Enter Plus
Enter Plus
Enter Plus
S t u d e n t ’ s B o o k
Express Publishing
Enterprise plus Pre-Intermediate Test Booklet
Enterprise plus Pre-Intermediate Class audio CDs
Enterprise plus Pre-Intermediate Student's audio CD
ISBN 978-1-84325-812-4
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Student’s Book
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UNIT 1 ñ physical/character description Present Simple - Present ñ describing people letter to a pen-friend
Read my Lips ñ clothes Continuous - stative verbs ñ buying clothes
(pp. 8-11) ñ linking words Pronunciation: /s/, /z/, /æz/
UNIT 2 ñ physical/character description ñ relative pronouns ñ describing people article about a
In the Public Eye ñ interests/hobbies (who-whose-which) ñ people’s habits and famous person
(pp. 12-15) Phrasal verbs: look ñ adverbs of frequency routines
ñ forming adjectives Pronunciation: /n/, /…/, /…k/
LISTENING & SPEAKING (UNITS 1-2) (pp. 16-17)
UNIT 3 ñ accommodation ñ Past Simple - Past Cont. - ñ asking for information letter describing your
Around the World ñ weather description Present Perfect - Present ñ describing the weather stay at a holiday
(pp. 18-21) ñ adjectives describing places Perfect Continuous ñ catching up with news resort
UNIT 6 ñ habitat & description ñ Past Perfect - Past ñ expressing obligation/ project about
Curricular Cuts: ñ rules Perfect Continuous prohibition/absence of extinct animals
Extinct Animals ñ Modal Verbs necessity
(pp. 32-35) ñ Comparisons ñ describing animals
LISTENING & SPEAKING (UNITS 5-6) (pp. 36-37)
UNIT 7 ñ stories/narrating events past tenses ñ putting events in the stories
A Ghostly Welcome ñ feelings & emotions correct order
(pp. 44-47) ñ use of the senses ñ narrating events
ñ time words; sequence words
Phrasal verbs: break
UNIT 8 ñ giving advice/making ñ will - be going to - ñ asking for/giving advice friendly letter giving
Hard Times recommendations Present Continuous ñ making plans/predictions advice
(pp. 48-51) ñ making suggestions/offers/ ñ 1st type Conditionals ñ making suggestions/
invitations offers/invitations
Pronunciation: /st/, /zd/
UNIT 10 ñ life in the future Future Continuous - ñ making plans/predictions article about life
Citizens 2050 ñ expressing opinions (I think, Future Perfect ñ expressing opinions in 2050
(pp. 58-61) I believe, etc.)/giving reasons ñ comparing past,
ñ linking words (similar/ present and future
contrasting ideas) situations
Phrasal verbs: come
LISTENING & SPEAKING (UNITS 9-10) (pp. 62-63)
UNIT 11 ñ accidents; survivors reported orders/requests/ ñ giving advice/ narrating past events
Narrow Escapes ñ giving advice; expressing commands expressing criticism
(pp. 64-67) criticism (should have done) ñ describing accidents
Pronunciation: /∏/, /π/
UNIT 12 ñ The Palace of Knossos ñ passive voice ñ talking about the article about an
Curricular Cuts: ñ The Lighthouse of Alexandria ñ as-like lives of explorers ancient monument
UNIT 14 ñ vocabulary related to jobs ñ 2nd and 3rd type ñ commenting on jobs essay: advantages/
Tricky Jobs ñ joining similar/contrasting Conditionals ñ making wishes disadvantages
(pp. 84-87) ideas ñ wishes Pronunciation: /∂/, /j∂/
LISTENING & SPEAKING (UNITS 13-14) (pp. 88-89)
Panic is Rare ñ sports/hobbies equipment ñ the -ing form Pronunciation: /Ω/, /¡/ contrasting sports
(pp. 90-93) ñ skills/qualities
Phrasal verbs: turn
UNIT 16 ñ The great fire of London ñ question tags ñ asking for confirmation describing sights
Curricular Cuts: The ñ sights ñ reflexive pronouns or agreement
Great Fire of London ñ describing sights
(pp. 94-97)
LISTENING & SPEAKING (UNITS 15-16) (pp. 98-99)
UNIT 20 ñ caves ñ making deductions (must - ñ describing places project about caves
(pp. 120-123)
LISTENING & SPEAKING (UNITS 19-20) (pp. 124-125)
UNIT 21 ñ types of films ñ present & past participles ñ TV programmes film reviews
A Return to the ñ TV programmes ñ expressing preferences ñ recommending
Big Screen ñ making recommendations ñ so/neither ñ expressing preferences
(pp. 126-129) Phrasal verbs: take ñ describing films
Enterprise Plus Pre-Intermediate is a complete course for reinforce and expand their knowledge of grammar
students studying English at pre-intermediate level. It through a variety of useful exercises.
