Chapter 3

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Philippine History: Spaces

for Conflict and Controversies
Hello student! The journey in this
pandemic has been tough yet you
made it. New normal has come,
but the learning must continue. This
would be pretty exciting! As we LESSON 1: Making Sense of
start digging through this course the Past: Historical
pack, you will start on a bird’s eye Interpretation &
view of this subject Readings in Multiperspectivity
Philippine History.
LESSON 2: Case Study 1:
This module focuses mainly on the Where did the First Catholic
analysis of four historiographical Mass Take Place in the
problems in Philippine history in an Philippines
attempt to apply what you have
learned thus far in the work of a
LESSON 3: Case Study 2:
historian and the process of
historical inquiry. Two key concepts
What happened in the
that need to be defined before Cavity Mutiny?
proceeding to the historical
analysis of problems in history are LESSON 4: Case Study 3: Did
interpretation and Rizal Retract?
multiperspectivity. Case Study 4: Where did the
Cry of Rebellion Happen?
Intended Learning
At the end of Module 3, you should be able to:
a. interpret historical events using primary sources.
b. recognize the multiplicity of interpretation than can be read from
historical text.
c. identify the advantages and disadvantages of employing critical
tools in interpreting historical events through primary sources.
d. demonstrate ability to argue for or against a particular issue
using primary sources.
Making Sense

of the Past:
LESSON Historical
“The history we read, though based on n &
facts, is strictly speaking, not factual at
all, but a series of accepted
judgments” ivity
- Geoffrey Barraclough



In this lesson, challenge yourself to:

a. Define and recognize the Multiperspectivity of the text;

b. Write an interpretation of a historical event using primary sources;


Welcome to Lesson 1! In this lesson, you are expected to learn how to

interpret historical events using primary sources and recognize the
multiplicity of interpretation than can be read from a historical text.
Within two hours, you are encouraged to write a historical
interpretation from the provided text.
Now, let us begin.


Hi! Have you seen the text in the next page? So right now, your
task is to read and analyze the given text. After reading the text,
give your insight abut what you have read. I know you can do it!
Are you ready? Now, let us get started!
The Code of Kalantiaw is a mythical legal code in the epic history
Maragtas. Before it revealed as a hoax, it was a source of pride for the
people of Aklan. In fact, a historical marker was installed in the town of
Bataan, Aklan in 1956, with the following

―CODE OF KALANTIAW. Datu Bendehara Kalantiaw, third Chief of

Panay, born in Aklan, established his government in peninsula of Batang,
Aklan Sakup. Considered the First Filipino Lawgiver, he promulgated in about
1433 a penal code now known as Code of Kalantiaw containing 18 articles.
Don Marcelino Orillo of Zaragoza, Spain, obtained the original manuscript
from an old chief of Panay which was later translated into Spanish by Rafael
Murviedo Yzamaney.‖

It was only in 1968 that it was proved a hoax, when William Henry Scott,
then a doctoral candidate at the University of Santo Tomas, defended his
research on pre-Hispanic sources in Philippine history. He attributed the code
to a historical fiction written in 1913 by Jose E. Marco titled Las Antiguas
Leyendas de la Isla de Negros. Marco attributed the code itself to a priest
named Jose Maria Pavon. Prominent Filipino historians did not dissent to
Scott’s findings, but there are still some who would like to believe that the
code is a legitimate document.

You are done in reading the text. Now let us challenge it more! Based on the text
that you have read, your task is to write an interpretive essay. On your essay, write
an introduction. Next, write the different perspectives of the text. Then, state your
standpoint and give your supporting details. Lastly, write your conclusion. Your
essay must be at least 150 words. I know you can do it! You may begin now.

Hello student! How was your experience with the activities? Are you having fun? If
so, that is great. Right now, let us try to wrap up your experiences with the two
activities. Let us try to answer the following questions:

1. What is the text all about? What can you say about the text?

2. What are the different perspectives of the text?


3. Which perspective do you believe? Why?


4. How did you interpret the text?


5. How did you Identify the multiplicity of interpretation of this historical text?

6. How did you write your interpretive essay?

Historians utilize facts collected from
primary sources of history and then draw
their own reading so that their intended
The following questions may be helpful to
audience may understand the historical
you as you begin to analyze the sources:
event, a process that in essence, “make
sense of the past”. The premise is that not
1. Look at the physical nature of your
all primary sources are accessible to a
source. This is particularly important and
general audience, and without the
powerful if you are dealing with an
proper training and background, a non-
original source (i.e., an actual old letter,
historian interpreting a primary source
rather than a transcribed and published
may do more harm than good.
version of the same letter). What can you
learn from the form of the source? (Was it
written on fancy paper in elegant
INTERPRETATIONS OF THE PAST handwriting, or on scrap-paper, scribbled
in pencil?) What does this tell you?

It may vary according to who reads 2. Think about the purpose of the source.
the primary source, when it was read, What was the author’s message or
and how it was read. As students of argument? What was he/she trying to get
history, we must be well equipped to across? Is the message explicit, or are
recognize the different types of there implicit messages as well?
interpretations, why these may differ
from each other, and how to critically 3. How does the author try to get the
sift these interpretations through message across? What methods does
historical evaluation. Interpretations of he/she use?
historical events change over time;
thus, it is an important skill for a student 4. What do you know about the author?
of history to track these changes in an Race, sex, class, occupation, religion,
attempt to understand the past. age, region, political beliefs? Does any of
this matter? How?

5. Who constituted the intended

MULTIPERSPECTIVITY audience? Was this source meant for one
person’s eyes, or for the public? How does
It can be defined as a way of that affect the source?
looking at historical events,
personalities, developments, cultures, 6. What can a careful reading of the text
and societies from different (even if it is an object) tell you? How does
perspective. This means that there is a the language work? What are the
multitude of ways by which we can important metaphors or symbols? What
view the world, and each could be can the author’s choice of words tell you?
equally valid and at the same time, What about the silences — what does the
equally partial as well. author choose NOT to talk about?

Exploring multiple perspective in history

requires incorporating source materials
that reflects different views of an event
in history, because singular historical
narratives do not provide for space to
inquire and investigate. Different
sources that counter each other may
create space for more investigation
and research, while providing more
evidence for those truths that these
sources agree on.


Hey! I know you are excited to apply your learning in interpreting

historical events through primary sources. In this activity, I will give you a
historical event that you will interpret. Find primary sources that you will use in
interpreting and use the guide questions above in analyzing your sources.

The historical event that you will interpret is, “The true author of “Sa Aking
Mga Kababata””. Indicate your references below. You are given an example
of the interpretation but you must make your own. For you to be guided,
please see the attached rubrics, Appendix A, found at the end of this course.

“Sa Aking Mga Kabata” is a poem purportedly written by Jose Rizal when he
was eight years old and is probably one of Rizal’s most prominent works. There
is no evidence to support the claim that this poem, with the now immortalized
line ―Ang hindi magmahal sakanyang salita/mahigit sa hayop at malansang
isda‖ was written by Rizal, and worse, the evidence against Rizal authorship of
the poem seems all unassailable.

There exists no manuscript of the poem handwritten by Rizal. The poem was first
published in 1906, in a book by Hermenegildo Cruz. Cruz said he received the
poem From Gabriel Beato Francisco, who claimed to have received it in 1884
from Rizal’s close friend, Saturnino Raselis. Rizal never mentioned writing this
poem anywhere in his writings, and more importantly, he never mentioned of
having a close friend by the person of Raselis.

Further criticism of the poem reveals more about the wrongful attribution of the
poem to Rizal. The poem was written in Tagalog and referred to the word
―kalayaan.‖ But it was documented in Rizal’s letters that he first encountered
the word through Marcelo H. del Pilar’s translation of Rizal’s essay ―El Amor
Patrio,‖ where it was spelled as ―kalayaan‖.

While Rizal’s narrative tongue was Tagalog, he was educated in Spanish,

starting from his mother, Teodora Alonso. Later on, he would express
disappointment in his difficulty in expressing himself in his native tongue.

The poem’s spelling is also suspect— the use of letters ―k‖ and ―w‖ to replace
―c‖ and ―u‖, respectively was suggested by Rizal as an adult. If the poem was
indeed written during his time, it should use the original Spanish orthography
that was prevalent in his time.

Now that you are done reading the sample, you can write your own
now. You can put your own interpretation on a sheet of bond paper (Long).

Good Luck!
“Sometimes it pays not to be
2 Where
Mass T

interested in what happened Phili ppin es?

but in what did not happen.”
- Ambeth R. Ocampo



In this lesson, challenge yourself to:

a. State the different perspectives of the text;

b. identify the advantages and disadvantages of employing critical
tools in interpreting historical events through primary sources.


Hooray! It is now Lesson 2 and let us make your curiosity keep burning. Do
you still remember your learnings in History subject in High School? If so, do
you know that there are some events in the history that have conflicts and
controversies today? You read it right! In this lesson, you will enjoy learning
the different perspectives of the two primary sources. You are expected to
make an interpretation from the two primary sources and identify the
advantages and disadvantages of employing critical tools in interpreting
historical events through primary sources.Enjoy!


