t ane ra tin g (commonly referred to as oxygenates) if the blended mixture meets
Octane rating indicates a gaso line's ability to resist engine the follow ing criteria:
damaging "knock" caused by premature ignition and detonation.
Blend of gasoline meth anol (wood alcohol or methyl alcohol)
Therefore, buying the correct grade of gaso line is very important to
help prevent possible engine damage and a loss of engine perfor - • Anti-knock index must be 87 AKI or higher .
mance. • Blend must contain no more than 3% methanol.
• Blend must contain more than 2% co-solvents.

• Vehicle care I t

Fuel supply and filling your fuel tank

Blend of gasoline and ethanol (grain alcohol or ethyl alcohol} Gasoline additives
• Anti -knock index must be 87 AKI or higher.
• Blend must not contain more than 10% ethanol. A major concern among many auto manufacturers is carbon
deposit build-up caused by the type of gasoline you use.
Blend of gasoline and MTBE
Although gasoline grades differ from one manufacturer to another,
• Anti-knock index must be 87 AKI or higher. they have certain things in common . All gasoline grades contain
• Blend must contain not more than 15% MTBE. substances that can cause deposits to collect on vital engine parts,
such as fuel injectors and intake valves. Although most gasoline
Seasonally adjusted gasoline
brands include additives to keep engine and fuel systems clean,
Many gasoline grades are blended to perform especially well for they are not equally effective.
winter or summer driving. During seasonal change -over, we suggest
Audi recommends using TOP TIER Detergent Gasoline. For more
that you fill up at busy gas stations where the seasonal adjustment
information on TOP TIER Detergent Gasoline, please go to the offi-
is more likely to be made in time.
cial website (www.toptiergas.com).

0 Note
After an extended period of using inadequate fuels, built-up carbon
deposits can rob your engine of peak performance.
• Methanol fuels which do not meet these requirements may
cause corrosion and damage to plastic and rubber components in
the fuel system. (D Note
• Do not use fuels that fail to meet the specified criteria in this Damage or malfunction due to poor fuel quality is not covered by
chapter. the Audi New Vehicle Limited Warranty. •

• If you are unable to determine whether or not a particular fuel

blend meets the specifications, ask your service station or its fuel
Fuel tank
• Do not use fuel for which the contents cannot be identified.
Fuel filler neck
• Fuel system damage and performance problems resulting from
the use of fuels different from those specified are not the responsi -
The fuel filler neck is located on the right rear side panel behind the
bility of Audi and are not covered under the New Vehicle or the
fuel filler flap.
Emission Control System Warranties.
• If you experience a loss of fuel economy or driveability and If the power locking system should fail, you can still open the flap
performance problems due to the use of one of these fuel blends, manually - for detailed instructions see => page 259.
we recommend that you switch to unblended fuel. • You can find the fuel tank capacity of your vehicle in Technical Data
=>page 325. .,_
_____________________________________ F_u_e
_ l _s_u-=p_p
_ f_i_ll_in-=g_y
_e_l _t_a_n_k_ ____.

The labe l on the inside of the fuel filler flap tel ls you the correct fuel Refuelling
fo r your vehicle . For mo re information about fuel specifications, see
=>page 255.
Your vehicle fuel tank has an on -board refuelling vapor recovery
syst em. Th is f eature helps to prevent fue l vapors from escapin g
from the tank and polluting the environment wh ile you refue l your
veh i cle. In order to fill t he tank properly while protecti ng the envi-
ronment, please follow this refuel ing procedure carefully .

& WARNING Fig. 206 Right rear

vehicle side: Opening
th e fuel filler flap
Under normal operating conditions , never carry additional fuel
containers in your car. Gas canister s and other containers used to
transport fuel can be dangerous . Such conta iners, full or empty,
may leak and could cause a fire in a collision . If you mu st transport
fuel to use for your lawn mower, snow blower, etc., be very careful
and always observe local and state laws regarding the use, tran s-
port ation and storage of such fuel containers . Make certain the
container meets industry standard s (ANSI/ASTM F852 · 861.

0 Note Fig. 207 Fuel filler flap

with attach ed fuel cap
Never d rive your vehicle until t he fuel t ank is completely emp t y. The
irregular supp ly of fuel can cause misfiring . Gasoline could enter
t he exhaus t system and damage the cataly t ic converter. • Wh en act ivati ng t he cent ral loc kin g, the fu el fille r fla p is
automatically unlocke d or locked . Refuel t he vehicl e wit h
t he ig ni tion t urn ed off.

Taking the fuel cap off

- Turn off the ignit ion.
Press the left side of the fuel filler flap to open it
=> fig. 206 -arro w -.
Unscrew fue l ca p cou nter -clockwise and hang it on t he
fuel filler flap => fig . 207 . .,

Vehicle care I I irechnical data

Fuel supply and filling your fuel tank

Refuelling procedure & WARNING (continued)

- Insert the fuel nozzle from the gasoline pump into the
fuel filler neck as far as it will go. • Never smoke or have an open flame anywhere in or near your
vehicle when refueling or filling a portable fuel container.
- Select a medium refuelling rate so that the nozzle • For your safety, we strongly recommend that you do not travel
switches off automatically when the tank is full. with a portable fuel container in your vehicle. The container, full or
empty may leak and could cause a fire, especially in a crash.
Putting the fuel cap back on • If, under exceptional circumstances, you must transport a
- After filling your tank, twist the fuel cap clockwise as far portable fuel container, please observe the following:
as it will go. - Never fill a portable fuel container while it is anywhere in or
on the vehicle (for example, in the luggage compartment, or on
- Close the fuel filler flap.
the trunk). Static electricity can build up while filling and can
ignite fuel vapors causing a fire.
To avoid fuel spilling or evaporating from the fuel tank always close
fuel cap properly and completely. An improperly closed fuel filler - Always place a portable fuel container on the ground before
cap may also cause the MIL lamp~ page 21 to come on. filling.
- Always keep the filler nozzle completely inside the portable

& WARNING container before and during filling.

- If filling a portable container made of metal, the filler nozzle
Improper refueling or handling of fuel can cause fire, explosion must always be in contact with the container. This will help
and severe burns. prevent static electricity from discharging and cause a fire.
• Fuel is highly flammable and can cause severe burns and other - Never spill fuel inside the vehicle or luggage compartment.
injuries. Fuel vapors are highly flammable .
• Failure to shut the engine off while refueling and/or to insert - Always observe local and state/provincial laws regarding the
the pump nozzle fully into the fuel filler neck could cause fuel to use, storage and transportation of fuel containers.
spray out of filler neck or to overflow. Fuel spray and overflowing
- Make certain the fuel container meets industry standards
fuel can cause a fire.
(ANSI / ASTM F852-86l.
• Never use a cellular telephone while refueling . The electromag-
netic radiation can cause sparks that can ignite fuel vapors and
cause a fire. 0 Note
• Never get back into your vehicle while refueling. If in excep- If any fuel has spilled onto the car, it should be removed immedi -
tional circumstances you must get back in your vehicle while refu- ately to prevent damage to the paint. _.,
eling, make certain that you close the door and touch metal to
discharge static electricity before touching the filler nozzle again.
Static electricity can cause sparks that can ignite fuel vapors
released during refueling .
Fuel supply and filling your fuel tank

The emergency opening mechanism is located behind the

For the sake of the environment right side trim panel in the luggage compartment.
As soon as the correctly operated nozzle switches off automatically
for the first time, the tank is full. Do not try to add more fuel because - Open the right side trim panel.
fuel may spill out . In addition, the expansion space in the fuel tank - Loosen the strap from its bracket and pull on it
will be filled - causing the fuel to overflow when it becomes warm
=>fig. 208. Now you can open the fuel filler flap as
and pollute the environment.
usual. •

[i] Tips
• Running your engine while refuelling may cause vapors to
escape or even cause fuel to spill out of the tank. This would then
shut off the fuel nozzle before the tank is full.
• Do not refuel your vehicle with the ignition turned on . The fuel
gauge may otherwise not indicate the correct fuel level after refuel -
ling .
• The fuel filler flap of your vehicle is not locked when you lock the
vehicle from the inside . •

Un locking the fuel filler f lap by hand

You can open the fuel filler flap by hand if the power
locking system should fail.



Fig. 208 Luggage

compartment : Emer-
gency opening of fuel
filler flap

Vehic le care I I irechnical data

__ _ C_h_e
_ c_k_in
g'--a_n_d_ f_il_li_n..:::
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Checking and filling

Engine hood Opening the engine hood

Releasing the engine hood

The engine hood is released from inside the vehicle.

Fig. 210 Release lever

under the engine hood

Fig. 209 Driver's side Before opening the engine hood, make sure that the wind-
footwell: engine hood
shield wipers are flat against the windshield. Otherwise,
release lever
they could damage the paint on the hood.
- Open the driver's door . Pull up on the release under the hood ~ fig. 210. This
- Pull the release lever on the left under the instrument releases the catch.
panel ~ fig. 209 in the direct ion of the arrow. - Open the hood all the way ~ & .

The hood pops up slightly under spring pressure. •

Hot engine coolant can burn you.
• To reduce the risk of being burned, never open the hood if you
see or hear steam or coolant escaping from the engine compart-
ment. Wait until no steam or coolant can be seen or heard before
carefully opening the hood. •
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Closing the engine hood & WARNING (continued)

- Pull the hood down until the pressure from the struts is • Move selector lever of automatic transmission to "P" (Park).
reduced . • Always let the engine cool down. Hot components will burn
skin on contact.
- Let the hood drop down and latch in place. Do not try to
push it shut; it may fail to engage => &. • To reduce the risk of being burned, never open the hood if you
see or hear steam or coolant escaping from the engine compart-
ment. Wait until no steam or coolant can be seen or heard before
& WARNING carefully opening the hood.
• Keep children away from the engine compartment .
A hood that is not completely latched could fly up and block your
view while driving. • Never spill fluids on hot engine components. They can cause a
• When you close the engine hood, check it to make sure the
safety catch has properly engaged. The hood should be flush with • Never touch the radiator fan. The auxiliary electric fan is
the surrounding vehicle body parts. temperature controlled and can switch on suddenly.
• If you notice while driving that the hood is not secured prop- • Never open the coolant reservoir cap when the engine is still
erly, stop at once and close it. • warm . The coolant system is pressurized and hot coolant could
spray out.
• Protect your face, hands and arm from steam or hot engine
Working in the engine compartment coolant by placing a thick rag over the cap when you open the
coolant reservoir.
Be especially careful whenever you work in the engine
compartment. • If work on the fuel system or the electrical system is necessary :
- Always disconnect the battery.
Whenever you must perform any work in the engine compartment,
- Never smoke or work near heaters or open flames . Fluids in
for example checking and filling different fluids, there is a risk of
the engine compartment could start a fire.
injury, burns and accidents. To prevent personal injury always
observe the following WARNINGS. The engine compartment of any - Keep an approved fire extinguisher immediately available.
vehicle is a hazardous area ~ & . • To avoid electrical shock and personal injury while the engine
is running or being started, never touch:

& WARNING - Ignition cables

- Other components of the high voltage electronic ignition
To help avoid injury, before you check anything under the hood :
• Turn off the engine.
• If you must perform a check or repair with the engine running:
• Remove the ignition key. - First, fully apply the parking brake, move selector lever of
• Apply the parking brake . automatic transmission to "P" (Park). .,

• Vehicle care I t

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& WARNING (continued ) Engine compartment

- Always use extreme caution to prevent cloth ing , jewelry, or Engine compartment
long hair from getting caught in the radiator fan , V-belt s o r
other moving parts , or from contacting hot parts . Tie back hair Thes e are the m ost imp ortan t item s that you can check.
before starting , and do not wear clothing that will hang or
droop into the engine .
• Minimize exposure to emis sion and chemical hazards ::::>& .

California Proposition 65 Warning:
• Engine exhaust , some of its constituents , and certain vehicle
components contain or emit chemicals known to the State of Cali-
fornia to cause cancer and birth defects and reproductive harm. In
addition , certain fluids contained in vehi cles and certa in products
of component wear contain or emit chemicals known to the State
of California to cause cancer and birth defect s or other reprodu c-
tive harm.
• Battery posts, terminals and related accessories conta in lead
and lead compounds , chemicals known to the State of California
to cause cancer and reproductive harms. Wash hands after
handling. Fig. 211 Typical layout for containers and engine oil filler cap

G) Jump sta rt point (+l under a cover .. . ... . ... . .. . . . 274, 316
0 Note 0
Brake fl uid reservoi r ( l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Engine oil f ill er cap ("t:::r.) . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
When adding f luids, always make sure that they are poured into the
proper container or filler ope ning, otherwise serious damage to © Co ola nt expansio n t ank (- L l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 268
vehic le systems wi ll occur. © Jump sta rt poi nt( -) w ith hex head screw .. .. .. .. .. . 274, 316
© Winds hield/headli g ht was her container (q ) . . . ... .. 275
ci>For the sake of the environment (j) Power steering reservoir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 225
To detect leaks in time, inspect the vehicle floor pan from under - The position of the engine oil f ill ing ho le => fig . 2 11 (it em (v l can
n eath regu larly. If you see spots fro m oi l o r ot her veh icle flu ids, hav e differ d epend i ng on the engine d esign . .,
your vehicle i nspected by an author ized Audi dea ler. •
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& WARNING synthetic engine oil will meet Audi oil standard VW 502 00. So
always be sure tha t you use an approved o il.
Before you check anyt hing in th e engine compart me nt , always To help prevent the formation of harmful deposits use only oil with
read and heed all WARNING S ~ & in "Workin g in the engine the fo llowing specifications printed on the oil container:
comp art ment " on page 26 1. •
Audi oil standard VW 502 00
Oil container labels may carry the specification singly or in combi -
Engine oil nation with other designa t ions and oil quality standards .
Engine oil specifications Engine oils are graded according to their viscosity. The proper
The engine oil used in your Audi needs the right kind of viscosity grade oi l for your engine depends on climactic or seasona l
conditions where you drive. You can use oil with a viscosity grade of
SAE 5W40 across all temperature ranges for normal driving condi -
The engine in your Audi is a sophisticated power plant that was built tions .
to exacting specifications. This engine needs the right kind of However, if engine oil viscosity grade SAE 5W40 is not available, you
engine oil that meets specifications regarding quality and viscosity can also use viscos ity grade SAE 5W-30 or SAE 0W-40 as long as it
so that it can run smoothly and reliably. Choos ing the right oil and meets Audi oil qua lity standard VW 502 00 specifications .
changing oil within the time and mileage intervals printed in your
vehic le's Warranty & Maintenance booklet matters a lot more today Because engine o il that meets the Audi o il standard may not be
than it did years ago. Audi has developed a special quality standard avai lable everywhere when you need it, we strongly recommend
for engine oil that will help assure that your vehicle's engine will get that you always carry with you an extra quart (liter) of oil that
t he lubr ication it needs for proper operation . express ly conforms to the VW 502 00 specification, in case you have
to top off the oil while on the road .
Modern engine lubrication has taken a quantum leap in the last few
years . Many synthetic oi ls availab le today provide better engine Only if the bar of the oil level indicator is near "Min" - and no oi l that
lubrication that can outlast traditional petroleum-based oils, expressly conforms to Audi oil standard VW 502 00 specifications is
making them a smart choice for use throughout the life of your Audi. avai lable - may you top off with a high quality engine oi l, preferab ly
synthetic-based, that meets ACEA A3, ACEA A5 or ACEA 85, API SL
Whether you use synthetic or petroleum -based engine oi l, the oi l or ILSAC GF-3 specifications, but even then, only in viscosity grades
that you use must conform to Audi's oi l quality standard VW 502 00 SAE 5W-40, SAE 5W-30, or SAE 0W-40. However, during the entire
t o help keep your vehic le's engine running smoo t h ly and help time between oil change intervals, never top off with more than a
prevent the formation of harmful deposits, sometimes called total of 0.5 qt/liter engine oil that does not conform to Audi o il spec -
"sludge", that over time can lead to expensive repairs. ification VW 502 00.
At the time of printing, engine oi ls avai lable in the U.S. and Canada For more information about engine oi l that has been approved for
that meet the exacting specifications of Audi oil standard VW 502 00 your vehicle, p lease contact either your authorized Audi dea ler or
are synthetic engine oils . This does not mean, however, that every Audi Customer Relations at 1 (800) 822-2834 or visit our web site at
www.audiusa.com or www.audicanada.ca. Here you will also find a .._

• Vehicle care I t

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current list of oils (manufacturers, brand names etc.) that conform Engine oil consumption
t o Audi oi l standard VW 502 00.
The engine in your vehicle depends on an adeq uate
Changing the engine oil
amount of oil to lubric ate and cool all of its m oving parts.
The engine oil and oil filter must be changed according to the
mi leage (ki lometers) and time intervals specified in your vehicle's In order to provide effective lubrication and coo ling of interna l
Warranty & Maintenance booklet. Do not exceed these interva ls - engine components, al l interna l combustio n eng ines consume a
harmful deposits from old engine oil can reduce engine perfor- certain amount of oil. Oil consumption varies from engine to engine
mance and can lead to expensive engine repairs. and may change significant ly over the life of the engine . Typ ically,
engines with a specified break-in period (see=> page 229) consume
Changing the oi l at the recommended intervals is so very important more oil du ring the break-in period t han they consume after oil
because the lubricating prope rties of oi l decrease gradual ly during consumption has stabi lized .
normal vehicle use. If you are not sure when you have your oil
changed, ask your author ized Audi Serv ice Advisor. Unde r normal conditions, the rate of oil consumption depends on
the quality and v iscosity of the oil, the RPM (revolutions per minute)
Under some circumstances the engine oil should even be changed at which the engine is operated, the ambient temperature and road
more frequently. Change oil more often if you dr ive mostly short cond itions. Furt her factors are the amount of oil di lut ion from wate r
distances, operate the vehicle in dusty areas or mostly under stop - condensation or fue l residue and the oxidation leve l of the oi l. As
and -go t raffic conditions, or when you use your vehicle where any engine is subject to wear as mileage bu ilds up, t he oil consump -
temperatures stay be low freezing point for long per iods. tion may increase over time unt il replacement of worn components
Detergent additives in the oil will make fresh oil look dark after the may become necessa ry.
engine has been running for a short t ime . This is normal and is not With all these variables coming into play, no standard rate of oi l
a reason to change the oi l more often than recommended. consumption can be established o r specified . There is no alt ernative
Damag e or malfunctions due to lack of mainten ance t o regula r and frequent checking of the oil level, see Note .
It is essentia l t hat you change your oi l at the recommended interva ls If the yel low engine oil level warning symbo l in the instrument
using on ly engine oil that complies with Audi oil standard clus t er lights up, yo u should check the o il level as soon as
VW 502 00. Your Limited New Vehicle Warranty does not cover possible=> page 265 . Top off the o il at your earliest convenience
damage or ma lfunctions due to failure to follow recommended => page 265.
main t enance and use requirements as set forth in the Aud i Owner's
Manual and Warranty & Maintenance booklet. Your dealer wi ll have
t o deny warranty cove rage unless you present to the dealer proof in & WARNING
the form of Service or Repair Orders that al l schedu led maintenance Before you check anything in the engine compartment , always
was pe rformed in a timely manner. • read and heed all WARNING S => &
in "Working in the engine
compartment " on page 261.
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_ n_d_ f _

Whil e at op erat in g st at e te mper ature, bri efly let th e

0 Note engin e run at idl e and then shu t it off .
Driving with an insufficient oil level is li kely to cause severe damage
to the engine. Wait approx. two mi nutes .
Read t he oil leve l in t he rad io or MMI* Display => fig. 212.
[i ] Tips Add eng ine oil if the bar of t he oil level indicator is near
• The oil pressure w arning display ~ is not an indicator of the oil "Min" => page 265.
level. Do not rely on it. Instead , check the oil level in your engine at
Depending on the way the vehicle is driven and the operating condi -
regular interv als, preferably each time you refuel, and alway s before
t ions, oil co nsumption can be up to a 1/2 q uart per 600 m iles (0.5
going on a long trip.
liter per 1000 km). Consumption may be higher within the first 3000
• If you have the impression your engine consumes excessive mi les (5000 kml.
amoun t s of oil, we recommend tha t you consult an authorized Audi
dea ler to have the cause of your concern properly diagnosed . Keep
in mind t hat the accu rate measurement of oi l co nsu m pti o n requires [i ] Tips
great care and may take some time. An authorized Audi dea ler has The oil level indicator in the rad io o r MMI* Display is on ly an infor -
instructio ns about how to measu re oil co nsumption accura t ely. • mat ion display . If the oil leve l is too low, a minimum oil warning
appears in the inst rument cluster. Add oi l ~ page 265 . If the hood
has been opened, the curren t oi l level is shown i n the instrument
Checking the engine oil level cluster the next time the ignition is switched on. •

Adding engine oil ~

Fig. 212 Display: Oil

level indicat or
Fig. 21 3 Engine
co mpartment : Oil filler
Read oil level ca p location ..
Select: Funct ion button [CARI> Oil level.
- Park your vehicle so that it is horizo ntally leve l.

Vehicle care I I irechnical data

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Before you che ck anything in t he engine compartment,

always read and heed all WARNINGS ~ &
in "Work in g in W For the sake of the environment
the eng in e compartment" on page 261. • Unde r no circumstances can the oil come in contact with the
sewage network or the soil.
- Unscrew the cap 9=:7:t o t he engine oil fill ing ho le • Observe and fol low legal regulations when disposing of empty
~ page 265 , fig . 213. oi l containers . •
- Carefully top off wi t h the approp r iate oil in 0.5 liter doses.
- Screw the cap back on the f illing hole and close the Changing the engine oil
eng ine hood. We recommend that have your oil changed by an autho -
- Che ck t he oil level aga in afte r two minu t es ~ page 265. rized Audi dealer or a qualified service station.
- Top of f t he oil agai n, if necessa ry. Before you check anything in the engine compartment, alway s read
and heed all WARNIN GS => & in "Working in the engine compart -

& WARNING ment" on page 261.

The engine oil must be changed according to the intervals specified
• While topping off, the oil mu st not come in contact with hot in your Warranty & Maintenance booklet. This is very important
engine part s - fi re hazard! b ecause the lu bricat ing prope rties of oil d iminis h gradually d u ring
• The oil filler cap mu st be properly secured to prevent oil from normal vehicle use.
being sprayed on the hot engine and exhaust system when the Unde r some c ircumstances the engine oil shou ld be changed more
engine is running - fire hazard! frequently . Change oil more often if you drive most ly short
• If your skin has come in conta ct w ith the engine oil, you mu st distances, operate the vehicle in dusty areas or unde r predomi -
subsequently cleanse it thorough ly. nant ly stop -and -go traffic cond it ions, or have your veh icle where
temperatures remain below freezing for extended periods .

0 Note Detergent add iti ves in the oil wi ll make fresh o il look dark after the
engine has been running for a short time. This is normal and is not
• Check the oil level using the radio or the MMI*. If the message
a reason to change t he oi l mo re often than recommended.
Please reduce oil level appears, contact your authorized Audi dealer
or other qua lified workshop to have excess oil extracted if neces - Because of the problem of proper disposal, along with the special
sary. tools and necessary expertise required, we strong ly recommend
• Audi does not recommend th e use of oil additive s. They may t hat you have your o il changed by an authorized Audi dealer or a
damag e the engine and adversely affect your New Vehicle Warranty. qualified service station .
If you choose to change your oil yourself, please note the f ol lowing
important information : .,_
___________________________________________ C
_ h_e_c_k_i_n_g_ a_n_d_ f_il_li_n_g__ !II
& WARNING Engine cooling system
To reduce the risk of personal injury if you must change the engine Coolant
oil in your vehicle yourself :
The engin e coolan t perform s tw o functi ons : it keeps th e
• Wear eye protection.
eng in e from overh eat in g and it prote cts th e engi ne fro m
• To reduce the risk of burns from hot engine oil, let the engine
cool down to the touch.
f reezing in t he winter.
• When removing the oil drain plug with your fingers, stay as far The cool i ng system is sea led and general ly requires little attention.
away as possible . Always keep your forearm parallel to the ground
The coo lin g syst em has been fi ll ed at t he f act ory with a pe rm an ent
to help prevent hot oil from running down your arm.
coolant which does not need to be cha nged. The coo lant consists of
• Drain the oil into a container designed for this purpose, one a m ixt ure of wa t er and the manufacture r's gl y co l-based co o lant
large enough to hold at least the total amount of oil in your engine. addit ive G12++ antifreeze wit h anti corrosion additives (50% for USA
• Engine oil is poisonous. Keep it well out of the reach of children. m od els; 60% f or Cana d ian mode ls). Thi s m ixtu re bot h assures t he
necessary frost protection and protects m et al co m ponents in t he
• Continuous contact with used engine oil is harmful to your
eng ine's cooling system from co rr osion and scaling. It also raises
skin. Always protect your skin by washing oil off thoroughly with
t he b oili ng poi nt of the coolant.
soap and water .
Do not reduce the concentration of the coo lant in the summer by

0 Note
add in g pla in water . The proportion of coolant additive must be at
least 50% but not more than 60% to maintain antifreeze protection
Never mix oil additives with your engine oil. These additives can and co o li ng effic ien cy. If t he coo lant fros t pr ot ecti o n is too low, th e
damage you r eng ine and adve rsely aff ect your Audi Limi t ed New coo lant could freeze and damage th e vehic le heating and en gine
Vehicle Warranty . coo li ng system.
For year -round d riv ing, ant ifree ze is added at t he f actory fo r temper -
For the sake of the environment atures down to:
• Before c han g ing your oi l, first make sure you know w here you • - 31 °F ! - 35°ci u sA
can pro p er ly dispose of the used oi l. • - 40°F ( - 40°CJ Canada.
• A lways dispose of used engine oi l properly. Do not dump it on
You can m ix t he G12++ co olant addi t ive w ith ot her additives (G12+
garden soil, wooded areas, into open streams or down sewage
or G12). A lways check wit h your author ized Audi dea ler.
drains .
• Recyc le used eng ine oi l by ta kin g it to a use d engine o il col lec-
tion facility in your area, or contact a service station . • & WARNING
Before you check anything in the engine compartment , always
read and heed all WARNINGS ~ &
in "Working in the engine
compartment " on page 261 .

