Liu 2010
Liu 2010
Liu 2010
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1 author:
Liu Lan-Yu
National Pingtung University
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Lan-Yu LIU
This paper lists new and remarkable records of 107 species of bostrichid beetles from many parts of the
world. Many records show that species are distributed more widely within a biogeographic region than
previous records suggested, e.g. Cephalotoma perdepressa LESNE, 1937, Xylocis tortilicornis LESNE, 1901
in the Oriental region, Bostrychoplites megaceros LESNE, 1899 and Xyloperthella guineensis ROBERTS, 1976
in the Afrotropical region, and Trogoxylon giacobbii SANTORO, 1957 and Melalgus femoralis (FABRICIUS,
1792) in the Neotropical region. In some cases the species are recorded for the first time from a different
biogeographic realm, e.g. the Oriental and Australian species Bostrychopsis parallela (LESNE, 1895) has been
introduced into the Afrotropical region, the Neoguinean species Minthea humericosta LESNE, 1936 and the
Afrotropical species Dinoderopsis serriger LESNE, 1923 have been introduced into the Oriental region, and
the Madagascan species Apate geayi LESNE, 1907 has been introduced into the Mediterranean area.
The bostrichid beetles have a world-wide distribution but are mainly found in tropical and arid areas. They
are commonly known as powder-post beetles, because of the ability of the larvae and some adults to reduce
sapwood, particularly of hardwoods, into a powdery frass. Hence, the beetles are of considerable economic
importance to forestry and the wood-using industries (RAI & CHATTERJEE 1963). Many species are adapted
to live in environments with low humidity (CROWSON 1981), hence their importance as pests of dried wood
and products made of wood as well. Because they feed on dry wood, Bostrichids are frequently transported
between countries, especially in wood packing materials such as crates and dunnage, and are often intercepted
at ports and cargo distribution centres (HAACK 2006). Sometimes these species become established in the
country to which they have been imported (e.g. GERBERG 1957; IVIE 2002; HAACK 2006).
The first complete catalogue of Bostrichidae worldwide was given by LESNE (1938). The latest world-
wide catalogue of Bostrichidae, including the distribution of each species, has been published by BOROWSKI
and WÊGRZYNOWICZ (2007).
This has been amended and corrected by IVIE (2010), and his corrections to nomenclature have been
incorporated here. In the Palearctic region (biogeographical regions used in this paper are those of MORRONE,
2002), most records from Europe refer to species which have been intercepted from time to time or have
invaded the area (e.g. GEIS 1994, 1995; LÓPEZ-COLÓN 1998, 1999; RUSSO 2005). The first list of the Chinese
bostrichid fauna was not published until recently (CHU & ZHANG 1997), and revised in 2002 (HUA 2002).
Records of the bostrichid fauna in the Middle East are also rare, only Iran (DAMOISEAU 1969a) and Israel
(HALPERIN & DAMOISEAU 2004) have been well studied. In the Nearctic region, the bostrichid fauna has been
thoroughly studied by FISHER (1950), GERBERG (1957) and IVIE (2002). From 1952 to 1965, VRYDAGH
worked on the bostrichid fauna of the Afrotropical region, and his work was continued by DAMOISEAU (1968,
1969b, 1972, 1973). After SANTORO (1956-1960) and REICHARDT (1962, 1964, 1970), almost no one has
worked on the bostrichid fauna of the Neotropical region, except for records of invading species (e.g. PERES
FILHO et al. 2006). Lesne revised part of the Oriental fauna from 1939 to 1941, RAI (1963-1978) revised part
of the Indian bostrichid fauna, LE (1973) studied the fauna of north Vietnam, and LIU et al. (2006) reviewed
the Taiwanese fauna. The bostrichid fauna in the Australotropical and Austral regions has rarely been studied
except for work by VRYDAGH (1958, 1959).
When I examined the bostrichids in many important European coleopteran collections from 2005 to 2010,
more unpublished faunistic records were found. Hence, this paper provides a list of noteworthy new faunistic
records of 107 bostrichid species, including 22 lyctines (including 12 Lyctini and 10 Trogoxylini), 2
polycaonines, 7 dinoderines, 70 bostrichines ( including 23 Bostrichini, 21 Sinoxylini and 26 Xyloperthini)
and 6 apatines.
