Display Screen Equipment - 20211216
Display Screen Equipment - 20211216
Display Screen Equipment - 20211216
Self Assessment
In order to comply with the Hong Kong Occupational Safety and Health (DSE) Regulation,
Atkins Hong Kong employees are requested to carry out a self assessment of your own
workstation by completing the attached DSE Self-Assessment Form. Your views are
essential to helping achieve our objective of ensuring your comfort and safety at work.
Please finish the assessment within a month from the date you join Atkins and then
return the completed form to QSSE.
In case you need any support in conducting the assessment, please contact QSSE – Mark
Chan at ext. 1050 or Patrick Chan at ext. 1197.
The following information provides guidance about the correct way to use DSE and laptop
computers. Correct use, including posture, will reduce the risk of back pain and Upper
Limb Disorders (ULDs).
A. Your Machine
− You will require the ambient light to be gently on the eyes.
− Other light sources must not reflect on the screen.
− Office temperature and noise levels must be comfortable.
− Office will require good ventilation.
− Screen must be directly in front of you and not to the side.
− Keyboard must be right in front of you and not to the side.
− Mouse must be on the same level as the keyboard.
− Chair must be adjusted so that arms are at 90º angle.
− Feet must be flat on the ground.
Office Chair
The chair should have adjustable seat height, adjustable backrest for height, depth and angle, plus
adjustable armrests.
− It is important to keep wrists straight.
− Avoid bending to left or right.
− The upper arm should hang naturally.
− While typing use minimal force.
− Select an ergonomically designed keyboard.
− Screen should be over an ‘arm’s length’ away from the operator.
− Eyes should be level with top of the text in use.
− Head up, do not lean forward as this is a common source of neck tension.
− Hold the mouse loosely and follow each movement with arm and shoulder.
− To balance actions it is advisable to learn speed-keys which you can execute with your left hand.
− Adjust settings to find a suitable pointer speed.
Regular Breaks
One of the most important means of avoiding computer related health problems is to insist on regular short
breaks. Breaks can be as short as 30 seconds, every 20 minutes. Walk around, stretch your body or perform
simple exercises.
B. Your Body
In the final analysis it comes down to your own attitude to your state of body and mind. Job and work tools
are only one aspect of your life. Consider the whole picture about lifestyle and diet.
The following provides guidance about your posture when seated at your computer. You should ensure:
− Sit upright, back straight.
− Minimise muscle tension and pressure.
− Maximise stability.
− Distribute weight evenly.
− Both feet should be flat on the ground.
− All weight should be supported by the chair so that there is no pressure on ankles and feet; if feet do not
reach the floor then use a footrest.
− Keep your elbow at 90º to 100º ideally the hand level should be just below the elbow level.
− Elbows should be kept close to the body.
− Keep shoulders relaxed.
− Rotate shoulders frequently to reduce tension.
− Thighs should be horizontal at 90º to body.
− The ideal way to sit in the chair is at a thigh to trunk angle of 90º.
The same care must be taken as described above when using a laptop computer but it will also require
setting up on a suitable surface.
A docking station can turn a laptop from a stand-alone computer into a fully networked system with power
and a separatekeyboard, printer and mouse connections. If you can’t use a docking station, attach a separate
mouse and keyboard to your laptop if possible.
A. Display Screens
2. Is the first line displayed on screen at about or slightly below your eye level?
B. Keyboards
10. Are the characters on the keys of the keyboard/numeric pad readable?
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Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
Self-Assessment Checklist
14. While keying, do you keep your wrists in neutral position (not bending upward or
C. Mouse
15. Do you keep your wrists in neutral position (no deviation from two sides) while
maneuvering the mouse?
16. Is the mouse positioned at about the elbow level?
D. Furniture
18. Is the desk surface large enough for the screen, keyboard, mouse and documents?
19. Is there adequate legroom (depth, width and height) below the desk?
21. Is the chair height adjustable to suit your body size while your feet can flat on the floor?
22. Can the backrest tilt to provide adequate back support?
E. Environment
24. Are there blinds or curtains available to block excessive sunlight through windows?
26. Is the noise produced by the workplace acceptable (e.g. photocopiers, binding
machines, printers)?
F. Others
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Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
Self-Assessment Checklist
Signature: Date
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