• Vehicle care I t

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Bef ore you che ck anything in the engine compar t ment,

0 Not e &
always read and heed all WARNINGS ==> in "Worki ng in
• Before winter sets in, have the coolant checked to see if the the eng in e compartment" on page 261.
coolant additive in your vehicle is sufficient to meet the climate
conditions. This is especia lly important if you live in a region where Tur n off the ignitio n.
the winter is extremely cold . If necessary, increase the proportion of
- Read the engine coo lant leve l from the coo lant expan-
coo lant additive to 60%.
sion tank==>fig. 214. With a cold engi ne, the coolan t leve l
• When adding coolant additive to your coo ling system, sho ul d be betw een the '' M IN" and "MAX" markings.
reme m ber:
When the engine is warm, the level may be sligh t ly above
- We recommend using only coolant additive G12++ (check the the "MAX" mar kin g.
label) for your vehicle. This coolant addit ive is available at autho-
rized Audi dealers . Other types of antifreeze can significantly The location of the coolant expansion tank can be seen in the
reduce corrosion protection . The resulting corrosion can cause a engine compartment illustration => page 262 .
loss of coolant and serious engine damage.
To obtain an accurate reading, the engine must be switched off .
• Do not add any type of radiator leak sealant to your vehicle's
engine coolant . Adding radiator repair fluid m ay adverse ly affect the The expansion tank in your vehicle is equipped with an electric
function and performance of your cooling system and cou ld result coo lant leve l sensor.
in damage not covered by your New Vehicle Limited Warranty. • When the coolant leve l is too low, the warni ng light in the Auto-
Check System => page 30 will blink until you add coolant and the
level has been restored t o normal. Even though there is an electric
Checking the engine coolant level coo lant level sensor, we still recommend you check the coolant level
The engine co olant level can be checke d with a quick from t ime to time.
glance. Coolant lo ss
Coolant loss m ay indicate a leak in the cooling system. In the event
of coo lant loss, the cooling system should be inspected immedi-
ately by your authorized Audi dea ler. It is not enough mere ly to add
In a sealed syst em, losses can occur on ly if the boi ling point of the
coo lant is exceeded as a result of overheat ing.

Fig. 2 14 Engine
comp a rtment : Coola nt 0 Note
expansi on tank Do not add any type of radiator leak sealant to your vehicle's eng ine
coo lant. Add ing radiator repair fluid may adve rsely affect the func- ...
___________________________________________ C
_ h_e_c_k_i_n_g_ a_n_d_ f_il_li_n_g__ lfll
tion and performance of your cooling system and could result in
damage not covered by your New Vehicle Limited Warranty. • & WARNING
• The cooling system is under pressure and can get very hot .
Reduce the risk of scalding from hot coolant by following these
Adding coolant
Be very careful when adding engine coolant. - Turn off the engine and allow it to cool down.
Before you check anything in the engine compartment, - Protect your face, hands and arms from escaping fluid and
always read and heed all WARNINGS => &
in "Working in steam by covering the cap with a large, thick rag.
the engine compartment" on page 261 . - Turn the cap slowly and very carefully in a counter-clockwise
direction while applying light, downward pressure on the top
- Turn off the engine . of the cap.
- Let the engine cool down. - To avoid being burned, do not spill antifreeze or coolant on
the exhaust system or hot engine parts. Under certain condi-
- Place a thick rag over the coolant expansion tank tions, the ethylene glycol in engine coolant can catch fire.
=> page 268, fig. 214 and carefully turn the cap counter-
• Antifreeze is poisonous. Always store antifreeze in its original
clockwise => &. container and well out of the reach of children.
- Add coolant. • If you drain the coolant, it must be caught and safely stored in
a proper container clearly marked "poison".
- Twist the cap on again tightly.

Replacement engine coolant must conform to exact specifications

=> page 267, "Coolant". Even in an emergency, if coolant additive
0 Note
• Coolant pollutes the environment and could cause an engine
G12++, G12+ or G12 is not available , do not use a different additive.
fire . Excess coolant will be forced out through the pressure relief
Use plain water instead until you can get the correct additive and
valve in the cap when the engine becomes hot.
can restore the correct ratio. This should be done as soon as
possible . • If, in an emergency, only water can be added, the correct ratio
between water and antifreeze => page 267must be restored as soon
If you have lost a considerable amount of coolant, then you should as possible.
add cold antifreeze and cold water only when the engine is cold.
Always use new engine coolant when refilling.
~ For the sake of the environment
Do not fill coolant above the "MAX" mark. Excess coolant will be Drained coolant should not be reused . Always dispose of used
forced out through the pressure relief valve in the cap when the coolant while observing all environmental regulations. •
engine becomes hot .

• Vehicle care I t

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Radiator fan Brake fluid

The radiator fan switches on automatically by itself.
Checking brake fluid level
The rad iator fan is driven by the engine via the V-belt. The viscous
clutch regulates the speed of the fan according to the t emperature The brake fluid level can be checked w ith a quick g lance.
of the coo lant .
An auxiliary electric radiator fan * switches on and off depending on
coolant temperature and other vehicle operating conditions .
After you switch the engine off, the auxiliary fan can continue
running for up to 10 minu t es - even with the ignition off . It can even
sw itch on again later by it self=> & , if
• the temperature of the engine coolant rises due to the heat
build -up from the engine in the engine compartment , or Fig. 215 Engine
comp art ment: Brake
• the engine compartme nt heats up becau se t he vehic le is parked fluid reservoir
in intense sunlight .
Before you check anything in the engine compartment,
& WARNING alway s read and heed all WARNINGS ~
the eng ine compartment" on page 261 .
in "Working in

• To reduce the risk of personal injury never to uch the radiato r

fan. - Read the brake fluid level from the brake fluid reservo ir
• The auxiliary electri c fan is te mperature controlled and can ~ fig. 215. The brake fluid leve l must be between the
switch on suddenly even when the engine is not running . " M IN" and "MAX" markings.
• The auxiliary rad iator fan swit ches on auto matic ally when the
The brake fluid reservoir is located at the rear partition of the engine
engine coolant reaches a certai n temperature and will conti nue to
compartment on the left side => page 262.
run unt il t he coolant te mperature drops. •
The fluid leve l may drop slightly after some time due to the auto-
matic adjustment of the brake pads. This is not cause fo r alarm .
If the b rake flu id level falls considerably below the "MI N" mark, the
brake warning/indicator light (U.S. models: BRAKE , Canadian models :
<CI») wi ll come on => page 17 and => page 29. Do not con t inue to
ope rate the vehicle. The complete brake system should be thor-
oughly checked by an authorized Audi dealer or qua lified workshop
and the cause corrected. If the brake fluid level is too low , the brake ..,..
__________________________________________ ___:
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warning/indicator light will illuminate . Contact an authorized Audi

dealer immediately. • 0 Note
Brake fluid will damage the paint of your vehicle .

Changing brake fluid

Have the brake fluid changed by an experienced techni-
W For the sake of the environment
Because of the problem of proper disposal of brake fluid as well as
cian. the special tools required and the necessary expertise, we recom -
Brake fluid absorbs moisture from the air. If the water content in the mend that you have the brake fluid changed by your authorized Audi
brake fluid is too high, corrosion in the brake system may result dealer. •
after a period of time. The boiling point of the brake fluid will also
decrease considerably and decrease braking performance.
Therefore, the brake fluid must be changed every two years. Always
use new brake fluid which conforms to Federal Motor Vehicle Stan-
dard "FMVSS 116 DOT 4". General information
The brake fluid reservoir can be difficult to reach, therefore, we
Under normal operating conditions, the battery in your Audi does
recommend that you have the brake fluid changed by your autho-
not need any maintenance. With high outside temperatures or long
rized Audi dealer. Your dealer has the correct tools, the right brake
daily drives we recommend that you have the electrolyte level
fluid and the know-how to do this for you.
checked by an authorized Audi dealer or qualified workshop. The
electrolyte level should also be checked each time the battery is
& WARNING charged ~ page 274.

• Brake fluid is poisonous. It must be stored only in the closed Have the battery checked when you take your vehicle in for service.
original container out of the reach of children! You are well advised to replace a battery that is older than 5 years .

• Brake failure can result from old or inappropriate brake fluid. With certain types of airbag deployment, the battery is discon -
Observe these precautions: nected from the vehicle electrical system for safety reasons ~ & in
"Repair, care and disposal of the airbags" on page 189.
- Use only brake fluid that meets SAE specification J 1703 and
conforms to Federal Motor Vehicle Standard 116. Always check Disconnecting the battery terminals
with your authorized Audi dealer to make sure you are using
Some vehicle functions (power window regulators, for example) are
the correct brake fluid. The correct type of brake fluid is also
lost if the battery terminals are disconnected. These functions have
indicated on the brake fluid reservoir.
to be relearned after the battery terminals are connected again . To
- The brake fluid must be new. Heavy use of the brakes can prevent this, the battery should only be disconnected from the
cause a vapor lock if the brake fluid is left in the system too vehicle electrical system when absolutely necessary for repairs. .,_
long. This can seriously affect the efficiency of the brakes as
well as your safety. This could result in an accident .

• Vehicle care I t

Ill ------=-------------------
Checking and filling

Vehicles not driven for long periods Always heed the safety warnings, when working on the vehicle
If you do not drive your vehicle over a period of several days or battery or the vehicle electrical system to prevent injury.
weeks, electrical components are gradually cut back or switched off.
The following WARNINGS are very important when
This reduces energy consumption and maintains starting capability
working on the battery:
over a longer period =>page 226.
Take into consideration that when you unlock your vehicle, some Always heed the following WARNING SYMBOLS and safety pre-
convenience functions, such as the master key remote function or cautions when working on the battery.
power seat adjustment, may not be available. The convenience Always wear eye protection .
functions will be available again when you turn on the ignition and
start the engine.
Battery acid contains sulfuric acid. Always wear
Winter operation gloves and eye protection .
During the winter months, battery capacity tends to decrease as No
temperatures drop. This is because more power is also consumed - sparks
while starting, and the headlights, rear window defogger, etc., are - flames
used more often. - smoking .
Avoid unnecessary power consumption, particularly in city traffic or When a battery is charged, it produces hydrogen
when traveling only short distances. Let your authorized Audi dealer gas which is explosive and could cause personal
check the capacity of the vehicle battery before winter sets in injury.
=>page 274. A well charged battery will not only prevent starting
Always keep the battery well out of reach of chil-
problems when the weather is cold, but will also last longer.
dren .

[i] Tips
If your vehicle is left standing for several weeks at extremely low
temperatures, the vehicle battery should be removed and stored Whenever working on the battery or on the electrical system,
where it will not freeze. This will prevent it from being damaged and there is the risk of injury, accident and even fire. Read and heed the
having to be replaced. • following WARNINGS:
• Always wear eye protection. Do not let battery acid or any lead
particles get on your skin or clothing. Shield your eyes. Explosive
Working on the battery gases can cause blindness or other injury.
Be especially careful when working on or near the battery. • Battery acid contains sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid can cause
blindness and severe burns.
The battery is located in the luggage compartment under
- Always wear gloves and eye protection. Do not tilt the
the floor. Before you check anything in the luggage battery because acid could leak out of the ventilation openings . ._
compartment, read and heed all WARNINGS ~ &, .
Checking and filling -
& WARNING (continu ed) & WARNING (continued )

- If you get battery acid in your eyes or on your skin, immed i- • Never charge a frozen or a thawed-out battery. It could
ately rinse with cold water for several minutes and get medical ex plode! If a battery has frozen , then it must be replaced . A
attention . discharged battery can freeze over at 32°F I0°CI.
- If you should ingest any battery ac id, seek medical attention • Make sure the vent hose is always attached to the opening on
immediately. the side of the battery.
• Do not expose the battery to an open flame , electric sparks or • Never use batteries which are damaged. The re is the danger of
an open light. an explosion! Always replace a damaged battery .
• Do not smoke .
• Do not interchange the positive and negative cables .
• When working on the battery , be sure not to short-circuit the
California Proposition 65 Warning :
terminals with tools or other metal objects. This would cause the
battery to heat up very quickly , which could lead to damage or • Battery po sts , terminals and related accessories contain lead
explosion and personal injury . and lead compounds , chemicals known to the State of California
to cause cancer and reproductive problems. Wash hands after
• When a battery is charged, it produces hydrogen gas which is
explosive and could cause personal injury .
• Always keep the battery well out of the reach of children .
• Before work is done on the elect rical system , disconnect the 0 Note
negative ground cable . • Do no t d isco nne ct the veh ic le bat t ery w he n the ign it io n is
switched on or when the engine is runni ng, otherwise, you wi ll
• Before performing any work on the electrical system , switch off
da m age elect ro nic co m ponents i n t he electr ical syste m.
the engine and ignition as well as any electrical equipment. The
negative cable on the battery must be disconnected . If you are just • If your vehicle is going to stand for a long period of time without
going to replace a light bulb , then it is enough to switch off the be ing d riven, pr ote ct th e battery fr om "fre ezin g", oth erw ise it w ill
lights . be damaged and will then have to be replaced . •
• Before disconnecting the battery, switch off the anti -theft
alarm system! Otherwise you will set off the alarm .
• When disconnecting the battery , first disconnect the negative
cable and then the positive cable .
• Before reconnecting the battery, make sure all electrical
consumers are switched off . Reconnect the pos itive cable first and
then the negative cable . Never inte rchange the cables - this could
start a fire!

• Vehicle care I t

__ _ C_h_e
_ c_k_in--==
g'--a_n_d_ f _il_li_n..:::
g:::..-___________________________________________ _

Battery charging - When the batte ry is fully charge d: Turn the chargi ng
eq ui p ment off and remove the mains lead from the w all
Starting the engine requires a well charged battery.
out let.
Now remove the clamps fo r the charging equ ipme nt.
Close the cover @ on the positive terminal and re-install
the cover G).
- Close the hood ==>page 261.

Fig. 216 Engine A discharged battery can free ze at temperatures of only 32 °F (0 °C).
comp artmen t : Conn ec- Allow a frozen battery to thaw complete ly bef ore attempting t o
tors for charger and
charge it =:, & . However , we recommend not using a thawed battery
jump er cables
aga in because the battery casing can be cracked due to ice forma -
tion and can leak battery acid.
Always read and heed all WARNINGS below :::>& and~ &
in "Work ing on the battery" on page 272. Bat t e ry c h a rg in g (Maxi mum c h a rg ing ra t e of 3 0
a mp s/ 14 .8 V o lt )
- Turn off the ignition and all electrical consumers.
When charg ing at /ow voltages (e.g. with a tri ckle charger), the
- Make sure t he area is we ll ventilated when you charge battery cables do not have to be disconnected first . The battery caps
the battery. should not be opened when charging a battery.

- Open the engine hood :::>page 260 . It is not necessary to remove the battery from the luggage compart-
ment .
- Remov e the cove r G) by pressing on t he arrow
Fas t c h a rg ing the batt ery (c hargin g ra te ab ov e 14 .8
==>page 274, fig . 216.
V o lt s)
- Ope n the cover @ on t he posit ive te r min al. For technical reasons do not use a battery charger that uses voltage
greater than 14.8 Vo lts to charge your vehic le's battery.
- Connect the charger connectors according to t he instruc -
tio ns t o the jump start bolt s. (Bolts under the cover=
"pos itive", Bolts w ith hex head= "neg ative"). & WARNING
- Only now plug the mains lead for t he charging equip- Charging a battery can be dangerou s.
ment into the wall outlet and turn it on :::>& . • Alw ays follow the operat ing inst ruct ions provided by th e
battery charger manufacturer when charging your battery.
- Make sure the charging rate is not over 30 amps / 14.8
Volt . • Never charge a frozen batt ery. It may explode because of gas
trapped in the ice. Allow a frozen batte ry t o th aw out first. ~
Checking and filling -
If it is not possible to use a battery of this type, the new battery must
& WARNING !continued )
have the same capaci t y, voltage (12 volts), amperage, co nstruc t ion
• Do not reuse batteries wh ich were frozen. The battery housing and plug sealing .
may have cracked and weakened when the batter y froze. When installing the battery, make sure the ignition and all electrical
• Charge the batt ery in a well ventilated area. Keep away from consumers are turned off.
open flame or electric al spar k. Do not smoke . Hydrogen gas gener-
ated by the battery is explo sive.
• To reduce the danger of explosion, never connect or disconnect
0 Note
Make sure the ventilat ion hose on the side of the battery is
charger cables whil e the charger is operating .
connected, otherwise fumes or battery acid can leak out .
• Fast charging a battery is dangerous and should only be
attempted by a competent techni cian with the proper equipment.
• Batte ry acid th at may spill during charging should be washed <i'For the sake of the environment
off with a solution of warm water and baking soda to neutrali ze Because of the problem of proper disposal of a battery, we recom-
the acid. mend your autho rized Audi dealer change the battery for you .
Batteries contain sulfuric acid and lead and must alwa y s be

0 Note
disposed of p roper ly in co mp liance with all environmental regula -
tions . Disposing of vehicle batteries improperly is very dangerous to
Never use a fast charger as a booster to start the engine. This will the environment. •
seriously damage sensitive electronic components, such as control
units, relays, radio, etc., as well as the battery charger. •
Windshield/headlight washer
Battery replacement container
The new battery mus t have the same specifica tions and
dimensions as the original equipment battery.
Intelligent energy management in your vehicle is responsible for
distributing the electrical energy throughout your vehicle
::} page 226. The intelligent energy management system will keep
the engi n e battery charged better then vehicles wi t ho ut th is syst em.
To make sure the additional electrical energy is availab le once again Fig. 217 Engine
after you have changed the battery, we recommend that you install comp artm ent : Wind -
batteries of the same type and manufacture only (the same as those shie ld an d headlight *
wa sher fluid cont aine r ~
insta lled at the time your vehicle was delivered). Specifications are
l isted on the battery housing. Your authorized Audi dea ler will then
code the battery management control unit.

Vehic le care I I irechnical data

-~_ C_h_e_c_k_i_n...:::
a_n_d_ f_i_ll_
___________________________________________ _

The washer fluid container is marked with the symbol Q on

its cap .
- Before you check anything in the engine compartment,
always read and heed all WARNINGS ~ &
in "Working
in the engine compartment" on page 261.
- Lift the filler cap tongue to add washer fluid. You can fill
the container to the top.
- Press the cap back onto the filler neck after filling the
container .

You can find the reservoir capacity in the table in => page 325.
To prevent lime residue from building up on the spray jets, use
distilled water when refilling . Always add a glass cleaner solution
(with frost protection in the winter).

0 Note
Do not mix engine coolant antifreeze or any other additives to fill up
the windsh ield washer reservoir. •
________________________________________________ T_i_r_e_s_ a_n_d
_ w
_ h
_ e_e_l_s__ ffll
Tires and wheels

Tires When removed, the wheels or tires shou ld be stored in a coo l, dry
and preferably dark place.
General notes Sto re t i res in a vertical posit ion if they are not mounted on rims, in
a horizontal position if they are mounted on rims.
Tires may be the least appreciated and most abused parts
of a motor vehicle. N e w tire s
New tires have to be broken in~ & .
Tires may be the least appreciated and most abused parts of a
motor vehicle. Tires are, however, one of the most important parts The tread dep t h of new tires may vary, according to the type and
of a vehicle, particularly considering the comparative ly sma ll patch make of tire and the tread pattern.
of rubber on each tire that assures that all-important contact
Hidden d a ma g e
between you, your vehicle and the road .
Damage to tires and rims is often not readily visible. If you notice
Maintaining the correct tire pressure, making sure that your vehicle unusua l vibration or the vehicle pul ls to one side, this may indicate
and its tires do not have t o carry more weight than they can safely that one of the tires has been damaged . The tires must be checked
handle, avoiding damage from road hazards and regu larly immed iately by an authorized Audi dealer or qualified workshop .
inspecting tires for damage inc luding cuts , slashes irregular wear
and overa ll condition are the most important things that you can do Un idire c tion a l tir e s
to help avoid sudden tire failure including tread separation and A unidirectio n al t ire can be iden t if ied by arrows on t he sidewa ll, that
b lowouts . point in the direction the tire is designed to rotate. You must follow
the specified direction of rot ation . This is necessary so that these
Av o iding dama ge
tires can deve lop their optimum characteristics regarding grip, road
If you have to drive over a curb or similar obstacle, drive very slow ly noise, wear and hydroplaning resistance . For more information
and as close as possible at a right ang le to the curb. ~ page 307.
Always keep chemica ls includ ing grease, oil, gasoline and brake
f luid off the tires.
Inspec t the tires regularly for damage (cuts, cracks or blis t ers, etc.l.
Remove any foreign bodies embedded i n the treads. New ti res or tire s that are old, worn or damaged cannot provide
maximum cont rol and braking ability.
Storing tires • New tires tend to be slippery and mu st also be broken-in . To
Mark tires when you remove them to indicate the direction of rota - reduce the risk of losing control , a collision and seriou s personal
tion . This ensu res you to be ab le to mount them correctly when you injuries, drive wi th special care for t he first 350 miles (560 km l.
reinstal l them. • Driving with worn or damaged t ires can lead to loss of control ,
sudden tire failure , including a blowout and sudden deflation , .,,_

• Vehicle care I t

-~_ T
_ ir_e_s
_ a_n_d_ w_ h_e_e_l_s_________________________________________________ _

& WARNING (continued) & WARNING (continued)

crashes and serious personal injuries . Have worn or damaged tires • Never mount used tires on your vehicle if you are not sure of
replaced immediately. their "previous history." Old used tires may have been damaged
• Tires age even if they are not being used and can fail suddenly, even though the damage cannot be seen that can lead to sudden
especially at high speeds. Tires that are more than 6 years old can tire failure and loss of vehicle control.
only be used in an emergency and then with special care and at • If you notice unusual vibration or if the vehicle pulls to one side
low speed. when driving, always stop as soon as it is safe to do so and check
the wheels and tires for damage . •

Glossary of tire and loading terminology

Accessory weight Cold tire inflation pressure

means the combined weight (in excess of those standard items means the tire pressure recommended by the vehicle manufacturer
which may be rep laced) of automatic transmission, power steering, for a tire of a designated size that has not been driven for more than
power brakes, power windows, power seats, radio, and heater, to a couple of miles (kilometers) at low speeds in the three hour period
the extent that these items are available as factory-installed equip - before the tire pressure is measured or adjusted.
ment (whether installed or not).
Curb weight
Aspect ratio means the weight of a motor vehicle with standard equipment
means the ratio of the height to the width of the tire in percent. including the maximum capacity of fuel , oil, and coolant, air condi-
Numb ers of 55 or low er indicate a low sidewall for improved tioning and additional weight of optional equipment.
steering response and better overall handling on dry pavement.
Extra load tire
Bead means a tire design to operate at higher loads and at higher infla -
means the part of the tire that is made of steel wires, wrapped or tion pressures than the corresponding standard tire. Extra load tires
reinforced by ply cords and that is shaped to fit the rim. may be identified as "XL", "xi", "EXTRA LOAD", or "RF" on the side -
Bead separation
means a breakdown of the bond between components in the bead. Gross Axle Weight Rating ("GAWR")
means the load-ca rrying capacity of a single axle system, measured
Cord at the tire -ground interfaces.
means the strands forming the plies in the tire.
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating ("GVWR"l
means the maximum total loaded weight of the vehicle.
________________________________________________ T_i_r_e_s_ a_n_d
_ w
_ h
_ e_e_l_s__ lJ!
Groove Pl y
means the space between two adjacent tread ribs. means a layer of rubber -coated para lle l cords.

