13920-BEAM DESIGN Excel

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IS 13920 Specifications- BEAM REINFORCEMENT

Grade of concrete fck = 25 N/mm2

Grade of steel fy = 500 N/mm2

Width of beam b = 230 mm

Length of Beam L = 1.87 m

Clear span of Beam LAB = 1.87 m

Overall depth of beam D = 375 mm

Clear cover dc = 25 mm

Assume dia of bars = 16 mm

Assume dia of hoops = 8 mm

Effective cover de = 33 mm

Effective depth d = 342 mm

de/d = 0.1

1.0 Check for Axial Stress:

Factored axial force = 13 kN

(As per Clause 6.1.1, IS 13920)

Allowable axial stess in beam = 2.5 N/mm2

Fatored axial stress = 0.15 N/mm2

< 2.5 N/mm2
Hence Beam should be Designed As Flexure Member

2.0 Check for Member Size:

(As per Clause 6.1.3, IS 13920)

Minimum width of the beam = 200 mm

Provided width of beam b = 230 mm

> 200 mm
Hence Ok
(As per Cluase 6.1.2, IS13920)
b/D = 0.61
> 0.3
Hence Ok
(As per Cluase 6.1.4, IS13920)
Provided depth of the beam D = 375 mm
1/4 th of the clear span = 467.5 mm
Hence Ok
3.0 Check for Limiting Longitudianal Reinforcement:

(As per Clause 6.2.1 (b) of IS13920) (0.24 𝑥

Minimum percentage of reinforcement = √𝑓𝑐𝑘)/𝑓𝑦

Ptmin = 0.240 %

Minimum area of steel required Astmin = 189 mm2

(As per Clause 6.2.2 of IS 13920)

Maximum percentage of reinfocement Ptmax = 2.5 %

Maximum area of steel Astmax = 1967 mm2

4.0 Design for Flexure:

At Left End A:
Required Tenion steel area @ Support (top) Ast = 717 mm2
Percentage of Tension steel @ Support (top) Pt = 0.911 %

Required compression steel area @ Support (bot) Asc = 927.1 mm2

Percentage of compression steel @ Support (bot) Pc = 1.179 %

At Centre:
Required area of steel @ Midspan (top) Aspan = 8.3 mm2
Percentage of steel @ Midspan (top) Pspan = 0.011 %

Required area of steel @ Midspan (bot) Aspan = 18.3 mm2

Percentage of steel @ Midspan (bot) Pspan = 0.023 %

At Right End B:
Required Tenion steel area @ Support (top) Ast = 732 mm2
Percentage of Tension steel @ Support (top) Pt = 0.930 %

Required compression steel area @ Support (bot) Asc = 944.4 mm2

Percentage of compression steel @ Support (bot) Pc = 1.201 %

5.0 Longitudianal Reinforcement summary:

At Left End A:
Provided Tenion steel area @ Support (top) Ast = 804 mm2
Pt = 1.022 %
Hence Ok
Provided compression steel area @ Support (bot) Ast = 1030 mm2
Pt = 1.309 %
Hence Ok
At Centre:
Provided compression steel area @ Span (top) Ast = 402 mm2
Pt = 0.511 %
Hence Ok
Provided Tension steel area @ Span (bot) Ast = 804 mm2
Pt = 1.309 %
Hence Ok
At Right End B:
Provided Tenion steel area @ Support (top) Ast = 804 mm2
Pt = 1.022 %
Hence Ok
Provided compression steel area @ Support (bot) Ast = 1030 mm2
Pt = 1.309 %
Hence Ok

6.0 Design for Shear:

IS13920 stipulates that the shear force to be reisisted by the vertical hoops
shall be maximum of

Calculated factored shear force as per Analysis which is carried by STAAD

Sheear force due to fomation of plastic hinges at both ends of the beam plus
(ii) the factored gravity load on the span

(i) Calculated factored shear force as per Analysis by STAAD Pro

At Left End A: IS 456 Table 19
Tensile steel provided at left end Pt = 1.022 % M 25
pt τc
Factored Shear force Vu = 117.27 kN 0.75 0.57
τv = 1.5 N/mm2 1 0.64
(As per IS 456 from TABLE 19) τc = 0.646 N/mm2 1.022 ?
(As per IS 456 from TABLE 20) τc max = 3.1 N/mm2 IS 456 Table 20
Provide Ref. for Balance Shear fck τc max
Assume dia of hoops = 8 mm 15 2.5
Cross-sectional area of 2-Legged Stirrups Asv = 100.53 mm2 20 2.8
Spacing of Stirrups Sv = 225.1 mm 25 3.1
30 3.5
At Centre: 35 3.7
Tensile steel provided at left end Pt = 1.309 % 40 4

Factored Shear force Vu = 120.1 kN IS 456 Table 19

τv = 1.5 N/mm2 M 25
(As per IS 456 from TABLE 19) τc = 0.727 N/mm2 pt τc
(As per IS 456 from TABLE 20) τc max = 3.1 N/mm2 0.75 0.57
Provide Ref. for Balance Shear 1 0.64
Assume dia of hoops = 8 mm 1.309 ?
Cross-sectional area of 2-Legged Stirrups Asv = 100.53 mm2
Spacing of Stirrups Sv = 237.5 mm

