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Eabf1374 Full
considered VE ranging from 10 to 100% and vaccination coverage (equivalently 40% vaccinated with a perfect vaccine under the
ranging from 10 to 100% of the total population. We evaluated four optimal allocation strategy for minimizing infections assuming
objective functions reflecting different metrics of disease burden that 20% of the population has immunity already) (Figs. 1J and 2A
could be considered by decision makers: minimization of the total and fig. S2).
number of symptomatic infections, total number of deaths, number The epidemic can be substantially slowed with any vaccine with
of cases requiring hospitalization [non–intensive care unit (ICU)] a VE ≥50%, as long as a majority of the population is vaccinated
at the epidemic peak, and number of cases requiring ICU hospital- (Figs. 1E and 2A), and more than 50% of deaths could be averted
ization at the epidemic peak. We chose to minimize symptomatic (in comparison to no vaccination and no nonpharmaceutical
infections as a key metric because symptomatic individuals are the intervention) with as little as 35% of the population optimally vac-
ones who are easier to identify and, presumably, particular inter- cinated (Fig. 2, A and B). If VE = 60%, then the epidemic is com-
ventions will be targeted to this group. In addition, minimizing pletely contained if we optimally vaccinate 70% of the population
symptomatic individuals minimizes the transmission of SARS-CoV-2, (or 50% for higher VE = 70%) (Figs. 1, F and I, and 2A). In our
and this is in line with current vaccine trials end points (9, 10). The model, only vaccines with VE ≥50% can maintain the number of
last two objective functions were chosen because hospital bed (non-ICU non-ICU hospitalizations below the established goal (≤10% hospital
and ICU) occupancy is a key metric currently used to determine bed occupancy by patients with COVID-19) and can prevent an
county/state/country readiness to move between different interven- overflow of the ICUs. With VE = 60%, optimally vaccinating 54%
tion strategies. Here, we used the total number of licensed ICU beds satisfies both hospital bed occupancy goals (Fig. 2, C and D, and
in Washington state and its current goal of staying below 10% of figs. S3F and S4F), compared with 67% under the pro rata alloca-
hospital beds occupied by COVID-19 cases (13, 14) as references tion (figs. S5 to S9). The optimal allocation strategy outperforms
Fig. 1. Simulated prevalence of symptomatic infections. Simulated prevalence of symptomatic COVID-19 infections for VE ranging from 10% (A) to 100% (J) in 10%
increments. For each VE and each vaccination coverage, the optimal vaccine allocation for minimizing symptomatic infections was used in these simulations. Colors
represent different vaccination coverage, ranging from 0% (black, “baseline”) to 100% (magenta). For clarity, we present here epidemic curves for the main set of param-
eters only and show a complete figure with uncertainty bounds in fig. S2.
Optimal vaccine allocation changes with Optimal vaccine allocation differs for
VE and vaccination coverage different objective functions
The optimal allocation strategy to minimize deaths is identical for Next, we investigated how the optimal allocation strategy changed
VE between 10 and 50%: With low vaccination coverage, it is optimal for different objective functions and present results for VE = 60%.
to allocate vaccine first to the highest-risk group (people more than The optimal vaccine allocation for the four objectives differed the
75 years old) and then to the younger vaccination groups as more most when fewer vaccines are available (enough vaccine to cover
vaccine becomes available (Fig. 4, A to E). In contrast, there is a less than 30% of the total population). When minimizing symptomatic
threshold phenomenon observed for VE ≥60%: For low coverage, infections and peak non-ICU hospitalizations, priority was given to
the optimal allocation is still to vaccinate the high-risk groups first, the younger vaccination groups, as they have the most contacts in
but when there is enough vaccine to cover roughly half of the popula- our model and, hence, drive transmission (Fig. 5, A and B, and figs.
tion (60% for VE = 60%, 50% for VE = 70%, and 40% for VE≥80%), S11 and S12). As we move toward more severe outcomes (ICU
there is a switch to allocate vaccine to the high-transmission groups hospitalizations at peak and deaths), for which older individuals are
first (those aged 20 to 50 and children in our model). This is because most at risk, the optimal allocation strategy shifts toward those vac-
directly vaccinating those who are driving the epidemic results in a cination groups (Fig. 5, C and D, and fig. S13). Once more vaccine
much slower epidemic curve and, hence, in fewer deaths (Fig. 1, F to H). becomes available, the optimal allocation strategies are very similar
As more vaccine becomes available, the optimizer allocates it to for all objective functions. They are nearly identical for all the objec-
high-risk groups again (Fig. 4, F to J). tive functions when there is enough vaccine to cover 60 and 70% of
Fig. 4. Optimal allocation strategies to minimize deaths for different VE. Optimal allocation strategies for minimizing deaths for VE ranging from 10 (A) to 100% (J) in
10% increments (additional figures for minimizing symptomatic infections, number of non-ICU hospitalizations at peak, and number of ICU hospitalizations at peak are
given in the Supplementary Materials). For each plot, each row represents the total vaccination coverage available (percentage of the total population to be vaccinated),
and each column represents a different vaccination group. Colors represent the percentage of the population in a given vaccination group to be vaccinated.
Fig. 7. Three key metrics of COVID-19 burden under optimal distribution of vaccine for VECOV = 60%. Percentage of symptomatic infections averted (A) and number
of maximum non-ICU (B) and ICU (C) hospitalizations as a function of VE and vaccination coverage (total vaccine available as a percentage of the population). The dotted
lines correspond to VE = 50% and vaccine available to cover 50% of the population. The isoclines indicate the current goal for Washington state having 10% of licensed
general (non-ICU) hospital beds occupied by patients with COVID-19 in (B) and total ICU licensed hospital beds in Washington state in (C).
