Atatechguide Fin
Atatechguide Fin
Atatechguide Fin
The Archery Trade Association is a nonprofit, member-driven organization whose purpose is to grow the sports of
archery and bowhunting by carrying out goals and programs determined by its Board of Directors. These Board
members represent individual companies–or ATA dealer and sales rep committees–but they work together as a
team to create programs and policies that benefit the entire archery/bowhunting industry.
One of those benefits is the ATA Technical Guidelines, which provides ATA members a vital tool for generating
sales and establishing credibility with archery dealers and their customers. Even as manufacturers compete in
the marketplace, they realize it’s good business for dealers and consumers to know the equipment they sell and
buy has met tough, consistent industry guidelines that don’t vary by manufacturer.
Among other things, these guidelines describe how the industry tests, measures and evaluates its products
to ensure consistency and compatibility between components. The guidelines also ensure consistency in
terminology, definitions, thread dimensions, the distance between mounting holes for sights, and other basic
Only by working together under the umbrella of the ATA Technical Committee are such guidelines possible.
By pooling their years of expertise, these unpaid volunteers provide consistent, well-conceived guidelines that
benefit the industry as a whole.
With that in mind, I wish to commend the following individuals and companies, who used their considerable
expertise to update or conceive the 22 guidelines found in this manual:
Randy Walk, ATA Technical Committee Chair, President of Hoyt Jason Fogg, Hoyt
Darik Bollig, Bear Archery Henry Gallops, Mathews Inc.
Bob Deston, BCY Fibers Gary Simonds, Mathews Inc.
Chris Deston, BCY Fibers Jon Simonds, Mathews Inc.
Norb Mullaney, Bowhunting World David Kronengold, Precision Shooting Equipment
Jeff Pestrue, Eastman Outdoors/Gorilla Inc. Tom Saunders, Saunders
Ken Giles, Easton John Woller Sr., Summit Treestands LLC
Dave Gordon, Gordon Composite Steve Gibbs (deceased), Sure Loc Archery Products
The 22 essential guidelines found in the ATA Technical Guidelines manual represent about 50 years of
accumulated engineering knowledge and expertise dating to Earl Hoyt, Dick Mauch (Bear Archery), and
Chuck Saunders. Although these early manufacturers were business rivals, they wanted archery dealers and
consumers to know their archery equipment met tough, consistent industry guidelines that wouldn’t vary
by manufacturer.
With customers buying from a growing list of manufacturers by the 1950s, modern archery’s pioneers realized
their industry needed uniformity in basic equipment categories. Eventually, the Archery Manufacturers and
Merchants Organization (AMO) created a Technical Committee to set uniformity guidelines. In the early days,
AMO members had little difficulty agreeing where to place mounting holes for stabilizers and sights;
or determining the proper size and threads for bolt-on attachments or screw-in points and broadheads.
By 1986, however, with the industry and innovations booming from the advent of compound bows, Hoyt,
Bear, Precision Shooting Equipment, Easton and other AMO-member companies realized the industry’s
manufacturing guidelines required more rigorous formality. That’s when the AMO’s Board of Directors
appointed Milwaukee engineer Norb Mullaney chairman of its Technical Committee. Mullaney served in that
role for nearly two decades, with his committees establishing unprecedented consistency and exactness for the
industry’s manufacturing guidelines.
Mullaney stepped down as committee chair in January 2004, and in 2005 the ATA’s Technical Committee began
work on reviewing the industry’s manufacturing guidelines. The review process occurs every three to five years
to ensure the guidelines keep pace with archery technology.
The ATA guidelines in this book are the result of this most recent review. The intent of these guidelines isn’t
to tell manufacturers how to design or build new products. Nor do the guidelines tell archery pros how to fix
or fine-tune this equipment. Rather, these guidelines ensure everyone knows how the industry tests, measures
and evaluates its products to ensure consistency and compatibility between components. This also means
consistency in terminology, definitions, thread dimensions, the distance between mounting holes for sights
and other basic specifications.
These guidelines make life easier for manufacturers and customers alike. For instance, customers can buy new
accessories for their latest bow--no matter its manufacturer--and know its mounting holes for the sights and
stabilizer will be the correct size and in the exact location needed. And when reviewing a bow’s performance,
customers will be able to compare its many attributes with those of other bows, knowing all were tested using
the same specifications.
Many of today’s 22 ATA guidelines date back to the days of Earl Hoyt and Fred Bear. As technology created better
materials and more precise manufacturing processes, the Technical Committee rewrote the guidelines to ensure
they remained relevant. Still other guidelines are less than five years old and will likely need revisions in the
future. But no matter their age or genesis, the intent of each guideline is to assure customers they’re buying
products that measure up to tough industry expectations.
None of this would be possible without the work and dedication of the many designers and engineers–past and
present--who have served on the industry’s technical committees, including Dave Gordon of Gordon Composites,
who was Norb Mullaney’s long-time vice-chair. These are voluntary positions, but they attract skilled, dedicated
professionals who take their work seriously.
In addition, we encourage new people to serve whenever possible because we want a wide range of expertise and
input. Serving on the committee is a lot of work, but it keeps all of us abreast of what’s going on outside our own
companies and fields of expertise.
Keep that in mind as you use this book and follow its guidelines. If you see shortcomings or guidelines that
require improvements, please contact one of us by phone, email or in person. We also meet each year before
the ATA Trade Show and welcome guests to the meetings, so we hope you’ll share your ideas with us as the
need arises.
4 A r c h e r y T r a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s
A r c h e r y Tr a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s 5
Archery Trade Association (ATA) Technical Guidelines
ATA/BOW-101-2008 Guideline for Determining the ATA Force-Draw and Let-Down Curves for Archery Bows 8
ATA/BOW-102-2008 Guideline for Determining the ATA Actual Draw Length of Compound Archery Bows 12
ATA/BOW-103-2008 Guideline for Determining ATA Percent of Let-Off for Archery Bows 14
ATA/BOW-104-2008 Guideline for Determining the ATA Rating Velocity of Compound Archery Bows 16
ATA/BOW-105-2008 Guideline for Determining the ATA Rating Velocity of Intermediate Compound Archery Bows 20
ATA/BOW-106-2008 Guideline for Determining the ATA Rating Velocity of Non-Compound Bows 24
ATA/BOW-107-2008 Guideline for Measuring the ATA Finished Length of Bowstrings and Cables 28
ATA/BOW-108-2008 Guideline for ATA Bow Sight Mounting Holes Specification 30
ATA/BOW-109-2008 Guideline for ATA Stabilizer and Accessory Mounting Holes Specifications 32
ATA/BOW-110-2008 Guideline for ATA Non-Compound Bow Draw Weight Specification 34
ATA/BOW-111-2008 Guideline for ATA String Center Serving Diameter Specification 36
ATA/BOW-112-2008 Guideline for ATA Non-Compound Bow Length and Bowstring Length Specifications 38
ATA/ARR-201-2008 Guideline for Determining ATA Actual Arrow Length and Arrow Front of Center (F.O.C.) Balance Point 40
ATA/ARR-202-2008 Guideline for the ATA Measurement of Arrow Shaft Static Spine (Stiffness) of a Non-Wood Arrow Shaft 44
ATA/ARR-203-2008 Guideline for the ATA Measurement of Round Arrow Shaft Straightness 46
ATA/ARR-204-2008 Guideline for the ATA Threaded Replacement Point System Specifications 48
ATA/ARR-205-2008 Guideline for the ATA Arrow Nock and Point Tapers Specifications 50
ATA/ARR-206-2008 Guideline for ATA Arrow Fletching Recommendations, Hunting and Target Arrows 52
ATA/ARR-207-2008 Guideline for the ATA Measurement of Wood Arrow Shaft Static Spine (Stiffness) 56
ATA/ACC-301-2008 Guideline for ATA Stabilizer Rod Mounting Studs Specification 58
ATA/ACC-302-2008 Guideline for ATA Specification for Marking of Single-Lens Scopes for use with Archery Bows 60
ATA/ACC-303-2008 Guideline for ATA Accessory and Sight Mounting Holes Specification 62
ATA/BOW-101-2008 Guideline for Determining the ATA Force-Draw and Let-Down Curves for Archery Bows
To determine the Force-Draw and Let-Down Curve of an archery bow, the test bow will be mechanically drawn from brace height to full
draw while in continuous motion or with continuous load. The force-drawing the bowstring shall be positioned at or near the nocking
point location on the bowstring. The device contacting the bowstring shall be a round or radiused section with a radius of 1/8 inch.
Then the bow will be let down in continuous motion from full draw to brace height. A scale will be attached to the bowstring at or near
the normal nocking point location of the bow. While the bow is being drawn, or let-down, and while in continuous motion, the weight
reading of the scale will be recorded at one (1) inch intervals or less. The Force-Draw and Let-Down Curves are plotted on a rectangular
coordinate system. The plotted curves can then be used to reveal the energy storage characteristics, Peak Draw Force, Holding Force,
draw length, hysteresis, and Percent of Let-Off (if present) of the bow.
1. Scope
1.1 This test method covers the procedure to be used to determine the Force-Draw and Let-Down Curves for archery bows.
1.2 Force-Draw Curves, Let-Down Curves, and the associated graphs provide insight to the bow’s design, energy storage capabilities,
hysteresis, draw lengths, percent of let-off (if any), and general configuration.
1.3 This guideline does not provide any expressed or implied warranty in respect to any engineering or structural performance of a
particular Compound Bow. This Guideline does not provide any warranty, expressed or implied, that a particular Compound Bow is fit
for any particular purpose, or will function safely, or will possess any other attribute.
2. Reference Documents
2.1 (none)
8 A r c h e r y T r a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s
ATA/BOW-101-2008 Guideline for Determining the ATA Force-Draw and Let-Down Curves for Archery Bows
3.10 Let-Down Force: The force required to retain the bowstring of the drawn bow at a specific draw length during the let-down cycle. This
force differs from the draw force at the same corresponding draw length by the amount of static hysteresis.
