Preposition by Neetu Maim

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1. Too little is known by this time 6. The teacher was very angry at his
about possible side-effects of the student.
drug. (1) angry with
(1) presently (2) angry against
(2) in the end (3) angry about
(3) before hand (4) No improvement
(4) No improvement (SSC Section Officer (Commercial Audit)
(SSC Section Officer (Audit) Exam. 29.07.2001)
Exam. 1997) 7. He backed out of the agreement.
2. If you want to save money you must (1) gave his full support
get rid of shopping.
(2) reconsidered the point
(1) cut down on
(3) withdrew his support from
(2) get on with
(4) went through the back door
(3) put up with (SSC Section Officer (Commercial Audit)
(4) No improvement Exam. 29.07.2001)
(SSC Section Officer (Audit) 8. He parked his vehicle under the
Exam. 1997)
shade of a tree.
3. Birds sit on the boughs of trees in
my garden and with their sweet (1) on
notes fill the air with music. (2) in
(1) fill their sweet notes in the air (3) beneath
(2) by their sweet notes fill the air (4) No improvement
(3) fill the air by their sweet notes (SSC Section Officer (Audit)
Exam. 09.09.2001)
(4) No improvement 9. God has bestowed man unusual
(SSC Section Officer (Audit)
Exam. 1997) gifts.
4. I prefer to ride than to walk. (1) bestowed with man
(1) riding to walking (2) bestowed for man
(2) ride to walk (3) bestowed on man
(3) riding than walking (4) No improvement
(4) No improvement (SSC Section Officer (Audit)
(SSC Section Officer (Commercial Audit) Exam. 09.09.2001)
Exam. 29.07.2001) 10. The U.N.O. insists on better
5. The workers went on a strike asking understanding between the
for better pay and service condition countries of the world.
(1) requesting (1) among the countries
(2) demanding (2) with the countries
(3) needing (3) by the countries
(4) No improvement (4) No improvement
(SSC Section Officer (Commercial Audit) (SSC Section Officer (Audit)
Exam. 29.07.2001) Exam. 14.12.2003)


11. Mrs. Madhuri has great respect and (1) looking forward to
unlimited faith in her Director. (2) looking forward on
(1) respect and unlimited faith for (3) looking forward for
(2) respect for and unlimited faith (4) No improvement
for (SSC Tax Assistant (Income Tax &
Central Excise) Exam. 11.12.2005)
(3) respect for and unlimited faith in
17. Americans do not object my calling
(4) respect in and unlimited faith for
them by their first names.
(SSC Tex Assistant (Income Tax &
Central Excise) Exam. 05.12.2004) (1) my calling the
12. He is addicted to smoke. (2) to my calling them
(1) addicted to smoking (3) been called
(2) used to smoke (4) No improvement
(3) addicted of smoking (SSC Statistical Investigators
Grade-IV Exam. 13.08.2006)
(4) addicted with smoking
(SSC Tex Assistant (Income Tax &
18. But here again, there are allegations
Central Excise) Exam. 05.12.2004) of indiscriminate reclamations and
13. Can this machine be adopted in farm acquisition to the farmland by the
work. Adanis.
(1) by (1) reclamations and also
(2) into acquisition by the farmland
(3) for (2) reclamation as well as
(4) No improvement acquisition of farmland
(SSC Section Officer (Audit) (3) reclamation and acquisition of
Exam. 05.06.2005)
14. Corrupt officials have siphoned off
(4) No improvement
more than five hundred crore rupees
(SSC Statistical Investigators
over the last decade from welfare Grade-IV Exam. 13.08.2006)
funds. 19. Is respect really preferable than
(1) away money ?
(2) up (1) preferable to money ?
(3) in (2) preferred, or money ?
(4) No improvement (3) preferable than money ?
(SSC Statistical Investigators (4) No improvement
Grade-IV Exam. 31.7.2005)
(SSC Statistical Investigators
15. He is adequately provided for the Grade-IV Exam. 13.08.2006)
necessities of life. 20. The bigger dilemma facing these
(1) by mega stores is how to retain
(2) to customers after the novelty wear
(3) with thin.
(4) No improvement (1) wears thin.
(SSC Section Officer (Commercial (2) cools down.
Audit) Exam. 25.09.2005)
16. The flood-affected people are looking (3) wears off.
forward with the visit of the (4) No improvement
(SSC Statistical Investigators
Grade-IV Exam. 13.08.2006)


21. The new Sultan has been able to bear (3) adjourn
up all opposition. (4) No improvement
(1) bear off (SSC Section Officer (Commercial
Audit) Exam. 30.09.2007
(2) bear down 27. Only a few persons can stand on
(3) bear out entreaties.
(4) No improvement. (1) against
(SSC Section Officer (Commercial
Audit) Exam. 26.11.2006) (2) with
22. The watchman was on alert all (3) in
night. (4) No improvement
(1) was on the alert (SSC Section Officer (Commercial
Audit) Exam. 30.09.2007
(2) was off the alert
28. We spent an hour discussing about
(3) was alert
his character.
(4) No improvement.
(1) his character
(SSC Section Officer (Commercial
Audit) Exam. 26.11.2006) (2) of his character
23. It’s a long time since you didn’t (3) upon his character
come to see me. (4) No Improvement
(1) came to (SSC Section Officer (Audit)
Exam. 06.01.2008)
(2) came not
29. I acquainted him about the facts of
(3) come to
the case.
(4) No improvement.
(SSC Section Officer (Commercial
(1) with
Audit) Exam. 26.11.2006) (2) on
24. I complimented Raju for his (3) to
promotion. (4) No improvement
(1) with (SSC Section Officer (Audit)
(2) on Exam. 06.01.2008)
30. We have already disposed our old
(3) about
(4) no improvement
(SSC Section Officer (Audit) (1) disposed off
Exam. 10.12.2006) (2) disposed out
25. The child died from jaundice. (3) disposed of
(1) with
(4) No improvement
(2) of (SSC Section Officer (Audit)
(3) by Exam. 30.10.2008)

