Woodlands N5C23 - FPP-TPW

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Client Ningbo Construction Group Co Ltd (Singapore Branch) No TPW/REF/001

Project Woodlands Dr 17

Reviewed & Approved by:

Position: Project Manager

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Client Ningbo Construction Group Co Ltd (Singapore Branch) No TPW/REF/001

Project Woodlands Dr 17

Tables of Contents

1. Purpose Page 3
2. Scope of work Page 3
3. References & Definitions Page 3-4
3.1 Acts and Regulations
3.2 Code of Practices, Singapore Standards and Guidelines
3.3 Term definitions
4. Policy and Standards Page 5
4.1 Policy Implementation
4.2 Compliance and Disciplinary Policy
5. Responsibilities Page 6-7
5.1 Work at Height Authorized Manager
5.2 Work at Height Assessor
5.3 Work at Height Supervisor
5.4 Employees
6. Risk Management Page 8-10
6.1 Risk Assessment for hazardous works at height
6.2 Risk control measures
6.2 Risk Communication
7. Procedures Page 10-17
7.1 Working on Kentledge
7.2 Working near bore hole
7.3 Fall prevention during concreting by tremie method
7.4 Working on polymer mixing tank
7.5 Working on machineries
8. Use of Personnel Protective Equipments Page 18-20
8.1 Visual Inspection
8.2 Maintenance Programme
9. Training Page 21-22
10. Incident Investigations Page 22
11. Emergency Response Page 22-25
12. Appendices
Attachment 1 - Safety Harness Inspection Checklist Page 26

Attachment 2 - Permit-to-work for works at height Page 27-28

Attachment 3 - Risk assessment for works at heights

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Client Ningbo Construction Group Co Ltd (Singapore Branch) No TPW/REF/001

Project Woodlands Dr 17

1. Purpose

The purpose of this procedure is to establish protective controls for personnel working at elevated heights to
prevent or minimise injury or death resulting from falls from elevated work locations, and to establish a
system for identification of areas requiring personnel to work at elevated heights of 2m or greater in
compliance with TPW Engineering safety goals.

It aims to ascertain minimum standards of TPW Engineering’s 100 Percent Fall Prevention Policy - No
person shall be exposed to a potential fall hazard over 2 meters high (or less when an impalement or other
hazard potential exists) without protection provided by guardrails, nets and a tied-off safety harness used in
conjunction with approved tie-off systems. Wherever practicable, work shall be planned and managed so as
to eliminate or minimize work at height. Where not practicable, scaffold platforms with standard handrails,
aerial lifts or main basket shall be provided. Where these are not practical or inadequate, or the hazards of
erection are greater, a planned tie-off system shall be used, and the 100 % tie-off policy implemented. i.e., a
system of fall arrest devices shall be utilised during ascent, descent and during the work effort at elevated
locations as indicated in this policy.

2. Scope

This procedure establishes minimum requirements for working at all elevated work locations that are 2
meters or more above floor or grade level.
It applies to all TPW Engineering employees and sub-contractor personnel associated with these activities
conducted by, or on behalf of TPW Engineering in all Project Sites.
It covers activities such as, but not limited to work in or on:-
 Erection & Dismantling of Kentledge
 Bored piling works
 Assemble and Dismantle of machineries, cranes, rigs, etc
 Working on trailer bed, lorry cranes, etc
 Machine structures without work platforms
 Ladders

3. References

3.1 Acts and Regulations

3.1.1 Singapore Workplace Safety and Health Act 2008.

3.1.2 Singapore Workplace Safety and Health Act (Construction Regulations) 2013.
3.1.3 Singapore Workplace Safety and Health Act (Working at Height) Regulations 2013.
3.1.4 Singapore Workplace Safety and Health Act (Scaffold) Regulations 2011

3.2 Code of practices, Singapore Standards and Guidelines

3.2.1 Code of Practice for working at height

3.2.2 Singapore Code of Practice (CP63) Lifting of Persons in Work Platform Suspended from
Cranes: 1996
3.2.3 SS 528: 2006 – Personal fall-arrest systems (full body harnesses)
3.2.4 CP 14: 1996 – Scaffold

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Client Ningbo Construction Group Co Ltd (Singapore Branch) No TPW/REF/001

Project Woodlands Dr 17

3.2.5 Singapore Code of Practice (CP79 & SS: 506) Safety Management System for Construction
3.2.6 Approved Code of Practice for Risk Management
3.2.7 Workplace Safety and Health Guidelines – Working Safely on Roofs
3.2.8 Workplace Safety and Health Guidelines – Personnel Protective Equipments for Works at
3.2.9 WSH Guidelines – Anchorage, lifelines and temporary edge protection systems
3.2.10 WSH Guidelines – Working safely on roofs
3.2.11 WSH Guidelines – Personnel protective equipments for work at heights

