RLL of Azolla Compost
RLL of Azolla Compost
RLL of Azolla Compost
Green Manure1
ISubmitted for publication August i, 1978; accepted August 7, 1978. Joulrnal Series No. 2294 of
the Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station. This work was in part supported bXID grantlcsd- 3j83
2 Graduate Student (East West Center grantee) and Professor of Agronomy, respectively, Depart
ment of Agronomy and Soil Science, College ofTropical Agriculture, University of Hawaii, Honolulu,
Fig. 1-2. Fig. I. Azollafiliculoides mats, growing in Hawaiian taro fields, contain approximately
70 kg/N/ha. Fig. 2. Anabaena azollae filaments are visible within the ovoid leaf cavity of an Azolla
pinnata dorsal lobe.
of 1.2 kg N/ha and Dao and Tran (1966) reported an annual nitrogen yield of 864
kg N/ha.
Female Prothallus -,
Male Prothallus
Fig. 3. Heternsporous life cycle of Azolla.
The genus is divided into 2 sections (subgenera) and 6 living species, primarily
on the basis of reproductive organs, e.g., megaspore floats and glochidia (Sven
son, 1944; West, 1953; Moore, 1969). The sections are Euazolla (3 floats) and
Rhizosperma (9 floats). The glochidia of the species belonging to Euazolla (A.
fificuloides Lamarck, A. caroliniana Willd., A. microphylla Kaulfuss and A.
mexicana Presl.) are septate, while those of the Rhizosperma are simple in A. Pin
nata R. Brown (Hills and Gopal, 1967) or absent in A. nilotica DeCaisne (De
malsy, 1953). Use of septa in glochidia as a distinguishing characteristic was
questioned by Godfrey et al. (1961) because of extensive morphological variation
within a given species, which has given rise to contradictory observations by
several authors (Clausen, 1940; Svenson, 1944; Hills and Gopal, 1967; Seto and
Nasu, 1975).
The presence or location of glochidia on the massulae can also be a distinguish
ing characteristic (Konar and Kapoor, 1974). The species belonging to the Eu
azolla, A. fificuloides, A. ccroliniana, A. microphylla, and A. mexicana have
glochidia positioned on the total surface, while those of the Rhizosperma are
located on the inner surface of A. pinnata and are absent in A. nilotica, but be
cause sporocarps are usually absent, identification of Azolla species is often
The 6 living species are grouped in the sections Euazolla Sadeb. (3 floats) and
Rhizosperma Sadeb. (9 floats). Euazolla replaced the earlier section Azolla in
troduced by Meyen (1836). Four new sections-Antiqua, Filipera, Florschuetzia,
and Simplicispora (Martin, 1976; Follieri, 1977)-include only fossil species, of
which 48 have been recorded (Fowler, 1975). Although the fossil record of the
genus extend- back to the late Cretaceous period (Martin, 1976), the stratigraphic
range of individual species is relatively short (Fowler, 1975). According to Hills
and Gopal (1967) the oldest living species are A. filiculoides of Eazolla and A.
pinnata of Rhizosperma which date back to the Pleistocene era. On the basis of
fossil evidence, most authors assume that Azolla species evolved in a sequential
fashion, but Martin (1976) believes "that each arose separately out of the plastic
cytological situation common to the whole genus."
There has long been confusion about the classification of Azolla species. For
example, some A. filiculoides varieties were named as the species A. rubra and
A. japonica (Moore, 1969) and some A. pinnata varieties as A. africanaand A.
guineenvis (Sweet and Hills, 1971). In several cases the specific epithet was
changed to a varietal name; e.g., A. filiculoides var. rubra and A. pinnata var.
imbricata (Sweet and Hills, 1971). Christensen (1906) and Reed (1954) prepared
lists of synonyms for the species which they recognized, but their lists are not in
total agreement with current beliefs. References for ' current and unaccepted
names of species may be found in papers by Mettenius (1847), Stapf (1929) and
Reed (1954).
The geographic distribution of Azolla has been reviewed by many authors.
Papers have been published on the distribution of the 6 living species (Moore,
1969), the 4 species native to the New World (Svenson, 1944), the 3 species native
to the United States, (Ott and Petrik-Ott, 1973), and A. caroliniana,A. filicu
loides, A. nilotica and A. pinnata (Rao, 1936). Sculthorpe (1967) covered all
species except A. inicrophylla and also included notes on the introduction of A.
caroliniana, A.filiculoides, and A. pinnata into Europe. Sweet and Hills (1971)
prepared a map showing the distribution of A. pinnata varieties.
Azolla occurs in ponds, ditches and paddy fields of warm-temperate and trop
ical regions throughout the world (7'ig. 4). Prior to their dispersal by man,
the species were endemic to the h'ollowing areas: A. caroliniana, eastern
North America and the Caribbean; A. filiculoides, southern South America
through western North America including Alaska; A. inicrophylla, tropical and
subtropical America; A. inexicana, northern South America through western
North America; A. nilotica, upper reaches of the Nile to Sudan; and A. pinnata,
most of Asia and the coast of tropical Africa (Sculthorpe, 1967; Svenson, 1944).
According to Sculthorpe (1967), A. filiculoides was formerly native to Europe,
but probably died out during the last Ice Ages. In the 19th century, it was rein
troduced into western Europe, along with A. caroliniana and A. pinnata, as an
ornamental (Saccardo, 1892; Marsh, 1914; Chevalier, 1926; Sculthorpe, 1967),
and it spread unchecked until it became a nuisance (Bolos and Masclans, 1955;
Sculthorpe, 1967). This sequence of events was repeated in South Africa, New
Zealand and elsewhere (Matthews, 1963; Fosberg, 1942; Oosthuizen and Walters,
1961; Ashton and Walmsley, 1976).
