Assessment Chapter Test Final

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Directions: Choose the letter with the correct answer.

1. Which of the following situations point to norm-referencing?

a. Christine ranked in the 98th percentile of the NMAT passers.
b. Rachel only got three errors on the quiz.
c. Aileen will represent the class in the school quiz bee.
d. Karen failed the exam.

2. This type of evaluation measures a student’s progress at the end of a given

a. Validating Test c. Instructional Outcomes
b. Reliability Index d. Summative Test

3. Which among the following tests requires a student to fill in the gaps in a given
a. Restricted Essay c. Sentence Completion
b. Non-restricted Essay d. Modified True or False

4. The situation that best describes the averaging grading system is:
a. Jude’s grades during the first and second grading period are 85 and 88. His
grades during the third grading period is 80.
b. Jam got a grade of 89 this grading period. Jam got the same grades during
the last three grading periods.
c. Jane graduated with a general weighted average of 82.
d. John barely passed with a grade of 75 in Math and 76 in Science.

For items 5 and 6, refer to the following information:

In the past week, Teacher Clarissa administered a short quiz after every lesson.
She used the same set of questions for three consecutive meetings to see if her
students fully understood the lesson.

5. What was Teacher Clarissa measuring?

a. Validation c. Validity
b. Reliability d. Relation Index

6. What method did Teacher Clarissa use?

a. Parallel Form c. Test-Retest
b. Content-related Validity d. Construct-related Validity

7. __________________ usually evaluates the cognitive domain but cannot accurately

measure the psychomotor domain.
a. Traditional Assessment c. Alternative Assessment
b. Authentic Assessment d. Performance Assessment

8. Which of the following is a higher-order thinking skill?

a. Recalling relevant knowledge from long-term memory.
b. Responding to visual stimuli
c. Articulating a philosophy very clearly
d. Making judgments based on a set of guidelines

9. Which of the following is a lower-order thinking skill?

a. Recalling relevant knowledge from long-term memory
b. Responding to visual stimuli
c. Articulating a philosophy very clearly
d. Making judgments based on a set of guidelines

10. Professor A administered a test before starting a new lesson in order to gauge
how much the students know about the topic. What type of test is given?
a. Authentic Evaluation c. Formative Evaluation
b. Outcomes Assessment d. Summative Evaluation

11. The first step in creating assessment methods is:

a. identify the type of test to be used
b. decide on the number of items
c. create a table of specifications
d. choose which topics to include in the coverage

12. A positive feeling towards an object is called ____________.

a. cognition c. a behavioral intention
b. an affect d. evaluation

13. A negative feeling towards an object is called a _____________.

a. cognition c. a behavioral intention
b. an affect d. evaluation

14. Which of the following shows a higher-order skill in the psychomotor domain?
a. Kate performed a dance number which she choreographed herself.
b. Ken relies on number cues to start his performance.
c. Kathleen rewatched the video guide to familiarize herself with the process.
d. Kyle listened to their performance song over and over to memorize it.

15. Yna studied ballet from childhood until college. She can execute a graceful
pirouette as if it is second nature. On what stage of Dave’s taxonomy would this
fall under?
a. Precision c. Naturalization
b. Articulation d. Organization

16. Alex just passed her Oral Communications subject. Which of the following is an
example of a course outcome?
a. Alex can write a coherent essay with ease.
b. Alex can distinguish fake news from legitimate news.
c. Alex can deliver a cohesive address in a public speaking event.
d. Alex can make an aesthetically pleasing presentation.
17. Among the following choices, which is not a tool in interpreting assessment
a. Mean c. Range
b. Variance d. Standard

18. Select a situation where item analysis is applied.

a. Teacher Ada tracks which of the distractors in her multiple-choice quizzes
were frequently selected so she can use them again in subsequent exams.
b. Teacher Ada tracks which of the stems in her multiple-choice quizzes were
frequently selected so she can use them again in subsequent exams.
c. Teacher Ada tracks which of the distractors in her multiple-choice quizzes
were frequently selected so she can remove them in subsequent exams.
d. Teacher Ada tracks which of the stems in her multiple-choice quizzes were
frequently selected so she can remove them in subsequent exams.

19. Choose which situation shows a higher-order thinking skill in the revised
Bloom’s taxonomy.
a. Jessie can recite the house rules by heart.
b. Jessie can critique the house rules and justify the creation of new ones.
c. Jessie can defend the house rules from critiques.
d. Jessie can rewrite the house rules to be more comprehensive.

20. My science class teacher wants us to submit a compilation of photos and essays
relating to the progress of our science project. It must show the chronological
progress of our science project and must contain photos from when we began
the project until it was completed. What is this requirement called?
a. Development Portfolio c. Evaluation Portfolio
b. Display Portfolio d. Evidentiary Portfolio

Use this set of numbers for items 21-25:

19 20 16 18 19 22 17 25 19 21

21. Identify what 19 is.

a. Mean c. Mode
b. Median d. None of the above

22. What is the range?

a. 9 c. 10
b. 19 d. 25

23. Solve for the mean.

a. 18.6 c. 21.5
b. 20 d. 19.6

24. Find the median.

a. 18 c. 20
b. 19 d. 21

25. Which of the following can be inferred from the above?

a. 40% of the class got scores above the mean.
b. The class average for the quiz is 20.
c. The quiz is easy.
d. The data is not enough to form an inference.

