Protect Your Identity
Protect Your Identity
Protect Your Identity
Bureau of Consumer
Financial Protection
You spend your life building your credit
record. It’s important to always protect
it. Even later in life, having good credit is
important. It can help you get a loan, rent
an apartment, or buy a home.
Protecting your sensitive personal
information from misuse is a way to
safeguard your credit. Unfortunately,
hacking and data breaches expose
the personal information of millions
of Americans. In some cases, hackers
take Social Security numbers and
birth dates. Unlike credit card
numbers, this personal information
cannot easily be changed – it requires
life-long protection against fraud and
Consider a security freeze
identity theft. A security freeze prevents lenders
or creditors from accessing your
There are many ways to protect your credit reports. If you know or suspect
sensitive information from misuse, that your personal information was
including monitoring your bank and exposed in a data breach, you should
credit card accounts, fraud alerts consider placing a freeze on your
and security freezes, and credit and credit reports with all three major
identity monitoring services. How do credit reporting agencies, Equifax,
you know what’s right for you? Experian, and TransUnion. Creditors
usually won’t offer you credit if they
Here are some choices you can use can’t access your credit report. This
to protect your sensitive information makes it harder for identity thieves to
from misuse and help guard open new credit and other financial
your credit. accounts in your name. So a security
Experian Online
P.O. Box 9554
Allen, TX 75013
By phone (180+ languages)
TRANSUNION M-F, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. ET
Security Freeze (800) 680-7289 (855) 411-2372
Place a fraud alert (888) 909-8872 (855) 729-2372 TTY/TDD