Confessions of A Shopaholic Movie Assignment

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Personal Finance Confessions of a Shopaholic Assignment

Use complete sentences and examples from the movie when writing your responses to these questions. Choose two
from section 1 to complete and two from section 2 to complete. Complete both questions from section 3. The
attached scoring guide will be used in grading your assignment.

Section 1: (Choose 2 questions, 3 points each)

1. Describe how Rebecca's spending at the start of the movie reflected each of the following: needs, wants, values,
and goals.

2. Choose three examples of how Rebecca's spending decisions and money management caused disruption to her
relationships and career.

3. Compare the differences and similarities between Luke's and Rebecca's shopping styles.

4. What steps did Rebecca take to try to change her spending behavior?

5. Provide three examples of how Rebecca allows other people to influence her spending decisions.

6. Describe the difference between cost and worth.

Section 2: (Choose 2 questions, 3 points each)

1. Rebecca made many decisions related to her finances in this movie. Choose two that you consider to be wise
decisions and two that were unwise. Explain why you consider these to be good or bad decisions with at least four

2. Rebecca makes several references to her mother in relationship to her spending behaviors and tends to have the
opposite values and behaviors of her parents'. What is one example of a behavior related to money that you have
learned from your parents (or an example involving a friend and their parents)? Explain with at least four

3. Rebecca and her parents are very different when it comes to spending and saving money. In your opinion, is
there a happy medium between the two extremes, or do all people fall into one category or another? Explain your
answer with at least four sentences.

4. Allette makes the comment towards the end of the movie, "What are credit cards for?" In your opinion, what are
credit cards for? Use at least four sentences to describe your opinion.

5. Should Rebecca have taken the money when her parents offered to sell their RV? Should they have offered it?
Explain your response with at least four sentences.

Section 3: (2 questions, 3 points each)

Rebecca made a lot of money with her sale. While it was a great ending for a movie, do you think she could in real
life sell clothing she had paid full price for in order to pay off thousands in credit card debt? Explain your reason for
your response with at least four sentences.

If you had a job writing a column for a money magazine for teenagers, what are two topics you would consider
important to publish and what are two facts you would want to be sure teenagers understood about each of your
topics ( 2 topics with 2 facts each).
Section 1 Scoring Rubric

Mechanics No grammatical, spelling or A few grammatical spelling, or Many grammatical, spelling, or
punctuation errors. punctuation errors. punctuation errors.

Quality of Information clearly relates to the Information clearly relates to the Information has little or nothing
Information main topic. It includes several main topic. No details and/or to do with the main topic.
supporting details and/or examples. examples are given.
Section 2 Scoring Rubric

Amount of All topics are addressed and all All topics are addressed, and most One or more topics were not
Information questions answered with at least 2 questions answered with 1 addressed.
sentences about each. sentence about each.

Mechanics No grammatical, spelling or A few grammatical spelling, or Many grammatical, spelling, or

punctuation errors. punctuation errors. punctuation errors.

Quality of Information clearly relates to the Information clearly relates to the Information has little or nothing
Information main topic. It includes several main topic. No details and/or to do with the main topic.
supporting details and/or examples. examples are given.
Section 3 Scoring Rubric

Amount of All topics are addressed and all All topics are addressed, and most One or more topics were not
Information questions answered with at least 2 questions answered with 1 addressed.
sentences about each. sentence about each.

Mechanics No grammatical, spelling or A few grammatical spelling, or Many grammatical, spelling, or

punctuation errors. punctuation errors. punctuation errors.

Quality of Information clearly relates to the Information clearly relates to the Information has little or nothing
Information main topic. It includes several main topic. No details and/or to do with the main topic.
supporting details and/or examples. examples are given.

Section 1 question 1 :_____/3

Section 1 question 2:_____/3

Section 2 question 1:_____/3

Section 2 question 2:_____/3

Section 3 question 1:_____/3

Section 3 question 2:_____/3

Total points earned: ____/18

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