Hi student! Welcome to our activity. Well, this will be so easy as
you will only list down on the box provided the similarities and
differences of the two primary sources in identifying the first
Catholic mass in the Philippines shown on the next page. Are you
ready now? If so, let us get started!

1. On the 16th of March (1521) as they sailed 1. Saturday, 16 March 1521 – Magellan’s
in a westerly course from Ladrones, they expedition sighted a ―high land‖ named
saw land towards the northwest; but owing ―Zamal‖ which was some 300 leagues
to many shallow places they did not westward of Ladrones (now the Marianas)
approach it. They found later that its name Islands.
was Yunagan. 2. Sunday, March 17 – ―The following day‖
2. They went instead that same day after sighting Zamal Island, they landed on
southwards to another small island named ―another island which was inhabited‖ and
Suluan, and there they anchored. There which lay ―to the right‖ of the above-
they saw some canoes but these fled at mentioned island of ―Zamal‖. (To the
the Spaniard’s approach. This island was at ―right‖ here would mean on their
9 and two-thirds degrees North latitude. starboard going south or southwest). There
3. Departing from those two islands, they they set up two tents for the sick members
sailed westward to an uninhabited island of the crew and had a sow killed for them.
of ―Gada‖ where they took in a supply of The name of this island was ―Humunu‖
wood and water. The sea around that (Homonhon). This island was located at 10
island was free from shallows. degrees North latitude.
4. From that island they sailed westwards 3. On that same day (Sunday, March 17),
towards a large island named Seilani that Magellan named the entire archipelago
was inhabited and was known to have the ―Islands f Saint Lazarus‖, the reason
gold. being that it was Sunday in the Lenten
5. Sailing southwards along the coast of that season when the Gospel assigned for the
large island of Seilani, they turned Mass and the liturgical Office was the
southwest to a small island called eleventh chapter of St. John, which tells of
―Mazava‖. That island is also at a latitude the raising of Lazarus from the dead.
of 9 and two-thirds degrees North 4. Monday, March 18 – In the afternoon of
6. The people of that island of Mazava were their second day on that island, they saw a
very good. There the Spaniards planted a boat coming towards them with nine men
cross upon a mountain-top, and from with it. An exchange of gifts was effected.
there they were shown three islands to the Magellan asked for food supplies in ―four
west and southwest, where they were told days‖.
there was much gold. ―They showed us 5. There were two springs of water on that
how the gold was gathered, which came island of Homonhon. Also they saw there
in small pieces like peas and lentils‖. some indications that there was gold in
7. From Mazava they sailed northwards these islands. Consequently Magellan
again towards Seilani. They followed the renamed the island and called it the
coast of Seilani in a northwesterly direction, ―Watering Place of Good Men‖ (Acquada
ascending up to 10 degrees of latitude la di bouni segnialli).
where they saw three small islands. 6. Friday, March 22 – At noon the natives
8. From there they sailed westwards some ten returned. This time they were in two boats,
leagues, and there they saw three islets, and they brought food supplies.
where they dropped anchor for the night. 7. Magellan’s expedition stayed eight days
In the morning they sailed southwest some at Homonhon: from Sunday, March 17, to
12 leagues, down to a latitude of 10 and the Monday of the following week, March
one-third degree. There they entered a 25.
channel between two islands, one of 8. Monday, March 25 – In the afternoon, the
which was called ―Matan‖ and the other expedition weighed anchor and left the
―Subu‖. island of Homonhon. In the ecclesiastical
9. They sailed down that channel and then calendar, this day (March 25) was the
turned westward and anchored at the feast-day of the Incarnation, also called
town (la villa) of Subu where they stayed the feast of the Annunciation and
many days and obtained provisions and therefore ―Our Lady’s Day‖.
entered into a peace-pact with the local 9. The route taken by the expedition after
king. leaving Homonhon was ―toward the west
10. The town of Subu was on an east-west southwest, between four islands: namely,
direction with the islands of Suluan and Cenalo, Hiunanghan, Ibusson and
Mavaza. But between Mavaza and Subu, Albarien‖. Very Probably ―Cenalo is a
there were so many shallows that the misspelling in the Italian manuscript for
boats could not go westward directly but what Pigafetta in his map calls
has to go (as they did) in a round-about
―Ceilon‖ andAlbo calls ―Seilani‖: namely the friends and not as enemies. In reply the
island of Leyte. ―Hiunanghan‖ (a misspelling of king himself came in a boat and went
Hinunangan) seemed to Pigafetta to be a up Magellan’s ship. Another exchange
separate island, but is actually n the mainland of gifts was made. The native king and
of Leyte (i.e., ―Ceylon‖). On the other hand, his companions returned ashore,
Hibuson (Pigafetta’s Ibusson) is an island east bringing with them two members of
of Leyte’s southern tip. Magellan’s expedition. One of the two is
10. Thursday, March 28 – In the morning of
Holy Thursday, March 28, they anchored
off an island where there previous night 3. Saturday, March 30 – Pigafetta and his
they had seen a light or a bonfire. That companion had spent the previous
island ―lies in a latitude of nine and two- evening feasting and drinking with the
thirds towards the Arctic Pole (i.e., North) native king and his son.
and in a longitude of one hundred and 4. Sunday, March 31 – ―Early in the morning of
sixty-two degrees from the line of Sunday, the last of March and Easter day,‖
demarcation. It is twenty-five leagues from Magellan sent the priest ashore with some
the Acquada, and is called Mazaua‖. men to prepare for the Mass. Magellan and
11. They remained seven days on Mazaua the Spaniards returned to the ship for the
Island. noon-day meal, but in the afternoon they
12. Thursday, April 4 – They left Mazaua, bound returned ashore to plant the cross on the
for Cebu. They were guided thither by the summit of the hill. In attendance both at
king of Mazaua who sailed in his own boat. the Mass and at the planting of the cross
Their route took them past five ―islands‖ were the king of Mazaua and the king of
namely: ―Ceylon, Bohol, Canighan, Baibai, Butuan.
and Gatighan‖. 5. Sunday, March 31 – On that same
13. At Gatighan, they sailed westward to the afternoon, while on the summit of the
three islands of the Camotes Group, highest hill, Magellan asked the two kings
namely, Poro, Pasihan and Ponson. Here which ports he should go to in order to
the Spanish ships stopped to allow the king obtain more abundant supplies of food
of Mazaua to catch up with them, since than were available in that island. They
the Spanish ships were much faster than replied that there were three ports to
the native balanghai – a thing that excited choose from: Ceylon, Zubu, and Calagan.
the admiration of the king of Mazaua. Of the three, Zubu was the port with the
14. From the Camotes Islands they sailed most trade so he wished to go there.
southwards towards ―Zubu‖. 6. Monday, April 1 – Magellan sent men
15. Sunday, April 7 – At noon they entered the ashore to help with the harvest, but no work
harbor of ―Zubu‖ (Cebu). It had taken was done that day because the two kings
them three days to negotiate the journey were sleeping off their drinking bout the
from Mazaua northwards to the Camotes night before.
Islands and then southwards to Cebu. 7. Tuesday, April 2 and Wednesday, April 3 –
Work on the harvest during the ―next days,‖
8. Thursday, April 4 – They leave Mazaua,
bound for Cebu.

