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Nitoflor ET Slurry

Formerly Fosroc® Cicol ET Slurry constructive solutions

Solvent free coal tar epoxy resin product
with mineral fillers


Nitoflor ET Slurry is used for making a flexible waterproof,

lightweight anti-skid wearing course on bridge decks,
platforms, loading jetties, airfield aprons, industrial floors and
other high traffic areas.

The product can also be applied as a waterproofing

membrane. e.g. under an asphalt layer on bridges and fly-


Lightweight - important in design considerations

Flexible - excellent flexural and tensile strength
Non-slip even when wet Nitoflor ET Slurry Application at a carpark in Hong Kong
Chemical resistance
Can be applied to steel
Waterproof - provides a lightweight, chemically corrosion Tensile strength: 10 N/mm2
resistant and water impermeable wearing course. (BS6319 - 28 days)

Description Flexural strength: 34 N/mm2 at 250C

(BS 6319 - 28 days)
Nitoflor ET Slurry is a solvent free three component product
Shore-D hardness: 70
based on epoxy resin and special coal tar with mineral fillers.
Service temperature: 80oC maximum
Nitoflor ET Slurry is black but the final colour of the system will
depend on the aggregate used as the surface dressing. Pot life at 20oC: 30 minutes

Initial cure: 12 hours minimum

Technical support
(light foot traffic) at 20oC
Fosroc offers comprehensive technical support, including
Full traffic load: 16 hours minimum
help at the design stage, application advice and on site
at 20oC
problem solving. Specifiers and contractors are encouraged
to contact our trained staff for answers to their questions. Chemical resistance: The cured layer of Nitoflor ET
Slurry is resistant to petrol,
For further information please contact Fosroc.
diesel fuel, jet fuel, lubricating
fuel, cleaning compositions, a
Design criteria
number of alliphatic
The thickness of Nitoflor ET Slurry resin is designed to suit the hydrocarbons, diluted mineral
traffic conditions. - typically: acids and alkalis, de-icing salts.

Light traffic: 3.0 - 3.5 mm

Nitoflor Aggregate
Heavy traffic: 4.0 - 4.5 mm
Mohn hardness: 9 (Diamond is 10)

Typical Properties
Anti-skid resistance >90
Mixing ratio (A:B:filler): 15:15:70
value on wet surface:
Specific gravity (mixed): Approx. 1.6

Volume solids (mixed): 100%

Nitoflor ET Slurry
Formerly Fosroc® Cicol ET Slurry

Application instructions bonded or contaminated material to provide the desired

surface. No primer is required on asphalt.
Nitoflor ET Slurry is supplied in pre-weighed units. Thorough
For optimum adhesion, Nitoflor ET Slurry is applied without
mixing is essential, using a forced action mixer of suitable
the need of a primer. The steel shall be prepared by abrasive
capacity. The following procedures should be adopted.
blast cleaning to a minimum standard of Sa An angular
amplitude of at least 100 microns is required. Note that the Mix the resin base and the hardener together until thoroughly
slurry must be applied immediately after blasting the steel. blended. Add the filler slowly and continuously while still
mixing, until a homogeneous consistency is achieved. The
mixing cycle will take approximately 5 - 7 minutes.
The concrete shall be clean, dry and free of laitence. Mechanical
At this stage Nitoflor ET Slurry will be ready to use. Note that
cleaning or abrasive blasting is recommended. The prepared
under no circumstances can either thinners or solvents be
concrete should be primed with one even coat of Nitoprime
31 at a rate of 0.3 kg/m2. The Nitoflor ET Slurry is applied 'wet
on wet'.
The mixed Nitoflor ET Slurry must be applied within the pot life
The surface should be clean, dry and uncontaminated. of the material. It is recommended that 100 mm wide self
Hardwoods may require abrasion in order to obtain a good adhesive tape is applied at the edges of the areas to be
mechanical key. Nitoflor ET Slurry is applied without the need treated. Pour the slurry onto the prepared surface. Apply in
of a primer. lanes of approximately 2 metres in width. The slurry is spread
evenly over the area with a steel trowel or squeegee. Care
must be taken to ensure that where the material is applied
Surfaces should be either chemically cleaned or mechanically against existing Nitoflor ET Slurry, total contact is achieved at
prepared to obtain a surface profile and mechanical key. the correct thickness. It is essential that a wet film thickness
Nitoflor ET Slurry must be applied immediately to the dry, gauge is used to ensure that an even thickness is achieved.
keyed, uncontaminated surface.
The selected aggregate dressing must be applied
Asphalt immediately after application of the slurry. The slurry has to
be dressed until obliterated and no slurry is visible. The
Nitoflor ET Slurry can be applied onto asphalt substrates
dressing must be applied by a method which results in it
providing they are clean, sound and dry. It is recommended
falling vertically down into the slurry. If hand thrown, there will
that the asphalt should be at least 3 months or all volatile
be ridges created which cannot be remedied latter. Before the
organic materials in the asphalt have been evaporated.
slurry cures, remove the self adhesive boarder tape.
Asphalt should be lightly grit blasted to remove any weakly
Nitoflor ET Slurry should be allowed to cure for at least 16
hours @ 20oC before any heavy to vehiclular is allowed on the