3.11 Draw Length Pivot Point (DLPP): The bow’s true draw length. The distance at the bow’s full-drawn position, measured from the string
at the nocking point to a vertical line through the pivot point of the bow grip.
3.12 Force-Draw Curve: The graph curve generated by recording the draw force readings of an archery bow at one (1) inch intervals or less,
taken while the bow is being drawn from brace height through the Peak Draw Force and to the Center of Valley (if present). This curve
is used to reveal the energy storage characteristics, Peak Draw Force, Holding Force, draw length, and Percent of Let-Off (if present) of
the bow.
3.13 Let-Down Curve: The graph curve generated by recording the force readings of an archery bow at one (1) inch intervals or less, taken
while the bow is being let down (relaxed) from the bow’s full-drawn position to the bow’s brace height or static position. This curve is
used to reveal the static hysteresis characteristics of the bow.
3.14 Let-Off: The difference between the peak or maximum draw force reached during the draw cycle of a compound bow, and the lowest
level of draw force reached subsequent to that peak. It is most frequently expressed as a percentage of the peak force, and is then
referred to as the percent of let-off.
3.15 Center of Valley: The lowest points on a Force-Draw Curve of a Compound Bow where the Let-Off Force reaches its minimum.
3.16 Peak Draw Force: The maximum force reached when drawing a bow. For Non-Compound Bows, the Peak Draw Force is usually reached
at the full-draw condition. For Compound Bows the Peak Draw Force is reached part way through the draw cycle.
3.17 Static Hysteresis: The difference in pounds measured under static conditions, between the draw force and the let-down force for any
given draw length, integrated over the full power-stroke of the bow. Static hysteresis is expressed as foot-pounds of energy.
3.18 Stored Energy: The energy required to draw a bow from brace height to full-draw. The pounds measured, under static conditions, of the
draw-force curve for any given draw length, integrated over the full power-stroke of the bow. Stored Energy is expressed as foot pounds
of energy.
5. Apparatus
5.1 Force-Draw Machine: A device capable of holding the bow with the restraining force located at the low point of the grip while the
bowstring is being drawn from brace height to full draw. The force-drawing the bowstring shall be positioned at or near the nocking
point location on the bowstring. The device contacting the bowstring shall be a round or radiused section with a radius of 1/8 inch. The
system used to draw the bowstring shall be capable of a smooth and steady movement, and must maintain continuous unrelaxed force
so that no hysteresis effect is experience during the draw cycle.
5.2 Force Reading Device: A scale or load cell shall be interposed between the bowstring and the cable or rod used to draw the bowstring
so the force reading is direct and not contaminated in any way. The force measuring device shall have a resolution of ±¼ pound.
A spring scale with adequate resolution may be capable of measuring the draw force for Standard Bows, but will provide questionable
values when used for compound bows, which typically let off from their peak weight towards the end of the draw cycle.
5.3 Draw Length Scale: A graduated linear scale of commercial accuracy and at least 36 inches in length shall be used to measure the
draw length. It shall be indexed at a point 1¾ inches forward of the low point, or pivot point, of the grip.
A r c h e r y Tr a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s 9
ATA/BOW-101-2008 Guideline for Determining the ATA Force-Draw and Let-Down Curves for Archery Bows
6. Measurement Method
6.1 Adjust the bow to the desired Peak Draw Force and draw length. On most Standard Bows it will not be possible to adjust the draw
force and/or the draw length. However, on a Standard Bow, the bowstring length should be twisted or untwisted to provide the
recommended brace height.
6.2 To derive data for the Force-Draw Curve, mount the bow in the force-draw device with the low or pivot point of the grip engaging the
retaining surface of the device. Set the index of the linear scale 1¾ inches forward of the low point of the grip. Attach the drawing
device to the bowstring at or near the nocking point location of the bowstring, position the bowstring at brace height, and draw the
bow to the first incremental value of draw length. Record the force without relaxing the tension to eliminate any effect of hysteresis.
Continue to draw the bowstring, recording the force for each one (1) inch increment of draw length until reaching one increment
beyond the desired full-draw position. The recorded data will be the basis of the Force-Draw Curve.
6.3 To obtain data for the Let-Down Curve, with the bow drawn one increment past the full-drawn condition, relax the force retaining
the bowstring until it returns to the next increment down and record the corresponding force. It will be somewhat lower than the
force recorded when the bow was drawn to the same position. The difference is the level of static hysteresis present. Continue to let
down the bowstring, recording the force readings at the identical increments of draw length used when the Force-Draw Curve was
established. The recorded force levels and the corresponding draw length values are the data for the Let-Down Curve.
6.4 The Force-Draw and Let-Down Curves are plotted on rectangular coordinate scales with the force values as the ordinate and the draw
length values as the abscissa. It is common practice to superimpose the Let-Down Curve on the Force-Draw Curve. The area under the
curves may be determined by any acceptable method, and it is usually expressed in units of stored energy, for example, foot-pounds.
7. Drawings
7.1 Compound Bow typical Force-Draw Curve: 7.2 Non-Compound bow typical Force-Draw Curve:
10 A r c h e r y T r a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s
ATA/BOW-101-2008 Guideline for Determining the ATA Force-Draw and Let-Down Curves for Archery Bows 11
A r c h e r y Tr a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s
ATA/BOW-102-2008 Guideline for Determining the ATA Actual Draw Length of Compound Archery Bows
To accurately and correctly measure the draw length of a Compound Bow, the bow should be drawn to its full-draw condition and held at
the bow’s Center of Valley. The force-drawing the bowstring shall be positioned at or near the nocking point location on the bowstring. The
device contacting the bowstring shall be a round or radiused section with a radius of 1/8 inch. While held at this position, measure from
the string nocking point location to a vertical line through the pivot point of the bow grip and then add 1¾ inches to the measurement.
This is the Compound Bow’s ATA Actual Draw Length. ATA Technical Guideline ATA/BOW-101-2008 (Guideline for Determining the
Force-Draw and Let-Down Curves for Archery Bows) details the preferred method to determine the bow’s draw length.
1. Scope
1.1 This guideline covers the method used to determine a Compound Bow’s ATA Actual Draw Length.
1.2 This guideline does not provide any expressed or implied warranty in respect to any engineering or structural performance of a
particular Compound Bow. This guideline does not provide any warranty, expressed or implied, that a particular Compound Bow is fit
for any particular purpose, or will function safely, or will possess any other attribute.
2. Reference Documents
2.1 ATA Technical Guideline for Determining the Force-Draw and Let-Down Curves for Archery Bows (ATA/BOW-101-2008).
12 A r c h e r y T r a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s
ATA/BOW-102-2008 Guideline for Determining the ATA Actual Draw Length of Compound Archery Bows
5. Measurement Method
5.1 The preferred method of measuring a Compound Bow’s draw length is to use the ATA Technical Guideline for Determining the
Force-Draw and Let-Off Curves of Archery Bows (ATA/BOW-101-2008). This guideline provides both a means and device suitable to
accurately perform the required steps to measure draw length.
5.2 Draw the Compound Bow to its full-draw condition and hold the bow steady at the bow’s Center of Valley.
5.3 While holding the Compound Bow at its full-draw condition, measure the distance from the nocking point to a vertical line through the
pivot point of the bow grip (DLPP) and record the measurement.
5.4 Add 1¾ inches to the recorded measurement. This is the Compound Bow’s ATA Actual Draw Length.
5.5 The Compound Bow manufacturer’s specified draw length should be marked to be within a tolerance of (+ ¼,-0 inch) when measured to
Center of Valley.
Example: For a Compound Bow, where the ATA Actual Draw Length of the bow is measured at or between 30 inches and 30¼ inches, the
manufacturer’s specified draw length should be marked at 30 inches.
6. Drawing
6.1 Compound Bow draw length measurements: 6.2 Compound Bow typical Force-Draw Curve:
Force-Draw CURVE
1 3/4’’
A r c h e r y Tr a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s 13
ATA/BOW-103-2008 Guideline for Determining ATA Percent of Let-Off for Archery Bows
To determine the Let-Off and Let-Off Percentage of a Compound Bow, determine and plot the Force-Draw Curve of the bow. Identify and
record the maximum Peak Draw Force (peak bow weight) of the Force-Draw Curve and the minimum or lowest Let-Down Force at the Center
of Valley of the Force-Draw Curve. Once the Peak Draw Force and the Let-Down Force has been determined, make the following calculation:
Percent of Let-Off = 100 x (Peak Draw Force – Let-Down Force) / Peak Draw Force. ATA Guideline ATA/BOW-101-2008 (Guideline for
determining the Force-Draw and Let-Down Curves for archery bows) details the preferred method to collect the required data.
1. Scope
1.1 This test method establishes the procedure to be used to determine the ATA Percent of Let-Off for Archery Bows.
1.2 This guideline does not provide any expressed or implied warranty in respect to any engineering or structural performance of a
particular Compound Bow. This Guideline does not provide any warranty, expressed or implied, that a particular Compound Bow is fit
for any particular purpose, or will function safely, or will possess any other attribute.
2. Reference Documents
2.1 ATA Technical Guideline for Determining the Force-Draw and Let-Down Curves for Archery Bows (ATA/BOW-101-2008).
14 A r c h e r y T r a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s
ATA/BOW-103-2008 Guideline for Determining ATA Percent of Let-Off for Archery Bows
3.13 Let-Down Curve: The graph curve generated by recording the force readings of an archery bow at one (1) inch intervals or less, taken
while the bow is being let down (relaxed) from the bow’s full-drawn position to the bow’s brace height or static position. This curve is
used to reveal the bow’s static hysteresis characteristics.
3.14 Let-Off: The difference between the peak or maximum draw force reached during the draw cycle of a compound bow, and the lowest
level of draw force reached subsequent to that peak. It is most frequently expressed as a percentage of the peak force and is then
referred to as percent of let-off.
3.15 Center of Valley: The lowest points on a force-draw curve of a compound bow where the let-off force reaches its minimum.