3.3 Definitions

S/N Term Definition

1 Competent Person A person who has sufficient experience and training to perform the work required to
be carried out, and has passed such courses as the commissioner for workplace
safety and health may require for that work.
2 Fall Arrest System Means any equipment and / or material that is designed for the purpose of preventing,
or reducing the severity of injury to a person in the event of a fall such as safety
harness systems. Restraint belts are used in a travel restraint system and are not to
be used in a fall arrest system.
3 Fall Prevention Plan (FPP) Means a site specific plan prepared by a competent person for the purpose of
reducing or eliminating the risk of falls by ensuring that all reasonable fall prevention
measures and methods have been implemented, prior to the commencement of work.
4 Fall Prevention System Means any equipment and / or material that is designed for the purpose of preventing
a person falling from height.
5 Permit-to-work (PTW) Refers to a document routed through the permit-to-work system to be endorsed by the
authorized persons and displayed at the area where the approved work is being
carried out.
6 Fall Protection Any use of a system to reduce fall hazards other than on the same level.
7 Travel Restraint System Means a system consisting of a full body harness or restraint belt, attached to one or
more lanyards, each of which is attached to an anchorage line or anchorage point,
designed to restrict the travelling range of a person wearing the full body harness or
restraint belt so that the person cannot get into position where the person could fall off
an edge of a surface or through the surface.
8 Anchorage Means a place, a fixing or a fixture to which a lifeline or lanyard is connected for fall
restraint or fall arrest.
9 Lifeline A component consisting of a flexible line for connection to an anchorage at one end to
hang vertically (vertically lifeline), or for connection to anchorages at both ends to
stretch horizontally (horizontal lifeline), and which serves as a means for connecting
other components of a personal fall arrest system to the anchorage.
10 Work platform Means a platform which is used to support any person or materials.

11 Work at Height Means work –

a) in or on an elevated workplace from which a person could fall;
b) in the vicinity of an opening through which a person could fall;
c) in the vicinity of an edge over which a person could fall;
d) on a surface through which a person could fall; or
e) in any other place (whether above or below ground) from which a person could fall,
from one level to another and it is reasonably likely that the person or any other
person would be injured due to the distance of the fall.

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Project Woodlands Dr 17

4. Policy and Standard


Falling from height has been a major killer and stands at the top of national fatality statistics. TPW Engineering’s

top management is committed to 100% fall prevention of their employees whoever requires working at ≥ 2m

height. The company shall strive to achieve accident free workplace for its employees by ensuring the


 Full provision of fall protection equipments

 Full provision of fall prevention & arrest system

 Elimination of falling from height hazards at design stage

 Appointment of competent personnel trained in WAH for the workplace

 Promote awareness among the employees through fall prevention training

Fall Prevention Objectives:

 Zero fatal accident

 Zero falling from height incident

 Compliance with WSH Act, Regulations and relevant Code of Practices / Standards.

Mr. Kelvin Wong Date & Company stamp

Executive Director

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Client Ningbo Construction Group Co Ltd (Singapore Branch) No TPW/REF/001

Project Woodlands Dr 17

4.1 Policy Implementation

Fall hazards incidents are a common occurrence on most construction jobs, usually where poor
planning is allowed and enforcement is inadequate. This shall not be the case for TPW Engineering
projects. The standards for Fall Protection Equipment shall be complied with and shall not be
modified except with the approval of TPW Engineering EHS Department or where required by the
Singapore Law, or by the project sites rules and regulations.

4.2 Compliance and Disciplinary Policy

Compliance with the 100% Fall Protection Policy is mandatory for all project personnel, supervision
and craft employees including subcontractor personnel. The first violation of this policy by an
employee WILL RESULT in REMOVAL FROM the PROJECT. Where the violation is determined to
be caused by instructions from, or lack of enforcement by a Foreman / Supervisor, they will also be
removed from the Project. If a violation consists of tying off improperly, not wearing the equipment
exactly correct or other violation that does not include not tying off, a lesser disciplinary action may
be considered. The decision made by TPW Engineering Management will be final.

5. Responsibilities

5.1 WAH Authorized Manager

 The appointed Authorized Manager must be suitably trained and competent to manage the
safety processes with regards to work at heights (eg. Attended relevant WAH Courses for
Authorized Manager accredited by the MOM). The Authorized Manager could be a project
manager / operations / engineering / maintenance manager or any other manager in a similar
capacity to oversee and manage activities in a workplace.
 They are appointed by the company as management representatives and have executive
power to ensure all necessary resources required to maintain safety and health are provided
for their employees working at height.
 They should be conversant with the daily operation and the assignment of workers working at
 They are responsible for the development and effective implementation of all safety
management processes, including FPP and PTW, at the workplace.
 When the WAH Assessor has evaluated the PTW, they are to ensure all incompatible works
that may affect the works are averted before approving the PTW.
 The Authorized Manager should continue to review and monitor the progress of all works
carried out at height to ensure due regard to the safety, health and welfare of the persons are
carried out at the workplace.
 The Authorized Manager mat at any time revoke the PTW and order all works at height to
cease immediately if he deems it unsafe or is likely to pose a risk to the safety, health and
welfare of persons working at height.

5.2 WAH Assessor

 The appointed work at height assessor must be suitably trained and competent to assess and
advise on work at heights safety (eg. Attended relevant WAH Courses for Safety Assessors
accredited by the MOM). The Assessor could be a WSH professional or any persons
responsible to assess the WAH safety.

