Vs Stranger Stuff
Vs Stranger Stuff
Vs Stranger Stuff
Author: Rick Hershey
Editor: Lucus Palosaari
Copy Editor: Troy Daniels
Design and Layout: Rick Hershey
Fat Goblin Hoarde: Eric Hindley, Ismael Alvarez, J Gray, Jeffrey Swank,
John Bennett, Justice Mora, Kalyna Conrad, Kiel Howell, Lucus Palosaari,
Michael Ritter, Rick Hershey, Tony Petrecca and Troy Daniels
Publisher: Rick Hershey
vsM Engine and the vsM Engine logo are trademarks of Philip Reed and are used
with permission. Visit www.philipjreed.com for more information about the
designer. Game system based on vs. Monsters by Philip Reed.
Open Game Content: All material — including but not limited to art, place and
character names, character and setting descriptions, background, and new class
descriptions—is Product Identity. All other content is considered Open Game
Content. Reference in non-Open Game Content (thus not covered by the Open
Game License) in this work to content owned by others is not a challenge to their
ownership and is used under Fair Use.
Villains Critters
Any little furry thing with teeth
Some NPCs are more important
and claws. They always travel in
to the kids than a typical NPC,
swarms, even if you only see just
these characters are those actively
one of them.
against the kids. These villains and
Special: Frenzy. Critters always
monsters often have unique special
attack twice per turn. Yes, always.
abilities that make them more
Muscle: 3
challenging to encounter.
Brains: 1
The following is an assortment
Toughness: 2
of Villains that you can use in your
game sessions.
Psychic Beasts
This is someone who has highly These strange creatures cover a
developed mental abilities. It could large range of monsters; mutant
be a person, or alien, or some evil animals, mindless creatures from
entity that used to be a person. It the stars, government experiments,
could even be a mutant. etc. What they have in common is
Special: Psychic Power (6 that the are generally nocturnal,
Quality). You should pick one of the predators, and good at sneaking up
following, but nothing’s stopping on kids.
you from picking all of them: Special: Sneakiness. Beasts know
• Pyrokinetics. The psychic can set things how to hide and move quietly, so
on fire, including the players. This is an unless there’s a real reason for them
opposed action (the psychic’s Special not to have it, beasts always gets
Ability against the player’s Thinking). surprise (go first for initiative) at the
If the psychic succeeds, the player’s beginning of an encounter.
clothes catch on fire they suffers 3 Muscle: 4
points of damage every turn until the Brains: 3
fire is put out. Toughness: 10
• Telekinesis. The psychic can move
objects with her mind. How big an
Trained Responder
object is up to you. She can also hit
Uniformed police officers,
the players with these objects. This is
firefighters, private security, military
a ranged attack (the psychic’s Special
personnel, and others trained to
Ability against the player’s Muscle or
respond to various situations.
the range value, whichever is greater).
Muscle: 6
Brains: 4
• Mind Reading. The psychic can read
Toughness: 8
minds, if given time to concentrate
and allowed to make contact with the
Trained Specialists
player (although you may not require
Teachers, scientists, doctors,
the contact). This is an opposed action
cooks, artists and all others that
(the psychic’s Special Ability against
have trained in a special field of
the player’s Brains). If the psychic
succeeds, she can get what information
Muscle: 4
she was after.
Brains: 6
Muscle: 2 Toughness: 8
Brains: 7
Toughness: 10
The World
It is up to you to figure out the this is the place to go to for those
world your players are going to overpriced and hard to find items.
explore, but here are some ideas The Government/Military Base:
that might help. Located outside of town, often
in the woods, these facilities are
The Home: This could be your guarded and surrounded by a fence
house, your room, basement, attic, to keep out trespassers and guard
etc. All the kids hang out at this their secrets and experiments.
location when not at school or their The Town: The hometown of
clubhouse. All the kids are welcome the kids. You know all the stores,
here and are often invited over for backroads, shortcuts, urban legends
meals and sleep-overs. and most of the people. This is
The Clubhouse: Crafted from where the Strange Stuff takes place
discarded wood, scavenged nails, and encompasses all other locations.
and various junk, the clubhouse is
the kids private residence.
The School: The kids spend
about half their days here,
surrounded by teachers and other
The Library: This can be a public
library in town or at the school.
Anytime the kids need to
research something, this is the
place they have to go. . . oh, and
the Dewey Decimal System.
The Woods: Full of winding
trails and urban legends, the
woods surround every town and
are the preferred stomping ground
for all youth.
The Mall: Where all the cool kids
go to get the latest bodacious items.
With dozens of different stores,
kiosks, and department stores
“I’ll kill you all! Aha, I’ll drive you crazy, and I’ll kill you all! I’m every
nightmare you’ve ever had. I am your worst dream come true! I
am everything you ever were afraid of!”
-Pennywise, Stephen King’s IT
Alien Assimilation
Deadly Dogs
Experiments on Y outh
Ritualistic Neighbors
Several people in your town belong to a secret cult that has been trying
to summon otherworldly beings, and they might have succeeded. As
the news of a child sacrifice makes the rounds on the news, more savage
murders from something bestial are being covered up.
Urban Slasher
Local legends tell of a grizzly death on some special holiday. Since then,
the anniversary marks the return of the murderer to seek revenge on the
town. His victims of choice, teenagers.
Character Sheet Character Sheet
Player:______________________ Player:______________________
Qualities Qualities
Toughness:_________________ Toughness:_________________
Stuff: Stuff:
Equipment: Equipment:
Bio: Bio:
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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
vsM Engine, Copyright 2005 Philip Reed, published by Ronin Arts; vsM Engine by Butch Curry, based on vs. Monsters by
Philip Reed with input from Michael Hammes, James Losub, Stephen David Wark, and others.