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Pediatric Pharmacotherapy

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A Monthly Newsletter for Health Care Professionals from the

University of Virginia Children’s Hospital
Volume 17 Number 4 April 2011

Intravenous Acetaminophen Use in Infants and Children

Marcia L. Buck, Pharm.D., FCCP, FPPAG

A cetaminophen has been a cornerstone of

the management of mild to moderate pain
and the treatment of fever for more than 50
endogenous cannabinoid system. One of the
metabolites of acetaminophen (N-
arachidonoylphenolamine or AM404) inhibits the
years.1 The availability of only oral and rectal uptake of anandamide, increasing concentrations
dosage formulations in the United States, of endogenous cannabinoids. These substances
however, has limited its use in the hospital can both modulate serotonergic descending pain
setting. An intravenous (IV) preparation would pathways and lower body temperature. Other
allow for rapid, reliable drug delivery to patients investigators have suggested that acetaminophen
in the immediate post-operative setting or in produces direct inhibition of N-methyl-D-
cases where enteral administration is not possible aspartate (NMDA) receptors, blocking substance
due to underlying disease. On November 2, P-dependent synthesis of nitric oxide through the
2010, the Food and Drug Administration L-arginine-nitric oxide pathway and reducing
approved the first injectable acetaminophen nociception. These proposed mechanisms are
product for use in adults and children 2 years of not likely exclusive; in fact, they may all be
age and older.2,3 This issue of Pediatric components of an interwoven series of responses
Pharmacotherapy will review this new product to acetaminophen administration.1-4
and highlight studies of IV acetaminophen use in
infants and children. Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
The pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic profile
Mechanism of Action of IV acetaminophen has been extensively
The exact mechanism by which acetaminophen studied in the pediatric population. Overall, the
produces its analgesic and antipyretic effects results are similar to data gathered in adults. In
remains undefined. The primary mechanism of recent premarketing studies, the maximum serum
action is believed to be inhibition of concentration achieved after IV acetaminophen
cyclooxygenase (COX), with a predominant administration was up to 70% higher than that
effect on COX-2. Inhibition of COX enzymes achieved from the same dose given orally. The
prevents the metabolism of arachidonic acid to overall exposure as measured by the area under
prostaglandin H2, an unstable intermediate the concentration time curve (AUC), however,
byproduct which is converted to pro- was similar. Maximum serum concentrations
inflammatory compounds. In the central nervous have ranged from a low of 25 + 4 mcg/mL in
system, inhibition of COX enzymes reduces neonates to a high of 31 + 9 mcg/mL in
concentrations of prostaglandin E2, which lowers adolescents.2,3
the hypothalamic set-point to reduce fever, and
activation of descending inhibitory serotonergic Acetaminophen is widely distributed throughout
pathways to produce analgesia.1-4 the body, penetrating most tissues except fat.
Average values for the volume of distribution in
While acetaminophen shares the analgesic and pharmacokinetic studies conducted by the
antipyretic properties of other COX inhibitors manufacturer were 1.1 L/kg for neonates, infants,
such as aspirin and the non-steroidal anti- and adolescents, 1.2 L/kg in children, and 0.8
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), it does not L/kg in adults. Acetaminophen is only weakly
possess significant anti-inflammatory properties. bound to serum proteins (10-25%).2,3 It readily
Unlike aspirin, acetaminophen does not inhibit penetrates into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). In
thromboxane and, as a result, does not alter a study of 32 children undergoing surgery, a
platelet aggregation.1-4 single IV dose of acetaminophen 15 mg/kg
produced CSF concentrations ranging from 1.3 to
Recent studies have suggested that 18 mg/L, with CSF to plasma ratios ranging from
acetaminophen may work through additional 0.06 to 2.0.5 The average time to peak CSF
mechanisms, including modulation of the body’s concentration was 57 minutes.