Load ra tin g (code) Produ ction opt io ns wei ght

means the maximum load that a tire is rated to carry for a given means the combined weight of those installed regular production
inflation pressure. You may not find this information on al l tires options weighing over 5 lbs . (2.3 kg) in excess of those standard
because it is not required by law. it ems wh ich they replace, not previously considered in curb weigh t
or accessory weight, including heavy duty brakes, ride levelers, roof
M ax im u m load ra tin g rack, heavy duty battery, and specia l trim .
means the load rating for a tire at t he maximum permissib le infla-
tion pressure for that tire. R a di a l p ly t ire
means a pneumatic tire in which the ply cords that extend to t he
Ma x imum loa ded v e hi c le weigh t beads are laid at substantially 90 degrees to the centerline of the
means the sum of: tread .
(a) Curb weight
Re c o mm e n ded infl a ti o n pr es su re
(b) Accessory weight
see => page 278, "Cold tire inflation pressure".
(c) Vehic le capacity weight, and
(ct) Production options weight R ein fo rce d tir e
means a tire des ign to operate at higher loads and at higher infla-
M ax im u m (p er mi ss ibl e) infl a ti o n pr es sur e
tion pressures than the corresponding standard tire. Reinforced
means the maximum cold inflation pressure to wh ich a tire may be t ires may be identi fi ed as "XL", "x i", "EXTRA LOAD", or "RF" on the
inflated. Also ca ll ed "maximum inflation pressure." sidewall.
Norm a l occ upa nt wei g ht R im
means 150 lbs. (68 ki lograms) times the number of occupants means a metal support for a tire or a tire and tube assembly upon
seated in t he vehicle up to the to t al seating capacity of your vehicle. wh ich the t ire beads are seated.
O c cupant di s tributi o n Rim di a met e r
means distribution of occupants in a vehicle . means nominal diameter of the bead seat. If you change your whee l
size, you wi ll have to purchase new tires to match the new rim diam -
Ou t er di a m e ter
eter .
means the overall diameter of an inflated new tire.
Rim s iz e de s ig n a tion
O ve rall wi d th
means rim diameter and width.
means the linear distance between the exteriors of the sidewa lls of
an inflated tire, includ ing elevations due to labeling, decorations, or Rim wid t h
protective bands or ribs. means nominal distance between rim flanges.

• Vehicle care I t

_L_ T~ir~e:..:
s~ a~n~d
~ w
~ h
~ e~e~l~s'.,_______________________________________________ _

Sidewall mendations. Under UTQG, tires are graded by the tire manufac-
means that portion of a tire between the tread and bead. t urers in three areas: treadwear, traction, and temperature resis -
tance . The UTQG information on the tires, molded into the
Speed rating <letter co de ) sidewalls.
means the speed at which a tire is designed to be driven for
U .S. DOT Tire Identification Number (T IN }
extended periods of time. The ratings range from 93 mph (150 km/h)
to 186 mph (298 km/h) => page 290. You may not find this informa - This is the tire's "seria l number". It begins with the letters "DOT"
tion on all tires because it is not required by law. and indicates that the tire meets al l federa l standards. The next two
numbers or letters indicate the plant where it was manufactured,
The speed rating letter code, where applicable, is molded on the tire
and the last four numbers represent the week and year of manufac-
sidewa ll and indicates the maximum perm issible road speeds=> & ture. For example,
in "Winter tires" on page 294.
DOT ... 2208 ...
Tire pressure monitoring system*
means that the tire was produced in the 22nd week of 2008 . The
means a system that detects when one or more of a vehicle 's tires other numbers are marketing codes that may or may not be used by
are under in flated and illuminates a low tire pressure warning te ll- the tire manufacturer . This information is used to contact
tale. consumers if a tire defect requires a reca ll.
Tread Vehicle capacity weight
means that portion of a tire that comes into contact with the road. means the rated cargo and luggage lo ad plus 150 lbs. (68 kilograms)
times the vehicle's tota l seating capacity as listed on the label
Tread separation
located on the driver's side 8 -pillar.
means pu lling away of the tread from the tire carcass.
Vehicle maximum load on the tire
Treadwear indicators (TWI)
means that load on an individual tire that is determined by distrib -
means the projections within the principa l grooves designed to give uting to each axle its share of the maximum loaded vehicle weight
a visual indication of the degrees of wear of the tread . See and dividing by two.
=> page 287, "Tread Wear Indicator (TWI)" for more information on
measuring tire wear. Vehicle normal load on the tire
means that load on an individual tire that is determined by d istrib-
Uniform Tire Quality Grading
uting to each axle its share of the curb weight, accessory weight,
is a tire information system developed by the United States National and normal occupant weight (distributed in accordance with table
Highway Traffic Safety Adm ini stration (NHTSA) that is designed to below=> page 281) and dividing by two. .,_
help buyers make relative comparisons among tires. The UTQG is
not a safety rati ng and not a guarantee that a tire will last for a
prescribed number of miles (kilometers) or perform in a certain way.
It simply gives tire buyers additional informat io n to combine with
other considerations, such as price, brand loyalty and dealer recom-
__________________________________________________ T_ir_e_s_ a_n
_ d_ w_ h_e_ e_ls_ ____.

Occupant loading and distribution for vehicle normal load for various designated seating capacities

Designated seating capacity , num- Vehicle normal load , number of Occupant distribution in a normally
ber of occupants occupants load ed vehicle
5 3 2 in front, 1 in back seat

Cold tire inflation pressure
Tire pressure affects the overall handling, performance and safety of a vehicle.


Tot--w,lglodOCCIO-,ndQogc>"""-'d __
_ logo,-


,- PSI
Fig. 218 Tire pressure
,- PS1
label: located on Fig. 219 Tire pressure
driver's side B-pillar label

Tire pressure generally refers to the amount of air in a tire that it Maintaining proper tire pressure is one of the most important
needs it to do its job and safely carry the combined load of the entire things you can do to help avoid sudden tire failure. Underinflated
vehicl e and its conten t s. Tire pressure is measured in kilopascals tires are a major cause of sudden tire failure. Keeping tires at the
(kPa), the international measuring unit and in pounds per square right pressure is also important for safe and responsive vehicle
inch (PSll. Tire pressure is based in part on the vehicle's design and handling, traction, braking and load carrying. Tire pressures are
load limit - the greatest amount of weight that the vehicle can carry particularly important when the vehicle is being driven at higher
safely and the tire size . The proper tire pressure is frequently speeds, and then especially when heavily loaded even within the
referred to as the "recommended cold tire inflation pressure." Air in permissible load-carrying capacities approved for your vehicle.
the tires expands when the tire heats up because of internal friction
The recommended tire pressures for your Audi depend on the kind
when it flexes in use. The tire pressure is higher when the tire has of tires on your vehicle and the number of passengers and/or
warmed up than when it is "co ld." It is the inflation pressure in a
amount of luggage you will be transporting.
"cold" tire that counts. Therefore, you should never let air out of a
warm tire to match "cold tire inflation pressure" recommendations . The tire pressure label is located on the driver's side B-pillar. The tire
The tires would then be underinflated and could fail suddenly. pressure label lists the recommended cold tire inflation pressures
for the vehicle at its maximum capacity weight and tires that were
on your vehicle at the time it was manufactured. ..,.

Vehicle care I I irechnical data

-~_ T
_ ir_e_s_ a_n_d_ w_ h_e_e_l_s _________________________________________________ _

If you wish to improve comfo rt when operating the vehicle at See the illustrat ion=> page 281, fig. 218 for the location of the label
normal load (up to 3 occupants) , you can adjust tire pressures to on driver's sid e B-pi llar (col or of the actual label and exact loca ti o n
those specified for normal vehi cle load. Before operating the vehicle on the veh icle wi ll vary slight ly).
at maximum load, you must increase the tire pressures to those
Note that the fol lowing tab le is accurate at the time of going to
specified for ma ximum vehicle load => & .
press and is subject t o cha nge . In the eve nt of d iscrepa nc ies, t h e ti re
Bear in m ind that the tire pressure monitoring system* can on ly pressure label located on the driver 's side B-pi llar always takes
mo nito r the t ir e pressures you have stored. The syste m does not p recedence .
recognize the load condition of your vehic le.
The tab le below lists the recommended cold tire inflation pressures
The effectiveness of the tire pr essure m on it o r ing system* will be fo r t h e A udi mo del co vered by you r Owner 's Litera tu re at t he
impaired if you store normal load pressures but then operate the vehic le's capacity weight and the tire sizes installed on the respec -
veh icle at its maximum load => & . t ive mode ls as o r igi nal equipment, o r as a f act o ry o ption.

Engine Tire designation Tire pressure front Tire pressure rear

normal load normal load
ment in full load full load
condition (up to c ondition (up
liter) condition c ondition
3 occupants ) to 3 occupants )
6-cylinder 235 / 60 R18 103H All Season 29 200 32 220 29 200 32 220
235/ 55 R19 101 H All Season 30 210 33 230 30 210 33 230
255 /45 R20 101W High Performance 29 200 33 230 29 200 33 230
255/ 40 R21 102V High Performance 35 240 36 250 36 250 39 270
XL = reinforced or extra load tire . It may also appear as xi, EXTRA LOAD, or RF on the tire sidewall.

The correct tir e pressure for the spare wheel is located on a label on Remember, you r safety and that of your passengers also depends
t he d rive r's side B-p illar . o n mak ing sur e that load limits are not exceeded . Vehic le load
i ncludes everybod y and everyt hi ng in and o n t he ve hi c le. These loa d
Because t ech nica l chang es may be m ade to veh icle equ i pm ent
l imits are technica lly referred to as the vehic le's Gross Vehicle
during the mode l year, always compare the tire size designation on
Weig ht Rating ("GVWR"I. The Gross Ax le Weig ht Rati ng ("GAWR"I is
the tire p ressur e labe l o n you r veh icle w it h th e ti res o n your ve hi cle.
the maximum load that can be applied at each of the vehicle's two
Make sure that the tire size information on the veh icle labe l is the
sam e as t he size of t he t ires o n t he vehicle. This is especial ly i m por - axles . The Gross Vehi c le Weig ht Rati ng and the Gross Axle We ig ht
Rating are listed on the safety compl iance sticker labe l located on
tant if the vehicle belongs to someone else or you bought the
t he d river's sid e B-pi lla r. The tir e pressur e la bel on you r A ud i li st s
vehic le with d iffe rent rim s/t ires or yo u bough t t he vehic le as a p rev i-
the maximum comb ined weight of all of the occupants and luggage _.,
ously owned vehicle.
__________________________________________________ T_ ir_e_s_ a_n_d_ w_ h_e
_ e_l_
s__ l"II
or other cargo that the vehicle can car ry. For th e location of th e ti re Checking tire pressure
pres sure la bel => p ag e 281, f ig . 218.
The correct tire pressure for the ti res orig ina ll y installed
on you r vehic le is lis ted on the ti re pr essur e labe l locate d
& WARNING on dri ver's side 8-p ill ar.
Overloading a vehicle can cause loss of vehicle control, a crash or
The reco m m ended ti re pr essu res are o n t he ti re pre ssu re label and
other accident , serious personal injury, and even death .
in th e tab le=> page 281, " Cold tir e inflation p ressure" .This means
• Carrying more weight than your vehicle was designed to carry that the pressu re must be checked and adjusted w hen the tire has
will prevent the vehicle from handling properly and increase the not bee n d riven f or mo re than a couple of mil es (ki lomete rs) at low
risk of a loss of vehicle control . speeds du ring the previous three ho u rs. Air in th e ti res expands
• The brakes on a vehicle that has been overloaded may not be w he n th e ti re heat s up as a result of in t ern al fr ic ti on as it fl exes i n
able to stop the vehicle within a safe distance . use. The t ire pressure is higher when the tire has warmed up than
• Tires on a vehicle that has been overloaded can fail suddenly w hen it is "col d. "
causing loss of control and a crash. It is the inflation pressure in a "cold" tire that counts . Therefore, you
• Always make sure that the total load being transported - sho ul d never let air ou t of a w arm t ire t o mat ch "Col d tir e infl ati o n
including the weight of a trailer hitch and the tongue weight of a pressu re" recomm endations=> pa g e 281. Th e ti res wou ld then be
loaded trailer - does not make the vehicle heavier than the un de rinflate d and cou ld fa il sud denly .
vehicle's GrossVehicleWeight Rating. The t i re p ressu re label o n you r Au d i lists t he recomme nded co ld tire
inflation pressures at maximum capacity for the new, origina l equip-
& WARNING m ent t i res th at we re o n yo ur ve h ic le at th e tim e it was man ufa c-
tured. For the locat ion of the labe l => page 281, fig. 218.
• Incorrect tire pressures and/or underinflation can lead to a
M ost ti res lose air nat ural ly over ti m e. They can also lose so m e air if
serious or fatal accident.
you drive over a pot hole o r h it a curb whi le pa r kin g. It is usually not
• Incorrect t ire pressures and/ or underinflation cause increased possible to see whether the radial tires used today are underinf lated
tire wear and can affect the handling of the vehicle . jus t by look i ng at t hem .
• Incorrect tire pressures and/ or underinflation can also lead to
Therefore, be sure to check tire pressures at least once a month and
sudden tire failure, including a blowout and sudden deflation,
always bef o re go i ng on a lon g t ri p. Make su re to t ake t he num ber of
causing loss of vehicle control. • people and the amount of lug g age into account when adj usting tire
pr essure fo r a t rip - even one th at you w ou ld not consi d er t o be
"lon g ." See=> pa ge 285, "Tires and vehic le load limits" for more
impo rtant information.
A lways use an accu rate t ire pressure gaug e w hen checkin g and
adjusting inflation pressures. Check all of the tires and be sure not
to for get th e spare t ir e. If the p ressu re in any ti re is to o hi gh w hen
the t ire is "co ld," let air out of the tire slow ly with th e edg e of the tire _,.

• Vehicle care I t

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gauge and keep check ing the pressure until you reach the pressure always before start ing a journey. Do not forget to check the tire pres -
th at is co rre ct f or t he load (passengers and lu ggage) and ki nd of sur e f o r t he spar e w hee l.
driving you p lan to do .
When should I adjust the tire pressures?
If the pr essure in any ti re is too low , note the diffe rence between the
Adj ust th e t ire press u re t o the loa d you are carry in g . After changing
pressu re in the co ld t ire and t he pr essur e you need and ad d th e ai r
a whee l or replacing whee ls you have to adjust the tire pressures on
that you need to reach the co rrect p ressu re for the vehicle load
all whee ls. In addi ti on, yo u mu st th en i nit ia lize th e new ti re pr es-
(passengers and lu ggage) f o r t he tires o n your ve hi cle as listed on
sures in the tire pressure monitor ing system*~ page 39.
the on your vehicle and in this manual and the kind of driving you
plan t o do .
Never exceed the maximum inflation pressure listed on the tire & WARNING
sidewall for any reason. Incorrect tire pressures and/ or underinflation can lead sudden tire
Reme m ber th at the ve hi cle man uf actu rer, not th e ti re manu f act urer, failure, loss of control, collision, serious personal injury or even
determines the correct tire pressure for the tires on your vehicle . death .
It is import ant t o check t he t ire pres su re w hen t he t ires are cold. • When the warning symbol appears in the instrument
cluster, stop and inspect the tires .
• Read the requ ired t ire pressure fro m t he t i re pressure labe l. The
• Incorrect t ire pressure and/or underinflation can cause
t ire pressure label is located on the driver's side 8-pil lar. The tire
increased tire wear and can affect the handling of the vehicle and
pressure label lists the recomm end ed cold t ire i nf lat ion pressu res
stopping ability .
for the vehic le at its maximum capacity weight and the tires that
were o n your veh icle at th e t ime it was manufactu red . For recom - • Incorrect tire pressures and/or underinflation can also lead to
mended tire pressures for normal load conditions, p lease see sudden tire failure, including a blowout and sudden deflation ,
ch apt er ~ page 28 1. causing loss of vehicle control .
• Turn the va lve stem cap counter -clockwise to remove it from the • The dri ver is responsible for the correct tire pressures for all
ti re valve . tires on the vehicle. The applicable pressure values are located on
a sticker on the driver 's side B-pillar.
• Place the air pressure ga uge on the valve .
• Only when all tires on the vehicle are filled to the correct pres-
• The tire pressures should only be checked and ad j usted wh en
sure, the tire pressure monitoring system* can work correctly.
t he ti res are cold . The sli ghtly raised p ressur es of wa r m t ir es must
not be red uced. • The use of incorrect tire pressure values can lead to accidents
or other damage . Therefore it is essential that the driver observe
• Adjus t t he ti re pressur e to th e load y ou are carrying.
the specified tire pressure values for the tires and the correct pres-
• Reinstal l the valve stem cap on the valve. sures for the function of the tire pressure mon ito ring system* .
When should I check the tire pressure? • Always inflate tires to the recommended and correct tire pres-
The correct tire pressure is especially important at high speeds. The sure before driving off. .,_
press ur e s ho ul d t her ef ore be ch ecked at least o nc e a mon t h a nd
________________________________________________ T_i_r_e_s_ a_n_d_ w
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technica lly referred to as the vehicle's Gross Vehicle We ight Rating

& WARNING (continu ed) ("GVWR") .
• Driving with underinflated tire s bend more, letting them get The "GVWR" includes the weight of the basic veh icle, all factory
too hot resulting in tread separation , sudden tire failu re and loss insta ll ed accessories, a ful l tank of fuel, oil, coolant and other fluids
of control . p lus ma xim um load. The maxi m um lo ad inc ludes t he n umber of
• Excessive speed and/ overloading can cause heat build-up, passengers that the vehicle is intended to carry ("seating capacity")
sudden tire failure and loss of control. w ith a n assu m ed we igh t of 150 lbs (68 kg) fo r each passe nge r at a
• If the t ire pressure is too low or too high, the t ires will wear designated seating position and the total weight of any luggage in
prematurely and the vehicle will not handle well . t he vehicle . If yo u t ow a tra iler, t he w eight of the tr ailer hit ch an d t he
tongu e weight of the loaded trailer must be included as part of the
• If the tire is not flat and you do not have to change a wheel
ve hi cle lo ad.
immediately, drive at reduced speed to the nearest service station
to check the tire pressure and add air as required . The Gross Axle Weight Rating ("GAWR") is the ma xi mum load tha t
can be applied at each of the vehicle's two axles.

0 Note
The Gross Vehi cle We igh t Rat in g and t he Gross Axle Weigh t Rat ing
are listed on the safety comp liance stic ker labe l located on the
Driving without valve stem caps can cause damage to the tire d river ' s sid e 8-pi ll ar. Yo ur Audi has 5 seating po sit io ns, 2 in the fro nt
valves. To pr even t thi s, always make su re t hat facto ry instal led va lve and 3 in the rear for total seating capacity of 5. Each seating position
stem caps on all whee ls are securely mounted on the valve. has a seat belt =>page 165,"Safety belts".
The fact t hat the re is an upp er lim it to your veh icle's Gross Vehicle
<£'For the sake of the environment Weight Rating means that the total weight of whatever is being
Underinflated tires will also increase the fuel consumption . • carried in the ve hi cle (includ ing t he weight of a trai ler hi tc h and the
tongue weight of the loaded trai ler) is limited. The more passengers
in the vehicle o r passe n gers wh o are heav ie r than t he st and ard
Tires and vehicle load limits weights assumed mean that less weight can be carried as luggage.
The ti re pre ssu re labe l on you r Audi also lis t s t he m aximu m
There are limits to the amou nt of load or weight that any vehicle and combined weight of all of the occupants and luggage or other cargo
any tire can carry. A vehicle that is overloaded will not hand le well that the veh icle can carry. For the locat ion of the labe l => page 287,
and is more difficu lt to stop. Overload i ng can not only lead to loss fig . 218.
of vehic le control, but can also damage important parts of the
ve hi cle a nd ca n lead t o sud den t ir e f ailu re, inc ludin g a bl owou t and
sudden deflat ion that can cause the vehic le to crash. & WARNING
Your saf ety and t hat of yo u r passen gers also dep ends on mak ing Overloading a vehicle can cause loss of vehicle control , a crash or
sure that load limits are not exceeded. Vehicle load includes every - other accident, serious personal injury , and even death . ..,
body and eve rythi ng in an d on th e vehic le. These load limi t s are

• Vehicle care I t

- Tires and wheels

& WARNING (continued) 2. Determine the combined weight of the

• Carrying more weight than your vehicle was designed to carry
driver and passengers that will be riding
will prevent the vehicle from handling properly and increase the in your vehicle.
risk of the loss of vehicle control.
• The brakes on a vehicle that has been overloaded may not be 3. Subtract the combined weight of the
able to stop the vehicle within a safe distance. driver and passengers from "XXX" kilo -
• Tires on a vehicle that has been overloaded can fail suddenly,
grams or "XXX" pounds shown on the
including a blowout and sudden deflation, causing loss of control
and a crash. sticker ~ page 281, fig. 218.
• Always make sure that the total load being transported -
including the weight of a trailer hitch and the tongue weight of a
4. The resulting figure equals the available
loaded trailer - does not make the vehicle heavier than the amount of cargo and luggage load
vehicle's Gross Vehicle Weight Rating. •
capacity. For example, if the "XXX"
amount equals 1400 lbs. and there will
Determining correct load limit
be five 150 lbs. passengers in your
Use the example below to calculate the vehicle, the amount of available cargo
total weight of the passengers and and luggage load capacity is 650 lbs.
luggage or other things that you plan to ( 1400- 750 (5 x 150) = 650 Ibs.)
transport so that you can make sure that 5. Determine the combined weight of
your vehicle will not be overloaded. luggage and cargo being loaded on the
vehicle. That weight may not safely
Steps for Determining Correct exceed the available cargo and luggage
Load Limit load capacity calculated in Step 4. .,,
1. Locate the statement "THE COMBINED
LBS" on your vehicle's placard (tire infla-
tion pressure label)~ page 281, fig. 218.
________________________________________________ T_i_r_e_s_ a_n_d_ w
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6. If your vehicle will be towing a trailer ,

load from your trail er will be tran sferred
to your vehicle . Consult thi s manual to
determine how this reduces the avail-
able cargo and luggage load capacity of
your vehicle. Fig. 221 Rotating tir es
for more even wear
Check the tire sidewall( => page 289,
fig. 222) to determine the designated Tr e ad Wear Indicator (TWI}
load rating for a specific ti re. • The original tires on your vehicle have 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) high "wear
indicators"~ fig. 220 running across the tread. Depending on the
make, there wi ll be six to eight of them even ly p laced around the
Tire service life ti re. Marks on the t ire sidewa ll (f or example "TWI" or other symbols)
indicate the positions of the tread wear indicators. Worn tires must
The service li fe of tires depends on a lot of different things be rep laced . Diff erent fi g ures may ap p ly in other countries ~ & .
including proper installa tion and balancin g, correct tire
Tire pressure
pr essure and driving style.
Incorrect tire p ressure causes premature wear and can cause
sudden tire blow -out. For this reason, tire pressure must be checked
at least o nce a mo nt h ~ pag e 283.

Driving style
Driving f ast around curves, heavy accele ration and hard braking
increase tire wear.