At Right End B:
Tensile steel provided at left end Pt = 1.022 %

Factored Shear force Vu = 122.97 kN IS 456 Table 19

τv = 1.6 N/mm 2
M 25
(As per IS 456 from TABLE 19) τc = 0.646 N/mm2 pt τc
(As per IS 456 from TABLE 20) τc max = 3.1 N/mm2 0.75 0.57
Provide Ref. for Balance Shear 1 0.64
Assume dia of hoops = 8 mm 1.022 ?
Cross-sectional area of 2-Legged Stirrups Asv = 100.53 mm2
Spacing of Stirrups Sv = 207.3 mm

(ii) Shear Force Due to Plastic Hinge Formation at the ends of the Beam:

The additional shear due to formation of plastic hinges at both ends of the
beams can be evaluted as per clause 6.3.3 of IS 13920:1993.

Factored Shear force for (DL+LL) at Left end A VA = 14.19 kN

Factored Shear force for (DL+LL) at Right end B VB = 18.75 kN
Sagging moment capacity (bottom steel) at Left end (A) Mu As
= 113.1 kNm
Hogging moment capacity (top steel) at Left end (A) Mu Ah
= 95.16 kNm
Sagging moment capacity (bottom steel) at Right end (B) Mu Bs
= 113.1 kNm
Hogging moment capacity (top steel) at Right end (B) Mu Bh
= 95.16 kNm

(a) For Right Sway

𝑉_(𝑢,𝐴)=𝑉_𝐴−1.4[(𝑀_𝑢^𝐴𝑠+𝑀_𝑢^𝐵ℎ)/𝐿_𝐴𝐵 ]
Vu,A = 141.73 kN

𝑉_(𝑢,𝐵)=𝑉_𝐵+1.4[(𝑀_𝑢^𝐴𝑠+𝑀_𝑢^𝐵ℎ)/𝐿_𝐴𝐵 ]
Vu,B = 174.67 kN

(b) For Left Sway

𝑉_(𝑢,𝐴)=𝑉_𝐴+1.4[(𝑀_𝑢^𝐴ℎ+𝑀_𝑢^𝐵𝑠)/𝐿_𝐴𝐵 ]
Vu,A = 170.11 kN

𝑉_(𝑢,𝐵)=𝑉_𝐵−1.4[(𝑀_𝑢^𝐴ℎ+𝑀_𝑢^𝐵𝑠)/𝐿_𝐴𝐵 ]
Vu,B = 137.17 kN

At Left End A: IS 456 Table 19

Tensile steel provided at left end Pt = 1.022 % M 25
Factored Shear force Vu = 170.11 kN pt τc
τv = 2.2 N/mm2 0.75 0.57
(As per IS 456 from TABLE 19) τc = 0.646 N/mm2 1 0.64
(As per IS 456 from TABLE 20) τc max = 3.1 N/mm2 1.022 ?
Provide Ref. for Balance Shear
Assume dia of hoops = 8 mm
Cross-sectional area of 2-Legged Stirrups Asv = 100.53 mm2
Spacing of Stirrups Sv = 125.4 mm

At Right End B: IS 456 Table 19

Tensile steel provided at left end Pt = 1.022 % M 25
Factored Shear force Vu = 174.67 kN pt τc
τv = 2.2 N/mm 2 0.75 0.57
(As per IS 456 from TABLE 19) τc = 0.646 N/mm2 1 0.64
(As per IS 456 from TABLE 20) τc max = 3.1 N/mm2 1.022 ?
Provide Ref. for Balance Shear
Assume dia of hoops = 8 mm
Cross-sectional area of 2-Legged Stirrups Asv = 100.53 mm2
Spacing of Stirrups Sv = 120.8 mm

As per Clause 6.3.5 of IS 13920:1993
At supports/ends over a length of 2d 2d = 684 mm
Spacing of hoops shall not exceed minimum of the d/4 = 85.5 mm
following. However, the spacing shall not be lessthan 8*Φ = 128 mm
100mm ≥ 100 mm

hoop spacing at other than supports shall not be d/2 = 171 mm

greater than
At Left End A:
Required spacing of hoops at Left end A = 125 mm
Provided spacing of hoops at Left end A = 125 mm
Provide 8 mm dia 2L stirrups @ 125 mm c/c over a length of 684 mm from face of
the support
At Right End B:
Required spacing of hoops at Right end B = 121 mm
Provided spacing of hoops at Right end B = 125 mm
Provide 8 mm dia 2L stirrups @ 125 mm c/c over a length of 684 mm from face of
the support
At Other Places:
Required spacing of hoops at other than supports = 171 mm
Provided spacing of hoops at other than supports = 150 mm
Provide 8 mm dia 2L stirrups @ 150 mm c/c elsewhere

Design summary:

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