Rubric (Critical Piece)

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Papier-Mch Oaxacan Animal Rubric

This rubric will be used to grade your work. You are responsible for keeping this rubric in your tote tray to hand in with your completed project. You will grade yourself after completing each step of the project by circling the area that best describes your animal. If you are in between circle the blank space in between the descriptions. Once your have completed and graded each step I will grade the same step on a separate rubric. Once everyone is done with their project, Mr. Schulenburg will visit our class to help us grade our projects. He will be asking you questions in small groups to make sure you understand the project. All 3 grades will be used to form your final grade for the project. Be sure to ask questions and help your friends. Project Steps 5 4 3 2 1 Animal is Animal is The animal is recognizable, recognizable, There not covered with a is newspaper recognizable, Animal skin of tape, showing, joints little tape is Construction body parts are between parts are holding the attached weak/ flimsy structure properly together, body parts fall off 2 layers of 1 layer of papier- 1 layer of Papier- papier-mch, mch, animal is papier-mch mch Paper is smooth, mostly covered, with several Application covers the entire paper is wrinkled wrinkles and animal. in places many areas where tape is exposed, Animal is There are a few There are Paint completely small areas of several areas of covered with a white paper white paper (Base Coat) base coat of showing showing paint. There are 5 or There are 3 or 4 There are 1 to Paint more patterns patterns on the 2 patterns repeated on the animal, with 3 to 4 ideas on the Pattern & animal, at least 5 colors used in the animal, with Details different colors patterns only 1 to 2 are used colors used. Total Score______/20

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