Physiological Models
Physiological Models
Physiological Models
Organs or tissues such as bones that have no drug penetration are excluded.
Since describing each organ/tissue with mathematic equations makes the model complex,
tissues with similar perfusion properties are grouped into a single compartment.
For example, lungs, liver, brain and kidney are grouped as rapidly equilibrating tissues
(RET) while muscles and adipose as slowly equilibrating tissues.
Since the rate of drug carried to a tissue organ and tissue drug uptake are dependent upon
two major factors –
Rate of blood flow to the organ, and
Q indicates blood flow rate to a body region. HPT stands for other highly perfused tissues and PPT for poorly
perfused tissues. Km is rate constant for hepatic elimination and Ke is first-order rate constant for urinary
Mathematical treatment is straightforward.
Since it is a realistic approach, the model is suitable where tissue drug concentration and
binding are known.
Data fitting is not required since drug concentration in various body regions can be
predicted on the basis of organ or tissue size, perfusion rate and experimentally
determined tissue-to-plasma partition coefficient.
The model gives exact description of drug concentration-time profile in any organ or
tissue and thus better picture of drug distribution characteristics in the body.
The method is frequently used in animals because invasive methods can be used to
collect tissue samples.
Mechanism of ADME of drug can be easily explained by this model.
Obtaining the experimental data is a very exhaustive process.
Most physiological models assume an average blood flow for individual subjects and
hence prediction of individualized dosing is difficult.
The number of data points is less than the pharmacokinetic parameters to be assessed.
Monitoring of drug concentration in body is difficult since exhaustive data is required
Physiologic Pharmacokinetic Model with Binding
The physiologic pharmacokinetic model assumes flow-limited drug distribution without drug
binding to either plasma or tissues.
In reality, many drugs are bound to a variable extent in either plasma or tissues. With most
physiologic models, drug binding is assumed to be linear (not saturable or concentration
Moreover, bound and free drug in both tissue and plasma are in equilibrium. Further, the free
drug in the plasma and in the tissue equilibrates rapidly.
Therefore, the free drug concentration in the tissue and the free drug concentration in the
emerging blood are equal:
where f b is the blood free drug fraction, f t is the tissue free drug fraction, C t is the total drug
concentration in tissue, and C b is the total drug concentration in blood.
Therefore, the partition ratio, P t , of the tissue drug concentration to that of the plasma drug
concentration is