The world distribution of the species according to the literature is recorded as
1. Section Euazolla.
a. A. caroliniana. ASIA: Canton (Saver, 1947), Hong Kong (Herklots, 1940). EUROPE: Belgium
(Lawalree, 1964), Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia (Lawalree, 1964), Denmark (Olsen, 1972), France (Scill
thorpe, 1967), Germany (Sculthorpe, 1967), Holland (Lawalree, 1964), Hungary (Lawalree, 1964),
Italy (Avena et al., 1974), Portugal (Reed, 1962), Romania (Lawalree, 1964), Spain (Garcia Nova,
1969). LATIN AMERICA: Antilles (Herter, 1928), Argentina (Sota, 1976), Brazil (Sadebeck, 1902),
Cuba (Svenson, 1944), Guyana (Anonymous, 1960), Jamaica (Svenson, 1944), Mexico, Uruguay (Sota,
1976), Venezuela (Herter, 1928). NOiH AMERICA: Delaware (Cohn and Renlund, 1953), Florida
(Godfrey et al., 1961), Georgia (Duncan, 1960), Kentucky (McCoy, !950), Maryland (Reed, 1951-53),
Massachusetts (Ott and Petrik-Ott, 1973), Nebraska (Peterson, 1935), New Jersey (Cohn and Renlund,
a pow"
1953), New York (Ott and Petrik-Ott, 1973), North Carolina (Ott and Petrik-Ott, 1973), Ohio (Ott and
Petrik-Ott, 1973), South Carolina (Svenson, 1944), Tennessee (Shaver, 1954), Texas (Correll, 1956),
Virginia (Ott and Petrik-Ott, 1973).
b. A. fiiculoides (japonica, rubra). AFRICA: South Africa (Ashton and Walmsley, 1976). ASIA:
Australia (Klcinschmidt, 1969), China (Reed, 1954), Japan (Seto and Nasu, 1975), New Zealand
(Matthew% 1963). EUROPE: Belgium (Lawalree, 1964), Britain (Williams and Dollman, 1940), Bul
garia, Czechoslovakia (Sourek, 1958), France (Chevalier, 1926), Germany (Birkenbeil, 1974), Holland
(Sculthorpe, 1967), Italy (Sculthorpe, 1Q67), Ireland (Sculthorpe, 1967), Portugal (Reed, 1962), Ro
mania (Lawalree, 1964), Sardinia (Lawalree, 1964), Yugoslavia (Jalas and Suominen, 1972). LATIN
AMERICA: Argentina (Tur, 1971), Bolivia (Svenson, 1944), Brazil (Reed, 1965), Chile (Reed, 1965),
Colombia (Svenson, 1944), Ecuador (Herter, 1928), Guatemala (Svenson, 1944), Guyana (Reed, 1965),
Honduras (Correll and Knobloch, 1962), Mexico (Svenson, 1944), Peru (Reed, 1965), Trinidad (Reed,
1965), Uruguay (LeGrand and Lombardo, 1958). NORTH AMERICA: Alaska (Svenson, 1944), Ar
izona (Svenson, 1944), California (Svenson, 1944), Hawaii (Neal, 1965), Oregon (Ott and Petrik-Ott,
1973), Washington (Ott and Petrik-Ott, 1973).
c. A. inexicana. LATIN AMERICA: Bolivia (Svenson, 1944), Costa Rica (Svenson, 1944), French
Guiana (Correll and Knobloch, 1962), Honduras (,venson, 1944), Mexico (Svenson, 1944). NORTH
AMERICA: British Columbia (Ott and Petrik-Ott, 1973), California (Ott and Petrik-Ott, 1973), Illinois
(Gunning and Lewis, 1957), Minnesota (Ott and Petrik-Ott, 1973), Missouri (Svenson, 1944), Nevada
(Svenson, 1944), New Mexico (Ott and Petrik-Ott, 1973), Oregon (Svenson, 1944), Utah (Svenson,
19,14), Washington (Svenson, 1944), Wisconsin (Ott and Petrik-Ott, 1973).
d. A. inicrophylla. LATIN AMERICA: Bolivia (Sve,:'!on, 1944), Brazil (Svenson, 1944), Dominican
Republic (Svenson, 1944), El Salvador (Svenson, 144), French Guiana (Svenson, 1944), Galapagos
Islands (Morton and Wiggins, 1971), Guyana (Svensoo. 1044), Peru (Svenson, 1944).
Sectio: i Rhi7.sperma
a. A. nilotica. AFRICA: Congo (Wild, 1961), Malawi (Reed, 1965), Mozambique (Reed, 1965),
Namibia (Wild, 1961), Sudan (Wild, 1961), Tanzan-.a (Demalsy, 1953), Uganda (Reed, 1965), Zaire
(Demalsy, 1953, Zambia (Kornas, 1974).
b. A. pinnata (africana, inbricata). AFRICA: Angola (Sadebeck, 1902), Gambia (Reed, 1965),
Ghana (Sweet and Hills, 1971), Guinea (Sa',.beck, 1902), Ivory Coast (Sweet and Hills, 1971), Mad
agascar (Reed, 1954), Mozambique (Reed, 1965), Namibia (Reed, 1965), Nigeria (Sweet and Hills,
1971), South Africa (Oosthuizen and Walters, 1961), Zaire (Reed, 1965), Zambia (Reed, 1965). ASIA:
Australia (Sweet and Hills, 1971), Bangladesh (Sweet and Hills, 1971), Burma (Sweet and Hills, 1971),
China (de Vol, 1945), India (Sweet and Hills, 1971), Indonesia (Soubert, 1949), Japan (Seto and Nasu,
1975), Korea (Mori, 1922), Malaysia (Chevalier, 1926), Nepal (Ohashi, 1975), New Caledonia (Chev
alier, 1926), New Guinea (Sweet and Hills, 1971), New Zealand (Eady, 1974), Pakistan (Sweet and
Hills, 1971), Philippines (Copeland, 1960), Sri Lanka (Svenson, 1944), Taiwan (Shen, 1960), Thailand
(Sweet and Hills, 1971), Vietnam (Anonymous, 1918).
Anatomical studies
The anatomy of Azolla has been studied by Strasburger (1873), Queva (1910),
Sud (1934), Rao (1936), Demalsy (1953, 1958), Bonnet (1957), Sweet and Hills
(1971) and Konar and Kapoor (1972). The electron microscope has been used to
observe leaves (Kawamatu, 1965b), megaspores (Martin, 1976), root caps (Ka
wamatu, 1962), chloroplasts in root hairs (Kawamatu, 1961, 1963), cortical mi
crotubules (Gunning et al., 1976, 1977), the role of transfer cells in the symbiosis
(Peters, 1976; Duckett et al., 1975a, 1975b) and Anabaena azollae heterocysts
(Lang, 1965; Lang ana Whitton, 1973; Grilli, 1964; Kawamatsu, 1965a).
10 ,
Fig. 5-10. Fig. 5. Vascular tissue and the colorless margin arc visible on the dorsal lobe of an
Azolla fiiculoi's leaf. Fig. 6. The achiorophyllous ventral lobe of an Azolla fihicudoides leaf may
play a role in flotation. Fig. 7. The large pore results when enclosing epidermal cells cap a leaf
depression to form the a,gal cavity. Fig. 8. Azolla is unique in having a single annular guard ,:ell
surrounding each stoma. Fig, 9. Three massulae are visible within the crushed periplasmodium ot'an
Azolka pinntw microsl~Jrangium. In this species. glochidia (protruding appendages) are somewhat
pointed and cover only part of the massula surface. Fig. 10. Barbed ,g.ochidia, covering the total
surface of Azollafilicuhloidest massulae, are representative of the section Euazolla.
and the smallest was 1.04 microns (Loyal, 1972). Litardiere (1921) reported 2n
48 in A. caroliniana, but his observation was disputed by Loyal (1958) because
it was "based upon sectioned material which experience has shown may not be
trustworthy." Duncan (1940) observed 18 and 20 chromosome pairs during mei
osis in A. filiciloides.
bottom (Sud, 1934; Konar and Kapoor, 1974). After a dormant period, the sub
merged megaspores germinate and produce female prothalli (gametophytes), each
of which produces one or more archegonia.
When microsporangial initials start to develop, additional initials appear. At
maturity, as few as 8 (Svenson, 1944) or as many as 130 (Duncan, 1940) stalked
microsporangia may occupy a microsporocarp. Within the periplasmodium of a
microsporangia, 32 or 64 microspores develop and are aggregated into 3 (Ge,4frey
et al., 1961; Demalsy, 1953) or 4-10 (Svenson, 1944) alveolar massulae wh,,:n are
homologous to float corpuscles in the megaspore. Massulae are created from
vacuoles lined by a hardened network of cytoplasmic threads (Konar and Kapoor,
1974). Massulae are either bald (A. nilotica), partially covered (A. pinnata, Fig.
9) or totally covered (Euzolla, Fig. 10) with barbed protruding appendages (glo
chidia). After a microsporangium disintegrates and massulae are released, glo
chidia anchor massulae to megaspore entanglements. Next, microspores germi
nate and release antherozoids which escape through the gelatinized massula to
fertilize the egg (oospore). Fertilization takes place underwater (Bierhorst, 1971).
The embryo produces a root and foot from hypobasal cells and a shoot and
cotyledon from epibasal cells. As the cotyledon and first or second leaf emerge
from the archegonium neck, the seedling floats to the surface (Campbell, 1893).
The cotyledon lacks a cavity for the symbiont, but the succeeding dorsal lobes
and shoot apex entrap Anabaena hormogonia (short filaments) surviving under
the indusium cap. Anabaena hormogonia differentiate rapidly and begin growing
in harmony with the fern.
Fig. lt-16. Fig. I I. These Anabnenn azolhu and a few transfer hairs are the contents of one
Azol/a pinnata leaf cavity. Fig. 12. Two Anahnena azollae filaments within an Azolla pinnata leaf
cavity. A transfer hair attachment point is visible in the center of the photograph. Fig. 13. An Azolla
pinnate transfer hair with an Anwbaena garland is shown partially torn from its anchorage (lower
left). These transfer hairs are covered with rod-shaped bacteria. Fig. 14. A healthy Azolla pinnata
plant was p'aced in the center of phosphorus deficient heat-stressed plants. The healthy plant isgreen
and spreading compared to the crimson and compact phosphorus-deficient heat-stressed plants. Fig.
15. An Azol/a pinnate nursery in Kiangsu province, People's Republic of China. Azolla is multiplied
here before being introduced into newly-planted rice fields. Fig. 16. Azolla being cultivated in rice
fields prior to the transplanting of rice seedlings. Note the rice-row barriers to prevent Azolla from
Geitler, 1925; Shen, 1960). There are three types of cells-vegetative cells (pri
mary site of photosynthesis), heterocysts (site of nitrogen fixation, Fogg et al.,
1973) and akinetes (thick-walled resting spores formed frem vegetative cells).
Several authors have not observed spores (Tilden, 1910; Prescott, 1951; Hill,
1977). The dimensions of A. azollae vegetative cells and heterocysts were par
tially reviewed by Fjerdingstad (1976). Table 1 presents cell dimensions of Ana
baena azollae in; relation to their associated Azolla species.
claimed that liquid fills the whole cavity, but observations by the senior author
indicate that the cavity is lined with mucilage and largely filled with gas.
Transfer hairs (Fig. 13) within the cavity appear to be organs of metabolic
exchange between the fern and A. azollae. They demonstrate the transfer cell
morphology of a dense cytoplasm containing abundant reticulum and numerous
mitochondria (Duckett et al., 1975a), as defined by Gunning and Pate (1969).
Konar and Kapoor (1972) observed that transfer hairs in the cavities are com
posed of several branched or unbranched cells and suggested that they are se
cretory in function. Duckett et al. (1975a) believed that the main function of the
hairs is absorption of the rcitrogenous products of A. azollae.
The senior author has counted 8-21 evenly spaced epidermal hairs per leaf in
a small sample of A. filiculoides. Paradoxically, development of transfer hairs
(and the cavity) is not dependent upon the presence of A. azollae (Peters and
Mayne, 1974a; Peters, 1976; Ashton and WValmsley, 1976).
1974a). The other technique utilizes repeated enzymatic digestion of Azolla fronds
followed by several cycles of vortexing and screening until only algal packets
surrounded by a filmy limiting envelope remain (Peters, 1976).
Environmental factors
I. Nutrient requirement.-Azolia can be readily cultured in inorganic nutrient
solution, and most researchers have used a nitrogen-free formula. Many use some
dilution of a modified Knop's, Hoagland's, or Crone's formula. Watanabe and
Espinas (1976) used a culture solution similar to that used for rice except that the
solution included a double concentration of phosphorus (20 ppm), a triple con
centration of molybdenum (0.1 ppm) and was nitrogen-free. Nickell (1958) added
sucrose, thiamine, pyridoxin, nicotinamide, and potassium nitrate to his culture
solution for aseptic Azolla. In a later study with aseptic Azolla, Nickell (1961)
demonstrated that sucrose had a beneficial effect. Olsen (1972) added sodium to
his nutrient solution because it was reported to be required by free-living Ana
baena cylindrica and also he demonstrated that manganese was essential. Finally,
nitrogen fixation by Azolla-Anabaena has been shown to require cobalt (Johnson
et al., 1966; Olsen, 1972) and molybdenum (Bortels, 1940; Olsen, 1972).
Phosphorus is probably the most common factor limiting the growth of Azolla
(Fig. 14). Fronds placed in a phosphorus deficient solution decreased or ceased
growth, became red in color and developed curled roots (Cohn and Renlund
1953; Watanabe and Espinas, 1976). Although the minimum phosphorus concen
tration for optimum ;,rowth is not known, Olsen (1972) found that Azolla thrives
in Danish lakes with .I mg P/I.
Another common limiting element is iron. In an acidic solution, Watanabe and
Espinas (1976) have shown that I ppm Fe was sufficient for rapid growth, but in
an iron deficient solution Azolla fronds became yellow. Deficiency problems arise
in neutral to alkalire solution because ferric ions precipitate. In his definitive
study on iron deficiency in Azolla, Olsen (1972) found that several elements
interact with iron to affect its availability. His results showed competition be
tween ferrous and manganous ions in neutral solution and reduction in absorption
of both iron and manganese in a solution with high calcium concentration. At pH
4, ferric ions were so readily available that a high concentration of calcium was
required to balance the increased absorption of iron; otherwise the fronds suffered
from iron toxicity.
Life processes
1. Photosynthesis.-Azolla chloroplasts are comparable to spinach chloroplasts.
They have a chlorophyll a/b ratio of 2.78 and demonstrate photosystem II and
photosystem I activity as high as 45 (diphenyl carbazide --* DCIP) and 246 (as
corbate + DCIPH 2 -+ NADP +) tmol/mg chl' hr, respectively (Peters and Mayne,
1974a). As stated earlier, CO 2 fixation by both the symbiont and the association
saturatec at 8,000 lux (Peters, 1975).
Anabaena azollae contains the photosynthetic pigments, phycocyanin and chlo
rophyll a (Becking, 1976a; Peters and Mayne, 1974a). Chlorophyll a is the only
chlorophyll pigment found in the Cyanophyta. The symbiont contains 10-20% of
the association's chlorophyll a or 7.5-13% of the total chlorophyll (Peters and
Mayne, 1974a). Phycocyanin, a watei soluble phycobilin pigment present in blue
green algae, traps light of low intensity inside the lobe cavity and passes the
trapped energy on to chlorophyll.
Photosynthesis in the alga produces the reductant utilized for nitrogen fixation.
This is illustrated by three findings: phycocyanin is concentrated in algal vege
tative cells adjacent to the heterocysts (Becking, 1976a); CO2 fixation occurs only
in vegetative cells (Peters, 1975); and vegetative cells have a low chl/P700 ratio
(Peters and Mayne, 1974a).
Even though the symbiont has a significant proportion of the total chlorophyll,
Peters (1977) believes that the symbiont cannot photosynthetically support its
level of nitrogen fixation and must supplement its energy requirements by either
mixotropic activity (combining holophytic with saprophytic nutrition) or by cross
feeding of a carboxylated compound from the fern.
(1920) and Ahmad (1941b) reported that auximone, derived from bacterized peat
or from yeast, promoted the growth of A. filiculoides. Nickell (1961) used Ana
baena-free Azoila in his study of growth regulators, while other researchers ap
parently used the intact association.
Although A :oila can extract nitrogen from its aquatic environment, the algal
symbiont is capable of meeting the entire nitrogen requirement of the association.
Nitrogen fixation by the Azolla-Anabaena symbiosis has been demonstrated in
directly by the use of nitrogen-free nutrient solution, acetylene reduction-gas
chromatography, and assay of H, production and directly by the use of 15N2.
Nitrogen can be supplied to the association by N2 fixation, by absorption from
the aqueous medium, or by any combination of the two without the loss of ni
trogenase activity (Peters et al., 1976). Nitrogenase activity of the endophytic
Anabaenaazollae is protected by the fern from combined nitrogen in the medium.
Even after 6-7 mo of growth in a medium containing nitrogen, Azolla fronds still
exhibited appreciable nitrogenase activity (Peters and Mayne, 1974b).
The association
Azolla spp. Ethylene production _.H,- Light Temp*C Source
caroliniana 1.7-2.6 nmol/mg dry wt. rinb 11-20 27 klux 29 Becking, 1976a
caroliniana 20-60 nmol/mg total chl. min 10 5 klux 24/28 Peters, .1976
caroliniana 25-60 nmol/mg total chl. min 10 8 klux 23 Peters and Maynt., 1974b
caroliniana 41 nmol/mg total chi. min 10 5.4-7.5 klux 26-28 Peters et al., 1976
caroliniana 13.% nmol/mg total chi. min 10 5.4 klux 28 Peters et al., 1977
filiculoides 0.96 nmol/mp dry wt. min 20 40-57.5 klux 25 Ashton, 1974
filiculoides 0.58 nmol/m2 dry wt. min 20 80-115 klux 25 Ashton, 1974
filiculoides 2.7-3.8 nmol/mg dry wt. min 9 .8b 14 kix 27 Becking, 1976a
filiculoides 0.773 nmol/mg dry w.. min * 300 /E/m2/sc 26 Talley et al., 1977
filiculoides 0.559 nmol/mg dry wt. min * midday Talley et al., 1977
2 Talley et al., 1977 z
0.800 nmol/mg dry wt. min * 300 tiE/m /sec 26
mexicana 0.848 nmol/mg dry wt. min * midday * Talley et al., 1977
pinnata 0.6-1.4 nmol/mg dry wt. min 8 .5bb midday 28-30 Becking, 1976b
29 Becking, 1976a 0W
1.4-2.1 nmol/mg dry wt. min 12_21 14 klux
pinnata 21.6 mg/g dry wt. day * 50-70 klux 24-35 Brotonegoro and
pinnaia 2.25 mg/g dry wt. hr .* 60 klux 36 Abdulkadir, 1976 .
pinnata 0.9-1.1 nmol/mg fr wt. hr 10 4-5 klux 31-32 Watanabe and Epinas, 1976
Algal-free Azolla
caroliniana 0 nmol/mg total chl. min 10 8 klux 23 Peters and Mayne, 1974b
• 0 nmol/g fr wt. hr 10. 25 Newton, 1976
IsolatedAnabaena azollae
0.9-3.1 nmol/mg protein min 14 19 klux 29 Becking. 1976a, 1976b,
50-150 nmol/mg algal chi. mine 10 4.3 klux 28 Peters, 1975
50-150 nmol/mg algal chl. min 10 5/8 klux 24/28 Peters, 1976
45 nmol/mg algal chi. min 10 8 klux 23 Peters and Mayne, 1974b
92.97 nmol/mg algal chl. min 10 5.4 klux 28 Peters et al., 1977
179 nmol/mg algal chi. a min 10 4.3 klux 28. Peters ct al., 1976
Percent acetylene in incubation atmosphere.
b58 mg dry weight contained 11.6 mg protein (Becking. 1976a. 1976b).