20% of the population. We then used this composition of the popula- Number of current infections. We compared the optimal alloca-
tion as the initial distribution of preexisting immunity (this composi- tion strategies when the simulations were started with a higher number
tion will depend on the contact matrix and the demographics used). of infected individuals (10,000 current infections). This would re-
The optimal allocation strategies were very similar to those obtained in flect a situation where the epidemic is in full exponential growth
the main analysis, with some notable differences. First, under this sce- when vaccination becomes available. The optimal allocation strategy
nario, the optimal allocation strategies tended to protect vaccination was unexpectedly robust under this scenario, with nearly identical
groups in full before prioritizing other groups. This was very apparent allocation strategies for all objective functions (fig. S35).
when minimizing deaths or peak ICU hospitalizations: For low VE Multiway robustness analysis
(irrespective of vaccination coverage) or high VE but low vaccination In addition, we selected four parameters (R0, proportion of infec-
coverage, the optimal allocation strategies prioritized the highest-risk tions that are asymptomatic, relative infectiousness of asymptomatic
age groups (individuals aged 65 to 75 and those more than 75 years infections, and relative infectiousness of presymptomatic infections)
old) to get fully vaccinated before allocating to other groups (figs. S30 for which there is the most uncertainty and reran the optimization
and S31). Second, the threshold observed when minimizing deaths routine for several combinations of them (full details in the Supple-
occurred at higher vaccination coverage under this scenario. For ex- mentary Materials). The optimal allocation strategies were very
ample, if VE = 60%, then this threshold occurs when there is enough robust under this analysis (Supplemental Files SF1 to SF4).
vaccine to cover 70% of the population (fig. S30, F to J). Last, when
minimizing symptomatic infections or non-ICU peak hospitaliza-
tions, the optimal allocation strategies shifted away from young adults DISCUSSION
toward adults in the 50-to-65 vaccination groups (figs. S32 and S33). The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated families and societies
Duration of the incubation period. On the basis of the early studies around the world. A vaccine, when available, would most likely be-
(17, 22–24), we presented results assuming an incubation period of come our best tool to control the spread of SARS-CoV-2. However,
5.1 days. However, a more recent study (25) has suggested that the in the short term, even in the most optimistic scenarios, vaccine
incubation period for COVID-19 might be longer (7.76 days). We production would likely be insufficient. In this work, we paired a
found no difference in the optimal allocation strategies assuming this mathematical model of SARS-CoV-2 transmission with optimization
longer incubation period (fig. S34). algorithms to determine optimal vaccine allocation strategies. Given
the current uncertainties surrounding such a vaccine (we do not yet vaccine modeling studies (26, 27). Furthermore, we showed that much
know whether and when this vaccine would be available, how effi- can be achieved even with low vaccination coverage; With medium
cacious it will be, or the number of doses immediately available), we VE, more than half of deaths can be averted by optimally vaccinat-
explored 100 combinations of VE and vaccination coverage under a ing only 35% of the population. When minimizing deaths, for low
wide variety of scenarios minimizing four metrics of disease burden. VE and a low supply of vaccine, our results suggest that vaccines
Our results suggest that, assuming R0 = 3, any vaccine with should be given to the high-risk groups first. For high VE and high
medium to high effectiveness (VE ≥50%) would be able to consid- vaccination coverage, the optimal allocation strategy switched to
erably slow the epidemic while keeping the burden on health care vaccinating the high-transmission groups (younger adults and
systems manageable, as long as a high proportion of the population children). This remained true under equal or reduced susceptibility
is optimally vaccinated. Moreover, once VE = 70%, full containment to infection for children, pointing to the importance of children as
of the epidemic would be possible. This is in agreement with key players in disease transmission. This finding is consistent with
previous work for other respiratory viruses (28–30) that found that coverage could achieve the same goals, because deterministic models
protecting the high-transmission groups indirectly protects the tend to overestimate the transmission dynamics. We computed the
high-risk groups and is the optimal use of resources. optimal allocation strategies using age as the sole risk factor. How-
Furthermore, the optimal allocation strategies were identical when ever, other factors, such as occupation, have been linked to an increased
we considered a vaccine that would also reduce symptomatic infec- risk of acquisition and severe disease (33, 34). Furthermore, several
tions, but the impact of such a vaccine would of course be greater in studies (35, 36) have shown that, as a result of health systems with
reducing COVID-19 disease and health care burden. Our results show systemic health and social inequalities, people from racial and ethnic
that even if this vaccine had a marginal effect in preventing infec- minority groups are at increased risk of getting sick and dying from
tion, it would still be very beneficial to reduce the number of hospital- COVID-19 in certain countries. These are crucial considerations that
izations and symptomatic infections. It is expected that once a vaccine will be included in further studies and can point toward who, within
is proven to be effective, more information about its mechanisms of a given age group, should get the vaccine first. We believe that these
action, including how it affects the viral load trajectory and the rela- results can provide a quantification of the effectiveness of different
tionship between that trajectory and infectiousness, will be available, allocation scenarios under four metrics of disease burden and can
allowing us to expand and refine our projections. be used as an evidence-based guidance to vaccine prioritization.
Here, we used mathematical optimization to determine the opti-
mal vaccine allocation and, by design, did not impose any restric- SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
tions in the allocation strategies. Supplementary material for this article is available at http://advances.sciencemag.org/cgi/
However, in practice, implementation of optimal strategies must
also account for other factors (ethical, political, and societal). When
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