Abbreviations of collections
BMNH = The Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom
DEI = Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Müncheberg, Germany
HNHM= Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, Hungary
ISNB = Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Brussels, Belgium
LYL = Collection of Dr. Liu, Lan-Yu, Taiwan
MRAC = Musée Royale de l'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren, Belgium
MSNF = Museo di Storia Naturale, Firenze, Italy
NHMB = Naturhistorisches Museum, Basel, Switzerland
NHMW= Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien, Austria
PZP = Collection of Dr. Petr Zahradnik, Praha, Czech Republic
SMNS = Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart, Germany
SMTD = Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde, Dresden, Germany
ZMUB = Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, Germany
ZSM = Zoologische Sammlung des Bayerischen Staates, München, Germany
New records
The following records are all based on specimens examined by me between 2005 and 2010. The species are
listed alphabetically under their respective subfamilies and tribes. The taxonomic system used here is that of
BOROWSKI & WÊGRZYNOWICZ (2007), which has revised by IVIE (2010). It is not clear whether all of them
are established in the countries where they have been collected. Further collections are needed particularly
for those species which are represented only by single specimens, or collected from imported materials, or
without information on the collector or date of collection. The number following the locality or before the
date is the number of specimens that I have examined. The collections in which the specimens are currently
deposited are also given in abbreviation (Georg Frey's collections are kept separately from the main beetle
collections in NHMB, hence the record will be noted NHMB/Frey). The majority of specimens were
identified by me, and for those which were not, the name of the identifier is given after the collector. Notes
on the distribution of the species are given after each record.
Acantholyctus cornifrons (LESNE, 1898)
SE Iran, Anbar-Abad, 1, iv-1956, W. RICHTER .; Oman, Wadi Arabiyin, 1, 30-iv-1996, M. GALLAGHER ; Jemen, Al
Kawd, 1, vii/ix-2001, (no collector); UA Emirates, Sharjah Desert Park, 3, iv/vi-2005, A. Van HARTEN , J.BOROWSKI
det. (SMNS). S-Iran, Bandarabbas, 13km nordöstl., 1, 6-iv-1972; Iran, Manujan, 110km E Bandarabas, Lichtfang,
2, 2-v-1974 , PRETZMANN ; 22 km N Bandarabbas, an Licht, 2, vii-1974, PRETZMANN & KASY (NHMW).
It is apparently a north Afrotropical species which has crossed the Red Sea and Persian Gulf and is now
distributed in the Arabian Peninsula, and the Middle East part of the Palaearctic region.
Lyctus parallelocollis BLACKBURN, 1888
Costa Rica, Turrialba, 1, (no date), HEYNE V. (ZMUB).
The first record from Neotropical region for this Australian species. It needs further study to confirm if the
species is established in the Neotropical region.
Cephalotoma perdepressa LESNE, 1937
Philippines, Palawan Island, Cleopatra Needle Nat.P., Tanabank Riv. Val., 300m, 1, 20-22-xii-1990, BOLM (NHMB).
Malaysia, Johor Endau river, Selendang env., 2, 29-iv/6-v-1993, JENIS & STRBA (NHMW). Taiwan, Taitung, Li Jia,
from the frass of Cinnamomum sp. in forestry trail, 20, 17-vi-2007, L.Y. LIU (LYL).
The species was known only from Vietnam, but was recently recorded from Thailand (SITTICHAYA et al. 2009).
The additional records show the species is probably distributed widely in the Oriental region.
Lyctopsis pachymera LESNE, 1911
[UA Emirates], Sharjah Desert Park, 5, iv-2005, A. van HARTEN , J.BOROWSKI det. (SMNS).
The species was previously known only from Chad, and the record shows it occurs both in Africa and the
Arabian peninsula. It may occur in other northern parts of the Afrotropical region.
Melalgus femoralis (FABRICIUS, 1792)
NW Jamaica, westlich Montego Bay, 1% 5&, 1-10-vi-1997, Dr. L. REZHANYAI-RESER (ZSM).
The species was recorded previously only from Cuba.
