13920-BEAM DESIGN Excel
13920-BEAM DESIGN Excel
13920-BEAM DESIGN Excel
Clear cover dc = 25 mm
Effective cover de = 33 mm
de/d = 0.1
Ptmin = 0.240 %
At Centre:
Required area of steel @ Midspan (top) Aspan = 8.3 mm2
Percentage of steel @ Midspan (top) Pspan = 0.011 %
At Right End B:
Required Tenion steel area @ Support (top) Ast = 732 mm2
Percentage of Tension steel @ Support (top) Pt = 0.930 %
At Left End A:
Provided Tenion steel area @ Support (top) Ast = 804 mm2
Pt = 1.022 %
Hence Ok
Provided compression steel area @ Support (bot) Ast = 1030 mm2
Pt = 1.309 %
Hence Ok
At Centre:
Provided compression steel area @ Span (top) Ast = 402 mm2
Pt = 0.511 %
Hence Ok
Provided Tension steel area @ Span (bot) Ast = 804 mm2
Pt = 1.309 %
Hence Ok
At Right End B:
Provided Tenion steel area @ Support (top) Ast = 804 mm2
Pt = 1.022 %
Hence Ok
Provided compression steel area @ Support (bot) Ast = 1030 mm2
Pt = 1.309 %
Hence Ok
At Right End B:
Tensile steel provided at left end Pt = 1.022 %
(ii) Shear Force Due to Plastic Hinge Formation at the ends of the Beam:
The additional shear due to formation of plastic hinges at both ends of the
beams can be evaluted as per clause 6.3.3 of IS 13920:1993.
𝑉_(𝑢,𝐵)=𝑉_𝐵+1.4[(𝑀_𝑢^𝐴𝑠+𝑀_𝑢^𝐵ℎ)/𝐿_𝐴𝐵 ]
Vu,B = 174.67 kN
𝑉_(𝑢,𝐵)=𝑉_𝐵−1.4[(𝑀_𝑢^𝐴ℎ+𝑀_𝑢^𝐵𝑠)/𝐿_𝐴𝐵 ]
Vu,B = 137.17 kN
As per Clause 6.3.5 of IS 13920:1993
At supports/ends over a length of 2d 2d = 684 mm
Spacing of hoops shall not exceed minimum of the d/4 = 85.5 mm
following. However, the spacing shall not be lessthan 8*Φ = 128 mm
100mm ≥ 100 mm
Design summary: