June 2019 (IAL) MS - Unit 1 Edexcel Biology A-Level
June 2019 (IAL) MS - Unit 1 Edexcel Biology A-Level
June 2019 (IAL) MS - Unit 1 Edexcel Biology A-Level
Summer 2019
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June 2019
Publications Code IAL_1906_WBI11_01
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for G increase in temperature increases up to 30°C and then Do not piece together
decreases the solubility (1)
for H temperature has no effect (on solubility) (1) ACCEPT solubility {remains constant /
does not change} with an increase in (3)
A is incorrect because triglycerides are composed of one glycerol molecule and three fatty acids
C is incorrect because triglycerides are composed of one glycerol molecule and three fatty acids
D is incorrect because triglycerides are composed of one glycerol molecule and three fatty acids (1)
because they {are unsaturated fatty acids / have double bonds IGNORE chain length
(between carbon atoms)} (1)
because it has {two / the most} double bonds (between carbon IGNORE chain length
atoms) (1) (2)
because thrombin would not be able to bind to fibrinogen (1) ACCEPT fits active site / thrombin –
fibrinogen complexes
therefore fibrin is not formed (1) ACCEPT less fibrin formed
because the platelets would not be able to bind to fibrin (1) ACCEPT not able to bind to {blood
cells / other platelets / endothelium}
less sticky
because {without fibrin / with less fibrin} there is {nothing / less} ACCEPT {no / less} mesh formed
to trap the {platelets / blood cells} (1) (2)
because {three bases form one code (for one amino acid) / ACCEPT triplet {codon / code}
there are 5 codons} (1) IGNORE three bases make an amino
because {there is no stop codon in this sequence / it is a non-
overlapping (genetic) code} (1) DO NOT ACCEPT degenerate (2)
which means that there are more codes than {needed / number
of amino acids} (1)
(remaining codes are) stop {codons / codes} (on RNA / DNA) (1) DO NOT ACCEPT start codons
therefore no more amino acids can be added to the ACCEPT ends translation / signals end
{polypeptide chain / protein} (1) of (m)RNA
A is incorrect because T binds to A and C to G on mRNA and U binds to T and G binds to C on tRNA
C is incorrect because T binds to A and C to G on mRNA and U binds to T and G binds to C on tRNA
D is incorrect because T binds to A and C to G on mRNA and U binds to T and G binds to C on tRNA (1)
an increase in the number of (DNA) {molecules / double helices} ACCEPT {two / new} molecules are
(1) made (from one molecule)
because it results in genetically identical (daughter) cells (1) ACCEPT same {genetic information /
A is incorrect because ester bonds join organic acids and alcohols together
C is incorrect because peptide bonds join amino acids together
D is incorrect because phosphodiester bonds joins mononucleotides together
Question Answer
*5(b) (ii) Indicative content:
sugar solution with a lower water potential than the cytoplasm of the cell (D)
each individual sugar concentration should be the same as the cytoplasm (D)
mean concentration of sugars stated (fructose = 1.52, glucose = 1.08, sucrose = 8.55) (D)
so that the sugar concentration remains the same but the water passes out (E)
Level 1 : description of conditions needed for osmosis and maintaining sugar concentration
Level 2 : explanation of conditions needed for both osmosis and maintaining sugar concentration
Level 3 : indicates that concentration of each sugar needs to be the same as in the pineapple and another solute
needs to be included.
because antioxidants reduce free radicals (1) ACCEPT neutralise / stabilise / donate
free radicals cause {cell damage / oxidative stress} (1) ACCEPT antioxidants {prevent cell
damage / reduce oxidative stress}
(antioxidants) reduce {plaque / atheroma} formation (1) ACCEPT reduces cholesterol build up
and therefore more antioxidants to reduce the risk of CVD (1) ACCEPT description of what
antioxidants do
IGNORE incorrect descriptions
dark chocolate contains less energy (per unit mass) than milk ACCEPT calories
chocolate (1)
so is less likely to cause obesity which {is a risk factor / ACCEPT overweight (4)
decreases the risk} of CVD (1)
two groups of people one eating chocolate and one {control / ACCEPT 3 groups if one has no
not eating chocolate} (1) chocolate, one has milk chocolate and
one has dark chocolate
who {have no (known) risk of / do not have} CVD (1) ACCEPT healthy
credit description of control variable e.g. same sex, similar {size / age /
ACCEPT same mass of chocolate if
comparing dark with milk chocolate
IGNORE amount
incidence of heart disease recorded (over a period of time, at ACCEPT monitor risk factors /
least a year) (1) examples e.g. blood pressure,
pump blood against (the force of) gravity (to the upper parts of
the body) (1) (2)
Any two from:
lumen (1)
elastic recoil necessary to maintain the high blood pressure (1) N.B. need to stretch and recoil to
{maintain / accommodate} high
pressure = 1 mark if no other mps (2)
because there will be less blood flowing (near the surface of ACCEPT blood at {lower / low} pressure
the skin at any one time) (1)
therefore blood clot will form {more easily / faster} (1) ACCEPT clotting will be {faster / easier}
less blood lost whilst clot forming (2)
because (the smaller red blood cells will have) a greater surface
area (1)
and therefore oxygen will be able to diffuse (into / out of the IGNORE easier to diffuse / more can
RBCs) faster (1) diffuse (2)
A is incorrect because the R group does not include the central carbon
C is incorrect because the R group should have a CH2 group (1)
D is incorrect because the H and central carbon and only part of the R group shown
AzPhe could affect the {secondary structure / folding / 3D ACCEPT tertiary structure
shape} (of the silk) (1) IGNORE quaternary structure
because different bonds (between R groups) could form (1) ACCEPT named example of bond