NCM 117a Module #3 (B2)
NCM 117a Module #3 (B2)
NCM 117a Module #3 (B2)
Abidog Bernales Cando Dayandante
Espeleta Galang Ignacio Nilo
Ocampo Sanchez Visaya
C A S E P R E S E N T A T I O N:
Prior to Assessment:
☞ Mrs. Williams has been having
severe memory problems for
the past seven years.
☞ The patient looks like she's
trying to complete a puzzle and
then gives up and falls asleep.
☞ She must be led to the kitchen
to eat and to her bed to sleep.
A S S E S S M E N T:
Prior to Assessment:
☞ Mrs. Williams has been having
severe memory problems for
the past seven years and seems
to be getting worse.
Prior to Assessment:
☞ The patient did not show any
signs or symptoms that might
indicate depression.
A S S E S S M E N T:
Prior to Assessment:
☞ The patient’s daughter did not mention
any significant medical history that might
associate with the following.
Prior to Assessment:
☞ The patient does not have problems in
dietary intake nor anemia for she often
sleeps and eat at the right time.
Prior to Assessment:
☞ The patient has no significant past
medical history that would indicate
cardiovascular risk factors.
A S S E S S M E N T:
Prior to Assessment:
☞ The patient’s daughter mentioned that
she is having difficulty coping because
she does not know what the disease is.
Prior to Assessment:
☞ The patient’s daughter did not show any
symptoms of depression or in a
depressed mood.
Prior to Assessment:
☞ The patient’s daughter did not mention
any financial issues/problems.
A S S E S S M E N T:
Prior to Assessment:
☞ The patient’s daughter stated that
“I was sleeping in the living room
and I remember waking up and
watching her walk into the
kitchen. And she just looked up.
She looked around, and she was
wondering where she was at.”
M A N A G E M E N T: