Uts Metpen
Uts Metpen
Uts Metpen
Duck faming in Indonesia have a grcat contribution to the small holderS.
preliminan studies found that local ducks of strain A
and B
practices in Lombok The farmers fed them with local dominated on the
formulation progressing in the
feedstuff feeding with farmer's diet
recent years his
development is closely related to the
increasing demand on their products botn eggs and meat. Local ducks such as strain A isone
of the local
poultry breed that have the advantage of producing This duck has long been
preserved and grown in South Kal1mantan, especially in the eggs. Hulu Sungai Selatan
Hulu Sungai Tengah (HST), and Hulu
Sungai Utara (HSU). A's duck population in(HSS) South
Kalimantan in 2010 was 4,354,121 with 4.17%
27.733,704 kg and 1,525,615 kg respectively (Provincial rate, egg and meat production of
Kalimantan, 2011). The largest A duck population is located in Livestock Service of South
North Hulu Sungai Regency
1,280.591 birds (BPS KabupatenHulu Sungai Utara
935,927 birds (BPS KabupatenHulu Sungai Selatan 2010), KabupatenHulu Sungai Selatan
of 947,115 (BPS 2010), and Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency
KabupatenHulu Sungai Central 2010) and the rest are scattered in several
districts and cities in South Kalimantan
(http://web.bptukdi.info 2017.04 itik-A-untuk
kesejahteraan-peternak html
Whilst strain B is another local duck breed, is well known
the poultry breed in Indonesia,
superior layer of duck originating from East Java. However, there was no information on
the current population of
Mojosari ducks. In general, thenational population of ducks
increased in 2017 about 6.24 per cent from the
previous year (from 46711900 to 49709403
birds). In fact, in further development, the population of this ducks is reported decreasing
(http: www.trobos.com detail-berita 2016 08 01 29 7791 mempertahankan-eksistensi-itik-
mojosar). There are some challenges to be taken into consideration in developing layer local
ducks The hatchability values of both local ducks were 48 98 percent (A) (unpublished) and
52.9 to 66.0 percent (B) depending on the sex ratios as
reported by Indarsih et al. (2018)
which is lower compared to the expected hatching
perfomance. Whilst hatching
performance of kampong chickens was 66,67 percent (.Susanto and Suliswanto, 2013 ), thus
genetically local ducks had lower performance than local chickens. In addition, fishy tastes of
the duck egg together with cholesterol issues undeniably affected the consumer
Regardless of these problems, the two genotypes are very popular in the duck famer society
in Lombok. The objective of this work, therefore, was to
provide local duck performance
both quantitative and qualitative traits as reterences for small holders to made a choice in
keeping their selected local ducks.
Birds and management
The study was conduted on
ombok Island, Indonesia durng
e t ErOup silanted in the suburb of
l Mataram, in
AD)and one hundred 44-week-oos c k s022 werehundred 44-week-old A ducks
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