Module 12 - Ethics (Explained)
Module 12 - Ethics (Explained)
Module 12 - Ethics (Explained)
1. STOP AND THINK. Before making any decisions, it is nice to take a moment to think about the following:
A. Situation Itself- before making reasoning or decisions you must first understand the situation, what will
be the consequences are, reading the situation makes you more flexible in doing such decisions and it can
help us to appropriately react to that situation.
For example: You’ve been financially deprived since the pandemic, and as a result, you can’t buy what you
want or need, and you can’t do what you want, so instead of complaining in the situation, you just
understand that your parents are unable to work normally as an outcome of pandemic.
B. Your role in the situation- Before making a decision, you must first understand how will you react to the
feedback of your decisions, In the example above, you have decided to understand the situation rather than
complaining, and let’s say you complained about the situation, either your parents will become angry or
maybe you might hurt them, and you are responsible for it. We are in charge of our own decisions, ideas and
behavior whether they are deliberate or unintentional.
* Just like the statement above, you need to know the consequences of your decisions; you need to accept
their reaction, and the behavior they will show because of your decision.
For example: You cheated on someone, you hurt him without realizing he was traumatized and had a
previous experience with similar situation, and so instead of helping him, you chose to destroy him again,
bringing back all the pain he previously felt. As a result, he chose to cheat on other people because of what
you need.
You must need to know the factors before making such decision; you must have a high level of
In a decision making, it is essential to determine your goals both short-term and long-term goals. Short-term goals are
those that need to be accomplished right after or immediately after a decision is made. A long-term goal is that which
the result may come out after some times. It is important because that is going to be the basis of what one wishes to
accomplish. Sometimes, it requires a sacrifice for someone just to achieve his or her goal whether short or long term
- Setting goals does not have to be a hassle. Setting goals assists in the initiation of new behaviour, the direction
of your focus, and the sustaining the momentum of your decisions in life. Goals can also help you gain more
control in your decisions. Furthermore, you can’t manage your decisions without any measure and you can’t
improve what you don’t manage properly. Setting goals assist you in accomplishing things after you make
For example: Short- term goal. You want to get a high grade in all subjects this semester so you have decided to
review and re-study what your teacher taught.
Long-term goal. You want to graduate and finish your studies with a high grades.
Make sure that that all essential information is considered before you make a decision. To determine the facts, solve
first what you know, and then what do you still need to know. Have a heart to accept other information about the
subject of your decision-making process and make it sure that facts are reliable and credible since these facts would
be the basis of your decision. In addition:
a. Consider the reliability and credibility of the people providing the facts.
b. Consider the basis of the supposed facts. Evaluate on the basis of honesty,
Accuracy, and memory.
- Most decisions necessitate a thorough understanding of the current situation in order to fully comprehend the
implications of various options. As a result, it may be beneficial to consider the perspective of all things and
people who are involved by the decision. Constraints, assumptions, risk factors, and dependencies can all be
identified using facts, allowing you to make decisions that are backed up by contingencies. It will assist you in
determining success, setting goals, and delegating responsibilities.
Once you know what you the goals are and facts are well considered already, then you can make a list of actions that
are possibly be your options. If it’s about life decision, you can make talk to someone you trust most so you can
broaden your perspective and think of new choices. If you can think of only one or two choices, you are probably not
thinking hard enough.
- You must have options in making decisions, because your decision making depends on the situation, so that
even if you fail in your first option, you still have other choices.
For examples: You’re going to school, but the weather is constantly changing. Sometimes it’s windy, sometimes it’s
raining hard, or sometimes the weather suddenly heats up. You have a four options; First, you will umbrella in case it
rains, Second, you will bring a raincoat in case the wind is strong and the umbrella can’t withstand the force of the
wind, Third, you will bring them both so that you will be prepared for whatever the weather brings, and lastly, you will
not bring them both because you’re too lazy in holding such things.
It’s up to you what will be your option, but having an options in making decisions make you more aware in the
situation you are facing.
After developing options which are possibly your basis of action, you must consider consequences of each option.
Filter your choices to determine if any of your options will violate any ethical considerations, and then omit unethical
options. Think of its long long-term consequences and act in accordance to the spirit of fairness and justice. Identify
who will be affected by your decision and how the decision is a likely to affect them.
- When making options, you should also know the consequences of the option you’ve decided to choose,
whether it will be bad decisions or good decision. Often bad decisions are made on the spur of the moment or
taken because that option is easy for you. The right thing is always choose the hard option because it will
always be worth it. In considering consequences, you must be aware who are the people involved, what will
happen after the consequences. Just like the example above, if you don’t get an umbrella or a raincoat, of
course you will get sick, you will suffer and at the same time the person taking care of you will also suffer.
You’re too lazy to bring them both but bringing them both is the best way to avoid bad decision at the same
time bad results.
After consideration of all the consequences from the options, make a decision now. If you are doubtful of your choice,
try the following:
a. Talk to people whom you trust.
b. Think of someone who you think has the character of good decision maker.
c. If people around you found out your decision, would you be comfortable and
d. Follow the Golden Rule: treat others the way you want to be treated, and keep
your promises.
- For me, we should be critical and aware of the options we choose, whether it can hurt others or it will only be
good for ourselves, though sometimes it is not bad to be selfish as long as you are not harming other people’s
reputation, think first, If I choose this option, will I be happy? Will be people around me be happy? Will I cause
harm to others? Also seek advice from people you know who have previous experience in the situation you
are currently facing. Kevin Levine said “ We all make choices, but in the end, our choices make us.” When you
choose to seek advice, you must listen to it and apply it in making decisions because it will affect your life and
the people involve with it.
Ethical decision makers monitor the effect of their decisions and are willing to modify their decision. Though it takes a
lot of humility and courage to do such, it is necessary if the decision had been made have a lot of ethical
considerations. Do not hesitate to revise your decisions in light of new developments in the situation.
- It’s important to remember that life is not about avoiding making bad decisions, but making good ones. Maybe
right now, you choose a good decision and it will have a long term effect but as time passes by, the situation
will be changed, and that’s why you must have an option. It will always be good if you’re learning from your
bad decisions and changing them into good one, sometimes we failed in making decisions, but life is full of
option maybe you will keep moving forward or give up.