provides students with the necessary skills to successfully ñ Pronunciation: activities which help students gain
communicate in both the oral and written forms of the confidence in recognising sounds and pronouncing
language. them correctly. All pronunciation exercises are
The course consists of four modules of twenty-two units in recorded on tapes which accompany the coursebook.
total. Each module ensures coverage of a core of useful ñ Writing: exercises which introduce the most important
language related to topics of general interest with which the aspects of composition writing in an easy-to-follow
students need to be familiar. The units follow the same way. All writing exercises (either essays or projects)
basic structure, outlined below. are guided so that students will not feel frustrated.
Notes on successful writing, plans and model
ñ Lead-in: exercise(s) drawing on the students’ compositions help students understand each type of
knowledge of the given topic. The lead-in section ends writing presented.
with a listening activity, requiring students to listen to ñ Words of Wisdom: sections which familiarise students
the reading text and complete a task, such as filling in with famous quotations and proverbs.
missing information, underlining the correct item,
ñ Listening and Speaking sections, after every two
multiple matching, True/False statements, etc. This
units, which consist of listening and speaking activities
listening activity prepares students to deal with the
thematically related to the previous two units. These
reading text which follows. Having encountered the
enable students to revise vocabulary and improve their
main idea of the text, students are better equipped to
listening and speaking skills.
focus on the reading task.
ñ Curricular Cuts: units which contain brief cross-
ñ Reading: cross-cultural texts, allowing students to
curricular texts aimed at expanding students’
develop skills such as reading for gist, reading for
understanding of the language.
specific information, understanding vocabulary from
context and summarising text in their own words. ñ Literature Corner sections which acquaint students
with English and American literature ‘classics’ and their
ñ Vocabulary Practice: exercises which focus on
exploiting the vocabulary introduced in the reading text
through various types of exercises such as ‘word ñ Module Self-Assessment sections which reinforce
attack’ (in which students deduce the meaning of students’ knowledge of the topics, vocabulary and
words from context), gap-filling, collocations which structures presented in the previous exercises and
help students remember vocabulary items as parts of help prepare them for the tests. A self-assessment
set expressions, and sets of commonly confused corner allows students to evaluate their progress and
words. Text-related idioms, phrasal verbs and identify their strengths and weaknesses.
prepositions are also included.
ñ Culture Clips sections which provide an insight into the
ñ Follow-up: exercises which focus on encouraging
culture and customs of English-speaking countries.
students to extract and reproduce relevant information
from the text through discussion as well as mastering the
The course is accompanied by: a) an interleaved Teacher’s
vocabulary covered in the Vocabulary Practice section.
Book containing all the answers to the exercises in the
ñ Language Development: exercises which present Student’s Book along with useful suggestions for
vocabulary linked to the topic and extend students’ presenting the exercises, b) audio CDs containing all the
vocabulary at the appropriate level. listening activities (class set, student’s set), c) Workbook
Student’s in which students can revise structures
ñ Listening and Speaking: exercises which focus on presented in the coursebook, d) Workbook Teacher’s
communication. Students are given the opportunity to which contains all answers to the exercises in the
develop competence in their listening and speaking Workbook Student’s book overprinted, e) Test Booklet
skills through various exercises and activities. containing four Self-Assessment Tests in two forms as well
ñ Grammar in Use: sections which present grammar as seven write-in tests, a Mid-term and an Exit test, which
structures in a clear, easily understood way. These aims to assess students’ progress throughout the course.
sections are used with the Grammar Reference section
(found at the back of the book), allowing students to
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Read my Lips
Unit 1
ñ physical & character
ñ clothes
Travellers’ Tales
Unit 4
ñ holidays
ñ describing places
ñ giving directions; making recommendations
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M o d u l e 1
Learn how to...