3.16 Peak Draw Force: The maximum force reached when drawing a bow. For Non-Compound Bows, the Peak Draw Force is usually reached
at the full-draw condition. For Compound Bows the Peak Draw Force is reached part way through the draw cycle.
3.17 Static Hysteresis: The difference in pounds measured under static conditions, between the draw force and the let-down force for any
given draw length, integrated over the full power-stroke of the bow. Static hysteresis is expressed as foot-pounds of energy.
5. Measurement Method
5.1 The preferred method of measuring and calculating a Compound Bow’s Percent of Let-Off is to use the ATA Technical Guideline for
Determining the Force-Draw and Let-Down Curves for Archery Bows (ATA/BOW-101-2008). This guideline provides both a means and a
device suitable to accurately perform the required steps to measure the Percent of Let-Off.
5.2 The bow shall be rated for percent of let-off with the draw length set in mid-range (if adjustable) and the peak draw weight adjusted to
the maximum rated value for that specific draw length.
5.3 Determine and plot the Force-Draw Curve for the given bow.
5.4 The reduction due to hysteresis shall not be considered in the determination of the force value at either peak or let-off condition when
determining the ATA Percent of Let-Off.
5.5 From the Force-Draw Curve, identify and record both the Peak Draw Force and the Let-Off Force at the Center of Valley. The Peak Draw
Force is the maximum force obtained during the draw cycle. The Let-Off Force is the lowest force read at the Center of Valley.
It is very important to not allow the bow to relax or slip into a Let-Down condition while recording the Let-Off Force. By doing so, the
let-off measurement will be taken from the Let-Down Curve rather than from the Force-Draw Curve and the effects of hysteresis will be
present, distorting the calculated Let-Off.
5.6 The percent of let-off shall be calculated using the following formula:
Percent Let-Off = 100 x (Peak Draw Force – Let-Off Force) / Peak Draw Force
6. Drawings
A r c h e r y Tr a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s 15
ATA/BOW-104-2008 Guideline for Determining the ATA Rating Velocity of Compound Archery Bows
To determine and/or test the rating velocity of a Compound Archery Bow, the bow must be shot from a mechanical shooting machine.
The Compound Bow’s Peak Draw Force (weight) will be set at either 50 pounds, 60 pounds, or 70 pounds (± 0.1 pounds). The Compound
Bow will be drawn to and shot at the ATA Actual Draw Length of 30 inches (+ ¼, -0 inches). The Compound Bow should be shot from the
Center of Valley at the lowest let-off position so long as this position falls within the ATA 30-inch draw length guideline of + ¼, -0 inch.
Test arrows must weigh 5 grains per pound of total bow Peak Draw Force (± 0.5 grains on total arrow weight). Example: A 50-pound
bow requires the use of a 250-grain arrow (± 0.5 grains), a 60-pound bow requires the use of a 300-grain arrow (± 0.5 grains), and a
70-pound bow requires the use of a 350-grain arrow (±0.5 grains). A minimum of five (5) shots for each test must be performed. Test-shot
velocities will then be averaged to determine the ATA Rating Velocity of the Compound Bow.
1. Scope
1.1 This guideline covers the testing technique and method used to determine the ATA Rating Velocity of a Compound Archery Bow.
1.2 This guideline will provide only a certification of performance; that is, the velocities at which a given Compound Bow will launch
arrows of specified weights under standard conditions.
1.3 This guideline does not provide any expressed or implied warranty in respect to any engineering or structural performance of a
particular Compound B ow or any particular arrow or arrow shaft. This Guideline does not provide any warranty, expressed or implied,
that a particular Compound Bow, arrow, or arrow shaft is fit for any particular purpose, or will function safely, or will possess any
other attribute.
2. Reference Documents
2.1 (none)
16 A r c h e r y T r a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s
ATA/BOW-104-2008 Guideline for Determining the ATA Rating Velocity of Compound Archery Bows
3.8 Force-Draw Curve: The graph curve generated by recording the draw-force readings of an archery bow at one (1) inch intervals or less,
taken while the bow is being drawn from brace height through the Peak Draw Force and to the Center of Valley (if present). This curve
is used to reveal the energy storage characteristics, Peak Draw Force, Holding Force, draw length, and percent of let-off (if present) of
the bow.
3.9 Let-Off: The difference between the peak or maximum draw force reached during the draw cycle of a compound bow, and the lowest
level of draw force reached subsequent to that peak. It is most frequently expressed as a percentage of the peak force and is then
referred to as percent of let-off.
3.10 Center of Valley: The lowest points on a force-draw curve of a compound bow where the let-off force reaches its minimum.
3.11 Peak Draw Force: The maximum force reached when drawing a bow. For Non-Compound bows, the Peak Draw Force is usually reached
at the full-draw condition. For compound bows the Peak Draw Force is reached part way through the draw cycle.
3.12 ATA Compound Bow Rating Velocity: The average velocity of the initial velocities of an arrow weighing 5 grains per pound of the
bow’s Peak Draw Force (weight), shot 5 times from the compound bow at either 50 pounds, 60 pounds, or 70 pounds and at 30 inches
ATA Draw length (+ ¼, -0 inches).
3.13 Shooting Machine: A device equipped with a mechanical release that secures a bow and releases an arrow to obtain highly repeatable
shooting results for various testing purposes.
5. Measurement Method
5.1 For Compound Bows with adjustable draw force, adjust peak or maximum draw force to desired peak weight of either 50 pounds,
60 pounds, or 70 pounds (± 0.1 pounds). The Center of Valley of the Force-Draw Curve (lowest holding force) on compound bows shall
be located at ATA Actual Draw Length of 30 inches (+ ¼, - 0 inches).
5.2 Select the test arrows of a shaft, material size, and stiffness to match the specified test bow’s Peak Draw Force and draw length,
and that will meet the 5 grains per pound of peak draw weight requirement (± 0.5 grain on total arrow weight). The test arrows do
not need to be fletched.
5.3 Compound bows should be tested and rated as manufactured, and the condition of the bowstring should include all manufacturer’s
added-on devices (such as string dampers, etc.) as well as, at a minimum, a nocking point or D-loop for properly attaching the arrow to
the bowstring.
5.4 Mount the compound bow in a shooting machine with a mechanical release and draw the bow to its full-drawn condition. Draw length
should be set at ATA Draw Length of 30 inches (+ ¼, - 0 inches). Adjust the shooting machine draw length as close as possible to match
the test bow’s specific center of valley while keeping within the draw length specification of 30 inches (+ ¼, - 0 inches).
5.5 Use an appropriate gate chronograph. The chronograph shall have a precision of 1 µs (one microsecond) and an accuracy of 2 µs
(two microseconds). The chronograph’s triggering device shall be of either the photoelectric or conductive screen types. The triggering
device shall be spaced at a span dictated by the timing circuit requirements to an accuracy of ± .010 inches.
5.6 Radar based, bow-mounted type Hall-effect, and single-gate chronographs are not acceptable for evaluating Compound Bows.
5.7 The entrance gate of the chronograph shall be set at 36 inches (± 1.0 inch) from the pivot point of the bow handle mounted on the
shooting machine.
5.8 Using the shooting machine, shoot the appropriate test arrows from the bow through the chronograph.
5.9 Chronograph and record a minimum of five shots for each test arrow. The velocity values of all shots for a given test arrow must fall
within a range of 2 feet per second.
5.10 Using the test arrows’ recorded velocities, obtain an arrow velocity average. This average velocity is the ATA Rating Velocity of the
specific Compound Bow tested.
A r c h e r y Tr a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s 17
ATA/BOW-104-2008 Guideline for Determining the ATA Rating Velocity of Compound Archery Bows
6. Drawings
6.1 Compound Bow: 6.2 Compound bow Force-Draw Curve:
Force-Draw CURVE
1 3/4’’
18 A r c h e r y T r a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s
ATA/BOW-104-2008 Guideline for Determining the ATA Rating Velocity of Compound Archery Bows 19
A r c h e r y Tr a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s
ATA/BOW-105-2008 Guideline for Determining the ATA Rating Velocity of Intermediate Compound Archery Bows
To determine and/or test the rating velocity of an Intermediate Compound Archery Bow, the bow must be shot from a mechanical shooting
machine. The Intermediate Compound Bow’s Peak Draw Force (weight) will be set at either 40 pounds or 50 pounds (± 0.1 pounds). The
Intermediate Compound Bow will be drawn to and shot at the ATA Draw Length of 28 inches (+ ¼, - 0 inches). The Intermediate Compound
Bow should be shot from the Center of Valley at the lowest let-off position so long as this position falls within the ATA 28-inch draw length
guideline of + ¼, - 0 inch. Test arrows for all bow Peak Draw-Force settings (weights) must weigh 5 grains per pound of peak draw weight
(± 0.5 grains). Example: A 40-pound bow requires the use of a 200-grain arrow (± 0.5 grains), and a 50-pound bow requires the use of a
250-grain arrow (±0.5 grains). A minimum of five (5) shots for each test must be performed. Test shot velocities will then be averaged to
determine the Rating Velocity of the Intermediate Compound Bow.
1. Scope
1.1 This guideline covers the testing technique and method used to determine the ATA Rating Velocity of an Intermediate Compound
Archery Bow.
1.2 This guideline will provide only a certification of performance; that is, the velocities at which a given Intermediate Compound Bow
will launch arrows of a specified weight under standard conditions.
1.3 This guideline does not provide any expressed or implied warranty in respect to any engineering or structural performance of a
particular compound bow, arrow, or arrow shaft. This Guideline does not provide any warranty, expressed or implied, that a particular
compound bow, arrow, or arrow shaft is fit for any particular purpose, or will function safely, or will possess any other attribute.
20 A r c h e r y T r a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s
ATA/BOW-105-2008 Guideline for Determining the ATA Rating Velocity of Intermediate Compound Archery Bows
2.9 Force-Draw Curve: The graph curve generated by recording the draw-force readings of an archery bow at one (1) inch intervals or less,
taken while the bow is being drawn from its brace height through the Peak Draw Force and to the Center of Valley (if present). This
curve is used to reveal the energy storage characteristics, the Peak Draw Force, Holding Force, draw length, and Percent of Let-Off (if
present) of the bow.