Use these for items 26-30:

I. Oliver wants to learn how to cook his favorite dish – sinigang.

II. Oliver found a recipe which he thinks he can create.

III. He can recall the ingredients from memorizing the recipe.

IV. He understood the steps in making the dish and believes he can cook it
on his own.

V. Oliver carried out the steps and made his favorite dish.

VI. He can now identify which ingredient brings out which flavor.

VII. He wants to improve the recipe to suit his own flavor preferences.

VIII. Oliver is examining which ingredients to add to improve the flavor


IX. He thinks adding chilis would drastically enhance the soup.

X. Oliver created his own sinigang recipe by modifying his original guide.

26. What domain of learning was emphasized in the sentences above?

a. Cognitive Domain c. Affective Domain
b. Psychomotor Domain d. No learning occurred

27. What taxonomy of learning could be applied in Oliver’s process of creating his
own sinigang recipe?
a. Bloom’s Taxonomy of Knowledge
b. Simpson’s Psychomotor Taxonomy
c. Krathwohl’s Taxonomy
d. No learning taxonomy can be applied as there was no learning that

28. Select the sentence showing the first level of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
a. I c. III
b. II d. IV

29. Sentence VI shows which stage of which taxonomy of learning?

a. Understanding; Bloom’s Taxonomy
b. Analyzing; Bloom’s Taxonomy
c. Guided Response; Simpson’s Taxonomy
d. Valuing; Krathwohl’s Taxonomy

30. Choose the best sequence to show the progress from the first to the sixth level
of cognitive learning.

31. Teacher Ivy asked Teacher Ivan’s help in checking her students’ essay. Despite
having the same topic to write about, the students whose outputs were
evaluated by Teacher Ivy got higher scores over those who were handled by
Teacher Ivan. This incidence is called ___________.
a. varying factors c. objective measurement
b. standardized testing d. subjective measurement

32. This refers to the actual demonstration of what was taught during instruction.
a. Product Output c. Outcomes
b. Portfolio d. Performance

33. This type of assessment is done during the teaching to keep track if students can
follow along and adjust accordingly.
a. Assessment of learning c. Assessment for learning
b. Assessment as learning d. Self-Assessment

34. Her parents promised Aira a brand-new car when she finishes her degree. This
type of motivation is called ______________.
a. intrinsic motivation c. dream motivation
b. extrinsic motivation d. expectancy motivation

35. An assessment method which uses carefully worded sentences to evaluate how
strongly the students feel towards a topic.
a. Likert Scale c. Semantic Differential Scale
b. Reflection Paper d. Checklist

36. This type of assessment is done at the end of unit or a grading period in order to
assess the learning for grading purposes.
a. Assessment of learning c. Assessment for learning
b. Assessment as learning d. Self-Assessment

37. Professor Lockhart asked Jack and Jill to check her students’ exam papers. She
gave them an answer key to be followed. What is this type of evaluation?
a. Varying Factors c. Objective Measurement
b. Standardized Testing d. Subjective Measurement

38. This requires the student to create an output based on the teaching process
a. Product Output c. Outcomes
b. Portfolio d. Performance

39. This is composed of a list of observable characteristics which the student must
observe and mark which ones are present.
a. Likert Scale c. Semantic Differential Scale
b. Reflection Paper d. Checklist

40. The school offers a Research 101 course which will teach students how to write
a research paper on their own. One of the course requirements is the
submission of a research paper at the end of the school year. What assessment
tool is applied here?
a. Product Output c. Outcomes
b. Portfolio d. Performance

41. Ali wants to get a grade of 90 grading period. His past exam scores are 92, 88,
and 89. What must his score be to achieve his goal?
a. 89 c. 91
b. 90 d. 92

42. This is the process of evaluating test items individually using several methods
to test its difficulty and discriminatory power.
a. Difficulty Index c. Discrimination Index
b. Item Analysis d. Central Tendency

43. This type of rubric assigns the emphasis on the ability to demonstrate the
criteria as a whole. Each criterion is evaluated simultaneously.
a. Analytic Rubric c. General Rubric
b. Holistic Rubric d. Weighted Rubric

44. Standard deviation is a tool used to measure ________.

a. range c. variability
b. test scores d. score distribution

45. This grading system uses a fixed criterion measure as a basis in passing the
students. This means that for a student to pass, he/she must achieve the fixed
target grade.
a. Average Grading c. Norm-Referenced Grading
b. Cumulative Grading d. Criterion-Referenced Grading

46. The following are tools used to test lower-order thinking skills except one.
Which is it?
a. Multiple Choice c. Sentence Completion
b. Matching Type d. Essay

47. Which among the following tools is best used to test higher-order thinking
a. Multiple Choice c. Sentence Completion
b. Matching Type d. Essay
48. Which among the following sentences is FALSE?
a. Outcomes-Based Education disregards the measurable outcomes and uses
the teacher’s personal assessment as a gauge of student’s learning.
b. The first step in applying the OBE model is to list down the educational
objectives for the subject.
c. Next, list down the learning outcomes expected of each objective.
d. Then, plan the assessment method that could properly evaluate each

49. How would Miss Bow compute for the median if the final tally of scores is an
even number?
a. Find the midpoint.
b. Find the average of the two middle values.
c. The median cannot be defined.
d. Subtract the lowest value from the highest value.

50. Find the incorrect statement as to the construction of multiple-choice tests.

a. Do not use unfamiliar words or phrases.
b. Avoid complex word arrangements.
c. Use long and confusing sentences to increase item difficulty.
d. Distractors should be equally plausible.

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