9307 Radakovic
9307 Radakovic
9307 Radakovic
Epilepsy is a common neurologic condition which includes many women’s health issues. Menstrual disorders, repro-
ductive endocrinological disturbances, ovulatory dysfunction and infertility appear to be relatively frequent in women
with epilepsy. Clinical decision making which contraceptive regimen is optimal for an individual woman with epilepsy
is one of the most challenging tasks when taking care of women with epilepsy. A higher incidence of breakthrough bleed-
ing and contraceptive failure was determined among women using antiepileptic drugs. There is the increased risk for
contraceptive failure with the use of P450 3A4 enzyme-inducing antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) such as phenobarbital, car-
bamazepine, phenytoin, felbamate, topiramate and oxcarbazepine. Therefore, it is recommended to use noninducing
AEDs, or for those who use inducing AEDs, the use of oral hormonal contraceptive pills which contained equal or more
than 50 mg of estrogen, or intrauterine devices. The aim of the article is to present woman with epilepsy who was used
combined low dose oral contraceptive pills containing 20 mg of ethinyl estradiol which in interaction with carbamazepine
resulted with ectopic tubar pregnancy.
Epilepsy is a common neurologic condition which in- versity of Zagreb due to abdominal pain, amenorrhoea
cludes many women’s health issues1,2. Menstrual disor- and vaginal bleeding. She has a decade history of epilepsy
ders, reproductive endocrine disturbances, ovulatory dys- as a result of trauma injury. The patient is treated with
function, and infertility appear to be relatively common carbamazepine in a daily dose of 800 mg. She was treated
in women with epilepsy2. Clinical decision making which for seven months by her general practitioner with mono-
contraceptive regimen is optimal for an individual wo- phasic, combined, low-dose oral contraceptive pills which
man with epilepsy is one of the most challenging tasks contained 20 mg of ethinylestradiol and 75 mg of gestoden.
when taking care of women with epilepsy3,4. A higher in- During the gynecological exam tha patient signalized ex-
cidence of breakthrough bleeding and contraceptive fail- tremely painful sensation in the projection of right fallo-
ure was determined among women using antiepileptic pian tube. Ultrasound was performed, and suspect ecto-
drugs. There is the increased risk for contraceptive fail- pic right tubar pregnancy was determined with empty
ure with the use of P450 3A4 enzyme-inducing antiepi- endometral cavity. The level of b-human chorionic go-
leptic drugs (AEDs) such as phenobarbital, carbamaze- nadotropin was 1368 IJ/L, and was significantly lower for
pine, phenytoin, felbamate, topiramate and oxcarbaze- expected eight weeks amenorrhoea duration. The patient
pine1,2. The aim of the article is to present woman with underwent urge laparoscopic surgery. Intraoperatively,
epilepsy who used combined low dose oral contraceptive right fallopian tube was thicker, with haemorrhagic con-
pills which interacted with carbamazepine, resulting tent and incipient expulsion of ectopic pregnancy through
with ectopic tubar pregnancy. the abdominal tubar orifice, with 250 mL of coaguls and
blood in the coul de sac. Right salpingectomia was per-
formed. There was no immediate and late postoperative
Case Report complications. Pathologist confirmed the diagnosis of
A 26-year multiparous was submitted to the Depart- ectopic tubar pregnancy. The patient was released from
ment for Gynecology and Obstetrics Medical School Uni- the Department after two days.
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Composite 150 lpi at 45 degrees
B. Radakovi} and M. [prem Gold{tajn: Ectopic Pregnancy and Epilepsy, Coll. Antropol. 36 (2012) 4: 1475–1476
1. SCHWENKHAGEN AM, STODIECK SR, Seizure, 17 (2008) 145. LOS PN, FROSCHER W, PISANI F, VAN RIJN CM, Epilepsia, 43 (2002)
— 2. O BRIEN MD, GUILLEBAUD J, Epilepsia, 47 (2006) 1419. — 3. 365. — 7. CRAWFORD P, CNS Drugs, 16 (2002) 263. — 8. HACHAD H,
CRAWFORD P, Epilepsia, 46 (2005) 117. — 4. BEYENBURG S, SCH- RAGGUENEAU-MAJLESSI I, LEVY RH, Ther Drug Monit, 24 (2002)
MULTZLER AG, Zentralbl Gynakol, 126 (2004) 112. — 5. MC AULEY 91.
JW, ANDERSON GD, Clin Pharmacokinet, 41 (2002) 559. — 6. PATSA-
M. [prem Gold{tajn
University of Zagreb, School of Medicine, Department for Gynecology and Obstetrics, Petrova 13, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
e-mail: [email protected]
Epilepsija je relativno ~est neurolo{ki poreme}aj koji bitno utje~e na razli~ite aspekte zdravlja `ene. Poreme}aj men-
struacijskog ciklusa, reprodukcijski endokrinolo{ki poreme}aji i neplodnost zna~ajno utje~u na kvalitetu `ivota `ene s
epilepsijom. Klini~ka procjena i izbor optimalnog kontracepcijskog protokola u `ena s epilepsijom je veliki izazov s
obzirom na ~esta probojna krvarenja i kontracepcijski neuspjeh koji se javljaju u `ena koje koriste antiepileptike i
oralnu hormonsku kontracepciju. S obzirom na pove}ani rizik kontracepcijskog neuspjeha u `ena koje koriste antiepi-
leptike koji induciraju jetrene mikrosomalne enzime (phenobarbital, karbamazepin, fenitoin, felbamat, topiramat i
okskarbazepin), preporuka je kori{tenje oralne hormonske kontracepcije koja sadr`i 50 ili vi{e mikrograma etinil estra-
diola, materni~nog ulo{ka ili promjena osnovne terapije epilepsije primjenom nove generacije antiepileptika koji ne
induciraju jetrene mikrosomalne enzime. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati `enu s epilepsijom koja je koristila kombiniranu
niskodoza`nu oralnu hormonsku kontracepciju koja sadr`i 20 mg etinil estradiola i antiepileptik karbamazepin, {to je
rezultiralo kontracepcijskim neuspjehom i ektopi~nom tubarnom trudno}om.
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