2.10 Let-Off: The difference between the peak or maximum draw force reached during the draw cycle of a compound bow, and the lowest
level of draw force reached subsequent to that peak. It is most frequently expressed as a percentage of the peak force and is then
referred to as Percent of Let-Off.
2.11 Center of Valley: The lowest points on a Force-Draw Curve of a Compound Bow where the Let-Off Force reaches its minimum.
2.12 Peak Draw Force: The maximum force reached when drawing a bow. For Non-Compound bows, the Peak Draw Force is usually reached
at the full-draw condition. For Compound Bows the Peak Draw Force is reached part way through the draw cycle.
2.13 ATA Intermediate Compound Bow Rating Velocity: The average velocity of the initial velocities of an arrow weighing 5 grains per
peak draw weight (±0.5 grains), shot 5 times from an Intermediate Compound Bow with a set Peak Draw Force of 40 pounds, or 50
pounds (± 0.1 pounds), and set at 28 inches ATA Draw length (+ ¼, - 0 inch).
2.14 Shooting Machine: A device equipped with a mechanical release that secures a bow and releases an arrow to obtain highly repeatable
shooting results for various testing purposes.
4. Measurement Method
4.1 For Intermediate Compound Bows with adjustable draw force, adjust peak or maximum draw force to desired peak weight of 40 pounds
or 50 pounds (±0.1 pounds). For test purposes, the Center of Valley of the Force-Draw Curve (lowest holding force) on an intermediate
compound bow shall be located at ATA Actual Draw Length of 28 inches (+ ¼, - 0 inch).
4.2 Select the test arrows of a shaft, material size, and stiffness to match the specified test bow’s Peak-Draw Force and draw length, and that
will meet the 5-grains per peak draw weight, arrow-weight requirement (± 0.5 grain on total arrow weight). The test arrows do not need
to be fletched.
4.3 Intermediate Compound Bows should be tested and rated as manufactured, and the condition of the bowstring should include all
the manufacturer’s added-on devices (such as string dampers, etc.) as well as, at a minimum, a nocking point or D-loop for properly
attaching the arrow to the bowstring.
4.4 Mount the Intermediate Compound Bow in a shooting machine with a mechanical release and draw the bow to its full-drawn condition.
Draw length should be set at ATA Draw Length of 28 inches (+ ¼, - 0 inches). Adjust the shooting machine draw length as close as
possible to match the test bow’s specific center of valley while keeping within the draw length specification of 28 inches (+ ¼, - 0 inches).
4.5 Use an appropriate gate chronograph. The Chronograph shall have a precision of 1 µs (one microsecond) and an accuracy of 2 µs (two
microseconds). The chronograph’s triggering device shall be of either the photoelectric or conductive screen types. The triggering
device shall be spaced at a span dictated by the timing circuit requirements to accuracy of ± .010 inches.
4.6 Radar-based, bow-mounted type Hall-effect, and single-gate chronographs are not acceptable for evaluating Intermediate
Compound bows.
4.7 The entrance gate of the chronograph shall be set at 36 inches (± 1.0 inch) from the pivot point of the bow handle mounted on the
shooting machine.
4.8 Using the shooting machine, shoot the appropriate test arrows from the bow through the chronograph.
4.9 Chronograph and record a minimum of five shots for each test arrow. The velocity values of all shots for a given test arrow must fall
within a range of 2 feet per second.
4.10 Using the test arrow recorded velocities, obtain an arrow velocity average. This average velocity is the ATA Rating Velocity of the
specific Intermediate Compound Bow tested.
A r c h e r y Tr a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s 21
ATA/BOW-105-2008 Guideline for Determining the ATA Rating Velocity of Intermediate Compound Archery Bows
Force-Draw CURVE
1 3/4’’
22 A r c h e r y T r a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s
ATA/BOW-105-2008 Guideline for Determining the ATA Rating Velocity of Intermediate Compound Archery Bows 23
A r c h e r y Tr a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s
ATA/BOW-106-2008 Guideline for Determining the ATA Rating Velocity of a Non-Compound Bow
To determine and/or test the rating velocity of a Non-Compound Archery Bow (non-compound bow such as a Recurve Bow, American
Flat Bow, or Long Bow), the bow must be shot from a mechanical shooting machine. The Non-Compound Bow’s Peak Draw Force will be
measured at the ATA Draw Length of 28 inches (+ 1/16, - 0 inch). Test arrows for hunting bows must weigh 9 grains per pound of total bow
Peak Draw Force (± 0.5 grains on total arrow weight). Test arrows for Target bows must weigh 7 grains per pound of total bow Peak Draw
Force (± 0.5 grains on total arrow weight). Example: A 42-pound Non-Compound Hunting Bow requires the use of a 378-grain arrow (±
0.5 grains). A 42-pound Non-Compound Target Bow requires the use of a 294-grain arrow (± 0.5 grains). For Non-Compound hunting
bows, the string shall be made of any string material with not less than 0.5 twists per inch at nominal manufacturer recommended brace
height and weighing not less than 120 grains exclusive of nock set, if any. For Non-Compound Target bows, the string shall be made of
Spectra or Dyneema type string materials with not less than 0.5 twists per inch at nominal manufacturer recommended brace height and
weighing not less than 100 grains exclusive of nock set, if any. A minimum of five (5) shots for each test must be performed. Test-shot
velocities will then be averaged to determine the Rating Velocity of the Non-Compound Bow.
1. Scope
1.1 This guideline covers the test technique and method used to determine the ATA Rating Velocity of a Non-Compound Archery Bow.
1.2 This guideline will provide only a certification of performance; that is, the velocities at which a given Non-Compound Bow will launch
arrows of specified weights under standard conditions.
1.3 This guideline does not provide any expressed or implied warranty in respect to any engineering or structural performance of a
particular Archery bow, arrow, or arrow shaft. This Guideline does not provide any warranty, expressed or implied, that a particular
Archery Bow, arrow, or arrow shaft is fit for any particular purpose, or will function safely, or will possess any other attribute.
2. Reference Documents
2.1 (none)
24 A r c h e r y T r a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s
ATA/BOW-106-2008 Guideline for Determining the ATA Rating Velocity of a Non-Compound Bow
3.7 ATA Non-Compound Bow Rating Velocity: The average velocity of the initial velocities of an arrow weighing 9 grains per pound of
a Non-Compound Hunting Bow’s Peak Draw Force (weight), or 7 grains per pound of a Non-Compound Target Bow’s Peak Draw Force
(weight), shot 5 times from a Standard Bow at 28 inches ATA Draw length (+ 1/16, - 0 inches).
3.8 Shooting Machine: A device, equipped with a mechanical release that secures a bow and releases an arrow to obtain highly repeatable
shooting results for various testing purposes.
5. Measurement Method
5.1 For Non-Compound Bows with adjustable draw weight, adjust bows to the maximum draw force allowed by the design.
5.2 Measure the Peak Draw Force at ATA Draw Length of 28 inches (+ 1/16, - 0 inches) to determine the required arrow mass.
5.3 Non-Compound Target Bow arrow requirement is 7 grains per pound of Peak Draw Force (weight) ± 0.5 grains total arrow weight.
5.4 Non-Compound Hunting bow arrow requirement is 9 grains per pound of Peak Draw Force (weight) ± 0.5 grains total arrow weight.
5.5 The test arrows shall be constructed of a shaft material and stiffness to match the specified Peak Draw Force and length, while meeting
the arrow weight grain per pound requirements, ± 0.5 grains. Test arrows need not be fletched.
5.6 Non-Compound Bows should be tested and rated as manufactured, and the condition of the bowstring should include all the
manufacturer’s added-on devices (such as string dampers and etc.) as well as, at a minimum, a nocking point or D-loop for properly
attaching the arrow to the bowstring.
5.7 Mount the Non-Compound Bow in a shooting machine with a mechanical release and draw the bow to its full-drawn condition. Draw
length should be set at ATA Draw Length of 28 inches (+ 1/16, - 0 inches).
5.8 Use an appropriate gate chronograph. The Chronograph shall have a precision of 1 µs (one microsecond) and an accuracy of 2 µs (two
microseconds). The chronograph’s triggering device shall be of either the photoelectric or conductive screen types. The triggering
device shall be spaced at a span dictated by the timing circuit requirements to an accuracy of ± .010 inches.
5.9 Radar-based, and bow-mounted type Hall-effect chronographs are not acceptable. Single-gate chronographs are acceptable for evaluating
non-compound bows.
5.10 The entrance gate of the chronograph shall be set at 36 inches (± 1.0 inch) from the pivot point of the bow handle mounted on the
shooting machine.
5.11 Using the shooting machine, with the draw length set at 28 inches (+ 1/16, -0 inches), shoot the appropriate test arrows from the bow
through the chronograph.
5.12 Chronograph and record a minimum of five shots for each test arrow. The velocity values of all shots for a given test arrow must fall
within a range of 2 feet per second.
5.13 Using the test-arrow recorded velocities, obtain an arrow-velocity average. This average velocity is the ATA Non-Compound Bow Rating
Velocity of the specific Non-Compound Bow tested.
A r c h e r y Tr a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s 25
ATA/BOW-106-2008 Guideline for Determining the ATA Rating Velocity of a Non-Compound Bow
6. Drawings
6.1 Non-Compound Bow: 6.2 Non-Compound bow Force-Draw Curve:
28’’ DRAW
1 3/4’’
26 A r c h e r y T r a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s
ATA/BOW-106-2008 Guideline for Determining the ATA Rating Velocity of a Non-Compound Bow 27
A r c h e r y Tr a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s
ATA/BOW-107-2008 Guideline for Measuring the ATA Finished Length of Bowstrings and Cables
To determine the actual length of a bowstring or cable, the end loops of the string or cable are placed over two ¼-inch diameter steel pins.
