Construction and Building Materials: Gourab Saha, Krishna Prapoorna Biligiri

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Construction and Building Materials 105 (2016) 103–112

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Fracture properties of asphalt mixtures using semi-circular bending test:

A state-of-the-art review and future research
Gourab Saha, Krishna Prapoorna Biligiri ⇑
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, West Bengal 721 302, India

h i g h l i g h t s

 Presented current state-of-the-art regarding SCB test pertinent to asphalt mixtures.

 Discussed fundamental fracture assessment based on load-deformation characteristics.
 Documented analytical procedures to deduce fracture parameters for asphalt mixes.
 SCB test is a promising crack propagation assessment candidate for asphalt material.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Although many fracture test procedures are available, the semi-circular bending (SCB) test has drawn a
Received 14 August 2015 growing interest in the pavement community due to its simplicity, reproducibility, and flexibility in test-
Received in revised form 3 November 2015 ing and evaluation. In this direction, fracture properties of asphalt mixtures are currently being evaluated
Accepted 6 December 2015
using SCB test with the application of fracture mechanics to characterize low-temperature and fatigue
fracture using the standard semi-circular bending protocols. However, several research studies have
employed various sets of specifications suiting practical convenience that calls for a critical review of
the procedures that have been followed to date. This review article presents the current state-of-the-
Semi-circular bending test
Asphalt mixtures
art regarding the utilization of SCB test to evaluate fracture properties of different asphalt mixtures.
Fracture The fundamental assessment of fracture through the SCB test, which was based on load-deformation
Fracture mechanics characteristics of asphalt mixes, was discussed in detail. The analytical procedures employed to deduce
Fracture toughness fracture parameters for asphalt mixes to understand the fracture performance was also documented.
Fracture energy Overall, the SCB test procedure was found to be a promising crack propagation assessment candidate
J integral to evaluate asphalt mix fracture properties. It was recommended that future studies must concentrate
on developing cyclic SCB test to investigate the dynamic fatigue behaviour along with viscoelastic prop-
erties. Certainly, there exists scope for advancing the current state-of-the-art pertaining to the SCB test
procedure that actually simulates the field performance characteristics in conjunction with mechanistic
based flexible pavement designs.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
2. Background to static SCB test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
3. Fracture properties: basic assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
3.1. Fundamental fracture failure properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
3.2. Analytical solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
3.3. Crack growth measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
4. Fracture properties: advanced assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
4.1. Fracture toughness (KIC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
4.2. Fracture energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (G. Saha), [email protected] (K.P. Biligiri).
0950-0618/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
104 G. Saha, K.P. Biligiri / Construction and Building Materials 105 (2016) 103–112

4.3. Mixed mode fracture parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

4.4. Numerical simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
5. Crack propagation study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
5.1. Crack velocity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
5.2. Dynamic SCB test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
6. Future prospects of SCB test – fracture evaluation of asphalt mixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
7. Conclusions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