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Project Woodlands Dr 17

 They are able to evaluate the effectiveness of fall prevention measures and ensure all
reasonably practicable measures are implemented to ensure the safety and health of the
workers working at height.
 They are also the WAH advisors, able to identify and foresee potential hazards while working
at height.
 They are capable to assist the Authorized Manager to develop and implement the FPP and
ensure that the PTW has been implemented effectively.
 Through routine site inspections, they are able to identify unsafe work conditions and safety
lapses, and advise the Authorized Manager to revoke any PTW where necessary.
 The Assessor shall endorse all application for the PTW and forward to the endorsed
application to the Authorized Manager of the workplace.
 The Assessor shall conduct independent checks to ensure:
 PE designed anchorage point are erected accordingly to design and are certified by PE.
 Installations are done by competent person appointed / certified by manufacturers.
 Independence third party inspection to verify installation criteria.
 End-users are trained in proper use.
 Equipments are used in according to manufacturer’s specification.

5.3 WAH Supervisor

 The appointed work at height supervisor must be suitably trained and is competent to
supervise works at heights (eg. Attended relevant WAH Courses for supervisors accredited by
the MOM). The supervisor could be a foreman, shift supervisor or other similar capacity to
supervise work at height.
 To manage and direct the manner of work at the worksite in accordance with established
 They are responsible for the safety and health of the workers working at height.
 They should ensure the compliance of fall prevention measures specified by the employer or
principal in the safety and health management system (SHMS) or fall prevention plan (FPP).
 Where a Permit-to-work (PTW) system has been implemented, the supervisor shall ensure all
control measures are adhered and implemented effectively on site before submitting the
application to the assessor for evaluation.
 The WAH Supervisor shall ensure that:-
 Required safety measures are in place before commencement of work;
 Workers are adequately supervised, particularly when working in an elevated position;
 Only workers who have received appropriate training and instructions in related to the
tasks they are to perform are to carry out the work.

5.4 Employees (Requires to perform work at height)

 Adequately trained and competent to perform works at height (eg. Attended work at height
course for workers or Enhanced construction safety orientation course accredited by MOM).
 Understanding and following the requirements of this Procedure.
 Raise any questions or concerns about the type of personal fall protection equipment or
system installation on any job to the attention of supervision.

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Project Woodlands Dr 17

 Inspecting the personal fall protection and or arrest system, anchor points, connecting means,
lanyards, harnesses, etc. prior to each use. This inspection should be thorough and any
problems should be immediately brought to the attention of supervisor.
 Reporting of any fall to the supervisor immediately.
 Remove any equipment that subjected to the forces of a fall.

6. Risk Management

6.1 Work Environments that pose a fall from height risk

 Works on Kentledge set up and dismantling;
 Works on polymer mixing tank;
 Works on machineries during assembling / dismantling;
 Works on machineries during repair and maintenance work;
 Works on portable container roof for installing / dismantling of pitch roof and fixing of lightning
 Fall into the bored hole where the height of casing is less than 1m height;
 Erection and dismantling of silo; and
 Using of portable ladder to access / egress, i.e. unloading steel cages from trailer

6.2 Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment

 Hazard identification and risk assessment are fundamental tools to identify hazards associated
with works at height activities, assess their risk levels and determine the suitable control
measures to be taken.
 A detailed activity based risk assessment shall be prepared to assess risks of working at height
involves consideration of the likelihood of a fall occurring and the extent of any potential harm
or injury and consequently, determine a level of risk. In this manner, hazards that have higher
risks need to be given priority.

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Project Woodlands Dr 17

Refer Appendix: Attachment 3 for activity based risk assessment for work at heights associated with Bored Pilling
7. Risk Control Measures

7.1 Risk Control

Based on the risk level determined in the risk evaluation step, risk controls should be selected to
reduce the risk level to an acceptable level. This can be done by reducing the Severity and/or

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Project Woodlands Dr 17

7.1.1 Hierarchy of Controls

a. Elimination
Elimination of hazards refers to the total removal of the hazards and hence effectively making all the
identified possible accidents and ill health impossible. This is a permanent solution and shall be
attempted in the first instance. If the hazard is removed, all the other controls, such as the use of fall
prevention and protection system, workplace monitoring and surveillance would no longer be required,
i.e. design for safety, stacking of steel cages to floor level.

b. Substitution
This involves replacing the hazard by one that presents a lower risk. For instance, converting
Kentledge method load test set up into other pile testing methods which does not require any person to
work at height, i.e. pile testing by O-cell method, STATNAMIC load test technology, Pile Dynamic
Analysis (PDA), etc.

c. Engineering Controls
Engineering controls are physical means that limit the hazard. These include structural changes to the
work environment or work processes or erecting barriers to prevent the worker from being exposed to
the hazard, i.e. providing hard barricade for polymer mixing tank, ECM sedimentation pond, etc.

d. Administrative Controls
Administrative controls mainly cover systems of work or work procedures that help to reduce the
exposure of persons to the risks of falling. It is thus a useful means to limit the frequency and duration
of exposure of persons to hazards and the number of persons involved in the task, i.e. safe work
procedures, Permit-to-work system, Safety briefings, supervision, etc.

