MotUv1 8
MotUv1 8
MotUv1 8
In 1987 James Kerr placed a peanut butter birthday or for Christmas or from some yard
sandwich in his parents VCR and was sale. Now is the time to converge with your
transported to a magical world where he was friends and play, drawing from a Toybox to
taught by long-dead druids the secrets of dice play multiple characters in the format of a
rolling, community, and dungeon mastership. half-hour episode of the cartoon.
Returning to this world he has been playing
roleplaying games most of his adult life, and The 80s Toy Box RPG rules upon which this
hasnt been able to resist the siren call to game is based are structured to appeal to
develop several of his own, mostly based on the toy collecting nature of its subject matter.
1980s cartoon properties. You begin by deciding what kind of a child
you are, then rotating through five segments
His parents had to clean the peanut butter out that represent moving around your childhood
of the VCR. house playing action figures until the game is
satisfied. The game operates on many levels
About the He-Man and the Masters of the - on one hand a MotU RPG, on the other - a
Universe RPG: This is a story game (eewww!) theoretical collecting meta game. Any other
without dice (yuck!) - actually, there are dice toyline of similar style could be substituted
sometimes - faithfully creating an episode of - Thundercats, G.I. Joe, Transformers,
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light, or
from opening punch to closing Public Service even Smurfs.
Announcement. There are many systems
for excellently representing barbarians with If you have any questions about the game,
blasters, so this does not try to be one of about the rules, are looking to get involved,
them. Instead... or believe sincerely in the power of the
battle warrior Fisto, then email James at
It is 19-eighty-something, and you are a four [email protected]. End of line.
to ten-year-old child. You have received a
Masters of the Universe toy either from a James Kerr, Nov. 21st 2011
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80s Toybox RPG by James Kerr
Game Setup
This game is developed for 4 to 5 players
(including the GM) to take about half an
hour creating an episode of the Master of
the Universe. The game rules here make the
assumption that you, the reader and potential
player, are at least passingly familiar with the
conventions of roleplaying games, and that
when it says 1d6, it means one six-sided
dice; GM means Game Master - the
person running the game, and so on. That
Player Steps
1. Choose what kind of Kid you are.
aside, its not a very traditional roleplaying
2. Create a custom character.
game where dice are concerned. It fits more
3. Visit the Toystore and purchase stuff, like
into roleplayings sub-genre of story-game,
more characters or playsets.
because there are many fine traditional
4. During play, creatively answer the GMs
roleplaying games out there where you can
Questions to move the story along in the
be a barbarian shooting a laser pistol - but
spirit of adventure.
none that accurately emulate a Filmation
6. You will have multiple characters involved
in vicious battles, perhaps with each other.
7. Work with everyone for fun-good-times.
GM Stuff
1 GM Cheat Sheet. Player Stuff
1 blank sheet of paper to 1 Kid Sheet.
represent the Toybox. About 3 Character Sheets.
A copy of the gamebook (this) to A copy of the gamebook (this) to
reference the Questions for each reference the Toy waves.
Segment. 1 six-sided die.
1d6 and percentile (2d10) dice. 2 ten-sided dice, to make a
percentage between 1 and 100.
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Types of Kids
The first step is to choose what kind of kid you are before the start of the first
Episode. It is not necessary that each player chooses a different type of kid, but the
best games have one of each. Every playgroup benefits from diverse friendships.
Rich Kid, who gets whatever they Poor Kid, who found a toy at a yard
want, because your parents have enough sale without packaging, cardback or
disposable income not to particularly accessories. Youve been playing with
care what you do what your time, so it so happily and innocently that your
long as you stay out of their hair. Sure, parents Baby Boomer Guilt has kicked
you have your pick of whatever toy is in. Unbeknownst to you, your parents
out there, but to combat your lack of will scrimp and save to get your next toy
parental attention youll seek to one- so that you do not have to live without
up your friends by being restricted to childhood joys as they did when they
getting a toy only from the newest wave were growing up. As a result, every toy
available, regardless of what you really is precious.
want. You have your run of Accessories,
Poor Kids begin their collection at a
Creatures & Vehicles, and Playsets, but
yard sale with one Custom figure and
none of it has much value to you. The
$5 to spend at the Toy Store of their
true value comes from playing with
friend and as a result a lot of your toys
Poor kids have NO accessories for
will just end up in the communal Toybox.
their first custom character. (They
Rich Kids begin their collection with can purchase the right accessories,
one Custom figure and $20 to spend or close enough, from the store when
at a Big Box Toystore. they get there.)