1. Introduction received a growing interest by the research community to

characterize fracture properties of asphalt mixtures. Furthermore,
Fracture forms an integral part of fatigue and low-temperature the success in generating the requisite parameters for fracture
cracking mechanisms in flexible asphalt pavements. A robust and assessment has ensued in the development of an SCB standard
rational pavement design necessitates incorporation of an impor- protocol for monotonic loading conditions [8,9].
tant fundamental property such as fracture to ensure its successful Due to its increasing popularity, monotonic SCB tests have been
implementation in predicting long-term pavement performance. In conducted extensively on different types of asphalt mixtures, and
this context, lower fracture performance of an asphalt material will the obtained fracture properties have been analyzed using fracture
entail diminished service life of the pavements, and eventually mechanics principles to characterize fracture behaviour. Concur-
results in a premature failure. rently, studies have also used various other specifications as inputs
The current flexible pavement design practices [1–7] funda- for testing purposes and digressing from the standard protocols,
mentally assess fracture of asphalt mixtures based on the limiting which simply call for a critical review of the deviated procedures
strain (for fatigue) and stress (for low-temperature cracking) to assess if those findings can actually correlate with field perfor-
criteria within the linear elastic regime. It has been a practice to mance. Thus, a consolidated discussion summary on the various
use fracture mechanics principles to derive and analyze fracture test specifications used in conducting SCB test and its applications
properties such as fracture toughness and fracture energy (findings) is needed. This collated review will help researchers and
parameters in the cracking processes. However, these successful practitioners to comprehensively understand the tangibility of the
design methodologies emphasize crack initiation and total failure test technique to assess fracture-cracking behaviour of asphalt
stages through basic stress–strain analyses. Essentially, the pro- mixtures. Moreover, it is also envisaged that this compilation will
cesses do not directly account for the time-dependent viscoelastic offer necessary inputs to further advance the state-of-the-art
properties and the associated fracture behaviour by targeting crack pertinent to fracture in asphalt mixtures so that new design
propagation phase. practices can be developed incorporating SCB test parameters
Fracture phenomenon has been historically investigated and associated mechanistic principles.
through laboratory experimentations, numerical simulations, and The main purpose of this research review paper was to assem-
field evaluation studies. In the last few decades, laboratory ble and present the current knowledge about the utilization of SCB
investigations along with analytical and numerical simulations test to evaluate fracture properties of asphalt mixtures, which is
have taken a major share in asphalt mix fracture characterization also aimed at taking forward this research area for implementation
research. Currently, fracture characteristics of asphalt mixtures in flexible pavement designs. Although limited research is avail-
are being evaluated in the laboratory using: Single Edge able regarding the SCB test and the associated findings on asphalt
Notch Beam (SENB); Disc-shaped Compact Tension (DCT); and mixtures’ fracture properties, it is envisaged that this methodology
Semi-Circular Bending (SCB) tests. Owing to the several merits turns out to be a promising candidate test to assess fracture perfor-
such as repeatability, reproducibility, consistency, and simplicity mance. Note that this review discussion focuses only on SCB test
in terms of specimen preparation and testing, the SCB test has technique and other test procedures will not be discussed. Fig. 1
presents the review scope outline. The paper is divided into four
major heads: (i) brief description of the SCB test background and
standard protocol; (ii) fracture failure experimental and numerical
Fundamental fracture properties
investigation findings from the associated studies; (iii) advanced
Basic Analytical solutions fracture resistance characterization using SCB test fracture param-
assessment eters obtained during various investigations; and (iv) fracture
Crack growth measurement
crack propagation properties evaluation. A discussion summary
Fracture toughness regarding the current state-of-the-art is provided at the end of
Fracture energy the review along with future prospects of the SCB test methodol-
Fracture Advanced ogy that illustrate its worthiness of being a promising fracture
properties assessment Mixed mode fracture properties assessor for asphalt mixtures.
using SCB Numerical simulations
2. Background to static SCB test
Crack Crack velocity
study Crack propagation resistance SCB test was first employed by material scientists as a means to
determine fracture resistance of rock materials and reported in
Dynamic fracture behaviour [10]. Later, it was adopted by pavement engineers to understand
Future scopes fracture characteristics of different asphalt mixtures, which led to
Mixed mode fracture
the development of standard protocols for monotonic loading
Fig. 1. Research review outline. conditions. EN12697-44: 2010 [8] and AASHTO TP105-2013 [9]
G. Saha, K.P. Biligiri / Construction and Building Materials 105 (2016) 103–112 105

150 mm

t = 50 mm

150 mm D=150 mm

50 mm
150 mm

a = 50 mm

CMOD Supports


Fig. 2. Schematic of SCB specimen preparation and test procedure. Note: D = diameter, t = thickness, a = notch depth, CMOD = crack mouth opening displacement.

provide specifications pertinent to static (monotonic) SCB test for specifications and not conforming completely to the standard
asphalt mixtures. The test parameters such as loading rate, speci- protocols. The studies conducted to evaluate the fracture fatigue
men geometry, support conditions, and fracture toughness and performance of asphalt mixtures using SCB test technique is
energy estimations are undertaken during the experimentation summarized in a chronological manner as shown in Table 1.
procedure using [8,9].
The premise of the test technique lies in the basic theory of frac-
ture mechanics. In this test, a semi-circular specimen geometry 3. Fracture properties: basic assessment
having a central notch is mounted on the roller supports, and is
loaded from the top of the specimen. Due to loading, the tensile During the first phase of utilization of SCB test on asphalt mix-
stress develops and a crack initiates at the tip of the notch. A tures, fracture properties were obtained by basic load-deformation
sequential schematic of SCB specimen procedure and test conduc- characteristics. However, at a later stage, fracture properties
tion are illustrated in Fig. 2. For linear elastic materials, stress dis- obtained from the test were simulated using analytical solutions
tribution near the crack tip can be explained using the stress based on mechanics. Attempts were also made to understand the
intensity factor, K. K is a function of the applied stress and geomet- fracture mechanism through digital image correlations that led
ric factor of the specimen. K increases with increasing applied to the development of crack propagation concept.
stress and reaches a critical value (K1C) when failure occurs. K1C,
also termed as fracture toughness is an intrinsic property of the 3.1. Fundamental fracture failure properties
material, which helps explain the material’s resistance against
fracture. The maximum stress at failure (rmax) and KIC are calcu- During the latter half of 1990s, the SCB test was fundamentally
lated using the following Equations based on [8] with conditions employed to investigate and determine fracture resistance
of the ratio of the support span to the specimen diameter being 0.8. of asphalt mixtures using load-deformation characteristics.
Essentially, the pertaining studies focused on crack initiation and
4:263 Pmax
rmax ¼ ð1Þ propagation pattern, which provided the basic understanding of
a fracture failure trends of asphalt materials. Krans et al. [11] used
K IC ¼ rmax  f ð2Þ SCB test on asphalt mixes in static and dynamic loading conditions.
a a  a 2  a 3 All the tests were conducted on dense-graded semi-circular
f ¼ 4:9965 þ 155:58  799:94 þ 2141:9 asphalt specimens with 25 mm thickness and at 20 °C. Although
w w w w
 a 4  a 5 the specimens were not notched, the cracks were reported as
 2709:1 þ 1398:6 ð3Þ initiated at the mid-span of the support. It was noted that the
w w
length of the stable crack was considered to be two-thirds of the
where: specimen height. The static SCB test produced an average failure
rmax = Maximum stress at failure, N/mm2 load of 4.7 ± 0.4 kN with a force per unit width of 190 N/mm,
Pmax = Maximum load at failure, N which is typical of a dense-graded asphalt mix. In another study
D = Diameter of specimen, mm [12], it was observed that the SCB test practice had the potential
t = Thickness of specimen, mm to assess the realistic mode of fracture experienced in the field.
KIC = Fracture toughness, N/mm3/2 Further, the failure load of the SCB specimen decreased with
a = Notch length of specimen, mm increasing notch depth.
w = Width of specimen, mm Elsewhere, fracture crack initiation and propagation resistance
of asphalt materials were studied based on failure load criteria
The constant term (4.263) in Eq. (1) includes square root of (pa). [13]. In the first phase, the load increment that resulted in a visible
Since the stress rmax incorporates the square root of a by the form of micro-crack and void coalescence without any load reduc-
means of the constant term, the product of the rmax with units tion was identified as the crack initiation load (Pint). Afterwards, it
N/mm2 and square root of a with units mm1/2 produces the unit was found that the specimen continued to sustain increasing loads
of K, which is given by (N/mm3/2). Note that the concept is based till it attained the ultimate or peak load (Pult). Thus, Pint was
on [8]. It is noteworthy that several research studies investigated employed to measure the crack initiation strength whereas Pult
the process of fracture following various research-specific was implemented to characterize the overall tensile strength of
106 G. Saha, K.P. Biligiri / Construction and Building Materials 105 (2016) 103–112