Rotating tires for more even wear

Fig. 220 Tire t read:
tread w ear indic ator s
For all four ti res on your vehicle to have th e same service life, we
!TWII recom mend that the fr ont and rear tires are rotated accord ing t o the
ti re manufactu rer's suggested tire rotation interva ls. Please
remember the f ollow ing :
• Tire rotation intervals may differ from the vehicle service inter-
vals outlined in yo ur Maintenance and War rant y Boo klet . ~

Vehic le care I I Technical data

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_ ir_e_s_ a_n_d_ w_ h_e_e_l_s _________________________________________________ _

• The longe r one tire is used in one location on the vehicl e, the
mo re it we ars at cert ai n poi nt s; ther ef o re, w e recomm end th at you
& WARNING (continued)
follow the ti re manufactu rer's suggested tir e rotat ion intervals. • Always keep chemicals that can cause tire damage, such as
• Vehi cles with fro nt -whe el d riv e ex per ie nce mor e tr ead w ear on grease, oil, gasoline and brake fluid away from tires .
th e front whe els compared to al l-wheel drive (quattro®l . • Tires age even if they are not being used and can fail suddenly,
• Please rot at e ti res as show n => fi g . 221. especially at high speeds. Tires that are more than 6 years old can
• Extra care m ust be taken when rotating direction -specific tires only be used in an emergency and then with special care and at
=> page 307 . lower speeds .
• Never mount used tires on your vehicle if you are not sure of
Wheel balancing their "previous history." Old used tires may have been damaged
The whe els on new vehic les are balanced. However, various situa - even though the damage cannot be seen that can lead to sudden
t ions du ri ng every day driv ing can ca use them t o beco m e un ba l- tire failure and loss of vehicle control. •
anced, resultin g in v i brat ions you can usual ly fee l t h rough the
steering whee l.
Unb ala nced wh eels must be reba lanced t o avoid excessive w ear o n
steering, suspension and tires. A whee l must also be reba lanced
w hen a new ti re is in sta ll ed.

Incorrect wheel alignment

Inco rrect w he el al ignm ent ca n cau se excess ive ti re w ear, im pai ri ng
the safety of the veh icle. If ti res show excess ive wea r, have the
wh ee l ali g nm ent checked by an aut horiz ed A ud i dealer o r qu al ifi ed
wo rkshop.

All wheel drive

Vehicles with quattro® m ust always have tires of the same size,
co nstru ction and tr ead t ype. For det ai ls see => p ag e 225.

Sudden tire failure can lead to loss of control, a crash and serious
personal injury !
• Never drive a vehicle when the tread on any tire is worn down
to the wear indicators .
• Worn tires are a safety hazard , they do not grip well on wet
roads and increase your risk of "hydroplaning " and loss of control.
__________________________________________________ T_ir_e_s_ a_n
_ d_ w_ h_e_ e_ls
_ ____.
New tires and replacing tires and wheels U.S. DOT tire identificat ion number
New tires and wheels have to be broken in. Audi Original tire
Sever snow condit ions

Tire ply composition and materials used

@ Maximum load rating

@ Treadwear, traction and temperature grades

@ Maximum permissible inflation pressure

The t ires and rims are essential parts of the vehicle's design . The
tires and rims approved by Audi are specially matched to the char -
acteristics of the vehicle and can make a major contribution to good
road holding and safe handling when in good condition and prop -
erly inflated =>& .
We recommend that all work on tires and wheels be performed by
an authorized Audi dealer. They are familiar with recommended
procedures and have the necessary special tools and spare parts as
well as the proper facilities for disposing of the old tires.
Authorized Audi dealers have the necessary information about tech-
Fig. 222 Tire specification codes on the sidewall of a tire nical requirements for installing or changing tires and rims.

Replacing tires and wheels

No. Description
Tires should be replaced at least in pairs and not individually (for
G) Passenger car tire (where appl icable) example both front tires or both rear tires together).

@ Nominal width of tire in millimeters Be sure to read and heed the information to the tire pressure moni -
toring system* => page 291 .
Ratio of height to width (aspect ratio)
© Always buy replacement radial tires that have the same specifica-
© tions as the tires approved for your vehicle by Audi. Replacement
tires must always have the same load rating specification as the
Rim diameter code
© original equipment or approved optional tires listed in the table
Load index and speed rating =>page 287. ~

Vehic le care I I irechnical data

-~_ T
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Audi-approved specification tires are specially matched to your T ire manuf actu ring d a t e
vehic le and its load limits, and can contribute to the important road - The manufacturing date is also indicated on the t ire sidewa ll
holding, driving characteristics, and safety of the vehicle . The table (possibly only on the inner side of the wheell:
(=> page 281) lists specifications of the tires approved for the Audi
models covered by your Owner's Literature. "DOT ... 2208 ..." means, for example, that the tire was produced in
the 22nd week of 2008.
The tire pressure label located on the driver's side B-pillar
=> page 281, fig. 219 lists the specifications of the or iginal equip- S p ee d ra tin g (let t e r c od e)
ment tires insta lled on your vehicle at the time it was manufactured. The speed rating letter code on the wheels indicates the maximum
Federa l law requires tire manufacturers to place standardized infor - permissible road speeds => & in "Winter tires" on page 294.
mation on the sidewall of al l tires=> page 289, fig. 222. This informa- P up to 93 mph (150 km/h)
tion identifies and describes the fundamental characteristics, the Q up to 99 mph (158 km/h)
quality grade of the tire and also provides a t ire identification R up to 106 mph (170 km/h)
number for safety standard certification and in case of a recall.
S upto110mph(180km/hl
T ire s p ec ifi ca t ions T upto118mph(190km/hl
Knowledge of tire specifications makes it easier to choose the U up to 124 mph (200 km/h)
correct tires. Radial tires have the tire specifications marked on the H up to 130 mph (210 km/h)
sidewa ll, for example: V up to 149 mph (240 km/h) 31
P235 / 60 R 18 103 H Z over 149 mph (240 km/h) 31
This contains the following information : W up to 168 mph (270 km/h) 3 l
Y up to 186 mph (298 km/h) 31
P Indicates the tire is for passenger cars (where applicable)
235 Nominal tire width in mm of the tire from sidewall edge to side- Your vehic le is normally factory equipped with tires, which possess
wall edge. In general, the larger the number, the wider the tire excellent driving characteristics and give your Audi op t imum
driving comfort. An electronic speed limiter:::> page 22will normal ly
60 Height/width ratio in percent (aspect ratio)
prevent your vehic le from going faster than the tire speed rati ng
R Tire construction: Radial
=>& .
18 Rim diameter code (in inches)
103 Load rating code U .S. D O T Tire Id e nt ifi c ati o n Numb e r (TIN ) and tire
H Speed rating letter code m a nu fac tur e d at e
XL (or "xi", "EXTRA LOAD", or "RF" Indicates that the tire is a "Rein - This is the tire's "seria l number" . It begins with the letters "DOT"
forced" or an "Extra Load" tire and indicates that the tire meets al l federa l standards. The next two
numbers or letters indicate the plant where it was manufactured,
M+ S (or "M/S"l Indicates that the tire has some mud and snow capa-
bility and the last four numbers represent the week and year of manufac- ~

The tires could also have the information of direction of rotation 31 For tires with a maximum speed capabi lity over 149 mph (240 km/h), t ire
=> page 277 . manufacturers sometimes use the letters "ZR."
__________________________________________________ T_ ir_e_s_ a_n_d_ w_ h_e
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ture . For example, the numbers 2208 mean that the tire was new rims also have these sensors . The sensors must be compatible
produced in the 22nd week of 2008. The other numbers are with the tire pressure monitoring system* on your veh ic le.
marketing codes that may or may not be used by the tire manufac-
If you install rims, which do not have the sensors , or have sensors
turer. This information is used to contact consumers if a tire defect
which are not compatible, then the tire pressure monitoring
requires a recall.
system* will not work properly. In this case, the tire pressure moni-
Audi Original tire toring system * wou ld not be able to monitor the tire pressure or
warn you if it is necessary .
Tires with the identification "AO" or "RO" have been specially
matched with your Audi. We recommend using only these tires • The battery inside of the tire pressure sensor has a limited
because they meet the highest standards regarding safety and service life .
driving characteristics when used correctly. Your authorized Audi • Always drive with the valve stem caps securely mounted. We
dealer will gladly provide you with more information . recommend using factory instal led valve stem caps. Ask your autho-
rized Audi dealer to replace lost valve stem caps .
Tire ply composition and materials used
The number of plies indicates the number of layers of rubber-coated The installation of replacement tires with steel cord body plies in
fabric in the tire. In general, the greater the number of plies, the the tire sidewall may cause malfunction of the tire pressure moni-
more weight a tire can support . Tire manufacturers also must indi- toring system * , and is not recommended (cord material information
cate the materials in the tire, which include steel, nylon, polyester, in molded on the tire sidewall).
and others . Always check your tire pressure monitoring syste m* indicator after
replacing one or more tires on your veh icle. If the tire pressure
Maximum Load Rating monitoring system * indicator flashes, or is on, your system is not
This number indicates the maximum load in kilograms and pounds work ing properly. Your replacement tire might be incompatible with
th at can be carried by the tire. your tire pressure monitoring system*, or some component of the
tire pressure monitoring system * may be damaged.
Tire qual ity grading for treadvvear , traction, and
temperature resistance
Tread wear , traction and temperature grades::::;, page 293 . & WARNING
Maximum Permissible Inflation Pressure • Using incorrect or unmatched tires and / or wheels or improper
tire and wheel combinations can lead to loss of control, collision
This number is the greatest amount of air pressure that should ever
and serious personal injury.
be put in the t ire under norma l driving conditions.
• Always use tires, rims and wheel bolts that meet the specifica-
Replacing tires or rims on vehicles equipped vvith tire tions of original factory -installed tires or other combinations that
pressure monitoring system* have been specifically approved by the vehicle manufacturer .
The wheels on your vehicle are equipped with a sensor which • Tires age even if they are not being used and can fail suddenly,
constantly monitors the air pressure inside the tire, and then trans- especially at high speeds. Tires that are more than 6 years old can
mits this information to the tire pressure monitoring system*. If you only be used in an emergency and then with special care and at
are going to replace the wheel rims on your vehicle, make sure the lower speeds . .,.

• Vehicle care I t

_L_ T~i~r~
~ n~d~ w~ h~e~e::.l!.:
a s~ ---------------------------------------------

& WA RNING (continued ) & WARNING (continued )

• Never mount used tire s on your vehicle if you are not sure of be equipped with run flat tires . If run flat tires are used, they must
their " pre vious hi story. " Old used tire s may have been damaged be installed on all four wheels . Mixing tire types is not permitted .
even though the damage cannot be seen that can lead to sudden
tire failure and los s of vehicle control .
• All four wheels must be fitted with radial tires of the same type,
0 Note
• For tec h nical reaso ns, it is not g en erally poss ible to use t he
size (rolling circumference ) and the same tread pattern. Driv ing
whee l rims from other vehicles . This can ho ld true for whee ls of the
with different tires reduces veh icle handling and can lead to a loss
sam e veh icle type.
of cont rol.
• If the spare tire is different from the tires that you have mounted
• If the spare tire is not the same as the tires that are mounted
o n yo u r vehicle (f or example wi nt er tires o r wide pro fi le ti res), t hen
on the vehicle • for ex ample with w inter tires · only use the spare
use the spare tire for a short period of time on ly and drive with extra
tire for a short period of time and drive with extra care . Refit the
ca re. Replac e th e fl at t ire wi th t he ti re m atchi ng t he othe rs on you r
normal road wheel as soon as safely possible.
vehic le as soon as possib le.
• Never drive faster than the maximum speed for whi ch the tires
• If yo u should put different w heels and ti res o n yo ur ve h ic le (e.g.
on your vehicle are rated because tires that are driven faster than
winter wheels and t ires), you must be certain that the wheels and
their rated speed can fail suddenly .
t ires ar e co m patible wi th th e t ire p ressu re m on ito ring system* .
• Overloading tires cause heat build -up, sudden tire failure, Otherwise the system will register a malfunction and a fau lt
including a blowout and sudden deflation and lo ss of control. message w ill be displayed . For more info rmation, co nt act yo ur
• Temperature grades apply to tires that are properly inflated and authorized Audi dea ler.
not over or underinflated.
• For te chni cal reasons it is not always possible to use wheels
from other vehicles - in some cases not even wheels from the
0 Note
• When installing new tires, be care f ul not to damage the va lves or
same vehi cle model .
t i re pr essu re m onit o ring system* sensors .
• If you install wheel trim di scs on the vehicle wheels , make sure
• Never drive without the valve stem cap . The va lves could get
that the air flow to the brakes is not blo cked . Redu ced airflow to
the brakes can them to overheat , increasing stopping distances
and c ausing a collision . • If the sensors must be replaced, then the valve must also be
repl ace d at t he same t ime .
• Run flat tires may only be used on vehicle s that were equipped
with them at the factory . The vehicle must have a chassis designed
for run flat tires and a factory -installed tire pressure monitoring
system * that indicates a loss of tire pressure . Incorrect use of run
'£>For the sake of the environment
Dis p ose of o ld tires i n acco rdance wit h the local requ ire m ent s.
flat tires can lead to vehicle damage or accident s. Check with an
authorized Aud i dealer or tire specialist to see if your vehicle can
__________________________________________________ T_ ir_e_s_ a_ n_d_ w_ h_e_ e_l_s __ l9II
measured under controlled conditions on specified government
[i] Tips test surfaces of asphalt and concrete. A tire marked C may have
Tires with the identification "AO" have been specially matched with poor traction performance ~ & .
your Audi. We recommend using only these tires because they meet
the highest standards regarding safety and driving characteristics Temperature
when used correctly. Your authorized Audi dealer will gladly provide The temperature grades are A (the highest), B, and C, representing
you with more information. • the tire's resistance to the generation of heat and its ability to dissi -
pate heat when tested under controlled conditions on a specified
indoor laboratory test wheel.
Uniform tire quality grading
Sustained high temperature can cause the material of the tire to
degenerate and reduce tire life, and excessive temperature can lead
• Tread wear to sudden tire failure~ & .
• Traction AA A B C
The grade C corresponds to a level of performance which all
• Temperature A B C passenger car tires must meet under the Federal Motor Vehicle
Quality grades can be found where applicable on the tire side wall Safety Standard No. 109. Grades Band A represent higher levels of
between tread shoulder and maximum section width ~ page 289, performance on the laboratory test wheel than the minimum
fig. 222. required by law .

For example: Tread wear 200, Traction AA, Temperature A.

All passenger car tires must conform to Federal Safety Require- & WARNING
ments in addition to these grades. The traction grade assigned to this tire is based on straight-ahead
braking traction tests, and does not include acceleration,
Tread wear
cornering, hydroplaning or peak traction characteristics .
The tread wear grade is a comparative rating based on the wear rate
of the tire when tested under controlled conditions on a specified
government test course. & WARNING
For example, a tire graded 150 would wear one and one half (1 1/2) The temperature grade for this tire is established for a tire that is
times as well on the government course as a tire graded 100. properly inflated and not overloaded. Excessive speed, underinfla-
tion, or excessive loading, either separately or in combination, can
The relative performance of tires depends upon the actual condi -
cause heat buildup and possible tire failure. •
tions of their use, however , and may depart significantly from the
norm due to variations in driving habits, service practices and differ -
ences in road characteristics and climate.

The traction grades, from highest to lowest, are AA, A, Band C.
Those grades represent the tire's ability to stop on wet pavement as

• Vehicle care I t

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Winter tires code)" for a listing of the speed rating letter codes and the
maximum speed at which t he tires can be driven .
Winter tires can impr ove vehicle handling on snow and
The speed rating letter code(=> page 280) is on the side wa ll of the
ice. At temperatures below 45 °F (7 °C) we recommend
tire => page 289.
changing to winter tires .
In some heavy snow areas, local governments may require true
winter or "snow" tires, those with very deeply cut tread . These tires
should only be used in pairs and be installed on all four wheels. Winter tire s have maximum speed limit s that may be lower than
Make sure you purchase snow tires that are the same size and your vehicle's ma ximum speed. Alw ays know the maximum speed
construction type as the other tires on your vehicle. before driving off . Never drive faste r th an the speed permitted for
your specific w inte r tir es. Thi s w ill cause dam age t o the tire s
Your vehicle is equipped with all -whee l drive, this wi ll improve trac -
leading to an accident and seriou s personal injury to you and your
tion during winter driving, even with the standard tires. However,
we strong ly recommend that you always equip all four whee ls on
your vehicle with correctly fitted winter tires or all-season tires,
when winter road conditions are expected. This also improves the
vehicle's braking performance and reduces stopp ing distances.
Driving faster th an t he maximum speed for whi ch t he w inter tire s
Summer tires provide less grip on ice and snow. on your vehicle w ere designed can cause tire failur e including a
Winter tires (snow ti res) must always be fitted on all four wheels. blow out and sudden def lation , loss of contr ol, crashes and serious
personal injuries . Have worn or damaged tire s replaced immedi-
Compatible tire pressure monitoring sensors must be installed on
ately .
all fou r winter tires for the tire pressure monitoring system* to func -
tion proper ly=> page 291. • Winter tires have maximum speed rating that may be lower
than your vehicle's maximum speed .
Ask your authorized Audi dealer or qualified workshop for permitted
• Never drive fa ster than the speed for which the winter or other
wint er tire sizes. Use only radial winter tires.
tire s inst alled on your vehicle are rated .
Winter tires lose their effectiveness when the tread is worn down to
a depth of 0.157 inch (4 mm).
Only drive with winter tires under winter conditions. Summer tires
handle better when there is no snow or ice on the roads and the Alw ays adjust your driving to the road and tr aff ic condit ions.
temperature is above 45 °F (7 °C). Never let th e good acceleration of the winter tire s and all-wheel
drive t empt you into t aking extr a risks. Alw ays remembe r:
If you have a flat tire, see notes on spare wheel => page 289 .
• When braking, an all-wheel drive vehicle handle s in the same
Please always remember that winter tires may have a lower speed w ay as a front drive vehicle.
rat ing than the tires originally installed on your vehicle at the time
it was manufactured. Please see => page 290, "Speed rating (letter • Drive carefully and reduce your speed on icy and slipp ery roads,
even w int er tire s cannot help under black ice conditi ons. ~
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• Snow chains, which come into direct contact with the wheel rim,
ffi For the sake of the environment can scr at ch or damage it . Therefo re, ma ke sur e t hat the snow cha ins
Use summe r tires whe n w eather co nditio ns perm it. They are are suitably covered . Check the pos itio n of the snow chains after
quieter, do not wear as quic kly and reduce fue l consumption. • driv ing a few ya rds and co rr ect if necessa ry. Follow t he instr uct ions
from the snow chain manufacturer when doing so.

Snow chains
[i ] Tips
Snow chains may be fitted only to the rear wheels, and on ly to W here snow chai ns are m anda t ory on certa in roads, t hi s no r mally
certa i n t ire sizes. Ask your author ized Aud i dea ler on whic h ti re also ap pl ies to ve h ic les with all wheel d rive. •
sizes snow chains can be used .
The snow chai ns mu st have low -pro fi le links and must not be t hicke r Wheel bolts
than 0.53 inch (13.5 mm), i ncluding the loc k.
Wheel bol ts mus t alw ays be ti ght ened to the correct
Remove wheel cente r covers and trim di scs befor e p ut ting snow
chains on you r ve hi cle=:> 0 . For saf ety reasons cove r caps m ust
torque .
then be fitted over the w heel bo lts . These are avai lable fr o m autho- The de si gn of whee l bo lt s is matched t o t he fac t o ry ins t al led r ims. If
r ized Au di deale rs. d ifferent rims are fitted, the correct wh eel bo lts with the ri g ht length
and correctly shaped bolt heads must be used. This ensu res t hat
& WARNING w hee ls are fi tted securely and that th e brake syst em f unct io ns
co rrectly.
Using the wrong snow chains for your vehicle or installing them
In certa i n ci rcumsta nces, you m ay not use w he el bo lt s fr om a
incorrectly can increase the risk of loss of control leading to
different vehicle - even if it is the same model=:> page 328.
serious personal injury.
• Snow chains are available in different sizes. Always make sure
to follow the instructions provided by the snow chain manufac -
Improperly tightened or mainta ined wheel bolts can become loose
• When driving with snow chains never drive faster than the causing loss of control , a collision and serious personal injury.
speed permitted for your specific snow chains.
• Always keep the wheel bolts and the threads in the wheel hubs
• Always observe local regulations . clean so the wheel bolts can turn easily and be properly tightened.
• Never grease or oil the wheel bolts and the threads in the wheel
0 Note hubs. They can become loose while driving if greased or oiled,
even if tightened to the specified torque .
• Remove snow chains before driving on roads not covered with
sno w to avoid da m ag in g t ires and wea ring t he s now cha in s down • Only use wheel bolts that belong to the rim being installed .
unnecessari ly. • Never use different wheels bolt s on your vehicle.

• Vehicle care I t

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What you can do to avoid tire and rim damage

& WARNING (continued )
Low asp ect rati o t ires can be da maged mo re easi ly by impact wi t h
• Always maintain the correct tightening torque for the wheel potholes, curbs, gullies or ridges on the road, particularly if the tire
bolt s to reduce the risk of a wheel loss. If the tightening torque of is un der inflate d.
the wheel bolts is too low, they can loosen and come out when the
In order to min im ize t he occurrence of impac t damage to the t ires
vehicle is moving . If the tightening torque is too high, the wheel
of your vehicle, we recommend that you observe the following
bolts and threads can be damaged and the wheel can become
p recau t io ns:
• Always ma intain recommended inflation pressures . Check your
t ire pressure every 2,000 m iles (3,000 km) and add air if necessary.
0 Note • Drive careful ly on roads with potholes, deep gullies or ridges.
The spec if ied torque f or t he w heel bo lts is 105 ft lb (140 Nm) w it h a The impa ct from d ri ving thr oug h or over such obst acles can
tolerance of± 7,4 ft lb(± 10 Nm). Torque whee l bolts diagonally . damage your tires. Impact with a curb may also cause damage to
Af t er cha ng ing a whe el, th e torque mus t be checked as soo n as you r ti res.
possible with a torque wrench - preferably by an authorized Audi
• After any impact, immediately inspect your tires or have them
dea ler or q ualified w o rksh o p. • inspected by t he neares t autho rized Audi deale r. Replace a
damaged tire as soon as possib le.
Low as pect rat io tires • Inspect you r t ires every 2,000 m il es (3,000 km) f or damage and
wear. Damage is not always easy to see. Damage can lead to loss of
Your Audi is fact ory-equipped with low aspec t ratio tir es. Thes e tires air and under infla t ion , wh i ch co uld even t ually cause tire fa ilu re. If
have been thorough ly tested and been selected specifically for your you believe t hat a tire may have been damaged, rep lace the tire as
mo del f or their superb performance, ro ad feel and hand li ng under soon as po ssibl e.
a variety of driving conditions . Ask your authorized Audi dealer for • These tires may wear more quickly than others .
mo re deta ils. • Please also remember t hat, wh il e t hese t ires de liver respo nsive
The low aspec t rat io of these t ir es is indicated by a nu meral of 55 or handling, they may ride less comfortably and make more noise than
less in the tire's size designation. The numeral represents the ratio ot her cho ices.
of t he tire's sid ewa ll heig ht in relat ion t o it s tread w idth express ed
Reduced performance in winter / cold season
in percentage. Conventiona l t ires have a height/width ratio of 60 or
mo re.
All tires are designed for certain purposes. The low aspect rat io,
The performance of low -aspect -ratio tires is particularly sensitive to u ltra high perfo r mance t ires or ig inally inst alled on yo ur vehic le are
improper inflation pressure. It is therefore important that low intended for maximum dry and wet road performance and hand li ng.
aspect ratio tires are inflated to the specified pressure and that the They are n ot suitab le f or cold, snowy o r icy weathe r cond ition s. If
inflation pressure is regularly checked and maintained . Tire pres- you drive under those c ircumstances, you should equip your vehic le
sures should be checked at least once a month and alway s before a wi th all -season o r wi nt er ti res, w h ich offe r bett er trac t ion und er ti-
long trip ~ page 283, "Checking tire pressure".
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those conditions. We suggest you use the recommended snow or
all-seaso n tires specified for your vehicle, or their equivalent .
Refer to=> page 294for more detai led information regarding winter
tires . •

• Vehicle care I t

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What do I do now?

Jack, tools and inflatable spare tire Before storing the jack, make sure it is wound back down as far as it
wi ll go .

Onboard tool kit and v ehicle jack

The vehicle to ols and vehi cl e j ac k are stored i n the & WARNING
lu gg age compa rt m en t un der th e floo r co ver. Improper use of the vehicle jack can cause serious personal inju-
ries .
• Never use the jack supplied with your Audi on anothe r vehicle,
particularly on a heavier one. The jack is only suitable for use on
the vehicle it came with .
• Using a bumper jack to raise the vehi cle will damage the
bumper system . The jack may slip, causing injury .
• Never support your vehicle on cinder blocks , bricks or other
objects . These may not be able to support the load and could
Fig. 223 Luggage
comp a rtment :on bo ard cause injury when they fail.
tool kit and vehicle jack • Never start or run the engine while the vehicle is supported by
the jack .
The vehicle jack is stored under the on boa rd tool kit => fig. 223. • If you must work under the vehi cle, always use safety stands
The o nboa rd t oo l kit inc lud es: specifically de signed for this purpose .

