Sodium dichloroisocyanurate
Sodium dichloroisocyanurate
Dichloroisocyanuric acid sodium salt
CAS No: 51580-86-0 dihydrate
Oxidizing solid.
The substance itself does not burn, but in contact with combustible substances it increases the risk
of fire and can fuel any existing fire substantially.
Freely soluble in water.
Acute or chronic health hazards result from the substance.
The substance is hazardous to the aquatic environment.
(see: chapter REGULATIONS).
Value: 1,97 g/cm³
Temperature: 25 °C
Reference: 01221
pH-value: 6 ... 7
Temperature: 25 °C
Concentration: 10 g/l
Reference: 00220
Decompositon products
Reference: 02071
Reference: 02072
Respiratory tract
Inhalative exposure to D.-Na salt dusts existing in a respirable form was reported from a production
In aqueous solution, the D.-Na salt reacts slowly to form hypochloric acid and cyanurate.[00419]
It is assumed that this hydrolysis already starts in moist air or on the mucous membranes of the
airways so that the hydrolysis products are expected to have an impact there.[00220]
No kinetic data on the inhalative intake is available.[99983]
No studies on the penetrability through the skin is available for the salts of D.[99983]
Systemic effects observed in an experiment with dermal application of the D.-potassium salt on
rodents suggest the possibility of dermal uptake.[00450]
According to the kinetic data available for cyanuric acid, however, rather minor absorption through
the skin should be expected.[99999]
Gastrointestinal tract
The possibility of absorption via the gastrointestinal tract
is confirmed by systemic effects in animal experiments.[99999]
No kinetic data is available for this intake pathway either.[99983]
Acute toxicity
Chronic toxicity
This occupational health information was compiled on 01.09.2003.
It will be updated if necessary.
Rinse the affected eye with widely spread lids for 10 minutes under running water whilst protecting
the unimpaired eye.
Then, immediately transport the casualty to an eye doctor / to hospital.
Remove contaminated clothing while protecting yourself.
Rinse the affected skin areas for at least 10 to 20 minutes under running water.
Arrange for medical treatment.
Respiratory tract
Whilst protecting yourself remove the casualty from the hazardous area and take him to the fresh air.
Lay the casualty down in a quiet place and protect him against hypothermia.
As soon as possible repeatedly have the casualty deeply breath a glucocorticoid inhalation spray in.
In the case of breathing difficulties have the casualty inhale oxygen.
In every case, even if there are no symptoms:
Arrange medical treatment.
[00450, 08013]
Rinse the mouth and spit the fluids out.
If the casualty is conscious have him drink 1 glass of water (ca 200 ml).
Do not make the casualty vomit.
In the meantime call a physician to the site of the accident.
- Medical advice:
Following contact with the eyes, careful, prolonged rinsing and alleviation of pain (as necessary)
should be followed by a ophthalmologist consultation.[08013]
Initially rinse contaminated skin with water, then thoroughly cleanse with soap and water.
Subsequently, irritated areas can be treated with a dermatocorticoid.
Following extensive contact long-term observation of the casualty for systemic effects is
Following inhalation apply rather a lot of fresh air. If massive exposure is suspected or there are
signs of irritation, apply glucocorticoids (inhalatively, i.v.).
Carry out all further prophylactic, measures for pulmonary edema. For bronchospasm in addition
administer bronchodilators (eg Fenoterol). If chlorine gas has been inhaled, artificial ventilation with
oxygen can be disadvantageous (use it only intermittently).[08013]
Even if there are no symptoms initially, long-term observation of the casualty is indicated in order to
watch for the development of lung damage.[99999]
Following swallowing have the casualty drink quite, a lot of water.[08013]
If larger amounts were swallowed and signs of perforation are definitely absent, gastrolavage is to be
The therapy of possible systemic effects has to be done symptomatically.[99999]
For postobservation following poisoning with derivatives of cyanuric acid, check of the functions of
the heart/circulatory system, liver and kidneys as well as of hematologic parameters is
recommended in particular.[08013]
Provide the physician information about the substance/product and treatment already
If the Na salt of dichloroisocyanuric acid is dissolved in water, it slowly releases hypochloric acid. In
particular at high temperatures or in contact with acids, the substance is expected to release
chlorine gas.[00419]
This first aid information was compiled on 01.09.2003.
It will be updated if necessary.
Handling | Storage | Fire and explosion protection | Organisational measures | Personal protection |
Disposal considerations | Accidental release measures | Fire fighting measures
Provision of good ventilation in the working area.
IFA GESTIS-Substance Database 8/17 25.10.2021
Sodium dichloroisocyanurate
The floor should not have a floor drain.
Washing facility at the workplace required.
Eye bath required. These locations must be signposted
When handling excessive amounts of the substance an emergency shower is required.
Use closed apparatus if possible.