ñ describe people & places
ñ buy clothes
Practise ...
ñ present simple/continuous
ñ relative pronouns
ñ adverbs of frequency
ñ forming adjectives
ñ prepositions of place
ñ the definite article
ñ such/so … that
ñ past simple/past continuous
ñ present perfect/present perfect
Unit 6 continuous
ñ comparisons
ñ habitat & description
ñ rules
Write ...
ñ a letter to a pen-friend
ñ an article describing a famous
ñ a letter describing your stay at
a holiday resort
ñ an article describing a visit to a
ñ a story: setting the scene
ñ descriptions of extinct animals
ENT 3 PLUS UNIT 1_ENT 3 PLUS UNIT 1 03/08/2011 11:11 ΠΠ Page 8
1 Responsible, quick-tempered and
generous are adjectives which 3 a) Read the text again. Where is it taken from: an encyclopaedia,
describe people’s character. Can a newspaper or a light-hearted magazine?
you think of any more adjectives? b) Explain the words in bold as in the example.
e.g. Responsible people are those who you can always trust to do what you
thin lips
determined reserved
careful mean
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Linking Ideas
8 Match the descriptions to the pictures above.
ñ When you describe people’s character, you can include Then, complete the table below. Finally, cover the
positive (e.g. kind) and negative (e.g. lazy) qualities. paragraphs and describe each person.
ñ When you talk about negative qualities, you can use
the expressions in bold. e.g. He tends to/can be 1 Mary’s short and in her early twenties. She’s got an oval
aggressive at times. (NOT: He is aggressive) Look at face, long black curly hair and a small nose. Her eyes are
the ways you can join the sentences. brown. ..........................
Similar qualities 2 Paul’s tall and in his early thirties. He’s got a long face and
e.g. She is friendly. She is polite. long black hair. His nose is quite large and he’s got a
She is friendly and (also) polite. small mouth. ..........................
She is friendly and polite as well. 3 Sally’s short and plump. She’s in her late sixties. She’s got
Opposing qualities a square face, shoulder-length wavy grey hair and a wide
e.g. He is helpful. He can be arrogant at times. mouth. Her eyes are green. ..........................
He is helpful but he can be arrogant at times. 4 Mike’s tall, well-built and middle-aged with a square face.
He is helpful. On the other hand/However, he His mouth is wide, and his nose is rather big. He has large
tends to be arrogant at times. dark brown eyes and short grey hair. ..........................
5 Join the ideas using: and (also), but, however, Mary Paul Sally Mike
on the other hand. Height: short
1 Roger is friendly. Roger is caring. Build: –
2 John is intelligent. John is self-centred. Age: early
3 Andrew is stubborn. Andrew is disorganised. twenties
4 Paul is cooperative. Paul is forgetful. Face: oval
5 Michael is energetic. Michael is bossy.
Hair: long black
6 Fill in the gaps with: early, mid, late.
Eyes: brown
1 13 - 14 = in his/her .................................... teens Mouth: –
2 38 - 39 = in his/her .................................. thirties Nose: small
3 44 - 46 = in his/her .................................. -forties
4 21 - 23 = in his/her ............................... twenties
5 67 - 69 = in his/her .................................. sixties Project
6 57 - 59 = in his/her .................................... fifties Write a short paragraph describing your best
friend’s physical appearance and character.
ENT 3 PLUS UNIT 1_ENT 3 PLUS UNIT 1 03/08/2011 11:11 ΠΠ Page 10
9 Match the pictures to the words from the list: 11 Match the adjectives and the
mini skirt, waistcoat, jeans, shorts, leggings, high-heeled shoes, tie, fur coat, adverbs to the words below, then
evening dress, suit, bow tie, denim jacket, trainers, T-shirt, baseball cap, V-neck make sentences using the
jumper, scarf, flat shoes, overalls, polo-neck, tracksuit, dungarees, shirt collocations.
Which of these items are casual and which are formal? What do casually, upturned, bright, formally, neatly,
you wear when you go: a) to the gym, b) on a trip, c) to work, hooked, dark, golden, silky
d) to a party, e) to a reception?
1 ...............dressed 3 ....................eyes
2 ....................nose 4 ......................hair
Grammar in Use
I 12 Match the tenses to their
meaning. When do we use present
simple? When do we use present
E continuous? Make some true
J sentences about yourselves.
