Digital Signature

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Digital Signature: Nature & Scope Under the IT Act, 2000 - Some Reflections

Article  in  SSRN Electronic Journal · September 2010

DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.1680825


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1 author:

Vijaykumar Shrikrushna Chowbe

Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University


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Dr. Vijaykumar Shrikrushna Chowbe 1

Abstract :
This article has attempted to understand the nature,
meaning and scope of ‘digital signature’. In turn, this article
has also focused on the mechanism of affixing the ‘digital
signature’ to electronic record. Signature signify
authentication, verification and non-repudiation, but in
electronic environment this mechanism happens in altogether
different sense as compare to paper-based world because
paper-based and paper-less world are different in its context
and contents.
The attempt is to understand the effect and impact of
‘digital signature’ in the cyberspace, its techno-legal effect and
system if issuing, granting and maintaining the ‘Digital
Signature’ in India. The limitation of this article is the legal
system it focused upon, i.e. Indian Legal system. This article
has understand the effect and impact of ‘digital signature’ in
general sense, but keeping the Information Technology Act,
2000 [Indian piece of legislation dealing with Information
Technology], thus context different to that effect.


Authentication, repudiation and verification of electronic record

is flesh and bone of the electronic transactions. Therefore, unless these
objectives have not been achieved, the authentication and secure
electronic transaction will merely remain virtual. In order to achieve
the authentication and security of electronic record the mechanism of

1 Head, [Associate Professor], Post Graduate Teaching Department of Law, Sant Gadge Baba
Amravati University, Amravati [Maharashtra], India. For suggestion and further
discussion, visit at – [email protected] [09422157157]

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Digital Signature

‘digital signature’ has been introduced by the Information Technology

Act, 2000.

Thus while endevouring the research on regulatory mechanism

of information technology, it is necessitated to focus on the ‘digital
signature’, its functional mechanism, authorities involve and objectives
it achieve in electronic environment. The present study title, ‘digital
signature’ has focused its attention on this vary technological aspect
which is meant for achieving the goal of authentication, repudiation
and verification of electronic record by affixing digital signature.

1.1. Meaning of Signature

Signature signifies the legal identity of the person and requires

authenticating the documents. The person affixing signature to the
document owes legal responsibility oozing out of it. Thus, a signature
is not part of the substance of a transaction, but rather of its
representation or form. Signing writings serve the following general
purposes: 2

Evidence: A signature authenticates writing by identifying the

signer with the signed document. When the signer
makes a mark in a distinctive manner, the writing
becomes attributable to the singer. 3

2 This list is not exhaustive. For e.g. Restatement (Second) of Contracts notes another function, termed
the “deterrent function”, which seeks to “Discourage transactions of doubtful utility.” Restatement
(Second) of Contracts 72 Comment c(1981). Professor Perillo notes earmarking of intent,
clarification, managerial efficiency, publicity, education, as well as taxation and regulation as
functions served by the statute of frauds. Joseph M. Perillo, the Statute of Frauds in the Light of
the Functions and Dysfunctions of Form, 43 Fordham L. Rev. 39, 48-64.
3 See, Restatement (Second) of Contracts, statutory note preceding S. 110 (1982) (Summarizing
purpose of the statute of frauds, which includes a signature requirement): Lon L. Fuller,
Consideration and Form, 41 Colum. L. Rev. 799, 800 (1941); 6 Jeremy Bentham, The Works of
Jeremy Bentham 508-85 (Bowring Ed. 1962) (1839) (Bentham called forms serving evidentiary
functions “preappointed [i.e., made in advance] evidence”). A handwritten signature creates
probative evidence in part because of the chemical properties of ink that make it adhere to paper,
and because handwriting style is quite unique to the signer. Signed includes any symbol executed
or adopted by a party with present intention to authenticate a writing.


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Digital Signature

Ceremony : The act of signing a document calls to the singer’s

attention the legal significance of the signer’s act, and
thereby helps prevent “inconsiderate engagements. 4

Approval: In certain contexts defined by law or custom, a

signature expresses the signer’s approval or
authorization of the writing, or the signer’s intention
that it has legal effect. 5

Efficiency and logistics: A signature on a written document often

imparts a sense of clarity and finality to the transaction
and may lessen the subsequent need to inquire beyond
the face of a document. 6 Negotiable instruments, for
example, rely upon formal requirements, including a
signature, for their ability to change hands with ease,
rapidity, and minimal interruption. 7

4 John Austin, Lectures on jurisprudence 939-44 (44th Ed. 1873); Restatement (Second) of Contracts
S. 72 comment c (1982) and statutory note preceding S. 110 (1982) (what is here termed a
“Ceremonial” function is termed a “cautionary” function in the Restatement);
5 See, Model law on Electronic Commerce, United National Commission on International Trade Law
(UNCITRAL), 29th Session, Art. 7 (1) at 3, Doc., A/CN.9/XXIX.CRP.1/Add. 13 (1996) (“Where a
law requires a signature of a person, that requirement is met in relation to a data message if: (a) a
method is used to identify that person and to indicate that person’s approval of the information
contained in the data message….”); Draft Model Law on Legal Aspects of Electronic Data
Interchange (EDI) and Related Means of Data Communication, United Nationals Commission on
International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), 28th Session, Art. 6, at 44, U.N. Doc. A/CN./9/406 (1994).
For example, a signature on a written contract customarily indicates the signer’s assent. A
signature on the back of a check is customarily taken s an endorsement. See U.C.C. S. 3-204
6 Analogizing the form of a legal transaction to minting of coins, which serves to make their metal
content and weight apparent without further examination. The notion of clarity and finality provide
by a form are largely predicated on the fact that the form provides good evidence. The basic
premise of the efficiency and logistical function is that a signed, written document is such a good
indicator of what the transaction is, that the transaction should be considered to be as the signed
document says. The moment of signing the document thus becomes decision.
7 See, e.g. U.C.C. S. 3-401 (1990) (A Person is not liable on an instrument unless the person signed
it); See generally U.C.C. S. 3-104 (1990) (requirements for negotiability).

Digital Signature

1.2. What is digital signature?

Just the role the ‘stamps’, ‘seal’ or ‘signature’ play in traditional

system to create the authentication of paper document, the digital
signature plays the role to authenticate the electronic record. It
establishes the authenticity of any electronic record which subscriber of
digital signature wants to be authenticated the electronic record by
affixing his digital signature. Digital signature in facts has two
asymmetric pair of private and public key unique to the each
subscriber. The private key and public key are corresponds to each
other in such a way that the electronic record encrypted with the help of
any private key can be decrypted only with the help of corresponding
public key. This digital signature creates digital ID for the subscriber
holding digital signature certificate. This certificate is issued by
Controller of Certifying Authority after due verification and adopting
procedure. This certificate contains basic information about the person
holding it. The information such as, the name, public key, place of
working, date of issuance, date of expiry of the certificate and name of
the Certification Authority. The certificate is also publicly made
available through the directories or public folders on WebPages. The
law specifically made it clear that Controller will act as a repository for
all Digital Signature Certificates issues under the Act and maintain a
computerized data base of all public keys in such a manner that such
data base and the public keys are available to any member of the
public. 8 This is essential because the public key of subscriber should be

8 See for details, S 20 of the Information Technology Act, 2000 which runs as under
S. 20. : Controller to act as repository.
(1) The Controller shall be the repository of all Digital Signature Certificates issued
under this Act.
(2) The Controller shall—

Digital Signature

known to the interested person and should be readily available these

information for them to verify the electronic record encrypted by
subscriber of digital signature by affixing his digital signature.