Table 1
Summary of the SCB research studies.

Study findings Test type Authors Year

Introduction of SCB in rock materials Static Chong and Kuruppu [10] 1984
Analytical solution of fracture parameters Static Lim et al. [40] 1993
Fracture failure load and cycle investigation Static & Dynamic Krans et al. [11] 1996
J integral determination Static Mull et al. [31] 2002
Fracture toughness and crack propagation Static & Dynamic Hofman et al. [20] 2003
Loading rate dependency of fracture toughness Static Molenaar et al. [26] 2003
J integral determination and its sensitivity Static Mohammad et al. [12] 2004
Analytical solutions and tensile strength evaluation Static Huang et al. [14] 2005
J integral evaluation and its sensitivity Static Wu et al. [36] 2005
Jc and fracture resistance characterization Static Othman [32] 2006
Crack pattern study and digital image correlation Static Birgisson et al. [16] 2008
Fracture toughness and its potential to assess fatigue performance Static Arabani and Ferdowsi [18] 2008
Crack velocity and effect of mix variables on fracture properties Static Tarefdar et al. [13] 2009
Analytical solutions and stiffness modulus Static Huang et al. [15] 2009
Fracture properties and its effect on mix composition Static Behbahani et al. [21] 2009
Fracture toughness and fracture energy evaluation Static Khalid and Monney [28] 2009
Low temperature fracture resistance Static Li and Marasteanu [30] 2010
Fracture toughness determination Static Othman [33] 2010
Frequency effect on fatigue life Dynamic Hassan and Khalid [47] 2010
JC determination and fracture characterization Static Liu [34] 2011
Fracture toughness and fracture energy on field core asphalt mixes Static Biligiri et al. [22] 2012
Mix mode fracture determination Static Aliha et al. [39] 2012
Jc and its potential in predicting field cracking Static Mohammad et al. [35] 2012
Mixed mode fracture characterization Static Sallam and Abd-Elhady [43] 2012
Fatigue life using Paris’ law parameter Dynamic Huang et al. [24] 2013
Cohesive zone modeling and fracture energy characterization Static Im et al. [41] 2013
FEM analysis on crack propagation Static Im et al. [41] 2013
XEFM modeling and creep compliance Static Lancaster et al. [44] 2013
XEFM analysis and J integral Static Wang et al. [45] 2013
Cyclic J integral and Paris’ law parameter Dynamic Hassan [48] 2013
Mix mode fracture properties determination Static Im et al. [23] 2014
Fracture properties and its sensitivity Static Minhajuddin et al. [29] 2015
Crack propagation based on fracture energy Static Saha and Biligiri [46] 2015

the asphalt mixtures. Additionally, the difference between Pult and where:
Pint represented the resistance of the specimen to failure as shown rmax = maximum tensile stress, kPa
in Fig. 3. This concept was employed to analyze the fracture prop- ex = horizontal tensile strain, mm/mm
erties of three asphalt mixtures under dry and wet conditions. The q = pP/2l, N/m
difference in the two loads for the mixes was consistently higher P = load, N
for wet than dry specimens indicative that wet specimens offered b = p/l, m1
better fracture resistance that dry specimens. dv = vertical deformation, mm
l = length of the specimen, mm
3.2. Analytical solutions h = height of specimen, mm