Rick Kids can only shop at Big Box Poor kids can only shop at Small
Toystores and only from among the Mom n Pop Toystores because their
latest wave of toys. parents believe in buying locally.
Rich Kids have $15 to spend each Poor kids have $5 to spend per visit
successive visit to the Toystore. to the Toystore.
Sometimes it can feel like no fun In play, all figures used by the Poor
being the Rich Kid because you Kid get an advantage.
just dont care enough...but all of The Poor Kid can never get anything
your friends depend on you for your good with so little $, but they care
money to buy the playsets, so the about it so much their figures always
attention, at least, is rewarding. do well in the game.
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Character Creation
Characters are created by filling in blanks on the character sheet. How effective a selection
of Theme, Gimmick, or Story Advantage is depends on your ability to argue its applicability in
creative situations. So, it is important to choose options that interest you! Do not worry about
the crunch of the game mechanics - just fill in the blanks when options sound right.
Then, assign Priority to these Statistics. Rather than holding a number value, Statistics
(Theme, Gimmick, Story Advantage, Accessories, Vehicles & Creatures, and Playsets) are
assigned a Priority from 1st to 6th, with 1st being the highest Priority (and therefore the most
powerful) and 6th being the lowest. This priority system replaces a dice mechanic as the
method of conflict resolution. (There are still dice in the game for other things, dont worry.)
In the simplest form, if a character opposes another using a higher priority Statistic, they win
the conflict. Refer to page 38 for more information on Priority battles.
A characters Allegiance, Weakness, Friend and Foe help to shift the balance in conflict. In the
event that characters are tied in their Priorities for example, a 2nd Priority vs. a 2nd Priority
then the players look here for added advantages or disadvantages. Refer to page 40 for
more information on breaking ties and for information on advantages.
known about the character just by looking at the Vehicles & Rank
figure, but is displayed prominently on the package. Creatures
1. Pledge Allegiance
Masters of the Universe is an umbrella term that describes the many different warring
factions on the mystical and far-off planet of Eternia. There are a few different teams that
with which your character may associate. The GM will usually stipulate that the first character
you create must be a member of the Heroic Warriors.
2. Name
Pick a name for your character that involves
at least one of the following parameters. If
you are having trouble with the name, then
leave it until last - this can often be the most
difficult part of character creation.
3. Theme
In the MotU toyline every character adheres to a Theme. Think of Theme like a character
concept; the point of the character. The Theme descriptions below are vague and read as a
list of action words and guidelines because that is how they are best-used, as fuzzy logic.
Cowboy can mean many things to many players and all of them are right, so long as the
GM agrees. Make sure to incorporate Theme into the Action Pose of the characters portrait
because of all Statistics it will dominate the figures physical design, especially if it is held
in high priority. When there is an asterisks (*) after the Theme, it means there needs to be
some kind of specification.
Alien Barbarian
Note the strangeness of alien anatomy, The rage and might and fury. The endurance
appetite, and thought process. and iron will to never quit in the face of an
adversary. The berserker land speed. The
Animal * determination towards victory. These are the
An animals ferocity, cunning, agility or traits of the Barbarian.
strength. Nocturnal? Associated physical
features you want carried over to the Cowboy
character: claws, horns, antlers, or hair. Riding, shooting, quick drawing in seemingly
Increased senses such as smell or hearing. no time. Gunfights, roping running varmints.
These are the traits of an Animal. Examples Gambling, tracking, and animal husbandry...
include: Aquatic in General, Beast in General, These are the traits of a Cowboy.
Bee, Blowfish, Crab, Elephant, Hawk, Lizard,
Mosquito, Skunk, Snake, or Spider. Guard
Defending a position. Long hours of
standing. Fighting defensively. Endurance
and patience are the traits of a Guard. This is
the defensive version of a Soldier.
Lording over people. Politically savvy.
Leadership. These are the traits of a King.
Protecting one person. Rescue. Honour. Duty.
Valor. Defeating dragons. Running or riding
on creatures while in full armour. These are
the traits of a Knight.
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Nature * Warrior
As characterised by a particular article of See Soldier, but unrefined.
nature, such as Wind, Rock, or Plant.