1. Thursday, March 28 – In the morning

anchored near an island where they
had seen a light the night before
small boat (boloto) came with eight
natives, to whom Magellan threw
some trinkets as presents. An
exchange of gifts was effected. This
Thursday, March 28, was Thursday in
Holy Week, or the Holy Thursday.

2. Friday, March 29 – ―Next day. Holy

Friday,‖ Magellan sent his slave
interpreter ashore in a small boat to
ask to the king if he could provide
the expedition with food supplies,
and to say that they had come as

Hey student! Congratulations for finishing the activity. Right now, let us wrap up your
experience in the activity through answering the following questions:

1. Are there different perspectives on this historical text? If there is, what are the different
perspective of the text?

2. How did you find the similarities and differences of the two primary sources in
identifying the site of the first Mass?

3. Having these primary sources that differ at some point, give some of its advantages
and disadvantages.


Butuan has long been believed as the site of the first Mass. In fact, this has been the
case for three centuries, culminating in the erection of a monument in 1872 near Agusan
River, which commemorates the expedition’s arrival and celebration of Mass on 8 April
1521. The Butuan claim has been based on a rather elementary reading of primary
sources from the event.
Toward the end of the nineteenth century and the start of the twentieth century,
together with the increasing scholarship on the history of the Philippines, a more nuanced
reading of the available evidence was made, which brought to light more considerations
in going against the more accepted interpretation of the first mass in the Philippines,
made both by Spanish and Filipino scholars.
It must be noted that there are only two primary sources that historians refer to in
identifying the site of the first Mass. One is the log kept by Francisco Albog, a pilot of one
of Magellan’s ship, Trinidad. He was one of the 18 survivors who returned with Sebastian
Elcano on the Ship Victoria after they circumnavigated the world. The other, and the
more complete, was the account by Antonio Pigafetta, Primo viaggio intorno al mondo
(First Voyage around the World). Pigafetta, like Albo, was a member of the Magellan
expedition and an eyewitness of the events, particularly, of the first Mass.
The first ever Christian Mass in the country on March 31, 1521 was celebrated in
the island of Limasawa, south of Leyte and not in Butuan City, so declared the National
Historical Institute.
Having these primary sources help students relate in a personal way to events of
the past and promote a deeper understanding of history. It encourages the students
seek additional evidence through research. On the other hand, primary sources, such
as eyewitness accounts, may be too close to a subject, lacking a critical distance.