The bowstring or cable should be twisted to the bowstring manufacturer’s recommended number of twists. While holding one ¼-inch
diameter pin fixed, a 100-pound tension load is placed on the second ¼-inch pin, effectively tensioning the string or cable. After the load
has been held for a minimum of 20 seconds, the string or cable length is determined by measuring the distance from the outside edge of
both ¼-inch steel pins.
1. Scope
1.1 This guideline covers the technique and method to be used in determining the finished length of bowstrings and cables.
1.2 This guideline will provide only a certification of a bowstring’s and/or cable’s length as measured under these circumstances.
1.3 This guideline does not provide any expressed or implied warranty in respect to any engineering or structural performance of a
particular Archery Bow, bowstrings, or bow cables. This Guideline does not provide any warranty, expressed or implied, that a
particular Archery Bow, bowstrings, or bow cables are fit for any particular purpose, or will function safely, or will possess any
other attribute.
2. Reference Documents
2.1 (none)
5. Apparatus
5.1 A device capable of holding a string or cable at both loop ends by attaching said loop ends over two ¼-inch diameter steel pins.
One steel pin must remain fixed while the second must be free to move while a load is placed onto the pin to effect the tensioning of
the string or cable. A load cell or other acceptable load-measuring device must be in line with the load source and the second pin to
determine and measure required tension load.
6. Measurement Method
6.1 Determine and specify if the string or cable to be measured will be in a twisted or untwisted condition.
6.2 If the string or cable is specified as twisted, then the component should be twisted in the direction that tightens the end servings. The
total number of twists put into the bowstring or cable should be equal to the string or cable manufacturer’s recommendations, but its
minimum should equal ½ twist per one (1) inch of bow string or cable length (Example: 40-inch string should have a minimum of 20 twists).
6.3 Place both end loops of string or cable to be measured over the two ¼-inch diameter steel pins.
6.4 All 8- and 10-strand bowstrings and cables made from polyester (i.e. Dacron) are to be measured under 50 pounds (±1 pound) tension.
28 A r c h e r y T r a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s
ATA/BOW-107-2008 Guideline for Measuring the ATA Finished Length of Bowstrings and Cables
6.5 All bowstrings and cables made from materials other than polyester (i.e. Dacron) and all polyester strings and cables with more than
ten (10) strands will be measured under 100 lbs (±1 pound) tension.
6.6 After the bowstring or cable has remained under tension load for 20 seconds, the string or cable length can be measured.
6.7 Determine the string or cable length by measuring the component from the outside edge to edge of the two ¼-inch steel pins.
(see drawing)
6.8 Bowstrings and cables will be marked to be either twisted or untwisted, and within a length tolerance of ± 1/16 inch when measured
under the required tension load.
7. Drawings
7.1 String/Cable tension diagram:
A r c h e r y Tr a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s 29
ATA/BOW-108-2008 Guideline for ATA Bow Sight Mounting Holes Specification
To define and promote the standardization of an Archery Bow’s sight mounting holes located on the outside surface of the bow’s handle
or riser section, to be 1.312 inches (±0.005 inch) center to center, and to be 10-24 UNC thread size with a minimum thread depth of
0.312 inches. Bow sights designed to specifically attach to an Archery Bow’s handle or riser section, at this location, should conform to
these dimensions.
1. Scope
1.1 This guideline covers the ATA recommendation for the specification of an Archery Bow’s sight and accessory mounting holes.
1.2 The defined threaded holes within this guideline have proven over time to be adequate for attaching sighting devices to the bow. These
dimensions may not be adequate for attaching other accessory devices as they may overload the screw and/or mounting hole threads.
1.3 This guideline does not provide any expressed or implied warranty in respect to any engineering or structural performance of a particular
Archery Bow or any particular accessory. This Guideline does not provide any warranty, expressed or implied, that a particular
Archery Bow or accessory is fit for any particular purpose, or will function safely, or will possess any other attribute.
2. Reference Documents
2.1 ATA Guideline for Accessory Sight Mounting Holes (ATA/ACC-303-2008).
5. Guideline
5.1 On Archery Bows, the ATA recommended sight and accessory mounting holes are to be 10-24 UNC thread size and are to be at
0.312 inches minimum thread depth.
5.2 ATA recommended sight and accessory mounting holes for both Bows and Accessories are to have a “center-to-center” dimension of
1.312 inches (±0.005 inch).
30 A r c h e r y T r a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s
ATA/BOW-108-2008 Guideline for ATA Bow Sight Mounting Holes Specification
6. Drawings
6.1 ATA recommended sight and accessory mounting hole dimensions and specification drawings.
1.312 + 0.005
A r c h e r y Tr a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s 31
ATA/BOW-109-2008 Guideline for ATA Stabilizer and Accessory Mounting Holes Specifications
To define and promote the standardization of an Archery Bow’s Stabilizer and Accessory Mounting Hole specifications to be 5/16-24 UNF
thread size with a minimum thread depth of .750 inches. It’s generally accepted that the 5/16-24 UNF threaded hole and threaded bolt, or
stud, provides an adequate margin of strength needed to cope with the stress loads imposed by modern Compound Bows, long and heavy
stabilizers, and the combined use of high-performance bowstring materials.
1. Scope
1.1 This guideline covers the ATA recommendation for the specification of an Archery Bow’s stabilizer and accessory mounting holes.
1.2 This guideline does not provide any expressed or implied warranty in respect to any engineering or structural performance of a
particular Archery Bow or any particular accessory. This guideline does not provide any warranty, expressed or implied, that a
particular Archery Bow or accessory is fit for any particular purpose, or will function safely, or will possess any other attribute.
2. Reference Documents
2.1 ATA Technical Guideline for ATA Stabilizer Rod Mounting Stud Specifications (ATA/ACC-301-2008).
5. Guideline
5.1 On Archery Bows, the ATA recommended Stabilizer and Accessory Mounting Hole should be 5/16-24 UNF thread size.
5.2 On Archery Bows, the ATA recommended Stabilizer and Accessory Mounting Hole should be at a minimum of .750 inches
thread depth.
32 A r c h e r y T r a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s
ATA/BOW-109-2008 Guideline for ATA Stabilizer and Accessory Mounting Holes Specifications
6. Drawings
6.1 ATA recommended Stabilizer and Accessory Mounting Hole dimensions and specification drawing.
A r c h e r y Tr a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s 33
ATA/BOW-110-2008 Guideline for ATA Non-Compound Bow Draw Weight Specification
This Guide is for the purpose of creating a uniform ATA Non-Compound Bow draw weight designation. Bow weight shall be designated
as the force required to draw a Non-Compound Bow from brace height to ATA Actual Draw Length of 28 inches (+ 1/16, - 0 inch).
For Non-Compound Bows that have adjustable Draw weight capability, the Draw Force (weight) of the bow should be adjusted to the
Manufacturer’s suggested setting.
1. Scope
1.1 This guideline covers the ATA specification for measuring and/or determining a Non-Compound Bow’s rated draw force (weight).
1.2 This guideline does not provide any expressed or implied warranty in respect to any engineering or structural performance of a
particular Archery Bow or any particular Archery Accessory. This guideline does not provide any warranty, expressed or implied,
that a particular Archery Bow or Archery Accessory is fit for any particular purpose, or will function safely, or will possess any other
2. Reference Documents
2.1 ATA Technical Guidelines for determining the ATA Force-Draw and Let-Down Curves for Archery Bows (ATA/BOW-101-2008).
34 A r c h e r y T r a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s
ATA/BOW-110-2008 Guideline for ATA Non-Compound Bow Draw Weight Specification
5. Apparatus
5.1 Force-Draw Machine: A device capable of holding the bow with the restraining force located at the low point of the grip while the
bowstring is being drawn from brace height to full draw. The Force-Drawing the bowstring shall be positioned at or near the nocking
point location on the bowstring. The device contacting the bowstring shall be a round or radiused section with a radius of 1/8 inch. The
system used to draw the bowstring shall be capable of a smooth and steady movement, and must maintain continuous unrelaxed force
so that no hysteresis effect is experienced during the draw cycle.
5.2 Force-Reading Device: A scale or load cell shall be interposed between the bowstring and the cable or rod used to draw the bowstring
so that the force reading is direct and not contaminated in any way. The force-measuring device shall have a resolution of ±1/4 pound. A
spring scale with adequate resolution may be capable of measuring the draw force for Standard Bows.
5.3 Draw Length Scale: A graduated linear scale of commercial accuracy and at least 36 inches in length shall be used to measure the
draw length. It shall be indexed at a point 1¾ inches forward of the low point, or pivot point, of the grip.
6. Measurement Method
6.1 The preferred method of measuring and determining a Non-Compound Bow’s weight designation is to use the ATA Technical Guideline
for Determining the ATA Force-Draw and Let-Down Curves for Archery Bows (ATA/BOW-101-2008). This Guideline provides both a
means and a device suitable to accurately perform the required steps to measure the bow’s Peak Draw Force at the specified ATA Actual
Draw Length of 28 inches (+ 1/16, - 0 inches).
6.2 Adjust the Non-Compound Bow’s Peak Draw Force to its manufacturer’s suggested setting.
6.3 Twist or untwist the bowstring to achieve the manufacturer’s
recommended brace height.
7.2 ATA Non-Compound Bow:
6.4 Mount the bow into the force-draw device with the low or pivot point of
the grip engaging the retaining surface of the device. Set the index of
the linear scale 1¾ inches forward of the low point of the grip. Attach
the drawing device to the bowstring at a location at or near the nocking point
location of the bowstring, position the bowstring at brace height and draw the
bow to ATA actual Draw Length of 28 inches (+ 1/16, - 0 inches).