Wizard Monster
Ninja For male characters only. The powers
Stealth. Assassination (unsuspecting). Hiding. of magic come at an expense for male
Combat unarmed, with a Katana, Bow and characters. Every male magic user has
Arrow, Throwing Stars, and Nunchucku. suffered somehow physically, or was
These are the traits of a Ninja. preestablished as inhuman. Examples include
Skeletor, Hordak, and even friendly Orko.
Prince A Wizard Monster must have a somehow
See King, but to a lesser extent. frightening (or frighteningly cute, depending)
appearance, to gain the benefits of a
Robot sorceress. Female magic users, with the
Robots cannot be healed, they must exception of Shadow Weaver, seem to have
be repaired, because they are magical- no problem balancing magical forces and
technology. Similarly, they can be upgraded, good looks.
refitted, and reconstructed. Cyborgs can do
this too, but to a lesser extent than a Robot.
Attacking a position. Long hours of marching.
Fighting offensively. Fury and attack. This is
the offensive version of a Guard.
For female characters only. A Sorceress has
the benefits of mystical knowledge, magic
history, the ability to identify magical items
and artifacts, to vaguely sense the approach
of the enemy/danger or know of any great
mystical disturbances.
Thing *
Your theme is some inanimate object or
concept, such as a car, jaw, the zodiac
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4. Gimmick
A Gimmick is what makes your toy different from all the others on the rack. Gimmick
encompasses everything worth advertising about your characters toy, displayed on the
packaging with bright colours among drawn explosions with exclamation marks. Spinning
Action!, Mighty Smashing Fist!, and so on. Gimmick as a priority is specific and less
debatable than Theme, so read carefully. Remember to draw your Gimmick, too. When there
is an asterisks (*) after the Gimmick, it means there needs to be some kind of specification.
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Petrifying Gaze - Staring at the enemy causes Always Has the Right Item - to always have
them to turn to stone. the relevant item for the situation, so long as
Robot Face - Advantage to intelligence, it is not a Weapon.
calculation and associated robot qualities. Always Has a Weapon - to always have
Spark Breath - Damaging breath of fire. another basic weapon hidden on your person.
Spits Water - Shooting water Adds Push, or Secret Identity. By day, normal girl - by night,
burning acid damages. truly outrageous!
Spy Sight - The ability to detect the direction
of the enemy. Stretch *
Stun Beams Eyes - Fire a laser-like blast that The neck, torso, right arm, left arm, right leg,
stuns the enemy into paralysis. left leg, or all or part of the above can stretch on
the figure beyond normal human limits and past
normal proportions. Exceptions are considered,
Flight but nothing rude. Popular examples include: All
The character can fly. This is
Limbs, Arms, Neck, or Tongue. The benefit of
probably because of wings, but
such a Gimmick is subject to player creativity and
not necessarily because you can
GM acceptance of their application.
always pretend, running the toy
through the air in front of you
saying Woooosh, woooosh,
Tail *
The figure has a vestigial tail. The look of the
wooosh. If not, draw in wings.
tail is up to the player but it must have only one
designated function, such as:
Hand * Clubbing. (Causing damage.)
The figure has one or two inhuman or otherwise Rattling. (Causing fear.)
bizarre hands, providing them greater options in Whipping. (With which to grapple.)
melee combat. The power of the hand has no per-
episode limit. Transform *
Blaster. (Long ranged energy weapon.) The figure goes through a process such that they
Chop. (Smashing material objects.) take on different physical characteristics. This
Clamp / Hook / Claw. (Binding and crushing.) imbues them with a story element, argued for
Fist. (Guards as a shield, when strikes gives advantage. The selection of a transformation can
an Added Push, and punches holes in the never change. Examples include:
scenery.) Bird. (Ex. the Sorceress turns into a hawk.)
Suction Cups. (Sticking to, as for climbing.) Driving. (Ex. When Dragstor lays down on the
Hand Replacements. (At -1 Priority, can swap floor and drives from the wheel in his chest.)
between any 3 different pre-determined Machines. (Ex. Hordaks ability to turn partly
hands.) into a machine, with his face on it.)
Rock. (Turn into a rock...if you want.)
Story Snakes. (Turn into a snake, or a huge snake,
The figure has a gimmick not immediately of five snakes from the chest up and keep
obvious, but hinted. How this plays out your legs human, like King Hiss.)
depends on how creative the Player is, and
what agreement they can come to with the GM.
