Computer Lab Catch-Up Days : Elements of Art

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Computer Lab Catch-Up Days

You will get a grade for completing each of these assignments. 3

assignments- 3 grades. All 4 are due on FRIDAY 4/1.

Assignment 1:
Semester 2 Assessment:
1. Pick a work of art from your digital portfolio: Animal Spirit
2. Review the vocabulary list below:

Elements of Art
Line- a point that moves in space
Shape- a closed line
Space- the area between and around objects. Space around an object is negative space;
space that the object takes up is positive space.
Form- 3 dimensional shapes. Cylinders, boxes, and triangles are forms.
Color- light reflected off of objects.
Value- how light or dark a color is or shading is
Texture- the surface quality of an object that can be seen and felt
Principles of Design
Movement- the path the viewers eye takes through the artwork
Rhythm-created when one or more of the elements of art are repeated to create a feeling
of movement
Balance-the distribution of the visual weight of objects, colors, textures and space. If the
left side of the paper had objects, colors, textures and filled up space, it would look
visually heavier then the right side of the paper (if the right side had only negative space)
Unity- feeling that all parts of the artwork have harmony or work together
Pattern- the repeating something more than 3 times and fills up an entire area
Contrast- when opposites are used together. Lights and darks, different textures, etc. We
can read this black writing on the white paper because of the contrast between the two.
Emphasis- part of the design or picture that catches the viewers attention. Usually the
artist will make one area stand out by using contrast, size, color, texture, shape, etc.
3. Answer these questions:
1. What elements do you see in your artwork?
Line, shape, space, form, color, value, and texture
2. What principles of design do you see in your artwork?
Movement, rhythm, balance, unity, pattern, contrast, and emphasis
3. What colors are in your artwork?

All colors. Reds, oranges, yellows, pinks, greens, blues, purples, grays, browns, and
blacks. Plus colors mixed into different hues and shades.
4. Describe your artwork in 5 words:
Peaceful and calm but thrilling
5. What do you like best about your artwork?
The final product itself. I spent a long time on it and put forth a lot of energy to get my project
done by the due date and I am very satisfied with it.
6. What is the meaning of your artwork?
My art is based off an old Japanese legend about the goddess, named Amaterasu, the sun goddess
who brings light back to Japan in dark times. It was adapted into a game by Clover Studios
called Okami from which I drew inspiration.
7. What is the title of your artwork?
Okami Animal Spirit Sweet and Simple
8. What did you use to create your artwork (media)?
Prisma colored pencils and sharpie
9. How does your work make you feel?
Proud and happy. Its my little art baby ^_^
10. If your work was an emotion- what would it be and why?
Zeal- because I feel it gives off a positive energy and it makes me directly feel
4. Go to this site: and read the info
5. Go to Tagul (if you have an e-mail address) and Tagxedo (if you do not have an email address or do not want to use your e-mail)
6. Create a word cloud using the answers to your questions from above
7. Save the word cloud under you student number
8. Under Assessments on YOUR portfolio, add the word cloud AND a picture of the
artwork your word cloud is about.

Assignment 2:
Mash-up Assessment:
Look at the mash-up PowerPoint on Edmodo.
*Your portrait project is a mashup. You mashed up portraiture and recycled
materials. In 4th period you used recycled laminate and newspaper. In 5th
period you used recycled cardboard and newspaper and recycled laminate.
*Create a 3 paragraph artist statement that has a creative title, detailed
description of the mash-up, and a detailed description of the art elements
and principles used in the artwork.
*Start by answering the questions below and put your answers into the artist
1. What is the title of your work? Why is it named that?
Whos That Pokmon? because one day in art class when I was
starting with my red and orange oil pastels, my friend asked me if I
was making a Charmander, one of the character from the series, to
which I replied yes. So my artwork of Tom Hiddleston will forever be
known by that title.
2. What materials did you use to create your work of art?
Oil pastels, sharpie, recycled laminate and newspaper, and my
3. How is your work of art a mash-up of ideas/materials? (what two
things are mixed together to become a mash up?)
My work is a mash-up because I took the portraiture and added
elements to enhance its awesomeness. The two things that make
this a mash-up are the portrait and the recycled materials
4. What elements of art are in your work? Be specific and detailed.
Where do you see them?
Line (around the portraiture and basically all in the artwork), space
(around the portraiture on the laminate and the canvas), shape (in the
different colors and the face), color (the whole piece), and VALUE (the
portraiture was mainly made to show the shading with values of either
warm or cool colors).

5. What principles of design are in your work? Be specific and detailed.

Where do you see them?

Movement (showed with the lines running across the portraiture),

balance (the eye on one side and the design on the other), unity
(the warm colors compliment each other), contrast (the white oil
pastel against the reds and the black against all the other colors),
and emphasis (the warm and bright colors attract a viewer's eyes)
6. Do you feel your work is successful? Why or why not?
I do think my artwork was successful. At first, I hated that way the oil
pastels looked. After a lot of working and tinkering at the portraiture, it
finally looked how I wanted it to. The finished product makes me very
*Save the artist statement under your number and upload the statement
AND attach a picture of your mashup under the assessment section of your
digital portfolio.

Assignment 3:
Portfolio Review/Check
Check the box if you have the assignment. I WILL be
If you are missing it- write why you are missing it.
Animal Spirit




Clay Letter/Animal


Value Hand


Oil Pastel Print (4th

period only)
Mixed Media on
Canvas (4th period


Large Mixed Media

Portraits (5th period

Does not apply

Sun Face




Assessment Word


Assessment MashUp


At least 4
Sketchbook images



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