Analytical solutions to obtain the basic fracture parameters Further, researchers [15] also performed an analytical investiga-
were developed by [14,15], which were used to validate laboratory tion to determine rmax by verifying the accuracy of Eq. (6) with the
experimental results. Huang et al. [14] provided an analytical solu- basic assumption of basic mechanics that the plane sections
tion to estimate horizontal stresses and strains for asphalt mix- remained plane even after bending has taken place in the speci-
tures with semi-circular geometry. During the process, the free men. The prediction of rmax based on Eq. (4) at a support condition
body diagram of the SCB geometry was first drawn and later sim- of 0.7 D (D being the diameter of the specimen) was consistent
plified by replacing the support reaction with distributed shear with the results obtained from finite element method where the
stresses along the inclined boundary. Eqs. (4) and (5) present the error increased with the deviation of the support length from 0.7
gist of the research reported in [14]. The relationship between b D to D. On the other hand, estimation of rmax as per Eq. (6) was
and l is used as a boundary condition to solve few parameters to very close (maximum error of 2%) to the results obtained from
obtain the original stress function. In addition, the loading system finite element analysis, and was found to be effectively
was further simplified assuming uniformly loaded distribution on implementable to assess rmax using the specimen diameter and
the top of the geometry instead of a concentrated load. Since the thickness as inputs [15].
normal stress at the ends is zero in a semi-circular geometry, a
sinusoidal form of normal stress was assumed by the investigators 6Pl
rmax ¼ ð6Þ
to calculate the maximum stress (r) at the middle portion of the tD2
lower surface as given by [14]: where:
  P = load, N
2qbh 12 bl sinhðbhÞ coshðbhÞ
rmax ¼ 2 2 2
ð4Þ l = spacing between supports, mm
b2 h  cosh ðbhÞsinh ðbhÞ
t = thickness of specimen, mm
dv D = diameter of specimen, mm
ex ¼ 0:807 ð5Þ
G. Saha, K.P. Biligiri / Construction and Building Materials 105 (2016) 103–112 107