If release of the substance cannot be prevented, then it should be suctioned off at the point of exit.
Consider emission limit values, a purification of waste gases if necessary.
Label containers and pipelines clearly.
Do not use any food containers - risk of mistake.
Containers have to be labelled clearly and permanently.
Store in the original container as much as possible.
Keep container tightly closed in a cool, dry and well-ventilated place.
Protect from moisture.
The classification in storage class 4.1 is based on the BAM classification in storage group III (see 43.
List of storage group classifications of other explosive substances).
Precaution on handling
Keep away from open flames.
Observe the smoking prohibition!
Absolutely no welding in the working area.
Only work with vessels and lines after these have been thoroughly rinsed.
Work done with fire or open flame should only be carried out with written permission if the risk of fire
or explosion cannot be completely eliminated.
Keep away from combustible materials.
Filter the solutions only with glass wool, glass chips, or ceramic filters. Do not use any filtration
materials made of paper which risks ignition after drying. Do not leave any cleaning rags lying in the
Instruction on the hazards and the protective measures using instruction manual (TRGS 555) are
required with signature if just more than one minor hazard was detected.
Instruction must be provided before employment and then at a minimum of once per annum
An escape and rescue plan must be prepared when the location, scale, and use of the work-site so
Observe the restrictions on juvenile employment as defined in the "Jugendarbeitsschutzgesetz".
Body protection
Depending on the risk, wear a sufficiently long apron and boots or a suitable chemical protection
Respiratory protection
In an emergency (e.g.: unintentional release of the substance) respiratory protection must be worn.
Consider the maximum period for wear.
Respiratory protection: Particle filter P2, colour code white.
Use insulating device for concentrations above the usage limits for filter devices, for oxygen
concentrations below 17% volume, or in circumstances which are unclear.
IFA GESTIS-Substance Database 10/17 25.10.2021
Sodium dichloroisocyanurate
Eye protection
Sufficient eye protection must be worn.
Wear chemical safety goggles.
If the face is at risk a protective shield must also be worn.
Hand protection
Use protective gloves. The glove material must be sufficiently impermeable and resistant to the
substance. Check the tightness before wear. Gloves should be well cleaned before being removed,
then stored in a well ventilated location. Pay attention to skin care.
Skin protection cremes do not protect sufficiently against the substance.
The following information is valid for aqueous, saturated solutions of the substance.
The following materials are suitable for protective gloves (Permeation time >= 8 hours):
Nitrile rubber/Nitrile latex - NBR (0,35 mm)
Butyl rubber - Butyl (0,5 mm)
Fluoro carbon rubber - FKM (0,4 mm)
Protective gloves of the following materials should not be worn longer than 4 hours continually
(Permeation time >= 4 hours):
Polychloroprene - CR (0,5 mm)
Protective gloves of the following materials should not be worn longer than 1 hour continually
(Permeation time >= 1 hour):
Polyvinyl chloride - PVC (0,5 mm)
Following materials are unsuitable for protective gloves because of degradation, severe swelling or
low permeation time:
Natural rubber/Natural latex - NR
The times listed are suggested by measurements taken at 22 °C and constant contact. Temperatures
raised by warmed substances, body heat, etc. and a weakening of the effective layer thickness
caused by expansion can lead to a significantly shorter breakthrough time. In case of doubt contact
the gloves' manufacturer. A 1.5-times increase / decrease in the layer thickness doubles / halves the
breakthrough time. This data only applies to the pure substance. Transferred to mixtures of
substances, these figures should only be taken as an aid to orientation.
Occupational hygiene
Foods, beverages and other articles of consumption must not be consumed at the work areas.
Suitable areas are to be designated for these purposes.
Avoid contact with eyes. In case of contact rinse the affected eye(s).
Avoid contact with clothing. Contaminated clothes must be exchanged and cleaned carefully.
The skin must be washed with soap and water before breaks and at the end of work.
Apply fatty skin-care products after washing.
Endangerment of watert:
Severe hazard to waters. Avoid penetration into water, drainage, sewer, or the ground. Inform the
responsible authorities about penetration of even small quantities.
Substance is non-combustible, but has an oxidizing effect.
Cool surrounding containers with water spray.
If possible, take container out of dangerous zone.
Heating causes a rise in pressure, risk of bursting and
Do not allow runoff to get into the sewage system.
GHS Classification/Labelling | Workplace labelling | Water hazard class | Air quality control |
Transport Regulations | Seveso III | Restriction of use | Technical rules |
Regulations of accident insurers
Oxidising solids, Category 2; H272
Acute toxicity, Category 4, oral; H302
Skin corrosion, Category 1A; H314
Hazardous to the aquatic environment, Acute Category 1; H400
Hazardous to the aquatic environment, Chronic Category 1; H410
P210: Keep away from heat, hot surfaces, sparks, open flames and other ignition sources. No
P260: Do not breathe dust/mist.