• Hoo k f or rem ov in g w hee l co v ers* • Never use the hexagonal socket in the handle of the screw-
driver to loosen or tighten the wheel bolts.
• Plast ic ho ok t o re m ove whee l b olt cove rs*
• Always make sure the inflatable spare tire and even a flat tire
• A lignment pin for changing wheels
are secured in place and not loo se, otherwise they could fly
• Wh eel bo lt wr enc h forward , caus ing personal injury to passengers in the vehicle in an
• Folding chocks accident or sudden maneuver .
• Screwdriver wit h reversible b lade
• Socket (remo va ble Torx sock et ) [i ]Tips
• 10 x 13 open ended wrench (fo r disconnecting the battery So m e of the on board ite m s listed above are prov ided o n ce rtain
cab les) models only or are optional extras. •
• Towing eye
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Folding chocks Ap pli es to veh icles: with bass box

Removing bass box

The folding chocks are part of the on board tool kit.
Before the inflatable spare tire can be taken out, the bass
box must be removed.

--- Fig. 224 Opening

folding chocks

Fig. 225 Spare wheel

To use the chocks, you first have to raise the support plate=> f ig . 224 well: Bass box
G) and then insert the locking plate with the two "tabs" into the
elongated holes in the base plate@=> .&.. Removing bass box
- Lift up the cargo floor using the handle.
& WARNING - Sq ueeze the locking tabs :::::>
fig. 225 G) of the connector.
• The chock cannot fulfil its function and may lose its stability if
the "tabs" on the support plate are not inserted correctly into the - Disconnect the connector® and place the lead to one
elongated holes in the base plate. If this happens, the vehicle may side.
start to move while a wheel is being changed.
- Turn the large screw counter-clockwise.
• Never use the folding chocks if they are damaged or if they have
not been assembled correctly. • - Carefully remove the bass box.

Installing bass box

- Carefully place the bass box in the wheel. The inscri ption
" FRONT" on the bass box must face forward.
- Reconnect the connector that was removed.
- Secure the bass box with the larg e screw.
- Fold the cargo floor back down. •

Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service irechnical data

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Inflatab le spare tire - Fold the cargo floor back down.

The inflatable spare tire expands to its full diameter when After using the inflatable spare wheel
it is inflated. Th e inflatable spare tire can be re-used as long as it is not damaged
and is not worn down to the tread wear indicators => & .
When you let the air out of the inflatable spare tire, it does not
assume its folded shape again for several hours. Until then, it
cannot be placed back in the spare wheel well and stowed securely.

Fig. 226 Inflatable • Never use the spare tire if it is damaged or if it is worn down to
spare tire with the tread wear indicators.
compressor • If the inflatable spare tire is more than 6 years old, use it only
in an emergency and with extreme caution and careful driving.
Removing inflatable spare tire • The inflatable spare tire is intended only for temporary and
Lift up the cargo floor using the handle. short-term use. It should be replaced as soon as possible with the
normal wheel and tire.
Remove the dirt tray.
• Maximum inflation pressure for the inflatable spare tire is
- Turn the large screw => fig. 226 counter-clockwise. 51 PSI (3.5 bar).
• Maximum permissible speed is 50 mph (80 km/h).
Remove the bass box as required=> page 299.
• Avoid full-throttle acceleration , heavy braking, and fast
Take out the inflatable spare tire. cornering.
• When the air is let out of the inflatable spare wheel, it does not
Stowing the inflatable spare tire
assume its folded shape for several hours. Until then, it cannot be
- Release the air by unscrewing the valve stem. placed back in the spare wheel well and stowed securely.

Screw the valve stem back in afterwards. • Never drive with more than one inflatable spare tire.
• For technical reasons, the use of tire chains on the inflatable
Wait a few hours before placing the wheel in the spare spare tire is not permitted. If it is necessary to drive with tire
wheel well => ,& . chains, the inflatable spare wheel must be mounted on the front
axle in the event of a flat in a rear tire. The newly available front
Install the bass box as required=> page 299.
wheel must then be installed in place of the rear wheel with the
Secure the wheel with the large screw. flat tire. Installing the tire chain before mounting the wheel and
tire is recommended. .,_
Place the dirt tray back in .
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& WARNING !continued) Open the Velcro strap and remove the compressor
::;:,fig. 227.
• Loose items in the passenger compartment can cause serious
personal injury during hard braking or in an accident .
Unscrew the valve stem from t he spare tire.
- Never store the inflatable spare tire or jack and tools in the Screw the tire filler hose from the compressor firmly onto
passenger compartment. the valve of the spare tire .
- Always store all jacking equipment, tools, and the inflatable
Insert the plug from the compressor into a socket of the
spare tire in the luggage compartment.
vehicle ::;:,page 98.
- Tighten the knurled retaining screw for the inflatable spare
tire securely. Switch the compressor on.
Let the compressor run until it has reached 51 PSI
0 Note (3.5 bar). Switch the compressor off after running for 8
minutes at the most - danger of overheating!
• The inflatable spare tire has been developed specifically for this
vehicle model. It must not be exchanged or used for other vehicle
models . Similarly, inflatable tires from other vehicle models must
not be used. & WARNING
• Normal summer or winter tires must not be installed on the The compressor and the tire filler hose can become extremely hot
inflatable tire rim. • while they are running - danger of burns!

Inflating inflatab le spare tire 0 Note

Switch the compressor off after running for 8 minutes at the most -
danger of overheating! Allow the compressor to cool down for a few
minutes before you use it again . •

Fig. 227 Luggage

compartment left side:

- Remove the left trim panel in the luggage compartment.

Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service irechnical data

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Changing a wheel & WARNING (continued)

Before changing a wheel • To help prevent the vehicle from moving suddenly and possibly
slipping off the jack, always fully set the parking brake and block
Observe the following precautions for your own and your the wheel diagonally opposite the wheel being changed with the
passenger's safety when changing a wheel. folding chocks or other objects. When one front wheel is lifted off
the ground, placing the Automatic Transmission in "P" (Park) will
- After you experience a tire failure, pull the car well away not prevent the vehicle from moving.
from moving traffic and try to reach level ground before • Before you change a wheel, be sure the ground is level and firm.
you stop ~ &- If necessary, use a sturdy board under the jack.
- All passengers should leave the car and move to a safe • After installing the inflatable spare tire, make sure that you
location (for instance, behind the guardrail) ~ &- replace the flat tire/wheel in its storage area properly and tighten
the knurled retaining screw securely. •
- Engage the parking brake to prevent your vehicle from
rolling unintentionally ~ &- Changing a wheel
- Move selector lever to position P ~ &- When you change a wheel, follow the sequence described
- If you are towing a trailer: unhitch the trailer from your below step-by-step and in exactly that order.
1. Remove the decorative wheel cover*. For more details
- Block the diagonally opposite wheel with the folding see also ~ page 303, "Decorative wheel covers" or
chocks or other objects. ~ page 304, "Wheels with wheel bolt caps".
- Take the jack and the inflatable spare tire out of the 2. Loosen the wheel bolts ~ page 304.
luggage compartment ~ page 298.
3. Locate the proper mounting point for the jack and align

& WARNING the jack below that point ~ page 305.

4. Lift the car with the jack ~ page 305.
You or your passengers could be injured while changing a wheel if
you do not follow these safety precautions: 5. Remove the wheel with the flat tire and then install the
• If you have a flat tire, move a safe distance off the road. Turn off inflatable spare tire ~ page 306.
the engine, turn the emergency flashers on and use other warning
6. Tighten all wheel bolts lightly.
devices to alert other motorists.
• Make sure that passengers wait in a safe place away from the 7. Lower the vehicle with the jack.
vehicle and well away from the road and traffic.
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8. Use the wheel bolt wrench and firmly tighten all wheel App li es 10 ve hicles: w ith deco rative wheel covers

bolts =>page 304. Decorative wheel covers

9. Replace the decora t ive wheel cover*. The decorative wheel covers must be removed first to
access the wheel bolts .
Always read and follow all WARNINGS and information => & in
uRaising the vehicle" on page 305 and => page 307. •

After changing a wheel

A wheel change is not complete without the doing the
Fig . 228 Changing a
following. wheel: Removing the
wheel cover
- Store and secure the wheel you replaced in the spare
wheel well. Removing
- Replace the tools and the jack in their proper location. Insert the hook prov ided with the vehicle tool kit in the
- As soon as possible, have the tightening torques on all hole in the hub.
wheel bolts checked w ith a torque wrench . The correct - Pull off the decorative wheel cover => fig. 228. •
tightening torque is 105 ft lb (140 Nml.
- Have the flat t ire replaced as soon as poss ible.

[i] Tips
• If you notice that the wheel bolts are corroded and difficult to
turn whil e changing a tir e, they should be replaced before you check
the tightening torque.
• Drive at reduced speed unt il you have th e tightening torques
checked . •

Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service irechnical data

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Ap pli es to vehi cles: wi th wh eel bolts wi th caps Loosening and tightening the vvheel bolts
Wheels vvith vvheel bolt caps
The wheel bolts must be loosened before raising the
The caps must be removed first from the wheel bolts vehicle.
before the bolts can be unscrewed.

Fig. 230 Changing a

Fig. 229 Changing a wheel: loosening the
wheel: removing the wheel bolts
wheel bolt caps
Removing - Install the wheel bolt wrench over the wheel bolt and
- Push the plastic clip provided with the vehicle tool kit push it down as far as it will go.
over the wheel bolt cap until it engages.
- Take tight hold of the end of the wrench handle and turn
- Pull on the plastic clip to remove the cap :::::>
fig. 229. the wheel bolts counter-clockwise about one single turn
in the direction of arrow :::::>
fig. 230.
- Place the caps over the wheel bolts and push them back Tightening
on. - Install the wheel bolt wrench over the wheel bolt and
push it down as far as it will go.
The caps are to protect and keep the wheel bolts clean. •
- Take tight hold of the end of the wrench handle and turn
each wheel bolt clockwise until it is seated.

• Do not use force or hurry when changing a wheel · you can
cause the vehicle to slip off the jack and cause serious personal
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& WARNING !continued)
• Do not loosen the wheel bolts more than one turn before you
raise the vehicle with the jack. - You risk an injury.

[i J Tips
If a wheel bolt is very tight, you may find it easier to loosen by care- Fig. 232 Close-up:
fully pushing down on the end of the wheel bolt wrench with one proper positioning of
foot only. As you do so, hold on to the car to keep your balance and jack
take care not to slip. •
- Position the jack below the door sill under the mounting
point that is closest to the wheel to be changed
Raising the vehicle :::;,page 305, fig. 231.
The vehicle must be lifted with the jack first before the - Wind the jack up under the lifting point until the claw is
wheel can be removed. directly under the vertical rib on the rocker panel :::;,& .
Align the jack so the claw @ grips the rib on the rocker
panel and the flexible base plate @ is flat on the ground
:::;,page 305, fig. 232.
- Wind the jack up further until the flat tire comes off the
ground:::;, & .

The jack must be installed only at the places indicated=> page 305,
Fig. 231 Changing a
wheel: mounting fig. 231. There is exactly one location for each wheel. The jack must
points for the jack not be positioned at any other location =>& .
An unstable surface under the jack can cause the vehicle to slip off
the jack . Always provide a firm base for the jack on the ground. If
necessary place a sturdy board or similar support under the jack. On
hard, slippery surfaces (such as tiles) use a rubber mat or similar to
prevent the jack from slipping=> & . .,,_

Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service irechnical data

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& WARNING Taking the wheel

spare t ire
off / installing the inflatable

• You or your passengers could be injured while changing a

Follow these instructions step-by-step for changing the
wheel if you do not follow these safety precautions:
- Positioning the jack under the vehicle at any other place than
those indicated above may damage the vehicle or may result in
personal injuries.
- A soft or unstable surface under the jack may cause the
vehicle to slip off the jack . Always provide a firm base for the
jack on the ground . If necessary , use a sturdy board under the
jack. Fig. 233 Changing a
wheel: using the
- On hard, slippery surface (such as tiles ) use a rubber mat or screwdriver handle
similar to prevent the jack from slipping. (with the blade
removed) to turn the
• To help prevent injury to yourself and your passengers: bolts
- Do not raise the vehicle until you are sure the jack is securely
- Passengers must not remain in the vehicle when it is jacked
- Make sure that passengers wait in a safe place away from
the vehicle and well away from the road and traffic.
- Make sure jack position is correct, adjust as necessary and
then continue to raise the jack. •
Fig. 234 Changing a
wheel: alignment pin
inside the top hole

After you have loo sened all wheel bolts and raised the
vehicle off the ground, remove and replace the wheel as

Removing the wheel

- Use the hexagonal socket in the screwdriver handle to
completely remove the topmost wheel bolt and set it
aside on a clean surface => page 306, fig. 233. .,
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- Screw the th readed end of the alignment pin from the hub . Remove all dirt from these surfaces before remounting the
tool kit hand-tight in to the em pty bolt ho le~ fig . 234. wheel. •

- Then remove the other wheel bolts as described above .

Tires with unidirectional tread design
- Take off the wheel leaving the alignment pin in the bolt
hole. Tires with unidirectional tread design must be mounted
with their tread pattern pointed in the right direction.
Putting on the inflat a ble spar e tire
U s ing a spare tir e with a tread patte rn intended f o r use
- Infl ate the inflatable spa re tire~ page 301 and pus h t he in a s p ec ifi c d irec t io n
wheel over the ali gnment pin. When using a spare tire with a t read pattern intended for use in a
- Use t he hexagonal socket in t he screwdrive r handle to specific direction, please note the following :
screw in and tighten all w heel bol t s slightly . • The direction of rotation is marked by an arrow on the side of the
- Remove the alignment pin and insert and tighten the
• If t he spare t ire has t o be insta lled in the incorrect direction, use
remaining wheel bolt slightly like the rest.
the spare tire only temporarily since t he tire will not be ab le to
- Turn the jack hand le counter-clockwise to lower the achieve its optimum performance characteristics wi t h regard to
veh icle until the jack is fully released . aquaplaning, noise and wear.
• We recommend that you pay particular attention to this fact
- Use the wheel bolt wrench t o tighten all wheel bolts
dur ing wet weather and that you adjust your speed to match road
firmly~ page 304. Tighten them crosswise, from one conditions .
bolt to the (approximate ly) opposite one, to keep the
• Replace the flat t ire with a new one and have it installed on your
wheel centered. vehicle as soon as possible to rest ore the handling advantages of a
unidirectional tire. •
[i ] Tips
Never use the hexagonal socket in the hand le of the screwdriver to Notes on wheel changing
loosen or tighten the wheel bolts.
• Pull the reversib le blade from the screwdriver before you use the Please read the information::::::, page 289, "New tires and replacing
hexagonal socket in the hand le to turn the wheel bo lts . tires and whee ls" if you are going to use a spare tire which is
• When mounting tires with unidire ctional tre ad design make sure different from the tires on your vehic le.
t he tread pattern is pointed the right way ::::::,
page 307 . Aft er you change a tire :
• The wheel bolts should be clean and easy to turn . Check for dirt
• Check the tire pressure on the spare im mediat ely after installa -
and corrosion on the mating surfaces of bot h the wheel and the tion . _,,,

• Do-it-yourself service
111!1.___ W _ t _d_o_ l _d_o_ n_o
_ h_a _ w_ ?______________________________________________ _

• Have the wheel bolt tightening torque checked with a torque

wrench as soon as possible by your authorized Audi dealer or a
qualified workshop .
• With steel and alloy wheel rims , the wheel bolts are correctly
tightened at a torque of 105 ft lb (140 Nm l.
• If you notice that the wheel bolts are corroded and difficult to
turn while changing a tire , they should be repla ced before you check
the tightening torque .
• Replace the flat tire with a new one and have it installed on your
vehicle as soon as possible . Remount the wheel cover.
Until then , drive with extra care and at redu ced speeds .

• If you are going to equip your vehicle with tires or rims which
differ from those which were factory installed , then be sure to read
the information =>page 289, " New t ires and replacing tires and
wheels" .
• Always make sure the damaged wheel or even a flat tire and
the jack and tool kit are properly secured in the luggage compart -
ment and are not loose in the passenger compartment .
• In an accident or sudden maneuver they could fly forward ,
injur ing anyone i n the vehicle .
• Always store damaged wheel , jack and tools securely in the
lugg age compartment . Otherwise , in an accident or sudden
maneuver they could fly forward, cau sing injury to passengers in
the vehi cle .

0 Note
Do not use commercially available ti re sealants . Otherwise, the elec -
t rical components of th e ti re pressu re monitor in g syst em* w ill no
longer work properly and the sensor for the tire pressure moni -
to ri ng system wi ll have to be replace d by a qua lifi ed wo rkshop. •
_________________________________________________ F_u_s_e_s_a_n_d_ b_u
_ lb_s_ __.11
Fuses and bulbs

Fuses ment pane l behind a cover and in the right storage area in the
luggage compartment.
Replacing a fuse There is a plastic clip in the cover on the lef t side of the instrument
panel, which can be used to remove the fuses. The crank is used for
A problem in the electrical system may be caused by a emergency operation of the Panoramic sliding sunroof* . You wi ll
blown fuse. also find a label on both covers in the instrument panel with the
fuse layout for the corresponding fuse panel.

Never replace a fuse with one that has a higher amperag e rating.
• A fuse wi th a t oo high amper age could damage the electri cal
part and cause a fire .

Fig. 235 Instrum ent

panel left : Face cover
0 Note
• On no account should fuses be repaired (e.g. patched up with tin
foil or wire) as this may cause serious damage elsewhere in the elec-
- Locate the fuse which belongs to the component which
trica l circuit o r cause fire.
failed .
• If a fuse blows repeatedly, do not keep replacing it. Instead, have
- Switch off the ignition and the electrica l component the cause of the repeated short circ uit or overload located and fixed.
affected .
- Carefully pry the face cover off the instrument panel (I] Tips
using a screwdriver ~ fig. 235. You are well advised to keep a supp ly of spare fuses in your vehicle .
Fuses with the proper ampere ratings are available at your autho-
- Remove the plastic cli p from its reta in er in the face cover,
ri zed Audi dealer. •
place it over the questionable fuse and remove the fuse.
- Replace a blow n fuse (recog nizable by t he melted metal
strip inside) wi t h a fuse of the same amperage.

The individual circuits are protected by fuses. The fuse panels with
the fuses are located on the left and right front faces of the instru-

Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data

lllffll.___ F_u_s_ e_s_ a_n_d_ b_ u_lb
_ s_______________________________________________ _

Fuse Location , Instrument Panel left No . Equipm e nt II Amps

9 Automatically dimming inside mirror 5
10 Gearshift gat e 5
11 Heated washer jets 5
12 Air conditioner 5
Fuse holder (brown )
1 Auxiliary water pump 5

Fig. 236 Fuse panel 2 Clutch sensor 5

3 Fuel pump 25
Some of the equipment items listed are optional or only available on 4 Auxiliary water pump 5
certain model configurations. 5 Seat heating driver's side 30
Not e that the followi ng t able is accurat e at the time of going to 6 Electronic stabilization program (ESP) 10
press and is subject t o change . In the event of discrepancies, th e
label on the inside of th e cover alwa ys t akes precedence. 7 Horn 25
The power seats are protected by circuit breakers, which automati- 8 Window lifter engine for door, left 30
cally reset after a few seconds after the overload has been reme - 9 Wiper and washer system 30
died .
10 Electronic stabilization program (ESP) 25
N o. Equipm e nt Amps 11 Door, left 15
Fuse holder (black) 12 Rain sensor, light sensor 5
1 Dynamic steering 5 Fuse holder Ired)

2 Clutch senso r 5 1 Not used

3 Homelink 5 2 Not used

4 Not used 3 Lumbar support 10

5 Air conditioner 5 4 Dynamic steering 35

-- 6
Autom. headlight range contro l, right
Autom. headlight range control, left

Climatize d cuphold er
Vehicle electrical system control modu le
Vehicle electrical system control module
8 Vehicle electrical system contro l module 5
Fu ses and bul bs -
No . Eq ui pm e nt Amps No . Equipm e nt Amps
8 Vehicle electrical system contro l modu le 30 Fuse holder (black)
9 Panoramic sliding sunroof 20 1 Not used
10 Vehicle electrical system control modu le 30 2 Not used
Panoramic sliding sunroof sunshade 20 3 Not used
12 Anti -theft alarm warning system 5
• 4 Not used
5 Steering column switch module 5
Fuse Location , Instrument Panel right 6 Electronic stabi lization program (ESP) 5
7 Diagnostic connector, Terminal 15 5
8 Data bus on board diagnostic interface 5
9 Not used
10 Not used
11 Not used
12 Not used

Fig. 237 Fuse pa nel Fuse holder (brown )

1 CD-/DVD player 5

Some of the equipment items listed are optiona l or only available on 2 Audi drive select sw itch modu le 5
certain model configurations . 3 MM I/Radio 5/20
Not e th at t he followin g t able is accurat e at t he ti me of going to 4 Light switch 5
press and is subject t o change . In the event of discrepancies, t he
Data bus on board diagnostic interface, Instru -
label on t he inside of th e cover always t akes precedence. 5 5
ment cluster
The power seats are protected by circuit breaker s, which automat i-
6 Ignition look 5
cally reset after a few seconds after the overload has been reme-
died . 7 Not used
8 A ir con d itioner blower 40
9 Steering column look 5

Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service irechnical data

.,___Fuses ______________
and bulbs _

No. Equipment Amps No. Equipment II Amps

10 Air conditioner 10 9 Not used II J

11 Diagnostic connector, Terminal 30 10 10 Not used

12 Steering column switch module 5
• 11 Not used
12 Not used
Fuse Location , Luggage Compartment right Fuse holder (black)
1 Tire pressure monitoring system 5
2 Trailer towing 15
3 Trailer towing 20
4 Trailer towing 20
5 Electromechanical parking brake 5
6 Electronic dumping system 15

Fig . 238 Fuse panel

7 Electromechanical parking brake 30
layout 8 Comfort system central control module 30
9 Not used
Read numbers of the fuses in the luggage compartment starting
from inside=> fig. 238. 10 Comfort system central control module 30
11 Comfort system central control module 20
No . Equipment Amps
12 Not used
Fuse holder (black)
Fuse holder (brown)
1 Rear lid control module 2 30
1 Not used
2 Not used
2 Not used
3 Rear lid control module 1 30
3 Radio/MMI/Navigation/cell phone prep 7,5
4 Not used
4 Digital sound system 30
5 Not used
5 MMI 7,5
6 Not used
6 Not used
7 Not used
7 Electromechanical parking brake 30
8 Not used
Fu ses and bulb s -
first be removed before you are able to get to the bulb . This applies
No . Equipm e nt Amps
especia lly t o the light bu lbs in the front of your car which you can
8 Not used only reach through the engine compartment.
9 Window lifter engine for door, righ t 30 Sheet meta l and bulb holders can have sharp edges that can cause
10 Not used serious cuts, and parts must be correctly taken apart and then prop -
erly put back together to he lp prevent breakage of parts and long
Door, right 15 t erm damage from water that can enter housings that have not
12 Rear view camera 5 been properly resea led.

Fuse holder (redl For your safety, we recommend that you have your authorized Audi
dea ler replace any bu lbs for you, since your dealer has the proper
1 12 V socket (rear center console) 15
tools, the correct bulbs and the expertise .
2 12 V socket (front center console) 15
Gas discharge lamp s (Xenon lights)*:
3 12 V socket (luggage compartment) 15
Due to the high electrica l voltage, have the bulbs replaced by a qual -
Cigarette lighter/soc ket 15 ified technician. Headlights with Xenon light can be identified by the
high voltage sticker.
5 Audi parking system advanced 5
6 Telephone
7 Not used
Cont act w ith high-volt age com ponents of th e electri cal system
8 Rear wiper 15
and imprope r replacem ent of gas discharge (Xenon) headlight
9 Electromechanical parking brake 5 bulb s can cause serious personal injury and death .
10 Audi side assist 5 • Xenon bulbs are pressurized and can explod e wh en being
11 Not used
• Changing Xenon lamps requires the special tr aining, instruc -
12 Airbag system 5
• tio ns and equipme nt .
• Only an auth orized Audi dealer or other qualified wo rkshop
should change th e bulb s in gas discharge lamps.

Replacing light bulbs & WARNING

For your safety, we recommend that you have your autho- The re are part s wi th sha rp ed ges on t he ope ning s and on t he bul b
rized Audi dealer replace burned out bulbs for you . hold ers th at ca n caus e ser ious cut s. ...