(4) No improvement 31. Somebody must be made to answer

(SSC Section Officer (Audit) for the securities scam.
Exam. 10.12.2006) (1) to
26. They had to put off until later the (2) after
open-air performance because of
(3) upon
heavy rain.
(4) No improvement
(1) postpone (SSC Section Officer (Audit)
(2) delay Exam. 30.10.2008)


32. I intend to learn French next year. 38. Several disciples follow the footsteps
(1) learning of their guru.
(2) learn (1) follow in
(3) have learnt (2) follow on
(4) No improvement (3) are following
(SSC Tax Assistant (Income Tax & (4) No improvement
Central Excise) Exam. 14.12.2008)
(SSC Statistical Investigators
33. It is easy to see why cities grew on Grade-IV Exam. 12.09.2010)
the river banks. 39. My father lives on Delhi.
(1) along the river banks (1) in Delhi
(2) in the river banks (2) at Delhi
(3) upon the river banks (3) inside Delhi
(4) No improvement (4) No improvement
(SSC Tax Assistant (Income Tax & (SSC CPO Sub-Inspector
Central Excise) Exam. 14.12.2008) Exam. 12.12.2010)
34. The only way to solve the racial 40. What do you for go to school ?
problem is by education (1) For what do you go to school?
(1) because of
(2) What do you go for to school?
(2) thanks to
(3) What do you go to school for?
(3) on account of
(4) No improvement
(4) No improvement (SSC Combined Graduate Level Tier-I
(SSC Tax Assistant (Income Tax & Exam. 19.06.2011 (Second Sitting)
Central Excise) Exam. 29.03.2009) 41. Every Saturday I go out for shopping.
35. Obviously he isn’t cut up to be a good
(1) for shops.
(2) to shopping
(1) cut out (2) cut in
(3) for shop
(3) cut for (4) No improvement
(SSC Combined Graduate Level Tier-I (4) No improvement
Exam. 16.05.2010 (First Sitting) (SSC Combined Graduate Level Tier-I
Exam. 19.06.2011 (Second Sitting)
36. Since the records are missing, the
possibility of paying more than one 42. Foreigners often come across with
compensation for the same piece of serious difficulties in studying
land cannot be ruled aside. English.
(1) out (2) off (1) have to come across with
(3) away (4) No improvement (2) come cross with
(SSC Combined Graduate Level (3) come across
Tier-I Exam. 16.05.2010
(Second Sitting)
(4) No improvement
(SSC CPO (SI, ASI & Intelligence
37. They reached at Calcutta on Officer Exam. 28.08.2011
Monday last. 43. The teacher was angry with Paul as
(1) reached to Calcutta he had not done the homework.
(2) reached on Calcutta (1) at (2) on
(3) reached Calcutta
(3) from (4) No improvement
(4) No improvement (FCI Assistant Grade-II
(SSC CISF ASI Exam. 29.08.2010) Exam. 22.01.2012)


44. You must apologise with him for this. (2) come through
(1) to (3) come round
(2) of (4) No improvement
(SSC Multi-Tasking (Non-Technical)
(3) for Staff Exam. 27.02.2011)
(4) No improvement 50. Which newspaper do you subscribe
(FCI Assistant Grade-III for ?
Exam. 05.02.2012 (Ist Sitting)
45. The minister agreed will answer (1) subscribe in
questions on television. (2) subscribe at
(1) to answer (3) subscribe to
(4) No improvement
(2) for answering
(SSC Stenographer Grade 'C'
(3) with answering & 'D' Exam. 16.10.2011)
(4) No improvement 51. When Rahul handed his homework,
(FCI Assistant Grade-III he forgot to give the teacher the last
Exam. 05.02.2012 (Ist Sitting) page.
46. Like for example, a post office can (1) handed in his homework
have a customer care centre. (2) handed down his homework
(1) For example (3) hand over his homework
(2) Like example (4) No improvement
(3) For an example (SSC Stenographer Grade 'C'
& 'D' Exam. 16.10.2011)
(4) No improvement
52. This work of art is worthy to praise.
(SSC Stenographer
(Grade'C' &'D') Exam. 26.09.2010) (1) for
47. The two brothers shared the property (2) of
beside themselves. (3) about
(1) among (4) No improvement
(2) between (SSC (10+2) Level Data Entry
Operator & LDC Exam. 04.12.2011
(3) amidst (North Zone) IInd Sitting
(4) No improvement 53. He is a descendant from the Mughal
(SSC Data Entry Operator & LDC royalty.
Exam. 28.11.2010) (IInd Sitting)
(1) of
48. They were astonished through his
(2) in
failure in the examination.
(3) for
(1) from
(4) No improvement
(2) at (SSC (10+2) Level Data Entry
(3) with Operator & LDC Exam. 04.12.2011
(North Zone) Ist Sitting
(4) No improvement 54. A large number of people have fallen
(SSC Multi-Tasking (Non-Technical)
Staff Exam. 20.02.2011) victim to dengue fever.
49. Geeta said that she had never (1) of
viewed across a book she liked so (2) from
much . (3) with
(1) come across (4) No improvement


(SSC (10+2) Level Data Entry 60. You are abstained to speak ill of
Operator & LDC Exam. 04.12.2011
(Eastern Zone) IInd Sitting) others.
55. She scoffed on the idea of revolution. (1) to speaking
(1) for (2) from speaking
(2) at (3) to speak to
(3) about (4) No improvement
(4) No improvement (SSC (10+2) Level Data Entry
(SSC (10+2) Level Data Entry Operator & LDC Exam. 11.12.2011
Operator & LDC Exam. 04.12.2011 (Ist Sitting (East Zone)
(Eastern Zone) IInd Sitting) 61. I prefer tea more than coffee.
56. Beside being a poet, he is also a (1) than
famous singer. (2) to
(1) Besides being (3) better than
(2) Besides becoming (4) much more than
(3) Beside becoming (SSC Constable (GD) & Riflemen
(GD) Exam. 24.04.1912 (Ist Sitting)
(4) No improvement
(SSC (10+2) Level Data Entry 62. Sujata was junior to me in college.
Operator & LDC Exam. 04.12.2011 (1) junior than
(Eastern Zone) IInd Sitting)
57. Why do you prefer the theatre than (2) junior most to
the cinema ? (3) junior of
(1) for (4) No improvement
(SSC (10+2) Level Data Entry Operator
(2) against & LDC Exam. 21.10.2012 (IInd Sitting)
(3) to 63. I prefer tea rather than coffee.
(4) No improvement (1) and
(SSC (10+2) Level Data Entry
Operator & LDC Exam. 11.12.2011 (2) over
(Ist Sitting (Delhi Zone) (3) to
58. He is addicted to alcohol and exerts (4) No improvement
a bad influence for his family. (SSC (10+2) Level Data Entry Operator
(1) on & LDC Exam. 28.10.2012 (Ist Sitting)