Hey! I know you are excited to apply your learnings and somehow you have
something to say. Just like in youtube where viewers react on the video they saw,
you will also react or say something on what you have learned in this lesson. Yes!
Let’s have a reaction!
In this activity, you have to make a reaction paper paper about the site of
the first catholic mass in the Philippines. Do you agree on the declaration of the
National Historical Institute? Why? Present your evidences that can support your
With regards to the media…hey! You can make a reaction video instead of a
paper. You can choose your desired output. It is either a video or a paper. You can
send your video on my email. For you to be guided, please see the attached
rubrics, Appendix F, found at the end of this course. Are you ready now? If so, let us
get started!
― History never looks like history
3 What
happened in
the Cavite
when you are living through it.‖ Mutiny?
- John W. Gardner



In this lesson, challenge yourself to:

a. To identify the advantages and disadvantages of employing
critical tools in interpreting historical events through primary
b. Discuss the causes of the Cavity Mutiny through examining the
different accounts in this historic event.
c. Recognize the important milestones in Philippine history.


Keep it running, student! Now you are at this module’s third lesson. As we
explore by this module, we have heard about historic events in Philippine
history. In recent time, it is believed that the cavity mutiny inspired the 1898
revolution. In this lesson, you will learn about historic events in cavity



Hi students! Are you trying to get to know a Corners? If so, that’ll

be awesome because our first task will be using Corners to list the
different Spanish account in cavity mutiny. All you have to do is
write down your answers on the given Corners. Do not forget to
check out the mark, all right? Are you ready? Let’s get started!

accounts of
the Munity



Thank you, student, for taking your shot to complete the activity. Right now, let us wrap up
again the recently concluded task through answering the following questions:

1. How did you recognize the Spanish accounts in the Cavity Munity?
3. Describe in your own words the difference between photography and motion
pictures such as video and film.

4. Differentiate the concept between video and film.



The year 1872 is a historic year of two The Central Government failed
events: the Cavite Munity and the to conduct an investigation on
martyrdom of the three priest: Mariano what truly transpired but relied
Gomez, Jose Burgos and Jacinto Zamora, 3rd on reports of Izquierdo and the
later on immortalized as GUMBURZA. These friars and the opinion of the
events are very important milestones in public;
Philippine history and have caused ripples
throughout time, directly influencing the
decisive events of the Philippines Revolution
toward the end of the century.
Considering the four accounts of the
1872 Mutiny, there were some basic facts The Central
The Central Government
Government in in
that remained to be unvarying: Spain decided
Spain decided toto deprive
deprive them
of the
of the power
power to to intervene
intervene in in
government affairs
government affairs as
as well
well as
as in
4th the direction
the direction and
and management
There was dissatisfaction among of schools
of schools prompting
prompting themthem to to
the workers of the arsenal as well
commit frantic
commit frantic moves
moves to to extend
as the members of the native
1st army after their privileges were
their stay
their stay and
and power;
drawn back by Gen. Izquierdo;

The Filipino clergy members

actively participated in the
Gen. Izquierdo introduced rigid secularization movement in
and strict policies that made the 5th order to allow Filipino priests
2nd Filipinos move and turn away to take hold of the parishes in
from Spanish government out of the country making them
disgust; prey to the rage of the friars;
Filipinos during the time were
The execution of GOMBURZA
active participants, and
6th responded to what they
was a blunder on the part of
the Spanish government, for the
deemed as injustices; and
action severed the ill-feelings of
the Filipinos and the event
inspired Filipino patriots to call
7th for reforms and eventually
independence. There may be
different versions of the event,
but one thing is certain, the
1872 Cavite Mutiny paved way
for a momentous 1898.