Characters can draw inspiration from the Story
Advantage list for this as well, if necessary.
Examples include:
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5. Story Advantage
This is what your character does well in the
story, which is not necessarily obvious on
their toy. Probably the idea came from the
toys cardback or from cross-promotional
media like the related television programme.
When there is an asterisks (*) after the Story
Advantage it means there needs to be some
kind of specification. Because Cyborgs are magical-technology they
can be upgraded, refitted, and reconstructed, but
Acrobatics * to a lesser extent than a Robot, which is entirely
The ability to dodge blows and obstacles through subject to repairs but may be effectively controlled
a combination of leaping, ducking, squatting, by anyone with Engineering or Invention.
rolling, and flipping. Must designate either:
Acrobatics in the Air, probably flying. Deception
Acrobatics on the Land - the most common. Look innocent and harmless and enemies will
Acrobatics of the Sea, or underwater. ignore you, so long as you have given them no
reason for suspicion. Used for such things as
Army * dramatic acting, pretending to be unsuspecting, or
The backing and support of a group of intelligent having your identity mistaken.
beings. Must relate to Theme. Examples:
All Beasts in Eternia. Dramatic Effect *
All Oceanic beings. Directly as an extension of the characters Theme
Royal Palace Guards or Soldiers. or Gimmick, an effect is put into practice. Only
An army of angry skeletons. one can be chosen and the choice is permanent.
A massive barbarian horde. Can draw from either the Face or Magic lists.
Armies operate on their leaders Priority. Examples include: Acid, Energy Drain, Explode,
Petrify, Poison, Repulse (in an area of effect). This
Control Something * is the other category of Story Advantages, and
Capable of manipulating one of: Plants, Wind, or the parameters of what happens (How much does
the like according to the characters Theme or Acid burn? Does it melt solid objects or just cause
Gimmick. You cannot change the thing, only a lot of pain?) is subject to player creativity, GM
control. agreement, and precedent.
Cyborg Engineering *
Capable of partially repairing damage and injury Construct Robots or Vehicles and repair Robots,
simply by tinkering with their own cybernetic Vehicles or Cyborgs. Create simple tools and
parts. In the context of the episode being a standard weapons. In story terms, this can be
Cyborg can break the characters fall, limit certain used as a mechanism to introduce plot elements.
damages, but also increases the damage done This must be reflected on the characters Toy.
by things like electricity or magnets. The greatest
benefit to being a cyborg is that you can more
drastically apply your Theme and Gimmick without
being limited by human anatomical standards.
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Custom Accessories
For the cost of 2 Common Accessories, you
may instead choose to give your character
1 Custom Accessory. Use the matrix below
to figure out what it can do. Custom
Accessories must fit with character Theme.
Remember that when making a Custom Character, Custom Accessories do not need to be
purchased separately from the Toystore so long as you spent 2 common accessories on them.
They will come packaged with your Custom Character, and probably be pretty well advertised
on the cardback as the newest, greatest thing...unless you are playing a Poor Kid.
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Point Dread
Entrance: Mirages of the Mystery Desert.
Guards: Magical Defense.
Traps: Magical Traps of Illusion.
Rooms & Towers: Library.
Treasure: Ancient Knowledge Database, The
Talon Fighter Vehicle. Also the whole playset
can be attached to Castle Greyskull!
Slime Pit
Entrance: Through Horde territory.
Guards: Horde Troopers.
Traps: Giant bony claws.
Rooms & Towers: Dungeon.
Treasure: Ensnared victims are covered in
Castle Greyskull slime that makes them mindless zombies to
Entrance: Jaw Bridge over bottomless moat. the operator of the Slime Pit. The Playset
Guards: Magical Barriers surround the castle. comes with one vat of slime, good for only
Traps: Magical Traps of Illusion. one use, but more vats can be purchased at
Rooms & Towers: Armory, Computer System, the Toy Store.
Dungeon, Throne Room.
Treasure: Profound Magical Power. The Slime
Pit. This
Eternia Royal Palace is exactly
Entrance: Huge Stone Wall with Gate. the kind of
Guards: Cat Guardian, Palace Guards. thing mum
Traps: Man-At-Arms Auto-Laser Turrets. would not
Rooms & Towers: Armory, Computer System, like at the
Dungeon, Engineering Lab, Throne Room. kitchen
Special: Monorail. table.
Treasure: Gold and Political Power.