(2) in 64. He has been growing weaker and his

life now hangs with a thread.
(3) about
(1) on
(4) No improvement
(SSC (10+2) Level Data Entry (2) to
Operator & LDC Exam. 11.12.2011 (3) by
(IInd Sitting) Delhi Zone)
59. All the students have passed out of (4) No improvement
(SSC FCI Assistant Grade-III
the final examination. Exam–11.11.2012 IInd sitting)
(1) passed on 65. They will arrive today night.
(2) passed away (1) at night
(3) passed (2) tonight
(4) No improvement (3) at night today
(SSC (10+2) Level Data Entry (4) No improvement
Operator & LDC Exam. 11.12.2011
(Ist Sitting (East Zone) (SSC (10+2) Level Data Entry


Operator & LDC Exam. 21.10.2012, (2) of heart
South Zone (Ist Sitting))
66. Sujata was junior to me in college. (3) in heart
(1) junior than (4) No improvement
(SSC Multi-Tasking Staff
(2) junior most to Exam. 10.03.2013)
(3) junior of 72. On receiving his appointment letter,
(4) No improvement Ravi treated us with a sumptuous
(SSC (10+2) Level Data Entry meal.
Operator & LDC Exam. 21.10.2012
(2nd Sitting)) (1) treated us to
67. I give key to my wrist watch (2) treated us for
everyday. (3) treated us by
(1) wind down (4) No improvement
(2) wound up (SSC Multi-Tasking Staff
Exam. 17.03.2013, Ist Sitting)
(3) wind
73. He proved himself unique for he
(4) No improvement
(SSC Graduate Level Tier-I refused to go with the tide.
Exam. 11.11.2012 (1st Sitting) (1) go in the tide
68. He put up a lot of work on that article. (2) go against the tide
(1) put in (3) go by the tide
(2) put down
(4) No improvement
(3) put over (SSC Multi-Tasking Staff
(4) No improvement Exam. 17.03.2013, IInd Sitting)
(SSC Graduate Level Tier-I 74. The deaf man asked me to speak up.
Exam. 11.11.2012 (1st Sitting)
(1) speak in
69. He has been growing weaker and his
(2) speak into
life now hangs with a thread.
(3) speak down
(1) on
(4) No improvement
(2) to
(SSC Multi-Tasking Staff
(3) by Exam. 17.03.2013, IInd Sitting)
(4) No improvement 75. The workers were bent at getting
(SSC FCI Assistant Grade-III Exam. their dues.
11.11.2012, South Zone (2nd Sitting)
(1) bent for getting
70. The manager was given a holiday
and so he decided to go to the hitch- (2) bent upon getting
hiking. (3) bent in getting
(1) for the hitch-hiking (4) No improvement
(SSC Multi-Tasking Staff
(2) for hitch-hiking Exam. 24.03.2013, Ist Sitting)
(3) hitch-hiking 76. Her activities are limited only to
(4) No improvement cooking and washing clothes.
(SSC (10+2) Level Data Entry Operator (1) limited by
& LDC Exam. 04.11.2012, Ist Sitting)
71. I love him because he is a good man (2) limited to
by heart. (3) not limited to
(1) at heart (4) No improvement