6.5 While holding the bow at its full-drawn condition of 28 inches, record the Peak
Draw Force (weight) of the bow. This Force reading will be the ATA designated DRAW
Non-Compound Bow’s weight. CONDITION
7. Drawings
7.1 Non-Compound Bow Force-Draw Curve:
28’’ DRAW
BRACE 28’’ DRAW 1 3/4’’
A r c h e r y Tr a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s 35
ATA/BOW-111-2008 Guideline for ATA String Center Serving Diameter Specification
To define and promote the standardization of Archery bowstrings center serving diameter specifications. Though there are many individual
preferences of archers in how tight or snug an arrow nock should fit to the bowstring, it is generally accepted that the proper fit of arrow
nocks to the bowstring should allow for a nocked arrow to fit the string in a manner that holds the nocked arrow in place during the draw
cycle of the bow, and allows the arrow to launch with accuracy and consistent velocity. These guidelines are based on an analysis of currently
used materials for the manufacture of bowstrings and the strength requirements of a bowstring dictated by archery bows with up to 80
pounds of Peak Draw Force. For “Low Peak Weight” bows, Archery Bows with Peak Draw Force values under 30 pounds, the bowstring
center serving diameter specification is 0.102 inches (±0.004 inches). For Archery Bows with Peak Draw Force values of 30 pounds up to
80 pounds, the bowstring center serving diameter specification is 0.112 inches (±0.004 inches). No recommendations are made for bows
with Peak Draw Force values over 80 pounds.
1. Scope
1.1 This guideline covers the ATA recommendation for the specification of the archery bowstring’s Center Serving diameter dimensions.
1.2 This guideline is not meant to be all-inclusive because there are, and will continue to be, special circumstances that might dictate
the use of nonconforming dimensions. Overall, it is the individual archery bow manufacturer’s and bowstring manufacturer’s
responsibility to ensure the bows they produce are equipped with bowstrings of proper strength for their designed bow.
1.3 This guideline does not provide any expressed or implied warranty in respect to any engineering or structural performance of a
particular Archery Bow, archery bowstring, or arrow nock or any particular archery accessory. This guideline does not provide any
warranty, expressed or implied, that a particular Archery Bow, bowstring, arrow nock or any archery accessory is fit for any particular
purpose, or will function safely, or will possess any other attribute.
2. Reference Documents
2.1 (none)
36 A r c h e r y T r a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s
ATA/BOW-111-2008 Guideline for ATA String Center Serving Diameter Specification
3.7 Full-Draw: The position in a draw cycle of a bow from which the string of the bow is released and the force is applied to the rear of the
arrow to commence the arrow launch.
3.8 Draw Force: That level of force necessary and coincidental with drawing a bow to a specific position within its draw length.
3.9 Holding Force: The force required to retain the bowstring of a drawn bow at a specific draw length.
3.10 Peak Draw Force: The maximum force reached when drawing a bow. For Non-Compound Bows, the Peak Draw Force is usually reached
at the full-drawn condition. For Compound Bows the Peak Draw Force is reached part way through the draw cycle.
5. Guideline
5.1 Analysis has determined that two sizes of Center Serving diameter can permit sufficient latitude to cover appropriate bowstrings for
bows up to 80 pounds in Peak Draw Force.
5.2 This is made possible by varying the type of material used in the fabrication of the bowstrings, the number of strands employed to
fabricate the bowstring, and the type and sizing of Center Serving material available for creating the Center Serving.
5.3 For Archery Bows with a Peak Draw Force of less than 30 pounds, the recommended Center Serving diameter of the bow’s bowstring is
0.102 inches (±0.004 inches).
5.4 For Archery Bows with a Peak Draw Force of 30 pounds up to 80 pounds, the recommended Center Serving diameter of the bow’s
bowstring is 0.112 inches (±0.004 inches).
5.5 No Recommendations are made for bows with Peak Draw Force values greater than 80 pounds.
6. Drawings
6.1 None
A r c h e r y Tr a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s 37
ATA/BOW-112-2008 Guideline for ATA Non-Compound Bow Length and Bowstring Length Specifications
The ATA Non-Compound Bow length designation is specified to be three inches longer than the required bowstring’s actual length that
braces the bow to its proper or manufacturer’s recommended brace height specification. For Non-Compound Bows, the bowstring’s ATA
marked length should be three inches longer than the string’s actual length. Example: A “Non-Compound Bow” bowstring marked as ATA
66 inches will have an actual measured length (using the ATA Technical Guideline for Measuring the Finished Length of Bow strings)
of 63 inches long.
1. Scope
1.1 This guideline covers the ATA recommendation for the specification of a Non-Compound Bow’s Length designation.
1.2 This guideline does not provide any expressed or implied warranty in respect to any engineering or structural performance of a
particular Archery Bow or any particular Archery Accessory. This Guideline does not provide any warranty, expressed or implied,
that a particular Archery Bow or any Archery Accessory is fit for any particular purpose, or will function safely, or will possess any
other attribute.
2. Reference Documents
2.1 ATA Technical Guideline for Measuring the ATA Finished Length of Bowstrings and Cables (ATA/BOW-107-2008).
5. Guideline
5.1 For a Non-Compound Bow, the designated bow length shall be 3 inches longer than the actual length of the bowstring required to
“brace” the bow to the manufacturer’s recommended Brace Height.
5.2 Bowstrings used on Non-Compound Bows shall be designated and marked as 3 inches longer than their actual length as measured by
the ATA guideline for measuring finished bowstring length (ATA/BOW-107-2008).
38 A r c h e r y T r a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s
ATA/BOW-112-2008 Guideline for ATA Non-Compound Bow Length and Bowstring Length Specifications
6. Drawings
6.1 ATA Non-Compound bow drawings:
A r c h e r y Tr a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s 39
ATA/ARR-201-2008 Guideline for Determining ATA Actual Arrow Length and Arrow Front of Center (F.O.C.) Balance Point
To achieve good arrow flight the balance point or center of gravity of an arrow assembly must be located at some position forward of the
longitudinal dimensional center of the Actual Arrow Length. This guideline provides a method for determining the ATA Actual Arrow
Length and the Arrow’s “Front of Center” (F.O.C.) balance point with an ATA formula to calculate an arrow’s F.O.C. and a general F.O.C.
range recommendation for all types of archery disciplines.
1. Scope
1.1 This guideline covers the designations used to define the ATA Actual Arrow Length and the Arrow Front of Center (F.O.C.).
1.2 This guideline recommends an ATA general range of F.O.C.s for all disciplines of archery and provides a good starting point when
constructing a set of arrows or when analyzing an arrow’s flight characteristics.
1.3 This guideline does not provide any expressed or implied warranty in respect to any engineering or structural performance from any
arrow or arrow shaft. This guideline does not provide any warranty, expressed or implied, that any particular arrow or arrow shaft is
fit for any particular purpose, or will function safely, or will possess any other attribute.
2.1.1 Threaded Inserts and Point: (FIG. 1) Threaded Replaceable Point Inserts or Hidden inserts are an internal adapter that permits
attachment of a threaded point to an arrow shaft. Actual Arrow Length is measured from the bottom of the nock groove to the front
leading end of the arrow shaft. The arrow length does not include the insert shoulder.
FIG. 1 L
2.1.2 Arrow Shaft Taper or Swage: (FIG. 2) An “Arrow Shaft Taper or Swage Front” is to accept a tapered point or broadhead. Arrow
length is measured from the bottom of the nock groove to the swage or taper shoulder.
FIG. 2
40 A r c h e r y T r a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s
ATA/ARR-201-2008 Guideline for Determining ATA Actual Arrow Length and Arrow Front of Center (F.O.C.) Balance Point
2.1.3 Outsert Adapter: (FIG 3) A Threaded Outsert Adapter fits over and attaches to the outside diameter of an arrow shaft and permits
attachment of a threaded point. Arrow length is measured from the bottom of the nock groove to the back of the Outsert Adapter.
2.1.4 Outsert Point: (FIG 4) An Outsert Point fits over the outside diameter of the arrow shaft and attaches directly to the shaft.
Arrow length is measured from the bottom of the nock groove to the back of the Outsert Point.
FIG. 4
.75 REF L
2.2 Center of the Arrow: The longitudinal dimensional location of the center of the arrow measured from the bottom of the nock groove to
the end of the shaft and expressed by the formula: L/2 (L equals the length of the arrow as shown in figures 1-5).
2.3 Balance Point: The location along the length of the arrow which, when positioned over a knife-edge, will result in the arrow being in a
perfectly balanced condition. It is the longitudinal location of the arrow’s center of gravity.
2.4 Front of Center (F.O.C.) Formula: Place the arrow assembly on a knife edge and move the arrow longitudinally until achieving perfect
balance. Mark this balance point accurately to permit subsequent measurements. Perform the following calculation to determine the
arrow’s F.O.C.
The ATA F.O.C. balance formula is:
F.O.C % = 100 X (A-L/2)
L = Actual Arrow Length: Distance from bottom of the nock groove to the end of the shaft as shown in figures 1-5.
A = Distance measured from the bottom of the nock groove to the finished arrow balance position (includes point or broadhead, insert,
nock system, and fletching weight).
A r c h e r y Tr a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s 41
ATA/ARR-201-2008 Guideline for Determining ATA Actual Arrow Length and Arrow Front of Center (F.O.C.) Balance Point
4. F.O.C. Recommendation
To provide a good starting point when constructing a set of arrows or when analyzing an arrow’s flight characteristics, ATA
recommends this general range of F.O.C.s for each discipline of archery.
Hunting 10-15%
42 A r c h e r y T r a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s
ATA/ARR-201-2008 Guideline for Determining ATA Actual Arrow Length and Arrow Front of Center (F.O.C.) Balance Point 43
A r c h e r y Tr a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s
ATA/ARR-202-2008 Guideline for the ATA Measurement of Arrow Shaft Static Spine (Stiffness) of a Non-Wood Arrow Shaft
To determine or test Non-Wood Arrow Spine Measurement. The arrow shaft length shall be the span distance plus a minimum of 1.0 in.