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Project Woodlands Dr 17

e. Personnel Protective Equipments

Personal protective equipment (PPE) should be used only as a last resort, after all other control
measures have been considered, or as a short term contingency during maintenance or repair, or as
an additional protective measure. The effectiveness of PPE as a control measure is dependent on the
correct equipment being chosen, fitted and worn properly at all times when required by users.

PPE should be selected taking into consideration the following factors:

• The type of hazard;
• Areas of the body that require protection;
• The degree of protection required;
• Ease of use, comfort and convenience;
• Compatible with other PPE;
• Reliability; and
• Ease of maintenance.
PPE that can be used for work at heights include:
• Travel restraint equipment;
• Personal fall arrest equipment; and
• Work positioning equipment.

8.0 Procedures
8.1 Safe Work Procedures (SWPs) are the most common form of administrative controls in workplaces. It is
a set of systematic instructions on how work can be carried out safely. Using information obtained from
risk assessment, a set of SWPs should be developed for various work activities that have a risk of falls
from heights. A SWP generally provides instructions on how jobs are to be performed, persons involved
in these jobs, what safety precautions must be taken and what kind of training and/or certification is
necessary to be able to competently carry out these jobs.
List of Safe Work Procedures
A. Kentledge load test set up and removal
B. Working near the bored pilling operation
C. Working on Machinery - Repair and maintenance work
D. Crane / boring rig assembling and dismantling
E. Working on polymer mixing tank
F. Works on container roof for installation / dismantling of pitch roofing.

A. Working on Kentledge

Workers should wear full body harness and anchored it to life line (lifting point of test block) while
working on kentledge to prevent fall from height. The safety harness lanyard must be anchored on the
life line permanently while working on kentledge as shown in the picture:

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Project Woodlands Dr 17

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Project Woodlands Dr 17

Access to and Egress from the Kentledge

Since the stacking of test blocks on kentledge is continuous process, it will not be possible to erect the
ladder/stairways to access to egress from the kentledge. In such condition, man lifting cage should be used
to carry workers to the kentledge. Any man-cage which is to be used for lifting persons, must meet the
following requirements in accordance with CP 63: 1996 (2005) – Code of Practice for The Lifting of Persons
in Work Platforms Suspended from Cranes, to eliminate fall from height risk:

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Project Woodlands Dr 17

B. Working near the Bored Hole:

The WAH Supervisor / Assessor / Authorized Manager should ensure that bored pile casing is installed in
such a way that it extends at least 1m above the ground. In any situation where the casing height is less
than 1m height from the ground, additional control measures shall be taken to prevent fall of person into the
bore hole e.g. hard barricades.
The proposed control measures are:

Steel cage
height min of
1meter from the
Steel cage
ground level
shall be
should be
with strong
guard rails

Provision of hard barricade around the steel

Steel casing must be at least 1m above the ground.
casing which is less than 1m height.

C. Concreting of Bored Pile by Tremie Method:

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Project Woodlands Dr 17

Tremie Platform for workers to stand Doors to insert / extract tremie Pipe

 Upon completion of steel cage installation into the bored hole, a steel tremie platform shall be placed
over the casing so as to cover.
 The tremie platform has an opening and lockable doors for tremie pipe.
 The concreting workers shall stand on the platform to join or dismantle the tremie pipe before and
during concreting work.
 The tremie platform prevents any workers from falling into the bored hole during concreting work.

D. Working on machinery (Repair and maintenance)

Installation / Maintenance of Kelly Bar:

 A portable ladder shall be used to access to / egress from the boring rig mast while changing Kelly bar
wire rope.
 The ladder should be of good physical condition and free from patent defects.
 The ladder should be placed on firm and level ground and properly laced or held by a buddy worker.
 The worker that requires working at height should wear full body harness and anchor the lanyard onto
the wire rope or rigid point of Kelly bar / mast.
 Some of the bad and good practices are shown in the pictures below:

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Safety harness lanyard is attached to the life line Worker without wearing Safety harness
and to the boring rig frame.

E. Assembly / Disassembly / Service / Maintenance of Crawler Crane:

Workers should wear full body harness and the lanyard must be anchored to the crane frame while working on
Crawler Crane during assembly, disassembly, servicing and maintenance to prevent fall from height. The safety
harness lanyard should be attached securely on the Crawler crane frame. The safety harness lanyard must be
anchored on the crane frame permanently while working on the crane.

√ ×

Working on boring unit:

 Worker need to access to boring unit to conduct daily inspection and during repair and maintenance
 The boring unit has designated fixed ladder with guard rail and a work platform with guard rails on both
 The worker that requires performing any work at height requires to wear full body harness with energy
absorber and anchor the lifeline onto the rigid structure of the machine (preferably above the “D” ring
 The lanyard should not be anchored onto the guard rail as it may not adequate strength to withstand the
force in the event of fall.

F. Working on polymer mixing tank:

 The water tank or polymer mixing tank has a fixed ladder for the access / egress.

