Section 13 Using Standards Data and Information: Andbook
Section 13 Using Standards Data and Information: Andbook
Section 13 Using Standards Data and Information: Andbook
examples have been arranged in the order best suitable for direct
and quick use. As an example of this type of presentation, the sec-
tion on bevel gearing, starting on Handbook page 2177, begins
with text material that provides the basis for understanding infor-
mation presented in the AGMA standards; the illustrations on
Handbook pages 2182 and 2183 provide visual definition of essen-
tial parts and dimensions of a bevel gear; the formulas on Hand-
book page 2171 show how to calculate dimensions of milled bevel
gears; the tables on starting on Handbook page 2185 give numbers
of formed cutters used to mill teeth in mating bevel gear and pinion
sets with shafts at right angles; and finally, the worked-out exam-
ples beginning on Handbook page 2187 give a step-by-step proce-
dure for selecting formed cutters for milling bevel gears. Also,
where combinations of tables and formulas are given, the formulas
have been arranged in the best sequence for computation with the
aid of a pocket calculator.