Crack Initiation point (P int ) crucial factor in evaluating fracture toughness [17,18]. Although
[8,9], respectively standardize 25 and 50 mm as the specimen
Peak load (Pint )
thickness to run SCB test, KIC was found to be not dependent on
specimen thickness in the range of 25–75 mm as reported in
[17]. Also, the dependency of KIC was found to be relatively higher
pertaining to specimen diameter than its thickness. However, [18]
Load recommended validating the true value of KIC determined using
Fracture SCB test through the ASTM protocol prescribed in [19]. KIC obtained
resistance from the test (termed as apparent fracture toughness, KIQ) was sup-
posed to meet a set of conservative requirements before being
adjudged as the true fracture toughness (KIC). The requirements
Crack for validation purposes were as follows [19]:
Initiation phase
Deformation 6 1:10 ð7Þ
Fig. 3. SCB load-deformation schematic relationship (recreated based on [13]).
a P 2:5 ð8Þ
3.3. Crack growth measurement K IQ
w¼5 ð9Þ
Based on the fundamental fracture parametric assessment, lim-
ited research is available that provides a methodology to estimate where:
the crack growth and helps understand the crack propagation com- Pmax = maximum load, N
ponent in fracture process. In this direction, Birgisson et al. [16] Po = peak load, N
applied digital image analysis (DIC) technique to investigate the KIQ = apparent fracture toughness, N/mm3/2
crack growth pattern in an SCB test. A comparison between strain rys = yield stress, N/mm2
gauges and DIC method showed a good agreement in measuring w = width of specimen, mm
the horizontal strains with an accuracy of 0.034%. It is important
to note that the horizontal strain measured as a ratio of horizontal Again, based on the experimental findings, it was concluded
deformation to the gauge length by a strain gauge was fixed at the that KIC was not dependent on specimen thickness in the range
bottom of the SCB specimen in the direction of mode-I crack open- of 25–75 mm at lower than 15 °C [18]. This non-dependency on
ing. On the other hand, DIC employs the comparison of the the type of thickness ensured the plane strain fracture condition
deformed sample with the initial/un-deformed specimen using of the asphalt materials and served as intrinsic material properties.
photogrammetry-based method. It was also reported that DIC In other studies, KIC was used as an assessor to measure the
could be effectively applied to measure the crack initiation and effect of mix variables on the fracture resistance of asphalt mix-
crack propagation in an SCB test. Thus, it can be understood that tures [20–22]. Hofman et al. [20] reported that KIC determination
although the analytical solutions discussed earlier can provide using LEFM approach was not applicable for high asphalt contents
the requisite fracture parameters (rmax, ex, and KIC) with the help in the mix due to their increased viscoelastic properties [20]. Also,
of load-deformation relationship; crack growth would serve as a it was indicated that an increase in air voids of the asphalt mix-
better input for crack propagation analyses. tures reduced KIC. Limestone and siliceous types of aggregates with
different sizes along with asphalt binders were considered to
understand the sensitivity of KIC obtained using static SCB test at
4. Fracture properties: advanced assessment 15 °C [21]. The reduction of KIC with respect to air voids was more
pronounced for siliceous aggregates than limestone. Additionally,
In principle, fracture properties of asphalt mixtures using a per- KIC increased when stiffer asphalt binders were used since these
formance test such as the SCB method must involve the assess- binders increased the resistance of asphalt mixtures against crack-
ment through the association of linear elastic fracture mechanics ing. Similarly, larger aggregates resulted in higher KIC due to an
(LEFM) and elastic plastic fracture mechanics (EPFM). Generally, overall increase in the amount of aggregates in the mix matrix that
for brittle materials, the small scale yielding (SSY) governs the frac- was attributed to higher stiffness. Biligiri et al. [22] showed that an
ture process where LEFM assumptions remain valid. But, for quasi- increase in asphalt content in the range of 4.4–5.4% decreased the
brittle materials, high scale yielding (HSY) at the crack tip requires magnitude of KIC at 10, 0, and 10 °C. However, these research
EPFM that considers larger fracture process zone (FPZ) for fracture studies did not clearly demarcate the applicability of LEFM with
assessment. The parameters such as stress intensity factor K, frac- reference to the mix properties, specifically, asphalt content, which
ture toughness KIC, and fracture energy GIC are commonly used in has a pronounced effect due to temperature.
LEFM analyses; while the critical energy rate Jc and J integral are The effects of SCB test configurations on KIC such as loading rate,
used for analyses in the EPFM domain. With this background, sev- specimen geometry, and support conditions were also determined
eral researchers [17,18,20–24,26–33] have utilized one or both by [17,23,24]. KIC was found not to be dependent on diameter
methods to evaluate fracture properties of asphalt mixtures based when the loading rates were 0.3 and 3.0 mm/min with a combina-
on the SCB test outcomes. tion of sample diameter exceeding 150 and 220 mm, respectively.
In addition, sensitivity analysis of KIC based on support conditions
4.1. Fracture toughness (KIC) revealed that spacing between two support rollers from 0.67 to 0.9
times of the specimen diameter produced similar stress distribu-
KIC of asphalt mixes was the main fracture assessment parame- tions [24]. Thus, there was an insignificant effect due to support
ter used by several researchers under various test conditions and conditions and complied with standard protocols [8,9].
input specifications. Most of the studies were found to have The repeatability and reproducibility factors of KIC had an effect
digressed from the standard protocols suiting experimental and due to a change in laboratory experimentation but did not have
practical convenience. For example, specimen geometry was a influence based on mixture compositions [20]. In simple words,
108 G. Saha, K.P. Biligiri / Construction and Building Materials 105 (2016) 103–112