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 A steel plate should be placed over the water tank to serve as a work platform for plant man and to store
polymer bags.
 A hard fixed barricade shall be installed using sound material around the work platform for the fall protection.
 The plant man that on the work platform may not require using full body harness as its edges are adequately

G. Working on container roof:

 Worker(s) requires performing work on container roof during erection and dismantling of pitch roofing and
installation of lightning arrestors.

 A portable ladder shall be used to access to / egress from the container roof and the ladder should be
protruding at least 1m above the container roof.
 The ladder should be of good physical condition and free from patent defects.
 The ladder should be placed on firm and level ground and properly laced or held by a buddy worker.
 Any works on container roof should adopt fall restraint method.
 The worker(s) should wear full body harness and anchor their double lanyards onto the lifeline as
illustrated in the picture below:

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8.2 Permit To Work (PTW) at Height >3m

The PTW system is a formal documented process used to manage work identified as potentially
8.2.1 Requirement and Scope
A PTW is required for work at heights where a person could fall from a height of more than 3 meters,
including falling into depth (referred to as hazardous work at height).
For work at heights where are the risks of falling more the 3 meters have been mitigated through adequate
and effective edge protection, a PTW may not be required, unless responsible person deemed it should not
be exempted. Such work at heights includes:
a. Working on a flat roof with a perimeter parapet wall of at least 1 meter in height and no openings or
open sides where a person may fall
b. Working on a mobile elevated work platform with appropriate PPE anchored to designated anchorage
points at all times

8.2.1 Implementation
a. A PTW is not simply permission to perform a hazardous task. The permit, by itself, does not make a task
b. The safety enhancement can only be achieved through the persons preparing for the job (e.g. control
measures implemented), person supervising the job and persons performing the job.
c. Providing adequate training for all levels of persons involved in a PTW system is essential to achieve
consistent and effective implementation.
d. The different levels of evaluation and approval ensure authorized and competent persons have taught
about foreseeable risk and that such risks are effectively mitigated.
e. It is critical to ensure that the permit is effectively communicated to all persons involved in the task for
them to understand the hazards and risk control measures, and how to conduct the work safely.
(Refer to the PTW to Work at Height form – Attachment 2)

9.0 Use of Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE):

9.1 Selection and Purchase of PPE:
PPE should be used only as a last resort, after all other control measures have been considered, or only
for a short period during repair and maintenance, or only as an additional control measure. All personnel
protective equipments must be selected with consideration of intended use, i.e. fall arrest or fall restraint,
The effectiveness of PPE as a control measure depends on the correct equipment being chosen, fitted
and worn properly at all times when required by users. Wrong selection of PPE may lead to injury in the
event fall. The following factors must be considered before selecting the most appropriate PPE for the
 The type of hazard;
 Areas of the body that requires protection;
 The degree of protection required;
 Ease of use, comfort and convenience;
 Reliability; and
 Ease of maintenance

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All personal fall protection equipment purchased by TPW Engineering or by his sub-contractors must
meet SS528:2006 (part 1 to 6) or relevant applicable Standards. All components in a fall restraint / fall
arrest system should be from the same manufacturer. In the event of using components from different
manufacturers in a fall restraint / fall arrest system, manufacturer’s concern and advice should be
obtained in written to ensure its compatibility.
9.2 Storage of Personal Fall-Protection Equipment:

Storage shall be provided for personal fall protection equipment to segregate it from other equipment.
Storage cabinets / boxes should be provided for personal fall protection equipment and should be
labeled “FOR FALL PROTECTION USE ONLY”. Personal fall protection equipment must be stored in
designated cabinets.
Personal fall protection equipment must be stored as recommended by the manufacturer. Generally,
the equipment should:
a. Be kept clean and dry.
b. Be stored away from solvents, chemicals, oil, grease, etc.
c. Never be stored in tool bins.
d. Never be stored where abrasion, fraying or other physical damage may occur.

Storage or Destruction:

All harnesses and related equipment that has been subjected to shock loading or other obvious damage
shall be destroyed and all others inspected as indicated above and if suitable, returned to storage. At
the end of the project, those harnesses and related equipments not meeting the inspection criteria, shall
be destroyed and not returned.

9.3 Anchorage Points:

The strength of a personnel fall arrest system or fall restraint system is based on its anchorage and
lifeline strength to which the lanyards are to be attached. For the fall restraint system, the minimum
anchorage strength requires to successfully restraint a person from falling is 4.5KN (450 kg) or two
times the foreseeable force (SS541: Specification for restraint belts). For fall arrest system, the
anchorage point must be capable of supporting the forces generated by a fallen worker (22.2KN). The
following equipment and structure will be used as anchorage point for safety harness lanyard.
 Portable anchorage, i.e. concrete test block lifting point (minimum weight is 17.5KN > 4.5KN).
 Rigid structure of machinery and heavy stable objects;
All anchorage points shall be constructed and certified by the Professional Engineer of the structural
discipline prior to use.
9.4 Lifelines:

Lifelines are typically flexible cables or ropes that connect to a body harness, lanyard, or deceleration
device and at least one anchor. The following are the types of lifelines generally used in the workplaces:
 Vertical lifeline;
 Horizontal lifeline; and
 Self-retracting lifeline (SRT)