Dinoderopsis serriger LESNE, 1923
N. Laos, 20°45'N 102°09'E, Oudom Xai (17km/Nee), 1100m, 1, 1-9-v-2002, Vit KUBÁÒ (NHMB).
The first record from the Oriental region for this Afrotropical species.
Dinoderus distinctus LESNE, 1897
C. Taiwan, Nantou Hsien, TungPu, 1200m, 1, 18-23-xi-1981, T.Lin & S. Tang. Taiwan, Taichung Co., Wuling, 1,
03-ii-2005; 1, 01-iv-2006; HuiSon, EtOH, 1, 18-ii-2006; Chia-Yi Co., TeFuYe, Cup with EtOH, Prunus campanulata,
1, 21-i-2006, Liu, L.Y. (LYL).
The Philippine species has been reported introduced into Europe. These records show the species also occurs
in Taiwan.
Bostrychoplites guineanus LESNE, 1923
Tanzania, 50km W from Songea Ruvuma Prov., 1, xii-1992; 50km Nsongea, 1, xi-1993, K.WEMER (MSNF).
The first record from East Africa for this West African species.
Bostrychopsis jesuita (FABRICIUS, 1775)
Congo Belge [Dem.Rep.Congo], Bili, 1, 3-v-1952, Ch.VERBEKE (ISNB).
The first record from Africa for the Australian species. It is possibly a mislabelled specimen and further study
is needed to determine if the species occurs in Africa.
Lichenophanes fasciatus (LESNE, 1895)
W. Africa, 2, (no date and collector), J. M. VRYDAGH det. (ZSM). Paraguay, Hohenau, 1, (no date), JACOB (DEI).
The first record from Africa for this Neotropical species. The two specimens have no collector or collecting
date on the label, so the record is doubtful or represents an introduction.
Calopertha truncatula (ANCEY, 1881)
N. India, Barmer, Thar desert, 1, viii-1955, P.S. NATHAN , J. M. VRYDAGH det. (ISNB). Tanzania, dintorni del Lake,
Natron boscaglia presso la riva S, alla luce (900m), 1&, 10-25-iv-1999, L. BARTOLOZZI , B.CARLETTI, B.CECCHI &
A.SFORZI; Ethiopia, Shewa Region,Yerer&Kereyu, dintorni di, Metahara (c/o Awash), alla luce, 1% 1&, 20-vii-2002,
A.SFORZI & BARTOLOZZI (MSNF). Tanzania CE, SE of Mbuyuni, Baobab vall., (NE of Iringa), 1, 9-iii-2002, M.
SNIŽEK , P.ZAHRADMIK det.; Kenya C.S., Mwingi Nguni, 1, 7-iv-2004, M. SNIŽEK , P.ZAHRADMIK det. (LYL).
The record from India is the first from the Oriental region for this Afrotropical species.
Sinoxylon cucumella LESNE, 1906
NE India, Distr.Darj., Kalimpong, Ralle, 29, 16-iv-1987, B. BHAKTA ; 25°27'N 92°43'E, Assam, 5km N of Umrongso,
700m, 35, 21-v-1999, DEMBICKÝ & PACHOLÁTKO . Laos, 20°33-4'N 102°14'E, Louangphrabang pr., BanSongCha
(5km W), 1200m, 2, 1-16-v-1999, Vit KUBÁÒ ; 21°41-2'N 102°06-8'E, Phongsaly prov., Phongsaly env., 1500m, 1,
26-v/30-vi-2003, P. PACHOLÁTKO . Nepal, 27°33'N 87°17'E, 1550m, 1, 8-11-vi-2001, expedition to Nepal 2001
(NHMB). NE India, 26°27'N 90°43'E, Assam, 5Km N of Umronaso, 1, 17-25-v-1999, J. ROLÈIK (PZP).
The species has been previously recorded from Bhutan and Vietnam but it is evidently distributed more widely
in the Oriental region.
Sinoxylon pugnax LESNE, 1904
Oman, 10 km S Al Qabil, 2, 8-xii-2003, T. OSTEN , J. BOROWSKI det. (SMNS).
This West Oriental species is distributed from India to the Arabian peninsula.