It is becoming increasingly more and more difficult to replace

vehicle light bu lbs since in many cases, other parts of the car must

• Do-it -yourself service

llffll.___ F_u_s_ e_s_a_n_d_ b_u_lb_ s _______________________________________________ _

& WA RNING (continued )

• If you are uncertain about what to do, have the work performed
by an authori zed Audi dealer or other qualified wo rkshop. Serious
personal injury may result from improperly performed work .

[i J Tips
• If you must replace the light bulbs yourself, always remember
th at th e eng i ne co mp artm ent of any ve hi cle is a hazard ous area t o
work in. Always read and heed al l WARNI NGS ~ page 254, "Engine
compart m ent" ~ &-
• It is best to ask your autho rized Audi dea ler whenever you need
t o change a b ulb . •
Emergency situations -
Emergency situations

This chapter is intended for trained emergency crews and working Batteries contain electricity, acid , and gas. Any of the se can cause
pe rsonnel who have the necessary tools and equ ipment to perform very ser ious or fatal injury . Follow the instructions below for safe
these operations. • handling of your vehicle 's battery .
• Always shield your eyes and avoid leaning over the battery
whenever possible .
Starting by pushing or towing • A discharged battery can freeze at temperatures just below
32 °F (0 °Cl. Before connecting a jumper cable , you must thaw the
frozen battery completely , otherwise it could explode .
(D Note • Do not allow battery acid to conta ct eyes or skin. Flush any
Vehi cles with an automatic transmis sion cannot be started by contacted area with water immediately.
push ing or towing . •
• Improper use of a booster battery to start a vehicle may cause
an explosion.
• Vehicle batteries generate explosive gases. Keep sparks , flame
Starting with jumper cables
and lighted cigarettes away from batteries.
If necess ary, th e eng ine can b e started by co nn ectin g it to • Do not try to jump st art any vehicle with a low acid level in the
the battery of anothe r veh icl e. battery.
• The voltage of the booster battery must also have a 12-Volt
If th e engine should fail to start because of a discharged or weak
rating. The capacity (Ah l of the booster battery should not be
bat t e ry, the batt ery ca n be co nnected t o the batt ery of another
lower than that of the discharged battery . Use of batteries of
vehicle, using a pair of jumper cables to start the engine .
different voltage or substantially different "Ah" rating may cause
Jumper cables an explosion and personal injury .
Use only jumper cables of sufficiently large cross section to carry • Never charge a frozen battery. Gas trapped in the ice may cause
th e star te r current saf ely. Ref er to t he m anuf actur er's sp ecifi cat ions. an explosion.

Use only ju m per cabl es with insulated terminal clamps whic h are • Never charge or use a battery that has been frozen . The battery
distinct ly marked: case may have be weakened .
• Use of batter ies of different voltage or substantially different
plus (+l cable in mo st cases col ored red
capacity (Ah l rating may cause an explosion and injury . The
minus (-1cable in most cases colored black . capacity (Ahl of the booster batte ry should not be lower than that
of the discharged battery . _..

• Do-it -yourself service

lllffll.,___ E
_m_ e
_ r.;:
_ c-=
y_ s_i_
t_u_a_t_i_o_n_s_______________________________________________ _

& WARNING (con t inu ed) Use of jumper cables

• Before you check anything in the engin e compartment , alw ays Make sure to connect the jumper cable clamps in exac tly
read and heed all WARNINGS => page 254, "Engine compa rtme nt". the order described below!

0 Note
• Applying a higher voltage booster battery wil l cause expensive
damage to sensitive electronic components, such as contro l units,
relays, radio, et c.
• There must be no electrical contact between the vehicles as
otherwise current could already start to flow as soon as the positive Fig. 239 Engin e
(+ ) terminals are connected . compartm ent: Connec-
to rs for j ump er cables
and cha rger
[i ] Tip s
• The discharged battery must be properly connected to the
vehic le's electrical system. When jump starting or charging the
battery, never connect the negative ground cable to the battery
negative pos t because the battery manager system must be ab le to
detect the battery's state of charge . Always connect the negative
ground cable to the negat ive ground post of the battery manager Fig. 240 Jump startin g
w it h th e batte ry of
control unit. • another vehicle: @
d ischarg ed vehicle
batt ery, @ booster
batt ery

The procedure descr ib ed below for co nnect ing jumper

cables is intended to provide a j ump star t for your vehi cle .

Vehi c le with discharged battery :

- Tur n off lights and accessories, m ove lever of automatic
tra nsmissio n to N (Neutral) or P (Park) and set parking
brake . ~
________________________________________________ E
_ m_ e_r.:g:;,.
y:.-s_i_t_u_a_t_i_o_n_s__ fllll
Connect POSITIVE (+) to POSITIVE (+) (red) The battery is vented to the outside to prevent gases from entering
the vehicle interior. Make sure that the jumper clamps are well
- Remove the cover G) by pressing on the arrow
connected with their metal parts in full contact with the battery
~ fig. 239. terminals.
- Open the cover 0 on the positive terminal.
1. Connect one end of the positive cable (red) on the jump & WARNING
start bolt~ fig. 240 G) (Bolts under cover= "positive") To avoid serious personal injury and damage to the vehicle, heed
of the vehicle to be started @ . all warnings and instructions of the jumper cable manufacturer. If
2. Connect the other end to the positive terminal 0 of the
in doubt, call for road service.

booster battery @ . • Jumper cables must be long enough so that the vehicles do not
Connect NEGATIVE (-) to NEGATIVE (-) (black) • When connecting jumper cables, make sure that they cannot
get caught in any moving parts in the engine compartment.
3. Connect one end to the negative terminal © of the
booster battery @ . • Do not bend over the batteries - danger of chemical burns!
• The battery cell locking screws must be tightened securely.
4. Connect the other end of the negative cable (black) to the
• Before you check anything in the engine compartment, always
jump start bolt @ (Bolts with hex head ;;;;"negative") of read and heed all WARNINGS~ page 254, "Engine compartment".
the vehicle to be started @ .

Starting the engine 0 Note

- Start the engine of the vehicle with the booster battery. Improper hook-up of jumper cables can ruin the generator .
Run the engine at a moderate speed. • Always connect POSITIVE(+) to POSITIVE(+), and NEGATIVE(-) to
NEGATIVE(- ) ground post of the battery manager control unit.
- Start engine with discharged vehicle battery in the usual
• Check that all screw plugs on the battery cells are screwed in
manner. firmly. If not, tighten plugs prior to connecting clamp on negative
- If the engine fails to start: do not keep the starter battery terminal.
cranking for longer than 10 seconds. Wait for about • Please note that the procedure for connecting a jumper cable as
30 seconds and then try again. described above applies specifically to the case of your vehicle
being jump started. When you are giving a jump start to another
- With engine running, remove jumper cables from both vehicle, do not connect the negative(-) cable to the negative(-)
vehicles in the exact reverse order. t erminal on the discharged battery © ~ page 316, fig . 240. Instead,
- Close the cover 0on the positive terminal and re-install
securely connect the negative(-) cable to either a solid metal
component that is firmly bolted to the engine block or to the engine .,,_
the cover G) ~ page 316, fig. 239.

• Do-it-yourself service
lllfflJ.,___ E
_m_ e
_ r.;:
_ c-=
y_ s_i_
t_u_a_t_i_o_n_s_______________________________________________ _

block itself. If the battery that is being charged does not vent to the Front towing loop
outside, escaping battery gas could ignite and explode! •
Do not install the front towing loop until it is needed.

Emergency towing with commercial

tow truck

General hints
Your Audi requires special handling for towing.
The following information is to be used by commercial tow truck Fig. 241 Front
operators who know how to operate their equipment safely. bumper: removing the
cover cap
• Never tow your Audi, towing will cause damage to the engine
and transmission.
• Never wrap the safety chains or winch cables around the brake
• To prevent unnecessary damage, your Audi must be transported
with a flat bed truck.
• To load the vehicle on to the flat bed, use the towing loop found
in the vehicle tools and attach to the front or rear anchorage
~ page 318 and ~ page 319. Fig. 242 Front
bumper: screwing in
the towing loop

& WARNING The threaded opening for the towing loop is located behind
A vehicle being towed is not safe for passengers. Never allow
a cover on the right side of the front bumper.
anyone to ride in a vehicle being towed, for any reason. •
- Remove the towing loop from the vehicle toolkit
=> page 298.
- Carefully remove the cover =:>fig. 241.
- Screw the towing loop tightly into the threaded hole as
far as it will go =:>fig . 242. ..,
________________________________________________ E
_ m_ e_r,,::
e_n_ c..::
y;._s_i_t _u_a_t_i_o_n_s
_ ___.
When it is no longer needed, unscrew the towing loop and put it
back into the vehicle toolkit. Be sure to have the towing loop stored
in the vehicle at all times.
When re-installing the cover be sure to first insert the tabs on the
cover into the retainers near the radiator grille. Then install the
other side of the cover and push it into the retainers ~ fig. 241.

& WARNING Fig. 244 Rear bumper:

Screwing in towing
If the towing loop is not screwed in as far as it will go, the thread
can pull out when the vehicle is towed - potential risk of an
Vehicles with a towing loop
accident. •
- Remove the towing loop from the vehicle toolkit
=> page 298.
Rear towing loop
Press the cover in by applying short strong pressure to
On vehicles without a factory-installed trailer hitch*, the the bottom part to release it from the bumper=> fig. 243.
rear towing loop is located at the right of bumper.
- Screw the towing loop tightly into the threaded hole as
far as it will go => fig. 244.

Vehicles with a trailer hitch*

Install the trailer hitch.
- Attach the towing bar or the towing cable to the trailer

Fig. 243 Rear bumper : Unscrew the towing loop again after use and install the cover in the
Cover bumper. Return the towing loop to the vehicle toolkit. Be sure to
have the towing loop stored in the vehicle at all times.

• If the towing loop is not screwed in as far as it will go, the
thread can pull out when the vehicle is towed - potential risk of an
accident . ..,

Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service irechnical data

lllffl!I.___ E
_ m_e_r-=
_ c-=
y_ s_i_t _
_______________________________________________ _

& WARNING(continued) [i] Tips

• If your vehicle has a trailer hitch* only use a special towing bar Check carefully to make sure the hook-up is secure before moving
to prevent damaging the ball hitch. These towing bars have been the car up the flatbed truck ramp. •
specially designed for trailer towing hitches.
• If your vehicle has a trailer hitch* use only special towing
cables. • Lifting vehicle

Lifting with workshop hoist and with floor

Loading the vehicle onto a flat bed truck jack
The vehicle may only be lifted at the lifting points illus-

Fig. 245 Vehicle on flat

bed truck

Front hook up Fig. 246 Front lifting

- Align the vehicle with the centerline of the car carrier
Attach the winch hook to the front towline eye previously

Rear hook up
- Align the vehicle with the centerline of the car carrier
ramp .
Fig. 247 Rear lifting
Attach the winch hook to the rear towline eye previously point
- Read and heed WARNING =:>& .
Emergency situations -
- Locate lifting points => fig. 246 and => fig. 247. & WARNING (continued)
- Adjust lifting arms of workshop hoist or floor jack to gravity. Otherwise, the vehicle might tilt or slip off the hoist,
match vehicle lifting points. causing serious personal injury.
- Inse rt a rubber pad between the floor jack/workshop
hoist and the lifting points. 0 Note
• Be aware of the following points before lifting the vehicle:
If you must lift your vehicle with a floor jack to work underneath, be
sure the vehicle is safely supported on stands intended for this - The vehicle should never be lifted or jacked up from under-
purpose . neath the engine oil pan, the transmission housing, the front or
rear axle or the body side members. This could lead to serious
Front lifting point damage.
The lifting point is loca ted on the floor pan reinforcement about at - To avoid damage to the underbody or chassis frame, a rubber
the same level as the jack mounting point ~ page 320, fig. 246. Do pad must be inserted between the floor jack and the lift points.
not lift the vehicle at the vertical sill reinforcement.
- Before driving over a workshop hoist, check that the vehicle
Rear lifting point weight does not exceed the permissible lifting capacity of the
hoist .
The lifting point is located on the vertical reinforcement of the lower
sill for the on board jack => page 320, fig. 247. - Before driving over a workshop hoist, ensure that there is
sufficient clearance between the hoist and low parts of the
Lifting with vehicle jack vehicle. •
Refer to => page 305.

• To reduce the risk of serious injury and vehicle damage.
- Always lift the vehicle only at the special workshop hoist and
floor jack lift points illustrated => page 320, fig. 246 and
=> page 320, fig . 247 .
- Failure to lift the vehicle at these points could cause the
vehicle to tilt or fall from a lift if there is a change in vehicle
weight distribution and balance . This might happen, for
example, when heavy components such as the engine block or
transmission are removed.
• When removing heavy components like these, anchor vehicle
to hoist or add corresponding weights to maintain the center of

• Do-it -yourself service

- ______________
General information _

General information

Explanation of technical data

Some of the technical data listed in this manual requires
further explanation.
The technical data for your vehicle is listed in the charts starting on
~ page 325. This section provides general information, notes and
restrictions which apply to this data. • Fig. 249 The vehicle
identification label -
inside the luggage
Vehicle identification
The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
The key data is given on the vehicle identification number
is located on the driver's side so that it is visible from the outside
(VIN) plate and the vehicle data sticker.
through the windshield ~ fig. 248.

T he vehicle identification label

is located in the luggage compartment above the compartment for
the vehicle tools.
The label~ fig. 249 shows the following vehicle data:

Fig. 248 Vehicle Identi -

0 Production control No .
fication Number (VIN) @ Vehicle identification No.
plate: location on
driver's side dash
0 Type code number
panel © Type designation/engine output in Kilowatts
© Engine and transmission code letter
© Paint No./lnterior
(D Optional equipment No.'s
Vehicle data 2 to 7 are also found in your Warranty & Maintenance

The safety compliance sticker

is your assurance that your new vehicle complies with all applicable
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards which were in effect at the _..
General information -
time the vehicle was manufactured . You can find this sticker on the Weights
left door jamb. It shows the month and yea r of production and the
vehic le identification number of your vehic le (perforation) as well as
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) and the Gross Axle Weight
Rating (GAWR). The Gross Vehic le Weight Rating (GVWR),and the Gross Axle Weight
Rating (GAWR) for front and rear are listed on a sticker on the left
The high voltage warning label door jamb .
is located on the lock carrier . The Gross Vehicle Weight Rating includes the weight of the basic
vehic le plus full fue l tank, oil and coolant, plus maximum load,
The spark ignition system complies with the Canadian
which includes passenger we ight (150 lbs/68 kg per designated
standard ICES-002 . •
seating position) and luggage w eight :::::,& .

Gross Axle Weight Rating

Displaying Vehicle Identification The Gross Axle Weight Rating is the maximum load that can be
Number app li ed at each axle of the vehicle :::::,.&,.

Vehicle capacity weight

The vehic le capacity weight (max . load) is listed on the driver's side
8-pi Ilar.

Roof weight
The maximum permissible roof weight is 220 lb (100 kgl. The roof
weight is made up of the weight of the roof rack system and the
weight of the object being transported :::::,page 93, "Roof load".
Fig. 250 Display:
Vehicle ID number
• The actual Gross Axle Weight Rating at the front and rear axles
You can also display t he Vehicle Identification Number of should not exceed the permissible weights , and their combination
your vehicle in the radio or in the MMI*. must not exceed the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating.
• Exceeding permissible weight ratings can result in vehicle
- Press t he [ CAR] func t ion button.
damage , accidents and personal injury.
- Select Vehicle ID number (VIN). The Vehicle ID number
(VIN) menu appears => fig. 250. •
0 Note
• The vehicle capac ity weight figures apply when the load is
distributed evenly in the vehicle (passengers and luggage) . When _,,

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical dat a
___ G
_ e_n_e
_ r_
_ a_t_i_o_n________________________________________________ _

transporting a heavy load in the luggage compartment, carry the

load as near to the rear ax le as possible so that t he vehic le's
handling is not impaired.
• Do not exceed t he maximum perm issib le axle loads or t he
maximum gross vehic le weight. Always remember that the vehic le's
handling wil l be affected by t he extra load. Therefore , adjust your
speed according ly.
• A lways o b serve local regulati o ns . •


The sp ecif icat ions refer to t he basic mode l. Differences may occur
depending on the mode l type and options ordered, for examp le, tire

0 Note
When driv i ng up steep ramps, on rough roads, over curbs, etc . it is
important to remember that some parts of your vehicle, such as
spoilers or exhaust system components, may be close to the
ground . Be carefu l not to damage t hem. •
---------------- Data -


05 3.2, 6 -cylinder engine, with all wheel drive

Engine data

Maximum output SAE net hp@rpm not availab le at time of publication

Maximum torque SAE net lb-ft@ rpm not availab le at time of p ublication
No. of cyli nders 6 cyli nd er
Displacement CID (cm 3) not availab le at time of publication

Stroke in (mm) not availa bl e at t ime of p ub licati o n

Bore in (mm) not availabl e at time of p ubl ication
Compression ratio not availab le at time of pub lication
Fuel Premium unleaded (91 AKO Recommended for maximum engine performance . Fur-
ther det ails~ pag e 255, "Gasoli ne"

Dimensions (approx .)

Lengt h (with li cence pl at e bracket) in (mm) 182 .2 (4629)

Width (with outside mirrors fo lded) in (mm) 74 .0 (1880)
Height (unloaded) in (mm) 65.1 (1653)
Turning circle d iameter (curb to curb) ft (ml 38.1 (11.6)

Capacities (approx .)

Fuel tank
- Total capacity gal (l iters) 19.8 (75)
- Reserve (of total capacity) gal (liters) 2.6 (10)
Windshie ld and head light* washer fluid container quar t s (liters) 4.9 (4.6)
Engine oil with fi lter change quarts (liters) 6.6 (6.2)

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical dat a
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Consumer Information

Warranty coverages • Navigation systems for vehicles built for the U.S.A . and Canada
wil l not necessarily work in Europe, and may not work in other coun -
tries outside of North Amer ica.
Your Audi is covered by the follow ing war rant ies:

New Vehicle Limited Warranty
Limited Warranty Against Corrosion Perforation
0 Note
Audi cannot be responsible for mechanica l damage that could
• Emissions Control System Warranty
result from inadequate fuel, service or parts avai lability . •
• Emissions Performance Warranty
• California Emissions Control Warranty (USA vehicles only)
• California Emissions Performance Warranty (USA vehicles only) Audi Service Repair Manuals and
Detailed information rega rding your warranties can be found in Literature
your Warrant y & M aint enance booklet . •
Audi Official Factory Service Manuals are published as soon as
possible after model introduction . Service m anuals are availab le
Operating your vehicle outside the from :
U .S.A. or Canada Audi Technical Literature Ordering Center
Call tol l-free:
Government regulations in the United States and Canada require
Tel.: 1 (800) 544-8021
that automobiles meet specific em ission regulations and safety
standards . Therefore, vehic les bui lt for the U.S.A. and Canada differ (from 8:00 AM to 8 :00 PM, EST, Monday through Friday)
from vehicles sold in other countries .
or access their website www .audi .dd sltd .com on the Internet to
If you plan to take your vehic le outside the continental limits of the order repair m anua ls and other Audi literature . •
United States or Canada, there is the possibility that
• unleaded fue ls for vehicles with catalyt ic converter may not be
available; Maintenance
• f ue l may have a considerably lower octane rating . Improper fuel
may cause engine damage; G e n e ral
• service may be inadequate due to lack of proper service facilities,
tools or testing equipment; You r ve hicle has been designed to he lp keep maintenance requ ire-
ments to a minimum. However, a certain amount of regu lar mainte -
• replacement parts may not be readi ly available .
n ance is sti ll necessary to assure your vehicle's safety, economy and .,_
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re liabi lity . For detailed vehicle maintenance consult your Warranty & Above a ll, operational safet y can be adverse ly affected, creating
M ain tena nce booklet . u nnecessary risks fo r you a nd yo ur passenge rs.
Under diff icult operating condition s, for example at extreme ly low If in doubt about any servicing, have it done by your authorized Audi
outside temperatures, in very dusty regions, when towing a trai ler dea ler or any other properly equipped and qualified workshop. We
very fr equently, et c., som e serv ice work shou ld be per fo rm ed str on g ly ur ge you to g ive your auth orized Au d i dea ler t he o p portu -
between the intervals specifie d. This applies particu lar ly to: nity to perform al l scheduled maintenance and necessary repairs.
Your d ealer has t he f acil iti es, ori g i na l pa rt s and tra i ned spec ialis t s
• oi l chang es, an d
to keep your vehic le running proper ly.
• cleaning or replacing the air filter.
Performing limited maintenance yourself

For the sake of the environment
The fo llowing pages descr ibe a limited numbe r of procedu res wh ich
ca n be perf orm ed o n you r vehicle wi t h o rd ina ry tools, sho uld the
By regularl y maintaining your vehicle, you help make su re that emis - need arise and trained personne l be unavailab le. Befo re performing
sio n st an da rds are ma int ained, t hus minimi zi ng advers e effe cts o n any of t hese proc edures, always thor o ug hly read all of the ap pl i-
the environment. • cable text and carefu lly fo ll ow the instruct ions given. Always rigor -
ously ob serve th e WARNINGS provid ed .
Important considerations for you and your Before you check anything in the engine compartment , alw ays read
vehicle and heed all WARNINGS ~ &
and ~ &
in "Working in the engine
compa rt me nt" on page 261.
The inc reasing use of elect ronics, sophisticated fue l injection and
emi ssio n con t ro l sy stems, and the gene rall y increas in g tec hn ical
complexity of today's automobiles, have steadily reduced the scope
of mai nte nance an d repairs wh ich can be carr ied ou t by veh icle • Serious personal injury may occur as a result of improperly
owners. Also, safety and environmental concerns p lace very strict performed maintenance , adjustments or repairs .
l im it s on the nat u re of repai rs and adj ustmen t s to engine and tra ns- • Always be extremely careful when working on the veh icle.
m ission parts which an owner can perform. Always follow commonly accepted safety practices and general
M aintena nce, adj ust m ent s and repairs usua lly require special t o ol s, common sense. Never risk personal injury.
t est ing dev ices and oth er equipment avai lab le t o sp ecially t rained • Do not attempt any of the maintenance, checks or repairs
workshop personne l in order to assure prope r performance, reli - described on the following pages if you are not fully fam iliar with
ab i lit y and saf ety of the vehicle and its many syst ems. these or other procedures with respect to the vehicle , or are uncer-
tain how to proceed .
Improper maintenance, adjustments and repairs can impair the
ope rati on and reliabil it y of your vehi cle a nd even vo id y our ve h icle • Do not do any work without the proper tools and equipment.
warranty. Therefore, proof of servicing in accordance with the main - Have the necessary work done by your authorized Audi dealer or
t enance sched ule m ay be a con d iti on for up ho ld ing a po ssibl e another properly equipped and qualified workshop . _,.
warranty claim made within the warranty period.