Fright Zone
Entrance: Long and Winding Road. Snake Mountain
Guards: Dragon. Entrance: Catacombs.
Traps: Evil Tree that ensnares characters Guards: Giant Snake, Skeletons.
within its branches and send them to the Traps: Trap door into a net, Lava.
Dungeon, and foot-clamping stones. Rooms & Towers: Armory, Computer System,
Rooms & Towers: Dungeon, Hordaks Sorcery Dungeon, Throne Room, Meeting Room,
Room. Engineering Lab, Special: Frightening
Treasure: Hordaks Sorcery Research and Broadcast Room.
associated items of power. Treasure: Skeletors gold, Portal to the
captured dimension of the Snake Men.
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ou cannot be your own friend. Identify another character as a Foe, and you get an Advantage to harm
or from cannon characters listed below, even if they are not yet in the Toybox.
v. Weakness Friend Enemy Accessories Wave Year
s Unintelligent Mer-Man x Arm Bands, Brst-Plate, Whip 1 1982
Eyepatch Saurod x Sword, and another sword 6 1987
Arrogance Extendar x Axe (known as a Tech Axe) 6 1987
Reckless Stratos Webstor Axe 3 1984
Pride Fisto x Brst-Plate, Power Pincher* 6 1987
mp Unintelligent Whiplash x Brst-Plate, Mace 3 1984
Unfeeling Extendar x Crossbow 5 1986
Sympathy Facless One x Wand 2 1983
Unfeeling Blast-Attack x Full Armour, Shield 5 1986
Unintelligent None x Strap-on Armour, Sword 2, 6 1983/87
d Pride Clamp Champ Jitsu Brst-Plate, Sword 3 1984
Unintelligent Mantenna x Crossbow 4 1985
Creepy None x Wand 6 1987
Pride Man-At-Arms Skeletor Axe, Shield, Strap on Armour, 1 1982
Power Sword*
Arrogance None x Crossbow, Shield 4 1985
Unintelligent Each Other x Tech Spear (shoots lasers) 5 1986
Unintelligent Two-Bad Fisto Brst-Plate, Sword 3 1984
Pride None Zodac Brst-Plate, Shield, Staff 5 1986
Palace Royal Palace Wife x Brst-Plate, Cape, Spear 6 1987
Cowardice None x Laser Pistol 3, 5 1984/86
Drain Unintelligent Mosquitor x Crossbow 4 1985
Elderly Prince Adam x Arm Bands, Brst-Plate, Mace 1 1982
ng) Confidence Ram Man x Laser Pistol 2 1983
Foolish Grizzlor x Crossbow 4 1985
k Confidence Buzz-Off x Mace 3 1984
tures Foolish Beast-Man x Strap-on Armr, Sword, Trident 1 1982
Creepy Multi-Bot x Laser Pistol 4 1985
Drain Creepy Leech x Laser Pistol 6 1987
Pride Plants x Mace 4 1985
For everything marked with an asterisks (*) see Uncommon Accessories pg. 17. Page 25
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When a Player receives the Toy of a cannon character, THEY assign Priority b
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based on their whim. This helps cannon characters feel different each time. Page 27
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Remembering the Commercials: First, The Mom n Pop Store: The local
Players turn to the Toy Store Random Toy independent shop has only a small selection
Charts in their MotU RPG books to see what of toys but will happily make special orders
is potentially available for that wave. The GM because they are nice people and just happy
will announce what wave it is. for the business. They may attempt to buy
your love by giving you an inexpensive toy
The Big Box Store: The stores from the for free. First, the GM rolls randomly on the
Commercials have lots of selection but refuse events table to see what is going on at the
to do special orders, or really even talk to store. Then, to construct this much smaller
you. First, the GM rolls randomly on the isle, the GM moves around the circle of
events table to see what is going on at the players having them roll for Sold Out twice,
store. Then, to construct the Toy isle, the GM rather than once. The previous waves is
starts on their left getting each Player to roll rolled normally, then purchasing occurs. If a
once on percentile dice and crosses off those Player is dissatisfied with the selection, they
characters as Sold Out. After the first wave may choose to make a special order for one
of Toys the GM also asks the Players each to Toy for the next wave of Toys. It will arrive
roll once to see what is at the Toy Store from the next time they are in the store.
the previous wave. Players then purchase
Toys based on availability. You may not jump back and forth between
toy stores. Your parents are busy.