* A. azcilae contains 7.5-15% of the association's total chlorophyll or 10-20% of its chlorophyll a (Peters and Mayne. 1974a).
* Unknown.
i975b; Singh, 1977a) although other authors (Bortels, 1940; Tuzimura et al, 1957)
have reported that low concentrations of nitrate and especially ammonium pro
mote growth in culture solution. When Azolla is subjected to cold stress in the
range of 5-15'C, nitrogen fixation declines sharply and nitrogen fertilizer is re
quired (Lu et al., 1963; Anonymous, 1975b). Personal experience of the senior
author (T. Lumpkin) indicates that nitrogen fertilizer per se does not have an
adverse effect on the growth of Azolla but increased competition from other
organisms stimulated by nitrogen tertilizer does have an adverse effect.
Reports on the effect of nitrogen fertilizer on acetylene reduction activity are
inconsistent. Peters and Mayne (1974b) found a 30% decrease in rzcetylene re
duction after 35 days and a 90% decrease after 6-7 mo for the association grown
on a culture solution containing nitrate or urea. They also reported that ammo
nium chloride was inhibitory. Newton (1976) reported an 87% decrease in acet
ylene reduction by Azolla after growth in medium containing nitrate for an un
reported length of time. However, Becking (1976a) reported that in the light,
nitrate-grown A. filiculoides reduces twice as much acetylene compared to A.
pinnata and A. caroliniana grown on nitrogen-free Crone's solution.
Peters (1977) used his data and the data from Newton (1976) to calculate the
relative efficiency of nitrogen fixation for the association grown ol N2 and on
nitrate. His data resulted in nitrogen fixation efficiency values of 0.94-0.99 for
N2-grown Azolla and 0.60-0.84 for nitrate-grown Azolla, while Newton's data
resulted in efficiency values of 1.0 and 0.89 for N2-grown and ni',rate-grown Azol-
Ia, respectively.
nitrogen, and 38.1% intraceilular organic nitrogen. Newton and Cavins (1976)
reported that 43% of the total intracellular nitrogen in the free nitrogen pools of
Azolla was in the form of ammonia, and the protein constituent of the pools
contained 24% glutamine and 8%glutamate, which are carriers of ammonia. Ven
kataramar, and Saxena (1963) listed aspartic acid, glutamic acid and alanine as
the extracellular products of their independently cultured Anabaena azollae.
Ammonia produced by nitrogen fixation in the symbiont is excreted into the
leaf cavity and is adsorbed by ammonia-assimilating enzymes in the fern. Glu
kamine synthetase (GS) is thought to be the principal ammonia-assimilating en
zyme (Peters, 1977). Rhodes and Stewart (1974) have developed a procedure for
the in vivo determination of GS activity by freezing Azolla with liquid nitrogen
to render the cells permeable. They found GS activity as high as 0.78 tmol/min.
gram fresh weight. Peters (1977) reported high GS activity in the association and
low activity in the symbiont. Because the symbiont excretes ammonia, GS activ
ity is expected to be high in the host, especially in transfer hairs.
Some Azolla species are thought to release nitrogenous compounds into their
aquatic environment. Shen et al. (1963) reported that a Chinese variety of Azolla
(Whole River Red) released 14-21% of its fixed nitrogen into the water. Saubert
(1949) reported that 2% of the nitrogen assimilated by A. pinnata was released.
Brill (cited by Peters, 1977) mentioned that a researcher working in his laboratory
found a specimen of A. mexicana which excreted about 20% of its fixed nitrogen
as ammonia. Talley et al. (1977) also speculated that A. inexicana released fixed
nitrogen. However, Watanabe et al. (1977) found only I ppm ammonia in an
originally nitrogen-free solution taken from a container where A. pinnata had
been grown, and Peters (1977) did not find any nitrogen compounds in a solution
where A. caroliniana had been grown.
History of cultivation
rice farmers had to go to La Van for starter colonies of 'Beo Giong' since their
stock had perished in the spring. Only a few families in La Van knew the secret
techniques of selecting and multiplying 'Beo Giong' Azolla during the hot sum
mer. These secret techniques were retained by the families' males through a strict
system of taboos and inheritance (Galston, 1975). There are two theories about
what comprised these secret techniques.
I One theory is based on sexual reproduction. 'Beo Giong' Azolla produces
sporocarps prior to senescence in April (Nguyen, 1930). In July, the developing
Azolla embryos float to the surface of ponds. Experts in La Van identified and
collected 'Beo Giong' Azolla plants in these ponds. Supposedly, this Azolla had
dark green stripes with thick leaves and transparent roots (Nguyen, 1930). These
plants were propagated behind high fences in ponds especially designed for this
purpose. The ponds were cleaned of all fish and aquatic animals and then the
water level was brought to a depth of I m. The young Azolla plants were placed
in floating bamboo frames to keep them from being blown about and were reg
ularly fertilized with pig manure, ash, urine, and or castor oil cake (Nguyen,
Another theory involved preserving a stock of 'Beo Giong' Azolla by regulating
the acidity of propagation ponds or vats to prevent Azolla senescence (Galston,
1975). Many paddy fields become increasingly alkaline as the growing season
progresses, making iron and phosphorus unavailable to floating Azolla. A secret
formula of acidification kept 'Beo Giong' Azolla alive until it was sold as a starter
stock in the autumn.
In either case, the villagers of La Van began selling starter stocks of 'Beo
Giong' Azolla in November to regional propagators at high prices which declined
during the season (Chevalier, 1926). Peasants who bought early, later sold stocks
to their neighbors. The fern was multiplied in old rice seedling beds or in some
other highly nutritious environment. Then it was placed in corners of the rice
fields for propagation and surrounded by a low dike made of earth, straw or
bamboo to prevent the fronds from being scattered by the wind (Nguyen, 1930)
which retarded their growth (Braemer, 1927a). As the Azolla multiplied, enclo
sures in each corner were enlarged daily as needed until most of the rice field
was covered by a dense carpet (Nguyen, 1930). A 3 kg stock cultivated in No
vember would yield 2.5 tons of fresh Azolla by February (Nguyen, 1930).
The present government of Vietnam became interested in the potential of both
Azolla pinnata and Sesbonia cannabina in 1954 when the secrets involved in the
cultivation of these green manures were made public (Pham, 1971). An extension
network was organized to stii.,ulate the utilization of Azolla, and over 1,000
depots for its multiplication were established (Moore, 1969), resulting in its spread
throughout the northern part of the country (Bui, 1967) (Table 4).
In the mid-1960s the Vietnamese government made renewed efforts to extend
the area under Azolla cultivation. Some cooperatives experienced repeated fail
ures before cultivation of Azolla was established (Pham, 1971), especially in
summer. Growth rates of Azolla are actually higher in the summer (Dao and
Tran, 19661, but, because of the extreme parasite problem and high temperatures
during summer, cultivation is rarely practiced then (Tran and Dao, 1973). Because
of this problem Chevalier (1926) proposed the use of heat tolerant "wild" Azolla
and Bui (1966) suggested planting the "wide-spreading" strain during summer.
Nevertheless, Sesbania cannabinahas replaced Azolla as a green manure crop
for the summer rice crop in Thanh Oai district (Nguyen, 1971; Pham, 1971).
Dao and Tran (1966) described a 6-step approach for cooperatives to introduce
Azolla cultivation into rotation with their rice. In essence the 6 points are as
(1) Rearrange the crop rotation schedule to accommodate Azolla production
in all seasons, especially during the gaps between rice crops. Five to 10 percent
of the summer paddy fields should be used to produce the quantity of Azolla
needed to fertilize the spring rice crop. Rice seedling fields are useful for this
(2) 'fake measures to provide a year-round water supply for Azolla production.
The use of silty water is recommended to reduce dependence on fertilizers for
(3) The cooperative should organize an Azolla team and train them for 3-6 mo
on the difficult techniques and meticulous care required for multiplying Azolla.
Training should emphasize sowing densities, fertilizer requirements, and protec
tion from insects.
(4) To insure a high yield and a low price, labor should be organized with the
principle of product consignment in mind. Each member of the Azolla team
should be responsible for 0.5-1 ha of Azolla, while other cooperative members
should take care of 0.3-0.5 ha of Azolla when it is introduced into the rice fields.
(5) A good technical and material foundation for the production of Azolla must
be insured. The annual requirements for one hectare of Azolla are 360-500 kg
P2O.1 (158-220 kg P), 3600-5000 kg ash (on poor land) and 5-7 I of "Vofatoc"
(6) The schedule for raising and harvesting Azolla must be closely coordinated
with the sowing and transplanting of rice in order to attain 100% coverage of the
rice a;-ea.
Two varieties of A pinnala are presently recognized in northern Vietnam
"green Azolla" with :reen dorsal lobes and white ventral lobes, and "purple
Azolla" with green dorsal lobes, which turn red-violet in case of insufficient
nutrition, and pink ventral lobes (Tran and Dao, 1973).
to extend back two centuries, with long histories of utilization in Chekiang, Fu
kien, Szechuan and Kwangtung (Canton) provinces.
In Chekiang province, the use of Azolla expanded gradually after 1948 when
about 16,200 ha were cultivated. By 1962, when major research efforts began,
only 24,200 ha were under Azolla. But within a few years, research overcame
the two major obstacles impeding the spread of Azolla. First, new techniques in
overwintering the Azolla were developed (Anonymou3, 1974a, 1975b) to supple
ment the ancient use of hot springs for this purpose. The second obstacle was
conquered in 1961 when techniques were developed to prevent the "summer
death" of Azolla.
In conjunction with these efforts, se!Lctions from wild Azolla were identified
and cultivated, the life cycle and activities of pests infesting Azolla were ob
served, and experiments were conducted to determine proper methods of fertil
izing and utilizing Azolla. The success of these efforts made possible additional
use of Azolla during the summer and fall and allowed its cultivation to spread
inland and northward into cooler regions.
In China, cultivars of A. pinnata are divided into four categories, and their
characteristics and usage are described in scientific magazines and provincial and
national pamphlets. These cultivars and their pertinent publications are: "Red
Azolla" (Anonymous, 1975a, 1975c, 1976c), "Green Azolla" (Anonymous,
1971b, 1974c, 1975b, 1976c), Wild Azolla-"Whole River Red" (Shen et al., 1963;
Anonymous, 1974b, 1975a, 1975b), and "Vietnam Azolla" (Anonymous, 1975a).
Green manure
Azolla is primarily grown as a green manure for rice, but it is also grown with
water bamboo (Zizanica aquatica), arrowhead (Sagittaria sagittifolia) and taro
(Colocasia esculenta) (Anonymous, 1975b). The Kiangsu People's Publishers
(Anonymous, 1976b) recently released a booklet about producing compost for
use on any crop from Azolla, water hyacinth, and other aquatic weeds.
Ngo (1973) examined the positive effect of Azolia green manure on the number
of shoots, length of longest leaf, fresh weight, and dry weight of rice plants. Shen
et al. (1963) compared the nitrogen fixation ability of "Red Azolla" with alfalfa
(Medicago sativa) and soybean (Glycine max). They discovered that 1.5 mo of
Azolla cultivation increased the nitrogen content of the soil to a level equal to
that produced by a crop of soybeans, but to only 40% of the level produced by
alfalfa. Their calculations were based on alfalfa, soybean and "Red Azolla" ni
trogen contents 2.87%, 2.90% and 3.5%, respectively (dry weight basis). Also,
they pointed out that since cultivation of Azolla is combined with rice, it does
not occupy extra land. Talley et al. (1977) reported that A. fificuloides could
provide one half of the nitrogen requirement for California rice if it were grown
as a green manure before rice seeding. Tran and Oao (1973) reported that two
successive Azolla layers, incorporated into the soil before rice transplanting, can
supply 50 perccat of the nitrogen necessary to produce 5 tons of rice per hectare.
India. Talley et al. (1977) reported maximum yields of 0.98 ton/ha dry weight (24
45 kg N/ha) for A. mexicana and 1.8-2.57 tons/ha dry weight (58-105 kg N/ha)
for A. filiculoides. A yield of 3 tons/ha dry weight (90 kg N/ha) of A. filiculoides
was obtained in Denmark (Olsen, 1972). Under Asian rice field conditions, A.
pinnata could realistically produce yields of 8-10 tons/ha (25-50 kg N/ha) per
crop fresh weight (Tran and Dao, 1973).