(SSC Multi-Tasking Staff small pieces of work.
Exam. 24.03.2013, Ist Sitting)
77. She prefers tea than coffee. (1) was made by a station yard
(2) was used at the station yard
(1) tea to
(3) was employed at the station yard
(2) tea over
(4) No improvement
(3) tea more than (SSC Graduate Level Tier-I
(4) No improvement Exam. 21.04.2013, IInd Sitting)
(SSC FCI Assistant Grade-III 83. While crossing the highway, a five
Main Exam. 07.04.2013) year old child was knocked out by a
78. He could not look anything in the passing car.
dark room. (1) away
(1) look at (2) up
(2) see (3) down
(3) see through (4) No improvement
(4) No improvement (SSC Graduate Level Tier-I
(SSC Graduate Level Tier-I Exam. 21.04.2013)
Exam. 21.04.2013, Ist Sitting) 84. We are looking forward to see you
79. It became clear that the strangers tomorrow.
were heading into a serious (1) looking forward towards seeing
disaster. (2) looking forward for seeing
(1) along (3) looking forward to seeing
(2) towards (4) No improvement
(3) on (SSC Graduate Level Tier-I
Exam. 21.04.2013)
(4) No improvement 85. The workers are hell bent at getting
(SSC Graduate Level Tier-I
Exam. 21.04.2013, IInd Sitting)
what is due to them.
80. If you are living near a market place (1) hell bent on getting
you should be ready to bear the (2) hell bent for getting
disturbances caused by traffic. (3) hell bent upon getting
(1) to bear upon (4) No improvement
(SSC Graduate Level Tier-I
(2) to bear with Exam. 21.04.2013)
(3) to bear away 86. During his long discourse, he did not
(4) No improvement touch that point.
(SSC Graduate Level Tier-I (1) touch upon
Exam. 21.04.2013, IInd Sitting)
(2) touch in
81. You have come here with a view to
(3) touch of
insult me.
(4) No improvement
(1) to insulting me (SSC Graduate Level Tier-I
(2) of insulting me Exam. 21.04.2013)
(3) for insulting me 87. You have played instead of worked
(4) No improvement (1) working
(SSC Graduate Level Tier-I (2) having worked
Exam. 21.04.2013, IInd Sitting)
(3) being worked
82. A little rail-road engine was
(4) No improvement
employed by a station yard for doing
(SSC Constable (GD) (1) passed out
Exam. 12.05.2013)
88. He evaded to pay income tax. (2) passed
(1) from paying (3) passed on
(2) against paying (4) No improvement
(SSC Graduate Level Tier-II
(3) paying Exam. 29.09.2013)
(4) No improvement 94. He came despite of his busy
(SSC Graduate Level Tier-I schedule.
Exam. 19.05.2013)
89. Your success for hard work depends (1) nevertheless
on your ability. (2) but for
(1) Your success depends on your (3) in spite of
ability for hard working. (4) No improvement
(SSC Graduate Level Tier-II
(2) Your success depends on your Exam. 29.09.2013)
ability of hard work. 95. She is quite well now, except a
(3) Your success depends on your slight cold.
ability for hard work. (1) except for a slight cold
(4) No improvement. (2) excepting a slight cold
(SSC Graduate Level Tier-I
Exam. 19.05.2013) (3) excepting have a slight cold
90. Don’t sit in the grass. It’s wet. (4) No improvement
(1) beside (SSC (10+2) Level Data Entry
Operator & LDC Exam. 20.10.2013)
(2) by the side of 96. The commoners joined the king’s
(3) on army at crushing the rebels
(4) No improvement (1) without
(SSC Graduate Level Tier-I
Exam. 19.05.2013) (2) in
91. They knocked down ten houses (3) into
when they built the new road. (4) No improvement.
(1) pulled down (SSC (10+2) Level Data Entry
Operator & LDC Exam. 20.10.2013)
(2) ruptured
97. She sat on the tree to protect herself
(3) removed from the rain.
(4) No improvement
(1) sat upon
(SSC Graduate Level Tier-I
Exam. 19.05.2013) (2) sat before
92. The country faced a rainfall deficit (3) sat under
of eight per cent after the four (4) No improvement
month long southwest monsoon. (SSC (10+2) Level Data Entry
Operator & LDC Exam.
(1) during the 10.11.2013, Ist Sitting)
(2) at the end of the 98. Complete the formalities of
(3) for the registration of the workshop before
(4) No improvement you enter the hall.
(SSC Graduate Level Tier-II (1) formalities to register for
Exam. 29.09.2013)
(2) formalities to registering for
93. The demonstration passed away
(3) formalities of registration for
(4) No improvement (3) a blow at
(SSC (10+2) Level Data Entry (4) No improvement
Operator & LDC Exam. (SSC CGL Tier-I
10.11.2013, IInd Sitting) Re-Exam–2013, 27.04.2014)
99. The profits will be dealt with among 105. Would it be impertinent to ask why
the investors. you are leaving ?
(1) dealt in (1) if asking why you are leave
(2) dealt out (2) for asking why you are leave
(3) dealt of (3) to asking why you are leave
(4) No improvement (4) No improvement
(SSC Multi-Tasking Staff (SSC CGL Tier-I
(Patna) Exam. 16.02.2014) Re-Exam–2013, 27.04.2014)
100. The labourers are bent at getting 106. During his long discourse, he did not
what is due to them. touch the central idea of the topic.
(1) bent for (1) touch
(2) bent upon (2) touch up
(3) bent in (3) touch upon/on
(4) No improvement (4) No improvement
(SSC Multi-Tasking (Non-Tech.) Staff (SSC CGL Tier-I
Exam. 23.02.2014, IInd Sitting) Re-Exam–2013, 27.04.2014)
101. Then with all his loot he sailed 107. We were not used to get up early.
inwards Scotland’s shore. (1) used to getting up
(1) onwards (2) getting up
(2) towards (3) used to be up
(3) forward (4) No improvement
(4) No improvement (SSC CAPFs SI, CISF ASI & Delhi
(SSC CGL Tier-I Police SI Exam. 22.06.2014)
Re-Exam–2013, 27.04.2014) 108. The most important aspect for life
102. The office is soon to be closed. is to be humble.
(1) just to (1) asset of
(2) about to (2) aspect of
(3) where to (3) extract of
(4) No improvement (4) No improvement
Re-Exam–2013, 27.04.2014) Police SI Exam. 22.06.2014)
103. The teacher was very proficient in 109. I met him in the way.
his subject. (1) on the way
(1) expert (2) at the way
(2) well versed (3) during the way
(3) proficient (4) No improvement
(4) No improvement (SSC CGL Tier-I Re-Exam.
(SSC CGL Tier-I (2013) 20.07.2014, Ist Sitting)
Re-Exam–2013, 27.04.2014) 110. This crime makes a man liable for
104. The master aimed a blow to Oliver’s transportation till his life.
head with the ladle. (1) to transportation to life
(1) a throw at
(2) for transportation for life
(2) a punch in
(3) to transportation for life
(4) No improvement (2) at
(SSC GL Tier-I Exam. (3) on
19.10.2014, Ist Sitting)
111. Henry is taking John for tea. (4) No improvement
(SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC
(1) taking John on tea Exam. 02.11.2014, IInd Sitting)
(2) taking John to tea 117. Kamal’s suggestion was greeted with
(3) taking John at tea hoots of laughter.
(4) No improvement (1) in
(SSC GL Tier-I Exam. 19.10.2014) (2) at
112. Ram filled ink into his pen before (3) on
leaving for school. (4) No improvement
(1) filled ink in his pen (SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC Exam.
16.11.2014, Patna Region : Ist Sitting)
(2) filled ink on his pen
118. Have you ever been in New York ?
(3) filled his pen with ink
(1) at
(4) No improvement
(2) to
(SSC GL Tier-I Exam. 26.10.2014)
113. John has been detained at a (3) with
meeting. (4) No improvement
(SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC
(1) by the meeting Exam. 16.11.2014)
(2) in meeting 119. The little boy fell from the roof.
(3) on a meeting (1) fell below the roof
(4) No improvement (2) fell down the roof
(SSC GL Tier-I Exam. 26.10.2014) (3) fell off the roof
114. The government representative (4) No improvement
furnished the reporters all details. (SSC GL Tier-II Exam. 21.09.2014)
(1) provided the reporters all details 120. Because that there were heavy
(2) furnished the reporters with all rains the lake was flooded.
the details (1) Because of the
(3) furnished reporters all details (2) As there were
(4) No improvement (3) Since there was
(SSC GL Tier-I Exam. 26.10.2014) (4) No improvement
115. More than 60% of India’s population (SSC GL Tier-II Exam. 21.09.2014)
live under the poverty line. 121. The thieves ran away in a black car.
(1) live by the poverty line (1) fled
(2) live below the poverty line (2) escaped with
(3) live beside the poverty line (3) jumped away
(4) No improvement (4) No improvement
(SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC (SSC GL Tier-II Exam. 21.09.2014)
Exam. 02.11.2014, IInd Sitting) 122. Everybody was alarmed with the
116. They congratulated me for my victory news of his murder.
in the debate competition. (1) on
(1) about (2) after


