Biorafi (Bhs Inggris)

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Nama : Diah Amelia Yusuf

NIM : 2031721045
MataKuliah : Bahasa Inggris


General Sudirman is a national hero who was born in Purbalingga, January 24, 1916. He was
born into an ordinary family and was adopted by his priyayi uncle.
During his life, General Sudirman was known to be active and often did extracurricular
activities. Even since he was in high school, General Sudirman has shown his leadership
In 1944, General Sudirman made the decision to join PETA (Defenders of the Homeland) and
was later entrusted with being the Commander of the Banyumas Battalion.
When he became a commander, he and his fellow soldiers launched a rebellion. As a result of the
rebellion, General Sudirman was exiled in Bogor. In 1984, General Sudirman was appointed as
the Great Commander and his presence became known during the Guerrilla War on March 1,
He died in Magelang, January 29, 1950 at the age of 34 years. Because of his passion for
realizing Indonesian independence, General Sudirman's services are still remembered today.

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