3. Rice yields.-The effect of Azolla on rice yields has been the primary focus
of most research. In his excellent review, Moore (1969) cited rice yield increases
of 14, 17, 22 and 40 percent with the cultivation of Azolla. Talley et al. (1977)
achieved 1)rice yield increases of 112% over the control by incorporating one 60
kg N/ha layer of A. filiculoides into the paddy soil and 2) a 216% increase (over
4 metric tons) by first incorporating one layer (as in I above) and then growing
Azolla as a dual crop with rice. Singh (1977a) obtained a 6% rice yield increase
when A. pinnata was grown with rice but was not incorporated and increases
ranging from 9-38% when Azolla was incorporated into the soil. Watanabe (1977)
reported a 13% increase in grain yield with incorporated A. pinnata, but recently
he has observed considerably higher yields (personal communication), possibly
due to a cumulative effect of slow nitrogen release from successive manuring
with Azolla. Scientists in the People's Republic of China (Anonymous, 1975b)
reported rice yield increases of 0.4-158%, with al average of 18.6%, from the
results of 422 field experiments. An Azolla-rice experiment in Sri Lanka (Kulo
sorriya and de Silva, 1977) produced 32% more filled grains per panicle compared
to control; unfortunately, grain yields were not reported.
% Percent
.----------------------- ---------------------------- PPP- .....
dry wt. N P K Ca Mg S Na Cl Mn Fe CU Zn Species Remark Reference
6.4- 3.6- 0.12- 0.88- 0.60- 0.25- Mixed Lit. review Moore, 1969
7.2 4.75 0.95 6.52 2.49 0.41
6-7 3-4 0.6- 1.5- A. pinnata Anonymous, 1975ab,c
1.5 2.5
4.47 0.49 0.97 A.filiculoides Buckingham et al., 1977
3.44 0.43 1.98 0.61 0.62 0.61 0.92 2.50 430. 5,870. 14. 79. A.filiculoides Taro field Unpublished data,
T. Lumpkin c
2.16 0.16 1.99 0.79 0.43 6.30 1,456. 3,045. 12. 392. A. filiculoides Red Unpublished data,
T. Lumpkin
2.77 0.21 2.57 : 0.65 0.54 0.37 1,91!. 3,022. -39. 487. A.filiculoides ~z
Red center Unpublisbed data,
T. Lumpkin
3.46 0.43 2.56 0.65 0.47 0.47 2.331. 5,426. 29. 135. A.filiculoides Green Unpublished data, V,
*;; T. Lumpkin . -
Leu a wCosn y
Species Ala Arg Asn Asp Cys Cyth Gin Glu Gly lie Met Phe Pro Ser Thr Try Val a & slto Reference
A.filiculoides 13.5 1.1 11.6 6.4 0.8 37.5 12.9 1.9 1.1 0.1 - 0.1 0.2 4.7 7.7 Thin layer Labdesmaki,
Knop's 1968
Newton &
A. caroliniana 5.5 1.8 3.6 12.7 43.6 14.5 3.6 7.3 1.8 5.5 Column N-free Cavins,
Hoagland's 1976"
days, but in the field 5.-10 days is more likely (Duong, 1971; Tran and Dao, 1973;
Watanabe et al., 1977; Watanabe, 1977). The senior author has observed a dou
bling time of 2.8 days with A. pinnata in the phytotron at the International Rice
Research Institute (IRRI). Talley et al. (1977) measured a similar doubling time
(2.8 days) for A. inexicana but a longer doubling time of about 7 days for A.
filiculoides. Mitchell (1974) reviewed the mathematical formulae used to analyze
the exponential growth rate of Azc!'U and other aquatic weeds. He discussed the
importance of a stable hydrological regime for good growth of aquatic weeds.
Management practices
As a green manure for rice in tropical Asia, Azolla is cultivated in essentially
two ways (Bui, 1966; Duong, 1971; Anonymous, 1975a, 1975b, 1975c, 1976c). In
brief, one way is to set aside approximately 5-10% of the crop area for year
round Azolla production for each crop of rice to be grown. Inconsequence, two
crops of rice would require 10-20% of the cultivated area in Azolla. Azolla is
cultivated in special fields (Fig. 15) or ponds and later added as compost to the
rice or other crops. In the second way, Azolla is cultivated in the rice fields (Fig.
16) and incorporated into the paddy soil during intervals before and/or after the
rice crop and between crops. Freferably, Azolla is grown and incorporated sev
eral times before transplanting the rice seedlings. AsAzolla approaches maximum
density and its growth rate begins to decline, '/- of the Azolla is retained as
seed for the next crop, and the remainder is incorporated into the paddy soil. In
both methods, Azolla is usually cultivated as a dual crop with rice.
. -. C2
" 1 \ -
-, / S
,S 0I
their test paddies was a widespread nutrient problem. Finally, boron deficiency
has been observed in paddy fields of southern China.(Lumpkin, 1977).
the lifecycle of the Azolla midges, family Chironomidae. Red and white larvae of these midges attack
the roots of Azolla (Anonymous, 1975b). Fig. 20. A thick mat of Azolla filculoides, as seen in
Hawaiian taro fields, is known to suppress the growth of some weedsbecause of its shading effect.
2. China.-Scientists in the People's Republic of China are by far the most ad
vanced in the study of insects attacking Azolla. A substantial number of publi
cations have been produced at the provincial level detailing Azolla insec:.s, their
life cycle and methods of control (Anonymous, 1971c, 1974a, 1975a, 1975b, 1975c,
Since all of the above publications contain similar information, none will be
referred to individually, except at the end of this section where deviations will
be noted. Three members of the moth family, Pyralidae, are the most prevalent
and destructive insects attacking Azolla (Fig. 18). The larval forms of the species
Nymphida turbata Butler and Nymphula enixalis Swinhoe of the subfamily Nym
phulinae and a species of the genus Pyralis, hatch from eggs laid on the ventral
surface of Azolla leaves. The young larvae eat the terminal buds and new shoots
of Azolla. The Nymphula species form oval cocoons by surrounding themselves
with stem and leaf portions of Azlla fronds. A single larva, inside its cocoon
can become as large as a peanut and can consume 9-14 Azolla plants each day.
Another very destructive group of Azolla pests is the aquatic red larval and
white larval forms of undetermined species of Chironomus,Microspectoror Poly
pedium of the midge family, Chironomidae (Fig. 19). The larvae reside in under
water tubes in the paddy soil and swim up to feed on Azolla roots. Some members
of the Chironomidae are known to damage rice seedlings.
Two other pests of Azolla, noted by the Chinese, are the "Azolla Elephant
Beetle" and several species of snails. The beetle and its larvae consume the
fronds, and the snails consume both the fronds andthe roots.