Common features of Digital Signature : As stated above the

digital signature play the same role as assigned to seal, stamps and
signatures in the traditional system. It performs Signer Authentication,
Message authentication and Verification.

a. Signer Authentication: The digital signature must be capable

to identify and link the signer with the electronic record which
subscriber of digital signature has created. It is also necessary
to ensure that the tampering of documents should not be
happened after its creation. The private key belongs to
subscriber who signs it and incurs legal responsibility out of it.

b. Message authentication: The electronic record transformed by

algorithm mapping with hash function by affixing private key
of digital signature typically identify the matter to be signed,
since verification also reveals any tampering with the

c. Verification: The ultimate aim of creation of digitally signed

document is capability of its verification at latter moment of its
creation. Thus the mechanism must be capable to verify the
authenticity and non-repudiation to resolve the disputes
between originators and recipient and a third party must be

(a) make use of hardware, software and procedures that are secure its {correct after
verification} intrusion and misuse;
(b) observe such other standards as may be prescribed by the Central Government, to
ensure that the secrecy and security of the digital signatures are assured.
(3) The Controller shall maintain a computerised data base of all public keys in such a
manner that such data base and the public keys are available to any member of the

Digital Signature

able to verify the signature as independent verifying


1.3. ‘Digital Signature’ – techno-legal aspects

Due to its varied nature, digital technology has provided faster,

easy, accurate and convenient mechanism for creation, storage,
transmission and retrieval of data without involving traditional paper-
based formalities. This hastens the increasing use of digital technology
in everyday life. Distance, transportation, conveyance are withered
away between two individuals when they sit in front of their respective
terminals sharing common network. They can share information, data,
communicate by remaining online without diminishing their efficiency
in executing their work. These characteristic features of digital
technology have led the world to go online. It has, in turn, increased
the techno-dependency. Increasingly the business dealings,
communication, official data and commercial transactions are being
carried out in Cyberspace. The transformation of world from paper-
based to digital based work culture has shifted the attention of world to
find out the consequences of this transformation. Despite the speed,
convenience and preciseness of the digital technology, some of the
weaknesses of this technology has expressly manifested during the
course of time. The most debatable issue in forefront is absence of
degree of ‘privacy’ and ‘authentication’ of transactions, dealings and
communication one can enjoy in traditional paper-based culture.

Privacy is an essence of individual liberty. No one wants to enter

into the zone where his privacy would be at stake. If one is unable to
feel secure about and does not have confidence for the consequences the
digital environment put him for, he would hardly chose such medium
for his transactions. Therefore, a sense of privacy and assurance of its

Digital Signature

respect in the medium play vital role for an individual to chose the
medium. It is only because of the danger of being prospective violation
of privacy, the net is treated is most dangerous zone where the ‘privacy’
has involved as a basic issue. It should be noted down that the concept
of ‘privacy’ discussed here is not from point of view of any right to
privacy, but is should be understood as a part of all transactions,
dealing, communication that is used to be carried out by an individual
with a feeling to be maintained by the concept of ‘privacy’. It can be
simply understood by taking an example of ‘E-mails’ and ‘chat rooms’.
Nobody assure that how so far these ‘E-mails’ and ‘chat-rooms’ are safe
to safeguard the privacy of an individual. The ‘privacy’ is at stake in
digital environment in two different ways.

First, because if one remains connected to the network, he loses

control over his data. It may possible that the data may be hijacked by
someone else, driven out of the computers, or passes from one server to
another server without the knowledge of user. Data in digital
environment is in the form of bytes which is capable to move, transfer,
copy, distribute, disseminate in number of ways sometime, with the
knowledge, sometime without the knowledge of user. It is utmost
difficult to check the various routes, channels and paths of data in

Secondly, because netizens use network for creation, transfer,

distribution, storage or dissemination of their data of personal nature.
Today, billions of netizens are using Internet and they use the services
provided by the Internet Service Providers [ISP]. The netizens use
Internet for creating their E-mail account(s), chatting, surfing, gathering
information of government offices & companies, to search job
opportunities and even put their personal information on matrimonial

Digital Signature

sites in search of prospective life partner. Once any private information

or communicate in digital environment either uploaded or received,
transmitted or stored in mail account, everything is stored in the server
of the Internet Service Provider. In this case despite the information,
which is of private in nature, does not remain in actual possession of the
intended recipient, but stored in the server of Internet Service Provider.
In most of the cases it is observed that Internet Service Providers treat
either the subscriber of their services or the information they generate,
as a commodity for their own business promotion or projecting their
Internet Services in to Digital Market. Bigger the number of subscribers
availing services of ISPs, more the advertisement revenue generation
for Internet Service Provider. This can be more clearly evident by
surfing to the matrimonial sites that uses the photographs, liking and
disliking, hobbies, what they are looking for, of their subscribers to put
on their home page to attract the other. Even in most of the cases, the
netizens can view, share, surf and retrieve the data from these
matrimonial sites. Therefore, entering into the digital environment is
appeared to be risky now a day. Privacy is an essence of individual
liberty which remains at stake in digital environment.

Another, serious problem one can pose in digital environment is

lack of degree of ‘authentication’. ‘Authentication’ is a soul essential
for transactional solidarity. In absence of ‘authentication’, there would
be difficulties in fixing the responsibilities and liabilities arise out of
transactions and dealing. If the respective parties do not have the sense
of ‘authentication’ for their counterparts, the documents coming from
them, or if it is difficult to scrutinize whether the originator is the same
and documents is not tampered in between the transaction, it is always
have gap to air the doubt which lead to complex problem of fixing

Digital Signature

respective responsibility. Therefore, ‘authentication’ is one of the

important ingredients for any transaction and dealing in any medium.