K 1 Paul works as a a temporary situations
singer. b scheduled actions
M 2 He is singing now. (timetables)
3 He is staying at a c future arrangements
hotel at present. d routines
Q 4 He is going to e actions happening
O Lyon on Sunday. at the moment of
5 His flight leaves at speaking
9.00 am. f likes and dislikes
6 He likes tennis. g permanent states
U 7 He goes to the gym
every day.
13 Put the verbs in brackets into the
correct tense.
e.g. When I go to the gym, I wear a tracksuit, trainers, etc
Steven 1) .................. (work) as a director.
He’s in the studio now. He 2) ..................
Communication (direct) a scene from his new film ‘Raiders of
the Lost Treasure’. He 3) .................. (stay) in
London at present, but he 4) .................. (fly)
10 Read the dialogue and fill in: match - go with - suit - fit. Listen to Egypt tomorrow to shoot some scenes.
and check your answers, then in pairs, act out a similar dialogue. His flight 5) .................. (leave) at 6.00 am
and, although he 6) .................. (like)
A: Good morning, madam. May I help you? travelling, he 7) .................. (hate) early
B: I hope so! I’m looking for something really special to wear to my cousin’s mornings.
wedding. Something in blue, I think.
A: What about this lovely dress? It has a jacket in the same colour to Verbs expressing likes/dislikes (like, love,
1) ......................... it. hate, dislike, can’t stand, don’t mind,
B: Yes, it’s beautiful, but it looks a bit small. Do you think it will etc) are not used in continuous tenses
2) ......................... me? and take a noun or -ing form after them.
A: Why don’t you try it on? ... (after some minutes) e.g. I love rock music./I don’t mind
B: There! How does it look? cleaning my room. (NOT: I’m loving rock
A: It’s perfect! The colour 3) ......................... you. music.)
B: Do you think so? Now all I need is a pair of shoes to 4) ............. .
ENT 3 PLUS UNIT 1_ENT 3 PLUS UNIT 1 03/08/2011 11:11 ΠΠ Page 11
17 Fill in the correct sentence.
a) I love sports.
14 You are going to listen to a mother giving b) My name is Ben Smith and I’m from England.
instructions to a babysitter. Listen and mark the c) I’m twelve years old.
statements T (True) or F (False).
16 First listen and tick. Then listen and repeat.
(your pen-friend’s first name)
Dear ...............................................................,
/s/ /z/ /æz/ /s/ /z/ /æz/
watches catches Para 1: name, where from, place you live in, family
sits goes
plays talks MAIN BODY
Para 2: age, height, build, eyes, hair, clothes
ENT 3 PLUS UNIT 2_ENT 3 PLUS UNIT 2 03/08/2011 11:19 ΠΠ Page 12
1 Look at the pictures. How are
they related to the title? Who
is famous for:
a) losing a battle?
b) painting pictures?
c) winning tennis matches?
d) starring in films?
e) playing the violin?
Daryl Hannah
to the article and find out if your
answers were correct.
ENT 3 PLUS UNIT 2_ENT 3 PLUS UNIT 2 03/08/2011 11:19 ΠΠ Page 13
1 In her everyday life, Daryl Hannah 4 Daryl wants to build her own home because she
Read the
text quickly A is successful and selfish. A cannot find one she likes.
to get a B enjoys big parties. B cares about the environment.
general idea C never goes to parties. C wants people to know her views.
about it. Read D dislikes old houses.
the first part of the
D feels uncomfortable in large groups of people.
question, then find the 2 One of Daryl's outstanding characteristics is that she 5 The whole article tells us that Daryl
part of the text the A is always asking her friends for help. Hannah
question refers to. Read A is only happy when she
the choices and choose B is willing to help others.
the answer that best fits. C doesn’t pay attention to her friends. is not working.
Keep in mind that the D gets others into trouble. B likes being a film
information may be star.
rephrased. Always check 3 In her free time, Daryl enjoys
C does not have
that the other choices are A doing creative activities.
not appropriate. Check strong opinions.
B being with ordinary people.
your answer against the D is not a typical
C resting in her garden.
text. Hollywood actress.
D writing music.