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical dat a
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tions must be observed. Your authorized Audi dea ler is familiar with
& WARNING (continued ) t hese requi reme nt s and we reco m mend t h at you have your dealer
• The engine compartment of any motor vehicle is a potentially perform th is serv ice for you. •
hazardous area . Never reach into the area around or to uch the
radiator fan . It is temperature controlled and can sw itch on
suddenly - even when the engine is off and the ignition key has Additional accessories,
been removed . The radiator fan switches on automatically when modifications and parts replacement
the coolant reaches a certain temperature and will continue to run
until the coolant tempe rature drops .
Additional accessories and parts
• Always remove the ignition key before anyone gets under the
vehi cle.
• Always support your vehicle with safety stands if it is neces- A lways consult an author ized Audi dea ler before
sary to work underneath the vehicle . The jack supplied with the pur cha sin g access or ies.
vehicle is not adequate for this purpose and could collap se
causing serious personal injury. Your vehicle incorporates the latest safety design featu res ensuring
a high st anda rd of active and passive saf ety .
• If you must work underneath the vehicle with the wheels on
the ground, always make sure the vehicle is on level ground, that This safety could be com promised by non -approved changes to th e
the wheels are always securelyblockedand that the engine vehic le. For thi s reason, if parts have to be replaced, p lease obse rve
cannot be sta rted . th e fo llow ing point s wh en i nsta llin g add it io nal accessories:
• Always make sure the tr ansmission selector lever (automatic Approved Audi accessories and g enuine Audi parts are avai lable
transmission) is in "P" (Park position ) and the park brake is firmly from autho rize d Audi dea lers.
These dealers also have the necessary faci lities, tools and trained
spec iali st s to ins t all the part s and accessorie s prope rl y.
W For the sake of the environment
• Chang i ng th e eng ine sett ings w ill adverse ly aff ect em issio n
levels. This is detrimenta l to the environment and increases fuel
co nsump ti on . Using the wrong spare parts or using non-approved accessories
can cause serious personal injury.
• Always observe environmenta l regu lations when disposing of
o ld eng ine o il , used brake flu id, d ir ty eng ine coo lant, spent batter ies • Use only accessories expressly approved by Audi and genuine
or worn out tires. Audi spare parts

• Undeployed airbag modul es and pretensioners might be classi - • These parts and accessories have been specially designed to
fied as Perchlorate Material -specia l handling may apply, see be used on your vehicle .
www .dt sc.ca .gov/ hazardouswaste/pe rchlora t e. When t he vehicle or • Never install accessories such as telephone cradles or
parts of the restraint system including airbag modules safety belts beverage holders on airbag covers or within the airbag deploy-
with p retensio ner s are scrap ped, all ap pl icab le laws and reg ula-
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Authori zed Audi dealers wi ll perform this work in a professional and
& WARNING (continu ed) competent manner or, in special cases, refer you t o a pro f essio nal
ment zones. Doing so w ill increase the risk of injury if airb ags are company that specializes in such modifications .
trig gered in an accident!
• Before you check anyth ing in the engine comp artme nt , alwa ys
read and heed all WARNINGS => page 254.
Improper repairs and modifi cations can change the w ay vehicle

0 Note
system s wo rk and cause serious personal injury.

• If items other than ge nuine Audi spare parts, add -on equ ipment
and accessory items are used or if repair work is not performed 0 Note
according to specified methods, this can resu lt in severe damage t o If emergency repairs m ust be performed elsewhere, have the
your vehicle 's engine and body (such as corrosion) and adverse ly vehic le examined by an authorized Audi dea ler as soon as
affect your vehicle's war ranty. possible. •
• If emergency repairs must be performed elsewhere, have the
veh icle examined by an authorized Audi dealer as soon as possible.
• The manufacturer cannot be held liable for damage which occurs Declaration of Compliance,
due to fai lure to comply with these stipu lations. • Telecommunications and Electronic
Technical Modifications Radio Frequency Devices and Radiocommunication
Our guidelines mus t be complied with when technical Equipment User Manual No tice.
modifi cations are m ade. The manufacturer is not responsible for any rad io or TV in t erference
A lways consult an authorized Audi dealer before starting work on caused by unauthori zed modifications to this equipment.
any modifications. De vice s
This will he lp ensu re that vehicle function, performance and safety The following devices each comp ly with FCC Part 15.19, FCC Part
are not impaired =>& . 15.21 and RSS-Gen Issue 1:
Attempting to wo rk on electron ic components and the software • Convenience key*
used with them can cause malfunctions. Because of the way elec-
• Audi side assist*
tronic components are interconnected with each other, such
malfunctions can also have an adverse affect on other systems that • Cell phone package*
are not directly involved . This means that you risk both a substantial • Electronic immobi lizer
reduction in the operational safety of your vehicle and an increased • Home l ink® universal remote contro l*
wear of vehicle parts => & .
• Remote contro l key

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical dat a
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• Tire pressure monitoring system *

FCC Part 15 . 19
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is
subject to t he fo llowing two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.

FCC Part 15.21

Changes or modifications not express ly approved by the party
responsible for compliance could void the user's autho ri ty to
operate the equipment.

RSS-Gen Issue 1
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference, including interference
that may cause undes ir ed operation of the device . •
Consumer Information -

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Techn ica l dat a
- Alphabetical index

Adding Repairs . ... . ...... . ... . .. 189 .. .. .. .

Engine coolant .... .. ............. 269 Safety instructions .. .. .. .. 188 . ... . ..
3 Zone deluxe automatic climate control Engine oil . .. .. .. . ... . ...... .. .. . 265 Side airbags . .. .. .. .. .. .. . 191 ... . ...
103 Windshield washer fluid .. .. .. .. . .. 275 Side curtain airbags . ...... 194 .. .. .. .
A/C mode ....................... 108 Additional accessories ............... 328 Weight -sensing mat . ...... .. .. .. . 198
Air distribution .................. 107 Additives When must the system be inspected? ...
Air vents .. .. .. . ... . ...... .. .. .. . 109 Engine oil . .. .. .. ......... .. .. .. . 265 186
Air vents (rear) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 All wheel drive ............ .. ...... .. 225
Automatic mode .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . 105 Steering column manually ......... 113 Alloy wheels ..... . ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. . 248
Automatic recirculation . ... . ...... 110 . t·mg f ron t sea t s ................
Ad JUS . 76 All-whee l drive
Basic settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Airbag Winter tires ..................... 294
Contro ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
· 1·in d',cat or 1·19ht s ..........
W arnmg . 14 Alternator
Defrost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Airbag system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175, 192 Malfunction ...................... 28
Description ..................... 103
Advanced Airbag System ... . ... . .. 179 Anti-freeze
Economical use . ... . ...... .. .. .. . 110
Advanced Airbag System components .. See Engine coolant system .. .. .. .. 267
Fan ............................ 106
182 Anti-glare inside day-night mirror ..... . 70
Front seat heating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Care ............................ 189 Anti -lock brake system
Rear window defogger .. . .. . .. .. . . 108
Child restraints .................. 199 How the ABS system works . .. .. .. . 224
Recirculation mode ..... .. .. ...... 107
Children .. .. .. .. . ... . ... . .. .. .. . 198 Warning/indicator lights ............ 15
Synchronization ................. 111
Components (front airbags) .. . .. .. . 182 Anti-Slip Regulation System (ASR)
Temperature .................... 106
Danger of f itting a chi ld safety seat on the How the system works . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Turning on and off .. .. .. .. .. . ... . 105
front passenger seat .. .. ...... . . 177
Anti-theft alarm warning system ....... 45
Disposa I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
A Front airbags ..... .. ...... . .. 179, 180
Anti -theft systems
Electronic immobilizer . . ........... 45
How do the front aiirbags work? . . . . 184
A/C mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Approach/departure angle . .. .. .. .. .. . 234
How many airbags does my vehicle have?
Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328 Ashtray
Adaptive dampers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 How the Advanced Airbag System compo - Front . .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. . ... . .... 96
Adaptive light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 nents work together . ... . ... . .. .. 183 Rear .. ...... .. .. .. . ... . ...... . ... 96
defective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Important things to know ......... 175 ASR
Indicator light . ...... .. .. . .. .. .. . 186 How the Anti -Slip Regulation System
Moni toring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
PASSENGER A IR BAG OFF light . .. .. 187
Alph a b e ti ca l ind e x -
Asterisk Selector lever . . .. .. ... . .. .. . . . . .. 137 Brake fluid
What does it mean when something is Shift buttons . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... 141 Changing the brake fluid . .. .. .. .. .. 271
marked with an asterisk? . . . . . ...... 5 Steering wheel with tiptronic® .. ... 141 Checking the brake fluid leve l ...... 270
Audi drive select .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . ... . 133 Automatic wipe/wash system .. .. .. .. .. 67 Reservoir .. .. .. .. .. .. . .......... . 270
Adaptive dampers ................ 133 Average speed . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . .. . 23 What is the correct brake fluid level? 270
Dynamic steering .. .. . ... . ........ 133 Avoid damaging the vehicle ........... 231 What should I do if the brake fluid warning
Audi parking system advanced ........ 143 light comes on? .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 270
Brake system .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 270
Adjusting the display .. .. .. .. .. . ..
Adjusting the warning tones .......
B Anti -lock brake system ............. 15
Rearview camera - parking mode 1 146 Bass box .. .. . ... .. . .. .. ...... .. .. .. 299 Brake fluid . . .......... . ....... . .. 270
Rearview camera - park ing mode 2 .. 147 Battery . .. .. .. .. .. . ... . ...... .. . ... 271 Brake f luid specifications for refill and
Safety precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 Battery location inside the luggage replacement . .. ...... .. ...... .. . 271
Switching on and off .. .. .. .. . ... . . 145 compartment .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. 272 Brake light defective ............... 34
Trailer hitch .. . ... . ... . ... . .. .. .. 149 Charging . . ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 274 Brake pads . .. .. .. .. .. . ....... . .. 230
Audi Service Repair Manuals and Literature Important warn ings when working on the Electromechanical parking brake .. .. 118
326 battery . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . .. 272 General information .. .. .. . ... . ... 222
Auto locking ...... .. .. .. . ... . .. .. .. .. 46 Jump starting . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... 315 How does moisture or road salt affect the
Low . .. .. .. .. .. . ... . ... . .. .. .... 226 brakes? . .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. . ... . 222
Auto Safety Hotline . ... . .. ...... .. .. . 163
Replacing the battery ............. 275 Malfunction ...... . ...... .. .. .. .. . 29
Auto-Check Control . ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 27
State of charge . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 226 Warning/indicator lights .. .. .. .. .. . . 17
Automatic belt retractor . ...... . ...... 169 Worn brake pads symbol ....... . ... 34
Winter operation . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 271
Automatic car wash Break-in period ..................... 229
Working on the battery .. .. .. .. . ... 272
See Washing .. . ... . ... . .. .. .. .. .. 243
Battery voltage ...................... 35 Brake pads . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . .... 230
Automatic driving light control . .. .. .. .. 60 Tires . .. .. .. .. . ... .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. 229
Before driving . .. .. . ... . ...... .. . ... 155
Automatic Shift Lock (ASU . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Breakover angle .......... .. .. .. .. .. . 234
Blended gasoline . .. . ... . .. .. . ... . ... 255
Automatic transmission Bu lbs ...... .. . .......... .. .. .. . ... . 313
Body cavity sealing .. .. ...... .. .. . ... 248
6-speed automatic transmission . .. . 136
Automatic Shift Lock (ASU . .. .. . .. . 138 Booster seats .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . .. 205
Driving ......................... 136 How do I properly install a booster seat in C
my vehicle? . ... . .. . ... . ...... . . 205
Dynamic shift program . .. .. .. .. .. . 139 California Proposition 65 Warning . .... 262
Safety instructions ................ 205
Emergency release . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Battery specific . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 273
Fail-safe mode . .. .. .. .. . . .. . ... . . 141 Brake assist . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . .. 224
Capacities ............. . .......... .. 325
Kick-down .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . 139 Brake booster .. .. ...... .. .. .. . .. .. .. 223
Manual shift program ............. 140

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
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Car care . .. .. .. .. . . .. . ...... .. .. . . . 242 Important things to know when driving MMI terminal . . . . . . . ... .. . .. .. .. . 249
Interior .. .. .. .. .. . ... .. .. .. . ... . 249 with children ................... 197 Plastic and vinyl . .. .. .. . ... .. .. . .. 246
Plastic and vinyl .. .. .. .. ......... 246 Infant seats ............... . .. .. . 202 Plastic parts .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... .. . 250
Weatherstrips .. . . ... .. .. .. .. .. .. 247 Installing a child restraint using the Radio display . ... .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . 249
Care of exterior .. . .. .. .. .. .. . ... . ... 242 LATCH system .................. 212 Safety belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 253
Lower anchorages . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. 211 Trim strips .. .. .. .. .. .. . ......... 245
Cargo area
Mounting and releasing the anchorage trim strips .. . ... . ... . .. .. ...... .. 246
See Loading the luggage compartment ..
hook .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. ...... .. .. . 213
161 Cleaning and protection .. .. .. .. .. .. . 242
Older children and safety belts . . . . . 206
Cargo floor . ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 87 Climatized cupho lder .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 94
Safety belts and ol dler children . ... . 206
Catalytic converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 Clock . .. .. .. .. . .............. .. ..... 10
Tethe r anchors .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . 214
Certification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329 Tether strap .... . .. .. .. . ... . ... . . 214 Closing
Changing a flat tire .. .. .. .. .. . ... .. . 302 Which restraint system should my o lder Panoramic sliding sunroof .. .. .. .. .. 57
Changing a wheel .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . ... 302 child wear? .. . ... . ... . ... . ..... 206 Coat hooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Changing engine oi l .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 266 Child safety locks Cold tire inflation pressure . . .... .. . .. 281
Chassis Rear doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Compass mirror . ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 73
Undercoating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249 Child safety seats .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. . 202 Comp liance .. .. .. . ... . ... . .. .. .. .. . 329
Checking Convertible locking retractor . .. .... 207 Consumer Information .......... . 163, 326
Engine coolant level . . .. . . . . .. . . . . 268 Danger of using child restraints in the Contacting NHTSA . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . 163
Checking tire pressure .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 283 front seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 Convenience closed ..... . .. .. .. .. .. . . 56
Child restraints How do I properly insta ll a child safety
Convenience key ... . ...... . ... .. .. .. . 48
seat in my vehicle? .. .. .. ...... .. 200
Danger of using child restraints in the Locking and unlocking vehicle .. . ... 48
front seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 Installing . ... . ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. 207
START ENGINE STOP button ... 116, 117
What types of child restraint anchors are LATCH system . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 212
Starting engine . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 116
available? . .. .. .. . ...... .. ..... 216 Safety instructions .. ............. 200
Switching engine off . .. . ... .. .. . .. 117
Where can I get additional information Cigarette lighter .. . ....... . .. .. .. . ... 97
Switching on ignition ... .. . .. .. .. . 116
about child restraints? ........... 217 Cleaning
Convenience opening ...... .. .. . ... . .. 56
Child safety .. .. .. . ... . ...... . .. 197,202 Alcantara (synthetic suede) . .. .. .. . 253
Convertible child seats
Additional information .. .. . ... . ... 214 Engine compartment . . ... . ...... . 254
How do I properly install a convertible
Booster seats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 Fabrics and fabric coverings . .. .. . . 250
chi ld seat in my vehicle? .. .. .. .. . 203
Convertible child safety seats . . . . . . 203 Instrument panel .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 250
Safety instructions .. . . . . . . . ... . . . 203
Convertible locking retractor . . . . . . . 207 Inter ior .. . ... . .. .. . ... .. .. .. .. .. 249
Important safety instructions for using Leather .. ...... . .. .. .. .. .. . ..... 252
child safety seats .. .. . ...... . . .. 200 MMI display ... . ... . ... . ... . .. .. . 249
Alph a b e ti ca l ind e x -
Convertible locking retractor Electronic immobilizer ... . .. .. .. .. 329 Snow -covered ground . . .. . . .. . . . . . 235
Activating .. . ... . .. .. .. .. ... .. . .. 209 Homelink® universal remote control 329 Unpaved roads ................... 235
Deactivating ...... . ... . .. .. ... .. . 2 10 Remote control key ............... 329 Driving safely . . ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 154
Using to secure a child safety seat 207, Tire pressure monitoring system .. .. 329 Driv ing through water .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . 235
209 Defective light bu lb warning .. . ........ 34 Driving time .. . ... . .. .. .. . .. ... . . .... 23
Coolant system . .. . ... . ... . ... . ... . . 267 Defrosting windows . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 108 Dup licate key . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. 42
Cooled cupholder . .. .. ...... .. . ... . .. 94 Determining correct load limit . . ... . .. 286 Dust and pollen filter
Cooling box in g love compartment .. .. . 100 Digita l clock .. . ... . .. .. .. .. .. . ... .. .. 10 3 Zone de luxe automatic c limate control
Cooling System Digital compass .. ... .. ..... .. .. .. .. . . 73 103
Expansion tank . ...... . ...... .. .. . 268 Digital speedometer . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .... 20 Dust filter
Cornering light .. . .......... ... .. . .. . 63 Dimensions . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 324 3 Zone deluxe automatic climate control
Cruise control Doors 103
Changing speed . .. . .. .. .. ...... .. 122 Child safety locks . .............. . .. 55 Dynamic steering .. ... . .. .. .. . 13, 33, 133
Preselect speed ... .. . .. .. ...... .. 122 Emergency locking ................ 51
Switching off .. .. .. . ... . ... . ... . . 122
Driver information sys.tern ............. 18 E
Switching on . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . . 121
Defective light bulb warning . .. .. ... 34
Warning/indicator lights .......... .. 15 Electrical accessor ies
Digital speedometer ............... 20
Cruising range . . .. .. .. .. .. . ... . ... . . . 23 See Socket . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . .. .. . 98
Driver information messages .. .. .. . . 27
Cup holders . ........................ 93 Electrical seat adjustment
Open door or rear lid warning .. .. .. . 20
Cupholder . . .. .. .. . ... . ... . .. . ...... 95 See Seat adjustment . .. .. . ... . ... . . 77
Outside temperatu ire disp lay . .. .. .. . 19
Cup holders Sound system display ...... . ...... . 19 Electromechanica l parking brake
Heat ed and coo led . .. .. .. .. . ... . .. 94 Emergency braking .. .. . ... . .. .. .. 120
Driver seat
Malfunction . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 120
See Seating position .............. 156
Operation .. .. . ... .. ..... .. .. .. . . 118
D Driver's seat memory
Parking . ...... .. .. .. . .. .. .. ..... 119
Activating remote contro l key .. . .. .. 80
Data . . ... . .. . ... . ... . ... . ... . ... . . 325 Releasing and closing ...... . ...... 118
Driving lights ........................ 60
Data recorder ....................... 218 Starting assist . ... . ... . .. .. .. .. .. 119
Driving messages .. .. .. ...... . ...... . 27 Starting from rest . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 119
Date dis play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Driving offroad Starting of f wi t h a trailer . .. .. .. .. .. 120
Daytime running lights ................ 62 Driving through wa t er . .. .. .. .. .. .. 235 Warning/indica t or ligh t s .. .. .. .. .. . . 16
Declaration of compliance Driving tips . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 234 Electronic differential lock (EDU
Audi side assist ... . ...... .. ...... 329 Rules of behavior . .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... 234 How the system works ............ 221
Cell phone package .. .. ...... .. .. . 329 Sand and mud .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 235 Warning/ind icator lights ............ 15
Convenience key . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 329

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
- Alphabetical index
Electronic immobilizer .. .. ...... . .. 11, 45 Engine compartment Driving at high speeds . . . . ... . .. .. 231
Electronic power contro l Safety instructions 261 Driving to minimize pollution and noise .
(EPC)warning/indicator light .. . ... . . 13 Working the engine compartment .. 261 231
Electronic stabilization program (ESP) Engine coolant system ... . ... . .. .. .. . 267 Fuel .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ...... .. .. .. . 257
ESP Off road mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 Adding coolant .................. 269 Fuel economy .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 231
Hill descent assist .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 220 Checking coolant level ... . .. . ... .. 268 Leaks under your vehicle ... . ... . .. 261
How the system works . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 Checking the engine coo lant level .. 268 Letting the vehicle stand and warm up ..
Malfunction . . . ... .. . .. .. .. .. .. . . . 30 232
Warning/indicator lights ....... .. .. 13
Radiator fan .. .. .. .. .. .. ... . .. .. . 270 Proper disposal of drained brake fluid
Emergency braking . ... . .. .. ... . .. .. 120
Emergency flasher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Engine coolant temperature
Proper disposal of drained engine
Warning/indicator lights ........... 14 Temperature gauge .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8
coo lant . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ...... 269
Emergency key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Engine data .. .. .................... 325 Proper disposal of drained engine oil .. ..
Starting engine . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 45 Engine hood 265,266
Emergency locking of the doors .. ... . .. 51 Closing .. . .................. .. .. 261 Recycling used engine oi l .. .. .. .. . 265
Emergency operation How to release the hood .......... 260 Un leaded fuel .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . .. 255
Luggage compartment lid .. .. ...... 54 Engine oil .. .. .. .. .. . .......... .. . .. 263 What should I do with an old battery?
Emergency release Adding .... .. ...... . .. .. .. . ... . . 265 275
Selector lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Additives . .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . ..... 265 Environmental note
Changing . . ... ... . .. .. .. .. .. .... 266 Rear window defogger . .. .. .. .. .. . 108
Emergency starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
Check oil level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 Roof rack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Emergency towing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318
Consumption ... .. ............. .. 265 EPC
Emergency un locking
Oil consumption ................. 264 See Electronic power control .. .. .. .. 13
Ignition key ... . .. .. .. .. .. . ... . ... 44
Oil grades ..... .. . ... .. . .. . ...... 263 ESP
Energy management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 Specification and viscosity ........ 263 See Electronic stabilization program
Battery power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Engine oil level .... .. .. .. ............ 35 (ESP) .. . .. .. .. . ...... .. .. .. .. .. . 13
Driver notification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Engine oil pressure ESP Offroad mode . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 218
Malfunction .. . ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. . 30 Event Data Recorder (EDRl . . ... . ... . .. 218
Compartment ................... 262
Engine oil sensor defective . .. .. .. .. . .. 35 Expansion tank . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 268
Coolant .. .. ...... .. . ............ 267
Engine speed limitation .. ... . .. . ... .. . 35 Explanation of some technical terms . .. 234
Hood .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . ........... 260
Starting .. .. .. .. . . . ... . . . .. .. .. . 114 Environment Eyeglasses compartment ............. 100
Starting with jumper cables ....... 315 Break-in period .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 229
Stopping ....................... 115 Catalytic converter .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 230
Disposing of your vehicle battery . .. 275
______________________________________________ A_l_p,_
_ b_e_t_ic_a
_ l _in_ d_e_x__ ftll
F Frontal collisions and the laws of physics
General rules and driving tips . . . . . . .. . 234
Before driving offroad . .. .. .. .. .. . . 234
Fall line . .. .. .. ...... . ...... .. ... . .. 234 Fuel Driving offroad . ... . ... . .. .. .. .. .. 234
Fan Additives .. . .. .. . .. .. . ... .. .. .. .. 255 Glossary of tire and loading terminology .. .
3 Zone deluxe automatic climate control Blended gasoline .. . .. .. .. .. .. . ... 255 278
106 Consumption . ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 23 Glove compartment . .. .. .. ...... . .... 99
Radiator ...... .. . . .. .. .. .. . ... . . 270 Fill er neck ... . ..... . .. .. .. .. .. .. . 256 Cooling box .. .. .. .. .. . ... . ... . .. . 100
Flat tire Fuel gauge . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 Gradient angle . .. .. .. .. .. . .......... 234
Changing .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . . 302 Gasoline . ... . ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. . 255 Gross Vehic le Weight Rating (GVWR) .. . 323
Floor mats . ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . . 160 Gasoline additives .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . 256
Ground clearance ........ . ... . ... . .. 234
Fog li ghts .. .. . ... . ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 61 Octane rating . . ... . ... . ... . ... . .. 255
Recommendation ... . ... . .. .. .. .. 255
Folding chocks . .. .. .. .. . ... . .. .. .. . 299
Refuelling . ... . ... .. .. . ... . ... . .. 257 H
Folding the rear seat forward ....... 83, 84
Reserve .. .. .. . ... .. .. .. .. . ... . .. . 10 Head lights
Folding the seats forward . ... . .. .. . 83, 84
Tank capacity ...... . ... . ...... . .. 325 Fog lights . .. . .... . .. .. .. . ... . .. .. 61
Foot pedals ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 160 Unlocking the fuel filler flap by hand 259 Rear fog lights . ... . ... . .. .. .. .. .. . 61
For the sake of the environment Fuel filler flap Head restraints ..................... 159
Gasoline fumes and the environment 257 Unlocking the fuel filler flap by hand 259 Adjusting .. .. .. .. .. .. . ...... .. .. . 159
Reducing engine noise by early
Fuel supply too low .. .. . ... . ... . .. .. .. 34 Front seats . .. .. .. .. .. . ........... 81
upshifting . .. . .... . ... . .......... 9
Fuse arrangement .. . .......... . ... . . 309 Rear seats .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . .. .. . 82
Refueling ... .. .. .. .. . ... .. . .. ... 257
Saving fuel by early upshifting . .. .. .. 9 Headlight
Fording depth . .. .. .. .. .. .. . ........ 234 G Washer system .. .. . ...... . . .. .. . .. 67

Front airbags Headlight washer reservoir . . . . . . . . . .. 275

Garage door opener (Homelink®) . . .. . 150
Description . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . ... . . 179 Headlights
Gas discharge lamps .. .. .. . ... . .. .. . 313
How they work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 Adaptive light . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 63
Gauges Headlight range control defective .... 35
Front arm rest
Engine coolant temperature ....... . .. 8
Adjusting . ... . .. .. .. . ... . .. . ... .. 82 Heatable
Fuel gauge .. . ...... . ... . ... . ... . . 10 Front seats (3 Zone deluxe automatic cli -
Storage compartment .. ...... . ... . . 82
Tachometer .. .. . .......... .. .. .. .. 9 mate control) . ... . ... . .. .. .. .. .. 111
Front ashtray ... .. .. .. .. . ... .. .. .. .. . 96
General illustration Heated
Front seats . .. . ... . . . ................ 76 Instruments and controls . .. .. .. .. .. . 7 Rear window .......... . ... . ... . .. 108
Adjusting .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . . 157
Washer fluid nozzles ... . ... . .. . .... 67
Child restraints in the front seat .. . . 177
Heated cupholder .. .. .. .. .. . ... . ..... 94