10.0 Maintenance Programme:

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10.1 Visual Inspection of PPE

Before issuing, all body harnesses, energy absorbers, connectors and lanyards must be inspected by
the user and WAH supervisor. It is the responsibility of WAH Supervisor to ensure that the safety
harnesses being used by their crews are inspected daily by user. The Supervisor / Foremen may pre-
arrange a time and place with the user, whereby all the harnesses within their respective crews may be
examined at one time. (Refer Appendix-1 for Inspection guidelines for personnel fall protection

WAH Supervisor shall maintain a register for such inspections carried out by the user and by him. In the
event that any employee feels at any time that the harness they are using is not acceptable, they must
immediately contact their supervisor for verification and replacement.

Safety harnesses/belts and lanyards are visually examined for condition of stitching, rivets, buckles,
tabs, D-ring(s), cuts and abrasions, frayed or broken strands, rot, suspected contact with corrosives,
burns and general appearance.(refer Appendix-2 for Full Body Harness Checklist).
Competent Person will train the workers on the use of individual fall arrest systems, including:

I. The correct fitting and attachment of safety harnesses;

II. The dangers of using incompatible hardware;
III. The inspection, maintenance and storage of equipment;
IV. The correct anchorage, installation and use of the system; and
V. Emergency rescue procedures

Components of a Personal Fall arrest system:

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Project Woodlands Dr 17

10.2 Monthly Inspections

Personal fall protection equipment must be inspected monthly and records kept of the inspections. Any
frayed or damaged equipment must be removed from service and replaced by the responsible
Supervisor (Refer Attachment for the Inspection Guidelines for Fall Protection Equipment).
To provide the maximum degree of safety to users, all body harness should be thoroughly examined by
a competent person in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction.
Lanyards and harnesses that have been in-service loaded must be destroyed by the responsible

10.3 Lifespan of Personnel Fall Protection Equipments (PFPE)

Full body harness, connectors (snap hooks, karabiners) energy absorbers can be used for 2 years (as
per manufacturer’s recommendation) from the date they are put in use. After the recommended period,
the PFPE must be withdrawn from use and undergo a manufacturer’s detailed inspection. (Ref: WSH
Guidelines – Personnel protective equipment for work at heights)

11.0 Training

11.1 Mandatory Training

Any person whoever requires performing any work at height, supervising, assessing the safety measures
and approved the permit-to-work application, must be undergone relevant WAH Courses accredited by the

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S/N Designation Mandatory Training Requirements

Work at Height Course for Workers / Enhanced safety orientation

1 Workers
2 Supervisor Work at Height Course for Supervisors
3 Safety Assessor Work at Height Course for Assessors
4 Manager Work at Height Course for Authorized Manager

11.2 In-House Trainings

TPW Engineering’s EHS Department will provide in-house on-the-job training on the use, care and
limitations of personal fall protection equipment required for all new or existing employees who must use
this equipment (Refer to Attachment 7). Employees who have not been trained in the use of personal
fall protection equipment are not allowed to work on jobs requiring its use until trained by a competent
person. Initial training and annual refresher training are required and must include the following

 Recognition of the hazards of falling and the procedures to be followed to minimize these
 Proper wearing of body harness.
 Proper attachment and anchorage of lifelines.
 Proper equipment operation.
 Inspection of lanyards, harnesses, lifelines and devices.
 Proper care and storage of personal fall protection equipment.
 Review of fall hazards in the work areas.

11.3 Refresher Training

Employee refresher training or OJT must, at minimum, occur under the following situations:-
 Changes in the workplace make previous training obsolete.
 Changes are made in the types of fall protection systems or equipment to be used.
 Deficiencies are noted in an employee’s knowledge or use of fall protection systems.

The above requirements shall be reinforced through daily tool box meetings, mass toolbox meetings
and/or other specific OJT and the participant’s performance will frequently be monitored by the
supervisor and the safety department.

12.0 Accident / Incident Investigations

All accidents / incidents relating to falls from height should be reported, investigated and analyzed for
the purpose of:
 To identify the potential safety lapses in the existing fall protection and fall prevention system
and plan which might have contributed to the occurrence of incident;
 Identify the need for corrective and preventive actions to address the identified deficiencies;
 Propose appropriate control measures to prevent similar occurrence.

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The results of such investigations shall be communicated to all relevant workforces for lesion learning
and records of such incident investigation and communications shall properly be recorded / documented
for verification / inspection. (Refer Appendix – for Incident reporting flow chart)

Use mancage for kentledge set up and emergency evacuation purpose.

13.0 Emergency Response Plan

The quick rescue of a person in a full body harness, as soon as possible is vital, for this reason all
workers involved in working at heights should be capable conducting a rescue of a fallen worker and be
familiar with onsite rescue equipment and procedures. Workers and emergency response personnel
must be trained in the rescue procedures and be able to recognize the risks of suspension trauma and
act quickly in the rescue of a person. It should be assured that the workers can be promptly rescued or
can rescue themselves should a fall occur.