The traditional medium has set a mechanism to safeguards the

interest of parties with entering into transaction and dealing with
regards to ‘privacy’ and ‘authentication’. Transactions,
communication, information are passes in closed enveloped, stored in a
locked cabinet, marked as ‘confidential’ and places has restricted entry
for authorized personnel only. Secrete envelopes are marked to be
opened by ‘only addressee’ or even sometime by using secrete codes in
cryptographic languages which is able to decrypt by recipient only.
The legislation like ‘the Official Secrete Act, 1923’ is an example to
safeguard the information of public offices. The degree of
authentication is met out with the help of ‘stamps’, ‘seals’, identity
cards, ‘logos’, ‘official emblems’, ‘signatures’, ‘encrypted messages’ and
several times by agreements signed by parties and attested by
competent witnesses to protect information of ‘confidential nature’.
Such agreements are generally known as ‘Non-disclosure Agreement’.
Thus, the mechanism of authentication of information is neither new,
nor uncommon to the legal system and there are several ways to
generate sufficient degree of ‘privacy’ and ‘authentication’. The need of
‘privacy’ and ‘authenticity’ of transactions, information, data,
communication is still not diminished at all, which in contrast was
lacking in digital environment. Therefore, it was felt necessary to
introduce the technological safeguards which would able to provide the
same level of authenticity and privacy the traditional system claimed
for. ‘Digital signature’ has been introduced with the purpose to provide
a degree of ‘authentication’ and ‘privacy’ to digital content. The present
mechanism of affixing ‘digital signature’ is able to provide

Digital Signature

‘authentication’ and to some extend create a degree of ‘privacy’ in the

digital environment.

1.4. General and Technological aspects

This chapter attempted to understand the ‘Digital Signature’ in

two different parts. The part – I has deal with the general &
technological aspects of ‘Digital Signature’ in which various aspects are
touched but from the aspect to understand the nature, scope, working
phenomenon and modality of execution of ‘Digital Signatures’. The
other part will deal with the legal aspects of ‘Digital Signatures’.

1.5. Digital Signature – Necessity and objectives

Digital Signature is created by using cryptographic method. For

the purpose of under standing the affixing of ‘Digital Signature’ by way
of cryptographic method, it is essential to bear in mind the purpose of
affixing ‘Digital Signature’. The basic objectives of affixing of ‘Digital
Signature’ are –

a. create authenticity of the originator – so that at any

moment after the creation of any digital material, the
authenticity of the originator can be verified. It will be
possible only if the mechanism is capable to create any
impossibility of anybody else to represent himself with the
digital material which he has not created. At the same time
it is also essential that at any latter moment, the originator
will not capable to deny the creation of document by him

b. create authenticity of the document - so that any recipient

will not be in position to modify, change, alter, or tamper
with the document created by originator. The mechanism
should also ensure to the originator that no one else than

Digital Signature

him will be capable to modify, change, alter or tamper with

the document

c. non-repudiation – so that the entire mechanism will ensure

that the document and identify mechanism will not play
foul and nobody will be in position at any latter moment to
deny the responsibility and liability arising out of the
document. For originator, that he will not be in position to
repudiate what he had created, for recipient, he will not be
in position by any means to modify the content created by

The ‘Digital Signature’ has evolved to achieve these objectives. It

can be done with the help of ‘Public Key Cryptography’. Therefore
first it is essential to have fundamental understanding of the concept
and meaning of term ‘Cryptography’. It can be represented as :



Fig: 2 Encryption/Decryption of an electronic record

to convert it from one form to another

‘Cryptography’ is a way of scrambling of electronic record from

one form to another form using hash function which leads to create
hash result. Encryption stands for the modifying the electronic record
in different form and decryption stands for bring it into the original

Digital Signature

Normally, it is easier to encrypt any electronic record from one

form to another and bring it back to its original form by decrypting it. It
is important to note here that both encryption and decryption is easy for
those who are aware about the methods used in this process. In this
process generally a key is used to encrypt the electronic record and by
using the same key. This keys act as a secrete password and generally
know to both the parties i.e. originator and recipient. Therefore, if both
the parties are aware about the keys required for encryption and
decryption they can assure the authenticity of an electronic record.

1.6. Mechanism of Digital Signatures

However, recently, the mechanism has been developed to use

two different keys. By one key the encryption can be carried out and
decryption used to be carried out by different key. Both the public and
private keys are different from each other commonly but correspond to
each other in such a way that the public key can decrypt the document
encrypted by private key. The main purpose of using two keys is very
apparent. The first key of the set is ‘private key’ which is unique and
only know to its holder. 9 It acts as a secrete key of holder and plays
very vital role. It helps any holder of this key to encrypt the electronic

9 Of course, the holder of the private key may choose to divulge it, or may lose control of it (often
called ‘compromise’), and thereby make forgery possible. The Guidelines seek to address this
problem in two ways, (1) by requiring the subscriber, who holds the private key, to use a degree of
care in its safekeeping, and (2) enabling the subscriber to disassociate himself from the key by
temporarily suspending or permanently revoking his certificate and publishing these actions in a
“certificate revocation list.” or “CRL”. A verity of methods is available for securing the private
key. The safer methods store the private key in a “cryptographic token” (one example is a “smart
card”) which executes the signature programme within an internal micro processing chip, so that
the private key is never divulged outside the token and does not pass into the main memory or
processor of the signer’s computer. The signer must typically present to the token some
authenticating information, such as a password, pass phrase, or personal identification number, for
the token to run a process requiring access to the private key. In addition, this token must be
physically produced, and biometric authentication such as fingerprints or retinal scan can assure the
physical presence of the token’s authorized holder. There are also software-based schemes for
protecting the security of the private key, generally less secure than hardware schemes, but
providing adequate security for many types of applications.

Digital Signature

record. Once the electronic record is encrypted with the help of private
key it scrambled the electronic record in such a clever ways so that
putting it back to its original form is almost all impossible. Even the
holder of private key now cannot put the electronic record into original
form. Now only viewing this record is possible with the help of
corresponding public key. The mechanism of private key is that it leads
every time to the same result for same electronic record. Thus once any
electronic record is encrypted with the help of private key the holder of
private key cannot deny that it is encrypted with the help of his private

The second key in the set is public key which is used to verify
electronic record and available and known to the public at large.
Anybody who wants to verify the content of the electronic record
encrypted with the help of private key, can use corresponding public
key to verify the electronic record, however, only verification of
electronic record is possible with the help of public key and no
alteration, modification, change or tampering is possible furthermore
once it is transformed into hash result by applying private key. Both
these keys are so related with each other that only the electronic record
encrypted by private key can be open by its corresponding public key
only. Thus use of this asymmetric pair of keys for encryption and
decryption of electronic records serve following purposes :

For originator :

a. It helps the originator to encrypt the electronic record.

Once originator encrypts any electronic record with the
help of his private key, nobody [even originator] can
modify the content of the electronic record. Thus private
wrap the digital content and does not allow modifying,

Digital Signature

altering, changing or tampering the content of the

electronic record. Thus after apply his private keys
originator will assure himself that the electronic record
cannot be bring to its original format and any change is
almost impossible in the electronic record.

b. Once the electronic record is encrypted it get wrapped, and

no further alteration by any means allowed to be made.
Therefore originator remains assured that any electronic
record he has created is safe. Such electronic record can be
decrypted only with the corresponding public key of
originator. Thus, if any alteration has been made to
electronic record created with the help of originator’s
private key, the public key of originator will unable to open
the electronic record. Therefore, public key of originator
will works only in case when the electronic record created
by encryption of private key of originator.

