Preposition by Neetu Maim
Preposition by Neetu Maim
Preposition by Neetu Maim
1. Too little is known by this time 6. The teacher was very angry at his
about possible side-effects of the student.
drug. (1) angry with
(1) presently (2) angry against
(2) in the end (3) angry about
(3) before hand (4) No improvement
(4) No improvement (SSC Section Officer (Commercial Audit)
(SSC Section Officer (Audit) Exam. 29.07.2001)
Exam. 1997) 7. He backed out of the agreement.
2. If you want to save money you must (1) gave his full support
get rid of shopping.
(2) reconsidered the point
(1) cut down on
(3) withdrew his support from
(2) get on with
(4) went through the back door
(3) put up with (SSC Section Officer (Commercial Audit)
(4) No improvement Exam. 29.07.2001)
(SSC Section Officer (Audit) 8. He parked his vehicle under the
Exam. 1997)
shade of a tree.
3. Birds sit on the boughs of trees in
my garden and with their sweet (1) on
notes fill the air with music. (2) in
(1) fill their sweet notes in the air (3) beneath
(2) by their sweet notes fill the air (4) No improvement
(3) fill the air by their sweet notes (SSC Section Officer (Audit)
Exam. 09.09.2001)
(4) No improvement 9. God has bestowed man unusual
(SSC Section Officer (Audit)
Exam. 1997) gifts.
4. I prefer to ride than to walk. (1) bestowed with man
(1) riding to walking (2) bestowed for man
(2) ride to walk (3) bestowed on man
(3) riding than walking (4) No improvement
(4) No improvement (SSC Section Officer (Audit)
(SSC Section Officer (Commercial Audit) Exam. 09.09.2001)
Exam. 29.07.2001) 10. The U.N.O. insists on better
5. The workers went on a strike asking understanding between the
for better pay and service condition countries of the world.
(1) requesting (1) among the countries
(2) demanding (2) with the countries
(3) needing (3) by the countries
(4) No improvement (4) No improvement
(SSC Section Officer (Commercial Audit) (SSC Section Officer (Audit)
Exam. 29.07.2001) Exam. 14.12.2003)
1. (1) ‘by this time’ means ‘upto the authoritatively’ (vf/dkj ls ek¡xuk)
point of speaking’. (bl le; rd) 6. (1) ‘Angry with someone’
Here the tense of the sentence Angry at something.
makes ‘presently’ the best option.
7. (3) Underlined Part and option (3)
2. (1) ‘get rid of something’ means ‘to
both are correct.
make yourself free of something
that is troublesome or annoying’. ‘Back out of something’ means ‘to
decide not to do something that
‘Cut down’ means ‘to reduce’ (de
you had said that you would do’.
8. (2) ‘Under’ means ‘below something’.
3. (4) ‘By’ comes with ‘someone’ and
‘with’ comes with ‘something’ so ‘In’ means ‘at a point within a
‘with their sweet notes’ is area’.
correct. Replace ‘under’ with ‘in’.
4. (1) ‘Prefer’ is mostly followed by Note: ‘Under a tree’, ‘In the
Preposition ‘to’ so ‘walking’ shade’.
becomes the choice after ‘to’. 9. (3) ‘Bestow’ takes Preposition ‘on’
Parallelism demands comparison with it when ‘bestow’ is followed
between equals so ‘ride’ must be by indirect object.
changed into ‘riding’.
‘Bestow’ means ‘to confer as a
5. (2) ‘Ask for’ is a prepositional phrase
gift’. (iznku djuk)
which means ‘to request’
(izkFkZuk djuk) Note: Bestow man ‘with’ unusual
‘Demand’ means 'ask something gifts. Bestow unusual gifts ‘on’
142. (3) Here ‘insisted that’ should be 154. (2) Replace ‘rise before an hour’ with
used. As insist here is not ‘rise in an hour’.
followed by any gerund so no ‘on’ 155. (2) Replace ‘in’ with ‘for’. Preposition
can be used. ‘for’ is used for duration of time.
143. (3) Replace ‘at the altar’ with ‘before 156. (3) No Improvement
the altar’. ‘Bow before someone/ ‘Hanker after something’ means
something’ means ‘to bend in ‘to have a strong wish for
respect to someone/ something’. something’.
144. (3) Replace ‘on’ with ‘to’. 157. (4) Here ‘in respect of age’ should be
145. (4) No improvement used.
146. (3) Replace ‘by’ with ‘to’. ‘Known’ is 158. (1) ‘Beside’ – ‘by the side of’ (cxy esa)
followed by ‘to’ if it is followed by a
‘Besides’ – in addition to (ds vykok)
subject and is used is passive
voice. Hence replace ‘besides’ with
147. (4) Replace ‘become’ with ‘becoming’.
159. (1) Replace ‘this my friend’ with ‘this
If after preposition any verb
friend of mine’.
comes it is used in gerund form.