The rescue plan shall include emergency procedures, methods of rescue, equipment used and training
requirements and the rescue evacuation plan should take into consideration the need for:

 A plan and timeframe to carry out the rescue.

 Detailed locations of the work site with any information that will help find the location.
 The immediate rescue of a person after an arrested fall, without the need to rely on emergency
services or fire brigade.
 The necessary equipment required carrying out a rescue. This should include an emergency
rapid response kit with man-made fiber rope.
 The installation of individual fall-arrest systems and individual rope access systems in locations
where possible to assist or rescue a person quickly if required.
 Ensuring that all workers who will be working with the fall injury prevention system can receive
information, instruction and training in emergency rescue processes and are familiar with fall
arrest systems and devices prior to work commencing.
 The availability of and access to first aid facilities or services, including trained first aiders. The
rescue team should include a person or people trained in the provision of first aid so that it can
be administered to the fall victim in the event of an injury occurring during a fall.
 The details of additional support facilities, including the location, contact information and
availability of emergency services, fire brigade, ambulance and hospitals.
 An effective and readily available means of communication.
 Indicate location of the lift or other equipment that will be used in case of emergency.
 If self- rescue is used, indicate the type of self-rescue equipment that is available at the job site
or will be utilized during rescue operations.

Suspension Trauma:

It is an effect on the blood circulation system due to suspended for too long. Blood is pulled into the legs
by gravity, reducing the flow to the heart. To maintain supply to the brain, heartbeats increase faster and
breathing becomes faster and eventually heart slows and become unconscious.

When suspended in a safety harness, body remains upright even when unconscious and blood
circulation to the brain falls below critical level. Death can occur within 20 minutes or insufficient blood
circulation to the legs that might lead to amputation.

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Project Woodlands Dr 17

Methods to prevent suspension trauma:

 Both hands rise upward to hold onto the suspended lanyards and raise both legs towards the
chest to form arc.
(Note: This is only possible if the D-ring of the safety harness is positioned between the
shoulder blade) or
 Try and brace your legs against a solid object or structure to support the body, releasing the
suspension loading. Or
 Create a temporary support to relieve tension at the straps while waiting for rescuers.
 Rescue the casually ASAP.

Reflow Syndrome in Suspension Trauma

Anyone who has developed suspension trauma is also at risk from reflow syndrome - caused when the
pooled blood in their legs is allowed to flow back into their body. It is potentially fatal.
The exact details of what happens and why are dealt with in our medical treatment section, but the idea
is simple enough to summarize. The blood that is pooled in the legs starts off perfectly normal, with
oxygen and nutrients dissolved in it. Over time, the cells in the legs use up the oxygen and nutrients -
even though they may not be moving much, they still need to stay alive. When all the oxygen is used
up, the cells start to burn fats. This process, called anaerobic metabolism, is usually only seen in
extreme exercise, and relies on a fast blood flow to keep the process safe. As the blood in the legs is
not moving, toxic byproducts of fat burning start to build up in the blood. After quite a short time they can
reach dangerous levels.
If the blood is allowed to rush back into the rest of the body, then these toxins with lack of oxygen can
cause very serious health problems, particularly, the heart can stop pumping and cause damage to
liver, kidneys and brain. This will happen if the patient is allowed to lie flat on the floor
immediately after the rescue. It's therefore very important that they stay in a safe position until they
reach hospital, or until the blood has had time to gradually clear the toxins. A 'safe position' is the same
as for the rest of suspension trauma - sitting upright with their legs bent at the waist. During a rescue,
transport to hospital or even when they arrive, they have to be kept in this position and NEVER allowed
to lie down. Our guideline is that they should stay sitting for 30 minutes after being released from
suspension. It does not matter if they have fainted or not.

Training for those at risk

Clearly everyone at risk of suspension trauma should be aware of what it is, how to prevent it and what
to do in an emergency. Typical user groups include:-

 fall arrest harness users

Normal First Aid, ERT and even paramedic training does not include suspension trauma, and what they
know about 'fainting' can be dangerous as they will want to lay the patient flat. It is often up to the
worker or his colleagues to advise medical staff as to what to do.

At-risk users should plan their work with suspension trauma in mind. Trying to avoid it in the first place is
all-important, and so people planning jobs need to be mindful of the risks of accidents, how and when a
worker could be placed in suspension, and how long it will take for them to be rescued. The critical
things for workers to remember are:-

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 Hanging immobile in suspension is a life-threatening emergency.