the magnitudes of KIC had no influence due to mix compositions energy ratio) of critical fracture energy (until failure) to total frac-
within or between laboratories, but were affected if laboratory ture energy was calculated indicative of fracture resistance during
methodologies were changed to obtain KIC. The tensile strength the crack propagation phase. Modified asphalt mixes showed
obtained using standard indirect diametral tensile (IDT) test con- lower fracture energy ratio than dense graded ones illustrating that
forming to [25] and KIC obtained from SCB test were compared the modified mixes would offer higher resistance against crack
for reproducibility property by [26]. The exercise found that KIC propagation. Researchers [30] have also accounted for the varia-
obtained from SCB test was more reproducible than the IDT tensile tions in the notch depth that may distinguish fracture energy prop-
strength. In another research [18], KIC of asphalt mixes were corre- erties of asphalt mixtures.
lated with fatigue performance, which indicated that KIC exhibited J integral, which is part of the EPFM approach, was also exten-
good correlation with the stiffness modulus as obtained from Not- sively used to characterize fracture resistance of modified asphalt
tingham Asphalt Tester (NAT). mixtures [12,31–34]. Theoretically, J integral is a path independent
line integral around the crack which is used to measure the strain
4.2. Fracture energy energy release rate where LEFM assumption does not valid.
Although the theoretical concept demands a path independent line
Fracture properties of asphalt materials are also being charac- integral, it can be also measured as per Eq. (10) for laboratory eval-
terized by fracture energy approach through LEFM and EPFM. Crit- uation purposes. One of the major differences between the LEFM
ical energy release rate, denoted by GI, represents the external and EPFM approaches to calculate J integral is the notch depth that
energy required for a crack to grow which is calculated by consid- is variable in the EPFM practice during the estimation process of J
ering the area under the load-deformation curve as in the LEFM integral. Although various notch depths can be found in literature;
approach. On the other hand, J integral, which is defined as the crit- 5, 15, 20, 25.4, 31.8, and 38.2 mm notch depths have been com-
ical fracture energy is calculated accounting for the area under the monly used. At lower temperatures, rubber-modified mixtures
load-deformation curve until the peak load, and then plotted prepared using the wet process resulted in a higher Jc than that
against the notch depths (in x-axis) if one uses the SCB specimen of the dry process and control mixtures [34].
geometry. A linearly decreasing trend of strain energy can be Research studies [28,35] also found the J integral to be a repro-
obtained, and thereof the critical fracture resistance is calculated ducible parameter using the static SCB test. Jc showed higher
as the slope of the fracture energy curve using [27]: degree of sensitivity as compared to peak load, strain energy, and
  deformation with respect to asphalt binder, nominal maximum
1 dU aggregate size (NMAS), and compaction effect (Ndesign) [34,36]. Fur-
Jc ¼  ð10Þ
b da thermore, Jc obtained from SCB tests exhibited good correlations
(R2 = 0.58) with field fatigue cracking indicating that Jc is a promis-
where: ing index to explain the field fatigue cracking performance [30,37].
Jc = critical fracture energy, kJ/mm2
b = specimen thickness, mm 4.3. Mixed mode fracture parameters
U = total strain energy to failure, kJ/mm2
a = notch depth, mm Owing to the successful simulation of Mode-I cracking as
reported in previous studies, SCB test was also examined to pro-
A few studies [22,28,29] employed GI to understand the fracture duce other modes of fracture, i.e., mode-II and mixed mode frac-
resistance of asphalt mixtures using static (monotonic) SCB test. In ture. Several researchers [23,38,39] attempted to evaluate the
general, GI increased with increasing temperature from 20 to mix mode fracture of asphalt mixes using static SCB test. Research
0 °C, and then decreased. The change of the trend was ascribed [38] reported that the mixed mode fracture, which is a combina-
to the frozen moisture entrapment during conditioning at temper- tion of modes I and II cracking can be obtained by unequal support
atures less than 0 °C [28]. Additionally, GI increased with increasing distance and asymmetric notch. Aliha et al. [39] conducted a
asphalt content at temperatures greater than 0 °C; and a reverse numerical study to investigate the mixed mode cracking of asphalt
trend was observed at temperatures less than 0 °C [22]. mixtures using asymmetric SCB test. The authors replaced the
In another study [29], crack propagation property for conven- notch position from the conventional symmetric specimen
tional and modified asphalt mixtures was studied extensively by (mode-I and [8]) setup with an unequal support distance from
calculating total fracture energy. It was found that modified the notch as shown in Fig. 4. Two stress intensity functions, KI
asphalt mixtures produced approximately 1.5–2 times higher total and KII were evaluated to account for modes-I and II fracture prop-
fracture energy at intermediate temperatures than conventional erties, respectively, using:
dense graded mixtures. Furthermore, the ratio (designed fracture
P pffiffiffiffiffiffi
KI ¼ YI pa ð11Þ
P pffiffiffiffiffiffi
P K II ¼ Y II pa ð12Þ
KI = stress intensity factor for mode-I, N/mm3/2
KII = stress intensity factor for mode-II, N/mm3/2

Table 2
a Various SCB test configurations in mixed mode fracture evaluation [23].

Test Mode s/r a/r Inclination angle, a

S1 S2 configuration ratio ratio (degree)
A I 0.8 0.33 0
B II 0.4 0.33 45
Fig. 4. Asymmetric SCB test setup reported in [39]. Note: s1, s2 = support distances
C II 0.4 0.33 50
from notch.
G. Saha, K.P. Biligiri / Construction and Building Materials 105 (2016) 103–112 109