5 Read the article again and answer the questions. Phrasal Verbs
a) In which films has Daryl Hannah acted? 10 Fill in the correct particle(s). Then, try to make
b) What does she have strong feelings about? up a story using the phrasal verbs below.
c) What sort of clothes does she prefer to wear?
look after: to take care of sb/sth
d) What are her views on life?
look for: to try to find
look forward to: to expect sth with pleasure
Vocabulary Practice look up: to try to find a word, name, etc in a
reference book
6 Explain the words/phrases in bold on p. 12 in Ex. 4. 1 I don’t remember her phone number — let me look it
Then choose any three and make sentences. ............................. .
2 Julie looks ................... our children while we’re at work.
7 Match the words to their definitions. 3 Jane is really looking ..................... her sister’s wedding.
4 Helen is looking ......................................... a new house.
1 slender a get over
2 overcome b now Words often Confused
3 reveal c discover
4 beliefs d show 11 Fill in the blanks with the correct word(s). Then,
5 currently e ideas choose any three and make sentences.
6 find out f slim famous for - popular with
1 Switzerland is ............. skiers.
8 Fill in the correct word from the list below. Then,
2 Carl Lewis is ........................ winning four gold medals in
use the collocations to make sentences.
the 1988 Olympic Games.
true, strong, golden, shadows, natural, public, fall, speak
wait for - expect
1 .............................. sand 5 ........................... beauty
3 I ........................ to get a letter from John tomorrow.
2 to .......... in love with sb 6 to sit in the ....................
4 Please ........................ me; I am almost ready.
3 in the ...................... eye 7 ............................. views
4 ............................... love 8 to .................... her mind
9 Fill in the correct prepositions, then choose any
three and make sentences.
• Read the article again and make notes under the
1 to star ........... a film; 2 to look fantastic ........... expensive following headings, then talk about Daryl Hannah.
clothes; 3 to believe ........... sth; 4 ........... the countryside; 5 to
be close ........... sth; 6 to have strong views ........... life Appearance Character Hobbies Beliefs
ENT 3 PLUS UNIT 2_ENT 3 PLUS UNIT 2 03/08/2011 11:19 ΠΠ Page 14
18 Fill in each gap with only one word.
Naomi Campbell, the famous
A model, is very tall 1) ..................... a
perfect figure. She 2) ................... a
dark complexion and beautiful
E brown eyes. 3) ................... straight
black hair falls past her shoulders.
G When she 4) ............................. not
working, she usually wears casual
clothes. Naomi 5) ...........................
reading and often goes to the
theatre. Travelling is what she likes
H 6) .................... . She always travels
abroad when she has free time.
F Naomi spends a lot of time
7) ................ the gym and she does
not eat fattening food. She believes
that working hard 8) .......................
e.g. A porter is someone who carries suitcases. the only way to succeed in life.
A compass is something which points to the north.
ENT 3 PLUS UNIT 2_ENT 3 PLUS UNIT 2 03/08/2011 11:19 ΠΠ Page 15
thin sink
think sing 22 You are working for
a film guide. Your
Forming adjectives editor has asked you
to write a short
We can form adjectives from nouns or verbs by adding: article describing
-ful (e.g. wonder ➡ wonderful), -ous (e.g. danger ➡ dangerous), Harrison Ford. Look
-ible (e.g. terror ➡ terrible), -ing (e.g. excite ➡ exciting), -ed at the plan, use the
(e.g. bore ➡ bored) and -ive (e.g. create ➡ creative). table in Ex. 21 and
talk about him.
Finally, write your
20 Fill in the correct derivatives of the words in bold.
article in 120-150
What is each paragraph about?
Brad Pitt is one of Hollywood’s brightest
stars. He is a very 1) ...............................
(success) actor who has starred in Plan
many films, such as Interview with A
Vampire and Twelve Monkeys. INTRODUCTION
He is tall and slim. His 2) ........................
...................... (beauty) blue eyes and good Para 1: name - what he is famous for
looks are difficult to forget.
Brad Pitt is a 3) ........................................... (humour) person;
his friends enjoy his company. He is a sensible person who does Para 2: appearance (looks, e.g. tall, well-built, etc, clothes,
not lead a 4) ........................................... (glamour) life. e.g. casual clothes, etc.)
When he has free time, he enjoys reading about architecture, a
subject that he finds very 5) .......................................... (interest). Para 3: character (what he is like e.g. kind, patient, etc
He also enjoys listening to music and has a huge CD collection. with justification)