Elec Ed - Act 1

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Mendoza, Jenne Veb M.


Directions: Search the internet for the article SEAMEO-INNOTECH (2012) Quality Indicators of
Multigrade Instruction in Southeast Asia. http://www.seameo-innotech.org/

A. Read pp. 6-23. Create a compare and contrast matrix of the Multigrade teaching concepts
and status in the Philippines with two other Southeast Asian countries.

Complete the table below:

Multigrade Philippines Country A: Cambodia Country B: Malaysia

concepts and
Definition • Defines Multigrade class • Defines Multigrade class • Defines Multigrade
as having a two or more with the same idea of having class with the same idea
different grade levels in a a two or more different of having a two or more
single classroom with only grade levels in a single different grade levels in a
one teacher facilitating classroom with only one single classroom with
them. teacher facilitating them. only one teacher
facilitating them.
• The minimum and
maximum numbers of • No minimum and • No minimum and
pupils is maximum numbers of pupils maximum numbers of
indicated/determined in it’s is indicated/determined in pupils is
given definition (minimum its definition indicated/determined in
of 8 pupils and maximum of the definition
35 pupils)
Policy support • The policy that • The policy that • Based on the article
supplements the hardship supplements subsistence SEAMEO-INNOTECH
allowance of the Multigrade allowances for Multigrade (2012), there is no
teachers amounts 25% of teachers is by adding indicated policy that
their existing monthly basic percentage of their existing supplements allowances
salary monthly basic salary ranging for the Multigrade
from 60 up to 180 % teachers
depending on how many
classes does he/she teaches.
• DO 96, s. 1997 is used as a • Based on the article •Education Act of 1996,
policy that supports the SEAMEO-INNOTECH (2012), the National Philosophy
Multigrade instructions with the only policy that is education, Vision 2020,
regard to different indicated in this is the policy and the Education
purposes. for the allowances for Development Master
Multigrade teachers Plan 2006-2010 is used as
a policy supporting the
Multigrade classes
Organizational • Groups the students • Groups the students based • Might group the
form based on their approximate on their approximate levels students that is not
levels (e.g. grades 1 and 2, (e.g. grades 1 and 2, grades based on their
grades 2 and 3, and so on) 2 and 3, and so on) approximate levels (e.g.
grades 1 and 3 are
combined in level 1,
grades 4 and 6,
• Students might be combined in level 2)
organized in a mixed-ability
groups by their specific • Students might be • Student might be
grade level organized in a mixed-
organized in a mixed-ability
ability groups depending
groups with their
on the subjects
approximate level

Teaching- • Encourage collaborative • Encourages independent, • Encourages internet

learning and interdisciplinary and alternative learning use in learning
process learning
Learning • A typical school Country A: Indonesia Country B: Vietnam
environment infrastructure with spacious • Sets maximum limit use of
and facilities classrooms equipped with open spaces. Uses a not so • The physical
furniture such as desks, convenient laboratories, environment are
whiteboard or green uses recycled materials, and equipped with adequate
boards, tables, and chair. movable facilities. learning resources such
as books, equipment,
and accommodations to
have a good conditions in
their teaching-learning

Nature of • Follows the national • Follows the national • Follows the national
Multigrade curriculum curriculum curriculum
Assessment • Formative test are given • Assessment is conducted • Formative test is not
and feedback after each lesson monthly, semestral, and given at the end of each
gathering yearly basis lesson, it is given twice in
a semester
• Summative test are given • Assessment is conducted • Summative test are
at the end of the monthly, semestral, and given at the end of the
quarter/semester yearly basis quarter/semester

• Summative test are • Assessment is conducted • Summative test are

teacher-made monthly, semestral, and district-based
yearly basis
• Feedbacks is conducted • The school directors • Feedback is in the form
between teachers and conducts self-assessment in of health of the students,
parents order to get feedback about their learning behavior,
their management, and the achievements
environment, teaching, and result
B. Read pp.25-54. Select one country. Synthesize through a graphic organizer its “Good Multigrade
Instructional Practices”. Answer in the space below:

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