Sales Handguide
Sales Handguide
Sales Handguide
the essentials
How To Ask For The Sale
How To Close The Sale
How To Follow Up
Let's Recap
No more struggling of not knowing what to say when you're talking to a future
In this sales hand guide, I am laying it ALL out on teaching you what I say to
secure a sale. Using these conversational templates, tips and phrases, I've
secured over 50K in sales.
You’ll learn
How to ask for the sale
How to close the sale
The wrong words you should avoid
How to follow up with future clients to secure future sales
This is available for preorder only! You will get an email on Nov 27, 2020 with
the eBook!
How To Ask
For The Sale
Yay! You made it to the part of starting
your business, marketing your offer and
now you have someone interested about
your service. In this chapter I am going to
be teaching you just how to close the sale.
02 your business in a way that invites YOU into the space of your buyer through
invitation only.
Here's how you do it: paint a picture in your dream client's mind on social media in a
carousel post. This is where you SELL the perks of your offer and then ask your
audience in a poll on IG/FB stories, "Would you be interested in learning more about
IT (no).
This is your first script to copy and paste (or reword to sound more like you). You are
pitching your business by invite only.
04 to close the sale and secure it! in the bag! In this step, you are focusing on
reassuring your client (especially if the investment starts at 4 figures) as they are
nervous to buy from you but took a leap of faith and again, they want to feel
well taken care of.
"Hey ________(take their first name), I saw that you replied back to my poll about
[INSERT NAME OF THE OFFER]. I am so excited to work together/have you get your
Give a short description of your business in 1-2 sentences MAX. Anything longer
than that will feel pushy.
Don't send this next message until you have seen that they have read the previous
Now it's your job to succinctly and effectively communicate the value of your offer.
All questions your IC can even think of should already be answered thoroughly in
detail on your sales page/website. You should have a FAQ section so they can read
this information themselves but it's okay to reiterate some general details.
"Yes! I can definitely/certainly/absolutely help you with [INSERT THE PAIN POINT
Sale psychology + marketing trick: The underlying formula that will influence them to
buy is you must use confident and certain language when selling. Why? Because in
initial phase of the buyer's journey, they are airing on the side of caution before they
give up their hard earned money to you.
They are doubtful of you. They aren't sure if you will actually deliver.
Using language that is definitive, clear and affirmative creates confidence in your ideal
clients mind and increase trust and trust is what will influence them to buy. This is the
psychology of sales.
Ex: "My past student made $6,000 in the Scale For Profit Bootcamp in less than 4
weeks from applying the strategies. She made back her investment and literally scale
for profit. here's her Instagram if you want to check it out for yourself."
Now it's time to convert them from being on the fence into being a buyer. In this
phase of the sales psychology because we know what they are thinking (which is
hesitancy and apprehension but they are taking this leap of faith now it's your job to
reassure them and close this sale.
"Here's how this is going to work. We start on X day and finish on Y day. It's an
investment of Q$ with a payment plan of D$...."
In this step, your job is to map out the framework from start to finish, of the entire
process of you and them working together. They want to see your process and
logistics. They want to see what role they will be playing to reach the finished
product/end goal.
Are they not ready? Do they want to stay comfortable and stuck? >Show them how
they are choosing to stay stuck which is preventing them from reaching their goals.
"I know you want to accomplish/reach/hit [INSERT GOAL] and [INSERT OFFER] will
definitely help you get there. Don't let a 3/4 figure investment stop you from reaching
that." or "Is it worth staying stuck?"
Are they scared about the number to invest? > Give them a custom payment plan
with a small deposit.
"I totally understand that it can be scary to make this investment. (Using compassion
and empathy to level the ground).
I've had past clients who got started with as low as X$ today. Would you be
interested in that too?"
(This is where you show them they too are not the only ones who started with a
custom payment plan and there's no shame or judgement about it).
Right before you ask them to buy and make a commitment, summarize the benefits of
your offer to remind them of the value you're providing. When you know they are. a
good fit it's perfect to remind them why they should move forward so they are one
step closer to their end goal.
How To
Follow Up
How to follow up with a lead that initially
showed that they were interested and
what to say!
Oof! The dreaded ghost.
Don't worry friend. I know the feeling all too well and here's what you're going to do to
mitigate this.
Not all prospects are ready to buy. Stats say you get 4 no's before you get 1 yes so do
not worry about a no or being ghosted.
Here's a follow-up script I love to use (and hey, chances are I have used this on you too!)
"Hey ______. I am just circling back to see if you were still interested in signing up for
[INSERT YOUR OFFER]. No sweat if you aren't but I figured I asked!"
""There's a limited number of spots left; about X actually and I would hate for you to miss
the shot for you and I to get you to where you want to be."
Sales psychology + marketing tip: use urgency to secure your sale. If there's no deadline
what's the rush? Show them there's a deadline by building and reinforcing urgency when
you try to close the sale.
"Hey______. I hope I am not bothering you! I just wanted to know if you got a chance to
see my previous message about [INSERT YOUR OFFER]. Are there any questions I can
answer for you?"
"Hey _____! If I don't see you INSERT ACTION, I'll follow up by the end of the night."
Here's my last few tips on becoming
a better seller no matter what you're selling.
Let's Recap CHAPTER
The key to landing your next sale is going to be from knowing how to read the
room. As you continue to be chatty about your offer, you'll naturally be able to
discern which stage a prospect is at.
At any given moment you have 3 prospects on your feed looking at your
1. One is dating your business. They won't make a move for 6 months - 1
year. They are feeling you out and want to learn as much about your
business as you are the owner before they make a single purchase. TIP:
You should always have a low ticket offer or a freebie to let people come
into your business under pressure and risk-free.
2. One has been looking at your business and will make a purchase within
the next 30 days. They need more credibility to finally take them off the
fence from lurking to buying. TIP: That means you should be posting your
testimonials on a weekly basis.
3. One will purchase from you within 24 hours but they need a sense of
urgency to make the move. TIP: This is where you combine marketing and
psychology of sales to create a clear and bold visual or graphic that offers
an exclusive deal that is time-sensitive.
Now you know the 3 types of potential clients who are on your website and
social media channels at any given moment.
So now that you read this sales hand guide I am challenging you to put this into
practice and start selling! Always remember that at the end of the day, you're
speaking to real people with real problems. They are coming to you because
you have something you carry. Never forget to add a personal touch within
these templates because at the end of the day, it's you and how to sell yourself
that will land your next sale.