Cod Exam
Cod Exam
Cod Exam
With examples, compare and contrast dependency theories with modernization theories.
Support your answer based discussions of the TWO assumptions of each of the TWO sets
of theories.
Modernization theory states that low-income countries can improve their global economic
standing by industrialization of infrastructure, economic growth and a shift in cultural attitudes
towards work. For example, in Kenya, when we adjust our cultural values and attitudes toward
work, venture into more industries development, then our global economic growth will boom.
On the other hand, dependency theory states that global inequity is due to the exploitation of low
and middle income countries by high income countries which creates a cycle of dependence. For
example, Chiina has exploited low and middle income countries.
The concept of modernization theory states that increase in technology will make all nations
wealthy, and poor nations can follow the path richer modernized nations took. However,
according to dependency theory, some nations became rich at the expense of other nations,
especially through colonization.
Modernization dwells on the rich and developed countries which is a solution to the problem of
poverty such as China and America compared to dependency theory which main focus is on poor
and underdeveloped countries which richer countries are the cause of global poverty.
Dependency theory grew due to the criticism of the Modernization Theory by the supporters of
Dependency Theory. These are the similarities;
Both dependency theory and modernization theory discuss about the prominent gap present
between the developed and developing countries. (Leys, 1996) notes that both theories state that
the due to very high development in the Western countries they stand out as world leaders, which
impacts all the aspects and spheres of life if we analyzed it practically, covering economic,
social, political and cultural lives too. Therefore, there is a strong bond between the developing
and developed nations.
Both dependency theory and modernization theory the experiences of the western nations are
being followed by the developing and undeveloped countries. These experiences start developing
in the same way as that of developed nations, but then too they are unable to catch-up with the
fast development trends of developed countries and therefore lag behind in the world of
In addition, both dependency theory and modernization theory state there exist an unequal
relationship and association between the developed and developing countries. For example, most
developed countries such as China unequal relationship and association with less developed
From the discussion, modernization and the dependency theories are quite similar in their views
related to the modern world, both the theories accept the fact that the western ways of
development make the western nations the leaders of the world. This is the reason why the
developed countries rule the modern world. While the developing nations are considered to be
examples of socio-economic and political backwardness. Both the theories agree to the fact that
the mutual cooperation between the developing and western countries is growing leading to
b) Strategies that have been used by the Asian tigers to overcome poverty and inequality.
i. Formation of common markets, trading blocs, or cartels.
The Asian tigers share many common economic and trading problems in their relations with the
industrialized core therefore through joining together and presenting a common front to the core
they will gain leverage, and be able to secure greater advantages from their interactions with
world high income countries. By forming groups or cartels the periphery nations will have more
power than any individual Third World country has in its relations with the core
ii. Push the country elites to confront their country's condition of dependency, and
take voluntary steps to alter it
The elites in the capital might be convinced to use their wealth for national development. For
example, they can wealth to invest in national construction projects or literacy programs, rather
than importing luxury automobiles or taking expensive vacations abroad.
Revolutionary strategy is a realistic solution to rid the country of those leaders who have
betrayed it, and to institute sweeping revolutionary change to end inequality. Most dependency
theorists argue that existing national and international economic and political systems are the
cause of their unjust situations. Therefore, call for systemic change will resolve these problems.
a. Analyze assertion that “Globalization create winners and losers”.
Globalization has resulted into winners and losers. The rich and developed countries are the
winners of globalization. Market reforms are the best examples of winners of globalization in rich
nations. Integrating developing nations into global economy, countries that have embraced market
reforms have gained control over economic growth.
Also, rich countries such as the US or China, the “losers” from globalization are the low-skilled
workers who lose their jobs due to immigration and trade (and automation) and cannot find
equally well paid work elsewhere.
Winning and losing in globalization can also be attributed through the following;
Technological differences; developed countries have high and efficient technology than
developing countries. They are able to produce goods a lower cost than in the developing nations.
Resources distribution; some counties have better resource distribution like minerals or natural
resources than others.
Fasel (2000) defines communication as the ongoing interchange among people of thoughts,
ideas, opinions, impressions, information and data by speech, writing or signs. Communication
plays a significant role in the attainment of the development of our counties. These are;
Communication is a very powerful tool for group dynamics and coordination of activities in
social settings in human environment. Providing opportunities for dialogue and discussion with
relevant parties in community development in a County is an important role of communication in
community development process.
Communication has the power to help to generate ideas, information, suggestions, or solutions
that will enable people to address specific human concerns in order to improve people’s living
conditions in human environment. For example, communication tools such as radio, TV or
Social media has engaged most people at community levels to promote developments such as
farming, education or programs like INUA DADA.
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