For recipient :

c. As the document so created by private key of originator is

unique one which can be opened only with the help of
public key of originator, recipient can verify and get
assured by decrypting the electronic record with public key
of originator which is readily available. Once the electronic
record is able to decrypt, it is evident that it was encrypted
by the private key of originator. If the deception is
possible, it is evident that it is not modified after its

d. Therefore, if the electronic record is capable to decrypt with

the help of public key of originator, the originator cannot

Digital Signature

deny the authenticity of electronic record. But if electronic

record is unable to be verified with the help of public key
of originator, it is possible that originator had not created it
or it has altered after its creation.

e. Because technically whenever private keys applies to the

electronic record, hash function works upon it to
transformed it by algorithm mapping into another
electronic record called hash function, this hash function is
only able to verify with the help of corresponding public
key of the originator. This helps the originator that once he
applies his private key to any electronic record, the
resulting record [known as hash result] will neither be able
to tamper nor any change is possible, and only can be
verified with the help of his public key and not otherwise.

For the purpose of legal system :

f. This system also helps to create authenticity and accuracy

for electronic record. In case of any doubt and denial of
authentication either by originator or recipient, the
electronic record can be varied. Because hash function is
such algorithm mapping system which generate the same
hash result every time with same input.

g. Verification can be made out in following ways. If the

recipient has brought any electronic record in question
before the court claiming that it is created by originator,
and if originator denies its creation, it can be verified by
applying public key of the originator. If the document gets
decrypted with the public key of originator, the originator
would not be in position to deny that he is a creator of the

Digital Signature

document. Because there is only one set of corresponding

public and private key. It is highly impossible to decrypt
the electronic record encrypted by one private key using
public key of different originator.

This system in short is called affixing of digital signature. As the

originator by using his private key create a electronic record in such a
way that his private key act as his signature to the electronic record.
The necessity of digital signatures is the essence to create authentic
transaction, creating non-repudiation and integrity. It can be achieved
by this process in following manner –

Authentication : As discussed above, authentication is achieved

in the digital environment because this process ensure that no two sets
of public and private key pair match with each other. Again the
electronic record encrypted by private key of a pair is only decrypted by
public key of the same pair. However, the electronic record once
created by applying private key, get tampered, altered, modified or
change, the public key will not able to decrypt it anyway. Therefore,
the parties, originator and recipient, can authenticate the genuineness
and originality of electronic record. The Information Technology Act,
2000 has created a mechanism for affixing digital signature. The office
of Controller of Certifying Authority has entrusted the responsibility for
issuing, maintaining and taking all steps for safeguarding the digital
signature. It issues the digital signature to subscriber, keep record and
provide guidelines for its safeguards. Thus, in case of any dispute office
of the Controller of Certifying Authority referred. As the record of the
digital signature which constitution a key pair 10 of private and public

10 See, the information Technology (Certifying Authorities) Rules, 2000 Schedule V [Glossary] which
define key pair as, ‘KEY PAIR – In an asymmetric crypto system, means a private key and its

Digital Signature

key is issues and maintained by the Controller of Certifying Authority,

the subscriber [holding key pair] is not in position to deny its
possession and authenticity.

Non-repudiation : The manner in which digital signature affixed

to any electronic record can cerate authenticity of an originator, it also
make is disable to repudiate any argument of its non-creation. Thus
once the electronic record is created by any private key, the originator
cannot deny its creation. He furthermore has to accept all the
responsibilities and consequences arise by its creation. His authorship
gets fixed to the electronic record and all the right and a liability oozes
out automatically lies to the creator. This is important because most of
the time, the creator deny the creation of the electronic record to
overthrow the legal responsibility. In the eye of law this is called as
non-repudiation. It is important to resolve the problems and solve the
legal disputes.

Integrity : This is another important objective achieve by the

digital signature. By creating a mechanism solidifying authentication
and non-repudiation, it develops the sense of integrity of both the
parties to the transactions. Once the digital signature are involve, both
the parties remain assured, and enter into the transactions, dealing with
full sense of assurance that the transactions would capable to fix right
and responsibilities oozing out of it. Furthermore, both the parties are
having legal alternatives open for them in case of denial or allegations.
If the electronic record carries the digital signature, parties are hardly in
position to deny creation and participation in the transactions. Again,
both parties also remained assured about the so called ‘tampering’ to

mathematically related public key, which are so related that the public key can verify a digital
signature created by the private key.

Digital Signature

the electronic record. If the electronic record gets tampered, it

automatically loses its authentication and non-repudiation character
and lose it legal genuineness. Thus the digital signature is also capable
to achieve the object of ‘integrity’.

1.7. Technological mechanism of Digital Signatures

It is essential to have brief look at the technological working of a

‘digital signature’ mechanism. As stated earlier, each user has a pair of
private and public key. This can be graphically represented as follows:

Hash Result

Enveloped Electronic
Electronic Hash Function executed with the
Record help of Private key

Enveloped Electronic
Can be opened and
Electronic verified by public key

Fig 3 : Showing how the “Hash Function” executed by ‘private key’ to yield “Hash
Result”. The “Hash Result is nothing but the transformed form of ‘Electronic Record” which
get enveloped and only can be viewed but can not be modified any way after, and it is
impossible to get back the original “Electronic Record” from the “Hash Result”.

The private key remain secrete with the user and nobody is aware
about it, while public key is freely distributed for the public which can
be used to decrypt and verify the electronic records encrypted by
person. While affixing the digital signature to any electronic record, the
originator (subscriber of Digital Signature Certificate) applies his

Digital Signature

private key. When he applies his private key, an asymmetric crypto

system and hash function transform the initial electronic record into
another electronic record.

The "hash function" stands for an algorithm mapping or translation

of one sequence of bits into another, generally smaller, set known 'as
"hash result" such that an electronic record yields the same hash result
every time the algorithm is executed with the same electronic record as
its input making it computationally infeasible—

(i). to derive or reconstruct the original electronic record from

the hash result produced by the algorithm;

(ii). that two electronic records can produce the same hash
result using the algorithm. And

This mechanism also ensure that the set of private key and the
public key are unique to the subscriber and constitute a functioning key
pair. 11 The keys (also) have the property that it is computationally not
feasible to discover one of the key pairs merely by knowing the
elements of the other key. 12

It can be understood from above that –

 Once the “hash function” works on electronic record, it

yield “hash result”. This process is such that the hash
function yield as hash result each times it works upon.

 “Hash function” is an algorithm which makes it infeasible

to derive or reconstruct the original electronic record from
the hash result produced by the algorithm.

11 See, for detail, S.3 of the Information Technology Act, 2000 (21 of 2000)
12 visited on 20.10.2006

Digital Signature

 The two electronic records cannot produce the same hash

result using the algorithm.

Therefore, every mechanism set forth must ensure all these

standards. If the algorithm is unable to achieve all or any of the above
objectives, the mechanism of digital signature would be futile and
unable to ensure authenticity. This criterion is required by S. 3 of the
Information Technology Act, 2000 and Controller of Certifying
Authority has to ensure that the technological standards are capable to
ensure these objectives. However, the different standards can be set
forth for government and non-government entity by the Controller of
Certifying Authority. 13

1.8. Jurisprudential and Legal aspects of Digital Signatures

If the preamble of the Information Technology Act, 2000 has

given a close look, it is apparent that the act has enacted to provide
‘legal recognition for transactions carried out by means of electronic
data interchange and other means of electronic communication’. 14 The

13 In the first phase of its operation the services being offered are government to government. NIC
offers four distinct classes of digital certification services, classes 0-3 for NICNET users within the
government. For all its subscribers it issues class 2 digital IDs. These digital IDs are used to identify
the subscriber on the net and are legally valid as they are backed by the Information Technology
Act, 2000.
14 Preamble of the Information Technology Act, 2000 runs as follows :
An Act to provide legal recognition for transactions carried out by means of electronic
data interchange and other means of electronic communication, commonly referred
to as "electronic commerce", which involve the use of alternatives to paper-based
methods of communication and storage of information, to facilitate electronic filing
of documents with the Government agencies and further to amend the Indian Penal
Code, the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, the Bankers' Books Evidence Act, 1891 and
the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 and for matters connected therewith or
incidental thereto.
WHEREAS the General Assembly of the United Nations by resolution A/RES/51/162,
dated the 30th January, 1997 has adopted the Model Law on Electronic Commerce
adopted by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law;
AND WHEREAS the said resolution recommends inter alia that all States give
favourable consideration to the said Model Law when they enact or revise their laws,
in view of the need for uniformity of the law applicable to alternatives to paper-cased
methods of communication and storage of information;

Digital Signature

act has attempted to legally recognize the process in sum called

‘electronic commerce’. The act is in furtherance of the resolution passed
by United Nation on 30th January, 1997 to which India was signatory,
where UNCITRAL [United Nation Commission on International Trade
Law] has proposed a ‘Model Law’ and recommend to member states to
give favourable consideration while bringing any enactments,
amendments, or inceptions in the legislation relating to ‘Electronic
commerce’. In furtherance to promote the ‘Electronic commerce’ that is
inter alia requires reliability of electronic documents, it is essential to
have mechanism that would ensure the trustworthiness of the electronic
documents. The concept of ‘Digital Signature’ has brought into being
with the sole purpose to develop mechanism for creating reliability and
authenticity of electronic documents.

1.9. Legal Recognition of Digital signatures

The Act has set forth the objective to provide legal recognition for
transactions carried out by means of electronic data interchange. At the
same time, the authentication, integration and non-repudiation of
electronic record is equally important. But more important than
anything else is to provide a provision that would create a sense of
responsible and assurance about the mechanism. The genuineness and
of medium is equally important than creation of medium, and the
information technology in general and digital signature in particular
has attempted to bring authentication in this medium. 15

AND WHEREAS it is considered necessary to give effect to the said resolution and to
promote efficient delivery of Government services by means of reliable electronic

15 See, State of Punjab and Ors. Vs. Amritsar Beverages Ltd. and Ors. Civil Appeal No. 3419 of 2006
(Arising out of SLP (Civil) Nos. 10371-10374 of 2004) Decided On: 08.08.2006 [para 7] p. 3488.
The Supreme Court observed,

Digital Signature

Therefore, it was important that not only the affixing of ‘digital

signature’ would make important, but it is also necessary to give equal
force to the electronic record created by digital signature which in
traditional medium has for attested and signed document. S. 5 of the
Act fulfill this requirement which runs as under 16 :

S. 5. Legal recognition of digital signatures.

Where any law provides that information or any other

matter shall be authenticated by affixing the signature or any
document shall be signed or bear the signature of any person
then, notwithstanding anything contained in such law, such
requirement shall be deemed to have been satisfied, if such
information or matter is authenticated by means of digital
signature affixed in such manner as may be prescribed by the
Central Government.

Explanation.—For the purposes of this section, "signed",

with its grammatical variations and cognate expressions,
shall, with reference to a person, mean affixing of his hand
written signature or any mark on any document and the
expression "signature" shall be construed accordingly.

Thus the plain reading of S. 5 makes it clear that the electronic

record to which the ‘digital signature’ has been affixed has equal

We may notice some recent amendments in this behalf Section 464 of the Indian Penal
Code deals with the inclusion of the digital signatures. Sections 29, 167, 172, 192 and
463 of the Indian Penal Code have been amended to include electronics documents
within the definition of Page 3489 'documents'. Section 63 of the Evidence Act has
been amended to include admissibility of computer outputs in the media, paper,
optical or magnetic form. Section 73A prescribes procedures for verification of digital
signatures. Sections 85A and 85B of the Evidence Act raise a presumption as regards
electronic contracts, electronic records, digital signature certificates and electronic
[para 8]
16 This shall be borne in mind that the amendment brought into effect by the Information Technology
Act, 2000 in Evidence Act, 1882 has also create strong presumption in favour of electronic
contracts, electronic records, digital signature certificates and electronic messages.

Digital Signature

binding force which in traditional system the signed document has. It

has also expressly made it clear if any law require that any document
must bear signature, the requirement will deem to be satisfied if the
electronic record is authenticated by affixing digital signature.

The explanation clause clarifies the meaning of “signed” and

“signature”. The clause explain that as the word “signed” has the
meaning and expression attached to it which is generally done by mean
of affixing of his hand written signature or any mark on any document,
and signature has its meaning, in the same way, the ‘affixing of digital
signature should be construed accordingly. One very important
differentiation should be beard into mind that in India the Act has
adopted “Digital Signature” which is created by hash function and pair
of public and private key. In contrast, in most of the nation, it speak
about “Electronic Signature”. The basic different between “Digital
Signature” and “Electronic Signature” is, the digital signature is in
digital form contain may be alpha-numerical, where electronic
signature may also contain sound, signature by digital pen, watermark,
thumb impression, eye scan. Comparatively, ‘Electronic Signature’
provides more security. The proposed amendment in Sept 2005 which
is still pending for want of enactment, which will provide the
mechanism for ‘Electronic Signature’ by replacing ‘digital signature’, if
would take shape of legislation.