P273: Avoid release to the environment.
P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.
P303+P361+P353: IF ON SKIN (or hair): Remove/Take off immediately all contaminated clothing.
Rinse skin with water or shower.
P305+P351+P338: IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact
lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.
Reference: 99999
The general concentration limits from Annex 1 of the Regulation (EU) 1272/2008 are to be used for
possibly unspecified concentration ranges or further available substance classifications.
Reference: 07501
Prohibition label
No open flame; fire, open ignition sources and smoking
Warning label
Caution - corrosive
Precept label
Wear safety
UN Number: 2465
Shipping name: Dichlorisocyanuric acid, dry or Dichloroisocyanuric acid salts,
Hazard Identification Number: 50
Class: 5.1 (Oxidizing Agents)
Packing Group: II (medium danger)
Danger Label: 5.1
Classification code: O2
Tunnel restrictions:
Passage forbidden through tunnels of category E.
Reference: 07902
Annex XVII to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, consolidated version (BAUA) (only in German)
TRGS 400
Gefährdungsbeurteilung für Tätigkeiten mit Gefahrstoffen; Ausgabe Juli 2017
TRGS 555
Betriebsanweisung und Information der Beschäftigten; Ausgabe Februar 2017
TRGS 600
Substitution; Ausgabe Juli 2020
TRGS 401
Gefährdung durch Hautkontakt, Ermittlung - Beurteilung - Maßnahmen; Ausgabe Juni 2008; zuletzt
berichtigt März 2011
TRGS 500
Schutzmaßnahmen; Ausgabe September 2019
TRGS 509
Lagern von flüssigen und festen Gefahrstoffen in ortsfesten Behältern sowie Füll- und Entleerstellen
für ortsbewegliche Behälter; Ausgabe September 2014, zuletzt berichtigt, geändert und ergänzt
Oktober 2020
TRGS 510
Lagerung von Gefahrstoffen in ortsbeweglichen Behältern; Ausgabe Januar Dezember 2020
TRGS 800
Brandschutzmaßnahmen; Ausgabe Dezember 2010
Quelle: 00001
IFA: Erfassungs- und Pflegehandbuch der GESTIS-Stoffdatenbank (nicht öffentlich)
Data acquisition and maintenance manual of the GESTIS substance database (non-public)
Quelle: 00220
IUCLID-CD-ROM, Year 2000 edition; European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for
Health and Consumer Protection, European Chemicals Bureau; Ispra, Italy
Quelle: 00419
CHEMINFO - Chemical Profiles Created by CCOHS
Quelle: 00450
HSDB-Datenbankrecherche 2003
Quelle: 01221
GHS-Sicherheitsdatenblatt, Sigma-Aldrich
GHS Material Safety Data Sheet, Sigma-Aldrich
IFA GESTIS-Substance Database 16/17 25.10.2021
Sodium dichloroisocyanurate
Quelle: 02071
Toxicological Data, compiled by the National Institute of Health (NIH), USA, selected and distributed
by Technical Database Services (TDS), New York, 2009
Quelle: 02072
Ecotoxicological Data, compiled by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), selected and
distributed by Technical Database Services (TDS), New York, 2009
Quelle: 06002
L. Roth, U. Weller
"Gefährliche Chemische Reaktionen" Loseblattsammlung mit Ergänzungslieferungen
"Dangerous chemical reactions" loose-leaf collection with supplement deliveries
Quelle: 07501
Verordnung (EG) Nr. 790/2009 der Kommission vom 10. August 2009 zur Änderung der Verordnung
(EG) Nr. 1272/2008 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates über die Einstufung,
Kennzeichnung und Verpackung von Stoffen und Gemischen zwecks Anpassung an den technischen
und wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt (EG-GHS-Verordnung, 1. Änderung)
Quelle: 07520
Europäische Chemikalienagentur ECHA: Informationen über registrierte Substanzen
European Chemicals Agency ECHA: Information on registered substances
Quelle: 07580
Bekanntmachung der Liste der wassergefährdenden Stoffe im Bundesanzeiger vom 10.08.2017,
zuletzt geändert 17.08.2021
Quelle: 07635
Quelle: 07784
M.L. Richardson, S. Gangolli "The Dictionary of Substances and their Effects" Royal Society of
Chemistry, 1992
Quelle: 07795
H. Geerißen "GloSaDa 2000 Plus - Glove Safety Data"
Quelle: 07902
BAM: Datenbank Gefahrgut-Schnellinfo
Quelle: 08013
Ludewig "Akute Vergiftungen" 9. Auflage, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart 1999
Quelle: 99983
Liste arbeitsmedizinisch-toxikologischer Standardwerke (2)
List of standard references regarding occupational health and toxikology (2)
Quelle: 99999
Angabe des Bearbeiters
Indication of the editor