(2.54 cm). The arrow shaft shall be supported at a fixed span of 28.0 in. (71.1 cm) for shafts manufactured above 29.0 in (73.7 cm) or a
fixed span of 23.0 in. (58.4cm) for shafts manufactured shorter than 29.0 in. (73.7cm). The arrow shaft shall be deflected by a 1.94 lb (880g
±0.05g) weight at the center of the span. The measurement difference in inches between the center of the shaft at rest and center of the
shaft during deflection shall be the shaft spine value.
1. Scope
1.1 This guideline covers the testing technique, method, formulations, and designations used to define an arrow spine measurement guide.
1.2 This guideline does not provide any expressed or implied warranty in respect to any engineering or structural performance from any
arrow or arrow shaft. This guideline does not provide any warranty, expressed or implied, that any particular arrow or arrow shaft is
fit for any particular purpose, or will function safely, or will possess any other attribute.
This conversion formula will calculate the shaft spine within ±.015 of actual.
2.6 Measurement Location: Spine measurement location shall be at the center of the arrow shaft span. In instances where this is not
practical due to shaft design, the manufacturer shall disclose the measurement location(s) from an identifiable datum on the shaft.
2.7 Measurement Equipment: Measurement equipment may involve the use of dial indicators, probe indicators, and laser gauging devices.
2.7.1 Mechanical Indicators: In the case of mechanical indicators, probe pressure should be limited to no more than 0.176 oz (5 g).
2.7.2 Non-contact Gauging Equipment: Non-contact gauging equipment, such as laser-gauging equipment, shall read to within 0.001
in. (.0254 mm) of mechanical measurement equipment, conforming to the test methods and specifications outlined herein.
2.8 Span Support Points: Support points shall allow free axial travel of the shaft as the shaft is deflected during measurement.
2.8.1 Span Support Point Configuration: The shaft support point shall have a maximum diameter of 0.125 in. (3.175 mm) at the point of
contact with the arrow shaft.
44 A r c h e r y T r a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s
ATA/ARR-202-2008 Guideline for the ATA Measurement of Arrow Shaft Static Spine (Stiffness) of a Non-Wood Arrow Shaft
3. Significance and Use
3.1 This guideline will be used to determine an ATA Arrow Shaft Spine by which benchmarks and comparisons can be made by
manufacturers and consumers.
4. Test Methods
4.1 Test Description: The arrow shaft shall be deflected by a 1.94 lb (880g ±0.05g) weight at the center of the span. The weight may
suspend from or rest upon the shaft. The measurement difference between the position of a given datum at the center of the shaft at
rest and the position of the same datum during deflection shall be the shaft spine value. The reading shall be taken within 30 seconds
to prevent plastic deformation of the shaft material affecting the measurement.
4.2 Measurement Accuracy: The accuracy and span tolerance of the equipment and setup shall have a measured accuracy of at least
±0.002 in. (0.05 mm).
SAS Formula:
SAS = Maximum Spine – Minimum Spine
From 4 measurement readings taken @ 90° apart around the circumference of the shaft.
5.5 Measurement Tolerance: In instances where a manufacturer wishes to specify a plus/minus reading, this should be indicated as
distinct from the standard spine (for example, ±0.001 in.).
A r c h e r y Tr a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s 45
ATA/ARR-203-2008 Guideline for the ATA Measurement of Round Arrow Shaft Straightness
To determine or test Round Arrow Straightness Measurement. The length of the span to be used for this guideline is 28.0 inch (71.1 cm).
Arrow shafts shall be measured for straightness at the center of the arrow shaft span. Measurements shall be taken with a non-contact
laser type optical measurement device or a mechanical indicator with specified probe pressure. The arrow shaft shall be rotated about its
longitudinal axis while being measured for straightness at the center of the span.
1. Scope
1.1 This guide covers the formulation and designation of straightness measurement guidelines and nomenclature for arrow shafts.
1.2 This guideline is designed to provide manufacturers and consumers a means for measuring the straightness of arrow shafts with tools
and devices available in the archery industry.
1.3 This guideline does not provide any expressed or implied warranty in respect to any engineering or structural performance from the
arrow or arrow shaft. This guideline does not provide any warranty, expressed or implied, that any particular arrow or arrow shaft is
fit for any particular purpose, or will function safely, or will possess any other attribute.
Conversion Formula:
28-inch straightness value = 25-inch straightness value x 28/25
For example:
Measured Straightness at 25 inch = 0.0030 inch
Calculated Straightness at 28 inch = 0.0030 inch x 28/25, Where 28/25 = 1.12
Straightness at 28 inch = 0.0030 inch x 1.12 = 0.0034 inch
2.5 Measurement Location: Arrow shafts shall be measured for straightness at the center of the arrow shaft span distance. The tolerance
for the measurement’s location shall be equal to or better than ±0.250 inch (0.635 cm).
2.6 Measurement Equipment: Measurements may be taken with a non-contact laser type optical measurement device or a
mechanical indicator.
2.7 Mechanical Indicators: In the case of mechanical indicators, probe pressure should be limited to no more than 0.176 oz (5 g).
2.8 Support Wheels: Support wheels must feature low-friction bearings and exhibit a positive crown to limit the contact area with the
arrow shaft.
46 A r c h e r y T r a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s
ATA/ARR-203-2008 Guideline for the ATA Measurement of Round Arrow Shaft Straightness
4. Test Methods
4.1 Test Description: The arrow shaft shall be rotated about its longitudinal axis while being measured for straightness at the center of
the span. This rotation cancels out the effect of gravity-induced sag. The rotation speed shall not exceed the resolution ability of the
measurement device to ensure accurate straightness measurement.
4.2 Shaft Roundness: Accuracy of this measurement method depends upon the roundness of the arrow shaft. In situations where shafts
are not round, this attribute can be factored out of the straightness measurement by using additional measurement devices at the span
supports. If this adjustment method is used, it shall be noted along with the measurement value.
4.3 Measurement Accuracy: The measurement accuracy of the laser or mechanical device shall be equal to or better than ±0.001 inch
(0.025 mm) for this ATA guideline.
Straightness of model ABC arrows = ±0.005 inch average
Straightness of model DEF arrows = ±0.002 inch worst case
A r c h e r y Tr a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s 47
ATA/ARR-204-2008 Guideline for the ATA Threaded Replacement Point System Specifications
A recommended guideline for arrow components that will ensure components produced to this ATA guide will fit together onto the
arrow shaft.
1. Scope
1.1 This guide provides the recommended basic dimensions required to ensure that Threaded Inserts, Points and Broadheads or Tapered
Broadheads produced by component manufacturers to this guideline will fit together as intended to provide the archer with quality
1.2 This guideline does not provide any expressed or implied warranty in respect to any engineering or structural performance from the
component or component fit. This guideline does not provide any warranty, expressed or implied, that a particular component fit or
component is fit for any particular purpose, or will function safely, or will possess any other attribute.
48 A r c h e r y T r a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s
ATA/ARR-204-2008 Guideline for the ATA Threaded Replacement Point System Specifications
Ø .2075
A R.003 - .005R MAX 0.002 A
R.010 + .005
0.002 C
Ø .2045 C
.375 MAX
.355 MIN
.775 MAX
.760 MIN
Ø.255 MIN
A r c h e r y Tr a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s 49
ATA/ARR-205-2008 Guideline for the ATA Arrow Nock and Point Tapers Specifications
A recommended guideline for “Arrow Point and Nock Tapers” that ensures components produced to this ATA guide will fit onto the
arrow shaft.
1. Scope
1.1 This guide provides the recommended basic dimensions required to ensure that Tapered Points and Broadheads produced by
component manufacturers to this guideline will fit together as intended to provide the archer with quality components.
1.2 This guideline does not provide any expressed or implied warranty in respect to any engineering or structural performance from any
arrow or arrow shaft. This guideline does not provide any warranty, expressed or implied, that any particular arrow or arrow shaft is
fit for any particular purpose, or will function safely, or will possess any other attribute.
.125 +.031
23.Oº (REF)
50 A r c h e r y T r a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s
ATA/ARR-205-2008 Guideline for the ATA Arrow Nock and Point Tapers Specifications
FIG. 2. Arrow Point Taper
5.0º + .25º
.172 +.031
10.0º (REF)
A r c h e r y Tr a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s 51
ATA/ARR-206-2008 Guideline for ATA Arrow Fletching Recommendations, Hunting and Target Arrows
To provide a general Fletching Guideline for fletching arrow shafts with Target Points and Broadheads. The purpose of fletching is to
stabilize the arrow in flight and to prevent planing when using broadheads.
1. Scope
1.1 This guideline covers the designations used to define an ATA Arrow Fletching Recommendation guide with relation to the steerage
required based on the type of point or broadhead used.
1.2 In general, fixed non-vented broadheads require the maximum fletching steerage/stabilization (a longer vane or feather and offset
or helical fletching orientation), vented broadheads require less stabilization, and mechanical broadheads require less fletching
steerage/stabilization than any fixed broadhead. Target points require the least amount of steerage/stabilization. Size and length of
the broadhead, and fletching/arrow-rest clearance are also other critical factors when considering the correct fletching size
and orientation.
1.3 This guideline does not provide any expressed or implied warranty in respect to any engineering or structural performance from any
arrow or arrow shaft. This guideline does not provide any warranty, expressed or implied, that any particular arrow or arrow shaft is
fit for any particular purpose, or will function safely, or will possess any other attribute.
52 A r c h e r y T r a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s
ATA/ARR-206-2008 Guideline for ATA Arrow Fletching Recommendations, Hunting and Target Arrows
2.4 Fletching: Fletching is three to four feathers or plastic vanes in lengths of 1 to 5 inches, glued to the back of the arrow around the
circumference of the shaft, providing the steerage required to keep the arrow flying straight and true to the target.
2.4.1 Vane: Fletching vanes are made of soft, flexible plastic in many shapes, colors, lengths, thicknesses, and styles. Vanes are generally
more durable, quieter, waterproof, and less expensive than feathers.
2.4.2 Feathers: Fletching feathers are available in both right-wing and left-wing, in many colors, sizes, and styles. Feathers are generally
lighter than vanes and provide better stabilization.