1.10. Digital Signature – Legal Definition and effectuation

The ‘Digital Signature’ has been defined by S. 2 (1) (p) of the

Information Technology Act, 2000 [the Act] as follows :

2 (1) (p) "digital signature" means authentication of

any electronic record by a subscriber by means of an

Digital Signature

electronic method or procedure in accordance with the

provisions of section 3;

Thus, what exactly the ‘digital signature’ stands for has not been
defined by the Act. It simply point out that ‘digital signature’ means
authentication of electronic record by subscriber by and in accordance
of the procedure laid down by Chapter II, S. 3 of the Act. For reference
it is essential to have a look to Section 3 of the Act which runs as under :

Section 3. Authentication of electronic records.

(1) Subject to the provisions of this section any

subscriber may authenticate an electronic record by
affixing his digital signature.

(2) The authentication of the electronic record

shall be effected by the use of asymmetric crypto system
and hash function which envelop and transform the initial
electronic record into another electronic record.

Explanation.—For the purposes of this sub-section,

"hash function" means an algorithm mapping or translation
of one sequence of bits into another, generally smaller, set
known 'as "hash result" such that an electronic record
yields the same hash result every time the algorithm is
executed with the same electronic record as its input
making it computationally infeasible—

(a) to derive or reconstruct the original electronic

record from the hash result produced by the algorithm;

(b) that two electronic records can produce the same

hash result using the algorithm.

Digital Signature

(3) Any person by the use of a public key of the

subscriber can verify the electronic record.

(4) The private key and the public key are unique
to the subscriber and constitute a functioning key pair.

Ss. 3 (1) of the Act explain the category of person who can
authenticate the electronic record. It provides that the ‘subscriber’ can
authentication any electronic record by affixing his digital signature to
it. This sub section empowers only to the subscriber, and not any general
person, the capacity to authenticate the electronic record. The Act also
defined ‘subscriber’ vide S. 2 (1) (zg) as :

"subscriber" means a person in whose name the

Digital Signature Certificate is issued;

Thus the person having Digital Signature Certificate is only

empowered to authenticate (any) electronic record by affixing his
‘digital signature’. The Act does prescribe that subscriber can
authenticate electronic record by affixing his ‘digital signature’.
Therefore it is not required by the Act that subscriber can authenticate
only ‘his’ electronic record. It is clear from the language of the S. 3 (1)
that subscriber can authenticate any of the electronic record whether
created by himself or by any other person by affixing his ‘digital
signature’. It is apparently clear that though only the subscriber can
authenticate the electronic record by affixing his ‘digital signature’, but
no limitation has been put on the subscriber to authenticate only his
electronic record. He can authenticate the electronic record of other’s
also, but subject to provision of the Act, and only electronic record
bearing valid ‘digital signature’ is treated reliable and authenticate in
the eye of law. The general public using Internet for the purpose of E-
mails, Chatting, sharing files, surfing, downloading for educational or

Digital Signature

any other purpose or even taking information from the WebPages, or

government institutions, offices, companies having their Webpage
cannot be treated as authenticate electronic record unless the creator of
these electronic record has not holding ‘digital signature certificate’ and
even if holding it, he has not authenticated his electronic record by
using his ‘digital signature’. Therefore, it should be noted down that all
those electronic records which exists in digital environment are neither
reliable nor authenticated. The authentication process is deliberate
attempt by subscriber holding ‘digital signature’ and an option for him
to affix his ‘digital signature’ to the electronic record. However, once
the subscriber opted to authenticate the electronic record, and in this
attempt, affix his ‘digital signature’ to any electronic record, it will be
treated authenticate by world at large against the subscriber and
subscriber cannot afterward repudiate its authenticity. Anyone can
verify the authenticity by applying ‘public key’ of creator as the
mechanism of ‘digital signature’ is capable to verify 17 the authenticity of
electronic record created using ‘digital signature’ and this mechanism is
recognized by means provided by law.

The electronic record bearing ‘digital signature’ thus presumed to

be authenticates and can be relied upon for the purpose of commercial
and other transactional business. Subject to other provisions of the Act,
the electronic record bearing ‘digital signature’ carries evidential value

17 Therefore, the term ‘verify’ has also been defined by the Act which prescribed the meaning and
scope as follows :
S. 2 (1) (zh) "verify" in relation to a digital signature, electronic record or public key,
with its grammatical variations and cognate expressions means to determine
(a) the initial electronic record was affixed with the digital signature by the use of
private key corresponding to the public key of the subscriber;
(b) the initial electronic record is retained intact or has been altered since such electronic
record was so affixed with the digital signature.

Digital Signature

and can be used against subscriber if denied or alleged to be non-


Ss. 3 (2) prescribe the procedure of affixing of ‘digital signature’

to the electronic record. It stipulates that the authentication of the
electronic record shall be effectuated by use of the asymmetric crypto
system and hash function. The Asymmetric Crypto System’ is a
cryptographic process in which two different asymmetric key pair has
been used to secure the record. These two key are private key and
public key in which private key is used for creating a digital signature
and corresponding public key to verify the digital signature. 18 S. 3 (4)
of the Information Technology Act, 2000 states that the private key and
the public key are unique to the subscriber and constitute a functioning
key pair. 19 These two keys are related and correspond to each other in
such a way that the electronic record created by a private key can only
verify by public key related and corresponds to it. 20

Though traditionally, only one key pair use to encrypt the record
and same key pair use to decrypt it. But for securing the record and
unable its reversibility, two different key pairs are used in which one
key pair modify the record and other key pair can only verify it, but
does not able to alter, change its content.

When the private key is used to effectuate the ‘digital signature’

to the electronic record, hash function which is a kind of algorithm

18 S. 2 (1) (f) of the Information Technology Act, 2000 which define "asymmetric crypto system" as
"asymmetric crypto system" means a system of a secure key pair consisting of a private
key for creating a digital signature and a public key to verify the digital signature;
19 S. 3 (4) of the Information Technology Act, 2000. See also, Duggal Pavan, Cyber Law – The Indian
Perspective, Saakshar Law Publications New Delhi, 2nd Ed. 2004, pg. 65
20 S. 2 (1) (x) of the Information Technology Act, 2000 which define “Key pair” as follows :
"key pair", in an asymmetric crypto system, means a private key and its mathematically
related public key, which are so related that the public key can verify a digital
signature created by the private key;

Digital Signature

mapping use to envelop and translate one sequence of bits into another
work on it to generate “hash result”. The hash function is one which
whenever works upon the same electronic record yield the same hash
result every time. However, the legal provision prescribe with regard
to hash function that –

(i) The hash function is one which is used to envelop and

transform the electronic record into another electronic
record which is called hash result

(ii) The hash function is to yield same hash result every time
whenever executed with same electronic record as it input

(iii) This hash function must bear the feature that deriving or
reconstruction of original record from hash result shall not
be possible

(iv) No two electronic records yield same hash result with hash

These four conditions are mandatory to ensure that nobody able

to get the original electronic record back from hash result. The first
condition will ensure that hash result shall envelop and transform the
electronic record into another electronic record. This process blocks the
content and wraps it so that the content of the electronic record get
block from any change or modification.

The second condition is to safeguard the interest of subscriber.

