L-8 Beginning of Settled Life (04!01!21to 29-01-21)

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-5C/D Month - January EVS 2 Teacher - Ms Shahana Kazi

Period Date Topic Sub Topic Time Objectives Method Teaching Aids Worksheet discussed online HW given Remarks

Teacher will ask few students the reasons

that made man settled in one place. As
they had learnt about it in the previous
lesson. Then teacher will introduce the
To enable the students to lesson and tell them how man began to
recall the reasons that made settle in one place for a longer period of
Introduction 5 minutes man settle in one place. time. Objective achieved

Teacher will ask students if they have pets

and to share their experience about them.
For example - When did they bring it?
How did they make them stay with them
To enable the students to or train them ? Their food habits? How
Power Point
Domesticatio 10 minutes state the steps involved in they play with them and the reason why
n domestication of animals.. they want that pet? The answers will be
co-related to the objective to be
0 achieved.Teacher will also show a power
4 point presentation to achieve this
- objective.
0 Objective achieved
- Teacher will ask students from where they
Beginning of settled life.

2 get their food and the different ways of

1 cultivating food. Then she will ask
students if they desperately want
t something and parents are not giving it.
1 To enable the students to the
o What will they do and why? Their answer
importance of agriculture
will be co-related to the reason why man Power Point
Agriculture 10 minutes and the changes in the life of
2 worshipped nature.Students will tell the Presentation
the people brought by
2 changes brought in their lives due to
- online school and their answers will help
0 them to understand the changes brought in
1 the lives of the people due to
- agriculture.Teachercshow a power point
2 presentation to achieve this objective.
1 Objective achieved

Beginning of settled life.




To achieve this objective teacher will ask

To enable the students to the students will talk about their hobbies
Power Point
Special skills 10 minutes understand the special skills and why and how did they learn it?Then
learnt by the people. teacher will show a power point
presntation on the same.

Objective achieved

Teacher will ask few students questions

based on what was taught in the class.1.
To enable the students to
What are the steps involved in Read the textbook
recall the steps in
Recapitulatio domestication of animals? 2. Who started till earthen objects
5 minutes domestication of animals
n cultivation? 3. Where did it first began ? by hand.(Page No.
and the changes brought due
4. What did people worship?5. What 36)
to agriculture.
changes did agriculture bring in people's

Objective achieved
Std./Div.-5 C/D Month - January

Period Date Topic Sub Topic Time

Recapitulation 5 minutes

Trade and barter

system. 10 minutes
04-01-21 to
2 of settled

Structure of houses.
10 minutes

and family 10 minutes
Bookback exercise 5 minutes

Objectives Method

animmals and agriculture. did agriculture bring in people's life?

The teacher will ask students what do you

do when you want something or repair
something? What will you do if you don't
have money? With the help of their answer
how people traded in the ancient time will
To enable the students to be explained.To elilicit the definition of
describe the differents ways barter system, teacher will show them a
of trading and define barter video.After this teacher will show a Power
system. Point Presentation.

Students will share what is used in making

of houses and the different styles of houses
seen around. Then with the help of a
To enable the students to Power Point Presentation teacher will
describe the things used in show the structure of the houses in the
construction of the houses. New Stone Age.

The teacher will ask what is a society

made up of and the relation they share
To enable the students to with their family. Teacher will show a
understand village- Power Point Presentation to achieve this
settlement and kinship. objective.
solve the questions orally. questions given in the textbook orally.
Teacher - Ms Shahana Kazi

Teaching Aids Worksheet discussed online HW given

Power Point

Power Point

Power Point
PDF of the textbook. Read the lesson.

Objective achieved

Objective achieved

Objective achieved

Objective achieved
Objective achieved
Std./Div.-5 C/D Month - January EV
Period Date Topic Sub Topic Time
Worksheet no.16 5 Minutes



ing of
21 to

3 Worksheet no.16 15 minutes

Worksheet no. 17 10 Minutes

Worksheet no. 17 10 Minutes

Objectives Method
complete the sentences by them in the worksheet.
To enable the students to the textbook.
answer the questions. write in the worksheet.
complete thegraphic

Teacher will read the statement for give

To enable the student to
reasons and ask students to tell the answer.
state the reason and answer
She will guide them wherever required.
the questions.
Also few students will tell the answer for
the questions. Then students will refer the
textbook and write the answers.
Teacher - Ms Shahana Kazi
Teaching Aids Worksheet discussed online HW given
worksheet. Worksheet no.16
textbook. Worksheet no.16
textbook. Worksheet no.17

Worksheet no.17
worksheet and
PDF of the

Std./Div.-5E/F Month - EVS 2
Period Date Topic Sub Topic Time Objectives
EVS 2 Teacher -
Method Teaching Aids Worksheet discussed online HW given


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