After having read the primary sources of the Cavite Mutiny, what have
you felt in reading these sources? Did it help you understand the text?
Or did it make you have difficulty in interpreting the text? How?
For you to be guided, please see the attached rubrics, Appendix D,
found at the end of this course. I know you have lots of idea in your
mind now. Let us represent that through essay!
Did Rizal
LESSON Retract?
Where did the
Cry of
“The strength of the nation lies in the
well-being of the common man” Rebellion
- Diosdado Macapagal



In this lesson, challenge yourself to:

a. discover the truth about the issues and controversies in the history.
b. Write an interpretation of a historical event using primary sources;
c. demonstrate ability to argue for or against a particular issue using
primary sources


Welcome to Lesson 4! In this lesson, you are expected make an

interpretation on historical events using primary sources. You are expected
to argue for or against a particular issue using primary sources.Now, let us



Hi! Have you seen the text in the next page? So right now, your
task is to read and analyze the given text. There are two historical
events in this activity. You must analyze the given primary sources
of each event and give your own interpretation about the texts.
You can write your answer in a piece of coupon bond (short).
know you can do it! Are you ready? Now, let us get started!
DID RIZAL RETRACT? At 7:50 yesterday morning, Jose Rizal
entered death row accompanied by his
counsel, Senor Taviel de Andrade, and the
Jesuit priest Vilaclara. At the urgings of the
former and moments after entering, he was
served a light breakfast.

At approximately 9, the Assistant of the

Plaza, Senor Maure, asked Rizal if he wanted
anything. He replied that at the moment he
only wanted a prayer book, which was
brought to him shortly by Father March.

Senor Andrade left death row at 10

Rizal spoke for a long while with the Jesuit
fathers, March and Vilaclara, regarding
religious matters, it seems. It appears that
these two presented him with a prepared
The Balaguer Testimony retraction on his life and deeds that he
refused to sign. They argued about the
Doubts on the retraction document
matter until 12:30 when Rizal ate some
abound, especially because only one poached egg and a little chicken. Afterwards
eyewitness account of the writing of the he asked to leave to write and wrote for a
document exists – that of the Jesuit friar Fr. long time by himself.
Vicente Balaguer. According to his
testimony, Rizal woke up several times, At 3 in the afternoon, Father March
confessed four times, attended a Mass, entered the chapel and Rizal handed him
received communion, and prayed the what he had written. Immediately the chief of
rosary, all of which seemed out of the firing squad, Senor del Fresno and the
character. But since it is the only testimony Assistant of the Plaza, Senor Maure, were
informed. They entered death row and
of allegedly a ―primary‖ account that Rizal
together with Rizal signed the document that
ever wrote a retraction document, it has
the accused had written.
been used to argue the authenticity of the
document. At 5 this morning of the 30th, the lover of
Rizal arrived at the prison … dressed in
The Testimony of Cuerpo de mourning. Only the former entered the
Vigilancia chapel, followed by a military chaplain whose
name I cannot ascertain. Donning his formal
Another eyewitness account clothes and aided by a soldier of the artillery,
surfaced in 2016, through the research of the nuptials of Rizal and the woman who had
Professor Rene R. Escalante. In his been his lover were performed at the point of
death (in articulo mortis). After embracing him
research, documents of the Cuerpo de
she left, flooded with tears.
Vigilancia included a report on the last
hours of Rizal, written by Federico Moreno.
The report details the statement of the
Cuerpo de Vigilancia to Moreno
Primary Source: Eyewitness Account of the
Last Hours of Rizal
Source: Michael Charleston Chua,
―Retraction ni Jose Rizal: Mga Bagong
Dokumento at Pananaw,‖ GMA News
Online, published 29 December 2016.