The quality of hash function to yield same hash result every time
whenever executed upon the same input will help the subscriber to
verify any latter moment tampering or change into the electronic
record. Thus if subscriber is doubtful about the authenticity of the
electronic record, he can execute hash function to verify that the result is
same or not. If the result remains unchanged each time, he can ensure

Digital Signature

that the document is one which he had created. But if two hash results
differ, he can very well take plea that the input is different. The same
methodology can be used by forensic lab to verify that whether the
same hash result yield second time or not. They can check it with the
alleged electronic record by comparison.

The third condition laid down by the Act is due to the reasons
that once the digital signature affixed to the electronic record, it get
enveloped and wrapped by the hash function. Now it is only possible
that one can only verify it but cannot modify. Once the system ensure
this feature, it give a legal presumption that once the electronic record
bears digital signature, it is neither modified, changed, altered or
tampered by anybody. Even the subscriber cannot able to get original
record by any means. Therefore, reliability of electronic record can be

The last condition ensures that no two results from two different
inputs shall yield after execution by hash function. This is because if
the two hash result will be identical despite the inputs were different,
its authenticity will at stake. Thus for different input, different hash
result must be yield and no two hash result shall be identical if the
input is different. These conditions can ensure and strengthen the
reliability of mechanism and chances of creeping up of loopholes.

1.11. Creation and maintenance of Digital Signature

The Information Technology Act, 2000 has also set up the

mechanism for creation and maintenance of ‘Digital Signatures’. The
office of the Controller has been created for the purpose. The Controller
grants the licences to the ‘Certifying Authority’ which further issue
‘digital signature’ to the subscriber. Thus, Controller does not directly
issue ‘digital signature’, but issues licences to the ‘Certifying Authority’.

Digital Signature

The Certifying Authority issues the ‘Digital Signature Certificate’ to the

subscribers. These can be represented graphically in following manner :

Controller of
Certifying Authority

Certifying Authority Certifying Authority Certifying Authority

Subscriber M

Subscriber Z
Subscriber N
Subscriber C
Subscriber A

Subscriber B

Subscriber X

Subscriber Y
Fig 4 : Showing hierarchical set up of Controller of CA

Note : Subscribers are not the constituent part of the office of CCA

The Controller of Certifying Authority [CCA] is appointed by

Central Government by notification in Official Gazette in accordance
with S. 17 of the Act. by the Central Government. The Controller shall
discharge his functions under the Act subject to the general control and
directions of the Central Government. 21 The functions of the Controller
are prescribed by S. 18 of the Act which following major functions :

21 See S. 17 of the Information Technology Act, 2000 which runs as under

17. Appointment of Controller and other officers.
(1) The Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint a
Controller of Certifying Authorities for the purposes of this Act and may also by the
same or subsequent notification appoint such number of Deputy Controllers and
Assistant Controllers as it deems fit.
(2) The Controller shall discharge his functions under this Act subject to the general
control and directions of the Central Government.

Digital Signature

 exercising supervision over the activities of the Certifying


 certifying public keys of the Certifying Authorities

 laying down the standards to be maintained by the

Certifying Authorities

 specifying the qualifications and experience which

employees of the Certifying Authorities should possess

 specifying the conditions subject to which the Certifying

Authorities shall conduct their business

 specifying the contents of written, printed or visual

materials and advertisements that may be distributed or
used in respect of a Digital Signature Certificate and the
public key

 specifying the form and content of a Digital Signature

Certificate and the key,

 specifying the form and manner in which accounts shall be

maintained by the Certifying Authorities

 specifying the terms and conditions subject to which

auditors may be appointed and the remuneration to be
paid to them

(3) The Deputy Controllers and Assistant Controllers shall perform the functions
assigned to them by the Controller under the general superintendence and control of
the Controller.
(4) The qualifications, experience and terms and conditions of service of Controller,
Deputy Controllers and Assistant Controllers shall be such as may be prescribed by
the Central Government.
(5) The Head Office and Branch Office of the office of the Controller shall be at such
places as the Central Government may specify, and these may be established at such
places as the Central Government may think fit.
(6) There shall be a seal of the Office of the Controller.

Digital Signature

 facilitating the establishment of any electronic system by a

Certifying Authority either solely or jointly with other
Certifying Authorities and regulation of such systems

 specifying the manner in which the Certifying Authorities

shall conduct their dealings with the subscribers

 resolving any conflict of interests between the Certifying

Authorities and the subscribers

 laying down the duties of the Certifying Authorities

 maintaining a data base containing the disclosure record of

every Certifying Authority containing such particulars as
may be specified by regulations, which shall be accessible
to public. 22

If the above functions of the Controller of Certifying Authority

are scrutinized closely, it can be averted that Controller enjoys great
control over the Certifying Authority. The Controller exercises greater
control with regards to the activities of Certifying Authorities as he
supervises activities of Certifying Authorities, laying down the
standards to be maintained by the Certifying Authorities, specify the
qualifications and experience of employees of the Certifying Authorities
should employ, specify the conditions of business carried by Certifying
Authorities, specify the contents of written, printed or visual materials
and advertisements that may be distributed or used in respect of a
Digital Signature Certificate and the public key, specify the form and
content of a Digital Signature Certificate and the key, specify the form
and manner in which accounts shall be maintained by the Certifying
Authorities, facilitating the establishment of any electronic system by a

22 Id. S. 18

Digital Signature

Certifying Authority either solely or jointly with other Certifying

Authorities and regulation of such systems, specify the manner in
which the Certifying Authorities shall conduct their dealings with the
subscribers, resolve any conflict of interests between the Certifying
Authorities and the subscribers, lay down the duties of the Certifying
Authorities and maintain a data base containing the disclosure record of
every Certifying Authority containing such particulars as may be
specified by regulations, which shall be accessible to public. Therefore,
even though Controller does not directly play the role of distribution of
‘digital signature’ to the subscriber, he enjoy almost all the power in
which manner the ‘digital signature’ shall be issued and maintained by
‘Certifying Authorities’. In practices, the Controller of Certifying
Authority issue licence to Certifying Authorities who in fact give digital
signature to the subscriber. 23

The Act has also specified the scope for the recognition of foreign
Certifying Authorities. For this purpose, the act has prescribed that
Controller may with prior approval of Central Government and subject
to such conditions and restrictions as may be specified by regulations,
and by notification in the Official Gazette, recognise any foreign
Certifying Authority as a Certifying Authority for the purposes of the
Act. In this case, if the foreign Certifying Authority would given
recognition, the ‘Digital Signature Certificate’ issued by such Certifying

23 For e.g. First digital Contract Note authenticated by digital signature had been issued by Mr. K.N.
Gupta, the first Controller of Certifying Authorities, Government of India, has issued the first
licence to “Safe Script” to act as a Certifying Authority. Another persons who were in line for the
issue of licence were (1) RBI Affiliate, Hyderabad (2) Institution of Development Research and
Banking Technology and, (3) National Informatics Centre et. The “Safe Script” had issued a digital
signature certificate in the name of “ICICIDIRECT.COM”, Mumbai. On March 27, 2002 the
subscriber “ICICIDIRECT.COM”, became the first firm to issue a Digitally Signed Contract Note
(DSCN) to its clients [The Economic Times, Delhi Ed. 29.03.2002 Pg. 5]. The
ICICIDIRECT.COM used to issue contract notes for about 22,000 transactions carried out per day.
They are physically mailed to the investors. With the introduction of the new system, the investors
will investors will instantly receive a legally valid contract note electronically. A report says that
the new service is expected to save around Rs. 6 crores which were payable to the brokers.