Hepatic metabolism is the primary mechanism Clinical Trials
for acetaminophen elimination. There are three Although only recently introduced in the United
major metabolic pathways: glucuronide States, IV acetaminophen has been approved for
conjugation (accounting for 40-60% of a dose in use in more than 80 countries since its release in
adults), sulfate conjugation (20-40%), and N- 2001. Prior to that time, IV propacetamol, a
hydroxylation via the cytochrome P450 isozyme prodrug of acetaminophen, had been used for
CYP2E1 (< 15%). The latter mechanism results more than a dozen years in Europe. Several
in a highly reactive intermediate metabolite, N- studies have been published demonstrating the
acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine (NAPQI), which efficacy of propacetamol in the management of
undergoes further conjugation with glutathione to pain and fever in children. The newer IV
form nontoxic thiol metabolites. Excessive doses acetaminophen product, however, has largely
of acetaminophen can result in depletion of replaced propacetamol because of its ease of use
glutathione stores, producing accumulation of and fewer infusion-site reactions.1,8
NAPQI and hepatotoxicity. Due to differences
in the rate of development of metabolic enzymes, In clinical practice, IV acetaminophen has
neonates, infants, and children produce a larger typically been used as part of a multimodal
percentage of sulfate conjugates and a smaller analgesic regimen. Administration in the
percentage of glucuronide conjugates than adults. immediate post-operative setting may attenuate
Immaturity of CYP2E1 in young children also the onset of acute pain while the patient is
results in less production of NAPQI, explaining recovering from general anesthesia and
in part their decreased likelihood for potentially reduce subsequent analgesic use.1
acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity.1-3 The analgesic efficacy of IV acetaminophen has
been studied in infants and children undergoing a
The half-life of acetaminophen varies by age. In variety of dental and surgical procedures.
pharmacokinetic trials conducted by the Alhashemi and Daghistani conducted two
manufacturer of the IV preparation, neonates had randomized controlled trials comparing 15 mg/kg
the longest half-life, with an average of 7.0 + 2.7 IV acetaminophen to 1 mg/kg meperidine in
hrs. Infants had a shorter half-life of 4.2 + 2.9 children undergoing surgery.9,10 In their 2006
hrs. Older children, adolescents, and adults had study, both drugs proved effective in 80 children
similar values (3.0 + 1.5 hrs, 2.9 + 0.7 hrs, and who underwent tonsillectomy.9 Average pain
2.4 + 0.6 hrs, respectively). Based on the scores on admission to the recovery room were
pharmacokinetic differences observed in similar, 3.1 with acetaminophen and 2.1 with
neonates and infants compared to older children meperidine (p = 0.147). Nurse satisfaction scores
and adults, the manufacturer suggests that the IV were also equivalent between the groups.
acetaminophen dose for neonates should be Children in the acetaminophen group were less
approximately 50% of the pediatric dose. The sedated, however, and had a significantly shorter
recommended dose for infants between 1 month time to discharge from the recovery room (15 vs.
and 2 years of age should be 33% of the pediatric 25 min, p = 0.05).
dose. In both neonates and infants, a 6-hour
dosing interval is recommended.2,3 In their 2007 study, Alhashimi and Daghistani
found that IV acetaminophen produced less
Additional pharmacokinetic studies conducted in initial pain relief than meperidine in 40 children
neonates have produced similar results. The undergoing dental surgery (mean objective pain
longer elimination half-life observed in neonates score 3 in the acetaminophen group and 2 in the
is most pronounced in those born prematurely.6,7 meperidine group, p = 0.012).10 As in their
In 2008, Palmer and colleagues found that previous study, Ramsey sedation scores were
acetaminophen clearance rates increased with significantly higher in the meperidine group (4
increasing postmenstrual age.7 The authors vs. 2 in the acetaminophen group, p = 0.013).
treated 50 neonates with IV acetaminophen. After 20 minutes, there were no differences in
Patients were dosed according to postmenstrual pain or sedation scores between the groups.