A Kwangtung (Canton) province pamphlet (Anonymous, 1975a) and a Shanghai
handbook (Anonymous, 1976a) both mentioned a decay or mold disease and
appropriate control measures, but they did not identify the specific cause of the
disease. This disease may be similar to a mold observed by the senior author at
the IRRI in the Philippines and in Thailand. The Kwangtung pamphlet also dis
cussed damage by algae and agricultural chemicals. The Shanghai handbook and
a Chekiang Agriculture Academy handbook (Anonymous, 1975b) both report pest
life cycles and the dates and timing of pesticide applications. All of the above
mentioned Chinese articles detail pesticide application for Azolla. Commonly
used pesticides for Azolla in China are organic phosphates and organic chlorides
such as "666" (BHC), and "223" (DDT).
the presence of Azolla in rice fields in Italy (Saccardo, 1892), Spain (de Bolos
and Masclans, 1955), Portugal (Wild, 1961), and Java (Burkill, 1966; Becking,
1976b), opinions concerning its effect were not expressed.
Although the Vietnamese and Chinese have developed management practices
for the cultivation of Azolla, they still recognize certain Azolla strains as weeds.
In colonial Vietnam, one strain of Azolla hindered rice cultivation because it
grew throughout the year instead of dying in the spring like the domesticated
variety (Chevalier, 1926; Braemer, 1927a, b). In China, a strain of A. pinnata
called "Whole River Red" was recognized as a weed (Anonymous, 1974b, 1975a,
1977), but an earlier article (Shen et al., 1963) mentioned it as a valuable sup
pressor of other weeds. Recently, a handbook (Anonymous, 1975b) recommended
collecting this strain for local use.
Azolla has often been found growing in association with other floating aquatic
weeds. Lemna was almost always mentioned (Shaver, 1954; Torrey, 1934; Neal,
'965; Birkenbeil, 1974) as well as Salvinia (Chevalier, 1926; de Vol, 1945; Bo
netto, 1970), Eichhornia (Chevalier, 1926; Bonetto, 1970), Pistia (Chevalier,
1926) and Spirodelapolyrhiza (Cohn and Renlund, 1953).
0.56-2.24 kg/ha of paraquat PCP preparations applied in diesel oil, but he dis
couraged the use of 2,2-DPA-amitrole/2,4-D mixtures since they have little or no
effect. Patnaik (1976) also recommended paraquat which was effective at 0.2 kg/
ha and was not toxic to fish. Cohn and Renlund (1953) and Oosthuizen and
Walters (1961)
also discouraged the use of liquid 2,4-D, but Kleinschmidt (1969)
obtained good control by applying a granular formulation of the butoxy ethanol
ester of 2,4-D at the rate of I pound of 20% w/w product per 200
The Florida Department of Natural Resources (1973) recommended foliar spray
or injection into non-flowing water of 0.25-1 ppm diquat. Oosthuizen and Walters
for Azolla.
The physiological effects of diquat, paraquat (Lang and Seaman, 1964; Black-
burn and Weldon, 1965), and diuron (Peters, 1976) were discussed in a previous
Other uses
1. Fishfood and weed control.-The grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella, has
been studied as a biological control for aquatic weeds (Anonymous, 1971a; Ed
wards, 1974, 1975; Varghese et al., 1976). These herbivorous fish have a short,
inefficient digestive system and, at suitable water temperatures, will consume
daily more than their own weight of aquatic weeds. These fish normally will not
spawn outside of their native Amur river unless pituitary hormones are admin
istered; thus their numbers can be controlled. Grass carp show a marked pref
erence for Azolla, Lemna, and other small floating weeds (Anonymous, 1971a;
Edwards, 1974, 1975; Varghese et al., 1976). A hybrid cross of grass carp (Cte
nopharyngodon idella) and Isr.eli carp (Cyprinus carpio) was found to prefer A.
carolinian" and even the root system of Pistia stratiotes (Duthu and Kilgen,
1975). Another fish, Tilapia mossambica, has been shown to be an efficient de
4. Miscellany.-Azolla has been found to help purify water (Cohn and Renlund,
1953); to be an ingredient in soap production by some African tribes (Chevalier,
1926) and was chewed to cure sore throat in New Zealand (Usher, 1974). Bui
(1966) implied that with suitable processing Azolla could become a good source
of human food. Dr. P. K. Singh (pers. comm.) wrote from Cuttack, India, that
he has eaten Azolla regularly in several fried preparations; he reports that these
preparations are tasty and do not cause digestive difficulties. He was taking steps
to popularize the cultivation of Azolla in small trays for human consumption.
Azolla is useful to man because of the following attributes: 1)the ability to fix
atmospheric nitrigen in nitrogen-deficient water commonly found in unfertilized
paddy fields, 2) the ability to grow in flooded paddy conditions where traditional
nitrogen-fixing green manures cannot grow, 3) the ability to suppress development
of submerged paddy weeds without affecting the growth of transplanted rice, 4)
the inability of native Azolla species to pose a serious weed threat. (At least one
species is present in most paddy regions but is considered innocuous or unobtru
sive.), 5) the ability to provide secondary benefits, e.g., compost for upland crops,
high protein fodder for carp and pigs, and, possibly, food for human consumption,
and 6) the potential of the algal symbiont, if it can be cultured independently, to
be significant as a photosynthetically-driven nitrogen, hydrogen, and/or protein
Some reasons for Azolla's limited popularity as a green manure are: 1) unfa
vorable environmental conditions which limit Azolla's growth potential through
out the entire year, 2) the need for maintenance of an off-season starter stock,
so that Azolla cultivation can begin before rice seedlings are ready to transplant,
instead of waitiag for naturally occurring species to germinate later in the growing
season, 3) lack of a sufficient research base, both in terms of information about
the plant as well as financial support (Effective mass selection, cross breeding,
and germ plasm storage techniques have not been developed.), 4) ignorance of
Azolla's potential an,! of the methods required for its cultivation (Only China and
Vietnam have fudl scale extension programs.), 5) farmer resistance to learning
the management system, increasing his work load, and purchasing necessary
inputs such as pesticides and phosphorus fertilizer, and 6) use of inorganic nitro
gen fertilizer, when it is cheap relative to the labor cost required for Azolla
The authors wish to acknowledge support from the following sources: East
West Center (Resources Systems Institute) for fellowship and travel support for
the senior author, the United States Department of Agriculture (Food for Peace,
Section 406) Root Crop Project at the College of Tropical Agriculture, and the
Agency for International Development (AID) for a 21 l(d) grant to the Department
of Agronomy and Soil Science for the study of biological nitrogen fixation. The
junior author was privileged to observe Azolla use in China as Chairman of the
Vegetable Farming Systems delegation to the People's Republic of China, which
was sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences Committee for Scholarly
Communication with the People's Republic of China, June-July, 1977.
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