(3) at (2) No Improvement
(4) No improvement (3) before
(SSC GL Tier-II Exam. 21.09.2014) (4) after
123. Anyone interested in computer (SSC CGL Tier-II Exam. 12.04.2015)
programming can find a job in 129. I have dreamt all my life to own a
contemporary industry if you learn beautiful maroon coloured car.
the basic programming languages, (1) of owning
such as COBOL and FORTRAN.
(2) to owning
(1) by studying
(3) at owning
(2) by the study of
(4) No improvement
(3) if he would learn (SSC CGL Tier-I Exam. 19.10.2014
(4) No improvement TF No. 022 MH 3)
(SSC GL Tier-II Exam. 21.09.2014) 130. The office is soon to be closed.
124. My opinion of the play is that it will (1) just to
win the National award. (2) about to
(1) opinion to (3) immediately to
(2) opinion about
(4) No improvement
(3) opinion on (SSC CGL Tier-I Exam. 19.10.2014
(4) No improvement TF No. 022 MH 3)
(SSC GL Tier-II Exam. 21.09.2014) 131. I prevailed on him to vote for you.
125. He borne down all opposition with (1) to
an iron hand. (2) at
(1) bore in all (3) upon
(2) bore down all (4) No improvement
(3) No Improvement (SSC CGL Tier-I Exam. 19.10.2014
(4) bore up all TF No. 022 MH 3)
(SSC CGL Tier-II Exam. 12.04.2015) 132. The girl filled the pitcher for water.
126. He could not cope up with the heavy (1) in
rush. (2) of
(1) No Improvement (3) with
(2) cope by (4) No improvement
(3) cope with (SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC Exam.
16.11.2014 , Ist Sitting TF No. 333 LO 2)
(4) cope upto
(SSC CGL Tier-II Exam. 12.04.2015) 133. The train was late for fifty minutes.
127. The amount multiplies over a period (1) behind
of time. (2) by
(1) within (3) around
(2) in (4) No improvement
(3) by (SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC
Exam. 16.11.2014, IInd Sitting
(4) No Improvement TF No. 545 QP 6)
(SSC CGL Tier-II Exam. 12.04.2015) 134. The train is running late time.
128. The teacher asked him to copy the
(1) after (2) behind
material word for word.
(3) off (4) No improvement
(1) by (SSC CGL Tier-II Exam.12.04.2015


Kolkata Region, TF No. 315 RI 3) (4) insisted that he should go
135. The chairs will be disposed in an (SSC CAPFs SI, CISF ASI & Delhi
auction. Police SI Exam, 21.06.2015
IInd Sitting)
(1) Disposed off 141. Mumbai is famous because of its
(2) Disposed of textiles.
(3) Dispose towards (1) No improvement
(4) No improvement (2) at
(SSC CGL Tier-II Exam.12.04.2015 (3) in
Kolkata Region, TF No. 315 RI 3)
136. A man’s life is divided to four stages. (4) for
(SSC CGL Tier-I Exam, 09.08.2015
(1) into (Ist Sitting) TF No. 1443088)
(2) as 142. She insisted on she was innocent.
(3) of (1) insisted on that
(4) No improvement (2) No Improvement
(SSC CGL Tier-II Exam.12.04.2015 (3) insisted that
Kolkata Region, TF No. 315 RI 3) (4) insisted with
137. On saw the mother, the child smiled (SSC CGL Tier-I Exam, 16.08.2015
sweetly. (Ist Sitting) TF No. 3196279)
(1) On seeing 143. He bowed down at the altar.
(2) On having seen (1) next to the altar
(2) No Improvement
(3) On seen
(3) before the altar
(4) No improvement
(4) infront of the altar
(SSC CGL Tier-II Exam.12.04.2015
Kolkata Region, TF No. 315 RI 3) (SSC CGL Tier-I Exam, 16.08.2015
(IInd Sitting) TF No. 2176783)
138. The three daughters divided the
144. Please send the letter on the address
property between themselves.
given below.
(1) for (1) to
(2) to (2) No improvement
(3) among (3) at
(4) No improvement (4) upon
(SSC CGL Tier-II Exam.12.04.2015 (SSC CAPFs SI, CISF ASI & Delhi
Kolkata Region, TF No. 315 RI 3) Police SI Exam, 30.08.2015
139. I was angry at myself for making TF No. 4039770)
such a big mistake. 145. The two thieves distributed the loot
(1) with between themselves.
(2) about (1) with themselves
(2) amongst themselves
(3) No improvement
(3) among themselves
(4) on
(4) No improvement
Police SI Exam, 21.06.2015 (SSC CAPFs SI, CISF ASI & Delhi
(Ist Sitting) TF No. 8037731) Police SI Exam, 30.08.2015
TF No. 4039770)
140. He insisted to go with me.
146. He is known by others.
(1) insisted upon going
(2) agreed to go (1) for
(3) No improvement (2) among


(3) to 25.10.2015, TF No. 2148789)