Digital Signature

Authority either to any citizens having any nationality, any company or

institution incorporated in India or any foreign person, company or
institution will be treated recognized for the purpose of the Act and will
have the same effect and force as if the ‘digital signature’ is issued by
the Certifying Authority having licence by Controller for all purposes
laid down by the Act. 24

1.12. Digital Signature – Safeguard and functional mechanism

The Acts prescribe vide various provisions to safeguards and

functional mechanism for ‘Digital signature’. These safeguards can be
put in following ways :

1.13. Provisions to safeguard the ‘Digital Signature’ mechanism

 The Controller acts as the repository of all Digital Signature

Certificates and also maintains the computerized data base
of all public keys. 25 This ensures the availability of public
key to any member of public and verification of data is

 The Controller has responsibility to ensure from any

intrusion and misuse of any hardware, software and

24 See S. 19 of the Information Technology Act, 2000 which runs as under :

19. Recognition of foreign Certifying Authorities.
(1) Subject to such conditions and restrictions as may be specified by regulations, the
Controller may with the previous approval of the Central Government, and by
notification in the Official Gazette, recognise any foreign Certifying Authority as a
Certifying Authority for the purposes of this Act.
(2) Where any Certifying Authority is recognised under sub-section (1), the Digital
Signature Certificate issued by such Certifying Authority shall be valid for the
purposes of this Act.
(3) The Controller may, if he is satisfied that any Certifying Authority has contravened
any of the conditions and restrictions subject to which it was granted recognition
under subsection (1) he may, for reasons to be recorded in writing, by notification in
the Official Gazette, revoke such recognition.
25 See S. 20 of the Information Technology Act, 2000

Digital Signature

procedures to safeguards ‘Digital Signature mechanism’


 Shall observe such other standards as may be prescribed by

the Central Government. 26

 The Controller is empowered to investigate any

contravention of any of the provisions of the Act either by
himself or through authorized officer 27

 S. 30 of the Act provide the procedure which Certifying

Authority should follow. This section laid down the
responsibility on Certifying Authority with regard to
hardware, software and procedures that are secure from
intrusion and misuse. It also laid down that Certifying
Authority should provide a reasonable level of reliability in
its services which are reasonably suited to the performance
of intended functions. In addition to it, Certifying
Authority should also adhere to security procedures to
ensure that the secrecy and privacy of the digital signatures
are assured and observe such other standards as may be
specified by regulations. This is because to ensure the
security measures for ‘Digital Signature’ and prevents it
from any intrusion and misuse. 28

1.14. Provisions with regards to functional aspects of ‘Digital


 The Controller is empowered to issue the licence to issue

Digital Signature Certificates any person only after

26 Ibid.
27 Id. S. 68
28 Id. S. 30

Digital Signature

fulfillment of requirement laid down by the Act. 29 The

Terms and conditions of licence to issue Digital
Signature Certificate have been provided vide rule 3 of
the Information Technology (Certifying Authority)
Regulations, 2001.

 The licence to Certifying Authority is issued only subject to

satisfaction of qualification, expertise, manpower, financial
resources and infrastructure facilities. This shows that
person must comply with the requirement laid down by
the Act and corresponding rules from time to time.
Therefore, while granting the licence to any Certifying
Authority to issue ‘Digital Signature’ the ability of the
Certifying Authority will be tested upon and comply with,
otherwise Controller will not issue licence to Certifying

 Though the provision laid down the liberty for Certifying

Authorities to set norms and standards for issue ‘Digital
Signature Certificate’ 30 to the subscribers, they must
observe the rules and regulation laid down by the Act and
instruction given by the Controller from time to time. 31

 The Certifying Authority may charge the fees for issuing

‘Digital Signature’ to subscriber not exceeding Rs. 25000/-
[or as may be prescribed by Central Government].

29 Id. S. 21
30 Rule 4 of the Information Technology (Certifying Authority) Regulations, 2001 has prescribed the
standards followed by the Certifying Authority for carrying out its functions.
31 See, S. 21 of the Information Technology Act, 2000

Digital Signature

 The licence issued to the Certifying Authority also has

expiry date. However the provision for renewal of licence
also been prescribed by the Act. 32

 The Act also prescribed the provision for issuance and

suspension of licence for which Controller has been
empowered by the Act. The grounds for the suspension of
licences are

o Providing any incorrect information asked by any


o Failed to comply with any term and condition on the

basis of which the licence has been granted

o Failed to maintain standard or contravened the

provision of the Act

However, Controller will give the Certifying Authority an

‘opportunity of being heard’ to put his stand before revocation of
licence 33

Thus, as stated in the beginning of this part of research writing,

the mechanism of digital signature functions to achieve authentication,
non-repudiation and verification of electronic record. It provides the
sense of security in the electronic environment and facilitates the
electronic transaction.

1.15. ‘Electronic Signature’ : inception to implementation

This is to be noted down that the ‘electronic signature’ has now been
inserted in the legal statutes in India. It has been now intended to be
incorporated in the Information Technology [Amendment] Act, 2009,
however it is yet not been started to be incorporated. The amendment has

32 Id. S. 23
33 Id. S. 25

Digital Signature

already been passed in February 2009. It will be interesting to see that how
Indian legal system switch over to this imporved form of technology which
was in demand from the very beginning. It is sure that the ‘electronic
signature’ will definitely prove more secure and safe form of affixing the
signature to the electronic data and it will provide better chances to the maker
and receiver of electronic data/record to interact on the point of
authentication, verification and non-repudiation.

1.16. Sum up

The above analysis show that ‘digital signature’ under the

Information Technology Act, 2000, that this is not only essential aspect
for creating secure environment for electronic transactions, but it create
a sense of authentication and non-repudiation and thus ultimately
achieve its objectives of facilitating e-commerce. Thus in its application,
digital signature has not only proved an essential techno-legal
requirement, but it has made the e-commerce meaningful.

However, looking to the present development across the world, it

is essential to reconsider the importation of ‘electronic signature’ in the
legal books as it ensures greater level of safety and security in electronic
environment. Beside the same, the need for cross-border recognition of
digital/electronic signature is already overdue which cannot be delayed


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