age: 28-32 weeks, 10 mg/kg; 32-36 weeks, 12.5
mg/kg; and > 36 weeks, 15 mg/kg. Clearance Murat and colleagues randomized 183 children
rates ranged from 4.4 L/hr/70kg at 34 weeks to less than 12 years of age to receive a single dose
6.3 L/hr/70 kg at 46 weeks. of either IV acetaminophen (15 mg/kg) or
propacetamol (30 mg/kg) after inguinal hernia
The onset of analgesia typically occurs within 5 repair.11 Efficacy was assessed from the end of
to 10 minutes after administration of IV the 15 minute infusion to 6 hours. Both drugs
acetaminophen. Peak effects occur at produced a rapid reduction in pain scores, with
approximately 1 hour, with a 4-6 hour duration effects lasting for more than 4 hours in most
of effect. Fever reduction is generally seen children. Only 20% of children in each group
within 30 minutes of acetaminophen required an additional analgesic. Injection site
administration.2,3 pain occurred in only 15% of the IV
acetaminophen group, compared to 33% of the Premarketing Studies in the United States
propacetamol group (p = 0.005). A total of 355 infants and children took part in
premarketing clinical trials for IV
In 2008, Capici and colleagues compared the acetaminophen, including two active-controlled
efficacy of IV and rectal acetaminophen in 50 trials and three open-label trials. The patients
children between 2 and 5 years of age enrolled in trials of IV acetaminophen safety
undergoing adenotonsillectomy.12 The children ranged in age from premature neonates (> 32
were randomized to receive either 15 mg/kg IV weeks gestation) to adolescents. Only children 2
acetaminophen or 40 mg/kg rectal years of age and older were enrolled in efficacy
acetaminophen. All received 2 mcg/kg fentanyl. studies conducted by the manufacturer.2 None of
Forty-six children completed the study, with 45 these trials have yet been published in the
requiring rescue analgesia. Although both medical literature.
groups had similar pain scores, the time to first
rescue dose was longer in the children receiving Contraindications and Precautions
rectal acetaminophen than in those given an IV Intravenous acetaminophen is contraindicated in
dose (10 hrs vs. 7 hrs, p = 0.01). patients with severe hepatic impairment or
patients with a known hypersensitivity to
Hong and colleagues published two studies of IV acetaminophen or its excipients (mannitol,
acetaminophen last year.13,14 In a study cysteine hydrochloride, dibasic sodium
published in Anesthesiology, 63 children (6-24 phosphate, hydrochloric acid, or sodium
months of age) who were to receive fentanyl as hydroxide). It should be used with caution in
parent/nurse-controlled analgesia after patients with active hepatic disease, alcoholism,
undergoing ureteroneocystostomy were chronic malnutrition, severe hypovolemia, or
randomized to receive acetaminophen mixed severe renal impairment.2,3
with the fentanyl or fentanyl alone.13 While
postoperative pain scores were similar between Adverse Effects
the children receiving the drug combination and During premarketing clinical trials, the most
those given fentanyl alone, the total fentanyl dose common adverse effects observed in infants and
was significantly lower in the acetaminophen- children given IV acetaminophen were nausea,
fentanyl group (8.3 + 3.7 vs. 18.1 + 4.6 vomiting, constipation, pruritus, agitation, and
mcg/kg/day on postoperative day 1, p = 0.021 atelectasis (all reported in 5% of patients or
and 7.0 + 2.4 vs. 16.6 + 5.5 on day 2, p = 0.011). more). Other reactions reported in at least 1% of
children included: anemia, tachycardia,
These investigators also demonstrated IV abdominal pain, diarrhea, injection site pain,
acetaminophen’s opioid-sparing effects in a edema, hypoalbuminemia, hypokalemia, hypo-
prospective, randomized, double-blind study of magnesemia, hypophosphatemia, hypervolemia,
55 children undergoing inguinal hernia repair. muscle spasm, headache, insomnia, oliguria,
The authors found that the combination of IV pulmonary edema, pleural effusion, stridor,
acetaminophen (20 mg/kg) and ketorolac (1 wheezing, rash, hypotension, or hypertension.2,3
mg/kg) administered after induction of general
