Constriction Band 2
Constriction Band 2
Constriction Band 2
Case Report
*Corresponding Author:
Ozinko MO
Email: [email protected]
Abstract: Congenital constriction band syndrome is a congenital disorder caused by entrapment of parts in fibrous band
while in utero. A review of the operating register revealed only two cases in three years. We are presenting a case report
of a patient and a literature review pointing out the rarity, aetiology, mechanisms, diagnosis and different treatment
options. The condition has good prognosis.
Keywords: Congenital, band syndrome,
Congenital constriction band syndrome or CASE REPORT
amniotic syndrome band is a congenital disorder caused A 2-year-old child presented with unilateral
by entrapment of fetal parts in fibrous band while in congenital constriction rings at the distal third of the
utero [1]. It is a rare congenital hand anomaly. However legs since birth. Mother attended antenatal clinic at a
the incidence is on the increase in literature. It has Government General Hospital. She had high grade fever
different names which suggest that the real cause of the in the first trimester of pregnancy for which she was
disease is not yet known. However there have been treated for malaria with sulfadoxine- pyrimethamine.
speculations that it could be due to entanglement by No history of bleeding, intake of herbal preparation nor
fragments of ruptured amniotic membrane in utero or it drugs not prescribed by a clinician. No family history of
could be due to vascular disruption to certain parts of hand and foot deformity. Both parents were public
the body. After birth, the diagnosis is clinical but in servants. Further evaluation of child did not reveal any
utero, it is made by using 3D or 4D Doppler scan or other congenital abnormality. Multiple z-plasty was
MRI. Presentation could be varied, usually the limb used for the surgery. The outcome was satisfactory as
deformities are accompanied with other body shown below. Follow up period was one year.
anomalies. Treatment is both conservative and surgical
with good prognosis.
Ozinko MO,et al.; Saudi J. Med.; Vol-2, Iss-4(Jun-Jul, 2017):93-97