(4) No improvement 152. My father has been advised to reduce

(SSC CAPFs SI, CISF ASI & Delhi smoking.
Police SI Exam, 30.08.2015 (1) cut down
TF No. 4039770)
147. She is improving her pronunciation (2) No improvement
of English with a view to become a (3) lower down
newsreader. (4) reduce down
(1) No improvement (SSC CGL Tier-II Exam,
25.10.2015, TF No. 2148789)
(2) be becoming 153. Honesty is more superior than
(3) have become riches.
(4) becoming (1) far superior than
Police SI Exam, 30.08.2015 (2) No improvement
TF No. 4039770)
(3) more superior to
148. Instead of his hard work, he did not
(4) superior to
(SSC CGL Tier-II Exam,
(1) Inspite of 25.10.2015, TF No. 2148789)
(2) In case of 154. The sun will not rise before an hour.
(3) In respect of (1) arise in an hour
(4) No improvement (2) rise in an hour
Police SI Exam, 30.08.2015
(3) rises for an hour
TF No. 4039770) (4) No improvement
149. I want to dispose off all my old (SSC CGL Tier-II Exam,
furniture immediately 25.10.2015, TF No. 2148789)
155. We stayed in Mumbai in five days.
(1) dispose
(2) disposed off (1) with
(3) dispose of (2) for
(4) No improvement (3) at
(SSC CAPFs SI, CISF ASI & Delhi (4) No improvement
Police SI Exam, 30.08.2015 (SSC CHSL (10+2) LDC, DEO &
TF No. 4039770) PA/SA Exam, 15.11.2015
150. He parts his hair in the centre. (Ist Sitting) TF No. 6636838)
(1) at the centre 156. A greedy man always hankers after
(2) near the centre money.
(3) in the middle (1) wanted
(4) No improvement (2) greeds after
(SSC CGL Tier-I Re-Exam, 30.08.2015) (3) No Improvement
151. This matter admits no excuse. (4) runs after
(1) admits for (SSC CHSL (10+2) LDC, DEO
(2) No improvement & PA/SA Exam, 06.12.2015
(Ist Sitting) TF No. 1375232)
(3) admits of 157. Inspite of age he is my senior.
(4) admits to (1) He is my senior, in keeping with
(SSC CGL Tier-II Exam, his age.
(2) He is my senior in regard of his poster
age. (4) No Improvement
(3) No improvement (SSC (10+2) Stenographer Grade
‘C’ & ‘D’ Exam. 31.01.2016
(4) In respect of age, he is my senior. TF No. 3513283)
(SSC CHSL (10+2) LDC, DEO 159. “I would like to tell you about this
& PA/SA Exam, 06.12.2015
(IInd Sitting) TF No. 3441135) my friend,” said John.
158. Tom was standing besides the (1) this friend of mine
school-house poster, when the ball (2) the friend of mine
rolled towards him. (3) this friend
(1) standing beside the school- (4) No Improvement
house poster (SSC (10+2) Stenographer Grade
‘C’ & ‘D’ Exam. 31.01.2016
(2) stand besides the school house TF No. 3513283)
(3) stood beside the school-house

1. (1) ‘by this time’ means ‘upto the authoritatively’ (vf/dkj ls ek¡xuk)
point of speaking’. (bl le; rd) 6. (1) ‘Angry with someone’
Here the tense of the sentence Angry at something.
makes ‘presently’ the best option.
7. (3) Underlined Part and option (3)
2. (1) ‘get rid of something’ means ‘to
both are correct.
make yourself free of something
that is troublesome or annoying’. ‘Back out of something’ means ‘to
decide not to do something that
‘Cut down’ means ‘to reduce’ (de
you had said that you would do’.
8. (2) ‘Under’ means ‘below something’.
3. (4) ‘By’ comes with ‘someone’ and
‘with’ comes with ‘something’ so ‘In’ means ‘at a point within a
‘with their sweet notes’ is area’.
correct. Replace ‘under’ with ‘in’.
4. (1) ‘Prefer’ is mostly followed by Note: ‘Under a tree’, ‘In the
Preposition ‘to’ so ‘walking’ shade’.
becomes the choice after ‘to’. 9. (3) ‘Bestow’ takes Preposition ‘on’
Parallelism demands comparison with it when ‘bestow’ is followed
between equals so ‘ride’ must be by indirect object.
changed into ‘riding’.
‘Bestow’ means ‘to confer as a
5. (2) ‘Ask for’ is a prepositional phrase
gift’. (iznku djuk)
which means ‘to request’
(izkFkZuk djuk) Note: Bestow man ‘with’ unusual
‘Demand’ means 'ask something gifts. Bestow unusual gifts ‘on’