anesthesia provided significantly better pain Hepatotoxicity, although rare with standard
control than placebo and reduced overall dosing, remains a concern with the use of
postoperative fentanyl use (0.5 mcg/kg vs. 1.37 acetaminophen in infants and children. The use
mcg/kg in the controls). The placebo group had of the IV product does not appear to increase the
higher rates of sedation and vomiting, likely risk for hepatotoxicity compared to oral or rectal
associated with more frequent use of fentanyl.14 administration. In a 2008 retrospective study by
Allegaert and colleagues, serum transaminase
Antipyretic efficacy was assessed in a values were examined in 189 neonates before,
randomized double-blind study of 67 children (1 during, and after IV acetaminophen
month-12 years of age) who received a single IV administration.16 The regimen consisted of a 20
dose of either 15 mg/kg acetaminophen or 30 mg/kg loading dose followed by doses of 10
mg/kg propacetamol.15 Prior to dosing, the mg/kg given up to every 6 hours in patients with
patients’ rectal body temperatures ranged from a gestational age > 36 weeks, every 8 hours in
38.5-41◦ C. Control of fever (a temperature < 38◦ patients born at 31-36 weeks, or every 12 hours
C) occurred in 79% of the children given in those born prior to 31 weeks gestation. The
acetaminophen and 75% of those given patients ranged in age from 1-182 days (average
propacetamol. The only significant difference 5 days), with an average gestational age of 38
between the groups was the higher incidence of weeks. The average length of therapy was 60
infusion-site reactions with propacetamol (28.1% hours (range 6-480 hours), with nine doses given
compared to 5.7% with acetaminophen, p = per patient (range 2-80 doses). There were no
0.0134). significant differences in alanine transaminase or
gamma-glutamyl transferase when pretreatment
values were compared with values during or 5. Kumpulainen E, Kokki H, Halonen T, et al. Paracetamol
(acetaminophen) penetrates readily into the cerebrospinal
immediately after treatment. Aspartate
fluid of children after intravenous administration. Pediatrics
aminotransferase values declined (r = -0.24, 95% 2007;119:766-71.
CI -0.34 to -0.12). Subgroup analysis of the 6. Allegaert K, Anderson BJ, Naulaers G, et al. Intravenous
premature neonates produced similar results. paracetamol (propacetamol) pharmacokinetics in term and
preterm babies. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2004;60:191-7.
7. Palmer GM, Atkins M, Anderson BJ, et al. I.V.
Drug Interactions acetaminophen pharmacokinetics in neonates after multiple
Chronic oral acetaminophen has been shown to doses. Br J Anaesth 2008;1010:523-30.
increase INR values in patients taking warfarin. 8. Duggan ST, Scott LJ. Intravenous paracetamol
Although this interaction has not been studied in (acetaminophen). Drugs 2009;69:101-13.
9. Alhashemi JAS, Daghistani MF. Effects of intraoperative
patients receiving IV acetaminophen, INR values IV acetaminophen vs IM meperidine on post-tonsillectomy
should be closely monitored when it is used in pain in children. Br J Anaesth 2006;96:790-5.
patients receiving warfarin. Administration of 10. Alhashemi JAS, Daghistani MF. Effects of intraoperative
probenecid reduces acetaminophen clearance and intravenous acetaminophen vs intramuscular meperidine on
pain and discharge time after pediatric dental restoration. Eur
increases the risk for toxicity. J Anesthesiol 2007;24:128-33.
11. Murat I, Baujard C, Foussat C, et al. Tolerance and
Availability and Dosing Recommendations analgesic efficacy of a new IV paracetamol solution in
Acetaminophen injection (OfirmevTM; Cadence children after inguinal hernia repair. Pediatr Anesth
Pharmaceuticals) is available in a 1,000 mg/10 12. Capici F, Ingelmo PM, Davidson A, et al. Randomized
mL (10 mg/mL) single-use vial. The cost per controlled trial of duration of analgesia following
vial is currently $10.18. Acetaminophen injection intravenous or rectal acetaminophen after adeno-
does not require further dilution prior to tonsillectomy in children. Br J Anesth 2008; 100:251-5.