After curing the excess aggregate has to be removed. If the

constructive solutions page 2

Nitoflor ET Slurry
Formerly Fosroc® Cicol ET Slurry

excess aggregate is dry, clean and uncontaminated it may be Kerocleanse Standard Grade skin cleanser or Rozaklens
used in future applications of the system. Industrial Skin Cleanser, followed by washing with soap and
water - do not use solvent.
Should accidental eye contamination occur with any of the
Nitoflor ET slurry should not be applied at temperatures below above products, wash well with plenty of clean water and
5oC or above 35oC, or onto subtrates with a temperature lower seek medical advice. If swallowed, seek medical attention
than 3oC over the dewpoint. immediately - do not induce vomiting.

Estimating Flash points

Coverage Nitoflor ET Slurry: > 50oC

Nitoflor ET Slurry: Approx 1.6 kg/m2 per mm thickness Nitoprime 31 Base: 124 oC
Nitoprime 31 Hardener: 128 oC
Nitoflor aggregate:
For further information see relevant Material Safety Data
0.4 - 1 mm 8 kg/m2 (nett) Sheet.
Nitoflor aggregate:
Additional information
1 - 3 mm 8 kg/m2 (nett)
Fosroc manufactures a wide range of products specifically
Nitoflor aggregate: designed for transportation structures and flooring
applications. A wide range of complementary products are
3 - 5 mm 8 kg/m2 (nett)
also available. This includes joint sealants, waterproofing
Nitoprime 31: 0.3 kg/m2 membranes, waterstops, grouting, anchoring, concrete
repair and refurbishment and flooring materials.
Note: In accordance with Commercial or Health & Safety
requirements packaging detail may alter. Please contact your For further information please contact your local Fosroc
local Fosroc office for detail. office.


Shelf life

All products have a shelf life of 12 months if kept in a dry store

below 35oC in the original, unopened containers.


Health and safety

Nitoflor ET Slurry components should not come into contact

with skin and eyes or be swallowed.

Some people are sensitive to epoxy resins, hardeners and

solvents. Gloves, goggles and barrier creams, such as
Kerodex, Antisolvent or Rozalex Antipaint should therefore be
used. Ensure adequate ventilation.

If mixed resin comes into contact with skin, it must be removed

before it hardens with a resin removing cream such as

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Nitoflor ET Slurry
Formerly Fosroc® Cicol ET Slurry

Cicol is the trademark of Fosroc International Limited.

Important note
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold subject to its standard
Conditions for the Supply of Goods and Service, copies of which may be obtained on request. Whilst Fosroc
endeavours to ensure that any advice, recommendation, specification or information it may give is accurate and
correct, it cannot, because it has no direct or continuous control over where or how its products are applied, accept
any liability either directly or indirectly arising from the use of its products, whether or not in accordance with any
advice, specification, recommendation or information given by it.


Hong Kong Ltd. Fosroc Guangzhou Limited
No. 7 Hong Yuan Road, Eastern Section, Guangzhou Economic & Technological Development
2001-2, Pacific Plaza District, Guangzhou 510760, China
410 Des Voeux Road West Tel: +(86-20) 8226 9245 Fax: +(86-20) 8226 8010 email: [email protected]
Hong Kong
We also have offices in the following locations:
Tel: (852) 2882 8662
Macao, Taiwan (Distributor), Beijing, Chongqing, Shanghai and Suzhou
Fax: (852) 2895 2931
Email: [email protected] For Macao & Taiwan, please contact Fosroc Hong Kong office.
For other cities in China, please contact Fosroc Guangzhou office FIL/JUL/15/F

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