YI = geometric factor for mode-I along the FPZ instead of the conventional load-deformation curve.
YII = geometric factor for mode-II Furthermore, finite element based CZM showed that strain energy
P = load, N decreased with faster loading rates in the range of 0–20 °C. But, a
D = diameter, mm reverse trend was observed in case of faster loading rates at the
t = thickness, mm ambient temperature range (21–30 °C). At higher temperature,
a = notch depth, mm the FPZ size near the crack tip increases which in turn reduces
the critical energy of mix. But, the faster rate of loading possibly
Mode of mixing between modes I and II is measured by the results in prompting reduced size of FPZ near the rack tip, thus
mode mixity parameter, M as designated in [38]. For pure mode- increasing the strain energy with faster.
I, the value of M becomes zero whereas mode-II being 1. The Huang et al. [24] correlated the effective crack length of SCB
researchers showed that higher mode of mixity can be obtained geometry with the vertical load line displacement (LLD) using
using SCB sample than an SENB specimen, and is a function of FEM. The modeling technique offered an alternative solution to
notch angle and 2 D/S ratio (D = specimen diameter and S = support estimating the effective crack length which is otherwise cumber-
distance). some to measure by experimental means. Furthermore, the
The geometric factors for both modes as a function of a/r, s1/r, authors also showed that the observed stress intensity contour in
and s2/r (where s1 and s2 are distances between the supports and SCB geometry using FEM analysis confirmed the mode-I cracking
notch; r being radius = D/2) were estimated using finite element mechanism.
analysis [39]. It was noted that when s1 = s2, it resulted in a pure Contemporaneously, extended finite element method (XFEM)
mode-I fracture but when they were unequal, it caused a mixed was also employed to study the discontinuous behaviour of crack
mode fracture failure. Further, the analyses revealed that YI (or propagation in the SCB test on asphalt mixtures [41,43–45]. In gen-
KI) becomes zero at a particular value of s2 indicating a pure eral, XFEM models the crack propagation without having to re-
mode-II characteristic. Thus, it was concluded that asymmetric mesh the crack growth, and hence, the crack propagation takes
SCB test had the potential to assess the realistic mixed mode frac- place in a mode-dependent cracking path. Research findings
ture experienced in a flexible pavement system. revealed that XEFM in conjunction with viscoelastic materials’
Im et al. [23] examined the potential of SCB test in evaluating inputs was capable of simulating the load-deformation relation-
the mode-II fracture of fine asphalt matrix (with maximum aggre- ship, and the stress intensity variation of various asphalt mixes
gate size of 1.19 mm). Three test configurations were employed to [44]. In addition, KIC of asphalt mixtures was also numerically sim-
investigate modes-I and II fracture characteristics as summarized ulated using FEM for different asphalt mixes in which the labora-
in Table 2. Static SCB tests were carried out at a constant deforma- tory findings exhibited a good correlation with the numerically
tion rate of 10 mm/min and 21 °C, and experimental results indi- simulated KIC [46].
cated that KIIC was almost three times higher than KIC. As
indicated in the Table 2, the test configuration A resulted in vertical
5. Crack propagation study
crack propagation in accordance with mode-I while test configura-
tions B and C produced crack initiations at the tip of the notch, and
As mentioned previously, fracture assessment involves crack
propagated to the loading point that followed mode-II fracture.
initiation and propagation to finally arrive at failure stage in an
asphalt mix. However, very little knowledge about crack propaga-
4.4. Numerical simulations tion is available that sheds light on the comprehensive picture of
the innate mechanisms of fracture. Thus, the investigations which
Numerical modeling also played an integral part of asphalt mix- exclusively focused on crack propagation process for asphalt mix-
tures’ fracture properties characterization and evaluation through tures are summarized as follows.
finite element method (FEM) for SCB geometry. The fracture
parameters YI, K, KIC, and Jc in pure and mixed mode fracture were
5.1. Crack velocity
determined for various semi-circular geometric dimensions, which
was only possible with the help of numerical analyses. For exam-
Crack velocity was used as a crack resistance assessor by [13],
ple, Lim et al. [40] provided solutions for SCB test geometric factors
who defined it as the distance that the crack travelled with respect
to calculate stress intensity factors at various a/r and s/r ratios. A
to time. The research also examined the crack initiation and crack
numerical solution developed to estimate YI based on geometric
propagation of asphalt mixtures with the help of multiple Linear
ratios was given by:
Variable Differential Transducers (LVDT) fixed parallel to the spec-
þ C 3 eðC4 ðr ÞÞ imen base. The experiments encompassed static SCB tests and the
Y 1fSo =rg ¼ C 1 þ C 2 ð13Þ
r crack velocity was given by:
a = notch length, mm v¼ ð14Þ
r = radius of specimen, mm
s = support distance, mm where:
C1, C2, C3, and C4 = geometry parameters v = velocity of the crack, mm/s
Dl = length of the crack, mm
Other researchers [23,41,42] also considered cohesive zone Dt = time elapsed, s
modeling or CZM (crack evaluation at the localized crack tip
region) based EPFM approach using FEM to simulate the critical The asphalt mixtures under dry and wet conditions produced an
strain energy of asphalt mixtures based on material properties: average velocity of 12.0 and 7.7 mm/s, respectively. Although the
modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio. Further, it was found that crack velocity was found to be increasing with increasing air voids
the choice of displacement measurement, specimen geometry and content, the correlation was weak. In addition, the crack initiation
boundary conditions would result in erroneous estimations of the was observed to be occurring along the interfacial aggregate
critical energy release rate [23,41]. To circumvent the difficulty, it boundary, and the crack velocity was not found significantly sensi-
was recommended to calculate the critical energy release rate tive to the aggregate gradation. However, the study presented a
110 G. Saha, K.P. Biligiri / Construction and Building Materials 105 (2016) 103–112

methodology to measure the crack propagation velocity that is Eq. (17). One of the major outcomes of the study was that the
possibly helpful to get an understanding of the crack propagation modified Paris’ law constant nj was found to be related to the creep
resistance of asphalt mixes. compliance exponent of time for a mix.
In a recent study, crack propagation resistance of asphalt mix- dc
tures in post-crack initiation stage was investigated using static ¼ aj DJ nj ð17Þ
SCB methodology at six varying temperatures [46]. It was reported
that HSY would best be described by EPFM concept and can also where:
explained the fracture phenomenon of asphalt mixtures using aj, nj = material constants
FPZ concept. In the post-crack initiation regime, the cumulative J = J integral
energy dissipation was modeled as a function of percentage frac- nj = 6.2  1/m
ture damage using power relationship as follows: m = creep compliance exponent