man. something’.
10. (1) For ‘more than two’ because ‘Bear up’ means ‘to remain as
‘among’. cheerful as possible during a
11. (3) ‘Respect’ takes preposition ‘for’ difficult time’.
whereas ‘faith’ takes preposition 22. (1) ‘On the alert’ means ‘on guard
‘in’. If two different prepositions against danger, watchful’.
are needed with two words, both
23. (1) ‘Since you came to’ should be
preposition must be used.
12. (1) Here ‘to’ is a Preposition and after
all the Prepositions, if we use a 24. (2) ‘Compliment’ takes ‘on’ with ‘it’.
verb, the verb must be in ‘V + ing’ 25. (2) ‘Died of some disease’.
form. ‘Die from some cause’.
Hence replace ‘addicted to smoke’ 26. (1) To ‘put off until later’ means ‘to
with ‘addicted to smoking’. postpone’ (Vkyuk)so one word is
13. (3) Replace ‘adopted in’ with ‘adopted better than such a big phrase.
27. (4) ‘Stand against something’ means
‘For’ is used to show purpose. ‘to oppose something’.
14. (4) ‘Siphon off something’ means ‘to 28. (1) ‘Discuss’ is not followed by any
gradually steal money or goods Preposition. Here ‘discussing his
from a business. character’ should be used.
15. (3) Provide someone ‘with’ 29. (1) ‘Acquaint’ is followed by
something. preposition ‘with’. Hence
16. (1) ‘look forward to something’ ‘acquaint him with the fasts’
means ‘to wait in anticipation’. should be used.
17. (2) ‘Object’ takes Preposition ‘to’ with 30. (3) ‘Dispose of’ means ‘get rid of by
it. throwing away’. ‘Dispose’ takes ‘of’
and not ‘off’.
18. (3) ‘Acquisition’ is followed by
Preposition ‘of’. 31. (4) ‘Answer for’ means ‘to accept
responsibility for one’s misdeeds’.
19. (1) ‘Preferable’ is always followed by
Preposition ‘to’. 32. (4) No Improvement.
20. (1) ‘Wears thin’ means ‘to become 33. (1) Here ‘along the river bank’ should
less effective’. be used. Here we mean ‘by the
side of’.
‘Cool down’ means ‘to become
calmer’. 34. (4) No improvement
‘Wear off’ means ‘to diminish 35. (1) ‘cut out to be something’ means
gradually’. ‘destined to be something or a
21. (4) ‘Bear off’ means ‘to avoid hitting’. particular type of person’.
‘Bear down’ means ‘to press down 36. (1) ‘Rule out something’ means ‘to
something’ or ‘to use all your stop considering something as a
effort to do something’. possibility’.
‘Bear out’ means ‘to support ‘Rule off’ means ‘to draw a line in
order to separate’. preposition ‘of’.
37. (3) ‘Reach’ is not followed by any 54. (4) ‘Victim’ is followed by Preposition
Preposition, if it is followed by a ‘of’ but ‘fall victim’ is followed by
destination. preposition ‘to’.
Hence ‘reached Calcutta’ should 55. (2) ‘Scoff’ is followed by preposition
be used. ‘at’.
38. (1) ‘Follow in somebody’s footsteps’ 56. (2) ‘Beside’ – next to something (cxy
means ‘to do something that was esa)
done before’.
‘Besides – in addition to (ds vykok)
39. (1) ‘In’ is used for big city whereas
‘At’ is used for small place. Replace ‘Beside being’ with
‘Besides being’.
40. (3) This is the best way of expressing
what we mean to say here. 57. (3) ‘Prefer’ is followed by preposition
41. (4) No improvement
58. (1) ‘Exert’ takes preposition ‘on’.
42. (3) ‘Come across’ means ‘meet or
59. (3) ‘Pass away’ means ‘to die’.
find by chance’.
‘Pass on’ means ‘to give someone
43. (4) Angry with someone.
something that someone else
Angry at something he does. has given you’.
44. (1) Apologise ‘to’ someone ‘for’ 60. (2) ‘Abstain’ takes Preposition ‘from.
something. ‘Abstain’ means ‘to keep oneself
45. (1) ‘Agree to something’. from doing something’. (ijgst
Here ‘the minister agreed to djuk)
answer’ should be used. 61. (2) ‘Prefer’ is followed by Preposition
46. (1) ‘For example’ is a phrase which ‘to’.
is used ‘to introduce and 62. (4) No Improvement.
emphasize something’.
Any adjective ending in ‘–ior’ is
47. (2) Preposition ‘between is used for followed by Preposition ‘to’.
two persons whereas ‘among’ is
use for more than two persons. 63. (3) ‘Prefer’ is followed by Preposition
‘to’ though some grammarians
48. (2) ‘Astonished’ takes ‘at’. take ‘rather than’ too as correct.
49. (1) ‘Come across’ means ‘meet or find 64. (3) ‘Hangs by a thread’ means ‘be in
by chance’. a serious situation’.
50. (3) ‘Subscribe’ is followed by 65. (2) Replace ‘today night’ with
preposition ‘to’ ‘tonight’. ‘Tonight’ is correct
51. (1) ‘Hand something in’ means ‘to usage.
give something to an authority or 66. (4) No Improvement
responsible person’. 67. (3) ‘Wind’ means ‘to make a clock
52. (2) ‘Worthy’ is followed by preposition work by winding its knob.
‘of’. 68. (1) ‘Put in’ means ‘to spend (time)
53. (1) ‘Descendant’ is followed by especially at some occupation or
job’. used.
69. (3) ‘Hangs by a thread’ means ‘in a 85. (1) ‘Hell bent on doing something’
serious state’. (uktqd fLFkfr esa) means ‘to be determined on doing
70. (3) Here ‘go hitch-hiking’ will be
used. 86. (1) ‘Touch upon’ is a phrasal verb
71. (1) Here ‘good man at heart’ will be which means ‘to briefly talk about
used. something’.
72. (1) ‘Treat someone to something’ 87. (1) Replace ‘worked’ with ‘working’.
means ‘to pay for someone else’s If after a preposition, any verb
food, drink or entertainment’. form comes, it must be in Gerund
73. (4) ‘Go with the tide’ means ‘agree form.
to the opinion that most people 88. (3) ‘Evaded’ means ‘escape or avoid
have. (someone or something)
74. (4) No Improvement especially by guile or trickery’.
‘Speak up’ is usually used ‘to tell ‘Evade’ is followed by ‘gerund’.
someone speak more loudly and 89. (2) ‘Your success depends on your
distinctly’. ability of hard work ... should be
75. (2) ‘Bent upon something’ means used.
‘determined to get something’. 90. (3) Replace ‘sit in the grass’ with ‘sit
76. (2) ‘Limited to something’ means on the grass’.
‘restricted to a particular limit of 91. (1) ‘Knock down’ means ‘to strike to
time’. the ground’ (Bksdj ekjdj fxjk nsuk)
77. (1) ‘Perfect’ is followed by preposition ‘Pull down’ means ‘to demolish,
‘to’. destroy’.
78. (2) ‘See through something’ means 92. (1) ‘During’ means ‘throughout the
‘to grasp the true nature of
duration of’.
93. (2) ‘Pass away’ means ‘to die’.
79. (2) ‘Head toward something’ means
‘to move toward something’. ‘Pass out’ means ‘to become
80. (2) ‘To bear with something’ means
‘To be patient with something’. ‘Pass on’ means ‘to give someone
81. (1) Here ‘with a view to insulting something that someone else
me’ should be used. Af ter has given you’.
preposition if any verb comes, it 94. (3) ‘Despite’ is not followed by
is used in Gerund form. Preposition ‘of’.
82. (3) Here ‘was employed at the station ‘In spite of’ means ‘although or
yard’ should be used. even through’ (gkyk¡fd)
83. (3) ‘Knock down’ means ‘to hit 95. (1) ‘Except for’ means ‘with the
somebody and make him fall on exception of’.
the ground. (Bksdj ekjdj fxjkuk)
96. (2) Replace ‘at’ with ‘in’.
84. (3) After preposition ‘to’ ‘Ving’ should
be used. Hence here ‘looking 97. (3) Preposition ‘under’ is used to
forward to seeing you’ should be denote ‘below the surface of