Dendrobiella aspera (LECONTE, 1858)
Domin[ican]. Rep., San Cristobal, 35m, 1, 01-v-1973, J&S KLAPPERICH (NHMB).
The first record from the Greater Antilles for this Central American species.
Mesoxylion collaris (ERICHSON, 1842)
New Zealand, Australian hardwood pole, 1, i-1956, R. ZONDAG , J. M. VRYDAGH , det. (ISNB).
The first record from New Zealand for this Australotemperate species. It needs further study to confirm it is
established in New Zealand.
(a S del Lake Manyara sulla strada fra Mbulu e Magugu, 1000m), alla luce, 4, 15-iv-1999; dintorni del Lake Natron,
pressotorrente del camp site (900m), alla luce, 1, 10-25-iv-1999; 20km a SE di Mto Wa Mbu sulla strada per
Makuyuni (1100m), alla luce, 1, 10-24-iv-1999; Arusha province, Mto Wa Mbu (1170m), 1, 26-x-2008, L.
The species was only recorded from Nigeria before. These records show the species is widely distributed in
the west and southeast parts of the Afrotropical region. It needs further study to confirm it is established in
'Asia minor'.
Apate degener MURRAY, 1867
[Zimbabwe], Shangani, 60 km SW Gweru, 2, 2-xii-1998, F. KANTNER , J. BOROWSKI det. (SMNS).
The species has an Afrotropical distribution.
It is evident from these new records that many species of Bostrichidae are more widespread than the catalogue
of BOROWSKI and WÊGRZYNOWICZ (2007) suggests, either within a geographical region (e.g. Cephalotoma
perdepressa LESNE, 1937), or amongst geographical regions (e.g. Bostrychopsis parallela (LESNE, 1895)). There
are two main reasons for this. Firstly, collecting in new areas and different habitats of any insect family always
reveals extensions of distribution, or fills in gaps in previously known distributions. Secondly, the globalization
of trade invariably results in the transport of species to new areas outside their natural range. This is particularly
the case for bostrichids which can remain undetected in dry wood for long periods, and still emerge at some
later date.
Some of the new records doubtless represent introductions which have not become established, e.g. Lyctus
pubescens Panzer, 1793 in Taiwan and Micrapate scabrata (ERICHSON, 1847) in Europe. However, in other
cases, it can be expected that further studies will reveal that establishment has occurred. It is highly probable
that bostrichids will continue to be spread by human activities to more countries and more continents with the
contingent risk of the introduction and establishment of pest species. This study also demonstrates that much
unidentified material deserving investigation is available in many collections.
Many thanks to the curators of all the European collections listed above as well as Dr. Petr ZAHRADNIK in Praha, for
providing valuable specimens to make this study possible. Special thanks to Dr. Wolfgang SCHAWALLER , Coleopteran
curator in SMNS and Miss Tanja KOTHE in ZSM, who helped me collect the label data. Also many thanks to Dr. Roger
A. BEAVER for his comments and corrections to earlier versions of this paper.
In der vorliegenden Publikation werden 107 neue und bemerkenswerte faunistische Nachweise von Bohrkäfern
(Bostrichidae) aus vielen Teilen der Welt aufgelistet. Viele Fundmeldungen zeigen, dass die Arten sehr viel
weiter verbreitet sind als man bisher vermutete. Beispiele dafür sind Cephalotoma perdepressa LESNE und
Xylocis tortilicornis LESNE in der Orientalis, Bostrychoplites megaceros LESNE und Xyloperthella guineensis
ROBERTS im Afrotropischen Bereich sowie Trogoxylon giacobbii SANTORO und Melalgus femoralis (FABRICIUS)
in der Neotropis.
Manche Fundmeldungen sind Neunachweise für entsprechende Faunenreiche. Zum Beispiel wurde die
orientalisch-australische Art Bostrychopsis parallela (LESNE) ebenso in die Afrotropis eingeschleppt wie die
afrotropische Art Dinoderopsis serriger Lesne und Minthea humericosta LESNE aus Neuguinea in die Orientalis
oder die Madagassische Art Apate geayi LESNE in das Mittelmeergebiet.