Dissipated energy ¼ a  ð% fracture damageÞ ð15Þ Wang et al. [50] also studied the effect of frequency on crumb-
rubber modified asphalt mixtures using dynamic SCB test. Three
where: frequency levels: 5, 10, and 15 Hz were used in the study. Although
a and b = materials’ fracture parameters a change in the frequency had no effect on the failure load, higher
a and b provided the necessary knowledge about the crack frequency resulted in an extended fatigue life. Further, an increase
propagation resistance at different stages of fracture crack propa- in the temperature increased the crack growth rate, thereby reduc-
gation. It was also found that the fracture parameters could be ing the fatigue life of asphalt mixes.
determined in terms of their fundamental materials inputs such
as asphalt content, aggregate gradation, binder viscosity, tempera-
6. Future prospects of SCB test – fracture evaluation of asphalt
ture, and modification (rubber/polymer).

5.2. Dynamic SCB test Static and dynamic SCB test techniques have been employed
as versatile methodologies to characterize fracture properties in
In order to simulate the actual field fracture fatigue perfor- the context of low temperature and fracture fatigue cracking
mance and characterize the fracture properties of asphalt mixtures, mechanisms. In this direction, two standard protocols [8,9]
cyclic loading conditions are essential. In this connection, dynamic provide a strong foundation towards practical experimentation
SCB tests were also conducted by [11,20,24,47,48]. Nonetheless, it of the static SCB test. However, it is worth noting that several
is noteworthy that the dynamic SCB tests were conducted at vary- research studies performed the experiment suiting regional
ing load magnitudes and frequencies, as there is no prescribed and/or similar research convenience. Owing to rationality and
standard protocol to perform the test. simplicity of the SCB test procedure in evaluating fracture
Initially, dynamic SCB test was attempted using 9.8 and 29.3 Hz properties of asphalt mixtures, there is scope for further
with varying loading levels; and the number of cycles to failure research to advance the current state-of-the-art test procedure
was found inversely related to the load magnitude [11]. Another that simulates actual field performance characteristics. In a
research study [20] investigated the crack growth rate by dynamic nutshell, the future scope of research regarding SCB tests to
SCB test where a haversine load of 3 kN (maximum) and 0.3 kN evaluate fracture properties of asphalt mixtures is summarized
(minimum) at 29.3 Hz were applied and crack growth rate was below.
recorded optically by a digital camera. An irregular cracking pat-
tern was reported as the major difficulty towards measuring the  Future additional studies are required to characterize and vali-
crack growth. It was found that higher asphalt contents reduced date dynamic fracture properties through the use of cyclic SCB
the crack growth rate by providing higher crack propagation resis- test.
tance than the one with lower asphalt contents in the asphalt  The suitability of LEFM to understand fracture behaviour
mixes. should be investigated further taking into account the
In order to advance fracture analyses of asphalt materials, viscoelastic characterization associated with asphalt binder as
repeated load fracture properties necessitates the use of Paris’ the deciding material property using the well-established con-
law parameters using LEFM and EPFM approaches (Eq. (16)) [49]. cept [49].
A study conducted by [24] estimated Paris’ law parameters of four  An extensive study is required to further understand the depen-
dense graded asphalt mixes by applying a sinusoidal load with dency of fracture properties on sample geometry such as thick-
maximum and minimum loads of 1.38 and 0.0045 kN, respectively, ness, notch depth, support distance, loading rate, frequency, and
at 5 Hz and 25 °C. Research findings showed that Paris’ law param- temperature pertinent to dynamic SCB tests as all of the influ-
eters obtained from SCB tests were sensitive to asphalt content of encing factors have been accounted in the development of static
the mix, which also were in good agreement with the previous SCB tests.
magnitudes obtained from other fracture tests on asphalt mixtures.  Additional research is required to understand the correlations
between dynamic SCB fracture parameters and surface energy
¼ a DK n ð16Þ to investigate moisture damage, fatigue, and durability of
asphalt mixtures using the methodologies proposed in [51,52],
where: and several others.
c = crack length, mm  Different materials including modifiers (and proportions) must
a, n = material constants be used in future to investigate the applicability of the SCB test
DK = stress intensity factor = Kmax  Kmin, N/mm3/2 procedure to corroborate the actual field performance of modi-
fied mixes that outperform the conventional ones.
Dynamic SCB study conducted by [47,48] evaluated the  Test configurations, namely, unequal support distance,
viscoelastic fatigue performance using Paris’ law parameters. The inclined notch in conjunction with numerical simulations are
viscoelastic behaviour of asphalt mixes was studied using modified required to estimate mixed mode fracture properties of asphalt
Paris’ law with the association of J integral as represented in mixtures.
G. Saha, K.P. Biligiri / Construction and Building Materials 105 (2016) 103–112 111

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