9 Sale on all available MotU Toys! Sale on all available MotU Toys!
The stock boy made a mistake and The kindly shop owned makes a gift of one
0 accidently put one Toy from the next Figure to the Poor Kid(s), for being such a
line on the shelves before its shelf date. good and loyal customer(s).
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2. Kitchen Table
This stage establishes the context and the
themes for the episode and introduces
the initial conflict. Players begin with their
original characters and one thing they just
got from the store. All other items purchased
from the store go into the Toybox for now.
In the case of this Segment, one column
is asked - either Good Guys or Bad, in its
entirety, before moving on to the other. If
there are no Bad Guys out of the Toybox
then the Bad Guys in this stage may be
imaginary (Shadow Beasts, Dragons, or
whatever other NPC the GM can invent).
In this Segment the GM uses the series of questions as a spring board in order to get a
conflict going whereby an Imaginary Playset, Imaginary Character (NPC) or Imaginary
McGuffin is designed, and if not resolved then at least brought to its logical conclusion, in
order to bring the Players to the next Segment.
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Introduce any new characters intended for play, starting from the GMs left and going around
in a circle until everyone is known.
Player: Who goes first, the Good Guys or the Bad Guys?
Good Guys Bad Guys
Character or Player: Are you helping Character: What is the goal of the
others with something? latest evils scheme?
Character: Who are Character: What Player: Who came up with the
you helping? are you doing? scheme?
Character: Where are you?
Character: Is everyone there with
Character: Is everyone there with you?
Player: Why do Character: Where is Character: How are you going to
they need help? everyone else? enact this plan?
Player: Do you have everything you
Player: Does this require a quest?
(If not otherwise brought up, then...) Character: Are you after a person, place,
or thing? (NPC, Playset, McGuffin establishment for this Segment cycles story)
When the story path or questions are exhausted, then....Your mother says you
are making too much noise at the kitchen table and she kicks you out to the Living
Room. Along the way, you raid the Toybox. Each player is permitted one toy from
the Toybox a figure, vehicle, creature, or playset, if there are any there.
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Your mother says you are making too much noise in the Living Room and orders
you to go outside to the Back Yard. Along the way, you raid the Toybox again.
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Do you find more rooms? Who is closest to it? What is their name?
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Wave 2 - 1983
1983 Character Type Allegiance Description
01-03 Man-E-Faces Figure Heroic Warrior Heroic Human...Robot...Monster
04-06 Ram-Man Figure Heroic Warrior Heroic Human Battering Ram
07-13 Evil-Lyn Figure Evil Warrior Evil Warrior Goddess
14-16 Faker Figure Evil Warrior Evil Robot Of Skeletor
17-22 Trap-Jaw Figure Evil Warrior Evil & Armed For Combat
23-28 Tri-Klops Figure Evil Warrior Evil & Sees Everything
29-34 Zoar Creature Heroic Warrior Fighting Falcon
35-44 Panthor Creature Evil Warrior Savage Cat
45-50 Attak Trak Vehicle Heroic Warrior Battle Machine
Point Dread & Frontier Outpost. Contains the Vehicle Talon
51-56 Playset Heroic Warrior
Talon Fighter Fighter and the Playset Point Dread
80s Toybox RPG by James Kerr
Wave 3 - 1984
1984 Character Type Allegiance Description
01-07 Battle Armor He-Man Figure Heroic Warrior Most Powerful Man In The Universe
08-12 Buzz-Off Figure Heroic Warrior Heroic Spy In The Sky
13-16 Fisto Figure Heroic Warrior Heroic Hand To Hand Fighter
17-19 Mekaneck Figure Heroic Warrior Heroic Human Periscope
20-26 Orko Figure Heroic Warrior Heroic Court Magician
27-28 Prince Adam Figure Heroic Warrior Heroic "Secret" Identity To He-Man
29-35 Battle Armor Skeletor Figure Evil Warrior Lord of Destruction
36-40 Clawful Figure Evil Warrior Warrior With The Grip Of Evil
41-44 Jitsu Figure Evil Warrior Evil Master Of Martial Arts
45-47 Kobra Khan Figure Evil Warrior Evil Master Of Snakes
48-51 Webstor Figure Evil Warrior Evil Master Of Escape
52-56 Whiplash Figure Evil Warrior Evil Tail Thrashing Warrior
57-60 Dragon Walker Vehicle Heroic Warrior Heroic Side-Winding Beast/Vehicle!