IVIE, M. A. 2010: Additions and corrections to BOROWSKI and WÊGRZYNOWICZ'S world catalogue of
Bostrichidae (Coleoptera). – Zootaxa 2498, 28-46.
LE, V. N. 1973: Contributions to the knowledge of the family Bostrychidae (Coleoptera) from north Vietnam.
– Travaux de la Museum d'Histoire Naturelle "Grigore Antipa" 13, 155-172.
LESNE, P. 1938: Bostrychidae in W. Junk ed., Coleopterorum Catalogus, pars 161. Verlag für Naturwissen-
schaften. 84pp.
LESNE, P. 1939: Sur un groupe peu connu de Sinoxylon Indo-Malais (Coleoptera, Bostrychidae). – Bulletin
de la Société Zoologique de France 73, 402-415.
LESNE, P. 1940: Sur Quelques Bostrychides Indiens. – Annales de la Société entomologique de France 109,
LESNE, P. 1941: Entomological results from the Swedish expedition 1934 to Burma and British India.
Coleoptera: Sphaeriidae et Bostrychidae recueillis par Rene Malaise. – Arkiv för Zoologi 32B(6), 1-4.
LIU, L. Y., R. A. BEAVER & J. T. YANG 2006: The Bostrichidae (Coleoptera) of Taiwan: a key to species, new
records, and a lectotype designation for Sinoxylon mangiferae CHUJO. – Zootaxa 1307, 1–33.
LÓPEZ-COLÓN, J. I. 1998: Phonapate frontalis (FÄHRAEUS, 1871), Nuevo bostríquido ibérico (Coleoptera,
Bostrichidae). – Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 21, 11-13.
LÓPEZ-COLÓN, J. I. 1999: Primeros registros para el País Vasco de Scobicia pustulata (Fabricius, 1801) y
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Bostrichidae). – Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 25, 32.
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RAI, K. 1965: Studies on the morphology and taxonomy of Indian Bostrychidae vi. A new species of the genus
Bostrychopsis Lesne from India (Coleoptera: Bostrychidae). – Journal of the Bombay Natural History
Society 62(3), 576-578.
RAI, K. 1967: Studies on the morphology and taxonomy of Indian Bostrychidae x. A revision of the Indian
species of Melalgus DEJEAN 1835. – Oriental Insects 1: 21-27.
RAI, K. 1970: Studies on the morphology and taxonomy of Indian Bostrychidae (Coleoptera) xi. Octodesmus.
– Eos 46(1, 4), 351-357.
RAI, K. 1978: Studies on the morphology and taxonomy of Indian Bostrychidae (Coleoptera) xii. A new species
of Xyloprista Lesne from India. – Oriental Insects 12(1), 119-121.
RAI, K. & P. N. CHATTERJEE 1963: Studies on the morphology and taxonomy of Indian Bostrychidae, v. A
revision of the Indian species of Heterobostrychus LESNE (Coleoptera: Bostrychidae). – Indian Forest Records
(N.S.) 10(10), 205-219.
REICHARDT, H. 1962: Bostrichidae (Coleoptera) 1 Notas sôbre Bostrychopsis neotropicais com descricão de.
– Papéis Avulsos do Departamento de Zoologia 15(2), 15-21.
REICHARDT, H. 1964: Bostrichidae (Coleoptera) 5 Sôbre a distribuição geográfica de duas espécies de Apate
introduzidas no Brasil. – Papéis Avulsos do Departamento de Zoologia 16(11), 105-108.
REICHARDT, H. 1970: XIV. Bostrychidae (Coleoptera) from the Galapagos islands. – Mission zoologique belge
aux îles Galapagos et en Ecuador 2, 213-223.
RUSSO, P. S. 2005: On the presence of Prostephanus truncatus (HORN) (Coleoptera Bostrichidae) in Italy. –
Bollettino Zoologia Agraria Bachicoltura Ser. 2, 37(2), 135-139.
SANTORO, F H. 1956: Nuevo Lctido (Coleopt.) para la fauna argentina,Phyllyctus gounellei (Grouv.) Lesne.
Redescripcion y primeros datos biologicos. – Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina Buenos Aires.
19 (3-4), 69-71.