2.5 Fletching Location: Position fletching approximately one (1) inch (L) from the bottom of the nock groove.
2.6 Straight Fletch: Fletch is adhered to the shaft inline with the centerline of the arrow and spaced around the circumference in a
three- or four-fletch configuration. Straight fletch provides the best arrow-rest clearance but the least amount of arrow stabilization for
broadheads. Feathers typically cannot be fletched in a straight pattern. Straight fletch is not recommended with hunting broadheads.
2.7 Offset Fletch: Fletch is adhered to the shaft at an angle greater than 1° offset from the centerline of the arrow and spaced around the
circumference in a three- or four-fletch configuration. Offset fletch provides good arrow-rest clearance and better arrow stabilization for
broadheads. An offset fletch generally provides good arrow stabilization for Vented Fixed Broadheads and Mechanical Broadheads.
2.8 Helical Fletch: Fletch is adhered to the shaft in a right-hand or left-hand spiral around the circumference of the arrow and spaced
evenly in a three- or four-fletch configuration. Fletching with vanes in a right- or left-hand helical twist is a matter of personal
preference. Right-wing feathers must be fletched in a right-helical or offset direction and left-wing feathers must be fletched in a
left-helical or offset direction.
A r c h e r y Tr a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s 53
ATA/ARR-206-2008 Guideline for ATA Arrow Fletching Recommendations, Hunting and Target Arrows
4. Fletching Recommendation
In general, the best control for straight arrow flight is obtained using straight-line fletching that is offset from the centerline of the shaft,
or fletching that is applied with a spiral or helical twist. Offset or helical fletching causes the arrow to spin around its longitudinal axis
in flight, producing improved directional stability. The requirement for the level of control (length of vane or feather and offset or helical
orientation) to obtain straight arrow flight will vary with the individual type of broadhead or point used. Fletching/arrow-rest clearance
is also a critical factor when considering the correct fletching size and orientation. It is desirable to have as little vane or feather
interference with the arrow rest as possible and still achieve straight arrow flight.
An arrow with a target or field point will generally fly straight with a 1- to 3-inch vane or feather in a straight or offset orientation, while an
arrow with a broadhead may require a 3- to 5-inch vane or feather applied in an offset or helical arrangement to achieve straight arrow flight.
54 A r c h e r y T r a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s
ATA/ARR-206-2008 Guideline for ATA Arrow Fletching Recommendations, Hunting and Target Arrows 55
A r c h e r y Tr a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s
ATA/ARR-207-2008 Guideline for the ATA Measurement of Wood Arrow Shaft Static Spine (Stiffness)
To determine or test Wood Arrow Shaft Static Spine Measurement. The arrow shaft shall be supported at a fixed span of 26.0 in. (66.0 cm).
The arrow shaft shall be deflected by a 2.00 lb (907g ±0.05g) weight at the center of the span. The measurement difference in inches
between the center of the shaft at rest and center of the shaft during deflection shall be the shaft spine value.
1. Scope
1.1 This guideline covers the testing technique, method, and ATA Wood arrow selection recommendation.
1.2 This guideline is not intended to provide any engineering or structural evaluation of the arrow shaft or components that would
determine their fitness for the use intended, safe function, or any other attribute except as stated.
4. Test Methods
4.1 Test Description: The wood arrow shaft shall be oriented with the wood grain parallel to and deflected by a 2 lb (907g ±0.05g) weight
at the center of the 26-inch (66.0cm) span. The weight may suspend from or rest upon the shaft. The measurement difference between
the position of a given datum at the center of the shaft at rest and the position of the same datum during deflection shall be the shaft
spine value.
56 A r c h e r y T r a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s
ATA/ARR-207-2008 Guideline for the ATA Measurement of Wood Arrow Shaft Static Spine (Stiffness) 57
A r c h e r y Tr a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s
ATA/ACC-301-2008 Guideline for ATA Stabilizer Rod Mounting Studs Specification
To define and promote the standardization of an Archery Stabilizer’s rod mounting stud specifications to be 5/16-24 UNF thread size with
a length of .625 inches (±.125 inch). It’s generally accepted that the 5/16-24 UNF threaded hole and threaded bolt, or stud, provides an
adequate margin of strength needed to cope with the stress loads imposed by modern Compound Bows, long and heavy stabilizers, and the
combined use of high-performance bowstring materials.
1. Scope
1.1 This guideline covers the ATA recommendation for the specification of Archery Stabilizer’s rod mounting stud.
1.2 This guideline does not provide any expressed or implied warranty in respect to any engineering or structural performance of a
particular Archery Stabilizer or any particular Archery Accessory. This Guideline does not provide any warranty, expressed or implied,
that a particular Archery Stabilizer or Archery Accessory is fit for any particular purpose, or will function safely, or will possess any
other attribute.
2. Reference Documents
2.1 ATA Technical Guideline for ATA Stabilizer and Accessory Mounting Holes Specifications (ATA/BOW-109-2008).
5. Guideline
5.1 On Archery Stabilizers, the ATA recommended Stabilizer Rod mounting stud should be 5/16-24 UNF thread size and should be a
minimum of .625 inches long (±.125 inch).
6. Drawings
6.1 ATA recommended Stabilizer and accessory mounting stud dimensions and specification drawings.
.625” (+.125)
5/16-24 UNF
58 A r c h e r y T r a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s
A r c h e r y Tr a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s ATA/ACC-301-2008 Guideline for ATA Stabilizer Rod Mounting Studs Specification
ATA/ACC-302-2008 Guideline for ATA Specification for Marking of Single-Lens Scopes for use with Archery Bows
This guideline outlines the method used to determine the archer’s apparent target magnification of a given lens with a specific Diopter,
and the distance the lens is placed from the archer’s eye.
1. Scope
1.1 This guideline covers the ATA procedures and specifications for classification of lenses and sighting scopes magnification as used in
conjunction with archery bows.
1.2 This system for classification of these lenses, in terms of their optical magnification, depicts the empirical relationship of the apparent
magnification the archer can expect to obtain when a correctly marked lens is used under specific conditions.
1.3 The visual acuity of these lenses is related to the magnification of the lens, the specific archer, lens quality and the size and quality
of the rear aperture (peep sight) used in conjunction with the lens. Acuity is not the subject of this guideline but should also be
considered in choosing the appropriate lens for the archer’s style of shooting and personal needs.
1.4 This guideline does not provide any expressed or implied warranty in respect to any engineering or structural performance of a
particular Archery Bow, Archery Bow Scope lens, or any other particular Archery Accessory. This Guideline does not provide any
warranty, expressed or implied, that a particular Archery Bow, Archery Bow Scope, or any Archery Accessory is fit for any particular
purpose, or will function safely, or will possess any other attribute.
2. Reference Documents
2.1 (none)
60 A r c h e r y T r a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s
ATA/ACC-302-2008 Guideline for ATA Specification for Marking of Single-Lens Scopes for use with Archery Bows
5.2 The classification of lenses for use with archery bows shall be determined by measuring their focal length in meters. These lenses shall
be specified as a given Diopter and should conform to that classification by having a focal length that corresponds to that Diopter value
within ±3 percent.
5.3 The apparent magnification that an archer experiences depends on two important factors. First, the Optical magnification, or Diopters
of the lens; and secondly, the distance the lens is placed from the user’s eye.
5.4 Given the optical magnification, or Diopters, of a lens and the distance it is placed from the archer’s eye, the apparent magnification can
be determined.
5.5 The apparent magnification is defined empirically by the following formula:
Apparent Magnification = 1/ (1-D X ESM),
Where D = lens optical magnification, or Diopters, and:
ESM (Eye to Scope Distance) is in meters.
5.6 If the Eye-to-Scope distance is measured in inches (ESI), then ESM is substituted in the formula with (ESI / 39.37).
5.7 Lenses and Scopes should be marked clearly and permanently with the Diopter number of that lens.
6. Charts
6.1 ATA Approved Single-Lens bow Scope chart.
A r c h e r y Tr a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s 61
ATA/ACC-303-2008 Guideline for ATA Accessory and Sight Mounting Holes Specification
To define and promote the standardization of Archery Bow Sight mounting hole specification, to be two each through holes with a diameter
of .206(±0.005 inch) and with a center to center span of 1.312 inches (±0.005 inch). This specification accommodates the use of a 10-24
UNC bolt and matches the guideline for the mounting hole specifications on Archery Bows.
1. Scope
1.1 This guideline covers the ATA recommendation for the specification of an Archery Bow Sight and Accessory mounting holes.
1.2 The defined holes within this guideline have proven over time to be adequate for attaching sighting devices to the bow.
These dimensions may not be adequate for attaching other accessory devices as they may overload the screw and/or mounting
hole threads.
1.3 This guideline does not provide any expressed or implied warranty in respect to any engineering or structural performance of a
particular Archery Bow, Archery Bow Sight, or any particular Accessory. This Guideline does not provide any warranty, expressed or
implied, that a particular Archery Bow or Accessory is fit for any particular purpose, or will function safely, or will possess any
other attribute.
2. Reference Documents
2.1 ATA Technical Guideline for Sight Mounting Holes (ATA/BOW-108-2008).
5. Guideline
5.1 On Archery bow sights, the ATA recommended sight and accessory mounting holes are to be .206 (± 0.005) inch through holes.
5.2 ATA recommended sight and accessory mounting holes for both Bows and Accessories are to have a “center to center” dimension of
1.312 inches (±0.005 inch).
62 A r c h e r y T r a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s
ATA/ACC-303-2008 Guideline for ATA Accessory and Sight Mounting Holes Specification
6. Drawings
6.1 ATA recommended sight and accessory mounting hole dimensions and specification drawings.
A r c h e r y Tr a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e s 63
8 6 0 E A S T 4 5 0 0 S O U T H • S U I T E 3 1 0 • S A LT L A K E C I T Y, U T 8 4 1 0 7 • 8 6 6 - 2 6 6 - 2 7 7 6
66 A r c h e r y T r a d e A s s o c i a t i o n Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e233-182
s - 2/3/2009