Most Illustrious Sir, the agent of the

Cuerpo de Vigilancia stationed in Fort
Santiago to report on the events during
the (illegible) day in prison of the accused
Jose Rizal, informs me on this date of the
Different Dates and Places of the Cry
The purpose was to discuss then the
Various accounts of the Cry give uprising was to take place. Teodoro Plata,
different dates and places. A guardia civil, Briccio Pantas, and Pio Valenzuela were
Lt. Olegario Diaz, identified the Cry to all opposed to starting the revolution too
have happened in Balintawak on 25 early… Andres Bonifacio, sensing that he
August 1896. Tedoro Kalaw, Filipino would lose in the discussion then, left the
historian, marks the place to be in session hall and talked to the people, who
Kangkong, Balintawak, on the last week of were waiting outside for the result of the
August 1896. Santiago Alvarez a meeting of the leaders. He told the
Katipunero and son of Mariano Alvarez, people that the leaders were arguing
leader of the Magdiwang faction in against starting the revolution early, and
cavite, put the Cry in Bahay Toro in appealed to them in a fiery speech in
Quezon City on 24 August 1896. Pio which he said: ―You remember the fate of
Valenzuela, known Katipunero and privy our countrymen who were shot in
too many events concerning the bagumbayan. Should we return now to
Katipunan stated that the Cry happened the towns, the Spaniards will only shoot us.
in Pugad Lawin on 23 August 1896. Our organization has been discovered
Historian Gregorio Zaide identified the Cry and we are all marked men. If we don’t
to have happened in Balintawak on 26 start the uprising, the Spaniards will get us
August 1896, while Teodoro Agoncillo put it anyway. What then, do you say?‖
at Pugad Lawin on 23 August 1896,
according to statements by Pio ―Revolt!‖ the people shouted as one.
Valenzuela Research by historians Milagros
Guerrero, Emmanuel Encarnation, and Bonifacio then asked the people to
Ramon Villegas claimed that the event give a pledge that they were to revolt. He
took place in Tandang Sora’s barn in told them that the sign of slavery of the
Gulod, Barangay Banlat, Quezion City, on Filipinos were (sic) the cedula tax charged
24 August 1896. each citizen. ―If it is true that you are
ready to revolt… I want to see you destroy
Primary Source: Accounts of the Cry your cedulas. It will be a sign that all of us
declared our severance from the
Guillermo Masangkay
Pio Valenzuela
Source: Guillermo Masangkay, ―Cry of
Balintawak‖ in Gregorio Zaide and Sonia
Source: Pio Valenzuela, ―Cry of Pugad
Zaide, Documentary Sources of Philippines
Lawin,‖ in Gregorio Zaide and Sonia
History, Volume 8 (Manila: National Book
Zaide, Documentary Sources of Philippines
Store, 1990), 307-309.
History Volume 8, (Manila: National Book
Store, 1990) 301-302
On the August 26th. A big meeting
was held in Balintawak, at the house of
The first place of refuge of Andres
Apolonio Samson, then cabeza of that
Bonifacio, Emilio Jacinto, Procopio
barrio of Caloocan, among those who
Bonifacio, Teodoro Plata, Aguedo del
attended, I remember, were Bonifacio,
Rosario, and myself was Balintawak, the
Emilio Jacinto, Aguedo del Rosario, Tomas
first five arriving there on August 19, and I,
Remigio, Briccio Pantas, Teodoro Plata, Pio
on August 20, 1896. The first place where
Valenzuela, Enriquie Pacheco, and
some 500 members of the Katipunan met
Francisco Carreon. They were all leaders
on August 22, 1896, was the house and
of the Katipunan and composed the
yard of Apolonio Samson at Kangkong.
board of directors of the organization.
Aside from the persons mentioned above,
Delegates from Bulacan,
among those who were there were
Cabanatuan,Cavite, and Morong were
Briccio Pantas, Alejandro Santiago,
also present.
Ramon Bernardo, Apolonio Samson, and
At about nine o’clock in the
morning of August 26, the meeting was
opened with Andres Bonifacio presiding
and Emilio Jacinto acting as secretary.
Here, views were only exchanged, and no resolution was debated or
adopted. It was at Pugad Lawin, the house, store-house, and yard of Juan
Ramos, son of Melchora Aquino, where over 1,000 members of the Katipunan met
and carried out considerable debate and discussion on August 23, 1896.
The discussion was on whether or not the revolution against the Spanish
government should be started on August 29, 1896… After the tumultuous meeting,
many of those present tore their cedula certificates and shouted ―Long live the
Philippines! Long live the Philippines‖


Hello student! How was your experience with the activities? Are you having fun?
If so, that is great. Right now, let us try to wrap up your experiences with this
activity. Let us try to answer the following questions:

1. How did you feel that there is an issue that Rizal retracted?

2. Based on the sources you have read, did Rizal retracted?


3. Why did the cry of rebellion happened?


4. Why are there so many places and time that the Cry of Rebellion occurred?
The Cry of Rebellion
A B S T R A C T I O N The controversy regarding the cry of
rebellion stems from the identification of the
date and place where the Cry happened.
Did Rizal Retract? Prominent Filipino historian Teodoro
Jose Rizal is identified as a hero of the Agoncillo emphasizes the event when
revolution for his writings that center on Bonifaco tore the cedula or tax receipt
ending colonialism and liberating before the Katipuneros who also did the
Filipino minds to contribute to creating same. Some writers identified the first
the Filipino nation. The great volume of military event with the Spaniards as the
Rizal’s lifework was committed to this moment of the Cry, for which, Emilio
end, particularly the more influential Aguinaldo commissioned a ―Himno de
ones, Noli Me Tangere and El Balintawak‖ to inspire the renewed struggle
Filibusterismo. His essays vilify not the after the Pact of the Biak-na-Bato failed. A
catholic religion, but the friars, the main monument to the Heroes of 1896 was
agents of injustice in the Philippine erected in what is now the intersection of
society. Epifanio de los Santos (EDSA) Avenue and
It is understandable, therefore, Andres Bonifacio Drive-North Diversion
that any piece of writing from Rizal that road, and from then on until 1962, the Cry
recants everything he wrote against the of Balintawak was celebrated every 26th of
friars and the Catholic Church in the August. The site of the monument was
Philippines could deal heavy damage chosen for an unknown reason.
to his image as a prominent Filipino
revolutionary. Such document From the eyewitness accounts
purportedly exists, allegedly signed by presented, there is indeed marked
Rizal a few hours before his execution. disagreement among historical witnesses as
This document, referred to as ―The to the place and time of the occurrence of
Retraction,‖ declares Rizal’s belief in the the Cry. Using primary and secondary
Catholic faith, and retracts everything sources, four places have been identified:
he wrote against the Church. Balintawak, KAngkong, Pugad Lawin, and
This account corroborates the Bahay Toro, while the dates vary: 23, 24, 25,
existence of the retraction document, or 26 August 1896.
giving it credence. However, nowhere
Valenzuela’s account should be read
in the account was Fr. Balaguer
with caution: He once told a Spanish
mentioned, which makes the friar a
investigator that the ―Cry‖ happened in
mere secondary source to the writing of
the document. Balintawak on Wednesday 26 August 1896.
Much later, he wrote in his Memoirs of the
The retraction of Rizal remains to Revolution that it happened at Pugal Lawin
this day, a controversy; many scholars, on 23 August 1896. Such inconsistencies in
however, agree that the document accounts should always be seen as a red
does not tarnish the heroism of Rizal. His
flag when dealing with primary sources.
relevance remained solidified to
Filipinos and pushed them to continue According to Guerrero, Encarnacion,
the revolution, which eventually and Villegas, all these places are in
resulted in independence in 1898. Balintawak, then part of Caloocan, now, in
Quezon City. As for the dates Bonifacio and
his troops may have been moving from one
place to another to avoid being located
by the Spanish government, which could
explain why there are several accounts of
the Cry.


After having read the primary sources of the two historical events,
Choose one topic and write an argumentative essay. Investigate the
topic. Collect and evaluate the evidence and establish your
position/standpoint on the topic.
For you to be guided, please see the attached rubrics, Appendix D,
found at the end of this course. I know you have lots of idea in your
mind now. Let us represent that through essay!

1. Do you agree that Rizal retracted? Or not?

2. Do agree that the cry of rebellion happened in Balintawak? Or

A. True or False
Write True if the statement is true. Otherwise, write false in the space provided.
__________ 1. Historical interpretation is based on the historian’s judgment on how
the past should be seen.
__________ 2.We make sense of the past through historical interpretation.
__________ 3. Multipespectivity is a quality of historical writing attributed to a variety
of lenses that may be used to view the past.
__________ 4. There is only one account of the First Catholic Mass in the Philippines.
__________ 5. The significance of the martyrdom of the GOMBURZA is questioned
by historians.
__________ 6. The Cavite Mutiny is an event that led to the execution of the
__________ 7. Jose Rizal’s essays go against the Catholic Faith.
__________ 8. There is no doubt that Rizal retracted his writings to be able to marry
Josephine Bracken.
__________ 9. The Cry of the Rebellion happened in present-day Quezon City.
__________ 10. The site of the monument to the Heroes of 1896 was chosen
because this is the actual place where the Cry of the Rebellion

B. Debate on Historical Controversies

Form groups with four to five members. Each group will be assigned with a particular
historical controversy discussed in this module and a corresponding stance
(affirmative or negative). The groups should be able to use primary sources in
defending their side.

Hello student! It has been a long journey exploring through this module.
Now, you are about to close this module and learn new lesson as you
go on through this book. Further, I will take this opportunity to wrap up all
the lesson we have learn. These are some important highlights in this
 Interpretation of the past may vary according to who reads the
primary source, when it was read, and how it was read.
 Multiperspectivity is defined as a way of looking at historical events,
personalities, developments, cultures, and societies from different
 The first ever Christian Mass in the country on March 31, 1521 was
celebrated in the island of Limasawa, south of Leyte.
 Cavite Mutiny is an aim of natives to get rid of the Spanish
government in the Philippines.
 Until now, there is no proof or any justification to end the debate
about Rizal’s retraction.
 The Cry of Rebellion is a rebellion against the Spanish colonial


(Candelaria, J.L. & Alporha V.),2018, Rex Book Store: Quezon City, Philippines

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