1 s2.0 S2213576613000808 Main
1 s2.0 S2213576613000808 Main
1 s2.0 S2213576613000808 Main
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Congenital penile torsion is a three-dimensional abberation in penile development producing
Received 29 December 2012 abnormal helical structures of the corpora. We present a case of isolated congenital penile torsion in
Received in revised form brothers. This is the first indication of a potential hereditary component in the development of
6 April 2013
isolated congenital penile torsion in three decades.
Accepted 8 April 2013
Ó 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. Open access under CC BY-NC-SA license.
Key words:
Congenital penile torsion
Congenital penile torsion (CPT) is a three-dimensional abnor- overwhelming majority only had a mild deformity (87% with an
mality of rotation of the corporal bodies producing an aberrant angle of 11e20 ). No neonates were observed to have a degree of
helical structure [1]. The first case of CPT was described with deviation of greater than 60 of the glans [5]. The natural history of
hypospadias in 1857 [2]. this group has not been defined.
The severity of the deformity is based on the degree of glanular The indication for interventions are cosmetic and functional
angulation into mild (<45 ), moderate (45e90 ) or severe (>90 ) [10,11]. It is generally regarded that deformities of greater than 60
[3]. The structural deformity is almost exclusively counter- should be considered for corrective surgery in the absence of
clockwise; in a series of 370 only two of the deformities were associated hypospadias or chordee [4]. The functional sequelae of
clockwise [4,5]. CPT can occur in isolation or in combination with isolated CPT in adulthood are not well described. However in a
hypospadias or chordee; 34 cases have been reported illustrating study of more than 11,000 men presenting to infertility/sexual
this association [4]. dysfunction clinics in Egypt, 12% had penile torsion. The degree of
A limiting factor in diagnosis is glans accessibility, therefore the torsion was only mild in 80% of cases, but 5% had torsion of more
condition may remain unrecognized until circumcision or the than 60 [12].
foreskin becomes retractile. There has been a paucity of data to
define the incidence of isolated congenital torsion, but it was his-
torically considered a rare disease [2,6e8]. In a prospective study of 1. Case report
274 neonates, mild torsion was described in 1.5% and severe iso-
lated torsion in 0.7% [9]. However, a recent study exploring the A four-year-old boy presented with isolated CPT of 90 counter-
incidence in 370 neonates that were exclusively circumcised found clockwise rotation. This was surgically corrected with penile
an incidence of isolated neonatal penile torsion of 30%, although the degloving, rotational correction and redundant skin was resected.
Three months following this he was observed to have a successful
correction with no residual rotation.
Following this his six-year old brother presented with difficulty
directing his urinary stream. He was initially treated with steroid
cream because of adhesive foreskin which was not retractile.
Following this the foreskin could be retracted revealing an isolated
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ64 (09) 307 4949; fax: þ64 (09) 307 8952. torsion of 30 . He was brought forward for corrective surgery and
E-mail address: [email protected] (K. Taghavi). circumcision for severe phimosis. The phallus was degloved to
2213-5766 Ó 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. Open access under CC BY-NC-SA license.
240 K. Taghavi et al. / J Ped Surg Case Reports 1 (2013) 239e240
release the skin level penile torsion. There was otherwise no other
family history of urogenital anomalies.
2. Discussion