SANTORO, F H. 1957: Trogoxylon giacobbii, nueva especie Argentina. – Revista de Investigaciones Forestales
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SANTORO, F H. 1958: Los Lictidos (Col.) de la colleccioa del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales
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SANTORO, F H. 1959: Nueva especie Argentina del género Lyctus (Coleoptera-Lyctidae). – Primer Congreso
Sudamericano de Zoología, Sección IV-Entomología III, 187-190.
SANTORO, F H. 1960: Descripcion de un Lictido (Col.) Nuevo de la Argentina. – Revista de Investigaciones
Forestales 2(1), 101-103.
SITTICHAYA, W. & R. BEAVER 2009: Rubberwood-destroying beetles in the eastern and gulf areas of Thailand
(Coleoptera: Bostrichidae, Curculionidae: Scolytinae and Platypodinae). – Songklanakarin Journal of
Science and Technology 31 (4), 381-387.
SITTICHAYA, W., BEAVER, R., LIU, L. Y. & A. NGAMPONGSAI 2009: An illustrated key to powder post beetles
(Coleoptera, Bostrichidae) associated with rubberwood in Thailand, with new records and a checklist of
species found in Southern Thailand. – Zookeys 26, 33-51.
VRYDAGH, J. M. 1952: Note sur la présence de Xyloperthodes discedens Lesne au Congo Belge.- Bulletin et
Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 88 (11-12), 274.
VRYDAGH, J. M. 1953a: Contribution à l'etude des Bostrychidae (Coleoptera Teredilia), I. Les Bostrychides
du Sahara. – Bulletin de l'Institut Royale des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique 29 (4), 1-4.
VRYDAGH, J. M. 1953b: Contribution à l'etude des Bostrychidae (Coleoptera Teredilia), II. Les Bostrychides
du Soudan anglo-ëgyptien. – Bulletin de l'Institut Royale des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique 29 (26): 1-6.
VRYDAGH, J. M. 1953c: Contribution à l’étude de la zone d’inondation du Niger III. Coléoptères Bostrychidae.
– Bulletin de l'Institut Français de l'Afrique Noire XV, 1535-1538.
VRYDAGH, J. M. 1955: Contribution a l'etude des Bostrychidae 3. Les Bostrychides du Mozambique. – Bulletin
de l'Institut Royale des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique 31(16), 1-23.
VRYDAGH, J. M. 1958: Contribution a l'etude des Bostrychidae 11. Les Bostrychidae de l'Australie, de la
Tasmanie et la Nouvelle-Zélande. – Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 94(1-2), 35-64.
VRYDAGH, J. M. 1959a: Contribution a l'etude des Bostrychidae 18. Additions et corrections à l'etude des
Bostrychides de l'Australie. – Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 95(1-4), 42-46.
VRYDAGH, J. M. 1959b: Contribution a l'etude des Bostrychidae 18. Nouvelles additions à l'etude des
Bostrychides de l'Australie. – Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 95(9-10), 274-285.
VRYDAGH, J. M. 1959c: Coleoptera: Bostrychidae. Un aperàçu des Bostrychinae, Dinoderinae et Lyctinae de
l'Afrique du Sud., South African Animal Life. – Results of the Lund University Expedition in 1950-1951
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VRYDAGH, J. M. 1960: La répartition des Bostrychides en Afrique. – Verhandlungen der XI Internationaler
Kongress des Entomologie. Wien, 1, 547-550.
VRYDAGH, J. M. 1961a: Le Parc National du Niokolo-Koba (Deuxième Fascicle) XII Coleoptera Bostrychidae.
– Mémoires de l'Institut Française de l'Afrique Noire, 62, 155-159.
VRYDAGH, J. M. 1961b: Contribution à l'étude des Bostrychidae. 29. Les récoltes du Dr. Fred Keiser à
Madagascar en 1957-58. – Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel 72 (1), 130-133.
VRYDAGH, J. M. 1965: Coleoptera Bostrychidae recoltés par J. Mateu dans l' Ennedi. – Bulletin de l'Institut
Français de l'Afrique Noire 27 (2), 724-726.
Author's address:
LIU, Lan-Yu
Editor, National Central Library
No.20, Zhongshan S. Rd.
Taipei 10001
E-mail: [email protected]