61-65 Road Ripper Vehicle Heroic Warrior Cheaper than most Vehicles
66-70 Stridor Vehicle Heroic Warrior Heroic Armored War Horse!
71-74 Roton Vehicle Evil Warrior Evil Assault Vehicle!
75-79 Snake Mountain Playset Evil Warrior Evil Stronghold of Skeletor
80-81 Weapons Pack Access. Evil Warrior Contains all standard weapons
Battle Armor He-Man & Battle Armor He-Man and the Road
82-88 Giftset Heroic Warrior
Road Ripper Ripper
Battle Armor Skeletor and
89-95 Giftset Evil Warrior Battle Armor Skeletor and Screeech
96-00 Fisto & Stridor Giftset Heroic Warrior Fisto and Stridor
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Wave 4 - 1985
1985 Character Type Allegiance Description
Leader Of The Heroic Warriors Now
01-07 Thunder Punch He-Man Figure Heroic Warrior
Packs A Powerful Punch
08 Moss-Man Figure Heroic Warrior Heroic Spy & Master Of Camouflage
09-12 Roboto Figure Heroic Warrior Heroic Mechanic Warrior
13-15 Sy-Klone Figure Heroic Warrior Heroic Fist Flinging Tornado
Evil Leader and his Dreadful Dragon
16-20 Dragon Blaster Skeletor Figure Evil Warrior
With The Paralysing Spray
21-22 Spikor Figure Evil Warrior Evil Master Of Untouchable Combat
23-24 Stinkor Figure Evil Warrior Evil Master Of Odors
25-29 Two Bad Figure Evil Warrior Double Headed Evil Strategist
30-32 Hordak Figure The Evil Horde Ruthless Leader Of The Evil Horde
33-36 Grizzlor Figure The Evil Horde Hairy Henchman Of The Evil Horde
37-39 Leech Figure The Evil Horde Evil Master Of Power Suction
40-44 Mantenna Figure The Evil Horde Evil Spy With The Pop Out Eyes
45-49 Modulok Figure The Evil Horde Evil Beast Of A Thousand Bodies
50-54 Bashasaurus Vehicle Heroic Warrior Heroic Combat Vehicle!
55-58 Battle Bones Vehicle Heroic Warrior Collectors Carry Case!
59-61 Land Shark Vehicle Evil Warrior Evil Monster Vehicle!
62-64 Night Stalker Vehicle Evil Warrior Evil Armored War Horse!
65-68 Spydor Vehicle Evil Warrior Evil Stalker!
69-71 Fight Zone Playset The Evil Horde Trap Filled Stronghold of Terror!
72-73 Thunder Punch Ammo Access. Heroic Warrior Ammunition for Thunder Punch
74-76 BA He-Man & Battle Cat Giftset Evil Warrior Battle Armor He-Man and Battle Cat
77-80 BA Skeletor & Land Shark Giftset Evil Warrior Battle Armor Skeletor & Land Shark
Battle Armor Skeletor &
81-83 Giftset Evil Warrior Battle Armor Skeletor & Panthor
Battle Armor Skeletor, Webstor, and
84-86 Evil Warriors II Giftset Evil Warrior
87-90 Evil Warriors III Giftset Evil Warrior Stinkor, Whiplash, and Webstor
Battle Armor He-Man, Man-at-Arms,
91-93 Heroic Warriors II Giftset Heroic Warrior
and Man-E-Faces
94-97 Heroic Warriors III Giftset Heroic Warrior Mekaneck, Buzz-Off, and Moss-Man
98-00 Jitsu & Night Stalker Giftset Evil Warrior Contains Jitsu and Night Stalker
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80s Toybox RPG by James Kerr
Wave 5 - 1986
1986 Character Type Allegiance Description
Flying Fists
01-04 Figure Heroic Warrior Heroic Leader With The Arm Swinging Action
05-08 Extendar Figure Heroic Warrior Heroic Master Of Extension
09-11 Rio Blast Figure Heroic Warrior Heroic Transforming Gun-Slinger
12-14 Rokkon Figure Heroic Warrior Young Heroic Comet Warrior
15-18 Snout Spout Figure Heroic Warrior Heroic Water Blasting Firefighter
19-21 Stonedar Figure Heroic Warrior Heroic Rock People Leader
Terror Claws
22-26 Figure Evil Warrior Evil Leader With The Claw Swinging Action
Hurricane Ruthless Leader And His Wicked Whirling
27-30 Figure The Evil Horde
Hordak Weapons
31-32 Dragstor Figure The Evil Horde Evil Transforming Warrior/Vehicle
33-34 Horde Trooper Figure The Evil Horde Evil Collapsing Robot
35-37 Multi-Bot Figure The Evil Horde Evil Robot Of A Thousand Bodies
Kobra Khan
38-40 Figure The Snake Men Evil Snake Men Henchman
41-43 King Hiss Figure The Snake Men Dreadful Disguised Leader Of The Snake Men
Evil Snake Men Creature With The Quick
44-47 Rattlor Figure The Snake Men
Strike Head
48-50 Tung Lashor Figure The Snake Men Evil Tongue Shooting Snake Men Creature
51-53 Blaster Hawk Vehicle Heroic Warrior Heroic Land and Sky Disc Launcher!