13. Hong J, Kin WO, Koo BN, et al. Fentanyl-sparing effect
administration. No dose adjustment is needed of acetaminophen as a mixture of fentanyl in intravenous
when converting between oral and IV parent-/nurse-controlled analgesia after pediatric
acetaminophen. For adults and adolescents ureteroneocystostomy. Anesthesiology 2010;113:672-7.
weighing 50 kg or more, the manufacturer 14. Hong J, Han SW, Kim WO, et al. Fentanyl sparing
effects of combination ketorolac and acetaminophen for
recommends a dose of 650 mg IV every 4 hours
outpatient inguinal hernia repair in children. J Urol
or 1,000 mg IV every 6 hours, with a maximum 2010;183:1551-5.
dose of 4,000 mg per 24 hours. For adults and 15. Duhamel JF, Le GE, Dalphin ML, et al. Antipyretic
adolescents weighing less than 50 kg and efficacy and safety of a single intravenous administration of
children 2-12 years of age, a weight-based 15 mg/kg paracetamol versus 30 mg/kg propacetamol in
children with acute fever due to infection. Int J Clin
strategy is recommended: 12.5 mg/kg IV every 4 Pharmacol Ther 2007;45:221-9.
hours or 15 mg/kg IV every 6 hours, with a 16. Allegaert K, Rayyan M, De Rijdt T, et al. Hepatic
maximum dose of 75 mg/kg every 24 hours. All tolerance of repeated intravenous paracetamol administration
doses should be given over 15 minutes using a in neonates. Pediatr Anesth 2008:18:388-92.
syringe pump.2,3 Formulary Update
The following actions were taken on the Inpatient
Summary Formulary at the March Pharmacy and
The availability of an IV formulation of Therapeutics Committee meeting:
acetaminophen provides a means of 1. Nifedipine extended release (Procardia XL®)
administration to patients unable to tolerate oral was added to the Formulary.
or rectal administration. In clinical trials, IV 2. Omega-3 acid ethyl esters (Lovaza®) was
acetaminophen has been shown to provide relief added for patients with dyslipidemias.
for mild to moderate pain in infants and children, 3. Clomiphene (Clomid®) was removed from the
reduce opioid requirements following surgery, Formulary for inpatient use.
and reduce fever. While the cost of this new 4. Updates to the High Alert Medication list, IV
product will likely preclude routine use, it may Administration Guidelines: Adult Acute Care,
be a useful adjunct or alternative Look-Alike/Sound-Alike list, and Hazardous
analgesic/antipyretic in select cases. Continued Drug list were also approved.
assessment of its use will be necessary to
determine the role of IV acetaminophen in Contributing Editor: Marcia Buck, Pharm.D.
routine pediatric practice. Editorial Board: Kristi N. Hofer, Pharm.D.
Michelle W. McCarthy, Pharm.D., FASHP
References Susan B. Cogut, Pharm.D.
1. Jahr JS, Lee VK. Intravenous acetaminophen. Anesth Clin If you have comments or suggestions for future
2. OfirmevTM information. Cadance Pharmaceuticals, Inc., issues, please contact us at Box 800674, UVA
November 2010. Available at www.ofirmev.com (accessed Health System, Charlottesville, VA 22908 or
2/10/11). by e-mail to [email protected]. This
3. Acetaminophen. Drug Facts and Comparisons 4.0. Efacts newsletter is also available at
[online]. 2011. Available from Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
(accessed 2/10/11).
4. Anderson BJ. Paracetamol (acetaminophen): mechanisms tments/pediatrics/education/pharmnews
of action. Pediatr Anesth 2008;18:915-21.

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