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
ffl ----=----------------------------
Alphabetical index

Heated outside mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Indicator lights . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . 12 Master key with remote control . . . . . . 42
Heating Airbag system . ...... .. .. . ... 186, 187 Mechanical key . ... .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. 44
3 Zone deluxe automatic climate control . PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF .... . ... . 187 Kick-down
103 Infant seats 202 tiptronic® .. . .......... . ......... 139
Heavy clothing and safety belts . .. .. .. 168 How do I properly install an infant seat in
High beam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 my veh icle? .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . 202 L
Warning/indicator lights ....... . . .. 15 Safety instructions . ....... .. .. .. . 202
High voltage warning label . .. . .. .. ... 322 Inflatable spare tire . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. 300 LATCH .. .. .. .. . .......... . . .. .. . . . . 211
Hill descent assist .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . 220 Infla t ing . .. ... . .. .. .. ...... .. . .. 301 Description . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. 211
Inside rear view mirror ..... . . .. .. .. .. . 70 Install ing a child restraint .. .. .. .. . 212
Homelink® universal remote control 150
Insta lling child safety seats Location . ... . ... . .. . ... .. .. .. .. . 211
Safety belts .. .. .. .. . ... . ..... . .. 207 Moun t ing and releasing the anchorage
Opening 260 hook ..... . ... . ...... . ....... .. 213
Release lever 260 Instrument lighting .. ... . . . . . .. . ... . . 63
Lateral angle . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 234
Horn ..... . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ...... .. . 7 Instruments and controls .. .. .. . ...... . 8
Leather . . . ..... .. .. .. . ...... . .. . . . . 251
How many airbags does my vehicle have? . . General illustration ...... . .. .. .. . ... 7
Cleaning .. .. .. . ... . ... . .. .. .. .. . 252
182 Inter ior lights
Lifting jack . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . ........ . 305
How often should I check my tire pressures? Dimming ... . ... . ...... . . .. .. .. . .. 65
1 ting ve h.1cIe . .. .. . . .. . .. . . .. .. . . . . 320
284 Front .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . .. .. .. 65
Rear ...... . .. . ..... . .. .. .. . ...... 66 Light
How safety belt pretensioners work . . . 173
Interval wiping . . .. .. ... . ... . .. . ... . . 67 Coming home ..... . ...... . .. . .. .. 62
Hydroplaning .. . .. .. .. .. . ... .. . .. .. 288
Rain sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Daytime running lights . . ... . ... . .. . 62
Driving light cont rol . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 60
I Ext erior lighting . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . 62
J Leaving
. h ome ....... . .. . ... . .... . 62
Ignition key 114
Emergency un locking ... . .. .. .. .. .. 44 Jumper cables .. .. .. . ... . ... .. . .. .. . 316 Switching on and off . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 60
Jump -starting 315 Light sensor .. .. .. . ... . ... . .. .. .. .. .. 60
Ignition lock 114
Malf unc t ion . . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. 31, 36 Light sensor defective . . .. .. .. . . .. . . . . 34
Immobilizer .. . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . 11, 42 K Lighting . ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . .. .. 60
Important things to do before driving . . 155 Lights
Key .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... 42 Emergency flashers .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 64
Im properly worn safety belts . . . . . . . . . 173
Battery replacement . ... . .. .. . .. .. . 43 High beam .. .. . ... . ... . .. .. .. .. .. 64
Indicator light Key replacement .. .. .. .. . ... . .. ... 42 High beam warning/indicator light .. . 15
Dynamic steering . . ... . .. .. .. . . 13, 33
Turn signals . .. . ... . ... . .. .. .. .. .. 64
______________________________________________ A_l_p,_
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Loading the luggage compartment 161 Master key
Battery replacemen t .. .. .. .. . ... .. . 43
Power locking switch .. . ... . . . . . ... 50 Check light ....................... 43 Occupant seating positions .. . ...... .. 156
Rear lid /trunk lid . . . . . ... . . ....... . 51 Master key with remote control . . ... . .. 42 Octane rating .. . ... . ... . ... . ... . ... . 255
Remote control key .. .. ...... .. .. .. 47 Mechanical key .. .. .. . ... . .. .. .. . ... . 44 Odometer . .. .. .. . ... .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. 11
Using the mechanical key ........... 49 Memory for driver's seat .............. 78 Offroad mode
Low beams . . . . . ... . ... . .. .. .. . ... . .. 60 Recalling settings ................. 79 See ESP Offroad mode ....... . .... 218
Low-beam headlight Storing settings ................... 79 Oil
Defective ......................... 34 Mi leage See Engine oil ... . . . . . . . . . ... . 263, 265
Lower anchorage locator button ... . ... 211 Average .. .. ... . .. .. .. .. .. . ... . .. . 23 Oil consumption . . ... . ... . .. .. .. .. .. 265
Lower universal anchorage bars (Canada) . . Instantaneous . .. .. . ... . .. .. .. .. .. 23 Older children and safety b elts .. .. .. . . 206
211 Mirrors On-Board Diagnostic System (080)
Lower universal anchorages (Canada) . . 211 Activating the digital compass . ... . .. 73 Data Link Connector (DLCJ . . . . . . . . . . 22
Luggage Adjusting the anti -g lare . . ... . .. .. .. 70 Electronic speed limiter . .. .. .. .. . .. 22
Stowing .. . ... . ... . .. .. .. . ... . ... 161 Automatic dimming for the outside Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIU .. .. 21
Luggage compartment ................ 83 mirrors . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . .. . 73
Onboard too l kit .. . .. .. .. .. .. . ... . ... 298
Cargo net . .. .. ... . .. ... . .. . ... . .. 89 Automat ically dimming inside mirror . 70
Open door or rear lid warning . ...... . .. 20
Cover ....... . ...... . ............. 86 Inside rearview mirror . ... . ... . ... . . 70
Expanding ..................... 83, 84 Interior mirror .. . ... . ... . ... . .. .. . 70
Panoramic sliding sunroof ... .. .. . .. 57
Ski sack . ... . .. .. .. .. ...... . ...... 90 Manual glare dimming .. . ... . .. .. .. 70
Outside mirrors . . ...... . ... . .. .. .. 72 Operate your vehicle economical ly and mini-
Storage hooks . .. .. . ... .. . .. ... . .. 89 mize pollution . ... . .. . ... .. .. .. . 231
Tie -down rings (adjustable) . .. .. .. .. 85 Monitoring the Advanced Airbag System ..
186 Optional equipment
See also Loading the luggage
Marked with an asterisk . .. . . .. ...... 5
compartment . .. .. ... .... ... . .. . 161 Mu lti -use attachment ................ 101
Outside mirrors ...................... 72
luggage compartment
Outside temperature display .. .. . . . . . .. 19
Tie -down rings . .. .. .. .. . ... . . . . . . . 85 N Owner's manual
Luggage compartment lid
Natural leather ...................... 251 How the Owner 's Manua l is organized .5
Emergency unlocking ... . .. .. .. .. .. 54
New tires and whee ls . ...... . ........ 289
M Contacting . .. .. . . . . . ... . .. . ... . . 163
Maintenance ..... .. .. .. . ... . .. ..... 326 Number of seats . ...... .. ..... .. .. .. 165
Touch-up ... . ... . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . . 246
Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIU .. . . 15, 21
Paint No .. .. .. .. .. . ... . .. .. ... . .. .. . 322

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
ffl __
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_ d_e_x____________________________________________ _

Panoramic sliding sunroof Pregnant women Rear lid

Convenience opening/closing .. . .. .. 56 Special considerations when wearing a Automatic opera t ion . . .. .. ... . .. .. . 52
Opening and closing . .. .. .. .. ... . . 57 safety belt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Opening and closing . .. . ... . .. ... .. 51
Parking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Programming the Homelink® universal re- Rear light
Automatic transmission . .. .. .. . ... 136 mote control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Defective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Parking brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Proper occupant seating positions .. . . 156 Rear seats
See also Electromechanical parking brake Prop er safety belt position . . . . . . . . . . . 170 Adjusting seat . . .. . . .. .. .. . ... . ... 80
118 Proper seating position Rear view mirror
Parking System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 Front passenger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 Inside rear view mirror .. .. .. .. .. .. . 70
Parts replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328 Occupants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 Rear w indow defogg er . ... . ... . ... . .. 108
PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light . ... . .. . 187 Rear passengers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 Rearview
Passive safety system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Protective tray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 See Rearview camera 145
Pedals . . ... . .. . ... . ... . . . . . ....... 160 Rearview camera
Physical principles of a frontal collision 166 a Parking mode 1 146
Polishing .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. 245 Parking mode 2 147
Quartz clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Power locking switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Rearview m irror
Power locking system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 See M irrors .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . ... . 70
What happens to unbelted occupants?
Emergency locking . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . 51 Recirculation mode
Locking and unlocking the vehicle from 3 Zone deluxe automatic c lim ate control .
Why safety belts? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
inside . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . 50 107
Rear lid/trunk lid .. .. .. . ... .. . ... .. 51 Red symbols .. . .......... . . . . . . . . . .. 28
Selective unlock feature . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
R Refill engine oil ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... 31
Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Radiator fan . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . 270 Ref uelling ... . .. .. .. .. . ... .. . ... . ... 257
Un locking and locking vehicle ... . ... 47 Rain sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Release lever for hood . . .. .. .. . ...... 260
Power locks Rain sensor d efect ive . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 34 Remote control ga rage door opener
Windows open and closed . . . . . . . . . . 56 Reading lights (Homelink®) . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . 150
Power steering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 33, 225 Front .. .. . . . .. .. .. . . .. . . . . . .. .. .. 65 Remote control key
Power window regulators Rear .................. .. .. .. .. .. . 66 Un locking and locking ......... . ... 47
Convenience opening/closing . . . . . .. 56 Rear ashtray . .. .. . ... . .. .. ... . .. . ... 96 Remote rear lid rel ease .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. 51
Ma lfunctions .. . ... . ... . ... . ...... 57 Rear door sun shade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Repair manuals . .. .. .. .. .. . ...... . .. 326
Power window swi t ches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Rear fog lights . ...... . ......... .. . ... 61 Repairs
Airbag system .. . ....... . ... . ... . 189
______________________________________________ A_l_p,_
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Replacing Fastening .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 Head restraints .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 159

Wheel rims 291 height adjustment .. .. ...... .. .. .. 172 Power . .. .. .. . ... .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . 77
Replacing a fuse .. . ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. . 309 Improper ly worn . .. .. .. .. .. . ... .. 173 Seat belts
Replacing light bulbs .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 313 Not worn .. . .. .. . ... . . ... .. .. .. .. 167 See Safety belts . . ... . ... . ... . ... . 165
Replacing tires and wheels . .. . ... . .. . 289 Safety belt position . .. .. .. .. .. . ... 170 Seat heating
Safety instructions ... . ... . ... . .. .. 168 Front (3 Zone deluxe automat ic climate
Reporting Safety Defects .. .. .. .. . 163, 164
Securing child safety seats ... . . . . . . 207 control) . ... . .. .. .. .. .. . ... . ... . 111
Reset button . .. .. . . .. . ... . . . . . ... . .. 11
Special considerations for pregnant Seat memory .. . ... . ... . .. .. .. .. .. . .. 78
Retractor . ... . ...... . ... . ... . .. .. .. 169 women . .. .. .. ... . .. .. .. .. . .. .. 171
Seating capacity .. .. .. .. . ... . ... .. . . 165
Rims Unfastening .. . .. .. .. .. . ... . .. .. . 172
Cast al loy 248 Seating position
Warning/indicator l ight .. .. .. .. .. .. 165
Replacing . . ... . ... . ... . .. .. .. .. . 291 Driver ........................... 156
Why YOU MUST wear them ........ 165
Front passenger . .. .. .. . .. ... . ... . 157
Roof rack .. .. . .......... . ... .. . ... .. 90 Worn properly . ... . .. .. .. .. ...... 168
How to adjust the front seats ... .. . . 157
Roof load . . ...................... 93 Safety compliance sticker . ... .. .. .. .. 322
Incorrect seat position .. . ... . . .... 159
Roof railing Safety equipment ...... . ... . .. .. .. . . 154 Occupants .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . ... . 156
Attachment points ................. 91 Safety features for occupant restraint and Rear passengers .................. 158
Installing the roof rack ............. 91 protection . .. . ... . ... . ... . .. . .. 154
Rule of behavior offroad ..... . ... .. .. 234 Safety guidelines Number of seats .. .. .. . ... .. .. . .. . 165
Seat adjustment ..... . ... . .. . ... . .. 76
s Safety instructions
Securing attachments . . .. .. .. .. . ... . .. 88
Selective unlock feature .. .. .. . ... .. . .. 47
Engine compartment . ... .. ..... .. . 261
SAFE .. . . . . . .. .. .. . ... . ... . ..... . ... 11 Selector lever .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . .... 137
for booster seats . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 205
Safe driving habits . . .. . . . . . . . . . ... . . 154 Emergency release .. . ... . ... . .... 142
for side curtain airbags .. ... . ...... 196
Safety belt position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 Service and disposal
for using chi ld safety seats .. . .. . . . . 200
Safety belt height adjustment ...... 172 Safety belt pretensioner . .. .. .. .. .. 174
for using convertible child seats . . . . 203
Safety belts worn by pregnant women .. for us ing infant seats ....... . ... . . 202 Service interval display . .. .. .. . ... .. . .. 20
171 Service position for windshie ld wipers . .. 68
for using safety be l ts . ... . .. .. .. . .. 168
Safety belt pretensioner .. . ........... 173 Monitoring the Advanced Airbag System Servotronic
Service and disposal .............. 174 188 Power steering .. .. .. . . . . . ... . .... 225
Safety belt warning light .. .. .. .. .. 15,165 Seat adjustment SET button . ...... .. ... . .. .. .. .. .. . ... 9
Safety belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 Driver 's seat .. . .. ... . . ... .. .. .. .. . 76 Shift buttons .. . ... . ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. 141
clean ing . .. ...... . .............. 253 Front passenger's seat ............. 77 Side airbags
Danger to passengers who do not wear a Front seats .. .. .. .. .. .. ... . .. .. .. . 76 Description . .. .. ...... .. . ... . .. .. 191
safety belt . .. .. ...... .. .. . ... . . 167 How they work .. .. . ... . ...... ... . 192

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
___ A_l.p
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Side assist Steering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 33 tiptronic® ..... . . . . . ... . ... . . . . . .. . 136

Activating and deactivating .. .. .. .. 124 Locking the steering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Automatic Shift Lock (ASU .. .. .. .. . 138
Description . .. ..... ... .. . .. .. ... 124 Malfunction .. . ... .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . 31 Driving ..... .. . ... . ... .. . ...... . 136
Informational and alert stage signals 126 Manually adjusting the steering wheel Dynamic shift program . ... . .. .. .. . 139
Messages in instrument cluster display . 113 Fail-saf e mode . . ... .. .. . .. .. .. .. . 141
131 Steering wheel column Kick-down . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . ... . ... 139
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Adjusting manual ly ... . . . . . ... . ... 113 Manual shift program .. .. .. .. .. .. . 140
Safety tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Steps for determining correct load limit 286 Selector lever .. ... . ... . .......... 137
Sensor detection area . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Stopp ing the engine . . ... . ... . .. . ... . 115 Tire pressure .. .. .. . ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. 283
Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Tire pressure monitoring system . . . . . . . 37
Storage . . ... . ... . ...... .. .. .. .. . ... 98
Side curtain airbags .. .. .. . ... . .. .. .. 194 Cupholder door pockets .. . ... . ... . . 95 Changing whee ls . .. .. .. .. . ... . ... . 40
Description ... . .. .. ...... ... .. . . 194 Front seats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Learning process .................. 39
How they work . . . . ........ ... .... 195 Glove compartment . . ... . ... . . . . . . 99 Loss of air pressure ............. 14, 38
Safety instructions ........ ... .... 196 Malfunctions ..................... 40
Sun shade .......................... 67
Side marker lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Sensors ..... . . . .. ... . ... . . . . . .. . 291
Sun visors .. . ... . ..... . . ... . ... . ... . 66
Ski sack . .. .. . ... .. .. .. ..... ... . .. .. 90 Storing tire pressures .............. 39
Snow chains . .. .. . ... . ... . .. .. ..... 295 Tires and wheels .. ..... .. .. ...... 291
Emergency flashers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Socket . . . . . . .. . ... . ... . ... . ........ 98 Valves .. .. .. .. . ... . ... . .. .. .. .. . 291
Sockets . ... . .. .. .. .. . ... .. . .. .. .. .. 97 Tire service life ...... .. ............. 287
Red .................... . ... . .... 28
Sound system disp lay Yellow ........................... 32 Tires . ... . .. . ... . . . . . ... . .. . ... . ... 277
Driver information display . . ... . .... 19 Replacing . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . ... 291
Service life .. . ... . ... . ... . ... . ... 287
Speed rating letter code . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290 T speed rating letter code .. . ... . ... . 290
Speed warning system ............... 25
Tachometer .. .. .. .. . ... . ... . .. .. .. .. . 9 Tire manufacturing date . ... .. .. . .. 290
Speedometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Technical modifications . . . . . . ... . .. .. 329 Tire specifications ................ 290
Starting engine
Tether strap . . ... . ...... . ... . ... . ... 214 Tread depth ..................... 287
Emergency key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Securing the upper tether strap .. . . 215 Uniform tire quality grading ....... 293
Starting from rest .. . ... . ... . ... . ... . 119 Winter tires .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 294
Starting off with a trailer . ... .. .. . .... 120 The first 1,000 miles (1,500 km) and
afterwards . . ... . ...... . ... . ... . 229 Tires and vehicle load limits 285
Starting the engine ................. 114 Tires and wheels
Tie-down rings . . ....... . ...... .. .... 85
Tie -down rings (adjustable) ... . . . .. .. .. 85 Checking tire pressure . ... . ... . ... 283
Cold tire inflation pressure .. ...... 281
Tie-downs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Dimensions .. . ... . .. .. .. . ... . ... 289
______________________________________________ A_l_p,_
_ b_e_t_ic_a
_ l _in_ d_e_x__ lllll
General notes . .. . .. .. ... . .. .. .... 277 Trip computer Ventilation
Glossary of tire and loading termino logy Fuel consumption ................. 23 3 Zone deluxe automatic c lima te control
278 Mi leage .......................... 23 103
New tires and wheels . .. .. . ... . .. . 289 Single-trip memory ......... .. .. .. . 24
Replacing . .. .. .. .. . ... . .. .. .. .. . 289
Snow chains .. . ...... .. .......... 295
Tota l-trip memory .................
See also Trip computer ... . .. .. .. .. .
Tir e pressure monitoring system ... 291 Trip odometer . .. ............. .. ..... 11 Warning lights . .. . ....... . .. .. .. .. .. . 12
Tir es and vehicle load limits ........ 285 Trunk Warning/indicator lights . .. .. . ... . .. .. .. 8
Wheel bo lts .. .. .......... .. .. . .. 295 See Rear lid . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ...... . 52 Airbag system . . ...... .. .. . ....... 14
Winter tires . . .. .. .. .. .. . ... . .. .. . 294 Anti-lock brake system (ABS) ... . .. . . 15
Turn signals . .. .. . ....... . ... . ...... . 64
Tir es/Wheels Brake system . . ... . ...... .. .. .. . .. 17
Warning/indicator li ghts ... . ... . .. .. 14
Low aspect ratio tires .. .. .. .. .. ... 296 Cruise control ..... . ... . .. .. .. .. .. . 15
Tir e pressure monitoring system . 14, 37
Tool kit . ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . ... . .. 298
u Electromechanica l parking brake .. ... 16
Electronic power control . .. .. .. .. .. . 13
Torn or frayed safety belts . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 Undercoating .. ... . ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. . 249 Electronic stabilization program (ESP) 13
High beam .. .. .. . ...... .. ........ 15
Touch -up paint 246 Unfastening safety belts ............. 172
Malfunction Indicator Lamp (Mill .... 15
Towing Unidirectiona l tires ... . ....... . ...... 277
Safety belt ........................ 15
Front eyelet 318 Uniform tire quality grading .......... 293
Tire pressure monitoring system .. .. . 14
Rear eyelet . .. .. .. .. .. .. . ........ 319 Un locking Trailer turn signal assembly ...... . .. 15
Tow truck procedures 318 Pow er locking switch . .. .. .. .. . ... . 50 Turn signals .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. 14
Towing a trailer Rear lid /trunk lid . .......... .. .. .. . 51
Warranty coverages ................. 326
Parking system .................. 149 Remote control key .. . ...... .. ..... 47
Washer reservoir . .. .. .. .. .. . ... . ... . 275
Trailer towing .... ... .. ..... ....... . 237 Using the mechanical key . ... . .. .. . . 49
Washing ...... .. . .. .. .. ... . .. .. .. .. 242
Operating instructions ............ 238 Use of jumper cables .. .. .. .. .. . ... .. 316
Automatic car wash . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . 243
Technical requirements ....... 237, 239
by hand ......................... 243
Tongue load . .. .. .. .. ...... . .. .. . 238 V General information .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 242
Trailer towing tips ..... .. ...... .. . 239
Vanity mirror . ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . 66 with a power washer ... . .. .. .. .. .. 244
Tra iler turn signal assembly
Vehicle Ident ification !Number (VIN) .... 322 Waxing ............................ 245
Warning/indicator lights ... . .. .. .. .. 15
Vehicle jack . ....... . .. .. .. .. ... 298, 305 Wear indicator ... . .. .. .. . ... . ... . ... 287
ti ptron ic® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Vehic le literatu re . ... . .. . . .. .. . ... . .. .. 4 Weatherstrips ...................... 247

Tran sport Canada . .. .. .. .. .. .. ... . .. 164 Vehicle-care products .. . ... . ... . .. .. . 242 Weights .. .. . .. .. .. .. . ... . .. .. .. .. .. 323

Tread Wear Indicator (TWI) .. .. .. .. .. . 287

Controls and equip- Safety first Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
:._h_a_ b_e_t_ic_ a_l _in
_ d_e_x____________________________________________ _

What happens if you wear your safety belt too Windshield defogging/defrosting . . . . . . 108
loose? ...... . ........... . ..... 170 Windshield washer fluid
What happens to unbelted occupants? . 167 Low level . ... . ...... .. . . .. .. . .. .. 34
What impairs driving safety? . .. .. .. .. 155 Windshield wiper
What should I do after changing a wheel? .. Installing new wiper blades . .. ...... 69
284 Replacing the rear wiper blade . ... .. 70
What should I do afte r replacing wheels? Windshield wipers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
284 Faulty ........................... 36
Wheel bolts Service position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Torque . . ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . 295 Washer reservoir . .. .. .. .. .. . ..... 275
Wheels .. .. .. .. .. . ................. 277 Winter operation
Cast alloy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248 Battery . .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. . . 271
Checking t ire pressure . ... . . ...... 283 Coolant system .. . ............... 267
Cold tire inflation pressure . ... . ... 281 Defrosting windows .............. 108
General notes .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . 277 Seat heating (3 Zone deluxe automatic cli-
Glossary of tire and loading terminology mate control) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
278 Tires .. . .. .. .......... ..... .. . .. 225
New tires and wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289 Windows . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ..... 247
Tires and vehicle load limits ....... 285 Winter tires .. .. .. .. . ... . ... . .. .. .. . 294
When must a safety belt be replaced? . . 168 All -wheel drive ......... . ...... . .. 294
When must the airbag system be inspected? Wiper blades
186 Installing new wiper blades ......... 69
When should I adjust the tire pressures? See also Windshield wiper .. . ....... 70
When should I check the tire pressures? 284
Where can I find the tire pressures for my
car? .......................... 283 Xenon-Lights ....................... 313
Why safety belts? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165, 166
Window regulators y
Malfunctions .. .. .. . ... . ....... . .. 57
Yellow symbols . .. .. ... . .. .. . .. ...... 32
Power Ioc ks ...... .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . 56
Cleaning .. .. .. . ...... .. ..... . ... 247
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Editorial deadline: 09/12/2008
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2009 Audi 05
Owner's Manual
Eng Ii sch USA 10.08

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