54-57 Laser Bolt Vehicle Heroic Warrior Heroic Road Rocket!
58-60 Fright Fighter Vehicle Evil Warrior Evil Dragonfly Attack Vehicle!
61-63 Mantisaur Creature The Evil Horde Evil Insectoid Steed!
64-67 Monstroid Creature The Evil Horde The Ultimate Battling Monster!
68-70 Megalaser Access. Heroic Warrior Heroic Wind-Up Beam Blaster!
71-73 Jet Sled Access. Heroic Warrior Heroic Rocket Sled & Jetpack!
74-76 Stilt Stalker Access. Heroic Warrior Heroic Battle Stilts!
77 Slime Vat Access. The Evil Horde An extra canister of slime for the Slime Pit
78-82 Eternia Playset Heroic Warrior The Ultimate Battle Ground
83 Slime Pit Playset The Evil Horde Evil Pit of the Gruesome Ooze
Hordak and
84-87 Giftset The Evil Horde Hordak and Mantisaur
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80s Toybox RPG by James Kerr
Wave 6 - 1987
1987 Character Type Allegiance Description
01-02 Clamp Champ Figure Heroic Warrior Heroic Master Of Capture
03-04 Gwildor Figure Heroic Warrior Heroic Creator Of The Cosmic Key
05 King Randor Figure Heroic Warrior Heroic Ruler Of Eternia
06-07 Rotar Figure Heroic Warrior Heroic Master Of Hyper-Spin
08-09 Sorceress Figure Heroic Warrior Heroic Guardian Of Castle Greyskull
10-11 Blade Figure Evil Warrior Evil Master Of Swords
12-14 Blast-Attack Figure Evil Warrior Evil Blast-Apart Robotic Warrior
15-16 Faker II Figure Evil Warrior Evil He-Man Imposter
17-19 Ninjor Figure Evil Warrior Evil Ninja Warrior
20-21 Saurod Figure Evil Warrior Evil Spark-Shooting Reptile
22-25 Scare Glow Figure Evil Warrior Evil Ghost Of Skeletor
26-27 Twistoid Figure Evil Warrior Evil Speed Twisting Robot
28-30 Figure The Evil Horde Ruthless Leader Of The Evil Horde
31-32 Mosquitor Figure The Evil Horde Evil Energy Draining Insectoid
33-34 Snake-Face Figure Snake Men Most Gruesome Of The Snake Men
35-36 Squeeze Figure Snake Men Evil Long Armed Viper
37-40 Bionatops Creature Heroic Warrior Heroic Bionic Dinosaur! (Triceratops)
41-44 Turbodactyl Creature Heroic Warrior Heroic Reptile with Jet Wings
Tyrantisaurus Most Terrifying Dinosaur in the Land
45-48 Creature Snake Men
Meteorbs. Heroic Lion with Amazing Brute
49-52 Astrolion Creature Heroic Warrior
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80s Toybox RPG by James Kerr
Page 48
Type of Kid
Toy Notes Out?
Sheet Male
Name Rank
Story Adv.
Allegiance Accessories
Weakness Sword Shield
Axe Belt
Mace Arm-bands
Foe Staff Strap-Arm.
Bow Breast-Plate
Laser Pistol Full Armour
Players Airdate
Child: Help the Players choose what kind of
child they are between: Rich Kid, Poor Kid,
Lucky Kid, and Initially Ungrateful Kid.
By James Kerr