 You must never work in suspension unless you are sitting on a work seat or actively using your
 If someone falls into suspension and cannot be rescued, lifting their knees into a sitting
position is very important and may save their life.
 When rescuing someone, avoid them laying flat on the ground. Keep them sitting up for 30
 Explain all this to the emergency services, paramedics or hospital doctors - most will not know

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Fall Occurs

Call SCDF at Notify Project Activate ERT

995 Manger / WSHO team

Assess the

Reassure the

If not Possible

Create temporary Selection of

support to relieve rescue kit /
tension at the equipment

If Possible

Wait for rescue / Lower the casualty to

SCDF ground

Liaise with
Provide first aid

Rescue the

Send to medical

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Project Woodlands Dr 17

ATTACHMENT 1 – Safety Harness Inspection Checklist

Serial No Inspector Date

No. Condition / Fault Comments
Pass Fail
Webbing (Fibrous Parts)
1) Cuts, Cracks or tears
2) Abrasion Damage
3) Excessive Stretching
4) Deterioration due to rotting/Mildew
5) Deterioration due to ultraviolet light
6) Damage due to contact with heat corrosives, solvents
7) Burns /Scorch Marks
8) Reduction in Width
9) Reduction in Thickness
10) Distortion in Harness Weave Pattern
1) Broken Cut or worn Threads
2) Damage or weakening due to contact with heat, corrosives, Solvents
or Mildew
3) Loose Stitching
Fibre Rope
1) Cuts, tears ,Abrasions or fraying
2) Stretching
3) Damage due to contact with heat corrosives, solvents
4) Deterioration due to ultraviolet light or Mildew
5) Loose from Thimble
6) Insecure fitting to harness
Metal Parts
1) Opening up of Snap hook throat
2) Cracks or forging folds
3) Wear at swivels or latch pivot pin
4) Open Rollers
5) Lack of free movement of latch over full travel
6) Broken ,weak or misplaced latch springs
7) Dirt, corrosion or other obstructions
“D” Rings
1) Excessive “Vertical” movement of the portion
2) Cracks
3) Distortion or other physical damage
4) Excessive loss of cross section due to wear
5) Dirt, corrosion or other obstructions
Buckles and Adjusters
1) Cracks and Forging Laps
2) Bent Tongues
3) Open Rollers
4) Dirt, corrosion or other obstructions
Plastic Parts
1) Thimble
2) Separator at Back of Harness

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Project Woodlands Dr 17

Name of Project: Permit No:

PART 1: Permit Application of by Applicant (WAH Supervisor Trained)

Name of Contractor: __________________________________ No. of workers Involved: __________________

Description of work: _________________________________________________________________________


Location of Work: __________________________________________________________________________

Equipment / Machinery to be used: _____________________________________________________________

Duration of Work: to Valid time period: 08:00 – 19:00 19:00 – 22:00

Required Safety provisions are in place as per attached records in the checklist.

Name of Applicant: _______________________________ Company: _________________________________

(I, permit applicant, ensure necessary measures have been taken to ensure safety and health of person at work
at all times during the validity period of this permit-to-work.
To inform the WAH Authorized Manager of the worksite upon completion of the hazardous work at height.
Report incompatible work to project manager, WSHO, WAH Assessor and WSH coordinator of the worksite
which is likely to pose a risk to the safety and health of persons at work)

Signature : __________________________ Position : _____________________________________

Date of Application: ___________________________ Attached location plan Attached Checklist

PART 2: Permit Application Checked and Endorsed by WAH Safety Assessor

The specific safety requirements (as mentioned in Page 2) are fulfilled during the time of application.

Name of WAH Assessor: _________________________________ Position: __________________________

Signature : _________________________________ Date : ___________ Time: ___________

PART 3: Permit Approval by WAH Authorized Manager

I, hereby authorize the above people to work in the stated location(s) for the duration of the permit validity.

Name of WAH Manager: ___________________________ Signature: _________________ Date: __________

PART 4: Permit Cancelation

The following work in this permit is cancelled with immediate effect due to:

Safety provisions are improper / ineffective and or unsafe (a fresh permit is required to restart the work)

Fail to follow the conditions as approved in the permit application.

The work completed for permit approved.

Others (Please specify): _____________________________________________________________________

Name: ____________________________Date: ____________ Time: _________ Sign: ___________________

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Applicant is required to confirm that he shall supervise the affected works & ensure that approved submittals,
documents are strictly adhered to & ONLY approved operators, equipments and materials are used.
Applicant is reminded that carrying out hazardous activities without PTW being approved & or involving an
unsafe act in your activities is an offence & punishable by law.

PLEASE read this checklist in conjunction with the approved PTW.

Safety requirements as follows below Daily inspection results & signatures

Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun

S/N Items

Workers are trained in WAH and are informed

1 on the associated hazards and precautions they
have to take.
Fall Prevention Plan (FPP) has been prepared in
accordance with job specific.

Workers and other parties involved are trained in


4 Safe means of access / egress is provided.

The equipment / work platform used for work at

height are tested and certified.

Cordon off work area to prevent unauthorized


Provision of lifelines and anchorage meets its

strength according to the ACOP.

Man-cage is in good condition and has valid LE

certificate (6 months)

Fall restraint system / fall arrest system is

9 inspected and is in good condition prior to
commencement of work.

Any incompatible work which may pose risk to

persons at work.

Housekeeping around the work area is


Signature of permit applicant

Signature of Safety Assessor

Signature of WAH Authorized Manager

Legend: √ = Complied / Satisfactory × = Not complied / Unsatisfactory NA = Not applicable

Note: In the event if either one of the above is not complied, or works are found to be unsafe, & or safety
provisions provided by the applicant are ineffective or inadequate, the PTW shall be revoked.

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