something’. correct usage’.
98. (3) Here ‘complete the formalities of 114. (2) Here ‘furnished the reporter with
registration for’ the workshop all details’ should be used.
should be used. 115. (2) Here ‘live below the poverty line’
99. (2) ‘Dealt out’ means ‘to distribute’. should be used.
‘Deal in’ means ‘to do business’.
116. (3) ‘Congratulated’ is followed by
‘Deal with’ means ‘to handle’. Preposition ‘on’.
100. (2) ‘Bent on/upon something’ means 117. (4) No improvement
‘determined to do something’.
118. (2) Replace ‘in’ with ‘to’.
101. (2) ‘Towards’ means ‘in the direction
of somebody/ something’. 119. (3) Here ‘fell off the roof’ should be
102. (2) ‘Be about to do something’ means used.
‘to be going to happen very soon’. 120. (1) Here ‘because of the’ should be
103. (3) ‘Proficient in something’ means used to make the sentence
‘very good at doing something’. correct in formation.
Very and proficient together is 121. (1) Here ‘fled’ should be used which
superfluous. is a better option.
104. (3) Here ‘a blow at’ should be used. 122. (3) Replace ‘alarmed with’ with
105. (4) No improvement ‘alarmed at’. ‘Alarm’ takes
‘Impertinent’ means ‘rude and preposition ‘at’.
showing a lack of respect’. 123. (1) Here ‘by studying’ should be used.
106. (3) ‘Touch upon something’ means 124. (2)
‘to briefly talk about something’.
125. (2) ‘Bear down’ means ‘to overcome,
107. (1) Here ‘to’ is used as preposition overwhelm. ‘Bear down’ means
and after all the preposition, if we ‘to overcome’.
use a verb, the verb must be in
‘V1 + ing’ form. 126. (3) Replace ‘cope up with’ with ‘cope
108. (2) ‘Aspect’ is followed by Preposition
‘of’. 127. (4) No Improvement
109. (1) Here ‘on the way’ should be used. 128. (2) No Improvement
110. (3) ‘Liable’ takes preposition ‘to’. ‘Word for word’ means ‘in exactly
Hence ‘liable to transportation for the same words’.
life’ should be used. 129. (1) Replace ‘to own’ with ‘of owning’.
111. (4) ‘Dream of’ is correct and if after
112. (3) Here ‘filled his pen with ink’ preposition any verb comes, it is
should he used. used in gerund form.
113. (4) No Improvement 130. (1) Replace ‘soon to’ with ‘about to’.
‘Detain’ means ‘to officially 131. (4) No Improvement
prevent (someone) from leaving ‘Prevailed on somebody’ means ‘to
a place’. persuade somebody to do
Here ‘detained at a meeting’ is something’
132. (3) ‘Filled’ takes ‘with’ after it. 148. (1) Replace ‘Instead of’ with ‘Inspite
133. (2) Replace ‘for’ with ‘by’. of’.
134. (2) Replace ‘late’ with ‘behind’. ‘Instead’ – ‘as an alternative or
135. (2) Replace ‘disposed’ with ‘disposed
of’. ‘Inspite of’ – Despite (ds ckotwn)
‘Disposed of’ means ‘get rid of’ 149. (3) Replace ‘dispose off’ with ‘dispose
136. (1) Replace ‘to’ with ‘into’. ‘Divide’ of’.
takes ‘into’ after it. ‘Dispose of’ means ‘to get rid of’.
137. (1) After Preposition if any verb 150. (3) Replace ‘in the centre’ with ‘in
comes it is used in gerund form. the middle’.
138. (3) Replace ‘between’ with ‘among’ 151. (3) ‘Admit’ is followed by Preposition
Preposition ‘between’ is used. for ‘of’. It means ‘to permit or allow’.
two persons whereas ‘among’ is 152. (1) Replace ‘reduce’ with ‘cut down’.
used for more than two person. ‘Cut down’ means ‘to reduce the
139. (1) Replace ‘at’ with ‘with’. amount of something or of doing
140. (1) Here ‘on’ is used as a preposition something’.
after ‘insist’ and after preposition 153. (4) Replace ‘more superior than’
if any verb comes it is used in with ‘superior to’. Adjectives
gerund form. ending in 'ior' take 'to'. Superior
141. (4) Replace ‘because of’ with ‘for’. doesn't take 'than'.

142. (3) Here ‘insisted that’ should be 154. (2) Replace ‘rise before an hour’ with
used. As insist here is not ‘rise in an hour’.
followed by any gerund so no ‘on’ 155. (2) Replace ‘in’ with ‘for’. Preposition
can be used. ‘for’ is used for duration of time.
143. (3) Replace ‘at the altar’ with ‘before 156. (3) No Improvement
the altar’. ‘Bow before someone/ ‘Hanker after something’ means
something’ means ‘to bend in ‘to have a strong wish for
respect to someone/ something’. something’.
144. (3) Replace ‘on’ with ‘to’. 157. (4) Here ‘in respect of age’ should be
145. (4) No improvement used.
146. (3) Replace ‘by’ with ‘to’. ‘Known’ is 158. (1) ‘Beside’ – ‘by the side of’ (cxy esa)
followed by ‘to’ if it is followed by a
‘Besides’ – in addition to (ds vykok)
subject and is used is passive
voice. Hence replace ‘besides’ with
147. (4) Replace ‘become’ with ‘becoming’.
159. (1) Replace ‘this my friend’ with ‘this
If after preposition any verb
friend of mine’.
comes it is used in gerund form.


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